Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

18.4K 272 1.8K

Kai Hosako, the twin brother of Kaori Hosako, is Japan's first autistic pro wrestler who made waves in New Ja... More

In-Ring Debut
Training Together
Masami's Debut
Adam vs Ren
Six Man Tag
Head Over Heels?
Strong vs Hosako
Ready To Fight
Happy Birthday Minoru!
Making History
Moving In And Birthdays
On The Trail
One More Day
WarGames Pt. 1
WarGames Pt. 2
After WarGames
The Old Returns
Two Segments
Time Together
Phoenix Pt. 1
Phoenix Pt. 2
First Squash Match (As A Champion)
Johnny vs Ren II
Writing A Book
New York Pt. 1
New York Pt. 2
Attack of The Fan
New Look, New Attitude
Be Mine
Johnny vs Ren III
Masami's Birthday
New Entrance
No More BS
Mixed Tag Match
Ren vs Io
Something's Wrong
Back To Full Sail
Happy Day
Strong vs Hosako II
Fish vs Hosako II
A Big Mistake
Final Straw
Split Interview
War Pt 1
War Pt 2
Wrestlemania 36
Special Day
Epilogue Pt 1
Epilogue Pt 2
The Process of Creating Kai "Ren" Hosako

8 Man Tag

98 3 14
By Freedom_Fighter24

(A/N: If you see the picture above, I made that myself as I thought it would be awesome to put that up! You'll be seeing these a lot more than usual, just so you know!

Anyway, let's get into it!)

~With Kai~

Matt and Fish were the guys who started the match first as they were locking up and trying to get the other to tap out, but when Fish tried for a kick, Matt kicked his leg and kicked him in the chest, telling him to get up.

When Fish tried to kick Matt, Riddle countered and performed a Dragon Screw and then Irish Whipped him to our corner.

He tags in Pete, who was kicking the legs and took control of Fish's wrist!

He was spreading out the fingers and when he laid them on the mat, he stomped onto them!

I cringed on the inside as Pete covered Fish, but Bobby kicked out at 2.

He tags in Matt and they were wrenching on Fish's arms until they kicked him in the chest together and then Matt kicked Fish in the back and Pete to the chest.

Matt covered him but Fish kicked out.

I stuck my hand out and looked to get tagged in, but Fish tagged in Strong as Matt tagged me in. I went off on Roddy, punching him into the corner until the ref counted to 4.

Then, O'Reily had to distract me, but I was one step ahead of them: Suzuki came over to where I was outside the ring, he got up on the apron where I was, I dropped O'Reily's arms over the top rope, we both stepped inside, and we performed a double Rope Assisted Armbreaker, much to the delight of the fans and the dismay of Adam, who was pissed at what we were doing!

Once the ref was about to be undistracted, I tapped Minoru to release the hold and make it look like I was the only one doing the move.

The ref counted to 4 as I let go, landed on my feet, and pulled Kyle out of the ring to beat him up some more.

I threw O'Reily into the steel post shoulder first, onto the already bad arm.

I even decided to forearm him a couple times, but every time he tries to fight back with forearms of his own, I no-sold them, and took him down with just one forearm!

I sent him back into the ring and I was just stomping away at him, until O'Reily kicked me away and tagged in Strong who was so scared he tried to attack me, but I punched him a couple times, Irish Whipped him to the corner, gave him a clothesline, snapmared him in the middle of the ring, I ran to the ropes, and gave him a very stiff kick to his chest.

I covered him, but he kicked out at 2.

I then decided to lock him in a Fujiwara, but he flipped, his feet on the bottom rope, ran up to Adam and tagged him in.

As soon as Strong made the tag to Adam Cole, Minoru stuck his hand out at me and yelled with a smile...

Minoru: カイ、私をタグ付けして! (Tag me in, Kai!)

The crowd, Matt, and Pete were shocked at Minoru wanting to be tagged in, looking forward to what he might do to Adam.

I was too because I really wanna see how Adam and Minoru interact.

I pointed at Minoru, asking the fans if they wanted Minoru in the match. They were chanting "yes" as I nodded.

When I tagged in Minoru, the entire crowd just exploded as they knew what Suzuki had in mind.

Minoru slowly stepped through the ropes as he had such an evil look and a very evil smile on his face. Adam then became terrified at who was in front of him: Minoru Fucking Suzuki.


Minoru: 私の息子のキャリアを終わらせようとしているのですか?それは私には当てはまりません!あなたは何か月前に彼を傷つけましたが、今私はあなたを傷つけるためにここにいます! (You try to end my son's career? That doesn't fly with me! You hurt him months ago, but now, I'm here to hurt you!)

Adam and Minoru got close to each other as they got in each other's faces and Minoru wasn't intimidated. He never was by any wrestler he fights as this isn't really new to him at all.

He's done this for 3 decades so it's a no-brained for him to not feel intimidated!

When Minoru smiled, he Shh'd the crowd, tapped Adam on his head, and I didn't expect to hear this again, when I first made it known during my first WarGames match from 2018...


The crowd oh'd and Suzuki chopped him as Adam got down on both knees, cringing at the chop Minoru just landed on him!

I mean, I've gotten used to his chops since I adopted them for my career, but to hear them crack on Adam's chest was unbearable to go through.

I saw that Minoru was laughing and he picked up Adam by his hair, looking at him into his eyes.

Seriously, I couldn't believe I was watching my father figure work his magic.

Speaking of which, just when I thought Minoru being here was magic enough, he's creating even more of it, just by standing in the ring, chopping down Adam!

Suzuki had no remorse as he was striking Adam with forearms until he Irish Whipped Adam to the ropes and gave Cole a dropkick!

Minoru was still smiling as much evil as he can get out, even I wouldn't want to get in the ring with him if I were a member of the UE.

Suzuki covered Adam but when Cole kicked out at two, Minoru locked in a Crossface, trying to make Adam feel the pain that he was probably feeling when I got hurt.

When Adam managed to get his arm on the bottom rope, Minoru got off and stomped onto the arm while it was on the rope!

Adam screamed in pain and was holding onto his arm, but he tagged in O'Reily and the two, Minoru and him were battling it out until Suzuki kicked him in the gut and focused on the bad arm, the very one where I did the most damage.

When he twisted the arm, I held out my hand as Minoru walked over with Kyle.

As Minoru tagged me in, he and I took turns twisting the arm of O'Reily but when after that, when Minoru twisted the arm, I went on the middle turnbuckle, and gave O'Reily a dropkick to his chest, knocking him down.

I covered him, but as Kyle kicked out, he stuck the bad arm up as I had to get to work on it and I grabbed it!

I was twisting Kyle's fingers and spreading them out as I did what I pleased.

When I twisted the wrist, I bent it...

Crowd: Ooooh.

...bent the arm...

Crowd: Ooooh!

...pulled the arm back but before I could even lock in the hold, I felt a kick to the back of my head as it turned out to be Adam Cole!

Minoru was outraged and wanted to get in the ring and kill him, but the stupid ref had to come in, get his back turned, and O'Reily had knee me below the belt!

It really hurt so bad that I thought I was gonna throw up!

When Kyle covered me, I kicked out at 2, but he went to work on me by forearming me and just trying to take me off my game.

He tags in Bobby and when O'Reily spread out my arm, Fish kicked me very hard in my chest.

When I was on my knees, Bobby kicked me on the side of my head, near my right cauliflower as I went down.

Bobby covered me, but I kicked out at two.

After that, Bobby tagged in Strong as he started laying into me! Beating me down and not showing any remorse!

Then, Strong set me up for a Shining Wizard as he covered me, but I kicked out at two again.

This time, when I kicked out, Strong put the headlock on me as I was struggling to get out of the hold.

Minoru, Matt, and Masami were telling the fans to cheer me on as I try to get out of it.

I managed to stand up and try to get out of it by elbowing Strong in the chest and I looked to get out of it to tag in one of my partners.

I ran to the ropes to attack Strong and then look to attack, but Roddy had to forearm me.

I bumped against the ropes and gave him a big boot as Strong and I were down!

Minoru was sticking out his hand, stomping on the steel steps, telling the fans to get up and encourage me to make the tag!

I crawled and crawled, Masami hyping the crowd up, telling them to cheer me on.

As I was going to slap Minoru's hand, Adam had to grab my leg and pull me away, but I kicked the underside of his thigh, got up, leapt...


Minoru immediately stepped through the ropes, giving Adam clothesline after clothesline, kicked Cole's gut, ran to the ropes, and gave Adam a big boot!

Minoru: さあ行こう! (LET'S GO!)

Adam was in the corner as Suzuki forearmed him, snapmared him in the middle of the ring, ran to the ropes again, and kicked his chest!

He covered him, but as Fish saved the matchup, Suzuki turned his attention to Fish, who was on his chest, Minoru immediately grabbed Bobby's arm and started playing with the fingers and hand as I soon joined him by doing the same to Adam.

Then, Strong and O'Reily had to join in, but were stopped by Matt and Pete!

Minoru and I twist their wrists, bent them...

Crowd: Ooooh.

...bent their arms...

Crowd: Ooooh!

...and start pulling back their arms as the two screamed in pain!

Minoru and I smiled at each other, nodded, and we transitioned that into a lying armbreaker, lying right next to each other!

Minoru: 今までで一番楽しいよ、カイ! (This is the most fun I've ever had, Kai!)

Me: テイクオーバーまで待ってください: タンパベイ、もっと楽しくなるでしょう! (Wait until Takeover: Tampa Bay, it'll be even more fun!)

Minoru: 賭けますよ! (I'll bet!)

Adam and Fish grabbed the bottom rope, but that didn't stop us from going off on them.

The two regrouped with their fellow UE members on the outside, but I had a different idea.

Instead of going out of the ring and ambushing them, I went to the top turnbuckle, did a firing gun gesture, flew off, and landed on top of them!

As I got back up, I threw Adam back into the ring where Minoru was, he locked in the Rear Naked Choke, and looked for a Gotch Piledriver, but Adam flipped my mentor onto his back.

Minoru got back up though since he's experienced this throughout his career, but as I got back to our corner, Minoru locked in the Rear Naked again after the second attempt, walked backwards to our corner, I tagged him, and went onto the top turnbuckle.

Minoru turned around, and set up Adam for another Gotch Style Piledriver, but instead of hitting him with it, I leapt off, and pushed Adam's feet down with Minoru doing the move as well, performing a Spiked Gotch Style Piledriver.

Suzuki got off as I covered Adam...

Crowd: ONE! TWO! THR—

And Strong had to save the match!

Matt and Strong started going at it as Pete went off on Fish and Minoru and I were fighting Adam and O'Reily!

Adam and O'Reily were clotheslining us but the first one didn't knock either of us down and we were begging them to try again!

So the two idiots did exactly that and clotheslined us again, but we were still standing tall, balancing and just wanting them to bring it to us!

At the third and final attempt, Adam and Kyle had to try to clothesline, but we still stood tall and screaming at them to come at us!

The crowd just went crazy at the two of us just tagging together and fighting alongside one another!

When Adam and Kyle knew they weren't winning this fight, O'Reily managed to exit the ring, but Adam didn't make it out because Minoru was already in him by locking in the Rear Naked Choke!

The fans went crazy as I was begging the other UE members to get in the ring, but they were too scared because of who's taking out their leader, Minoru Suzuki.

When Adam was out cold, Suzuki threw him to me, as I hit him with my Brainbuster.

I covered him, and with a smile, my tongue was sticking out, down my bottom lip, staring down the rest of the UE...


The bell rang as we won the match and Minoru's theme was playing in the background.

Announcer: Here are your winners, the NXT Tag Team Champions The Broserweights and SUZUKI-GUN!!!

I uncovered from Adam and our arms were raised, as the show was now off the air after a couple minutes.

Minoru was asking for a mic and he was given one as subtitles on both the screen and the ring apron (that has a screen on it, by the way) were seen.

Minoru(subtitles): So many of you know, that I'm not the kind of guy who's usually a babyface, but a couple weeks ago, before the whole thing with Adam and his friends attacking Ren, Ren asked me if I could come over to Orlando and help him out with the Undisputed Era. Thing is, Oi, I told him that I would do it, turning babyface in the process, just for him.

The fans clapped as I was smiling, listening to the father I never had talk.

Minoru(subtitles): Oi, it's very hypocritical of me to be here, BUT, let me explain why I decided to come to NXT. Oi, I had to talk to Gedo, the booker of New Japan, to get the approval of me coming here, but he said "no". I wasn't going to take "no" for answer anyway because I already had the plane ticket and my suitcases packed. On the way out, Gedo said, "Minoru, you're not allowed to go. Remember what you said? You said you wouldn't show up in that second rate company."

The fans booed as I wasn't told about this. I didn't think Gedo would want to keep Minoru in that company, especially when something was going to go down.

I really felt bad for Minoru for that because I gotta do something for him.

Minoru(subtitles): I replied, with a very stern tone, "If you call WWE second rate, then you're calling my protege 'second rate' as well. I'm going to help my son, and you can't stop me."

The crowd even had to applaud again after that as I knew something like that was going to happen. And Minoru? He looked like he wanted to cry right now and I don't blame him because I'm feeling that way right now!

Minoru(subtitles): So, with my suitcases in hand, with my gear in one of them, I made sure to keep all of this a secret because Ren was asking of me to keep it that way until the time was right. And last week, it was one of the greatest moments of my life: reuniting with the son I never had and fighting alongside him and his friends. I'll never forget that moment, especially tonight, in a tag team match no less!

Everyone had to cheer as I was really happy to hear that from Minoru. He must've been so excited to tag with me alongside Matt and Pete as I was too.

Minoru(subtitles): Now, I did hear that at the end of this month, around Wrestlemania, there's a show called the 2020 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, where Ren was going to be honored as a Warrior Award recipient. I mean, if you're going to get that Award, Ren, then I gotta be there to see it!

The fans had popped as I had a tear in my eye. I really wanted him to be there when I'm presented with that and I really wanted Minoru to see it in person.

Minoru(subtitles): And Adam, you better enjoy your title reign while it lasts, because Ren will take it away from you at Takeover: Tampa Bay. And you will know that Suzuki-Gun is...

All of Us: ICHIBAN!!!

When his theme played the both of us hugged and the fans just cheered while this was going on.

In the back, Masami, Minoru, and myself changed into some clothes and went back to the house, but what will happen the following week will send me off the rails and not in a good way.

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