Conqueror of Daylight

By Slogus

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Meet teenagers Jim Lake and Y/N L/N. Two great kids here in his small town called Arcadia. Although every da... More

Prologue: Becoming
Prologue 1.5: Becoming (PT. 2)
Chapter 1: For The Glory Of...?
Chapter 2: Sudden Thought
Chapter 3: Bular
Chapter 4: Heartstone Trollmarket
Chapter 5: No More Lies
Chapter 6: A Lot To Take In
Chapter 7: Trollhunter Hunter?
Chapter 8: Y/N vs Jim
Chapter 9: Jim vs Draal
Chapter 10: For Jim's Sake
Chapter 11: Gnome Your Enemy
Chapter 12: Gnome Alone
Chapter 13: Happy Gnome
Chapter 14: Waka Chaka!
Chapter 15: Breaking & Rescuing
Chapter 16: Die Tomorrow?
Chapter 17: Win Lose or Draal
Chapter 18: Win Lose or Nomura
Chapter 19: Take Control
Chapter 20: To Catch a Changeling
Chapter 21: Y/N the Trollsitter
Chapter 22: Jim's Bittersweet Sixteen
Chapter 23: A Stalker
Chapter 24: Crispy!
Chapter 25: Recipe For Disaster
Chapter 27: Battle of The Bridges: Bular's Bane
Chapter 28: Claire, Welcome to Trollmarket
Chapter 29: Morgana's Reward
Chapter 30: Mudslinging
Chapter 31: Roaming Fees May Apply
Chapter 32: A Fate That's Worse Than Death
Chapter 33: The Shattered King
Chapter 34: Airheads
Chapter 35: Where Is My Mind?
Chapter 36: Life Of The Party
Chapter 37: It's About Time
Chapter 38: For AAARRRGGHH!!!
Chapter 39: Angor Management

Chapter 26: Claire & Present Danger

2.7K 146 59
By Slogus

In Toby's room, Y/N and Jim stood next to the newly discovered fetch, Blinky offering his guidance and Aaarrrgghh and Toby concentrating on the TV, deeply engrossed in a game. Y/N's eyes were focused on the machine, recalling his last encounter with a changeling.

Both Y/N and Jim were eyeing Jim's amulet with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Y/N furrows his brows.

Y/N: "So, the fetch is a pathway to the Darklands?"

Blinky, looking thoughtful, responded, "Not necessarily, Master Y/N. It's more so a device that allows changelings to create a replica of the human they've replaced. This way, the changeling can seamlessly fit into the human world while the real individual is trapped in the Darklands."

Y/N: "What about the Furgolator machine? If it can shrink things down, maybe there's a chance..."

Jim nodded, catching onto Y/N's train of thought. "Exactly. We can go in, all fun-sized, and find Claire's brother."

Toby quickly interjected, "I mean, sure, we can 'go in all fun-size,' but when it wears off, and we become full-size, we'll be trapped in there too."

Blinky raised a hand, gesturing for them to calm down, "The Darklands is a vast labyrinth, Masters. Simply finding Baby Enrique would be an almost impossible task on its own."

Aaarrrgghh: "Gunmar." Aaarrrgghh grumbles.

Nodding in agreement, Blinky continued, "Aaarrrgghh is right. If any of us were foolish enough to cross over, under no circumstances could you be saved, at risk of freeing Gunmar."

While everyone was in deep discussion, Y/N's thoughts were elsewhere. The memories of Nomura were fresh in his mind. The pain, the shock, and the unquenchable thirst for revenge threatened to consume him.

But then there was the current mission, saving Claire's brother. He was torn between the past and the present.

Suddenly, Aaarrrgghh stood furiously, cornering Jim and growling, "Under no circumstances!"

Y/N stepped forward, ready to defend Jim, but Toby intervened, "Dude, don't be reckless! You almost just lost a golden tuna roll! Sit down! Relax." He managed to get Aaarrrgghh to continue with the game.

Jim, trying to steady his breathing after the confrontation, asked, "What happened to the Trollhunter answering every call?"

Blinky looked deep into the eyes of both young warriors, "You both have strong hearts, qualities rarely seen even in trolls. I believe, one day, you will answer that child's call, but that day cannot be today."

Inside the dollhouse, Chompsky watched the mix of trolls and humans discuss before turning to his doll companion, who stood there with her arms crossed, silently observing.

Chompsky emitted a series of frustrated and imploring chatters, seemingly caught in an internal debate.

After a moment, the Gnome decisively left his abode, approaching Toby with determination. He pointed at the fetch, demanding attention.

Toby crouched down to hear him better, "Chompsky..."

Toby shook his head, "No! It's too much to ask."

Yet, Chompsky continued to chatter, this time with an even more assertive tone...

Jim, Y/N, and the crew gather around the fetch with Chompsky, ready and geared with a rope tied securely around him.

Y/N, trying to keep the mood light despite the gravity of the situation, quips, "Don't go picking fights in the Darklands, okay?"

Jim: "And if you spot Claire's brother, just holler – well, tug – and we'll yank you out."

Chompsky gives a tiny, determined thumbs-up. Blinky, bending down to get closer, confesses, "I have sorely misjudged you. You're not a vermin... But a ver-man."

Toby, bursting with excitement, exclaims, "Wait! She has something to say." He holds the plastic doll, Chompsky's cherished toy, mimicking her hugging the gnome. Chompsky, in a moment of pure emotion, takes the beauty and gives a sentimental hum, plastering the doll with kisses.

Passing the doll back to Toby after a final cuddle, Chompsky nods, signaling he's set to go.

Taking a deep, brave breath, Chompsky steps into the fetch, quickly disappearing.

Blinky, his eyes on the rope, murmurs, "All we've got now is hope."

Jim and Y/N stand side by side, watching the rope intently. "Nothings going on," Y/N notes, trying to keep the tension at bay.

Suddenly, the rope jerks. Jim's eyes widen. "Whoa, he's got something!"

Toby, panic evident in his voice, shouts, "Pull! Quick, before he gets stuck or something!"

Y/N, witnessing the intense struggle between the rope and the Trollhunters, immediately jumps in to assist—the rope strains against their collective might, causing their palms to burn.

"Come on! Hold on tight!" Y/N shouts, trying to add his strength to the fray.

Toby, trying to keep Jim from being pulled in, grunts, "Whoa, whoa! Someone grab the end!"

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh join the effort; their combined might wrestling against the force from the fetch.

Jim pants, "I'm trying!"

However, the tension and strength from both ends prove too much. With a sudden snap, the rope breaks, sending the group tumbling backward.

Catching his breath, Y/N mutters, "That's not good."

Toby, panic evident in his voice, scrambles to the fetch, calling out, "Chompsky! No!" But Aaarrrgghh quickly pulls him back, preventing him from getting too close.

Blinky tries to offer some comfort, "He's a scrappy creature, Tobias. If anyone can survive there, it's him." He then adds, looking at Y/N and Jim, "Still want that furgolator now?"

The room's mood grows heavy with defeat and worry, but a sudden knock on the window interrupts their thoughts. Y/N, standing closest, narrows his eyes, "Who's that?"

Jim, recognizing the figure, says, "What's he doing here?"

Opening the window, NotEnrique hops onto the table, a mix of panic and relief in his eyes. "A goblin attacked me. Managed to turn him into mincemeat, but now his pals want a piece of me. Honestly, I'm just glad I escaped with just a soiled diaper!"

With tensions high, Blinky confronts NotEnrique, his voice dripping with disdain. "You've brought goblin vengeance right to our doorstep!"

His fury is evident; Blinky slams NotEnrique onto the table, causing the items to rattle. Trying to diffuse the situation, Jim intervenes, "Blinky, calm down."

NotEnrique, regaining some of his composure, replies with a hint of sarcasm, "Chill out, big guy. They're not after me. They think the girl's to blame, and now they're gunning for her."

Reacting instantly, Jim's hand tightens around NotEnrique's scruff, slamming him back into the table. "Claire? They believe she's behind this?" His anger is palpable; Jim draws back his fist as if to strike but stops just short, opting instead to pull out his amulet. "I have to find her and protect her!"

Before Jim can act on his intentions, NotEnrique, sensing an opportunity, adds fuel to the fire. "Oh, and did I mention? Nomura and the gang are all at the museum."

Y/N's face darkens instantly at the mention of Nomura, a raw wound from the past. Slamming NotEnrique back down, he growls.

Y/N: "Nomura? She's there?!" Without waiting for an answer, Y/N retrieves his amulet and storms out, clearly intent on confronting Nomura.

Regaining some semblance of composure, NotEnrique smirks, "Seriously? No backup? Bular's gathered all the bridge pieces, you know."

Toby, ever protective, gives NotEnrique a taste of his own medicine, pinning him down. "Every piece of Killahead Bridge?"

Gasping under Toby's weight, NotEnrique sputters, "Yeah, and from what I've heard, they're only missing the Trollhunter!"

Blinky, assessing the chaos NotEnrique unintentionally spreads wherever he goes, quickly interjects, "We mustn't lose sight of Master Jim or Master Y/N. Toby, Aaarrrgghh, you need to have their backs. It seems our little changeling friend here is more a harbinger of havoc than a helper."

NotEnrique: "I'm a changeling; what do you expect?!"

Aaarrrgghh's massive hand encloses Toby, guiding him out of the bedroom. The oversized troll struggles momentarily with the doorway's frame. This delay gives Toby enough time to pop his head over Aaarrrgghh's broad shoulder, pointing a finger directly at NotEnrique.

Toby: "You are despicable," Toby accuses.

Gently ensuring Toby remains shielded from the unfolding drama, Aaarrrgghh finally manages to shove his way through the door. NotEnrique's eyes dart between the space between him and Blinky, a mix of defiance and fear evident.

NotEnrique: "What's your next move?" NotEnrique challenges.

Blinky's eyes narrow, the intensity of his stare apparent even amongst his multiple eyes.

Blinky: "By my six eyes," he growls, "I will find that bridge, even if it's the last thing I do. And you, changeling, will lead me right to it."

The whimper that escapes NotEnrique betrays his bravado.

He had never witnessed this side of Blinky before...

- Now, With Y/N -

Your heart races, the thud of your shoes pounding against the asphalt echoing your determination as you sprint toward the museum.

Every step is fueled by raw emotion - anger, vengeance, and an overwhelming urge to settle old scores. The sharp wind against your face does little to cool the fire burning within you. Images of Nomura flash before your eyes, each more maddening than the last.

But as you run, doubt begins to seep in. Thoughts of your grandfather, his wisdom, his kind eyes, and the lessons he imparted weigh heavy on your mind. He wouldn't have wanted this for you. His voice, faint but firm, nudges at the periphery of your thoughts, asking you to choose the right path.

And then there's Jim. The idea of him walking unthinkingly into danger, possibly spurred on by the same rage and revenge that's driving you now, makes your gut clench. He's your partner, your friend.

Could you really let him face whatever awaits alone?

You suddenly halt, momentum sending gravel skidding from beneath your feet. You clench your fists, knuckles nearly white. The weight of the choice is pressing down on you. To your left, the path leading to Claire's house; to your right, the museum – the epicenter of your rage.

A heavy sigh escapes you as the turmoil inside subsides. You turn, leaving behind the allure of vengeance, and, with renewed purpose, you sprint after Jim. The certainty that it's the right choice propels you forward.

- Now, In The Woods -

Night has draped the suburban neighborhood in a velvety darkness. The only illumination comes from the infrequent streetlights and the moon's pale glow, which casts the environment in a silver-blue hue. The houses stand silent, except for one: Claire's. Its windows are dark, like vacant eyes.

As Y/N approaches, he takes a detour around the side of the house. There, partially obscured by a bush, he spots Claire's bag. The familiar patterns on the fabric are barely visible in the low light. Kneeling, he inspects it, a knot of worry forming in his stomach. Why would she leave it here?

The subtle rustling of leaves behind him fails to alert him to Aaarrrgghhh and Toby's presence. They've been tailing him, and from their concealed position, they exchange worried glances, silently communicating their mutual concern.

Y/N's gaze lifts from the bag to the trees that form a dark barrier at the edge of the backyard. A barely perceptible trail seems to lead toward the woods like someone was dragged or pulled. Without a second thought, he dashes towards the woods, each step echoing his growing apprehension.

Toby grips Aaarrrgghhh's arm, the gravity of the situation clear in his eyes. "We need to back him up," Toby whispers, and the giant troll nods. Together, they stealthily follow Y/N into the looming forest.

Now with Jim and Claire, the dense woods provide little light, but the eyes that shine out of the darkness reveal the danger. Up above, a Goblin perches precariously on a slender branch. As it releases a battle cry and swoops toward Jim, the sound alerts him in the nick of time. With precision and skill, Jim deflects the creature from the air, using whatever is at hand to fend off the onslaught from the ground, which ends up being a small tree branch.

Claire whirls around, trying to make sense of the chaos. "Goblins? This can't be real!" she exclaims, eyes darting from one menacing face to another.

Jim: "Now's really not the time, Claire!" Jim calls back, swatting another goblin away.

Suddenly, a Goblin lunges at Jim, raking its claws toward his face. Jim loses his grip on his improvised weapon. "H-Hold on, I got this," he reassures Claire, grappling with the creature. Its screeches puncture the night as they wrestle.

From the side, a stick comes hurtling down, smacking the Goblin squarely. Jim, struggling to keep the creature at bay, sees Claire taking charge. Even after the Goblin disarms her, she lands a solid punch, rendering it unconscious.

Catching his breath, Jim grins, "I knew you had a good right, but that left is something else!"

However, the brief moment of fun is cut short. Jim tries to invoke his amulet's power with the familiar chant, "For the glory of Mer..." but it remains dormant. He inspects the amulet more. "...It's a fake!" He throws it to the side, annoyed.

The Goblins close in, their numbers overwhelming. One pounces on Jim while another holds him down. Claire, ever resourceful, pelts them with stones, providing temporary reprieve.

Overwhelmed, Jim calls Claire for help, and she quickly dispatches the Goblins holding him down. Together, they stand back-to-back, but the horde is relentless.

Desperation is evident; Jim looks to his amulet and shouts into the dark, "For the glory of Merlin... WHERE ARE YOU-?!"

"-For the glory of Morgana, Daylight is mine to conquer!"

Red energy surged forward, instantly repelling the Goblin horde from Jim and Claire. Claire, caught in the moment's intensity, was nearly blinded by the stark red light. Her gaze shifted to the now-revealed Y/N, who stood between the approaching Goblins and them, his armor shining from the moon's natural glow.

Jim, grappling with the events unfolding before him, stared in awe as Y/N's power manifested.

As the Goblins regrouped and targeted Claire again, her attention was drawn back to Y/N, who took a combative stance, his blade materializing from the ether.

Y/N: "Get back!" He commanded.

Claire, bewildered and still trying to make sense of the unfolding chaos, retreated further back. "What's happening?" She shouted over the commotion.

With a determined glare, Y/N lunged headfirst into the fray, his blade a blur as it met each new adversary.

Every swing of Y/N's blade released bursts of red energy, illuminating the dark woods. His precise movements and strikes kept the Goblins at bay, each one deftly parried or dispatched.

Jim, now safely out of immediate danger, joined Claire in observing Y/N's masterful combat. The spectacle was mesmerizing: the dance of the blade, the radiant energy, and Y/N at the center of it all, relentlessly pressing forward.

From above, a gleaming beacon plummeted, disrupting the flow of the battle. Jim's amulet, glowing a brilliant blue, slammed onto the forest ground, sending tremors through the earth. All activity momentarily froze; even the Goblins seemed to hesitate, caught between curiosity and fear.

The amulet reacted almost immediately, its radiant blue light engulfing Jim. Y/N swiftly raised his arm to shield his eyes from the overwhelming brilliance while Claire gaped, awestruck. Even the goblins recoiled, hissing and skittering backward, repelled by the blinding luminance.

Gracefully, the blue energy wove and intertwined around Jim, equipping him with his armor in an almost choreographed manner. As the radiance began to recede, it revealed Jim and Y/N standing shoulder to shoulder, a formidable duo ready to confront the challenge ahead. Y/N's Katana, sharp and gleaming, was angled menacingly at the approaching goblins while Jim gripped his blade upwards, ready for an overhead strike.

Without missing a beat, the pair lunged into action. Each move was synchronized, their blades cutting through the air in harmony. Every slash from Y/N's katana was complemented by a parry or thrust from Jim's sword, creating a dance of red and blue energies. The goblins didn't stand a chance. The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing metals and the desperate cries of the goblins.

Goblins were thrown into the air, their green ichor splattering across trees and foliage. Some tried to regroup, others tried to flank, but the combined might of Y/N and Jim was insurmountable. Their movements weren't just those of seasoned warriors; they moved as if they shared one mind, predicting each other's movements and strategizing on the fly.

Soon, the tide of the battle shifted overwhelmingly in their favor. With a final, coordinated strike, they sent a shockwave that knocked back the remaining goblins, who promptly decided that discretion was the better part of valor. The goblins fled in all directions, leaving the forest painted in shades of their green slime.

As the last of them disappeared into the shadows, Y/N and Jim relaxed, the weight of the battle lifting. Their weapons dissipated in smoky puffs of red and blue and occurred attached to their backs, the forest reclaiming its tranquil ambiance.

Claire, who had been watching with bated breath from a safe distance, stepped forward, her eyes darting between them, trying to process what she had just witnessed. "What the... How the...?" She stammered, seeking an explanation for the otherworldly display of power she had just seen.

As Claire tried to piece together the evening's chaotic events, her eyes continued darting between Jim and Y/N. "Is... Is this what you meant in your letter, Jim? That... That Y/N was involved?"

Jim nods. "Yeah... And, you know that cool thing I wanted to show you? Well, this is it." Jim explains, his hands emphasizing the point, Jim and Y/N's armor.

Claire, curiosity piqued, edged closer to Y/N, her eyes falling on the amulet that rested against his armored chest. A hint of jealousy flashed across Jim's face, acknowledging his feelings for Claire.

"This? This is... Wow," Claire whispered, her fingers tentatively reaching out to touch the surface of Y/N's amulet. As she did, she felt the slight vibrations, a hum that seemed to resonate deep within her. It almost felt like... It was speaking to her.

Jim chuckled, trying to hide his unease at Claire's fascination with Y/N. "...P-Pretty much."

Y/N stretched his arms casually and gave Jim a playful punch on the shoulder, "You owe me yet again, Lake. Saved your life, didn't I?"

Claire continued to touch Y/N's amulet, her voice filled with wonder. "So, that wasn't a costume, was it?" She asks Jim.

Jim: "No, it wasn't," Jim admits.

Y/N, with a more severe tone, shifted his attention to Jim, "What's been going on with that amulet of yours?"

"It was a fake at first," Jim replied, looking ruefully at his amulet.

Y/N's face darkened at the realization. "Strickler," he muttered under his breath.

Their shared moment was interrupted by the sudden approach of a Goblin. Before anyone else could react, Y/N sprung into action, swiftly drawing his weapon and dispatching the creature.

Jim, with a mix of gratitude and admiration, rotated his shoulder, trying to keep his composure. "Ugh, I hate those things."

Claire: "So... These things took my brother? Do you know guys have any idea where he is?"

Jim: "Yes and no-" Jim cuts himself off by bringing a hand to his head, trying to think of what to say next.

Y/N: "It's complicated, Claire."

Claire: "So that means that... The monsters in Jim's letter! They were real monsters!"

Y/N: "Not monsters, Claire, trolls."

Jim: "Yeah, and some of them are our friends."

She backed up, her breath going ridged as Jim walked beside her.

Jim: "Breathe."

Claire: "This is-!"

Jim: "Take a breath."

He tried to comfort her, but she shoved him a little, her voice shaky. "Don't tell me to-!" She walked but stopped right in front of a tree, turning to face the two teens.

Jim: "Claire-!"

"I should've believed you. Why does something that makes no sense make so much sense now? When you guys destroyed my house, when you missed so many rehearsals... You wore that knight suit to tryouts! Ugh! Like being in a stupid play is suddenly some high priority." She circled them.

Y/N shrugs. "To be fair, I never wanted to be in the play, to begin with, so..." Y/N defends, knowing Claire always wanted him to try at least an audition.

Jim: "No, it is! The play must go on!" Jim responds to Claire. "We have to make it look like everything is normal. If people knew I'm- I'm sorry, Claire, you can't tell anyone about this. Not your friends, not your parents."

"No one," Y/N chips in, showing her they're being nothing but serious.

Claire: "What am I supposed to tell my parents about Enrique? That- That he's a change-thing? I don't even know what that is!" Claire folds her arms, feeling stumped.

"...Am I ever going to see my brother again?"

Y/N chimes in, starting to feel bad. "As I said, it's... It's complicated. But I- We can assure you, he's safe."

Claire: "...Who else knows? Toby?" She points her finger at him, "Strickler?"

Jim presses his hands together. "We'll explain everything later. You've been through a lot. But right now, we have to-"

The moment's serenity was shattered when a sudden hiss cut Jim off mid-conversation, causing him and Y/N to adopt a protective stance, their blades drawn with precision. The haunting whistle that echoed through the trees made Y/N's heart race faster.

It was a sound he recognized all too well.

"You both need to run. Head home and don't look back," Jim urged, his eyes darting between Y/N and Claire.

But, Y/N quickly retorted, his eyes never leaving the surrounding shadows, "No." There was a steeliness in his tone that made Jim pause.

Claire, holding onto her makeshift weapon, chimed in, "I'm not leaving!"

The whistle began to grow louder.

"Who's whistling?" Claire's voice wavered, but her stance was resolute. Her eyes searched the treetops until they settled on a figure lurking in the branches.

"...Nomura," Y/N stated with a chill in his voice.

Perched with an eerie grace was Nomura. Her skin, a distinct shade of pink, contrasted starkly with the dark forest. In her complete troll form, she was an embodiment of menace. Her eyes, cold and calculating, stood out on her grotesque face, and her attire, tattered and worn, told tales of countless battles. The disdainful smirk that played on her lips only heightened the threat she posed.

The pink troll jumped from the branch she had been perched on and landed in front of the teens, Claire's face growing in pure shock and disbelief upon her landing.

Y/N steps in front of Claire, defending her with his blade outstretched.

Nomura: "How cute." She lets out a breathless chuckle as she reaches for her swords. "And they say chivalry is dead."

She pulls her two orange and curved blades from her back, leaping closer to the triad of teens.

Y/N's stance had shown he was ready to fight, but he couldn't do so if he worried about Jim and Claire.

Y/N: "Run, you two!" He shouts, not even thinking to take his eyes off Nomura.

The two hesitate behind him, and he senses that.

Y/N: "NOW!" He orders as he hears the two of them take off.

Y/N stands directly across Nomura. Memories of his grandfather, a brave man taken too soon by Nomura's hand, fueled Y/N's resolve. The two circled one another in the clearing, red vs. orange, in the night. She chuckled and held her swords up, ready to attack.

Nomura: "Let's make this quick; I'm not here for you."

Y/N: "RAHHH!" Y/N lets out a battle cry as he charges the changeling.

With a swift "hi-yah!" Nomura brandishes her swords, slashing them toward Y/N. But he's prepared.

Using his blade as an extension of his body, he deflects her aggressive attacks, parrying each blow with the precision he's honed from years of karate training.

Nomura lunges at him, her blades whistling through the air, aiming for his neck. Y/N swiftly ducks, narrowly evading a potentially fatal strike. Utilizing the momentum, he sprints up a nearby tree, channeling his agility to launch himself into a backflip, landing gracefully behind the unsuspecting troll.

Seizing this momentary advantage, Y/N flings his sword at Nomura. As she spins around, the blade skims past her, knocking one of her swords out of her grasp and embedding itself into the tree trunk.

Nomura's eyes widen momentarily, but her surprise quickly morphs into an amused grin. "Impressive," she sneers, her voice dripping with condescension. "How you've grown... Perhaps it's time to cut you down to size like I did with your grandfather."

With fierce determination, Y/N's sword dematerializes from the tree, returning to his grip. The words about his grandfather only make him more determined. With a roar, he lunges at her. The world around them blurs as the two dance a deadly ballet. Y/N, incorporating his karate stances and strikes, matches Nomura blow for blow.

Suddenly, Nomura lands a powerful kick, sending Y/N soaring backward. However, his athletic prowess shines as he twists in the air, landing adeptly on his feet.

Catching his breath, he scans the surroundings. Nomura has vanished. But her hissing echoes ominously through the trees, a sinister reminder that this battle is far from over...

Drenched in sweat and forest dew, Jim and Claire dash through the woods. Their breaths are ragged, and the moonlight casts eerie shadows across their path, amplifying the fear coursing through them.

Suddenly, Jim's feet halt, skidding across the forest floor. An unsettling weight gnaws at his conscience.

Turning towards Claire, the anguish in his eyes is unmistakable. "Claire... I can't believe I just ran and left Y/N alone with that... That monster."

Claire's breathing is heavy, and her emotions are conflicted. "Jim, it's dangerous... But... Y/N," she murmurs, her voice quivering with worry.

Jim clenches his fists, his conviction solidifying. "He's my best friend, Claire. He's been there for me countless times, and now, when he needs me the most, I run away. I can't live with that."

Claire nods, taking a moment to steady herself. "You're right. But promise me you'll be careful. I don't want to lose either of you." She hesitates momentarily, then adds, "I'll make my way home, alert whoever I can, and get some backup."

As Claire disappears into the night, Jim takes a deep breath, the sounds of battle ringing faintly in the distance. With newfound determination, he retraces his steps, rushing back into the fray to aid Y/N in his dire duel with Nomura.

Speaking of, amidst the hazy canopy of the dense forest, Y/N keeps his sword at the ready, heart pounding, fatigue threatening to claim him. After what felt like hours of relentless pursuit, skirmishing with Goblins, and now squaring off against the formidable Nomura, exhaustion pulls at his every move. But the very amulet that clings to his chest, a symbol of a destiny he never asked for, refuses to let him surrender.

As he scans the shadowed underbrush, the menacing silhouette of Nomura suddenly emerges overhead. With a swift motion, she descends towards him. Her battle cry is sharp and fierce.

Nomura: "Hi-yah!"

Her blades whirl in a dizzying dance, clashing with Y/N's in a shower of sparks. Her movements are deliberate, aiming for his chest, dangerously close to his amulet. With every clash, he feels himself being pushed back, every ounce of his energy drained; one misstep and he's exposed.

However, he remains determined to fend her off. With a swift swing, she strikes at his amulet, causing it to emanate a smoky hiss. The force of her attack drives him backward, gasping.

Yet, just as Y/N begins to falter, a familiar shout pierces the air. Jim emerges, rushing into the fray, sword ready, eyes fixed on Nomura. Their blades clash, and Jim's moves are slightly more frantic as he tries to give Y/N a moment's reprieve. But Nomura, skilled and relentless, manages to swiftly parry Jim's attacks, landing a sharp kick to his midsection.

Using this opportunity, she pivots, swinging her blade hard against Y/N's side, knocking him off balance. He falls hard, groaning, trying to push himself up. The amulet's cold touch against his chest feels heavier than ever, almost like a curse.

Jim, seeing Y/N downed, lunges at Nomura with renewed enthusiasm. But she is prepared. With a swift move, she sidesteps, grabbing his arm and twisting it painfully behind his back. A swift kick sends Jim crashing next to Y/N. Both friends now lay side by side, incapacitated, gasping for breath.

The impact from their bodies hitting the ground resulted in both their amulets momentarily flashing before disintegrating their armors in a dazzling display of red and blue, the particles that mixed creating a feint purple. The cherished amulets drop onto the damp, grassy forest floor, glowing faintly amidst the undergrowth.

Both young men, stripped of their armor and defenses, lay side by side, gasping for breath. Vulnerable.

Nomura, clearly savoring her moment of triumph, stands tall over them. Her foot hovers over the amulets as if contemplating crushing them. "Such power, wasted on mere children," she sneers.

The changeling woman bends down, her voice dripping with disdain, "What a pathetic sight. The Trollhunter and the Cursed Boy." Her gaze shifts to Y/N's amulet, "Fate has a cruel sense of humor, doesn't it?"

Jim, despite the pain, manages to mutter, "The real amulet... It was with you."

She chuckles, "Yes, we tried opening the bridge. But it seems it's waiting for you." Her blade, gleaming in the dim light, edges closer to Jim.

"Then why are you trying to kill me?" Jim mutters, trying to maintain his composure.

Her smirk deepens, and her words chill Y/N to the core even as darkness starts to claim him, "Not kill, Trollhunter. Take." As Y/N's vision blurs, he can barely make out Nomura, knocking Jim unconscious with the hilt of her blade and dragging him away into the forest's depths.

His barely open eyes then fall back on Nomura, who looks at him, an evil smile playing her features.

Nomura: "...I suppose the gathering wouldn't mind a little extra credit." Nomura quips, grabbing onto Y/N's legs, now dragging both of the teens simultaneously.

As Nomura dragged the limp bodies of Y/N and Jim through the woods, she suddenly halted. Distant shouts echoed through the trees, growing louder and more distinct. It was Claire's voice.

"Over here!"

Nomura's eyes widened, a dangerous hiss escaping her lips. From Y/N's hazy perspective, everything seemed to move in surreal, slow motion. Claire and her father were approaching from one direction. But then another voice joined in - Toby's - along with the unmistakable rumblings of Aaarrrgghh, coming from the opposite side.

"Jim! Y/N!" Toby's voice was frantic.

Caught between the two groups, Nomura's frustration was palpable. Realizing she was cornered and her mission compromised, she abandoned Y/N and Jim's unconscious forms, disappearing swiftly into the thickets.

Claire, spotting the two fallen boys, cried out, "They're here!" She rushed to Y/N, dropping to her knees and gently cradling his head. Her father, Mr. Nunez, moved to Jim's side, trying to assess the situation.

Claire whispered their names, her voice thick with worry, "Y/N... Jim... Can you hear me?"

Seeing his friends in such a state, Toby was initially focused on Jim. But he stopped short upon realizing that Aaarrrgghh was about to reveal himself in the daylight fully. The troll growled, an unmistakable note of concern in the sound.

"You have to stay hidden, wingman," Toby murmured sadly to the giant creature, who whimpered in response.

Claire's hands fluttered over Y/N's face, desperately searching for any sign of consciousness. Toby mirrored her actions with Jim, a mirror image of concern. "Dad! Call an ambulance!" Claire's voice was laced with urgency.

Y/N's eyes scarcely opened, straining to focus. Fuzzy outlines of Claire, Toby, and Mr. Nunez came into view, the latter holding a phone to his ear. Toby's voice, though muffled and distant, managed to pierce through Y/N's foggy consciousness.


For a brief moment, Y/N's eyes fluttered completely open, attempting to focus on his surroundings. But the effort was too much. His eyes slid closed again, his head lolling to the side, succumbing to the darkness that beckoned him...

- Later -

When you open your eyes, your surroundings are blurred at first. As your vision just ever so slightly sharpens, you recognize Barbara's worried expression above you. Claire and Toby are there, too, helping to push the bed you're on down the hospital corridor.

Their faces are drawn, eyes filled with concern. What happened? Why do they look so afraid?

Barbara: "Hold on, sweetie. You're going to be okay. You'll be fine, I promise, Y/N, hold on."

Your eyes scan the area as they continue pushing you.

There, in a room you're being moved towards, you spot Jim. He's lying in a bed just like yours, seemingly unconscious, his face pale and still. The sight of him, motionless like that, deepens the pit of worry in your stomach.

But before the weight of concern could fully settle in, your eyes fell shut again, surrendering you to the encroaching darkness...

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