Fighting for The Eradicator

By Casanova702

18.4K 580 14

Cassandra is the daughter of the famous Triple H. As she works as Director of Creative for WWE. This is where... More

Meeting Her
Check Mate
Date Night with the Nightmare
Not Finished
Fight for us
What about Us
Thoughts and Prayers
A Reminder
Fixing us
bad things comes in threes
I need you
Believing you
Dying Wish
Your Rubber Band
Don't Let Me Fall
Teasing and Jealousy

Life away from home.

672 24 0
By Casanova702

Cassandra's POV
The time Ive spent at my parents house as been nice as it filled the void I had in my heart. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom as Zeus was laying next to me , I was on my phone and scrolling through instagram. I saw that Demi posted something on her story. I was curious to see what she is up to now that I'm not there. There was a picture of Barry and Luna in the living room as the sat on top of the couch, but I saw that she painted the room the color I picked out a long time ago. It looked like the house was clean and being taken care of which was a relief. I kept clicking through her pictures until I saw her with someone that looks like her . I'm guessing it's her sister. I've never met her sister in person like I did her parents. Demi looked happy and relaxed as she smiled in the picture. I felt a small pain in my heart as I missed her, how it was lonely being here. I shut my phone off as I rolled over and tried to sleep but the thought of her kept me awake.
I was awoken by my siblings running into my room as my father told them to leave me alone. I smiled as I  watched them climb in bed with me and lay next to Zeus who looked unamused at this situation right now, my dog loves to sleep. That's when my mom walked in as she called for the little ones. " Come on guys breakfast is ready, leave your sister and Zeus alone guys. Coffee is downstairs if you would like some sweetheart." My mom smiled at me as she walked out with my siblings following her. The past week my mom and I have been getting closer, as there wasn't awkwardness between us as much. I looked at Zeus who just stared at me . " You hungry big guy?" he just wagged his tail as I started to get out of the bed and make my way downstairs. My parents house was pretty elaborate as they had marble floors and a huge staircase , and basically everything you could think of. Even though my parents were extremely wealthy people, they never flaunted it or used it to gain egos. I walked into the kitchen to see my parents and siblings around the table as my mom left a plate of food for me. I grabbed a cup of coffee as I made my way to the table which made my dad happy, as he is the biggest family man. We sat together in silence as we all ate, conversation here and there. " Mom, are you busy today?" I looked over to her as she raised her brows , taking a sip of her coffee. " No, I'm free today, why?" I saw my dad smile as he saw the effort I was making with her. " Well I wanted to get some new clothes and Zeus needs more dog food, I was wondering if you could come with me as we don't get to have alone time together anymore." I saw something in her eyes as they looked at me, happiness. She smiled at me as she nodded excitedly. " Okay then , wanna go around 12? Dad would mind if I left Zeus here while we go?" I looked over to Zeus who my little sister was hanging off of. He laughed and placed his hand on my shoulder as he walked away. I took my plate and placed it in the sink as I walked back upstairs to get ready. I just wore a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans with my vans. I looked at my phone and saw Demi Texted me this morning with a picture of the dogs looking super cute. I miss them and I miss being home but I think that this is what we needed. I sent her a quick response but nothing too serious. I could see the effort she was making to change things but the question still remains. How long will it last? I put some light makeup on and brushed my teeth, throwing my hair into a ponytail. I walked back downstairs to see my dad doing the dishes in the kitchen as Zeus sat next to him. " What is your new best friend Dad?" He looked down at Zeus , petting his head as he called him such a good boy. 
"He sure is, it's nice having a dog in the house. your siblings love him, it feels more like a home when you and him visit." I knew my dad missed having me home and when I moved to be with Demi it killed him a little to be so far from me. " You're more than welcome to stay here, you know." He just looked at me as he stopped washing the dishes. I knew he wanted me to talk to him about everything that happened but I didn't want to yet because I didn't know where I stood. I just gave him a soft smile as I leaned against the counter as my mom came down the stairs. " Why don't I drive today?" my mom asked as she walked over to my dad who wrapped his arms around my mom. I agreed as I watched how in love my parents were with each other , it reminded me of how me and Demi were with each other.  How she would walk into the kitchen and hug me from behind as she placed kisses all over my face, or how she'd look at me like I was the only person in the room. I heard my mom calling me as I looked up at her . " you okay honey?" She gave me a worried expression as she looked at me. I just smiled as I shook my head , as Zeus left my dads side to crawl through my legs. I leaned down placing a kiss on his nose as I ruffled his fur, hearing him give me a soft grunt. "You ready?" I looked up as I walked towards the garage door following my mom
to her car.
We drove in silence for a while listening to music as my mom hummed to some of the songs. " How are you doing love?" She asked me as she lowered the music, still keeping her eyes on the road. I just looked out the window as i sunk more into my seat. "It hurts , I'm hurt. I mean being home definitely helps but I miss my home, I miss being home with her mom. It's like a part of me is missing and I can't do anything to replace it. I know what she did was wrong and stupid but that doesn't mean I still don't love her. I miss the Demi that would tell me she loves me randomly because she just wanted to make sure I knew, or how I'd come home from the gym or somewhere and she'd have a meal ready for me. I just miss the side of her that was genuine I guess. I just don't know what happened, I understand that she was going through something. But it was like someone made her believe I was the enemy to her." My mom gave me a small smile as she continued to drive. " Did i ever tell you how your father and I got together?" I just looked at her confused but i was always under the impression it was because he worked with her. "No, i just thought you two got together because you worked together." She let out a sigh, as she looked over at me quickly. " When I met your father , he was with the DX group at the time . So your uncle shawn, your dad and then Joanie. You're dad was with jonnie at the time as they kept their relationship mostly private. Well when you're dad and I met we got closer and closer. He eventually cheated on Joanie for me and then left her. I know what it feels like to have a piece of you missing because that's how I feel with your father. I've been in situations where your dad made me look bad and has made the company look bad. Our relationship wasn't like it is now, it took both of us to really understand what we both needed and wanted from each other. Cassandra, I don't understand your lifestyle choices but I know you loved that demi more than life itself. I can't excuse the fact that she has cheated on you or done other things, but i know you aren't yourself right now. So tell me what do you want in life?" She shocked me as my mom and I never had a heart to heart before , as we just screamed at each other. I sat in silence for a while as I thought about what I wanted. " I want to fight her for being so stupid. Mom, I still want her. I want the house , the dogs, everything I had with her. She became my life and I don't know how to live one without her. I know it sounds messed up and will absolutely look bad in the company but I want her back." She just smiled as she parked the car, turning slightly over to me and grabbed my hands. "My sweet girl, listen to me. Nothing will make the company look bad anymore as everyone knows what's going on half the time. If you still love her like you say you do honey then work things out with her. If you want to fight her then fight her, but make it fair. She's in a faction now so make it even more difficult for her to win." she gave me a sly look as she got out of the car.  The rest of the day was honestly the best day I've had with my mom , we were actually getting along and no fighting. I thought a lot about what she said as I took her advice . If Demi and I were to get back together we need to understand what we both want and need from each other. She told me that she wants to prove to me that she wants this, so I should at least give her the opportunity to make it right. I thought about what my mom said at the end though about the fight and how to make it fair. I think it would be entertaining to see the judgment day go against a faction of my choice. I'll talk about it with my father first and then I'll make some calls and then I'll schedule it for when i'm ready to go back.

We came back to the house alittle after 5:30 and we found my dad outside grilling hamburgers while my sister ran around with Zeus. My dad smiled as he saw and my mom laughing as we walked up to him. " Oh god how hard of a hit did my credit card take today while you guys went shopping?" I laughed as my mom rolled her eyes as she smacked his arm. I walked inside to place the bags away and put Zeus's food in the kitchen. I walked back outside as I heard Zeus barking as my sister had his ball in her hand, throwing it as far as she could as he ran after it. "So , was it a good day?" my father asked as he walked over to me. " Yeah, it actually was. Mom gave me some good advice about what I should do. Which means I need to ask you about something." He raised his eyebrows as he looked down at me. " What's the question, it's not going to cost me money I hope." I pushed him by his shoulders as he laughed at me. " No it's not dad, but I want to teach Edge and Demi both a little lesson I guess. I would fight anyone but I can't bring myself to fight her. Do you think you could help me pick out a few wrestlers to have a tag team match against them? Mom told me to make it fair but unfair." I just kept watching Zeus as he looked exhausted from playing. " Well, I mean that's fair. But don't take your anger out on her with the use of her job. If you want to teach her a lesson, show her why you gave her the matches you did, you were making her into the best wrestler we could have." I nodded as I agreed with him. "So, pick out a few people that are going to I guess put her in her place almost. She is a great girl and I don't want you to think that I hate her, she's going to be super successful but sometimes us wrestlers get cocky in the ring. I know I did, and I had matches that taught me lessons and made me remember who I was. so teach her that, remind her of who she is in the ring and then talk to her about why you did it."  I smiled as I looked up to my dad , he smiled as he placed a kiss on my head. I walked out to my sister as she giggled as Zeus licked her face . " You like having Zeus here huh ." she smiled as she ran over to me as I picked her up. I looked back as I saw my other little sister running towards me as I ran away slowly as I played with her. I looked back over and saw my parents watching us as they were smiling brightly at the sight of all of us together. 

I spent a few more weeks at my parents as I took this time to really enjoy the time off and work on myself. Of course I'd watch Raw with my dad and we'd make comments on what we should schedule and who. I saw Demi on the TV alot as she was brutal in the ring and you can see how this heel turn honestly was the best move for her. Her and I have been talking more and she has seemed like she has been working on herself which made me feel better about not being home for so long. She's tell me about her days and how the dogs are crazy, shed talk about work here and there but I think she wanted to keep it separate. Things weren't weird or awkward but there was still this underlying tension between us. "What if this match was the last time for her to pinned?" My dad looked at me as I threw the question out. "What do you mean the last time?" He turned to me, taking off his glasses. " Well dad, you said it yourself you'd like to see a title on her . Let's make her work for it, she hasn't held a major title in a while .  I think she's ready to take the jump, have her pinned on more time and then give her the road to wrestlemania where she wins the title. I mean dad look at her , she's ready for this. The way she's acting and wrestling in the ring now . This is Rhea Ripley." He thought about it and then looked back at me. " Well I guess that's up to the director of Creative now isn't?" He kept a straight face to me as he waited for my answer. " I'll make a few calls then." I got up as I grabbed my phone, looking up the wrestlers I wanted to be involved with in this match. I quickly called someone who picked up quickly. I told her what I was thinking and when I would be coming back. She agreed to it without hesitation and loved the idea.  I called Finn Balor and Seth Rollins as I wanted two very dominant personalities in the ring to handle Edge and Priest. They both agreed to it without any hesitation and Finn was ready to get his hands on Priest as he caused issues within the OC I guess. I told them that it would be happening when in a few more weeks when I decide to come back to work and that Id let them now more when the time is coming closer. I walk back out to the living room and see that my mom has joined us as we all sat together and watched the rest of RAW. "So how do you feel about potentially going back to Florida soon, I mean you've been separated for almost 2 months Id say now. Do you think you're ready?" My mom just looked at me with a worried expression on her face as we were al silent for a moment. " I mean I think the time we've spent apart has done some good things for the both of us , I see the effort that she is putting in but also I'm hesitant with her. We were together for almost 3 years , engaged and just bought this house together. Now we're separated and I'm living back here and she's in the house still. She was so quick to blow up the relationship, how can I trust that she won't do it again. I miss her , I miss my home , but also I'm still heartbroken about everything."  My parents watched me as I continued talking , sharing glances between each other here and there. "There's a-lot of risk going back to her and honestly going back to my position. Especially with Edge running his mouth constantly at me and I personally don't want to deal with it anymore." I watched as my father signed placing down his glasses as he looked back over at me. "Edge will get the karma that he deserves here shortly. I'm shocked that Beth hasn't kicked his ass yet , that women was always a bad ass. Most importantly don't let this situation stop you from going back to your job. If that's the case then I think we will need to let Demi go and I know we both don't want to do that. She made the choice to do what she did. Now she has to live in the consequences of this action. You know that she's sorry and you said it yourself you can see the change in her, let her now prove it to you. If she really loves you like she claims then she will do whatever she needs to do to get you back. But remember no relationship is one sided even if one partner has made a mistake. You both have to work on this together, not just her." I bit my lip slightly as I looked back at my dad who was nothing but right. This relationship was going to need both me and Demi to really work together on us and figure us both out.  "I think I'm
going to stay here for a couple more weeks then Ill go to the Tennessee show that is coming up, and that's when I'll start back and I'll have the match for them then." My mom smiled and my dad nodded as he went back to the paperwork that he was doing. I said goodnight to my parents as I walked up stairs with Zeus following behind me.  I laid in bed as i thought about the match and how much it would cost me if my team loses. But most importantly how pissed is Demi going to be when I put her in the ring with the one person that she absolutely hates. Am I making the wrong decision here or am I making the right one to prove a point to her? I grabbed my phone as I saw Demi text me goodnight, Charlotte asking me when Im coming back and then a text from the person I chose saying how excited they are to see me. This is going to be actually my nightmare maybe.

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