Zero No Tea Time Amuro Tooru...

By AkashiSeijuroEmpress

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Hey guys my first story with Amuro Tooru/ Furuya Rei- Kun, so please enjoy!~ More

Chapter 2: The Shopping Mall Murder Case!

Chapter 1: Working With Amuro Tooru!

83 1 2
By AkashiSeijuroEmpress

(The Black Organization doesn't exist!, so that's Amuro/ Rei- Kun and my codenames Bourbon and Charteuse are not available)

Chelsea's  POV:  

Today I went to the café or restaurant Coffee Poirot early to see my crush Amuro Tooru - Kun already there preparing the necessary ingredients and everything we might need as Amuro- Kun looked up to the front door of the café or restaurant to see me enter while he gave me a kind and charming smile.

"Good morning, Chelsea!, how was your morning?, did you have a good night's sleep last night?"

"Good morning to you too Amuro- Kun!, and yeah I have a good night's sleep last night, thank you for asking." I replied enthusiastically and Amuro- Kun just smiles and chuckles at me finding my enthusiasm adorable.

"Well shall we start our day, Chelsea?"  Amuro- Kun asked me with a smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Yes, Amuro- Kun I'm ready as I'll ever be!"  I told him in reply putting on my apron and helping Amuro- Kun serving our valuable customers.

"Thank you, Chelsea dear, you and Amuro- Kun over there will be a great couple!"  

an old lady told me as I looked at Amuro- Kun giving me a sweet smile and blushed a tomato red as I continue working getting orders from other costumers then after a few minutes I've calmed down while I collected the glasses that the previous customers who left but I accidentally broke one as I pick up the pieces up I suddenly cut my finger causing blood to flow down from my wound.

"Ouch!"  I shouted

"Daijobu, Chelsea did you get hurt?"  

Amuro- Kun asked me as he came to my side in an instant holding my hand that is injured delicately and gently making my heart race as  Amuro- Kun took me the sink to wash of the blood cleaning it then he cure my finger with a betadine then placing a band aid from the first aid kit on it then to my surprise he gave it a kiss so it will heal quickly my whole face heat up with the contact of his lips on my hand.

"All done!" Amuro- Kun announced as he finished wrapping up my wound.

"Arigato Amuro- Kun!" 

I thanked him as we served the last two costumers who are a couple and I look at them then at Amuro- Kun thinking that maybe someday Amuro- Kun and I will be just like the couple then Amuro- Kun called out to me out my reverie fantasy and returning to reality looking at up at Amuro- Kun.

"Chelsea."  Amuro- Kun.

"Hai Amuro- Kun?" I asked him.

"Let's close up already, it's getting late."  Amuro- Kun replied as I nodded my head.

"Alright let's do that Amuro- Kun!" as we finished cleaning the dishes the are used earlier today and locked up the shop then Amuro- Kun turned to look at me and said.

"May I walk you home Chelsea?" Amuro- Kun asked.

"S- sure Amuro- Kun, I would love to!"  I replied blushing again in an instant when he hold my hand while we walk through the streets of Tokyo suddenly I bumped into a drunk man as I was about to apologize the drunk man looked at me weirdly and smirked evilly and said.

"Well well what is a beautiful lady doing here all alone?~"  Drunk man

"Let's go home and have lots of fun, come on beautiful lady come with me!" Drunk man said as he touched me making me uncomfortable, digusted and scared.

"No I don't want to you ugly creep!" I shouted.

"And I- I'm not alone!, I-"  before I can  finish my sentence Amuro- Kun grabbed my hand and place me behind him protecting me from the drunk man as he pull out his gun for self defense scaring the drunk man.

"You better not lay your hands off on a lady like that sir so please leave her alone and never come back." 

Amuro- Kun told the drunk man politely and calmly as possible as the drunk man ran away with fear because Amuro- Kun is from the police force with me and I'm wishing and hoping in my head that he feels the same way about me as what I feel for him.

"Are you alright Chelsea?, did he do anything to you?" Amuro- Kun as I nodded while crying as I went up to him and cry on his chest as he comforted me with a hug.

"There there it's alright now Chelsea, that man won't bother you as long as I'm around!"  

Amuro- Kun reassured me and oh yeah did I mention Amuro- Kun and I best friends so that's why he knows me too well not only that we're both amazing detectives plus Amuro- Kun and I are also from the police force.

_Time Skip_

Once we reached my apartment I looked at Amuro- Kun and said.

"Thank you for walking me home also for saving me Amuro- Kun"  I bowed my head in gratitude.

"It was my pleasure Chelsea,  I plan to walk you home everyday I wanted to and to protect you."  Amuro- Kun replied with a smile.

"Goodnight Chelsea, sweet dreams."  Amuro- Kun said as he grab my hand and pressed it to his lips kissing it like the gentleman he is making me both smile and blush.

"Goodnight Amuro- Kun, thank you again"  

as I kissed his cheek as thanks then my whole face turn red from my bold actions when I look at Amuro- Kun he smiled at me as I unlocked my apartment door and waved at Amuro- Kun who waved back.

"See you tomorrow Chelsea!"  

Amuro- Kun said as he went to his own apartment next to mine and yes we're also neighbors as I went inside my apartment and closed it behind me as I sit behind my door with a racing heart and a red face thinking about my best friend Amuro Tooru/ Rei Furuya then I realized I've fallen for my best friend then I received a text message from my friend Azusa who is on a family trip that made me blush.

From: Azuza:  

Azusa: Hey Chelsea how are ya?, are you alright there that you're all alone with Amuro- San at the restaurant oooh I ship you both, Chelsea and Amuro- San  in a tree K- I- S- S- I- N- G!~  so I replied to her saying.

To Azusa: 

Me: Azusa- Chan stop it!, you're making me blush!  *blushing emoji*  *message sent to Azusa*

"Amuro- Kun... I've fallen for you." I said it into the air along with my racing heart thinking various ways to confess to Amuro- Kun someday.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll see you in the next one!

See You!

Chapter 2:  The Shopping Mall Murder Case!

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