Drarry Oneshots

By dilfnnibal

13.7K 163 53

Just a bunch of Drarry Oneshots! Don't be afraid to comment or DM a request! Hope you enjoy reading :) DracoM... More

Muggle Music (Super Freak)
Love and Hate
Bad Idea
Leaving the Dursley's
Texting (1/2)
Texting (2/2)
Broomsticks and Flowers
"Jealous, Malfoy?"
Secret Relationships
A Poem For You

Blind Date

748 11 2
By dilfnnibal

Tw: none!
Plots: Hermione and Pansy are tired of listening to Draco and Harry complain about each other, so they decide to team up and set them up for a blind date.

"Merlin! What do I even wear Hermione?" Harry asks while searching through his clothes for something cute to wear.

Hermione let's out a sigh and sits up on Harry's bed. "You two are meeting at a cafe, just dress casual," she suggests. For the past hour Harry's been freaking out about his blind date. All he knows is that it's also a guy and he's been obsessed with Harry for awhile. It scared him at first but Hermione reassured him this guy wasn't some stalker.

"But what kind of casual? Smart casual? Do I just wear a jumper?" He asks, panicking even more. Hermione let's out another loud sigh to express her frustration with Harry.

She gets off the bed and grabs Harry's plain black sweater. "Just wear this! You're going to a cafe, that's all! You don't need to impress him, he's already in love with you," she hands the sweater to Harry before sitting back down.

Harry rolls his eyes and slides the sweater on over his head. "Can't you tell me anything else about this guy? Have I met him? Is he going to judge my clothing? I don't want to look like a slob if I'm meeting him for the first time," Harry whines out, worried he won't look good enough.

Hermione can't help but chuckle as she stands up and ruffles Harry's hair, trying to tame his wild locks.

"Fine, I'll tell you a little bit. Yes, you've met him and he certainly won't care about your clothes," she lies, knowing fully well that the mystery date is a man who loves style. "Oh, and one more thing, he's a Slytherin."

Harry gasps and gently swats Hermione's hands out of his hair. "You've gotta be kidding me! 'Mione! A slytherin? They're all jerks, especially Malfoy," he grumbles the end. Hermione just smirks at the mention of Harry's 'nemesis'.

"Trust me, you won't regret this! I already told him your order, he's paying and everything! Give the guy a chance! He's handsome, he's smart and crazy obsessed with you," she laughs while sneaking her hands back into his hair to fix it.

"Fine, but it's one date. He probably only likes me because I'm Harry Potter," he says sadly.

Hermione gives him a sad smile.

"Trust me, he does not care who you are."

~With Draco~

"Are you seriously wearing that?" Pansy asks, already criticizing Draco.

The blonde is quick to roll his eyes and scoff, "oh please, don't you lecture me on how to dress. I want to look presentable, unlike you," he snaps back at her. Pansy just laughs, knowing Draco is only joking... sort of.

Draco is dressed in his famous all black suit with a black turtleneck. "Besides, if I get hot I can just take off my jacket," Draco adds.

"Now tell me more about this guy. This isn't some sort of sick joke is it?" Draco asks, making sure his friend didn't put him up to no good.

"I promise you this isn't a joke. You're going to hit it off with this guy. He's obsessed with you," Pansy emphasizes the obsession the mystery guy has.

Draco huffs and walks to the bathroom, Pansy following behind. "I don't want to date some fanboy Pansy," he opens a small thing of cream and starts rubbing some on his face, giving it a beautiful glow.

"Trust me, it's not like that. You'll see! Just don't forget his order. Get there before him and find a nice spot. You're going to have so much fun, just trust me for once Draco!"

Draco let's out a final huff and continues to get ready.


Harry walks into the little cafe, his heart beating quickly. He can't help but start to feel all hot and sweaty. He looks around the room, looking for his date. Hermione told him he'd be sitting in a corner with two drinks, wearing all black.

Harry checks three corners before his eyes land on a familiar blonde haired Slytherin who's dressed in all black and with two cups of coffee in front of him, as well as two little bags, Harry guesses there's a danish pastry in them.

Just as Harry's about to leave, Malfoy looks up, his eyes widen as he looks surprised to see Potter standing there, dumbfounded.

"Potter," Draco spits quickly, not allowing his secret admiration for Potter sneak through looks.

"Malfoy," Harry replies while walking over to him so the two aren't awkwardly yelling at each other over other tables.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asks, hoping he isn't his date.

"I'm here on a date, what are you doing here?" Harry asks right back. Draco's face falls, a light pink blush sweeps across them.

"I'm also on a date," the two pause and stare at each other, realizing what their friends put them up too.


The two hiss out at the same time.

Draco sits back in his chair and punches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head no. "Of course it was them! They set us up!" Draco whines like a child.

"It's fine, let's just leave," Harry says, waiting for Draco to get up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I bought you coffee," Draco gestures between the two cups. Harry contemplates for a moment before giving in and sitting down across from his nemesis Draco Malfoy.

He pulls the cup over to him and Draco slides the pastry over to him as well. Harry's cheeks warm up, "thank you."

"Whatever. I never would've gotten it if I knew it was you," he grumbles angrily.

Harry takes a sip of his drink and smiles to himself before taking another. Him and Malfoy may have been set up, but it was nice of Draco to buy his mystery date a drink and pastry.

"Hermione said you're obsessed with me," Harry breaks the awkward silence. Draco is quick to raise an eyebrow and let out a snort.

"As if! Pansy said you were obsessed with me! Why would I be obsessed with you?" Draco asks harshly. Harry just stares at him blankly, unable to believe Draco.

He's just so wrapped up in his ego, Harry thinks it might be time to humble him and prove him wrong. A smile forms on his face.

"Why wouldn't you? I'm the chosen one after all and incredibly good looking," Harry rests his arms on the table and leans in towards Draco, causing the blonde to sink back further into his chair, blushing.

"Because you're a git! You may be the chosen one but I don't chose you," Draco says fiercely while crossing his arms over his chest. Harry isn't sure if he should feel insulted or laugh, because that was a clever comeback.

"You got me there," Harry laughs, smiling at Draco. He notices as Draco's tense shoulders relax and his face softens.

"I mean, maybe you do have a nice smile," Draco admits aloud. Harry's body erupts with butterflies as a tingly sensation fills him. Draco watches as his cheeks change a shade darker as he blushes.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry says sheepishly.

Draco just smiles and subconsciously leans forewords, getting closer to Potter as they share an awkward laugh.

"What? You said it yourself, you're good looking," Draco backs himself up with Potter's words, making Harry flush a darker shade of red. Maybe he does care what Draco thinks about him.

"So you're obsessed with me?" Harry plays along with him. Draco rests his arms on the table, copying Harry's posture and linking his fingers together.

"Far from it," Draco teases. "But interested in you for sure," he adds on. Harry smiles and feels as if Draco is speaking sincerely to him. It's hard to tell when Draco is lying and telling the truth.

"Interested in what? I'm sure you already know plenty about me," Harry asks, somewhat mumbling the end. A lot of people assume they know Harry just because he's the chosen one.

"Well for starters," he starts opening the little bag containing the pastry. "I know little about you. I mean, besides all the trauma and stuff," Draco says dismissively.

"I don't know about your likes and dislikes. What foods you like, places you've been. I can make assumptions all I want but in the end I know little about you," Draco says honestly before taking a bite out of his food.

Harry looks at him in disbelief. He never thought anyone would care about such small things, but that's what makes Draco different. Draco doesn't care he's the chosen one, to Draco, Harry is just another Hogwarts student he gets to bother. Hermione was right about that.

"I guess we'd have to go on another date, do you think you could handle that?" Harry asks, only joking a little bit. Things seem to be going smoothly as they have a friendly banter.

"Oh my, another date with Harry Potter? I'm not sure if I should accept or vomit," Draco laughs, making Harry laugh too.

Draco has a beautiful laugh and a beautiful smile. Usually he's scowling and only giving sassy remarks, it's nice seeing him so open and happy. Their laughter dies down and they stare at each other dreamily.

Harry rests his head against the palm of his hand and stares at Draco, grinning. Draco smiles back and copies his actions, mimicking him.

"I mean, would you want to go on another date? A more formal one?" Harry asks more seriously. Draco's face lights up and his smile seems to shine even brighter.

"I would love too, Harry."

The two stay at the cafe for another hour, talking and learning more about each other before leaving. Draco walks Harry back to the Gryffindor common room before going back to the Slytherin common room and telling Pansy all about his date with Harry Potter.

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