A Demon Among Fairies: Fairy...

By sambamhaw

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After seven years, Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail have returned from Tenrou Island. So much has changed sin... More

Iblis Bio:
Mammon Bio:
Asmodeua Bio:
Belphegor Bio:
Satan Bio:
Leviatha Bio:
Beelzebub Bio:
Samuel Bio:
Adramalech Bio:
Lucifer Bio:
Chapter 1: The Gathering
Chapter 3: The Hungry Wolf Knights
Ronin Bio:
Rin Bio:
Rio Bio:
Rayna Bio:
Chapter 4: Underground Battle
Devil Hand Bio: (along with some updates)
Chapter 5: The Attack on Crocus
Chapter 6: Clash between Masters
Chapter 7: Trouble at Crocus
New Forms:
Chapter 8: Reunion
Edens One:
Chapter 9: A wizard battle
Chapter 10: Aftermath
Chapter 11: Fire and Flame

Chapter 2: Crocus

869 26 10
By sambamhaw

Crocus, also known as the Flower Blooming Capital, was the capital city of the Fiore Kingdom. It was a massive city, probably the largest in the entire kingdom and incredibly densely populated. 

But now it was even busier as it was the time of the Grand Magic Games, arguably the busiest time of the year. Competing wizards and curious spectators come from all over. 

At the heart of the enormous city was the castle where Fiore's royal family resided: Mercurius, the tallest and most recognizable building and landmark in the city. 

The other most recognizable landmark resided in the west of the city, resting on top of a mountain, was a massive colosseum where the Games would be held: Domus Flau.

The competing teams for this year's Grand Magic Games are Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, and Quatro Cerberus or Quatro Puppy. 

Fairy Tail started out last, but now they're currently on the lead with Sabertooth in second place, followed by Lamia Scale in third tied with Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus is fifth, and Quatro Cerberus is last. 

However, what no one appeared to notice there was a dark and oppressive force advancing its way towards the kingdom. 

A massive ship with a fish theme, where the figurehead resembles a Dunkleosteus with an open maw and eyeholes with glowing "eyes". Additionally, there is a pair of fin-like protrusions on the side.

It's known as Edens One, the main flagship of Devil Hand. One of the most powerful and feared guilds in the entire magical world.

On the bridge of the ship stood Lucifer as she looked outside the window see their destination of Crocus. 

Lucifer: (looks at Y/N who is siting on his throne, smiles) We finally found our quarry. I believe the time is upon us, Master Ziggy.

Y/N: (smiled malevolently) Finally, after seven long years I get to see my old friends at Fairy Tail. I was but a child who was too weak to stand up to the likes of Zeref and Acnologia, but now I've been reborn as a man of machine and metal. 

The other Deadly Sins have all gathered along with Lucifer as they were prepared to unleash all the hell and darkness their master would request of them.

Y/N: The day is upon us! The Dragon King Festival draws near! It's time to get to work. The kingdom of Crocus will run red with the blood of Fairy Tail and every other guild left! 

*Meanwhile at Domus Flau* 

This was it, the day where this incredible tournament would come to a close, and the excitement couldn't be described with words. Fireworks went off above the Domus Flau colosseum while the audience cheered as loudly as they could.

Chapati: This is what we have all been waiting for, folks! It has been an exciting week, filled with incredible magic and emotional moments we will never forget! But today... one guild will be crowned number one in Fiore and winner of the Grand Magic Games! Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an honor to spend this time with you, and with my fellow commentator, the esteemed Mr. Yajima.

Yajima: (smiles) My pleasure. 

Chapati: We have a very special guest with us today. You all know and love him as the official mascot of the Grand Magic Games, the always entertaining Mato!

Mato: (waves) Heya!

Chapati: Usually, you're in the arena acting as referee, but not today.

Mato: No, sir. That won't be necessary, because today is extra special, the final match! Now let's get things started and bring out all the competitors!

A series of explosions erupted from one entrance of the arena before the flaming emblem of Quatro Cerberus appeared above the team that stepped forward, consisting of Bacchus, Rocker, Nobarly, Jager, and Warcry.

Chapati: Currently in sixth place and hoping for an upset are the hunting dogs turned tail chasers, Quatro Puppy!

Yajima: It's true that the drunken palm Bacchus has been on the losing side this year, but he's still a force to be reckoned with.

Glittery smoke appeared around a third entrance as the team representing Blue Pegasus stepped forward, their own guild emblem appearing in the form of bright blue clouds. The team consisted of Ichiya, Jenny, Hibiki, Ren, and Eve, all of whom took fancy poses with a spotlight being shined upon them.

Chapati: Next up, the guild that exudes class and an intoxicating parfum, with Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki at the helm, it's the fifth-place team of Blue Pegasus!

Mato: They too have the chance to breathe in the sweet scent of victory! Good luck!

The emblem of Lamia Scale shined a bright green over another entrance as the team that consisted of Lyon, Jura, Sherria, Yuka, and Toby all stepped out.

Chapati: Here comes out third place team, Lamia Scale! Can Lyon Vastia, the ice wizard who rivals Fairy Tail's Gray Fullbuster, bring the heat in today's battle? Or will his team just get frozen in their tracks?

Mato: He doesn't have to do it alone! Don't forget about the creative card magic user Sho who could even catch S-Class wizards off guard. Not to mention the cute little God Slayer Sherria Blendy, and the Wizard Saint Jura Neekis are extremely powerful.

Yajima: I agree. That team does have the potential to claim the title, today.

Chapati: Lamia Scale isn't the team on third place!

A whirlpool of water exploded outward, revealing the guild emblem of Mermaid Heel, the team that was led by Kagura, with Milliana, Berth, Arana, and Risley right behind her. 

Chapati: Being led by Kagura, is Mermaid Heel!

Yajima: Beautiful ladies, but don't be fooled by their sweet looks. They're definitely not delicate little flowers.

Chapati: And now, let's hear it for our secend-place team!

A flash of darkness appeared above yet another entrance of the arena, that darkness quickly took the appearance of the Sabertooth emblem. Minerva was at the lead with Sting, Rogue, Orga, and Rufus right behind her.

Chapati: What a shocker to see this guild, who's usually in the top spot, playing catch up. Is this the end of the era? Their Twin Dragons Sting and Rogue, have a major bone to pick with Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gajeel after that crushing defeat on Day Four! Let's give it up for returning Grand Magic Games champion... Team Sabertooth!

However, unlike the thunderous cheers they got from their appearance on Day One, there were only about half as many this time around, with many people in the audience looking with concern and even fear.

Chapti: Those are some serious looks they got today.

Yajima: Surely they realize that a lot is on the line.

Mako: Keeping cool under pressure.

As the Sabertooth members walk to the center of the arena, some of the crowd point out that one of the cats that would cheer for Sabertooth was missing. 

Chapati: And now... in first place! The guild that made a historic comeback after literally falling off the map seven years ago!

The audience cheered the loudest for this one as the flags that bore their sacred guild emblem hung over the entrance that their team would emerge from. 

Chapati: Let's hear it for Team Fairy Tail!

As this announcement was made, Darton watched from a higher spot in the arena with a serious expression.

Rouge: Well, this is it. Are you ready?

Sting: Yeah.

Lyon: They're definitely getting a different welcome from all that booing from the Games' opening ceremonies.

However, everyone in the participating guilds and the audience looked in shock as the team stepped out onto the field. Erza was leading this group alongside Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus. But Natsu wasn't not present... and instead it seemed that his position were filled by none other than Juvia respectively.

Chapti: Unbelieveble, Team Fairy Tail is keeping us on our toes by completely changing the roster change! The man who defeated Sabertooth's Twin Dragons has been replaced!

Lyon: (shocked) By Juvia?!  

Rouge: (surprised) Natsu is out of the competition?

Sting: (smiles) That's fine with me. In fact, it's the best news I've heard all day.

Rogue: I suppose you're right.

Chapti: After such a strong showing in the last round, this decision is quite the head-scratcher. What could be the reason?

Yajima: Hopefully not something bad.

The crowd could be heard talking about their disappointment about not being able to see Natsu fight in the final day.

Darton: Interesting... I can understand the Dragon Slayer, he might still be recovering.

Mavis: Very clever sixth master.

Makarov: To be perfectly honest with you, it's the only real choice that I had. There is a chance that winning the games would get our poor Lucy back through more official channels. However, in a situation like this, we must explore every option. We can't put all our eggs in one basket. Everybody is focused on the games and we will cheer our fighters on with gusto. That's what the public will see, but some of our most capable fighters will be sent out on a secret rescue mission.

Mavis: A two-prong strategy. Nicely done.

Natsu, Wendy, Mirajane, Carla, Panther Lily, and Happy are seen running through the city of Crocus, on their way towards Mercurius in order to rescue Lucy.

Makarov: God speed my children, we're counting on you!

*Meanwhile at Edens Zero* 

All the wizards of Devil Hand had gathered around their master. Not just the ten unique wizards seen before, but also Ijuna, and all the lower ranked mages, warriors, assassins, and demons among the guild. Even those not gathered on the bridge could hear his announcement throughout the entire ship.

Y/N: This is a momentous day indeed. If all goes as planned, we will see the end of the guilds who been corrupted by lies and treachery of the Magic Council. (clenched his armored fist and raised it) The ambitions of Devil Hand will no longer be a fantasy. Once we cleansed Crocus, we'll move onto the rest of Fiore before we'll wipe out the council members, Zeref, and Acnologia off the face of the planet!

Ijuna: Master, you're overlooking the opposition. Our plans could still come crashing down around us should Fairy Tail decide to intervene. They proved strong enough to destroy Nirvana and even defeat the Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart, two of the Balam Alliance's most powerful guilds. There's also the other guilds that have some strong wizards as well. 

Satan: Enough with all the wimpy talk! Those sad bunch of weaklings shouldn't even be called a guild! I've got more power in my pinky finger!

Adramalech: Same with me! When I'm done with them, they'll be ash beneath my boots! (laughs) 

Iblis: Be silent, Adramalech, Satan. I will not have your insanity or your bloodlust jeopardize our mission. Never underestimate one's opponent. Even so, I have faith we will win this battle.

Mammon: I couldn't agree more, as long as I get to have some fun fighting a bunch of strong opponents at least.

Belphegor: How much longer to we get there? I'm feeling more bored than usual. 

Asmodeua: Yeah. How come the Four Dark Stars went ahead of us while we take our time?

Samuel: They serve as our scouts before our main army arrives to Crocus. 

Leviatha: Still, we could hurry this ship up to speed. I have someone I want to hurt badly. 

Beelzebub: You mean to her, are you?

Leviatha: Yes...

Isblis: Beelzebub, will you be joining us?

Beelzebub: In battle? Yes. Even my inner beast is hungry for blood. 

Adramalech: Hey Samuel, are you glad that you get to meet Sabertooth again?

Samuel: Of course. There's someone I want to kill with my own hands. 

Lucifer: All is prepared Master Ziggy. Shall we commence with our assault and cause some chaos? 

Y/N: Indeed. (stood from his throne) Nobody will be able to stand our might, not even Fairy Tail. Their strongest wizards will soon know the power of true darkness, the eminence that lurks within the abyss. However, should any of you come across Fairy Tail wizards, don't kill them. I want them brought to me alive.

Lucifer: Alive? Why is that, Master?

Y/N: They maybe enemies, but they're still my friends. I wish to speak with them, to share with them the same goal of crushing the Magic Council. If they are wise enough, I may very well welcome them into our ranks.

Lucifer: (smirks) And if not? 

Y/N: Then I will personally destroy them and force them to watch as we devils bathe in the blood of the other guilds! And as they sees all their beloved friends and family die a gruesome and agonizing death, I'll see the hope fade from their eyes before I silence them forever!

A malevolent smile formed on Y/N's face as his body began to emanate a dark purple and green aura.

Y/N: I'm looking forward to the agony on their faces! The massacre of Fairy Tail and the guilds on Crocus begins now!

Chapter 2 ended. 

If you're wondering what's making Y/N act so evil, for those who watched Edens Zero or read the manga, you might guess it or you'll figure it out yourselves. 

First up, the Four Dark Stars will fight Natsu's team (with Yukino) and the Hungry Wolf Knights before the rest of Devil Hand arrive. 

So who will be fighting one of the Four Dark Stars? 

1. Bol Gil Bol

2. Maria Slime

3. Erron Black

4. Sledge 

Let me know what you guys think at the comments below, peace out! 

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