The Australian quarterback

Galing kay illvefangam

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Brittany is a exchange student from Australia and Santana has been made to tour her around the school. Higit pa

The meeting
Football tryouts
Glee club
New quarterback
Anger, pettiness and jesus
First date & match
Spirt week
Blame it on the alcohol
Taylor swift week
Truths out
The new students
Healing, Love, and Revelation
The five day break
Rachels birthday
Mrs Rileys glee club
I hate you Sue Sylvester
Why isn't your hair wet Santana?
Rock week
Class project
Valentines week
Just the beginning
You're fired
Old feelings always resurface
Whats life without drama?
U-haul lesbian
Mr Worldwide


126 3 1
Galing kay illvefangam

With Homecoming just around the corner, the girls of the glee club gathered at Marley's house, excitement bubbling in the air. Marley, Sugar, Unique, Lauren, Quinn, Brittany, Tina, Kitty, and Rachel exchanged eager glances as they chatted animatedly about their plans for the upcoming event.

In the midst of their excited chatter, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their fashion-savvy friend, Kurt. With his impeccable taste and eye for style, Kurt had graciously offered to play the role of judge and help them choose their Homecoming dresses.

Lauren stood before the mirror, her reflection clad in a puffy yellow dress that seemed to engulf her frame. She couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating chuckle as she remarked, "I feel like a walking yellow meringue pie."

Brittany, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, chimed in with a perfectly serious expression, "Well, I think you look delicious."

The room burst into laughter, the tension momentarily lifting. Amidst the chuckles, Kurt stepped forward, his discerning eye taking in the ensemble. "Ladies, let's remember that dresses aren't designed to make anyone over size 2 look good," he commented diplomatically.

Lauren offered a wry smile, appreciating Kurt's honesty. She knew he was right; not every dress was suitable for every body type. After a thoughtful pause, Kurt continued, "You know, navy is a great color for you. It's slimming and elegant."

Lauren's eyes brightened as she considered the suggestion. The idea of finding a dress that made her feel confident and beautiful was appealing. With newfound determination, she nodded in agreement, her spirits lifted.

When Lauren returned to the room, the girls couldn't contain their excitement. A navy dress hugged her figure, accentuating her curves and enhancing her natural elegance. Cheers and applause erupted, and Kurt's smile was a testament to his successful guidance.

"That's the one," Kurt proclaimed, his voice filled with approval and pride. Lauren's heart swelled with gratitude as she realized that the right dress could truly transform how she felt about herself. With the support of her friends and Kurt's expert advice, she was ready to embrace Homecoming with newfound confidence, and the knowledge that beauty came in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Tina stood in front of the mirror, the dim lighting of the dressing room casting shadows across her figure as she wore a striking black and dark purple gothic dress. The intricate lace details and the dramatic contrast of colors seemed to resonate with her personal style.

Marley, with her gentle smile, was the first to speak up. "Tina, that dress suits you so well. It's like it was made for you."

Unique, known for her flair for the unique, added her agreement. "Absolutely, girl. It's like you and the dress were meant to be."

Kitty, her sharp wit not going unnoticed, chimed in, "Well, it's really emo, but it screams Tina, so I guess that's a win."

Laughter filled the room at Kitty's straightforward comment, and even Tina couldn't help but chuckle. She had always embraced her gothic style and unique taste in fashion, so the comment felt like a nod of approval.

Kurt, with his discerning eye for style, stepped forward and studied Tina's reflection thoughtfully. "You know, Tina, I think this dress is perfect for you. It captures your individuality and showcases your boldness."

Tina's eyes lit up as she met Kurt's gaze in the mirror. She had been uncertain about the dress before, but the combination of compliments from her friends and Kurt's approval made her feel like she was on the right track.

As Tina stood there in the striking gothic dress, she felt a surge of confidence and empowerment. The dress wasn't just fabric and lace; it was a statement, an expression of her true self. With her friends' support and Kurt's seal of approval, Tina was more than ready to rock her unique style at Homecoming, knowing that being true to herself was the most beautiful thing she could be.

Kitty twirled in front of the mirror, wearing a vibrant pink dress that had a certain youthful charm. As she posed, Brittany couldn't resist a playful jab, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Aw, Kitty, you look like a little kid playing dress-up."

Kitty shot Brittany a mock glare, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, if you can't handle this level of fashion, maybe I should give you a tutorial."

Sugar chimed in, "I'd totally wear that dress, Kitty!"

Kitty's expression shifted from playful to slightly caught off guard. She looked at Sugar and then glanced at her reflection in the mirror. The dress was undeniably cute, but perhaps it wasn't projecting the kind of image she wanted for Homecoming.

Determined not to be seen wearing something Sugar would, Kitty excused herself from the dressing room and quickly returned, this time in a dark blue dress that exuded elegance and sophistication. The dress hugged her figure beautifully, highlighting her confidence and maturity.

Kurt's discerning eye was quick to pick up on the change. "Kitty, that dress looks absolutely flawless on you."

The sentiment was echoed by the others, a chorus of agreements filling the room. As Kitty stood there in the dark blue dress, she felt a sense of empowerment that the pink dress hadn't quite provided. Her friends' support and Kurt's approval reassured her that she was making the right choice.

With a newfound confidence, Kitty looked at her reflection, proud of the woman staring back at her. The dress was a representation of her growth, her evolving sense of style, and her determination to stand out in a crowd. As she stepped out of the dressing room, Kitty knew she was ready to shine at Homecoming, no matter what color she wore.

Marley stood in front of the mirror, the soft lavender dress clinging to her figure in an elegant and understated way. As she took in her reflection, a mixture of nerves and excitement filled her heart. She was never one to seek attention, but the gentle encouragement from her friends meant the world to her.

Unique was the first to react. "Oh my gosh, Marley! You are absolutely slaying in that dress. Seriously, you look stunning!"

Brittany joined in, her voice carrying through the room as she hollered, "Woo! Marley, you're rocking it!"

Marley's cheeks flushed with a mix of bashfulness and gratitude. She hadn't expected such a strong reaction from her friends, and their support gave her a boost of confidence she desperately needed.

Kurt, with his keen eye for style, observed Marley with a fond smile. "Ladies, I think you've just said everything I was going to. Marley, that dress suits you perfectly."

Marley met Kurt's gaze in the mirror, a genuine smile breaking through her initial shyness. The words from her friends and Kurt's approval washed away her doubts and made her feel beautiful in her own skin.

Emerging from the dressing room, Sugar felt like a true star. The pink dress hugged her figure perfectly, and the glittery fabric caught every hint of light, creating an enchanting effect. She stepped in front of the all the waiting pairs of eyes, each belonging to a friend who meant the world to her.

Rachel was the first to react, her excitement evident in her voice. "Sugar, that dress is incredible! Seriously, you look like you belong on a red carpet. It's so rich and glamorous!" Sugar's heart swelled at Rachel's words, and a happy smile spread across her face, reflecting her gratitude.

Lauren's thoughtful gaze was next to settle on Sugar. "I can't believe how well that dress suits you," she marveled. "It's like it was made for your personality. You're really pulling it off!" Sugar's cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and appreciation for Lauren's kind observation.

Kurt, with his flair for the dramatic, clapped his hands together in delight. "Oh darling, this dress is positively you! It doesn't just suit you; it practically screams 'sugar' in the best possible way. You are absolutely rocking it!" Sugar couldn't help but giggle at Kurt's exuberant compliment, feeling a surge of self-assurance.

With a sparkle in her eye, Unique began her dress montage, twirling and posing as her friends cheered her on. Among the sea of fabrics, she discovered a bright silver dress that caught her eye. Slipping into it, she emerged with a confident grin.

Marley couldn't resist and started with a teasing catcall, her voice dripping with admiration. "Looking good, Unique!" she exclaimed, earning chuckles from Tina and Sugar, who eagerly joined in, offering their own light-hearted praise.

Not to be outdone, Brittany erupted in enthusiastic cheers and claps. Quinn couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement and added her supportive words to the mix.

Amidst the growing chorus of encouragement, Kurt, with his impeccable sense of style, clapped his hands excitedly and nodded approvingly at Unique. "Absolutely amazing," he declared with a warm smile.

Among the sea of fabrics, Brittany discovered a bright green dress that captured her attention. As she slipped into it, she transformed into a vision of elegance and beauty.

Kitty couldn't resist comparing Brittany to Tinker Bell. "You look like a real-life Tinker Bell," she quipped, earning nods of agreement from Sugar, who chimed in with her own sassy comment. "Smoking hot, Brit!" she exclaimed with a playful wink.

As the room filled with laughter and approval, Unique clapped her hands with genuine enthusiasm, celebrating Brittany's radiant presence. Each friend's support and encouragement made the moment even more special.

Then Kurt added his unique touch to the mix. With a knowing smile, he turned to Brittany and said, "Santana will absolutely love it. You're like a Disney princess brought to life." His words resonated with truth, and Brittany's face lit up with delight.

Emerging from behind the dressing screen, Quinn was met with a chorus of gasps and cheers from her friends. Rachel's eyes sparkled as she playfully exclaimed, "Hot!" in a voice that carried more sincerity than anyone expected. A genuine smile tugged at Quinn's lips, touched by the unexpected compliment.

Brittany, always a ray of sunshine, chimed in with her own input. "Sam will totally love it," she proclaimed with a smile, unaware of the subtle shift in Quinn's expression. The smile that had formed faltered just a bit, hidden from her friends by a mask of reassurance.

In a moment of gentle wisdom, Kurt's voice cut through the chatter. "It's the one," he declared, his tone resonating with certainty. His words seemed to hold a weight of approval that brought Quinn's smile back, stronger than before.

Santana found herself surrounded by the Glee guys. Frustration etched across her face, she demanded to know why she was there. The guys exchanged glances before Finn stepped forward and replied, "We need your expertise, Santana."

Confused, she raised an eyebrow. "Expertise? In what?"

Mike chimed in, "Suits. We're preparing for a special event, and we want to look sharp. You always know what girls will like."

Santana crossed her arms. "So, you want me to be your fashion consultant?"

Sam nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! We trust your sense of style."

A sly grin crossed Santana's face. "Well, if I'm gonna do this, I should get paid."

In unison, the guys responded, "No."

Santana let out an exaggerated sigh. "Typical. Fine, I'll help you dumbasses look decent."

Blaine walked into the room, confidence emanating from his every step, wearing a sleek black suit. The guys all turned to look at him. Finn was the first to speak up, grinning. "Dude, that suit looks good on you."

Kurt's eyes twinkled as he nodded in agreement, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Hot, even. You clean up well."

Blaine's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and embarrassment. He turned to Santana, who had been silently observing. "Well, Santana, what do you think?"

Santana raised an eyebrow, her gaze scrutinizing him from head to toe. After a moment's pause, she spoke, her tone unapologetically blunt. "It looks basic. And that bow tie? Lose it."

Blaine's hopeful expression deflated, but he nodded. "Got it, thanks."

He left the room, disappearing to make the suggested changes. Moments later, he returned, this time wearing a deep blue suit with a matching tie. He struck a pose, seeking approval from the group.

Santana's lips curved into a small smile. "Better. The blue suits your eyes."

Kurt mumbled under his breath, loud enough for those nearby to hear. "I still prefer the black one."

Sam chuckled, earning an exasperated glance from Kurt. "Man, it's like we're at a fashion show!"

Blaine chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the comments. "Well, I'm glad the blue works for you, Santana."

Sam strolled into the room, his presence immediately drawing the attention of everyone. His outfit choice was certainly eye-catching: a deep purple suit that seemed to radiate confidence.

Mike raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Purple, huh? That's a bold choice."

Sam grinned, looking rather pleased with himself. "Yeah, well, Quinn and I talked about it. She said it'd be cool if we matched."

Ryder chimed in, a genuine smile on his face. "Dude, that suit rocks! It's unique."

Jake nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man, it's pretty cool."

With all eyes turning to Santana, who had been observing the scene with an amused expression, the moment was charged with anticipation. Santana slowly clapped her hands, a sarcastic grin on her lips. "Oh, yay, purple."

Sam's face lit up, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he addressed her. "Thanks for the enthusiasm, Santana."

She smirked back, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. "You're welcome, Trouty."

Mike confidently stepped into the room. He was dressed in a striking black and purple suit that combined two distinct colors in a unique way.

Rory raised an eyebrow, a look of mild surprise on his face. "Black and purple? That's an interesting combination."

Mike shrugged, his smile unwavering. "Tina's doing it, so I figured, why not?"

Sam couldn't contain his excitement, his hands coming together in enthusiastic applause. "Dude, that's perfect!"

Santana looked at Sam with a bemused expression, her eyebrow quirked. "Perfect? Seriously?"

Sam nodded fervently. "Yeah, Santana! It's like a superhero suit!"

Santana blinked, taken aback by the enthusiasm. She then turned her attention back to Mike's outfit and studied it for a moment. "You know what? It somehow works. You're pulling it off."

Mike's face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. He couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude for his friends' support and approval. Grinning, he started jumping up and down, much to the amusement of everyone in the room.

Ryder stepped into the room he wore a light grey suit that exuded a sense of sophistication and charm.

Jake's eyes lit up with a warm smile. "Dude, that suit is awesome. Unique will love it."

Ryder's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink at the compliment. Joe nodded in agreement. "It's nice, Ryder."

Santana chimed in. "But you know what would be better? A slightly darker gray. It'll make more of a statement."

Ryder's determination kicked in, and without hesitation, he left the room. Minutes later, he returned, now dressed in a darker grey suit. Rory was quick to offer his thoughts. "I have to say, that's better than the last one."

Artie raised his arm and nodded in agreement, his way of saying "mhm."

Santana's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "Now that's an improvement. It's so much better."

Jake confidently walked into the room, he was dressed in a sleek black suit that showcased his effortless style.

Kurt's eyes lit up, his head nodding approvingly as he clapped softly. "Looking sharp, Jake."

Puck chimed in with a grin. "Dude, you look dope. Classy."

Jake's smile widened at the compliments, but his gaze soon shifted to Santana, curious about her opinion. She leaned back, eyeing him critically for a moment before speaking. "It's basic, but you manage to pull it off."

Jake's grin remained intact as he gave Santana a playful look. "Well, basic can still be stylish."

Puck strode into the room, he wore a white suit that was both bold and eye-catching.

Blaine was the first to comment, his tone contemplative. "That's an interesting choice, Puck. But it works."

Jake's excitement was evident as he clapped Puck on the back. "Dude, you're rocking that suit!"

Santana's assessment was a bit more reserved. "It's alright. Not bad, but not mind-blowing."

Puck's face lit up with a mixture of satisfaction and contentment. He was pleased with Santana's response, as her straightforward honesty meant a lot to him. It wasn't flashy praise, but it was acknowledgment enough that his choice had garnered attention and approval.

Artie made a dramatic entrance, flanked by Joe and Rory who were supporting him in his red suit.

Ryder's grin was undeniable as he addressed Artie. "Man, that suit screams 'Artie.' You're rocking your own style."

Jake nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. It's bold, just like you."

Santana raised an eyebrow, her gaze critical as she took in the unconventional outfit. "It's kinda weird, but strangely, it suits you."

Joe and Rory entered the room side by side, both wearing matching maroon suits. The guys couldn't help but react to the synchronized fashion statement.

Ryder and Jake cheered simultaneously, their enthusiasm evident. "Dude, that's really good! You guys nailed it!"

Sam clapped happily, his grin reaching from ear to ear. "Looking sharp, you two!"

Santana's approval was succinct. "It's really good."

Finn walked into the room he wore a deep green suit that was both striking and unexpected.

Sam's admiration was immediate. "Dude, that suit is amazing! You're really rocking it."

Artie's gesture spoke volumes, his arm waving in a silent sign of approval.

Santana's curiosity was piqued by the unique color choice. "Interesting color, but you know what? It's good."

Kurt confidently entered the room wearing a black suit with a bow tie and a skirt. The group exchanged bewildered glances as they tried to comprehend his ensemble.

Mike was the first to voice the question on everyone's minds. "Why are you wearing a skirt?"

Kurt's response was calm and assured. "Clothes have no gender, Mike."

Santana, known for her honesty, didn't mince words. "The top part is mediocre at best, but that skirt? Nah, it's not working."

Kurt's expression shifted from confidence to offense. "You just don't like it because I'm a guy wearing a skirt."

Santana rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. "No, Kurt, it's not about that. It's just that the skirt doesn't look good."

Kurt made his entrance again in a bold dark orange suit, his presence commanding attention from everyone. However, Santana wasted no time in offering her candid opinion.

"Kurt, seriously? Who wears an orange suit to homecoming?"

An annoyed huff escaped Kurt's lips, his excitement momentarily deflated. "Santana, it's a statement."

Sensing Kurt's frustration, Blaine chimed in, offering a more diplomatic perspective. "How about trying a different color? Like a dark blue?"

Kurt's expression softened as he considered Blaine's suggestion. Without another word, he turned and left the room to make the change. When he returned in the dark blue suit, the atmosphere seemed to shift. Finn's smile was genuine. "That's so much better, Kurt."

Santana, too, joined in with a round of applause. "Now that's an improvement."

Santana stood before a full-length mirror, a black dress clinging to her frame. She glanced over at Kurt, who was seated nearby, and raised an eyebrow. "Well, what do you think?"

Kurt's thoughtful gaze assessed the dress critically. "Black is always a good choice, but this one feels a bit too dark for the occasion."

Santana nodded, her lips pursed. "Alright, let's try something else."

She disappeared into her closet and reemerged in a vibrant red dress that seemed to ignite with energy. Kurt's eyes widened, and a grin crept onto his lips. "Now that's the one, Satan-santana."

Santana twirled, her eyes shining with approval as she looked at herself in the mirror. "You really think so?"

Kurt's smile remained unwavering. "Absolutely. It's fiery and bold, just like you."

Mercedes and Matt sat in Mercedes' living room, their voices carrying a mix of frustration and disagreement. The topic of their heated conversation was Brittany's recent reaction to a situation at school.

"Matt, I can't believe you're defending Brittany on this," Mercedes exclaimed, her frustration evident in her tone.

Matt sighed, his expression earnest. "I just think you need to consider her perspective too. You would probably react that way too."

Mercedes glared at him, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, so you're taking her side now? Are you really that blind to her ridiculous behavior?"

Matt shook his head, attempting to diffuse the tension. "I'm not taking sides, Mercedes. I just think we should try to understand where she's coming from."

Mercedes shot up from her seat, anger radiating from her. "You know what? Maybe you like her attitude. Maybe you're into her."

Matt's eyes widened in surprise at the accusation. "Whoa, Mercedes, that's not fair. I'm just trying to be fair and balanced here."

Mercedes' voice rose, her frustration boiling over. "Get out, Matt. I don't need someone who defends her in my house."

Matt opened his mouth to respond, but Mercedes cut him off. "Just go. Leave."

With a heavy sigh, Matt got up and headed towards the door, his expression a mix of disappointment and anger. As he left, the weight of their argument hung in the air.

Santana was straddling Brittany's lap, their lips meeting in a passionate, heated kiss.

Caught up in the moment, Santana forgot about the deep red lipstick she was wearing. Their kisses left traces of the vibrant color on Brittany's neck, interspersed with affectionate hickeys. The intensity of their connection grew with each touch, until a sudden knock on the front door shattered their private world.

Annoyed by the interruption, Santana rolled off Brittany's lap to let Brittany answer the door. Brittany took a moment to fix her tousled hair and adjust her clothing, her cheeks faintly flushed from the heated exchange.

After the tense argument with Mercedes, Matt felt a sense of unease hanging over him. He knew he needed to address the situation, particularly his defense of Brittany's perspective. Taking a deep breath, he decided to go to Brittany's house and offer an apology.

Arriving at Brittany's doorstep, Matt hesitated for a moment before ringing the doorbell. He anxiously shifted his weight from foot to foot as he waited for a response.

Brittany swung open the door, her expression quickly turning from curiosity to annoyance at the sight of Matt standing there.

"What are you doing here?" She crossed her arms, her voice tinged with irritation as she questioned his unexpected appearance. Matt's gaze, however, remained fixed on her neck, his eyes tracing the lipstick marks and hickeys that adorned her skin.

As the seconds ticked by and Matt remained lost in his own thoughts, Brittany's patience waned. She moved to close the door, the sound of it jolting Matt out of his trance.

He took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice carrying the weight of his apology. "Brittany, I need to talk to you about that JBI post. Mercedes and I were talking, and... I've been feeling really bad about everything you've been going through."

Brittany's gaze remained fixed on him, her face a mask of neutrality as she listened to his words. Matt continued, his words carefully chosen. "We were thinking, maybe there's a way for you to get some help, you know, to heal and cope. I care about you, and I just want to support you through whatever you're facing."

The room fell silent after Matt's admission, his apology hanging in the air between them. Brittany's expression didn't change, her emotions veiled as she processed his words. Then, unexpectedly, the corners of her lips lifted ever so slightly.

Her smile grew, a small but genuine expression of warmth breaking through the facade she had been holding. Without a word, Brittany stepped forward and pulled Matt into a hug, her actions speaking louder than any response she could offer.

Brittanys smile inviting as she gestured for Matt to enter their home. He stepped inside, a gratitude evident in his eyes. As they settled into the cozy living room, Brittany offered Matt a seat on the couch.

As they chatted, Matt's demeanor turned serious. "You know, Brittany, something's been off with Mercedes lately. She's been distant and angry, and I can't figure out what's going on."

Brittany furrowed her brow, concern replacing her earlier warmth. "Have you tried talking to her about it?"

Matt sighed, looking unsure. "I wanted to, but I wasn't sure how to bring it up without making things worse."

Brittany leaned forward, her voice gentle. "Matt, sometimes the best thing to do is to have an open and honest conversation. She might not even realize how her behavior is affecting you."

Just as Matt was about to respond, Santana's voice echoed from the stairs. "Babe, where are you?"

Brittany grinned and called back, "I'm talking with Matt!"

Santana's footsteps echoed rapidly, and in a matter of seconds, she burst into the room, her eyes locking onto Matt. "Has he apologised?"

Matt nodded, a relieved smile breaking across her face.

Santana gracefully settled onto the couch next to Brittany, ready to enjoy some time together. But as she glanced at Brittany's neck, a subtle frown crossed her face. Lipstick marks and hickeys stood out

"Hey, Britt," Santana said, her voice playful. "Wanna come with me to the bathroom real quick?"

Brittany looked at her curiously, puzzled by the sudden request. But Santana's suggestive grin was enough to get her intrigued. Matt's knowing smile only added to Brittany's curiosity, so when Santana took her hand and stood up, Brittany complied, allowing herself to be led toward the bathroom.

"Okay, Santana, what's going on?" Brittany asked as they entered the bathroom, her voice a mix of confusion and anticipation.

Santana turned to her with a sly grin. "Let's see if you can figure it out, babe."

Santana closed the bathroom door behind them, and with a pointed gesture, she motioned for Brittany to stand in front of the mirror. "Look," Santana said simply, her voice soft yet firm.

Brittany met her own reflection, and her eyes widened as she saw the lipstick marks on her neck that she hadn't noticed earlier. A deep blush crept up her cheeks as realization dawned on her.

Santana's reflection met Brittany's gaze in the mirror, her eyes filled with amusement and affection. "That's what's been bothering you, huh?"

Brittany's voice was soft, laced with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "I didn't even realize. I can't believe Matt saw them."

Santana turned Brittany to face her, her hands gently resting on Brittany's shoulders. "Don't worry about it, babe. It's not a big deal. We're in a relationship."

Brittany's embarrassment gave way to a reluctant smile as she realized that Santana was right. "You always know how to make me feel better."

Santana's grin was affectionate as she leaned in for a quick kiss. "That's what I'm here for. Now let's get back out there and enjoy the movie night. And next time, maybe I'll be a bit more discreet."

After Santana took a seat next to Brittany, santana turned their attention to Matt, curious about his relationship with Mercedes. Matt hesitated before admitting that he had been feeling uneasy lately. He explained how he had noticed that Mercedes was constantly glued to her phone, and even when she wasn't using it, the device remained right by her side.

Santana's expression turned empathetic as she nodded in understanding. "Yeah, Matt, that's definitely a sign to be cautious about. Excessive phone use or guarding the phone can be red flags for potential cheating," she said. She went on to mention some other possible signs to look out for, such as sudden changes in behavior, secretive conversations, or unexplained absences.

Seeing that Matt was genuinely concerned, Santana offered some advice on how he could approach the situation. "If you're really worried and want to know the truth, you could try having an open conversation with Mercedes," she suggested. "Express your feelings and concerns without accusing her. Communication is key in relationships."

Santana also mentioned that if Matt wanted to, he could ask to check Mercedes' phone, but she advised approaching that option with caution. "If she's okay with it, that might help ease your worries," she said, "but remember, trust is important too. If you don't find any evidence of cheating, make sure not to jump to conclusions."

Brittany chimed in with her usual wisdom, "Yeah, people can use their phones for all sorts of reasons. Maybe she's just busy or going through something." She encouraged Matt not to make assumptions right away and to keep the lines of communication open.

As Brittany, Santana, and Matt discussed homecoming plans, Matt's phone suddenly rang, displaying Mercedes' name on the screen. The trio exchanged knowing glances, and Santana suggested that Matt put the call on speaker so they could all hear. Curious, Matt complied.

Mercedes' voice came through with an annoyed edge, demanding to know where Matt was. He explained that he was at Brittany's house. Almost immediately, Mercedes' tone turned heated. "How could you go to HER house instead of apologizing to me?" she exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Matt was taken aback by the intensity of her reaction. "Mercedes, you kicked me out of your house," he retorted, his own frustration seeping into his voice.

Mercedes' voice cracked with emotion as she responded, "You're supposed to fight for me, for us. If you really loved me, you would've come back and made things right."

As Mercedes' accusation hung in the air, Matt took a deep breath and responded, "Mercedes, I do love you, but you have to stop yelling." His voice remained calm despite the tension in the conversation.

Brittany and Santana exchanged surprised glances, their expressions mirroring their astonishment at the unexpected "L" word. Brittany's eyes widened in shock as she mouthed the word "love," and Santana's eyebrows shot up in equal surprise.

Mercedes seemed momentarily taken aback by Matt's response, her anger losing some of its edge. "I just... I feel so hurt and frustrated," she admitted, her tone softer now.

Santana leaned over and whispered to Brittany, "Did he just drop the L-bomb out of nowhere?"

Brittany nodded, still looking slightly stunned. "Yeah, he totally did."

Matt's voice remained steady as he continued, "Mercedes, I understand you're upset, but yelling won't solve anything. We need to talk calmly and work through this together."

Mercedes sighed, her anger seeming to dissipate further. "I know, you're right. It's just... I thought you would fight for us."

"I am fighting for us," Matt assured her, his voice full of sincerity. "But fighting doesn't mean we have to fight each other. Let's talk and figure things out, okay?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Mercedes finally replied, her voice quieter now, "Okay. I love you."

Santana and Brittany exchanged approving nods, satisfied that Matt was handling the situation well. Brittany mouthed the word "proud" to Santana, who gave her a small smile in return.

As Matt arrived at Mercedes' house, he felt a mixture of concern and determination. He knocked softly on the door, and when it opened to reveal Mercedes with red, teary eyes, his heart sank at the sight of her obvious distress.

Instinctively, Matt moved closer to comfort her, but Mercedes shook her head, indicating that she wanted him to sit down. With a sense of unease, he complied and took a seat on the couch, keeping his gaze on her.

Mercedes took a deep breath and looked at him, her voice trembling. "Matt, do you have something you want to say?" she asked, her tone gentle yet strained.

Matt hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "Mercedes, I've been feeling uncertain lately... I've noticed you've been distant, and I can't shake this feeling that something's not right."

As the words left his lips, a fresh wave of tears streamed down Mercedes' face, and she turned away from him, her hands gripping the edge of the couch. Matt's heart ached at her reaction, his concern growing stronger.

He leaned forward, his voice full of compassion. "Mercedes, please tell me what's wrong. We can work through this together," he urged.

After a moment of silence, Mercedes took another deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been cheating on you, Matt," she admitted, her words laden with pain.

Matt felt his world come crashing down at those words. Shock and disbelief coursed through him, and he struggled to process what he had just heard. His eyes filled with tears as he whispered, "What? With who?"

Mercedes kept her gaze averted, her voice choked with emotion. "With Shane," she confessed, her voice breaking.

The room seemed to spin around Matt as he absorbed the revelation. He quickly got up from the couch, his emotions swirling in a tumultuous mix of hurt, anger, and heartbreak. Tears spilled down his cheeks, and he mumbled, "What... What?"

Mercedes turned to face him, her own tears flowing freely. "I'm so sorry, Matt," she said, her voice heavy with remorse. "I never meant for any of this to happen. It's my fault, not yours."

As Mercedes' confession hung heavily in the air, Matt's world seemed to crumble around him. Her words, admitting that she had cheated on him with Shane, struck him with a wave of shock and disbelief. The room felt suffocating as he struggled to process the enormity of her betrayal.

His emotions took over, and his anger erupted like a volcano. "Obviously it's not my fault, Mercedes! You're the one who can't keep it in your fucking pants!" His voice cracked with a mix of hurt and rage, the pain of her actions piercing him deeply.

Mercedes' tears flowed even more intensely, her vulnerability laid bare before him. She reached out, her voice shaking as she tried to plead with him, "Matt, please, let's talk about this. We can work through it."

His anger still simmering, Matt's voice quivered with a mixture of devastation and anger. "How the fuck can we work through you cheating on me?" he yelled, his words echoing with the overwhelming weight of his emotions.

Tears welled in his eyes as he struggled to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Mercedes' desperation to salvage something from the wreckage of their relationship clashed with the magnitude of her betrayal, leaving him torn between pain and confusion.

In the midst of the chaos, Mercedes continued to beg for understanding, her own tears mingling with his. Matt's voice shook as he managed to utter, "I thought you loved me..."

He turned away from her, his heart heavy with the weight of betrayal and heartbreak. Without looking back, he stormed out of her house, his footsteps echoing in the emptiness that had settled between them. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, his entire being consumed by a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions.

Left alone in the wake of his departure, Mercedes sank to her knees, her cries echoing through the room. The fragile remains of their relationship lay shattered, a painful reminder of the consequences of her choices. The road ahead seemed uncertain and daunting, marked by the scars of their shattered trust and the depths of their emotions.

The next day at school, as Brittany and Santana walked together down the hallway, they couldn't help but notice Matt's angry demeanor. Concern etched on Brittany's face, she quickly broke away from Santana and approached Matt. "Hey, what happened?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Matt's frustration was palpable as he looked at Brittany, his jaw clenched. "Where the fuck is Shane?" he spat out, his eyes blazing with anger.

Confused, Brittany pointed in the direction of where Shane was standing. "He's right over there," she said, her voice quiet with uncertainty.

Without wasting a second, Matt took off in a sprint towards Shane, his anger propelling him forward. Brittany, realizing the seriousness of the situation, followed closely behind, her steps quickening to keep up.

As Matt reached Shane, he grabbed the collar of his jersey and slammed him against the nearest locker. His voice was harsh and unyielding as he shouted, "You! You're the reason Mercedes cheated on me, aren't you?"

Shane's eyes widened in surprise and fear, clearly caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. He stammered, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

Brittany arrived just in time to witness the intense scene unfolding before her. She stood a few steps away, her eyes wide with shock as she watched Matt vent his anger.

Matt's grip tightened on Shane's jersey as he shook him slightly. "You think I don't know? I found out what you did with Mercedes!" he yelled, his voice filled with hurt and rage.

As Matt's accusations rang in the air, Shane's face paled, realization dawning on him. "Look, man, I didn't know she was in a relationship," he protested, his voice shaky.

As Shane continued to deny any wrongdoing, Matt's patience wore thin. His hurt and anger boiled over, and he yelled at Shane, "That's bullshit! Everyone knows everything at this school. Don't act like you had no idea!"

Brittany's eyes widened in alarm as she saw the situation escalating quickly. She moved closer to Matt, reaching out to gently touch his arm. "Matt, stop. This isn't the way to handle this," she pleaded, her voice urgent.

But Matt's emotions were overpowering, his vision clouded by a mixture of rage and pain. Ignoring Brittany's plea, he felt a surge of fury, and without another word, he clenched his fist and swung it at Shane, landing a punch squarely on his jaw.

Shane stumbled back, caught off guard by the sudden blow. He held his jaw, his face a mix of shock and disbelief. "Dude, what the hell?!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of pain and outrage.

Matt's chest heaved as he stood there, his anger unrelenting. "You ruined everything," he spat out, his voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and frustration.

Seeing the situation rapidly spiraling out of control, Brittany stepped between the two, her arms spread wide as a barrier. "Matt, please, let's calm down," she urged, her voice filled with concern.

Shane took a step back, still nursing his jaw, his eyes wary as he realized the depth of Matt's anger. "Look, I get it was wrong, but I didn't know, man," he said, his tone defensive.

Matt's breath was heavy, his hands shaking as he tried to rein in his emotions. His voice was strained as he responded, "You say you didn't know, but it's hard to believe you didn't have a clue."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he held Shane's gaze, his voice cracking with emotion. "You have no idea how much pain you've caused. She cheated on me with you, Shane," he said, his voice full of hate and anguish.

After the confrontation with Shane, Brittany recognized the need to diffuse the situation. She gently guided Matt away from the scene and into an empty classroom, where they could talk privately. Matt sat on a table, his emotions still raw and overwhelming, while Brittany stood in front of him, concern etched on her face.

"What happened back there, Matt?" Brittany asked gently, her voice full of empathy. She watched as he took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly.

Matt's voice was shaky as he began to recount the painful experience. "I went to talk to Mercedes... and she told me," he started, his voice catching as he fought back tears. "She told me that she cheated on me with Shane." Tears spilled from his eyes as he spoke, the weight of his emotions too much to bear alone.

Brittany's heart went out to him, and she moved closer, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm so sorry, Matt," she said softly. "That must have been incredibly difficult to hear."

Matt nodded, his voice choked as he continued, "And then... she had the decency to beg that we stay together and work it out." He took a shuddering breath, his vulnerability on full display as his emotions overwhelmed him.

Seeing the tears streaming down his face, Brittany pulled Matt into a gentle hug. She held him tightly, offering a supportive embrace as he sobbed into her shoulder. She could feel his pain radiating from him, and her heart ached for him.

As Matt clung to Brittany, he whispered through his tears, "She was everything to me, Brittany. I loved her so much."

Brittany rubbed his back soothingly, her own eyes filled with empathy. "I know, Matt. I can't even imagine how much this hurts," she said softly.

They stayed like that for a while, Brittany providing a safe space for Matt to release his pent-up emotions. In that moment, their friendship offered solace in the midst of his heartbreak, a reminder that he wasn't alone in facing the pain of betrayal.

As the minutes passed, the weight of his emotions began to lessen slightly, and Matt's sobs subsided. He pulled away from the hug, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "Thanks, Brittany," he managed to say, his voice hoarse but filled with gratitude.

Brittany offered a small smile, her eyes gentle. "Anytime, Matt. I'm here for you, no matter what."

With Brittany's support, Matt found a small measure of comfort amidst the chaos of his emotions. And as they continued to navigate the aftermath of Mercedes' confession, he knew he had a friend by his side who truly cared.

Brittany stood in front of her mirror, excitement bubbling in her chest as she prepared for the upcoming homecoming dance. She slipped into her chosen dress, the fabric flowing gracefully around her. Admiring herself in the mirror, she twirled, feeling the skirt spin elegantly with her movements.

Next, Brittany turned her attention to her makeup. She carefully selected her eyeshadow palette, working to create a look that matched her outfit. Her fingers moved skillfully, applying the colors with precision and care. As she worked, she couldn't help but smile at her own reflection, looking forward to the night ahead.

After finishing her makeup, Brittany moved to her hair. With a sense of purpose, she styled her golden locks into loose waves that cascaded down her shoulders. She took a step back to admire her handiwork, pleased with how everything was coming together.

Just as she was finishing up her hair, Brittany's mom entered the room. Her eyes lit up as she took in her daughter's appearance. "Brittany, you look absolutely stunning," she gushed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Brittany's smile widened as she met her mom's gaze in the mirror. "Thanks, Mom," she replied, her heart warming at the compliment.

Her mom stepped closer, her expression brimming with affection. "Santana is a lucky girl," she continued, her voice warm.

Brittany's cheeks flushed pink, her grin growing even brighter. She felt a surge of happiness hearing those words from her mom. "I think I'm the lucky one," she said softly, her gaze reflecting the depth of her feelings for Santana.

Her mom's eyes softened, and she placed a gentle hand on Brittany's shoulder. "You both make a beautiful couple," she said, her voice carrying a touch of pride.

Brittany stood nervously outside Santana's door, her heart fluttering with excitement. She had spent so much time getting ready for homecoming, and now she was eager to see Santana and share this special night together. She raised her hand and knocked gently on the door.

The door swung open to reveal Mirabel who beamed at the sight of Brittany. "Oh, Brittany, you look absolutely beautiful!" she exclaimed, her eyes full of genuine admiration.

Blushing slightly at the compliment, Brittany offered a shy smile. "Thank you, Mirabel," she replied, feeling a surge of warmth at the kind words.

Mirabel stepped aside, inviting Brittany in. "Santana's just finishing up, but she won't be much longer," she informed her.

Just as Mirabel spoke, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs caught Brittany's attention. She turned her gaze toward the staircase, and her breath caught in her throat as Santana came into view. Santana looked breathtaking in her dress, her beauty taking Brittany's breath away.

Santana's eyes widened when she saw Brittany, her own stunned expression mirroring Brittany's reaction. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they took in each other's appearance. The magic of the moment enveloped them, a tangible connection between their gazes.

It was Santana's mom who broke the spell, her voice lighthearted. "Oh my, look at you two! You both clean up nicely," she teased, a playful smile on her lips.

Brittany's cheeks turned pink, and she laughed softly, feeling a bit bashful under Mirabel's gaze. "Thank you," she said, her voice tinged with happiness.

Santana descended the final stair, her eyes still locked onto Brittany's. She looked radiant, her beauty accentuated by the joy that radiated from within her. "You... you look amazing," Santana breathed out, her voice filled with genuine awe.

Brittany felt her heart swell at Santana's words, her own feelings mirrored in her eyes. "You do too," she replied, her voice soft but filled with sincerity.

Unable to resist any longer, Brittany took a step closer to Santana. "You know, we make a pretty amazing pair," she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Santana's lips curved into a smile, and she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we definitely do."

As they leaned in, about to share a kiss, they were interrupted by Mirabel's voice from around the corner. "Hold on, girls, I need to grab my camera!"

Brittany and Santana pulled away slightly, their lips almost touching as they exchanged a knowing look. Mirabel's timing might have been impeccable, but it didn't dampen the moment they had just shared.

With a shared smile, Brittany and Santana waited for Mirabel to return, their hearts full of happiness and anticipation for the night that awaited them.

Mirabel appeared with her Polaroid camera in hand, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. She found Brittany and Santana by the staircase, their presence a beacon of youthful exuberance. Mirabel's energy was infectious, and her playful demeanor added a touch of joy to the moment.

"Alright, you two," Mirabel said with a playful grin, lifting the camera. "Let's have some fun with these poses!"

Brittany and Santana shared a conspiratorial look before breaking into giggles. They were more than willing to embrace the playful challenge, ready to dive into whatever silly poses Mirabel had in mind. Mirabel's presence was a welcome addition to their night, and they knew her antics would make the evening even more memorable.

"First up!" Mirabel announced, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "The 'synchronized dance move'!"

Without any hesitation, Brittany and Santana launched into an impromptu dance routine, their movements coordinated and exaggerated. They spun, twirled, and mimicked each other's steps, their laughter filling the air. Mirabel captured the moment with a quick snapshot, freezing their joyful dance in time.

"Next, let's try the 'over-the-top surprised face'!" Mirabel suggested, a mischievous smile on her lips.

Brittany and Santana didn't hold back, their expressions contorted into exaggerated shock. They widened their eyes, opened their mouths wide, and placed their hands on their cheeks as if they had just seen something incredibly surprising. Mirabel's laughter mixed with theirs as she captured the silly moment on film.

"Now, how about the 'pensive thinker' pose?" Mirabel proposed, her eyes dancing with humor.

Brittany and Santana exchanged amused glances before furrowing their brows and pretending to be lost in deep thought. Their mock seriousness was a stark contrast to the laughter that bubbled just beneath the surface. Mirabel snapped another photo, capturing their ability to turn even the most serious pose into something fun.

With the playful poses complete, Mirabel looked at the photos with satisfaction. "You two are naturals," she declared, her pride evident in her voice.

As Brittany and Santana shared a triumphant smile, Mirabel's expression shifted to one of tenderness. "Now, how about some couple poses?"

Mirabel directed them to stand close, instructing them to look into each other's eyes. With a knowing smile, she captured the tenderness that passed between them in a series of Polaroid photos. The connection they shared was palpable, and the camera documented their genuine affection.

As Mirabel stepped back to review the photos, Brittany and Santana exchanged a loving smile. These snapshots were a reflection of their relationship, capturing the essence of their bond in a way that words never could. In Mirabel's playful yet heartwarming gestures, they found a reminder of the love and acceptance that surrounded them.

As the car glided down the road toward the school, Brittany turned her gaze to Santana, a curious expression on her face. "Hey, do you know if Puck has the IDs?" she asked, her voice tinged with a touch of excitement.

Santana grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, he's got it all covered," she replied, her tone confident.

Brittany raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? How did he manage that?"

Santana's lips curled into a sly smile as she leaned back in her seat. "He's texted everyone to meet up with him after the dance," she explained. "He's got the IDs and he's gonna make sure everyone gets what they need."

Brittany's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of amusement and admiration in her gaze. "Puck really knows how to pull things off," she commented, shaking her head in fond disbelief.

Santana nodded, her grin widening. "Yeah, you know he's got connections," she said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

The first dance of the night was in full swing, the crowd swaying to the rhythm of the music. Blaine was on stage, belting out the lyrics to "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You," with Tina and Marley providing the harmonious backdrop. The energy in the room was electric, and couples twirled and swayed, lost in the enchantment of the music.

"You are the girl that I've been dreaming of
Ever since I was a little girl
You are the girl that I've been dreaming of
Ever since I was a little (ever) girl (since)
One, I'm biting my tongue
Two, he's kissin' on you
Three, oh, why can't you see?
One, two, three, four
The word's on the streets and it's on the news
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He's got two left feet and he bites my moves
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance" Santana and Brittany were among the couples on the dance floor, their smiles reflecting the joy of the moment as they moved together in perfect sync. Their laughter rang out as they spun around, their happiness contagious.

"The second I do, I know we're gonna be through
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He don't suspect a thing, I wish he'd get a clue
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
You are the girl that I've been dreaming of
Ever since I was a little girl
You are the girl that I've been dreaming of
Ever since I was a little girl (ever since)
One, I'm biting my tongue
Two, he's kissin' on you
Three, oh, why can't you see?
One, two, three, four
The word's on the streets and it's on the news
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He's got two left feet and he bites my moves
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
The second I do, I know we're gonna be through
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He don't suspect a thing, I wish he'd get a clue
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance (uh-oh)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh" However, not everyone was caught up in the carefree spirit of the dance. As Mercedes danced with Shane, she couldn't help but notice Matt on the dance floor, getting a little too close with the girl he was dancing with. An uneasy feeling crept over Mercedes as she observed their interactions.

Unable to ignore her instincts, Mercedes approached Matt and his dance partner, her concern evident in her expression with the music playing softly in the background. "One, you're biting my tongue" She leaned in and said to the girl, "Hey, dude keep it PG."

The girl's response was anything but conciliatory. "Dude it's none of YB, your business," she retorted, her tone sharp.

"Two, I'm kissin' on you" Mercedes' frustration mounted, and she shoved the girl lightly. "Well this is my school so it's my buissness." she replied, her voice firm.

The girl's response was taunting, and she called Mercedes by a derogatory nickname. "This isn't your boyfriend, so beat it, Aretha," she spat, her words laden with disdain. "Three, is he better than me?"

"One, two, three, four" The exchange quickly escalated into a shoving match, their anger flaring as they pushed against each other. "The word's on the streets and it's on the news
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He's got two left feet and he bites my moves
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance (oh)" The surrounding dancers looked on in surprise, the atmosphere growing tense.

"Do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance, dance, dance, dance
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance" As the song reached its crescendo, Mercedes attempted to slap the girl, but the girl leaned back, narrowly avoiding the blow. The tension hung in the air as the song concluded, the crowd freezing in place, watching the showdown unfold.

Suddenly, Sue appeared out of nowhere, her stern expression cutting through the chaos. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," she said loudly, her voice authoritative. "Homecoming is over for you, Wheezy." She turned her gaze to the girl. "And the same goes for you, Barbie."

Matt protested, his voice filled with indignation. "Hey, wait a minute! My date shouldn't have to leave because of this!"

Sue's gaze fixed on Matt, her stare unyielding. "Consider yourself lucky, Matt, that I'm not removing you both from this school dance entirely," she warned, her tone carrying a warning.

As the crowd began to disperse and the music shifted to a new song, the tension gradually subsided. But the incident served as a reminder that even amidst the joy and celebration, conflicts could arise unexpectedly.

In that unforgettable performance of "Locked Out of Heaven," Brittany, Tina, Marley, Unique, and Sugar came together to deliver a mesmerizing rendition.

"One, two, one, two, three
Oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)
Oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)
Never had much faith in love or miracles (ooh)
Never wanna put my heart on the line (ooh)
But swimmin' in your water's something spiritual (ooh)
I'm born again every time you spend the night (ooh)" As they sang, the electric energy between them was palpable, and their voices blended harmoniously, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

'Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah, you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh" Their dates, Jake, Mike, Ryder, Rory, as well as Santana, couldn't help but be captivated by their partners' incredible performance. While the girls were singing their hearts out, their dates swayed to the music, dancing slightly by themselves, their eyes fixed on their talented counterparts.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)
Oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)
You bring me to my knees, you make me testify (ooh)
You can make a sinner change his ways (ooh)
Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light (ooh)
And right there is where I wanna stay (ooh)
'Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows
Yeah, yeah, yeah" In the midst of the performance, Brittany's gaze briefly shifted towards Santana. Catching each other's eye, Santana gave a supportive thumbs-up with an enormous smile. Brittany responded with a playful wink, conveying their deep connection even through the music and the crowd's cheers.

The whole scene was a beautiful testament to the power of music to bring people together and express emotions that words alone cannot convey. The chemistry between the singers and their partners, along with the unspoken communication between Santana and Brittany, made this performance truly unforgettable for everyone involved.

"'Cause you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah, you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long, oh
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah
Can I just stay here?
Spend the rest of my days here?
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah
Can I just stay here?
Spend the rest of my days here?
'Cause you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah, you make me feel like
I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)
Oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh)"

With an air of authority, Sue Sylvester strides confidently onto the stage, her voice cutting through the excited murmurs of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention, it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for!" The anticipation builds as she scans the room, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"First, let's bring out our outstanding queen candidates: Santana, Quinn, and Marley!" The crowd's energy rises as the candidates step forward, each with a unique aura of excitement and nerves.

After a dramatic pause, Sue continues, "And now, let's find out who our homecoming queen will be!" A wave of suspense sweeps through the room, turning into an explosion of cheers as Sue announces, "The crown goes to Santana!" The applause is thunderous, but amidst it all, the loudest cheers come from none other than Brittany, who watches Santana with admiration and affection, causing a delightful blush to rise on Santana's cheeks.

Sue's attention shifts momentarily, and there's a perplexed expression on her face. She takes a deep breath, her gaze fixated on the list before her. With a slight hesitation, she says, "And now, for our homecoming king..." A moment of uncertainty hovers over the room, and then she unexpectedly declares, "Brittany!" A stunned silence falls over the audience, their puzzled expressions turning into intrigued whispers.

As the spotlight finds Brittany, who stands amidst the quietude, her nervousness becomes palpable. The room is tense for a few seconds, until suddenly, the sound of applause breaks the stillness. Tina starts clapping, and soon the entire glee club joins in, their excitement and encouragement infectious.

In a heartwarming display of unity, the glee club's cheers grow louder, turning into an uproar of encouragement for Brittany. The crowd catches on, their applause becoming a symphony of support for the unexpected choice. Brittany, her hesitation replaced by determination, takes her first steps towards the stage, each one met with resounding applause.

With each step, the room's energy transforms from confusion to celebration, with Brittany at the center of it all. The journey to the stage becomes a testament to her courage and individuality, and the applause that surrounds her is a powerful testament to the way the community embraces and celebrates each of its members, no matter the surprise.

As the cheers and applause echoed around the room, Santana and Brittany stood side by side, crowned as the unexpected homecoming queen and king. The crowd's energy was infectious, yet amidst the jubilation, there was a sense of intimacy that only they could feel. With a shared smile, they swayed gently onto the dance floor, the opening chords of "Can't Help Falling in Love" casting a spell on the room.

"Wise men say
"Only fools rush in"
But I can't help
Falling in love with you" Blaine's voice, rich with emotion, filled the air, and Santana felt herself melting into Brittany's embrace.

"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you?" Their fingers interlocked, they moved with a grace that transcended the dance floor, every step a silent declaration of the connection they shared. As they moved together, their bodies pressed close, and the world outside seemed to disappear.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be" Amidst the soft music and the warm glow of the room, Santana and Brittany whispered softly to each other, their words a sweet secret only they could hear. In those whispered moments, they shared laughter, dreams, and the simple pleasure of being in each other's arms.

"Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you" As the dance continued, Santana's thoughts began to drift toward the nature of their relationship. With Brittany so close, her heartbeats synchronized with her partner's, she realized that what she felt for Brittany was unlike anything she'd felt before. It was a mixture of admiration, affection, and something deeper that she struggled to put into words.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea" As Blaine's voice soared during the chorus, Santana's mind wandered to the concept of love itself. She thought about the way Brittany made her smile, the way her presence felt like a soothing balm, and the way her laughter was a melody that could chase away any troubles. A realization slowly settled in her heart – she was on the cusp of falling in love with Brittany.

"Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be" With each twirl and sway, Santana's feelings deepened. The lyrics of the song seemed to echo her thoughts, and as her gaze met Brittany's, there was an unspoken understanding between them. It was a moment of clarity, a moment when Santana recognized that her heart was well on its way to being captivated by the girl she held in her arms.

"Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
For I can't help
Falling in love with you" As the song drew to a close, Santana's grip on Brittany tightened ever so slightly, and she pressed her forehead against Brittany's. Their breaths mingled, and in that shared space, Santana's eyes sparkled with a mix of vulnerability and affection. The crowd's applause seemed distant, replaced by the gentle rhythm of their hearts beating as one.

As they slowly parted, the lingering gaze they shared was charged with newfound emotions. Santana's heart felt both uncertain and hopeful, a journey into uncharted territory that she was willing to embrace. With Brittany by her side, the world seemed full of possibilities, and as they left the dance floor, Santana knew that whatever came next, she would be facing it with the girl who had already captured her heart in so many ways.

The room was bathed in soft, romantic lighting as couples swayed gently to the haunting melody of "Jar of Hearts," the soulful voice of Rachel filling the air.

"I know I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live half alive
Now you want me one more time" Among the dancers were Quinn and Sam, their fingers interlocked, moving in time to the song's emotional rhythm. As Rachel's voice soared, filling the space with raw emotion, Quinn couldn't help but be captivated by the haunting lyrics.

"Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?" Amidst the sea of dancing couples, Quinn's gaze shifted occasionally, almost involuntarily, over Sam's shoulder, finding itself drawn to a figure on the stage.

"I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
I've learned to live half alive
Now you want me one more time" There, amidst the spotlight's glow, stood Rachel, pouring her heart into each lyric. And when Quinn's eyes met Rachel's, she felt a jolt, as if their connection was stronger than any distance between them.

Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back" In a fleeting moment, Quinn looked over Sam's shoulder once more, and her breath caught. Rachel's eyes were fixed on her, a vulnerable intensity in her gaze.

"Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart" Their connection was undeniable, a thread of understanding that transcended the song's narrative. As the chorus swelled, Quinn's heart ached as she watched tears gather in Rachel's eyes, shimmering like unshed raindrops.

"You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all"  The dance with Sam became a bittersweet symphony, as Quinn found herself stealing glances over his shoulder to lock eyes with Rachel. With each turn, their unspoken conversation continued, speaking volumes that words could never capture.

"Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart" The lyrics of the song echoed the sentiment between them, a tale of brokenness and longing that seemed to mirror their own unspoken emotions.

"You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all" The distance between Quinn and Rachel felt impossibly small, and yet impossibly vast. Quinn's heart swelled with a mixture of nostalgia, regret, and a longing that she had tucked away. The ache in Rachel's eyes was like a mirror reflecting her own feelings, a reflection of the emotions they had shared in the past and the connection that still lingered.

"Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?" As the song approached its conclusion, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only Quinn, Sam, and Rachel in a world of their own. With a final, soulful note, the song ended, and Quinn found herself once again locking eyes with Rachel, the unspoken emotions hanging in the air between them.

The applause that followed was a distant echo, as Quinn and Sam slowly came to a stop. Sam looked at Quinn, a question in his eyes, and she managed a soft smile, acknowledging the dance they had shared. But as her eyes found Rachel's once more, she knew that their connection was far from over, that the jar of hearts they held for each other was something that time could never fully mend.

The glee club members gathered in the school's choir room after the electrifying homecoming festivities had come to a close. The energy was still high, and there was an air of excitement as they prepared for the next chapter of their night: a visit to the club. Laughter, chatter, and the sound of shoes shuffling on the floor filled the room.

As the glee club members settled into their seats stood up with a grin that was practically contagious. He raised his arms and shouted, "Are you ready to go clubbing?" His voice echoed through the room, his enthusiasm infectious.

The response was immediate and enthusiastic, as a chorus of voices shouted, "Yes!" The room seemed to buzz with anticipation, the excitement of their group adventure fueling their spirits.

But Jake wasn't done yet. He raised his voice once more, a mischievous glint in his eye, and repeated his question: "I said, are you ready to go clubbing?" This time, the response was even louder and more fervent, as the glee club members yelled "Yes!" in unison, followed by cheers and applause.

The energy in the room soared as they all embraced the excitement of the night ahead. With a unified sense of purpose, they began to gather their things, their dates by their sides. Laughter and banter flowed freely as they organized themselves into groups, ready to embark on the adventure that awaited them.

Outside, cars were revving their engines, and the sound of doors closing punctuated the air. The night was alive with possibilities, and as they made their way to their respective vehicles, the glee club members could hardly contain their enthusiasm. The excitement of the club, the thrill of dancing, and the joy of being with friends and loved ones filled the air, creating an electric atmosphere that was palpable.

As the cars pulled out of the parking lot, the glee club members shared smiles and knowing glances, their anticipation growing with every passing moment. The club was waiting, and they were ready to embrace the night of music, dancing, and companionship that lay ahead.

The club was alive with pulsating music, vibrant lights, and the energetic buzz of dancing bodies. The glee club members had arrived in high spirits, ready to lose themselves in the rhythm and revelry of the night. As they entered, Puck handed out IDs to each of them, ensuring smooth access to the front of the dance floor.

Excitement hung in the air as they gathered near the entrance, ready to make their way to the heart of the action. Puck, the unofficial guide of the night, led the charge, his confidence evident as he led the group toward the bustling dance floor. But as they moved forward, they encountered a minor obstacle.

Kurt had always possessed a youthful appearance, a trait that sometimes led to amusing situations. As they approached the entrance to the dance floor, the bouncer cast a cautious look at Kurt, a slight frown forming on his face. "Hold on a second," he said, his tone cautious.

Kurt flashed his signature smile, his charm radiating even in this moment. "Oh, don't worry," he reassured the bouncer, "I just have a baby face." His voice was smooth, a blend of humor and genuine candor.

The bouncer seemed to contemplate Kurt's words for a moment, his scrutiny lingering. Then, as if convinced by Kurt's explanation, he nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for Kurt to pass. "Alright, go on in," he said, his demeanor relaxing.

The pulsating music and flashing lights of the club created an atmosphere of exhilaration, and a group of glee club members found themselves in the heart of the action. Jake, Santana, Tina, Puck, and Brittany stood together, laughter and chatter filling the air as they took shots, the alcohol warming their senses.

"Alright, I've got a crazy idea," Puck announced with a mischievous glint in his eye. "How about we do some body shots?" His suggestion was met with a mix of curious and amused expressions.

Santana raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Well, well, Puckerman. Who would've thought you had it in you?" Her tone dripped with playful sarcasm.

"Hey, gotta keep things interesting," Puck quipped, his confidence unwavering.

Tina chimed in, her grin matching Puck's mischievousness. "Sounds fun. Who's partnering up?"

Puck's grin turned a shade darker as he glanced at the group. "I nominate Brittany and Santana."

Brittany's eyes lit up, and she exchanged a knowing look with Santana. "Sounds like a plan."

As the two girls shared a conspiratorial smile, Tina seized the opportunity to call Mike over. "Hey, Chang! We've got a challenge for you."

Mike joined the group, a questioning expression on his face. Tina gestured toward the setup. "Body shots. Are you in?"

Mike looked at Tina with an impressed grin. "You never cease to amaze me," he said before nodding. "I'm in."

Jake gave a shrug. "Count me out. Marley probably wouldn't be into that, so I'll stick with regular shots."

Tina shot Jake an impressed look, her playful gaze dancing with approval. Puck scoffed at Jake's decision and muttered something about a lack of boldness before walking off with determination.

Lauren, known for her assertive personality, was Puck's intended partner, but her refusal left him momentarily thwarted. However, Puck was not one to be easily discouraged. With a determined glint in his eye, he approached a random girl nearby, flashing his signature grin. Through a mix of charm, persuasion, and Puck's undeniable charisma, the girl agreed to be his partner for the body shot.

In a corner of the vibrant club, the energy of the night pulsed around Santana and Brittany. With playful grins and a shared sense of adventure, they were ready to elevate their camaraderie through a daring game of body shots. Santana's gaze twinkled with mischief as she held a small dish of salt, her fingers dancing over Brittany's smooth skin to create a teasing trail.

Brittany watched with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "You're really turning this into a work of art, Santana."

Santana chuckled softly, her fingers brushing lightly against Brittany's stomach as she laid out the salt. "Well, B, if you're gonna do it, might as well do it right."

As Santana prepared the shot, her fingers leaving a trail of anticipation on Brittany's skin, the world seemed to fade away. The thumping music and the swirling lights became distant as their shared connection took center stage.

With a mischievous grin, Santana leaned down, her lips pressing against Brittany's skin as she took the shot, the salt adding an electrifying edge to the tequila's warmth. A tremor of sensation rippled through her as she savored the unique mix of flavors. When she straightened up, a triumphant grin graced her lips, her eyes meeting Brittany's.

Seizing a piece of lime, Santana bit into it with a satisfied expression. The burst of tangy sourness was a delightful contrast to the sweetness of the shot. Just as the sourness hit her taste buds, Brittany leaned in, her voice a low, sultry whisper. "Santana, you're really showing us how to take a shot."

Santana couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Oh, Britt. You and your not-so-subtle innuendos."

Their laughter mingled with the thumping music, a testament to the bonds of friendship and the joyful freedom of the night. The intensity of the moment seemed to hang in the air, a perfect blend of camaraderie and unspoken connection.

However, their playful moment was interrupted as Puck's voice boomed through the club. "Hey, ladies! Having fun?"

Santana shot a mock-exasperated look at Puck, her eyebrows raised. Brittany couldn't suppress a laugh, her eyes crinkling at the corners. The girl next to Puck shot him a dirty look, clearly unimpressed by his interruption.

Mike psyched himself up to take a body shot off Tina. With the energy in the room at its peak, he positioned himself for the daring feat, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through him. The shot was poured, the moment arrived, and he savored the experience of taking a body shot off Tina.

Amidst the cheers and laughter of the crowd, Puck's booming voice added an extra layer of excitement, bellowing, "GET SOME CHANG!" The chant reverberated through the space, adding to the fervor of the celebration.

Yet, the euphoria was abruptly halted. The girl Puck had enlisted for his body shot partner looked visibly disgusted. Her voice dripping with disdain, she sharply advised, "Get a new body shot partner," before pivoting and striding away, leaving Puck in a state of shock amidst the revelry.

As a sexual song began to play, the lively party atmosphere seemed to intensify. Inebriated and filled with the rhythm of the music, Santana couldn't resist the pull of the moment. With an alluring glance at Brittany, she reached out and pulled her close. Their bodies moved in sync, hips rolling with an enticing energy that was impossible to ignore.

As Santana was grinding her ass into Brittany's front, the chemistry between Santana and Brittany was palpable. In the midst of the passionate dance, Brittany leaned in and pressed a seductive kiss to Santana's neck, sending shivers down her spine. Santana's voice turned husky as she leaned in, her lips brushing against Brittany's ear. With a hint of suggestion, she murmured how they should consider leaving and continuing the party elsewhere.

The electric tension between them was undeniable, and as the song continued to pulse in the background, Santana and Brittany shared a heated moment that left them both yearning for more.

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