NaruHina Hanakai

Da CTJbooks

7.4K 190 39

Hinata is doing what she always does love and cheer for Naruto from a far. She watches as he overcomes the ma... Altro



238 8 5
Da CTJbooks

She couldn't believe she was doing this, after walking into the 'impromptu meeting' as she was told, she had come clean with all her friends, there had been tears, anger and fear. Not fear of her as she had thought before but fear of losing her. When she had mentioned that she wasn't sure anymore if she would confess to Naruto there had been more of the same, tears, anger and fear, Kiba even at one point threaten to bang Naruto's head against a wall until he got enough sense to see what was in front of him, though she quickly dismissed the idea. Somehow, they had convinced her to stick with the original plan to confess and that's how she found herself here. She was on her way to Ichiraku Ramen where she knew he would be. Ugh how they convinced her into going up to Naruto and asking him out on a date? She cant say she remembered the whole process but words like,' revealing most embarrassing moments', 'threatening to tell father', 'showing Naruto things about her she would die if he knew' were thrown around. Now that she thought about it 'convinced' may not have been the word to use, 'manipulated' or 'blackmailed' seemed more appropriate.

Sighing she continued on her walk, each step feeling heavier than the last, she had wanted to turn back and had almost done so many times but she felt eyes in the back of her head, she also remembered her friends' words of 'watching her to ensure she went through with it' with her sister adding the oh so helpful 'or else'. Sometimes she wondered how Hanabi got to be so devious and often times she found herself feeling sorry for Konohamaru, that poor boy. Getting caught up in her thoughts she didn't realise she was standing just outside of her destination, taking in one final deep breathe she forced herself to step forward and 'complete her mission'. Opening her mouth to speak no words came out, she steadied herself to try again but before she could, she heard her name from the very person she was looking for

"Hey Hinata what are you doing here?"

Naruto POV

Sitting in Ichiraku Ramen as he does almost every day, Naruto couldn't help it as his thoughts drifted to the person that has been on his mind lately, Hinata. Ever since their mission together and the conversation he had with Kurama she had been on his mind now more than ever. He often found him self zooning out, well more like day dreaming of her, her laugh, her smile, how often she looked like she was sick as her face got so red, he wondered if she ever got that checked out. As his thoughts once again were consumed by the lavender eyed beauty (yes, she was beautiful, though it didn't seem quite enough to describe her) he got that familiar feeling he only got when she was close. Turning around he saw her standing there, seeing but not really, as if she were in a world of her own. He wondered if he should let her be but as she continued to just stare. Finally, after a few minutes he had to ask "hey Hinata what are you doing here?"

Seeing her flinch a bit Naruto couldn't help but chuckle, what could have been on her mind so much that she was not even aware of her surroundings. "Aa-hh-h Naruto-kun you are here". Her face took on an odd expression, which he completely missed as all he could focus on was her calling him Naruto-kun and not Naruto. He had missed that more than he could imagine. He still didn't understand that fully and every time he asked Kurama he would just scoff and call him a dumb ass.

"Tsk that's because you are". Ignoring the nine tails he returned his focus back to the woman before him.

"Waddo you mean, I'm always here" he found this situation amusing for some reason, he knew she probably just blurted those words because he had startled her but he had liked how she reacted. "Yes-s-s that right" he could see her trying to steady herself, it wasn't often these days that she stuttered around him and if he was honest, he was enjoying every second.

"And you still can't figure out why that is? "Blockhead" he could practically feel Kurama rolling his eyes in their shared mindscape, but he was choosing to ignore the fox, he would tackle him later about his constant snipes at his so called 'dumbassness'. "Pssh probably have nothing to say that's why you are 'choosing to ignore the fox' Kurama retorted in a voice the Naruto assumes was his.

"That does it you stupid fox, I'm tired of your constant-"

"Oh, shudup you stupid human, man even a blind man could see what right in front of you but here you are too stupid to realize it, I don't know what she sees in you"

"Hey what's that's supposed to mean you-" by this time both of them were in a full blown argument, Naruto was so caught up in what they were fighting about that he was started when he heard Hinata shout

"ME?!" Shaken from his inner demons by the usually quite spoken kunoichi, all he could do was stare for a minute before replying.

"Huh sorry what did you say Hinata?" Naruto watched as her face changed from the usual feverish red, he often saw her with to something new, as if transforming before his eyes, a look he as never seen before overcame her features. Taking a deep breath, she repeated the words he had not caught before "I said would you like to go out with me?"

Author's Notes: Thoughts, comments, let me know what you are thinking!

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