(DISCONTINUED)Ultimate Comics...

By golabolac325

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A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man dies, only a few days after his birthday, from fighting the Sinister Five. He... More

Prologue: The Last Stance
Issue 1: Dead or Alive?
Issue 2: Restarting High School
Issue 3: Shocking Parallels
Issue 4: Trauma
Issue 5: Examination
(VOL 2) Issue 6: Parker Luck

Issue 7: Odd Training Camp

162 5 2
By golabolac325

"I'm not late... I'm not late..." Peter said trying to convince himself as he raced down the stairs of the building. He woke up late... again.

He burst out of the doors of the building to see a bus leave the parking lot. The second bus's door was still open, "Thank God," Peter thought as he raced towards the bus.

"You're late," Mr. Aizawa said, obviously not impressed.

"Technically, I woke up early..." Peter explained, "But I fell asleep again."

"You live inside U.A," Mr. Aizawa said, unamused as he headed inside, "whatever, just get in the bus."

Peter sighed as he just went inside the bus, seeing everybody chatting to each other. Iida was the one yelling for everyone to quiet down, typical. No one seemed to notice him as he walked to the available back seat of the bus. He was surprised that Shoji didn't have to sit back here from his extra arms.

Everyone on the bus kept going with their conversations when they took off. Peter didn't feel like talking, still having the embarrassing memory of not making it to the pool. Even if it didn't seriously make Peter give a negative view of himself, he could feel that some of his classmates would judge him for missing out. Or maybe that was just his negative thought processes kicking in.

The bus ride was quite long. Peter felt himself trying to block out the sound of his classmates as he rested on his seat. His classmates excitedly chatted with each other, ready for the outside weather and talking about how fun it would be. Everyone seemed to keep their hopes up and their expectations high. Not for Peter though... he's already had bad experiences with getting his hopes up. 

"Where's the washroom?!" Mineta cried as he raced around the area. They were brought to a cliffside, overlooking the forest below.

"This doesn't look like it should count as a resting area..." Kirishima commented as his classmates agreed, "I don't see Class 1B either..." Someone noticed.

"We aren't stopping for no reason," Mr. Aizawa said as Mineta raced up to him, "W--Where's the bathroom?"

The doors of a car burst open, "Hey Eraser!"

"Long time no see," Mr. Aizawa bowed as the 2 figures started to pose. They both wore brightly matching coloured costumes with fur and cat bells. Each had cat paws for their hands and tails at their back. One was wearing a red costume with dark brown-redish hair. The other had blonde hair and was wearing a light blue outfit.

"These are pro heroes who will work with us during the camp," Mr. Aizawa introduced, "the Pussycats."

Everyone didn't react to them, except Midoriya, who instantly recognized them and began telling everyone who they were. Peter shrugged as one of the Pussycats started scolding Midoriya by talking about her age.

"Class, be respectful and greet them," Mr. Aizawa reminded his class.

"Nice to meet you!" The class said in unison. 

One of the Pussycats went to the cliff's edge, "We own this stretch of land, you'll be staying at that foot of that mountain."

"Huh? Then why did we stop here?" Uraraka asked.

"Does this mean...?" Asui put her finger on her chin.

Sero nervously chuckled, "Why don't we get to the bus... maybe fast?"

"Yeah..." Even Kaminari knew the class's situation, "Let's get back to the bus."

The Pussycat in red grinned, "It's 9:30 right now... if you're fast enough... you might be able to make it around noon?"

Everyone hurried towards the bus, "Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!" One of the Pussycats called out.

The class raced past Mr. Aizawa, but the other Pussycat jumped in front of the bus. She placed her paw on the ground.

Peter's spider sense warned him as the ground rose. The whole class soon was entangled in the ground and pushed them off the cliff. 

"How is this school still going if it does stuff like this?!" Peter thought as he webbed the side of the mountain, trying to slow his fall.

Sero tried to copy what he was doing as he taped Kaminari and shot his tape at the cliff-side, but he swung too hard and slammed both of them into the wall face first, quickly dropping to the ground.

The whole class landed on the ground close to him. No one seemed harmed, but they were all sprawled out on the ground.

"Hey!" One of the Pussycats yelled down from the cliff, "This is private land, so feel free to use your Quirks! You all have 3 hours to get to the facility after going through... The Beast's Forest!"

The class turned towards the forest. Large trees made it so that little light could get through and gave a creepy atmosphere.

"U.A does too much stuff like this," Jirou commented as she and the rest of her classmates got off the ground.

Kirishima was the first to get up, "We have no other choice, let's go!"

Mineta raced forward first, supposedly leading the class. The short classmate ran into the forest only to pause. A ferocious groan rang through the forest as a faceless creature roared before the small boy. The class was startled at the sudden beast that appeared in front of them. It swung its arm up high, ready to swing at Mineta. 

Peter instinctively shot a web line out and pulled Mineta out of the monster's swinging arm. Koda rushed forward trying to calm the beast down. It was obvious to Peter that this wasn't just a normal animal that lived in the forest, but he wasn't one to say anything since he was living in a world where people just got powers at age 4.

Todoroki quickly summoned ice from the ground and froze the beast's legs. Iida and Bakugo both jumped in, using their Quirks to take the limbs off the beast just before Midoriya delivered the finishing blow, annihilating the monster with one punch.

"Yep... kids are like this nowadays... just terrific..." Peter thought to himself, "If only they knew how corrupt society can be..." Peter would give a who ramble about it, but he didn't feel like it, and he didn't know if his classmates would even listen.

Heavy footsteps interrupted the class's short celebration as deep growls and other noises came from the forest.

"How many are there?" Kaminari asked as he looked up, hearing wings beating against the leaves.

"This is bad. If we don't make it to the facility by noon, we won't get lunch," Sato reminded.

Yaoyorozu was the loudest, "We have no other choice other than to get through the forest and  take the shortest route."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as they all got ready to strategize. Some classmates used their Quirks to locate and navigate the forest, and others got ready to fight the incoming beasts. Peter immediately began to climb to the top of the tree and looked past the woods, "The facility is that way!" He yelled, pointing in the direction of the facility. 

Yaoyorozu nodded as she began to take charge, along with Iida who immediately did what a class leader would do, lead a charge against giant earth monsters. "Focus on making us a safe trail towards the facility," Iida said to Peter, "Since you aren't familiar with us, you should go and guide us towards the facility." Peter quickly swung from the tree, using his experience of swinging through the city, he was easily able to navigate the forest. He shot web lines across trees, trying to make a path to get to the facility and keeping the monsters away from their path.

A faint cyclops creature leaped in front of the New Yorker. He quickly let go of his web and landed in front of the creature, "Sorry, but this trail is off-limits to anyone taller than 7 feet!" He quickly shot a web and yanked the monster's face to his level. He swiftly gave a hard kick to the noggin, backflipping as he did so. The monster roared before Peter webbed two trees and pulled himself back.

Peter soon let go of the webs as he catapulted himself forward, his foot indenting into the cyclop's forehead. He could feel the head of the monster coming off and crumbling as he landed on the ground.

"I should've taken my shoes off..." Peter quickly took them off as his shoes were wrecked, you could even see his socks poking out from the toe area. He knew it was going to happen eventually, being at a hero school and all, but there was always a dreading feeling of ruining his clothes, he wrapped them in webbing before shoving them under his armpit, "I shouldn't have worn formal shoes..."

The New Yorker continued to make walls of webbing, as a way of keeping the class safe from any monsters coming from the sides of the forest.

"Help! Help!" A voice yelled through the forest as Peter instinctively swung back. A beast was towering in front of Koda as he tried to use birds and other flying creatures to distract the giant earth creatures. Ashido was there as well, trying to burn away the webbing Peter had placed.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked, but he didn't need to, as he could see that the birds Koda was controlling were getting caught in his webbing. Ashido tried to use her acid to burn the webbing down, but accidentally got caught in it herself, "What is this stuff made of?!" She shouted as she tried to get free. Peter quickly sprang in to help as he quickly ripped off the webbing wrapping around her arm and freed her other arm.

Ashido quickly burned down the rest of the webbing from her body and continued to free the trapped animals. Peter took on the monster head-on, "Koda, I'm going to attack the beast, make sure you and the animals are away from me!" 

Koda was taken aback, "B--But, during class it should be--"

Peter wasn't listening as he kicked off a tree stump. The beast roared in Peter's direction, making a ringing sound in his ear, but that didn't stop him as he slid under the giant creature's legs and quickly attached several web lines to its legs.

"Timbers!" Peter yanked on the silk lines in his hands. A loud crash could be heard from behind and he turned around to see the crumbling body of the creature on the ground, "Well that solves that problem..." he was about to check on Koda and Ashido until...

"Hey! Who put these webs here!?" A voice screamed through the forest. Peter quickly decided to go check on the person as he knew they weren't familiar with him. He zipped through the forest as he located the source of high-shrilled screaming.

A person was stuck within his webbing as a 4 legged beast approached them. Peter quickly came in swinging from the web and kicking the beast's body. He quickly began to circle the beast, wrapping it in a load of webbing before shooting multiple web lines from the back to the ground, hindering its movement. He crouched into a backflip as he lept off the beast before swinging down and scooping up the person in his arm. 

The New Yorker swung up and landed on the ground, "Wait... did I only take the clothes--"

"It's me you idiot!" Hagakure yelped as she wiggled out of Peter's arm, "I didn't give you to touch me!"

Peter was taken aback and tilted his head, "I just saved you from a monster, shouldn't you have more gratitude?"

The invisible girl seemed a bit repelled, "Gratitude? I don't even know much about you!" She waved her hand and pushed him out of the way, "Why did you even put those webs there anyway? That wasn't part of the plan!"

"Look, I don't know how you guys do this teamwork thing with 20 students or less, but I don't know how you guys coordinate yourselves so cut me some slack!" Peter snapped.

Hagakure shut herself up, maybe a bit rattled by how loud Peter yelled at her. The teen gulped as he didn't mean to snap at her like that, but before he could apologize, the beast roared as it began to free itself from its web binding. Peter zipped away as Hagakure started to scream for help.

The beast roared at Peter, fixating its eyes on Peter before lunging at its prey. He quickly yanked himself up onto a tree before swinging around the beast. The giant creature swiped at him, but Peter let go of the web, backflipping as an ain't arm swiped over his head. It barely missed his hair. 

With its extended arm reaching out, Peter quickly zipped up and landed on the arm. The creature lifted its other arm and swimped downwards. He was able to dodge out of the way as a gain hand tried to swat him like a bug. The New Yorker quickly spewed webbing to the creature's hand, locking its arms in place.

Sero suddenly swung in, "Hey Parker! Nice job of restraining him, just leave the rest to me!" The circular-elbowed teen started to wrap the rest of the creature's arm in tape, while Peter went for the creature's ankles.

He had to admit that he wasn't this spry when he first started, maybe the U.A isn't such a bad place after all. Though these students weren't illegally using their powers and following the law, Peter could shake more middle-fingers at the law than the weight of Kingpin. 

Sero though was a bit more cocky and wasn't the smartest as he got too close to Peter's webbing and-- "Hey--Help! I'm stuck!"

The New Yorker sighed as he finished up with the creature's ankles and swung upwards, "I'm coming! Just don't move too much!"

"Does this stuff come out of you? This is gross!" Sero complained as his back was stuck to the webbing.

Peter quickly made it to Sero as he tried his best to rip off the webbing around him. He quickly hauled Sero to his feet as the creature tripped forward. 

"Look out!"

Peter turned his head towards the sound to see Hagakure and Ojirou running from the beast. Iida was at the side speeding towards them. Peter could only hope that Iida would be able to reach them in time. Sero swung upwards, but Peter's body moved on his own as he swung towards the invisible girl and tailed-teen.

"Watch out!" Peter yelled as he did his best to swing closer towards them. The beast toppled faster as its shadow cast down onto them, and that was saying something as the Beast's Forest barely allowed any sunlight in.

"Almost there...!" Peter held his hand out, ready to snag them both out of the way of the falling giant.

His hand snagged the back of Hagakure's shirt, but before he knew it Iida shoved him out of the way. The giant toppled over and landed on the ground with a giant crash, causing dirt and leaves to spew into the air.

Peter was thrown into the air and landed on his side, rolling onto the ground spluttering.

Iida quickly raced up to him, "Parker, that wasn't part of the plan. You didn't need to rescue them."

"What?" Peter got all defensive, "You didn't tell me about any sort of plan of yours."

It was Iida's turn to look dumbfounded, "I told you to focus on guiding the class toward the facility. Since you aren't used to how we work together."

"Well, I couldn't help it okay?!" Peter snapped, "My body just moved on its--"

"What are you both doing?!" Yaoyorozu shrieked through a megaphone, "Shoji is baiting the monster in this direction, get out of there before--"

A loud rumbling could be heard as Shokji burst through the forest with Mineta riding his back, "Out of the way!"

Peter tried to move, but he realized that he was in the middle of the trap. Mineta's balls were preventing him from moving. Iida was in the same situation as his calf was being stuck by one of the balls.

3 monsters were behind them he could hear loud shrieks emit from their mouths. Peter tried to reach for the ball but realized his arm was not stuck behind his back. In the spur of the moment, he forgot about Mineta's Quirk. He braced for impact as a large creature jumped into the air, above him.

"High school still sucks!" Peter yelled. His last sight was the creature dropping from above.

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