By enchantebby

40K 1.2K 188

where the QSMP introduces novah to foolish More

✧.* cero|zero ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* uno|one ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* dos|two ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* tres|three ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* cuatro|four ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* cinco|five⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.*seis|six ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* siete|seven ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* ocho|eight ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* nueve|nine ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* diez|ten ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* once|eleven ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* doce|twelve ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* trece|thirteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* catorce|fourteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* quince|fifteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* dieciseis|sixteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* dieciocho|eighteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* diecinueve|nineteen ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veinte|twenty ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintiuno|twenty one ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintidos|twenty two ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintitres|twenty three⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veinticuatro|twenty four⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veinticinco|twenty five⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintiseis|twenty six⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintisiete|twenty seven⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintiocho|twenty eight⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* veintinueve|twenty nine⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta|thirty⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* extra ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y uno|thirty one⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y dos|thirty two⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y tres|thirty three⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y cuatro|thirty four⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y cinco|thirty five⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y seis|thirty six⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y siete|thirty seven⋆·˚ ༘ *
✧.* treinta y ocho|thirty eight⋆·˚ ༘ *

✧.* diecisiete|seventeen ⋆·˚ ༘ *

1K 30 5
By enchantebby

"i just got done with the last of the paperwork" the girl said tho her best friend through the phone

"good it took you long enough" stella replied "is alex picking you up?"

"nope im waiting for my uber right now actually" novah explained "i dont know what i would've done if i hadnt been allowed to switch to online"

novah had been working on her paperwork to move from in person to online classes for the past month, it was something she had been looking at doing for the entirety of the last year after realizing she did not enjoy going to school anymore but liked her career choice enough to look for alternatives to continue until she graduated.

she had finally landed on the fact that online classes were her best choice, she would still come by to campus for a few events or special projects that needed to be turned in in person but it was overall the best option for her.

"i know love" novah got into her uber that had just arrived silently greeting her driver "well now we have more time to hang out"

"as if school was the reason we werent hanging out" she scoffed "miss worldwide model"

"mister worldwide" stella said with a pitbull voice making novah laugh a little "no but now you can come on trips with me every once in a while"

"i would but i cant leave my child alone" the mexican replied

"alex can babysit" stella said

"you sound like noah"

"NOAH?" the blonde shouted making novah move her phone away from her ear "you finally spoke to him?"

it had been a couple of days after their call, but novah hadnt mentioned anything about it to anyone, not stella not quackity.

"are you sure you dont want to wait to pour it out?" she asked

"unless you want me to show up at your place with a bottle of vodka right now no i dont wanna wait to pour it out"

"stell its 2pm on a wednesday" novah pointed out "plus i dont want any alcohol for the rest of the month"

"exactly my point" stella said with a duh tone "why are we not drinking?"

"you can drink but im not drinking because drinking is what got me into this whole mess" novah explained hearing an uhhh from her best friend "well technically not really a mess i guess"

"please i cant wait anymore what did you do?" stella pleaded

"long story short i got drunk and got dared to tell him that i liked him" stella gasped interrupting her "we talked the next day when i was sober and agreed to try and get to know each other better, just take it slow but he said he liked me too" this time stella screeched "my fucking ears stell calm down"

"i knew you liked him no matter how much you denied it"

"shut up" she rolled her eyes thanking the uber driver and getting down walking to her apartment "it just all happened too fast i've only known him for two months"

"well i believe in love at first sight so..." the blonde said

"i dont love him" the brunette replied "i like him"

"god im so excited to see you in your lover era" stella spoke enthusiastically

"i hate you" she laughed


"im drunk in the back of the car and i cried like a baby coming home from the bar" novah sang as she was waiting to log in to the qsmp "said im fine but it wasnt AAAAAAAAHHHHH"

the girl didnt expect to see a giant picture of skeppy's face as soon as she logged in to be in front of her. there was only one person in the server who could've done it, unless it was the Brazilians who had joined the day before and she hadn't met yet since she hadnt logged in yesterday as she had taken a free day.

"badboyhalo wants to kill me i swear" she said sighing, her hand on her chest

supanova badboyhalo i need to speak to you...
foolishg :0
badboyhalo oh hi novah im at spawn if you wanna meet here:D
supanova ┌П┐(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿)
badboyhalo language...

the mexican girl warped to spawn where she saw bad with dapper, forever and a new egg named richarlyson

"hey novah" bad greeted

"i hate you" novah said "i almost had a heart attack"

"i have no idea what you're talking about" he played dumb "here let me introduce you to forever he is one of the Brazilians"

"hi" the new man said "its nice to meet you"

"oi tudo bem?" spoke novah
(hi how are you?)

"voce fala portugues?" forever asked impressed
(you speak Portuguese?)

"não im afraid my portuguese ends there" novah said turning to look at the eggs who stood in front of her "hi dapper nice to meet you richarlyson"

both eggs crouched up and down saying hello to the girl who was smiling at her screen, she knew she shouldn't get attached to the eggs because they wouldn't last the entirety of the series but she was too far deep, she had spent several late nights spending time with both her egg and leo as well as mornings with dapper and ramon and then some time with juanaflippa, bobby and tilin as well, she hadnt spend much time with trump since he had died early on or chayanne since he was always with phil but she would still happily stop whatever she was doing that day to hang out with any of the eggs completely abandoning her plans

"we're waiting for pac and mike i was going to give them a tour of the island would you like to join us?" bad asked

"sure and while we wait can we talk about the giant skeppy face at my base?" she asked

"again i dont know what you're talking about" he laughed as the sounds of the teleporter was heard meaning the two they were waiting for had arrived

"fuck you" she said knowing it was the only way to annoy him, smiling at her chat

"HEY language" he yelled at her, forever laughing next to him "hi guys this is novah she's being a naughty muffin head"

"bad we're not on that level of friendship man" she joked

"what?" he asked and the girl mumbled a nevermind chuckling "anyways novah these are pac and mike"

"hello welcome to the island" she smiled and emoted a wave

"hello" they both greeted


"and this is foolish's dragon and tower that he's been working on for a very long time" bad explained as they all arrived at the boy's base

"oh wow this is so cool" forever said

novah walked away from the group and into the half built tower where she found foolish talking to leo

"hellooo" she spoke

"oh shit" the boy jumped scared "hey you scared me"

leo put up a sign saying hello to her favorite tia

"my bad" she chuckled "speaking of bad he's outside giving the brazilians a tour"

"oh really?" he walked out towards the group leaving both girls behind

"hey leo how're you doing today?" she asked

"estoy bien me acabo de despertar"
"pa y yo ibamos a hacer las misiones"
"tu y dee nos quieren acompañar?"
(im okay i just woke up dad and i were going to do the tasks do you and dee want to come with us?)

even though the little egg was shy and didnt enjoy spending too much time with anyone but her parents, she always enjoyed novah and dee's company and if she hadnt completed her quests with vegetta in the morning they would do them together in the afternoons.

"dee todavia no se despierta pero si la quieres esperar un poquito podemos hacerlo juntos" she explained
(dee's not awake yet but if you want to wait for a little bit we can do them together)

"oh and this is my daughter leo" foolish introduced walking back in with the three brazilians and bad "leo say hi"

the egg placed a sign saying hi before hiding slightly behind novah who explained that the girl was shy

"hi leo this is our son richarlyson" mike said

"he's your brother" pac explained as the brazilian egg emoted a wave. the group stood at the half built tower for a bit before deciding to visit novah's base next

"alright here we are welcome to my home" she said smiling

"woah this is crazy" pac said "you built this all by yourself?"

"yep" she replied as they all walked up through the spirals of her base, her house sat at the very top "im thinking about starting to build random little things everywhere too"

"ohh things like what" forever asked

"um like animals and creatures like over here i would like to build maybe a fairy or something like that" she signaled to a door built into a tree she had built before

"that sounds cool" mike said as they finally arrived at the very top, there were elevators all throughout the spirals, but they had decided to take the 'scenic' route

"this is my house" she opened the door letting them in, it was a pink and purple cottage with dark oak trimmings "this is my child's room"

"have you done your tasks for the week novah?" bad asked knowing that the girl hadnt been around much these past few days and worrying for dee

"i have one out of three and she'll probably wake up today so thats just one more day we need" she nodded

"alright if you ever need me to do her tasks let me know" he offered

"yes thank you bad" novah smiled


it was a couple of hours later and novah was alone at her base after putting dee to sleep, she was planning on building a little after over a month of not building anything finally feeling ready for more, she was only going to do something simple to start off, carving some doors into random trees she had built around to symbolize fairy houses, and a few giant mushrooms and flowers around to fill in any gaps that seemed empty and had been bothering her

"hear me out" she said to her chat "we build a giant version of he magic glowing flower from tangled?"

her chat agreed giving her ideas of blocks she could use and she got to building talking to them about random things, changing topic fast and forgetting about the last one they were talking about even quicker

"wait now i need a glowing block" chat suggested glowstone "i dont think i have any but lets check"

after going through her chests she realized she had none and decided to ask in chat to see if anyone had any, it was only her, foolish, bad, pac, mike and cellbit, another brazilian she had met earlier, on the server

supanova anyone have any spare glowstone they are willing to part with?

badboyhalo i might have some but i'll have to look and i am far from my base give me like 10 minutes

supanova okay:D

foolishg i have a little

supanova how much is a little?

foolishg like a stack i think

supanova messirve

foolishg ?

supanova im omw

foolishg bokay

"hiiii" she said as she got to the boy's base

"hello" he crouched throwing her a stack and 40 glowstone "what do you need this for?"

"im building the flower from tangled" she explained "you had more than a stack! this should be enough thanks"

"yeah no problem i was planning on using some around here so i had some saved up" he told her

"oh if you need it you can keep it bad said he had some i could use" she threw them back

"no no i have more dont worry" he lied, his chat knew he had lied since they'd seen him take out the stack to give her and then do a double take deciding to give her all of his glowstone that he had been collecting for a week now

"alright thanks!" she smiled

"why are you building tangled's flower anyways?" the boy asked her

"why not?" she grinned "tangled is my favorite disney movie im in love with flynn rider"

"why do you like all these cartoon characters?" he said remembering how she had told him about her crush on lighting mcqueen

"im telling you its their personalities" she exclaimed "but flynn is kinda cute not gonna lie"

"shut up" he chuckled

✎ᝰ ; [💬]

i am in fact in love with flynn rider too novah i get you girl

anyways i thought i was going to die two days ago from how sick i was but im better now so enjoy another chapter👍🏼 cool see you guys later ◡̈

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