Arman and Assar.

By hertahira

35.4K 3.3K 581

A FULANI COUSIN'S LOVE STORY --- "Whether you love me or not that's your problem, whether you want this marri... More

🦋Chapter 1🖤
🦋Chapter 2🖤
🦋Chapter 3🖤
🦋Chapter 4🖤
🦋Chapter 5🖤
🦋 Chapter 6🖤
🦋Chapter 7🖤
🦋Chapter 8🖤
🦋Chapter 9🖤
🦋Chapter 10🖤
🦋Chapter 11🖤
🦋Chapter 12🖤
🦋Chapter 13🖤
🦋Chapter 14🖤
🦋Chapter 15🖤
🦋Chapter 16🖤
🦋Chapter 17🖤
🦋 Chapter 18🖤
🦋Chapter 19🖤
🦋Chapter 20🖤
🦋Chapter 21🖤
🦋Chapter 22🖤
🦋 Chapter 23🖤
🦋 Chapter 24🖤
🦋Chapter 25🖤
🦋Chapter 26🖤
🦋Chapter 27🖤
🦋Chapter 28🖤
🦋Chapter 29🖤
🦋Chapter 30🖤
🦋Chapter 31🖤
🦋Chapter 32🖤
🦋Chapter 33🖤
🦋Chapter 34🖤
🦋Chapter 35🖤
🦋Chapter 36🖤
🦋Chapter 37🖤
🦋Chapter 38🖤
🦋Chapter 39🖤
🦋Chapter 40🖤
🦋Chapter 41🖤
🦋Chapter 42🖤
🦋Chapter 43🖤
🦋Chapter 44🖤
🦋Chapter 45🖤
🦋Chapter 46🖤
🦋Chapter 47🖤
🦋Chapter 49🖤
🦋Chapter 50🖤
🦋Chapter 51🖤
🦋Chapter 52🖤
🦋Chapter 53🖤
🦋Chapter 54🖤
🦋Chapter 55🖤
🦋Chapter 56🖤
🦋Chapter 57🖤
🦋Chapter 58🖤
🦋Chapter 59🖤
🦋Chapter 60🖤
🦋Chapter 61🖤
🦋Chapter 62🖤
🦋Chapter 63🖤
🦋Chapter 64🖤
🦋Chapter 65🖤

🦋Chapter 48🖤

423 35 7
By hertahira


Song: Under the influence.
Artist(s): Chris Brown.


(Author's POV)

"Yes mum why didn't you tell me he remarried how's our plan going to work now" Alayna complained with her phone pressed on her ears.

"I also had no idea he remarried I'm just hearing it from you now" her mother replied.

"Mum help me think of something I can't give up on him like this" Alayna complained.

"Okay first be calm you can't stress yourself you know your pregnant" her mother responded.

"Mum he doesn't even believe the child is his" she said sadly.

"Who's child is it Alayna?" Her mother asked.

"Mum it's his, I can bet my life on it, his the father of this child" she responded.

"You can bet your life?, Why are you speaking like you've had other men child before" her mother asked suspiciously.

"How can you say that, you know I've not, Aliyu is the only man to ever touch me" she said convincingly.

"I've heard, just be calm, being rude to his wife won't make him like you, you know you both are divorced all you can do is to be patient with him, he still loves you, his just angry and besides you're carrying his child, he won't want to abadon his child, maybe if you're nice and responsible he might marry you after the baby is born" her mother said as she sighed fustratedly, all this would have been possible if Aliyu wasn't aware of her extra marital affairs.

"Mum, you know what, I need some air now, I'll call you later" she said.

"Just take care of yourself and don't cause any problem with him and his wife" her mother advised.

"Okay I've heard, thank you" she said hanging up immediately.

Frustrated, sighing she buries her face on her bed thinking of what to do, she obviously can't handle this on her won especially with the nature of Maryam.

She thought Maryam would be a calm and gentle woman who was easy to control but then finding out she doesn't take shit, and Aliyu whose busy worshipping her listening to whatever she says.

"That's right Hameeda" she said as she quickly dialed her friend's number.

"Please pick up, please pick" she kept saying till finally the call was answered.

"Assalamualaikum" the caller said.

"Walaikum Salam kawata(my friend)" Alayna said in a joyous tone.

"Alayna, are you the one calling me today" the caller responded.

"Yes fah, how have you been?" she asked .

"You that forgot me when you went to Dubai now you're calling asking where I've been, I've been where you left me" Hameeda responded quite upset.

"Don't be angry at me fah, you know how life there is, I was really busy and occupied" Alayna responded.

"Busy and occupied with different men ko" Hameeda said.

"Kiyi hakuri mana (please don't be upset)" Alayna said.

"Toh naji ki, (okay I've heard), so why did you call me today" Hameeda asked knowing Alayna only calls her when she needs help or advice.

"Hameeda wlhi I need your help fah" she said.

"What happened?"  She asked.

"I'm back in Nigeria and in Aliyu's house, this man has cheated on me, his now married to another woman and the way he keeps treating her in my presence, Hameeda gaskiya I don't think there's any place left for me in his life" Alayna explained worriedly.

"Ah torh, you seff, didn't I tell you to keep your extra marital affairs away from him but you were busy saying you're just doing it to make him jealous and besides he loves he won't do anything now his married I hope you have seen the consequences ba" Hameeda said not ready to involve herself in Alayna matters again.

"Haba mana, how can you be talking like this, I called you because I know you'll have an idea on what I can do about it" Alayna responded.

"Me honestly, I don't know what to tell you, you've ruined all the chances with him it's better you just look for another man after all you're still young and beautiful any man would want you" Hameeda responded.

"Hameeda, I'm pregnant, I can't just leave him" Alayna said.

"Pregnant Kuma?, Who's the dad?" Hameeda asked knowing well Aliyu's not the father.

"It's one of my boyfriend's but his married and he has completely blocked me out of his life there's no way I can contact him and the doctor said if I should abort this I can loose my womb and I don't want that to happen, I've aborted 8 times now I can't afford to loose my womb" Alayna said.

"How many times have you gotten pregnant for Aliyu?" Hameeda asked.

"Just once but I miscarried it" she responded.

"While you were still married to him, when last did you two have sex?" Hameeda asked again.

"Omo, that man, since the first time he found out I was sleeping with other men he completely stopped being intimate with me and that was I think 4/5 years ago" Alayna responded.

"Haaa, how many months is your pregnancy?" She asked.

"4 months" Alayna responded.

"The last time he had sex with you was 4/5 years ago, and his aware of your extra marital affairs and you come back to his house 4 months after your divorce with a 4 months old pregnancy and you want him to believe his the father, Alayna let me ask you, do you have sense at all abi you lost everything in Dubai?" Hameeda said trying her best not to be rude.

"Hameeda are you now judging me?, I called you here cause I know you're my friend and you can help me and now look at what you're saying" Alayna complained

"I'm not judging you oo, I just don't know if you're thinking at all, this man knows you very well and is well aware of all the things you did when he was married to you, do you think his that dumb to accept a pregnancy he knows well enough his not responsible for" Hameeda said.

"The way you're talking seff, I hope you've not forgotten that I'm also aware of all your extra marital affairs and even the three children you gave birth to are not your husband's kids" Alayna said reminding her that she's aware of her secrets as well.

"Yes, you're aware of it now use your head, is my situation and your situation the same, did my husband stop sleeping with me 4 years ago and I just came one day to tell him that I'm pregnant and boom he said yes it's his baby?" Hameeda said.

"Don't forget I still have all the explicit pictures of you with different men, thank God I even have your husband number seff I'll just forward them to him then maybe when he decides to get married to another woman you'll understand what I'm going through" Alayna said more like a warning.

"Are you threatening me?, Did you call me to threaten me and besides I've stopped sleeping with other men for years now, I'm only focusing on my husband" Hameeda said in defense

"All that won't matter when he sees the pictures so just let me know if you can't help me so I'll know the next cause of action to take" Alayna said.

"How do you expect me to help you when you're threatening me?" Hameeda asked.

"You know what, just forget about the help, let me chat your husband up, by tonight you know not to judge me" Alayna said about to hang up.

"Calm down na, why are you acting like this, did I say I won't help you" Hameeda said more in a plea like tone.

"Weren't you just judging sntd insulting me now?" Alayna said.

"I'm sorry you hear, let's forget about all that, let's just think of how to make Aliyu yours again" Hameeda said.

"Better, so what do you have in mind?" Alayna asked.

"Honestly speaking, Aliyu will never accept that pregnancy, there's no proof it's his and if you keep persisting it his and he decides to run a DNA test and it turns out negative he'll completely get rid of you and you'll loose every chance with him" Hameeda said.

"See I can't loose him, what do you think I should do?" Alayna said

"I think you should just focus on making him fall in love with you again" Hameeda said.

"His married and always with his wife, he never even spare anytime to listen to me, how would I make him fall for me and that his wife is a bitch, she's not just an easy woman to deal with" Alayna responded.

"Seduce him then" Hameeda said.

"Is it with this big belly I'll do that" Alayna complained.

"It's doesn't have to be sexually seducing him, you can do that emotionally, maybe remind him of some of the good times you both had together and maybe his feelings could come back" Hameeda said.

"Hmm, I doubt this would work but anyways I'll try, thanks for the tips I'll keep you updated" Alayna said.

"Okay then, I have to pick my children up from school now, we'll talk next time" Hameeda said ready to hang up.

"Okay, Sha make sure you pick up my call when it's comes through" Alayna said more like a warning.

"I will, bye" she responded immediately ending the call.

Frustrated she keeps the phone on the bed she low-key regrets that she had to treat Hameeda that way, now even if Hameeda doesn't say it they're no longer friends not after the threats she made to ruin her marriage.

Only thing going on in her mind now was how to win Aliyu over especially with that Maryam around. She just needs to focus on Aliyu, that's the only way to win in this game.

After much thoughts she decides to go downstairs and there she meets Aliyu in the living room on a call.

She looks around and there were no signs of Maryam, 'now's her chance' she thought to herself before approaching him.

Seeing the lady walking up to him he looks at her from head to toe with an annoyed expression before continuing his conversation looking away from her.

Alayna arrives at the living room and sits on a chair next to him looking at him and waiting for him to ends his call.

"Muhammad, let's continue this conversation in an hour, something just came up" he said as he ends the call not interested in talking about his business in the presence of this gold digger.

"Aliyu" she called in a calm tone as he gave her a bored look before attempting to get up and leave.

"Aliyu" she called again as he just kept walking out on her without giving her a response.

Seeing the man leaving brought up mixed thoughts within her, without thinking Alayna gets up back hugging Aliyu as he froze in his spot.

"Aliyu" she called in a gentle tone as he remained silent.

Aliyu stood there shocked, unable to push her away, she was so comforting, he remembered when she use to hug him in this manner whenever he was angry from work, her hug use to make him calm and it was doing the same now.

Mixed feelings were going on within him now, he could feel his love and affection for her coming back at the same time he knows she's manipulating his emotions to get back in his life.

(Aliyu's POV)

Why is she doing this?, Why will she be hugging me and me why can't I push her away?, I know it's obviously not cause she's pregnant but something about her hug made me calm, my heart felt at peace, it's as if the only sounds I could hear was the sounds of the wind but I kept feeling so alive.

Her small hands holding my chest tightly and it felt so good and peaceful, I know she's trying to manipulate me so why I'm I not pushing her away?. Why is she winning this time as well?.

"Aliyu" she called my name as I slowly found myself turning to face her, I just had the urge to and I couldn't fight it.

"Aliyu" she called my name again and now I was looking at her eyes, they had those looks, the same looks they always had anytime she says she loves me, I can't tell if it's genuine or fake I only know it makes me happy and it was doing the same now.

"Alayna" I called her name, I don't know why I did that I just know I had the urge to and then she smiled at me, it's the same, the same smile I'll always want to end my busy day to come see, the same smile I'll spend a million on to see, and right now it's the same, it's giving me butterflies.

"I love you" I said unknowingly and kissed her, I don't know why I did this as well I just know I had to urge to and couldn't fight it, she made me feel happy and peaceful and right now I felt on top of the world, I'm not sure I can trade this for anything in this world...

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