Resident evil X O.C Sticking...

By jakerichardson95

1.8K 77 36

RE 1-6; with the added bonus of my OC More

Chapter I Arviving In R.C
Chapter II Grey-Valentine Meeting
Chapter III Discovering The Truth
Chapter IV Hanging Out
Chapter V Calm Before The Storm
Chapter VI Hell Let Loose
Chapter VII Rookies First Night
Chapter VIII Infection
Chapter IX Back In Action
Chapter XI Healing
Chapter XII The Next Step
Chapter XIII Veronica
Chapter XIV Veronica Part Deux
Chapter XV Date Night
Chapter XVI New Beginnings
Chapter XVII Valdelobos
Chapter XVIII Valdelobos Part Duex

Chapter X The End Of It All

92 7 3
By jakerichardson95

October 1, 1998 2:30 AM

"Jill! Look out!" Lincoln tried to yell out to her. He saw her smile disappear as she turned on her heels. The tentacle wrapped itself around her neck and lifted her off her feet. She yelped in surprise. She shook back and forth as she tried to shake herself from the tentacle's grasp. Lincoln could hear her starting to choke as the tentacle twisted tighter and tighter around her neck. Lincoln fired toward the base of the tentacle trying to avoid hitting Jill. The tentacle thrashed about and threw Jill through a window on the other side of the room. She slammed into a railing before falling over the side to the drop below.

"Jill!" Lincoln yelled. The tentacle then bent at an angle and slammed him in the chest. The impact knocked the wind out of him. Lincoln was sent flying through the same window. As he flew through the air, he could see that Jill had landed on a catwalk above the area where they fought the insect things from the tubes. At that moment, Lincoln realized that he was going to miss the catwalk. Lincoln reached out to try to grab onto the railing of the catwalk. He reached out to grab onto the rail. The force of trying to catch the railing at such an awkward angle caused him to lose his grip.

Almost as quickly as Lincoln had gripped the railing, his hand slipped off of it. Right before he began to plummet, Lincoln felt something grab his hand. Lincoln saw Jill grabbing onto his arm with both of her hands, having difficulty due to the angle and his weight. Lincoln used this hold to grab back onto the railing. Lincoln pulled himself  up enough to grip onto the catwalk. Jill let go of him as Lincoln vaulted over the railing. Lincoln took a second to take a breath. Jill did the same.

"Thanks for love," Lincoln said to Jill.

"You need to lose some weight," she said jokingly. Lincoln chuckled at that.

"We need to move, that thing is on our " arse. Lincoln commented.

"Yeah, I think we can squeeze through here." Jill approached a grate on the floor. Lincoln approached it as well. Jill withdrew her knife and put it into the crack between the grate and the wall. Lincoln did the same on the other side. The duo used their knives to pop open the grate. The duo moved it over to the side. Lincoln and Jill resheathed their knives. Lincoln dropped to his stomach and started crawling through the air vent. Jill was close behind . Lincoln found the grate at the end and pushed on it. He felt it had a little give to it. Lincoln pushed forward as hard as he could, knocking the grate loose. With a final kick, the grate fell away.

Lincoln crawled through the hole and stood on his feet on the other side. To the left was an elevator. To the right were some large tanks that were marked as flammable. The duo stood on a metal catwalk. The duo couldn't see how far the drop below the catwalk was due to the darkness.

Jill heard a roar as The Nemesis crashed through the roof and landed next to the tanks. The duo brought their guns up to open fire on the creature. Its tentacle shot forward and wrapped around Lincoln's neck.

It lifted the man off of his feet and started to pull him towards it. Lincoln could feel the tentacle wrap tighter and tighter around his neck. Lincoln pulled his pistol out of its holster and tried firing at The Nemesis.

Jill pulled her pistol out of its holster and started firing at The Nemesis. The bullets didn't seem to affect it. Lincoln saw Jill turn to fire at the tanks. As a hole appeared in the tank, Lincoln saw the gas starting to leak. She fired another shot and the tanks ignited.

The end of the hall was engulfed in flame. Lincoln couldn't see the creature anymore as it was swallowed by the flames. The Nemesis released its grip on him as  the explosion sent the man flying backward. Lincoln hit the metal floor with a painful thud, he let out a coughing fit.

Lincoln held onto his throat as he tried to regain his breath. Lincoln's body ached from the force of the impact. He tried to push himself to his feet but struggled through the pain. Jill rushed over to him and helped pull to his feet. Lincoln's limp turned into a jog as we ran towards the elevator. A tentacle shot out of the fire and wrapped around Jill's ankle. It started to pull her back into the flames. Lincoln pulled his knife out of its sheath. He rushed towards the flames and dropped to the floor. Lincoln drove his knife into the tentacle.

It thrashed about as The Nemesis shrieked in pain.  Lincoln helped Jill to her feet and they both ran onto the elevator platform. Lincoln doubled over to take a breath while Jill pressed the button to activate the platform. The elevator rose up as the hallway was completely engulfed by the fireball. The walls and floor exploded as the flames spread.

The elevator rose up to the next floor. It rose up into another maintenance room. Various tools scattered the room. Jill stopped to take a breath as Lincoln approached the single door of the room. The door had a large wheel. Lincoln started to turn the wheel to unlock the door when Jill posed a question.

"We have terrible luck, don't we?" Jill asked me.

"You're telling me. Everywhere we turn that fucker is trying to kill us," Lincoln responded.

"You think it's finally dead?" Jill asked hopefully.

"I don't think we're that lucky." Lincoln finished turning the wheel and pushed the door open. They found themselves  in a massive chamber of some kind. They stood on yet another catwalk that descended some stairs. There was a large observation room to the left. There was a massive pit in the middle. The pit was surrounded by eight tanks that were marked by number.

"What in God's name is this place?" Jill asked.

"It looks like a waste disposal area for Umbrella," Lincoln responded. They started walking down the catwalk. As they were descending the stairs  they heard a loud bang from the where they had just come. The duo watched in horror as The Nemesis ripped through the door they had just walked through. It saw the couple and roared with fury.

"Shit, the fucker found us! Jill, run!" Lincoln yelled at her. Lincoln and Jill started rushing down the stairs. The creature grabbed onto the railing and pulled itself forward as it charged at them on all fours. It jumped over the railing and landed on the stairs ahead of them.

The stairs collapsed under the weight of The Nemesis. The walkway fell to the side as the creature was thrown from it. Jill and Lincoln grabbed onto the railing. They held onto the railing as well as they could. A far fall awaited them if they lost their grip.

The walkway now sat at a forty-five-degree angle It barely held onto the walkway behind it. The Nemesis grabbed onto the railing with its tentacle in an attempt to get to them. The walkway was pulled down to a ninety-degree angle as the creature lost its grip. It tumbled down into the middle of the pit at the center of the room. As it fell, Lincoln and Jill lost the grips on the railing. The duo fell ten feet to the flat platform at the bottom. Their backs slammed into the platform with a painful thud.

The impact knocked the wind out of them. Lincoln laid flat on his back as he tried  to recover from the hit. Jill landed on her side and rolled off of the platform. She groaned in pain as she grabbed onto the edge of the platform. She was holding on to avoid falling into the pit of The Nemesis.

The impact had knocked the vaccine out of Lincoln's pocket. The vaccine rolled on the floor of the platform they stood on. Lincoln choose to help Jill first. He ignored trying to catch his breath. Lincoln approached the edge and kneeled down to offer Jill his hand.

"Jill, grab my ha-" Lincoln wasn't able to finish as he felt a strong kick to his back. The kick sent him forward as he tumbled over the edge.

"Lincoln!" Jill called out. Lincoln landed on his back as he rolled down the slanted edge.

He kept rolling until he landed in the pit with a hard thud. Lincoln groaned in pain as he held his side. Lincoln tried to breathe in air that would never come. Lincoln shakily used the wall to pull himself to his feet. He took a deep breath as he recovered his stamina. The Nemesis was struggling to get up so Lincoln still had some time.

Lincoln looked up to see who attacked him. It was Nicholai. The more Lincoln saw this guy, the more Lincoln hated him. Jill was talking to him. He held the vaccine in his hands.

"Nicholai, don't! The city needs that vaccine!" Jill yelled as she struggled to hold on to the side of the platform.

"More than I do? Hmm. I don't think the wisdom I've been trying to impart on you is getting through" Nicholai responded. As he said that he placed his foot over her hand. She yelled in pain. Seeing him hurt Jill like that filled Lincoln with rage. Lincoln was going to kill that motherfucker.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jill yelled as she struggled with the pain in her hand.

"I'm here to do my job. Now I know you can't place a price on life. But I'm in this business to get paid. So, let's make a deal."

"What makes you think I would ever make a deal with you?"

"Because if you don't, I'll destroy your precious vaccine. So here's the deal. You go down there, battle the Nemesis, and I'll record it all and sell the combat data." He pressed his foot down harder. Jill once again yelled in pain.

"Put on a good show and maybe I don't need the vaccine," Nicholai continued, "Agreed? Good!" He twisted his foot and Jill lost her grip. She fell and rolled down the slope. She landed in the pit a few feet away from Lincoln. Lincoln ran over to her as she struggled to get up. Lincoln put her arm over his shoulder and pulled her to her feet. Lincoln removed her arm from his shoulder and made sure she was good to move.

The Nemesis had finished getting up and it roared at them. It tried charging at the. Lincoln and Jill dove out of the way as it kept trying to strike them. The duo opened fire on the creature's face, only stopping to dodge an attack. After Lincoln and Jill burned through quite a lot of ammo, the creature collapsed onto its stomach. Jill reloaded her weapon. As Jill was approaching the creature when they heard Carlos's voice over an unseen intercom.

"Jill, Lincoln, is that you guys?" Carlos asked over the intercom.

"Carlos?!" Jill asked as she looked up to the observation room. Lincoln looked in the same direction. He was standing behind a control console and was looking down at them. Jill could see his face clearly through the window of the observation room.

"Carlos, you sure have a hell of a way with timing mate!" Lincoln called up to him.

"You guys are ok! Let me spot for you!" he replied.

"Good idea." The duo turned back to face the Nemesis. It stood on its hind legs and let out a deafening roar. Both Jill and Lincoln held their ears in pain from the loud noise. The red lights in front of the tanks surrounding the pit turned off as sparks were scattered in all directions. The creature started running in circles at breakneck speed.

It ran on all fours as it jumped onto the slope and started running behind the tanks. It ran in circles the same way it had during Jill's battle in front of the clocktower.

"Watch it! You got company!" Carlos called out as a few zombies rose from the flesh piles on the edges of the pit. Jill dropped them with her shotgun and reloaded the weapon. Lincoln frantically searched around for The Nemesis.

"It's hiding behind tank eight!" Carlos called out. Lincoln fired one shot into each of the two red lights in front of tank eight. Sparks shot out as the creature was electrocuted. It shrieked in pain. It fell down the slope and landed in the pit.

"Now! Rip that fucker apart!" Carlos called out. Jill and Lincoln approached it and started unloading rounds into it. Jill fired at the heart that popped out of its body. The creature jumped back to its feet and went back to running laps around the backside of the tanks.

He jumped onto the front of tank five. The creature looked like it was about to pounce on the duo. Jill fired at the red lights on the tank. The creature was electrocuted once more as it shrieked in pain. It fell back to the floor and Jill and Lincoln fired more rounds into the heart of the creature. It jumped back to its feet with a roar. It continued running. Jill and Lincoln repeated this process two more times.

The Nemesis stood in front of yet another tank. As Lincoln shot the red lights, it was electrocuted once more. It didn't fall down. It maintained its stance as it was shocked.

"I got this!" Carlos yelled. There was a claw hovering over the center of the pit. Carlos drove the claw into the tank just above the creature. The contents of the tank leaked out. It was some kind of acid. The Nemesis shrieked in pain as the acid melted at its skin. Lincoln and Jill repeated the process three more times, showering the creature in more acid every time. Eventually, the creature collapsed to the ground, finally defeated. The creature lay limp against the wall.

"Jill! Lincoln! Here comes the crane. Use it to climb up!" Carlos called out as he lowered the crane towards them. Jill and Lincoln were trying to catch their breath from the physical exertion of trying to avoid its strikes. That's when Jill noticed the creature stirring.

"Oh, no. Come on! Come on!" Jill said in desperation as the duo fired more rounds at the creature.

"Jill, Lincoln, stay back!" Carlos yelled. Lincoln tackled Jill to the ground as the crane claw flew over them. The duo watched as the crane claw smacked into the side of the Nemesis's head, splattering blood on the floor. The hard impact sent The Nemesis crashing into the wall. The creature fell against the wall limp once more.

It lay right under some kind of spout attached to one of the tanks. Lincoln helped Jill as they both limped over to the claw which was now situated in the center of the pit. The duo used the handle to pull themselves up onto the crane claw. Lincoln wrapped his right arm around the bar near his armpit.

Lincoln's feet rested on the lower bar. Jill wrapped her left arm around the bar as she faced Lincoln. Her feet also rested on the bar. She held her right hand in the air with a thumbs up to let Carlos know they were on the crane. She then let her right arm hang limply at her side. The Crane started rising up, out of the pit.

"I'm going to melt this fucker into mush!" Carlos called out. Acid started spewing out of the spouts attached to the tanks. The acid completely covered the ground of the pit. Once the acid hit The Nemesis, it started screeching in pain. Its shrieks of agony echoed through the chamber. It thrashed around trying to escape the acid burning its skin. Its thrashing slowed as the acid became stained red with blood. Eventually, the acid consumed The Nemesis and the chamber went quiet except for the hum of the rising crane. The crane moved over to one of the catwalks surrounding the pit and we both stepped down.

"Ok, I'll meet you up ahead!" Carlos called out one last time. Then the room went silent. The duo walked through another one of those doors with a wheel on it. Jill turned the wheel to unlock the door and pushed it open. Lincoln and Jill took a second to catch their breaths. They then started walking down the hall.

"Nicholai. Where did you go?" Jill quietly said to herself. The duo carefully crept down the hall. They walked down the hall and through a door with a computer panel on it.

Lincoln and Jill were in yet another maintenance closet. They proceeded through the door on the opposite side of the room. Lincoln and Jill found themselves in yet another massive room. It stretched a hundred feet to the other side. They walked along a catwalk that overlooked the room. They could see more catwalks up ahead.

They were divided by large boxes. Those must have been rooms. Lincoln and Jill carefully crept towards the door. There was no room to stack up against the door so they rushed in quickly. The duo both aimed our guns at the figure ahead of them.

He aimed his pistol at us. It was Nicholai. He had an angry expression on his face. The air was tense. Lincoln knew they were seconds away from someone dying.

"It's done. Give me the vaccine, you greedy son of a bitch!" Jill said. Lincoln could see a rage in her eyes he hadn't seen often she spoke with a venomous hatred.

"Oh no no no no. You print money. I like money. We shall make ours an ongoing arrangement. Now drop the gun!" Nicholai yelled. Lincoln placed his finger on the trigger of his gun.

Lincoln was about to fire when all three of them were knocked off balance by a sudden impact to the right. Nicholai jumped forward onto the catwalk that led out of the room. The impact sent Jill and Lincoln backward towards the wall. They rolled down the debris as the floor and wall behind them collapsed.

They fell into the very large room Lincoln and Jill had seen earlier. Jill was gasping in pain from the impact. Lincoln groaned in similar pain. He pushed himself to his feet and helped pull Jill to her feet.

A small amount of acid slipped into the room as a massive cocoon slithered down the slope and into the room. The cocoon opened up as three tentacles launched out and latched onto the walls. A creature rose out of the cocoon. It was The Nemesis. Its form had mutated again. It was nearly impossible to describe what it looked like. The only sign that this was still The Nemesis was the familiar head that roared at the duo. The duo were face to face with a wall of meat. The amalgamation of teeth, bone, muscle, tissue, ligaments, and organs roared at them.

"What the actual fuck is that?!" Lincoln yelled to Jill. Jill didn't respond. She simply watched in horror at the creature before the duo.

"Have you-Have you ever seen anything so incredible? The data on this would be worth millions. But, uh, you know how it is city's about to explode.... And you can't put a price on life. Good luck!" Nicholai yelled down as he ran to safety.

"Nicholai!" Jill yelled with rage.

"Jill, Lincoln!" Carlos called down from the walkway.

"Go after Nicholai! He's got the vaccine!" Jill responded.

"What about you guys?" Carlos asked.

"We're running out of time! We got this!" Jill said as she turned to give Lincoln a reassuring nod.

"I know you guys do," Carlos responded. He ran down the catwalk to pursue Nicholai.

"Look, just so you know? This is the last fucking time!" Jill yelled at The Nemesis. It roared in response.

"Ready to finally take this thing down, love?" Lincoln asked Jill.

"I was born ready," Jill responded. The duo shared a quick smile and went back to facing the creature. They jumped out of the way of the creature's strikes as they began their attack.

Lincoln and Jill fired at the creature's head, organs, anything that looked vulnerable. Their attacks seemed to have no effect.

"Lincoln, give me a hand with this!" Jill called out to him. There was a large compartment of some kind at the back of the room. Lincoln saw Jill was tugging at the crack to open the compartment. He ran over to her and pressed the button on the compartment wasn't working. Lincoln pulled on the other end. After a hard pull, the compartment automatically opened.

"Opening compartment," the familiar computer voice said. The compartment opened to reveal some kind of weapon. There was a handle and a trigger to activate it. The weapon extended forward like a large gun of some kind. The weapon had a small computer screen right behind the grip so the user could see.

"Now, we're talking!" Jill commented. Jill pulled the weapon out of its holder. The barrel closed up when it was removed from its holder. She grabbed onto the handle that held the trigger. She held it at her right hip.

Jill walked forward as she held the heavy weapon. She aimed it at the Nemesis. She pulled the trigger. The end of the barrel started sending sparks in all directions.

A round was fired at the creature in a large beam. The recoil of the weapon drove Jill's feet into the ground as the ground dented. The shot went up to the air as it tore off one of The Nemesis's tentacles. It shrieked in pain. Multiple pods popped out of the wall as the barrel opened up again. Steam and sparks shot out as the weapon cooled off. Jill tried to pull the trigger again but was unable to. Lincoln saw that while most of the pods had locked back in on their own, three were stuck in place with red outlines. There were two on the right side and one on the left.

"Cooldown in process. Please reactivate power sources," the computerized voice called out.

"Damn, it needs power," Jill commented as an error message displayed on the screen of the weapon. Jill placed the weapon back in its holder.

"Those pods, we need to push them in to restore power. I'll take the ones on the right, you take the ones on the left," Lincoln said to her. She nodded at him. Lincoln rushed over to the right side while jill rushed over to the left. Lincoln approached the far pod first. He pushed it in with all of his strength. The pod slowly slid into place as the red outline turned blue. Lincoln looked across and saw Jill had activated hers.

Lincoln rushed towards the last pod narrowly avoiding a strike while he pushed the last pod in. Jill kept The Nemesis distracted as he pushed in the pod.

"All power sources activated. Charging ," the computer voice said. weapon,' Jill ran back over to the weapon and withdrew it from its holder whilst Lincoln distracted it. Jill  took the grips on the weapon. She aimed the weapon at the torso of the creature.

The creature bent down as Jill pulled the trigger. A massive line was carved down its back from the beam that fired out of the weapon. It once more shrieked in pain. The creature flopped onto its stomach. Its head was now only a few inches from Jill.

Jill walked the weapon towards its head.

"You want S.T.A.R.S.?!" Jill yelled at the creature as she shoved the barrel between its teeth. She readied herself for the recoil.

"I'll give you fucking S.T.A.R.S.!" Jill yelled as she pulled the trigger. The beam shot down the throat of the creature. Its entire body expanded like a balloon from the charge inside. The creature exploded. The force of the explosion sent Jill flying onto her back a few feet away. Jill laid there as blood rained down on her Lincoln rushed over to her to make sure she was ok she just nodded as Lincoln helped her to feet.

In the heat of the moment Lincoln and Jill kissed this time it was Lincoln that initiated it.

"It's over. It's finally over," Lincoln said to Jill.

"We finally killed it," she responded. Lincoln saw her set her head back for a second with a relieved smile.

"Good riddance," Jill said as they walked through the remains of the creature. There was nothing but piles of flesh and tissue scattering the room. The blast had blown a hole through quite a few walls behind the creature.

The duo climbed the ladder to the right and rushed down the path. Lincoln and Jill sprinted down the hallway before they came to another room. There was a bottomless abyss below them. They stood on a catwalk. There were two other catwalks going off in different directions. A single tube leading up sat at the center of the connecting point for the catwalks. That must have been the elevator out of here. Lincoln and Jill rushed in and Jill pressed the button to the surface. The elevator began its fast ascent.

"We can't let Nicholai get away with that vaccine. I hope Carlos managed to stop him," Jill said to Lincoln.

"We can have faith in Carlos, he hasn't let us down yet," Lincoln responded. The elevator stopped as its doors opened. They rushed out and up the stairs ahead. Lincoln and Jill were now at the surface. There was a chainlink fence surrounding the area they were in.

There was a military APC next to the fence. Two helicopters sat on helipads. One was close to them while the other was a fair distance away. Behind the duo, there was a storage warehouse. Shipping containers scattered the area.

The duo stood there shocked as they saw Carlos being held hostage by Nicholai, Nicholai was holding Carlos at gunpoint pointing it at Carlos.

"Don't move or I blow Carlos brains out" Nicholai shouted/ demanded.

"Ok mate don't be hasty we can talk this out all we want is the vaccine I don't really care at this point" Lincoln said lowering his pistol.

"Also no harm coming to Carlos" Jill added as well, while lowering her gun.

Before Nicholai could retort Lincoln threw his knife square at the man's face the blade pericing his only visible eye. Nicholai drop Carlos screaming with agony as the cold steel was lodged in his face, Jill saw this as her opportunity and shot him his right knee dropping the man to floor.

Jill and Lincoln rushed over to prone Carlos checking to see if their friend was ok. Carlos just nodded choking trying to get his breath back.

"Ten minutes until missile impact," an automated message said over the base intercom.

"Ah. Shit that's not good come on we need to use the one of the helicopters" Lincoln said pointing out the closest one.

Jill stopped in her tracks and looked at the prone U.B.C.S

"Who are you working for?" She asked hoping to get at least some answers.

"I'll tell you if you get me out of here. I'll pay you whatever you want." The boys saw the look on Jill's face. She couldn't believe this bastard had the nerve to beg for his life. She scoffed at him.

"Now you can die in the hell you made Goodbye Nicholai " Carlos said.

The trio hopped into the chopper. Jill and Lincoln hopped in the back as Carlos hopped  into the pilot's seat. Carlos pulled down the headset and put it on. Carlos flipped some switches in the cockpit. The instruments shined to life the trio heard the sound of the rotor powering up.

After a few seconds, the rotor was ready to go. Carlos pulled up on the stick, lifting the helicopter into the air. The helicopter flew into the sky as the helipad became smaller and smaller. Carlos headed straight for the outskirts of the city. The group had to get clear of the city before the missile went off.

They had made it to the outskirts of the city as the sun was rising over the horizon. Jill was staring out the window at the city behind Carlos with her head on his shoulder.

"Jill, you feeling alright?" Lincoln asked her.

"As good as I can be, considering the circumstances " she responded.

"The nightmare's finally over."

"I hope you're right." She was silent for a few moments. Then the duo noticed a blue streak passing on our left side that must have been the missile.

"There it is," Jill said as she saw it pass. The missile hit its target. There was a blinding flash followed by a bang as the center of the city was obliterated. The helicopter was going as fast as it could. The shockwave got closer and closer as the blast spread out across the city.

"Jill, Lincoln the shockwave is about to hit us! Brace yourself!" Carlos called through the headset. Carlos looked back and saw them grip tighten on their seats. The shockwave hit them like a freight train.

The helicopter shuddered from the impact. The heat of the blast seeped into the cockpit. The helicopter entered a flat spin as Carlos lost control. Jill was thrown into the side of the helicopter but Lincoln had moved to take most of force. Carlos was thrown into the window to my side.

"Come on! Come on! Work with me!" Carlos said to himself as he pulled on the stick as hard as he could. The helicopter kept spiraling and spiraling. The ground was getting closer and closer. Alarms started blaring in the cockpit. Jill was breathing heavily as she put her hand on the closed door to keep herself from being thrashed around. Carlos felt the throttle move an inch.

He Seized the opportunity and pulled it in that direction. He pulled back on the stick as he regained control. The trio had flown towards the Arkley Mountains. The landing skids of the helicopter skimmed the tops of trees as we started ascending again.

They rose into the air as Carlos now had complete control of the helicopter. Jill sighed a breath of relief. Lincoln did the same next to her.

"So long, RC," she said.

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