Grand Slayer (Danmachi FanFic...

By bfananiaman

186 11 4

During the vast travels of Hideyoshi, some gods looked at Hideyoshi and then going "I want that" they plucked... More

Short update


51 3 0
By bfananiaman


Hideyoshi and Bell looked at each other then back at the city they had just entered, Bell's eyes were filled with tears.

Bell (Teary Voice): S-So, this is the city my g-grandfather t-told me about. (Sob) What a beautiful day! (Thrust his hands into the air)

Hideyoshi looked around to see that some people were just staring at Bell, some with pessimism in their eyes, while some others had morbid curiosity in their eyes.Hideyoshi pulled Bell's hand down and pushed him forwards.

Bell (confused Voice): U-Um, Mr.Hideyoshi, w-what are y-you doing?

Hideyoshi: Well~ don't we have to find lodging.

Bell (Embarrassed Voice): Y-Ya, b-but where to?

Hideyoshi (Reassuring Voice): That will be taken care of by me, but you need to be the one to find a familia.

Bell (Confused Voice): B-B-But why me?

Hideyoshi: If I go to find a familia there will be many options for me, but they might and some with the right refused to take in you.

Bell: Alright I'll take a look around. (Try to walk away)

Hideyoshi: (Grab Bell's shoulder) Before you go to find a familia, we must first find housing.

Bell (Embarrassed Voice): U-Um, ya, right!


Bell looked around the market walking around to see if other familia members would take him.

Bell (Nervous Voice): U-Um, e-excuse me, (Look one way) Um s-sir (Look the other way) s-sir, sir! (Try to talk to a wolf man)

Wolf man (Agitated Voice): Don't disturbed me, RUT. (Glares at Bell)

Bell instinctively went for the gladius, but stopped himself from drawing it. Bell looked down avoiding eye contact with anyone and walked away.

Bell [Thought: What will I do now? No matter what I do I just, I just can't.] (Sobs) (Bump into someone) OW!

Woman: OW! (Place a hand on her head) HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! (Notice Bell is sobbing) Hey... (Silences) Are, are you ok?

Bell (Sadden Voice): I-I still can't find a familia, I keep disappointing my sensei, I just can't do right!

Woman: Well~ I have a familia that you can join, because~ I'm a Goddess.

Bell (Excited Voice): WOW! Really, YES! Finally! What is your name Goddess? (Bows)

Hestia: Well are you polite, my name is Hestia.

Bell: So~ you are from the Hestia familia?

Hestia (Sarcastic Voice): Wow, are you a smart one! (Bop his nose)

Bell: H-Hey it just, well um. I don't know.

Hestia: Well never mind that, (Look at Bell) well care to take me to your sensei?

Bell: Um, sure Goddess.


Hestia looked at the opelcest of the place Bell was staying at and questioned how has this boy not found a familia yet.


When entering the building the room that they entered was significantly decorated with marble and other beautiful furnituring decorating the room. Hestia looked around to find that the building is spectacular with little to complain about.

Receptionist (Polite Voice): Greeting Mr.Bell, any luck finding a familia yet?

Bell (Proud Voice): Actually I found a Goddess already! (Step to the side) HERE SHE IS!

The receptionist took one good look at Hestia and looked confused, looking at it from all angles.

Receptionist: Is that a new Goddess that came down? She looks quite new to me?

Hestia (Embarrassed Voice): Well I just came down like 2 months ago, and well

Receptionist: All of the adventurers have been swept up by the stronger familia.

Hestia quietly shook her head with the receptionist taking in a good laugh.

Receptionist: Well I hope your familia grows to be a great defender of the city, Goddess.

Hestia nodded with a determined look on her face as Bell took her to Hideyoshi's room. Hestia's excitement slowly turned to anxiousness as they drew closer to Hideyoshi's room, when entering they could hear cracking from the fire. Getting closer Hestia's heart began to pound louder and louder.

Hestia (Nervous Voice) [Thoughts: Why is my heart racing like this!?] (Inhale) (Exhale) [It's going to be fine, I'm a Goddess, there is nothing to fear, YOU GOT THIS.]

Rounding the corner they saw Hideyoshi quietly reading a book with several others piled high around him and kept away from the fireplace. Both Bell and Hestia were trying to look for Hideyoshi, but couldn't find him.

Bell (Confused Voice): He said he would still be here?


Bell and Hestia were shocked by the sudden sound of the thud, looking in the direction of the thud to see a black figure coming right at them. Hesita almost had a heart attack after seeing the figure.

Bell (Excited Voice): (Runs toward Hideyoshi) Sensei! Sensei! I found a familia to join and I brought her along!

Hideyoshi: That's good, should we meet this goddess.

Bell: Well~ she is actually right here! (Step aside) TA-DA!

Hideyoshi "looked" at Hestia while Hestia is internally panicking about this whole ordeal. Hestia wanted to scream, she wanted to run away from him, but something else compelled her to stay and witness. Hideyoshi was extending out his hand and Hestia was about to flinch.

Hideyoshi (Pleasant Voice): It is my pleasure to meet you. My name is Hideyoshi.

Hestia (Shocked Voice): Y-Ya (Silences) The pleasure is m-mine. Mine is Hestia.

Hideyoshi: Should we leave your place goddess Hestia.

Hestia: Ya~ it may not be what you expect.

Hideyoshi: It's fine goddess, I'm sure it can't be that bad.


They arrived at a dilapidated church, one in ruins. Bell looked a little bit disappointed and Hideyoshi didn't show any emotion that Hestia could see, she tried to discern what Hideyoshi was thinking, but could sense nothing.

Hideyoshi: This place is fine~, just needs some renovation.

Hestia: Where are you going to get the money?

Hideyoshi: Bell, can you wait outside for a while?

Bell: Of course sensei! (Leaves the church)

Hideyoshi: You and Bell don't have to worry about those things anymore, I take care of the finances and you will be the face of this familia.

Hestia looked at Hideyoshi with tears starting to form in her eyes. She was so happy that she grabbed Hideyoshi's hands.

Hestia: (Sob) T-Thank you, t-t-thank you, so much.

Hideyoshi (Sarcastic Voice): You should probably stop crying, it is unbecoming of a goddess.

Hesita wiped the tears off of her face and smiled at Hideyoshi. Opening the doors to reveal Bell looking at Hideyoshi with excitement.

Bell: Are we going to become members of the Hestia Familia!?

Hideyoshi: Yes, yes we are.

Bell: (Jump into the air) THIS IS THE START TO MY JOURNEY, LETS GO!

Hideyoshi smiled at the excited Bell and Hestia looked at the both of them ready to move toward the future with them and the people who are going to join this adventure.

-12:29 A.M.-

Bell and Hideyoshi received blessing from Hestia, reading what is on their piece of paper.


LV . 1





MAGIC : I 66

Bell looked at his sheet proudly then looked at Hideyoshi, Hideyoshi found that Bell under all of that glee was an underlying tone of confusion.

HIdeyoshi: Are you wondering how you got that magic stat, right?

Bell merely nodded his head.

Hideyoshi: I do not know why, but it is still great news for you. (Pat Bell on the back)

Bell (Thankful Voice): Sensei, (Silences) thank you for everything you have done for me.

Hideyoshi: (Pat Bell on the back) I may have been your guide, but this. (Point at Bell's sheet) That is all you, not me.

Bell was very excited to finally join the guild, but then looking at Hideyoshi Bell's face changed to one of curiosity.

Bell: Um sensei, can I see your sheet?

Hideyoshi: Sure.


LV . 1





MAGIC : S 932

Bell looked shocked by the stats that Hideyoshi is showing, surprised was the one expression Bell had on his face, Bell was stopped in his tracks.

Hideyoshi: (Stop) Bell? (Turned around) Bell. (Put his hand on his shoulder) Bell, are you ok?

Bell (Excited Voice): WOW! Your stats are amazing! Howdidyougetsostrong! Howdidyoumanage! Howdidyougetyourstatesaboveansrank!

Hideyoshi: Slow down there, (Put his hand on Bell's shoulder) relaxed, (Smiles) I explain it to you while we walk. BUT~ I would rather never have to go through that joining a familia ever again.

Bell: Alright sensei, but why not?

Hideyoshi: Well I have quite the history of branding, so I would personally like to never have to go through that experience again.

Bell: I sorry sensei, I hope I didn't bring any bad out!

Hideyoshi: No worries, let's just move on.


Hideyoshi: And that is how I got those stats.

Bell (Amazed Voice): WOW! That's incredible, you must be really good!

Hideyoshi: Ya, but there is always room for improvement. (Look forwards) Looks like we are here.

Bell: Huh?

Hideyoshi: (Point) Right there.

Bell's eyes widened and he went quiet, Bell's grip on his sheet of paper tightened. An expression of wanderlust and determination was felt by everyone around them, with many different adventurers looking at them. Some had the look of curiosity, others looked more akin to a predator just discovering their prey, while others looked on with cynicism just like how they were met when they entered the city. All of this didn't cause Hideyoshi's scarf to tighten, but Hideyoshi felt someone or something was watching them, that is what caused Hideyoshi to look at the tower. That is where he fell, but after a while the gaze was lifted and his scarf loosened. Hideyoshi was thinking about what he felt just now, trying to figure out what was causing him to feel that way.

Bell: Sensei! (Runs back to Hideyoshi) Sensei, are you ok?

Hideyoshi: (Snapped back) Hm, yes I'm ok. (Grab Bell) Let's go. (Wrapped Bell in his cloak)

The person that was watching him and Bell was in fact in the massive stone tower, the room was fantastically decorated with books, beautifully embroidered rugs, and decorated with paintings of several people. One wall of the room is a one way mirror in the direction of the guild halls, a woman with white hair and scantily dressed looked out of her room still staring at Bell.

White hair woman (Seductive Voice): Ottar~.

Ottar (Ominous Voice): Yes my Goddess.

White hair goddess: Found out what- Hum he disappeared.

Ottar: What the issue my goddess.

White hair goddess: Find any information on the boy with white hair, his familia and who is in that familia.

Ottar: Yes my goddess.

The white hair goddess always had a smile on her face still looking for Bell.


Eina: Welcome adventurers, my name is Eina Tulle. Are you here to register?

Bell: Yes ma'am we are here to register!

Eina: Good may I see your stat sheets?

Hideyoshi and Bell gave Eina, Eina took a look at the sheet and was shocked to see Hideyoshi's and Bell's stats.

Eina (Shock Voice): H-How are you stats this high already!?

Bell:Training and practice Ms.Eina. (Smile)

Eina was stunned momentarily then regained her composure.

Eina: I-I will post your stats on the adventurer's board and I will need you to fill out this form.


Hideyoshi was helping Bell fill out his form when Eina came back with another lip of paper. Eina waited patiently as Hideyoshi guided Bell through the process and when he finally finished Hideyoshi handed in the papers.

Eina: Thank you for filling out the forms, now the final step would be to pay the fee to become an adventurer, and that would be~3,000 Valis please.

Hideyoshi was paying for everything which caused Bell to look quite embarrassed, but that does not matter now.

Bell [Thoughts: Now that I'm an adventurer, I finally start making money, and I can pay back what I owe to sensei and I can get all of the girls and become a legend like my grandfather and everyone will respect me!]

Bell tugged on Hideyoshi's cape to get going with Eina being stunned again by how cute Bell acted toward Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi: It's alright Bell, we'll get going soon enough.

When Hideyoshi finished talking to Eina about the dungeons, buying maps, and getting the information about the wares and goods shops in the city, they left the guide halls to get Bell a nice beginner set of armor before making their way into the dungeon.


Bell stabbed a kobold right into its eye with a spear then it disappeared, dropping a crystal and its item. Bell picked up the items and the crystals exhausted for the fight he just had, Hideyoshi looked like he could keep on going for centuries before even showing signs of tiredness. Bell with his brigandine, gambeson, greaves, and gauntlets he was already tired in just 40 minutes of fighting.

Hideyoshi (Concerned Voice): (looked toward Bell) Bell are you ok? Here (Pull out a stamina potion) this will help.

Bell then drank the potion looking more and more relieved and rejuvenated with each gulp, Bell was still tired but less so now.

Hideyoshi: Well I'm beat, you want to exit the dungeon.

Bell (Exhausted Voice): Ya~, (Lean off his spear) you go first sensei I just need to take a breather.

Hideyoshi: Bell, are you sure?

Bell: I'll be fine sensei. (Smiles) I'll be right behind you.

Hideyoshi nodded then walked out of the area they were in, Bell caught his breath before going after Hideyoshi. Bell looked around the area admiring the wonder of this area. Bell could see that Hideyoshi was just ahead and quickly ran to him.




Suddenly Bell could feel the ground tremble when a minotaur burst out of one of the entrances blocking Bell from Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi turned around to find that the minotaur was blocking the passage for Bell to escape. Hideyoshi then stabbed the minotaur with his saber right into its head, killing it. Bell looked shocked by what just happened, but he was knocked out of it as more minotaurs were coming their direction.

Hideyoshi (Calm Voice): Bell, I'm going to need you to cover your nose.

Bell: W-What about y-you sensei (About to reach out for Hideyoshi)

Hideyoshi: Bell, I'll be fine, now please, cover your nose. (Pull out small pellet bombs)

Hideyoshi threw the pellet bombs at the group of minotaurs, with the pellets breaking on contracting with the minotaurs. The minotaurs couldn't stop their charge in time rushing straight into the haze, passing through it they felt nothing that first. They smiled now, slowly walking in the direction of Hideyoshi and Bell. Bell looked horrified, but still he covered his nose with Hideyoshi still looking as calm as ever.




The minotaurs then slowly one by one dropped to the ground, unconscious. Hideyoshi walked over to the unconscious minotaurs stabbing them right in the neck killing them instantly. The minotaurs dropped their items and their blood gushed out covering Hideyoshi, turning to Bell. Hideyoshi simply nodded and Bell looked at Hideyoshi before he collected all of the loot.

Hideyoshi: (Looked at Bell) You did great. (Patted Bell on the back and walked out)

Bell was momentarily stunned by this before quickly following after him.

Bell: Sensei, how did I do well? You were the one to do all of the work.

Hideyoshi: You stayed calm and collected, you didn't panic and falter. That is something not all new adventurers and even some older adventurers can do.

Bell looked at Hideyoshi, it was funny as his face was getting blurrier and blurrier, then darkness.


Hestia: Welcome back ho— BY THE GODS, WHAT HAPPENED!?

Hideyoshi: Alright before we—


Hideyoshi: BEFORE. We talk, I need to take Bell to bed.

Hestia stayed quiet just nodded her head to allow Hideyoshi to pass into the newly constructed temple without being questioned further, Hideyoshi placed Bell in his plush bed. Then went to his room to change into something that he was more comfortable in.

Hideyoshi: (Sit down) Alright now we can talk, but please do keep it down, Bell is sleeping.

Hestia was scared when she heard Hideyoshi's voice, looking in his direction to see Hideyoshi.


Hestia (Tired Voice): (Sigh) Why do my children have to be so troublesome, (Look at Hideyoshi and smiles) at least I can trust you to keep the familia safe, so~ thank you.

Hideyoshi: It is all to protect the Bell from getting into too much trouble. (Chuckle)




Hestia: I-I know it is something personal, but there is something off about you.

Hideyoshi straightened up with that statement, with Hestia taking a deep sigh. Hideyoshi observed that she was still contemplating what would be her response after what she had just said.

Hestia: Well~ you are stronger than you level sheet would suggest, you are hiding something from me and Bell.




Hestia: I just need to know, can I trust you to be a leader to my familia?

Hideyoshi: (Sigh) We both care deeply about this familia, we both know that Bell is still inexperienced in fighting, and we know that we as a familia is still small in comparison to others, but now we as a familia have to build ourselves up first. Leave the worrying to me.

Hestia shook her head without looking up at Hideyoshi, Hideyoshi walked upstairs to check up on Bell.

Hestia: Hideyoshi!

Hideyoshi looked back at Hestia.

Hestia: Thank you, thank you for everything.

Hideyoshi simply nodded his head and walked upstairs. He spared a glances toward Hestia again seeing her collapsed on the plush sofa, before checking on Bell. Hideyoshi entered Bell's room to see that he was still unconscious, with a sigh Hideyoshi pulled out his pocket watch.

-1:43 P.M.-

Hideyoshi then got up and exited the rebuilt church, turning his head toward the church snickering to himself as he walked out. Traveling to the guild hall taking out the letter that he got from the parents.

Hideyoshi: Alnwick Bowmore.

Entering the hall. Hideyoshi had to push through the hordes of people standing around waiting for their teammates to finish trading in all of the crystals. Hideyoshi looked for Eina, trying to calm down two adventurers arguing about something or another.

Hideyoshi: Ms.Eina.

Eina: (Look in the direction of Hideyoshi) AH! Mr.Hideyoshi! How can I assist you?

The two looked at Hideyoshi then back at Eina, they then turned their attention fully toward Hideyoshi. One of them was an elf and the other was a human. Both of them were staring daggers at Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi: Ms.Eina, I have a question for you. Do you know what Familia this man is in? (Hand her the letter)

Eina: (Take the letter) OH. Uh, l-let's t-talk in the back.

Hideyoshi and Eina walked away with the two adventurers still eyeing Hideyoshi with them about to pull a sword out. That was when a different adventurer popped out.

Mysterious adventurer: Hello gentlemen, may I ask what is going on?

The elf: That and his brutish human, interrupted my conversation with Ms.Eina and-

The human: WHO ARE YOU CALLING BRUTISH! I have more grace than you will ever have in your life!

The two were about to turn their sword against one another, but the mysterious adventurer forced the sword back into their sheaths. The two looked at the mysterious stranger about to scream at him.

Mysterious adventurer: Gentlemen, we are causing a scene.

Every adventurer in the hall stared at them.

Mysterious adventurer: Nothing to see here my lovely adventurer, just a simple dispute.

Most adventurers turned away to refocus on what they were doing previously, but a few still had their eyes on them. The mysterious adventurer chuckled before taking his new-found fellows away.


Hideyoshi: So he is registered with The Soma Familia?

Eina: Yes I'm afraid that this is all that I can offer you, everything else is confidential between the familia and the guild. (Hand Hideyoshi back the letter)

Hideyoshi: That's alright, this is enough for a start. (Take back the letter) Oh! Actually, (Search his back) I have a few of these crystals to turn in. (Place a crystal on the table)

Eina (Shocked Voice): H-How did you get this!?! (Quickly grabs them and inspect them)

Hideyoshi: I~ got it from sleeping minotaurs, which I killed.

Eina looked like she was having an existential crisis trying to find anything that indicated that it was on what she was seeing.

Eina: B-But b-but, you, ho-. (Narrow eyes) What are you?

Hideyoshi: (Sigh) (Took out pellet bombs) I knocked them out with this. (Place them on the table) Don't worry, it won't go off.

Eina hesitating when to pick up the pellet bombs, once she got over the fear of them activating she could see how wonderfully created they are. She marveled at how the craftsmanship and although worn and beaten they were still intact.

Hideyoshi: (Take the pellet bombs back) I still believe that you have a job to do, and I believe that there are people waiting for their turn to speak with you.

With a quick nod she got up and left the room with Hideyoshi and a bright smile plastered on her face. She went back to the counter taking the crystal bag from him.

Eina: Thank you for the business! (Pass over several bags of valis)

Hideyoshi nodded and walked out of the building with some people staring at him when...


A shout rang through the halls with footsteps running straight at Hideyoshi, his scarf tightening.




Everyone in the hall was momentarily stunned when two adventurers suddenly attacked another. Both of them looked enraged, attacking Hideyoshi with strike after strike. He had his saber and messer out, blocking the two attacks from the adventurers they backed up. Hideyoshi jumped over them sheathing his saber before forming it into a shield. He charged at the two adventurers, Hideyoshi then extended the shield slamming into the elf adventurer knocking him back. Quickly retracing it blocking a blow from the human adventurer, a quick swipe and a smack with the messer's pummel dropping him to the ground.

Elf adventurer: Take this! (Thrust his sword at Hideyoshi)

A slight movement to the left and a raised right arm slammed himself into the messer; the other adventurers in the hall were stunned; they rushed to apprehend the attackers. Hideyoshi took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

-4:37 P.M.-

Eina: Mr.Hideyoshi! Mr.Hideyoshi! Are you alright!?!

Hideyoshi: (Turns around) I'm fine, I-I just hope that I wasn't too rough to them.

Eina looked surprised with Hideyoshi.

Eina: Why would you worry about the safety of the people who attack you?

Hideyoshi: Well there are plenty of reasons why, I'll illuminate two. First, I would rather not start a war between two familia or more. Second, they won't be able to provide for their familia. (Take out his pocket watch) Oh, look at the time (Show his pocket watch) it would appear that I have to go. See you later Ms.Eina. (Tips his hat)

Before Eina could respond or anyone else for that matter Hideyoshi disappeared, Eina and many others were in shock at how Hideyoshi could evade the detection of so many different adventurers. Eina just sighs and moves back to her deck to finish out her work for the day.


(Word Counter: 3891)

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