By Coffinfriends

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What if Luz wasn't the first human in the boiling isles? Hi, as many of you know my friend made this and sadl... More

Another One
The Intruder
Covention Memories
Moving Hooty!
Lost in Language
The Magic In Nature
Enchanting Grom Fright
Wing it Like Witches!
Young Blood, Old Souls
Separate Tides
Keeping up A-fear-ances!
Hunting Palismen
Eda's Requiem
Knocking on hooty's door
Eclipse Lake
Yesterday's Lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Elsewhere and Elsewhen
Any Sport in a Storm
Reaching Out
Hollow Mind
Labyrinth Runners
O Titan, Where Art Thou
Clouds on the Horizon
King's Tide
Thanks To Them

Agony Of A Witch

32 2 0
By Coffinfriends

On the Emperor's Castle a flag bearing the sign of the Emperor's Coven swayed against the wind. Wild Witches are being brought across the drawbridge on a paddy wagon, most hidden in shadow, the ones we do see looking resigned to their fate. Something explodes out of the castle's chimney.

Lilith is watching the procession from atop the castle walls, then turns and heads inside. Lilith approaching a stained glass window of Emperor Belos, robed witches bowing at his feet while a Hand of the Titan reaches for the sun behind them.

"I haven't forgotten what you've promised me. I will bring you my sister, Emperor Belos."
"Then why the delay?" Kikimora said behind Lilith who turns around in surprise
"The Day of Unity is fast approaching, and other teams have bound many rogue witches to covens, and yet the Owl Lady still roams free. Are you... protecting her?"
"Rest assured, Kiki. I have everything under control."

Lilith snaps fingers and guards approach upon command
"Today, we capture Eda, once and for all."

At the Owl House, Hooty is fast asleep...

"Hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot..." He snored as Lilith appeared from behind bushes outside of the house

"Good. That infernal house demon is asleep." She beckons at the guards as they ready their weapons
"Surround the house!"
The guards go off in different directions as Hooty extends
"Sleepwalking... sleepwalking....Sleep-hooting!"

Hooty completely awake slams his face into the ground, popping up behind Lilith
"Hiya, Lilith! Peek-a-hoot!" Hooty smashes Lilith into a tree, Lilith grunts as guards charge at Hooty

"Sorry! Eda doesn't like trespassers, but I'm always here to make new friends! Hoot!" He bonks guard on the head and wears guard armor
"Oh! Look at me! I'm a person now. Wobbly, wobbly! Ooh, blackout!" He punches other guard

"Hoot hoot!" He throws guard armor away

"Hoot hoot! Bye, friend! Ooh! I feel like dancing!"He shakes body to hit the guards

Lilith grunts, grabs her staff and stands while Hooty is bobbing in front of a tree. Lilith takes aim and fires a spell
"I did it!" He bends down and dodges Lilith's spell "Oh hey! Look, it's a bug!"
The spell slices through the tree, which falls toward Lilith. She just misses it, then collapses on the ground

"Aww! Just an old leaf! Well, that's good too." Hooty eats leaf while making loud chewing noises

From inside the Owl House, Eda is wearing a yellow scarf, watching Hooty fighting the guards through her binoculars

"Hooty! Ah, you're a thorn in my side." She takes a cup of tea as a coven guard is slammed into the window.

"But he always digs his way into you're heart,right?"

Y/n smiled at Eda while Luz walks into the living room intrigued by what's brewing in Eda's cauldron
"Ooh, magic 'sghetti." Luz reaches her hand into the cauldron and tries to touch it
"Hey!" Eda magically slaps Luz's hand with the spoon
"That 'sghetti is Witch's Wool. It repels powerful spells." Eda holds up some of the wool
"Every witch worth their salt has a cloak made from this stuff"
Luz stares at the wool adoringly.

"I'm worth salt... I want cloak!"
Luz tries to grab the cauldron but Eda pulls it away from her
"Easy, kid! With the Emperor's goons at my doorstep, I need this for protection. They have really stepped up their attacks lately."
Luz stares at Eda intensely.
"I think I finally understand why the Emperor wants you so badly....he's got the hots for you, doesn't he?" Luz jokingly said

Eda shoots finger guns and clicks her tongue. "Uh, but no. Emperor Belos wants to control all wild magic through his coven system. He ordered my capture years ago because I refuse to fall in line."
"And he won't stop until he's got you..." Luz droops her head.

"Don't sound so worried. Eda is a master escape artist. The only thing that can slow her down is the curse, and that hasn't bothered her for weeks." Feathers pop out from Eda's arms making them look at her.
"Uh oh..."

Eda transforms into the Owl Beast as Luz gasps in horror.
"Weh?" He peeks into the room. "AH!"
"Get the elixir! Now!" The Owl Beast raises its head.

Eda gasps, now standing in a void. Her childhood bedroom materializes out of the gloom. Her younger self is sleeping. Eda sighs sadly. The door opens behind her, revealing a indistinct shadow. Eda looks at it.
"You know, I'm getting a little tired of this game." She approaches the shadow, trying to grab it. "So, why don't you just show me your face?"

In the real world, Eda is now holding Y/n's face as she holds an empty bottle of elixir to Eda's mouth.
"Oh..." She lets go of Y/n's face go and takes bottle out of mouth. "Whew! Oh, thanks for this!"

Eds stands, knocking over about a dozen other empty bottles. "And those..." Eda's scarf falls off, revealing that her gem is still half black.
"Hey, your gem! It's still dark!"
"Uh..." Eda pulls her scarf back on to cover her gem. "No, it's not! You're nuts!"
"Eda your curse has been getting worse and you've been hiding it."
"Ugh... you're right. It's taking more elixir to turn me back and more magic to keep the curse from rearing its feathery head."

"What happens if you use your magic up? Do you... do you die?"
"No! Jeez, you're morbid. I just kinda sorta, turn into the Owl Beast... forever. Ahhh, it's a fate much worse than death if you think about it." Eda laughs sarcastically earning a look from Y/n.

"No! No, I-I can't let that happen! I'll do something about it. I'll find a cure and then—"
Eda puts her hand on Luz's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. I just have to limit my magic use a little." Eda makes Luz grin. "Ah! There's the Luz I know!"
Luz sadly pouts with puppy eyes at Eda.

"Ugh. Go on. Do the parallel arm thing..." Luz immediately beams and hugs Eda with King also hugging Eda.

"Okay!" Eda walks in a strained manner with Luz wrapped around her and King on her leg. "It's... time... for... school!"

At the kitchen door, Eda drops Luz out of.
"Have a good day!"
"Get rest! Drink lots of water! Stay out of the sun! Lift with your knees, not your—" Eda slams the door before Luz could continue.
"Ah, what a good kid! So considerate. She deserves something nice." Y/n picks up the cauldron of witch's wool. "And I think you know."

Eda smiled at Y/n as she takes the cauldron from her.


Luz walking to school, talking to herself.
"Poor Eda. Enemies everywhere, even her own body. I wish I could help her."

A distant scream grabs Luz's attention. She peeks through bushes to see Hooty, wrapped around beaten up guards, serving them tea. One of the guards is feebly trying to escape.

"The roughhousing was fun, but I like this part of our playdates even better!"

Luz stands and shudders, then runs to school. She passes a ringing compact mirror on a pile of dirt, out of which Lilith's arm bursts. She grabs the compact and opens it as she drags herself out, a bird nest on her head.

"The Emperor demands your presence in the throne room. And there's a bird on your head."

Lilith looks up, where there is in fact now a bird in the nest.
"Oooo... you're in trouble!" Lilith groans and closes the compact mirror.

At Hexside, Principal Bump and various students are lined up for a flying ship. Luz walks up to Willow and Gus.
"Luz, you ready for the field trip of a lifetime to the one, the only, Emperor's Castle!"
"Right. I was actually gonna stay behind. I don't like the way they treat Eda."
Gus shoves a book in Luz's face. "But you're gonna miss out on all the cool stuff!"
"Like what?"
"Like ancient relics! Look, it's the Plant Coven's Green Thumb Gauntlet! It can grow whatever you imagine."

The book shows a picture of regular trees captioned "BEFORE." The camera pans to the "AFTER" section, where the tree tops now act as heads, they all have arms and abs, and one is holding an owl's nest.
"And the Oracle Sphere!" The book shows a white sphere with a two-headed snake on it.] It shows you which path will help you become your best self!" Luz's eyes land on a Healing Hat.

"The Healing Hat. Made from the magic of the Savage Ages. It is said to cure the deadliest diseases... and heal any curse"?"
"Yeah! You can't miss this!"
"All aboard students!" Willow and Gus head for the ship, dropping the book. Luz looks at it.
"Mmm." Luz picks up book.

"You've done so much for me, Eda. Now I'm gonna do something for you."

Luz is now on the flying ship headed for the Emperor's Castle. Students on board are cheering.
"No roughhousing! Do not make me turn this carriage around!"

In Luz's notebook. She has drawn the Healing Hat and written: "HEALING HAT HEIST 1. Sneak into castle! 2. Steal healing hat 3. Lift curse".
"Hey, Luz!"
"Ah!" Luz quickly hides the notepad. "Um, what was that, Willow?"
"I was just saying we were getting close to the castle." They both look over the side of the ship.

"Emperor Belos built it as a symbol of unity. Before he came to power, folks were doing magic all wrong. He taught us that the only way to respect what the Titan gave us is through joining covens."
Luz looks doubtful.
"It's a shame Amity couldn't make it. She would love this trip."

"In Amity's bedroom, She's lying in bed with her feet propped up on a pillow, her right one still in a cast. She looks at a poster on her wall of Lilith posing with a sword, the words "Join the Emperor's Coven TODAY!" written under her.
"Shut up."

Back to the flying ship.
"So, Willow... would you say this Belos guy is like, powerful?"
Willow chuckles. "No offense to Eda, but the Emperor is the most skilled witch that's ever lived. He can even talk to the Titan... though there has been a rumor floating around..."

Willow looks around before whispering to Luz.
"Emperor Belos wasn't the only one ruling the boiling isles, he had an empress but then she disappeared... that's what my dad's told me." Willow shrugged as the ship lands in front of the castle. Towering doors open.

"Now, the Emperor's assistant will be your tour guide. Please don't make me regret taking you here."Kikimora stands on a platform as a bridge extends to the ship.
"Whoa! Look at that! It's massive!"
The bridge retreats, bringing the students closer to Kikimora.

"Children of Hexside, Emperor Belos welcomes you to his castle. We're honored by visits from students. You'll soon be a part of the coven, some lucky few may even find their home here, in the mighty Emperor's Coven!"
"She looked at me! Wow, some!"
"You... are the future of the Isles! My job is to teach you its past." They enter the castle. Guards flank either side of a hallway, saluting, as others walk on overpasses. The walls are covered in tapestries, murals, and statues.
"Ooh. Whoa!"

"Today, the Isles are a place of peace and prosperity. But that wasn't always the case." She gestures to a mural of witches dancing around a fire. "Up until 50 years ago, witches and demons practiced wild magic during what we called the Savage Ages." She then leads the students away. "Witches had access to corrupt knowledge, and that dishonored the Titan."Luz stops at a grate.

"That was, until our great Emperor ascended to the throne, and taught witches how to use magic properly." She gestures to a mural of Belos holding up a beam of light, witches below celebrating his power. "Our next stop is the Emperor's personal collection of relics."
"Oh! Luz, you'll like this. It's where—huh?"
Luz struggles to open vent, notices Willow and Gus looking at her. "Heh... Uh, love me a properly ventilated castle!"

Luz follows the rest of the group, kikimora opens the door to the Relic Room.
"These items are reminders of our great Emperor's overwhelming power." They Pass the Oracle Sphere. "From the curious and mighty."
Kikimora passes the Green Thumb Gauntlet. "To the very handy."
"Oh, I could grow such beautiful things with that."
Kikimora passes by the Healing Hat. "And even, the most valuable."
Luz stares at the Hat as Willow is admiring the Gauntlet.
"Come along, children."

Willow goes to catch up. Luz starts walking towards the Healing Hat, but Gus runs up and drags her along.
"Let's go, Luz!"

They walk down a long hallway.
"Here at the Emperor's Coven, we require members with sophistication, elegance, and grace."
A door slams open. Lilith is standing there, leaves in her disheveled hair. She spits out feathers and vanishes her staff, then enters. Luz gasps and ducks around a corner.

"Ah! Make way for Miss Lilith Clawthorne, students."
"Oh, my gosh. The head of the coven! Wow!"
"Yes, and if I'm not mistaken, she's on her way to see the Emperor himself. Let's all wish her luck!"
"Good luck, Miss Lilith!"
Lilith blushes then inhales. "Thank you, students. Good luck with puberty."
"This way, children."

Most of the class follows Kikimora down the hall as Lilith enters a door. Luz looks after Lilith.

Lilith walks through the halls, Luz tailing her out of sight. The closer to the Emperor's room they get, the more pipes are visible snaking around the walls. Luz is nearly caught, but ducks behind a corner before Lilith turns around. When she continues on, Luz peeks. Lilith stops at a massive door to clean herself up before entering. Luz runs up and watches through the keyhole.

Inside is a massive throne room. A beating green heart, far larger than would belong in any current living creature, is hooked up to pipes above the golden throne, which is flanked with flaming braziers. Various guards are standing around the room, one with a mask resembling an owl standing directly behind the throne. Belos himself is sitting on the throne, his head in his hand. Lilith approaches the throne and kneels.

"I am at your service, Emperor Belos." Emperor Belos reathes heavily. A guard brings a palisman on a tray.
"Just a moment, Lilith."

Emperor Belos takes the palisman. He sinks his finger guards into the palisman's neck, dragging a line and breaking its head off. Glowing green goop falls out of the palisman, which Emperor Belos pours into the eye holes of his mask. His eyes, unseen before, flash a glowing green.

"Ah, that's better."
Luz gasps and pulls away from the door, covering her mouth. She whimpers and runs off.


"How's the hunt for the Owl Lady? I heard you attempted a raid this morning."
"Yes, but we were—"
"Unsuccessful? That was obvious enough. It's been over a month since you promised to bring me the Owl Lady. Well, where is she?"
"If I just had more time, I—"
"I'm getting bored of your excuses, Lilith. Don't worry, I'll give you the time you need. Bring the Owl Lady to me by twilight. She'll join the Emperor's Coven and in return, I'll heal her little curse. But, if you fail..."

His finger guards dig into his throne, heart above the throne beats faster.

"You will be stripped of your rank and banished from my coven. You do know what happens to covenless witches, don't you?"

Lilith looks over at the same mural the students saw in the hall. Screams overlay the scene; the witches depicted aren't celebrating his power, they're begging for mercy. Lilith stands.
"I—I understand. I will not fail."

Lilith turns and leaves but she listens to them in silence.

"Emperor, what shall we do with Y/n?"
"She'll come here to save the owl lady... it'll speed up the process."


In the Owl House, Eda is knitting with the witch's wool and King is napping.
Eda holds up cloak. "Yeah! Something tells me Luz is gonna like having a cape."
King wakes up. "Cape? I thought you were making cake!"
"You thought I was knitting a cake?"
"I, uh... anyway! If there's no cake, then I have to get to work!" King runs off.

"Would you look at us, being all generous to that kid." Crashing could be heard making Y/n look in worry.
"You know what, when she first got here, I thought we were gonna eat her."

A louder crash knocks a picture off the wall.
"But now I only think of that, like, sometimes."
"Yeah, she's changed the feel of this house." Eda picks up the fallen picture: one of Luz shoveling purple and green tentacles in her mouth, a banner behind her reading "FINISH OR DIE!".

"Well, she always had a good heart, but was impatient and always bit off more than she could chew. But despite all that, I think she's finally growing up."
"Yeah... it's nice to see that." Y/n smiled looking at the picture as Eda kissed her cheek.

At the Emperor's Castle, Luz peeks out of a curtain to look through a window, watching the class leave. "Please don't notice I'm gone, please don't notice I'm—boarding the bus?"

Sure enough, Luz is on the bridge. She turns around and sticks out her tongue at the real Luz.
"Huh?" Someone taps Luz's shoulder.
"Wah!" Luz turns around to see Willow and Gus, Gus spinning three spell circles.
"Oh! Guys. I, uh...."
Willow pulls out Luz's notepad. "You were planning on taking the Healing Hat, weren't you?"

"You got me. But you don't understand. Eda has this curse and it's zapping away her magic, and—"
"Luz, no matter what, you can't steal this hat."
Gus steps in front of Willow. "But, you can borrow it!"
"Hey! I wanted to say that! We learned about Eda's curse from your notes. We're totally gonna help you."
Luz almost crying. "Thanks, guys. I know exactly what we gotta do. It's time for a heist!"

Montage: Willow, Luz, and Gus sneak through the halls when they see a guard coming down the stairs. They duck behind a small bush, which Willow grows into the shape of a unicorn. The guard stops, nudges its horn, and continues on.

The three run off; Another guard is standing in a hallway. The three notice them and come out of a door stacked together awkwardly under one uniform. Luz, at the front, waves, high-fives the guard, and fingerguns as they retreat. The guard is very confused; Luz looks at the vent from earlier. She draws out a fire glyph and melts the vent; they reach yet another hallway, where Gus illusions up a double of Kikimora to send a guard off. Once the guard leaves, the illusion Kikimora does the worm. Gus laughs, oblivious to Luz and Willow's confused looks.

Finally, the three enter the Relic Room.
"Healing Hat. Mmm! You're Eda's last hope." She grabs hat, which glows. "I-I can feel it! I can feel the magic flowing!"
"Me too!" Gus holds the Oracle Sphere. "Finally, I'm about to become my best self!"
Gus holds the Sphere up, and a purple-tinted double of him appears.
"You're always your best self."

Gus tears up and starts crying while Willow wears the Green Thumb Gauntlet. She grows a large wooden arm, which flexes and then sinks back into the Gauntlet.
"Whoa! I just wanted to try it out." She returns Gauntlet; chuckles.
"Now we can cure Eda and get this hat back before anyone knows it's gone."

I will know.

Everyone looks at the ceiling. Luz and Willow back up nervously.
"We need to go. Now." Barricades drop in front of the doors, locking them in. Luz and Gus gasp as the doors to the relic room get locked, barricading them inside.
"Stand back!" Willow grabs the Green Thumb Gauntlet and grows a massive buff tree. It extends its arms at one of the barricades.

In a hallway, Lilith is pacing in front of the stained glass mural of Belos.
"Lilith, think! You've given your entire life to this coven, you can't lose it. What's Eda's weakness? She has no attachment, no friends. Think!"

Lilith punches the wall at the same time a loud crash happens. She stares at her hand.

Back in the Relic Room, the barricade now has a hole in it. Luz coughs as Willow's tree shrinks to nothing.
"Come on, let's go!" Luz stops as Lilith who's pointing her staff using her palisman, Lilith pushes down the hood of Luz's cowl.
"Why, if it isn't Eda's human pet. How perfect." Luz backs up as Lilith advances on her.
"Aren't I lucky to find you here."
"Stay away! If you touch us, they will come after you so fast."

Lilith teleports in front of Luz. "That's the plan."
"Run, Luz!"
Willow raises the Green Thumb Gauntlet and grows a wooden arm to grab Lilith's staff. Luz runs. Lilith uses her staff to fling Willow toward the door.
"Wrong move, Lilith. It's two against one, and you don't stand a chance against—"
Lilith poofs Gus's copy, and throws him across the room with Willow.

"Now, that doesn't belong to you." She magically grabs Healing Hat.
"No!" Luz tries to free the Hat from Lilith's magic. Lilith closes her fist, and the magic rips the hat in half. It disappears.
"No! I needed that to heal your sister!"
"Huh." She grabs Luz. "These decrepit relics are useless. If you wanna see your friend again, deliver this to Edalyn."

Lilith throws her staff to Willow and Gus. The staff flies them away.
"Luz!" Luz looks nervously at Lilith who smirks.

"Let her go."

Lilith looked up to see Phoenix above them shining bright red.

"Or what?" Lilith taunted only to have fire thrown her way.


In Owl House, Eda folds a completed witch's wool cloak.
Hooty opens door. "I spy with my little eye something coming this way!"
"Wait!" King pushes a cake into the living room. "Wait for me! You're not the only one who knows dark magic!" He holds up cake mix box. "Now stop gawking and load me in!"

Eda stands and helps him in.
"Ow! Ow! Gentle!" The shadow of Willow and Gus on Lilith's staff passes the window. They knock on the front door, which Y/n opens. Her face falters when she sees it's not Luz.
"We have some bad news...". Behind them, Lilith's staff is floating and glowing blue. Eda stands beside Y/n glaring at it.


On the bridge to the Emperor's Castle, Lilith paces back and forth

"Come on, Edalyn. You would be late when I need you most."
Lilith looks to the top of the castle, where Emperor Belos is watching. Yellow light flashes, and Eda appears. Lilith smirks. Eda throws Lilith's staff, which leaves a crater in the castle wall.

"Sister! I see that you got my invitation to a Witch's Duel!"
Bolts of electricity fly at Lilith, though none hit her. Eda flies at her, taunting. Lilith blocks one hit with a summoned shield. She summons her staff and fires a bolt at Eda.

"Where is she?"
"Easy now."
Eda stops floating above Lilith with a glare "The human is safe."

Lilith taps her staff to the ground. A blue bubble flies out of the castle, with Luz and Phoenix inside of it.

"Eda! Y/n!" Lilith walks in front of Luz.
"You can have her back, provided you do as I say. Renounce your wild ways and join the Emperor's Coven. He can help heal your curse!"

"Don't believe everything that bonehead tells you. He doesn't want to heal me, he wants to control me!"
"Then I will take you in by force." Lilith spins her staff.
"You've always looked down on me because I'm wild, but fortunately, that just made me work harder than you."

Eda slams her staff on the ground, summoning a towering owl made of light behind her. She rushes at Lilith, launching her in the air. Inside the castle, guards turn to watch.

In the air, Eda appears behind Lilith. Lilith disappears as Eda swings her staff. Lilith reappears behind Eda right as Eda disappears. Eda appears behind Lilith and kicks her, then zaps away to chase her.

From the bubble, Luz watches Eda and Lilith zip across the sky, nothing but gold and blue lights weaving and crashing. Lilith shoots a beam of light at Luz's bubble, sending it flying. Eda lands on the bridge while Luz yells.

Eda went to redirect her but Y/n used her staff to redirect the boards of the bridge to keep Luz from falling off. Lilith drops down, and Eda rolls out of the way to prevent being crushed. Eda summons a Hooty Hydra to wrap Lilith up. Eda spins her staff and sends a giant blast at Lilith. Lilith puts Luz between her and the bolt, which Eda redirects, missing them both.

Eda pants as Y/n went to her side.
"Stop hiding behind Luz, you coward!"
Lilith pants as well before grinning as she looked at Eda "It's sad to see you slowing down sister. Tell me, is it the curse?"

Eda growls, the sound half Owl Beast. The darkness in her gem grows.
"Eda! Your gem!" Luz bangs on the bubble only to be unheard by them.
"Maybe it is the curse. But then how pathetic are you, that you can't best me at my worst?!"

Eda spins her staff and summons a dozen rings of magic, all of which send bolts at Lilith. Eda's Hooty Hydra drags Luz to safety as Lilith summons a shield to protect herself.

Luz looks around and notices a pointed rock, she gasps having an idea.

"Maybe you are stronger than me, but that made me work smarter! I became smart, crafty!"
"A lapdog for a tyrant!" Luz hits her bubble against the rock until the bubble shatters.
"You always thought you were better than me, that I could never beat you in anything!"
"I am better than you!"
"Then why were you so easy to curse?!"

Lilith covers her mouth while Eda looks shocked and betrayed. A flashback to Eda's bedroom door opening. Light from the hallway lights up her sleeping figure. The mysterious figure steps forward, shadows disappearing. It was Lilith all along.

"A-And I have the power to remove it, if you would just let me explain."
Eda looks away shaking in anger. With a yell of fury, she rushes forward and destroys Lilith's shield, flinging Lilith in the wall hard enough to leave a crater.

"Eda, stop! Your magic!"
The black in Eda's gem is writhing furiously. Eda doesn't seem to care while Lilith smirks. Luz is surrounded by glowing blue and starts floating.
"Human. That orb was for your protection."

Lilith moves Luz over the edge of the bridge. The magic drops. So does Luz.
Eda draws a shaky spell circle with her staff. Luz stops plummeting a foot above a score of giant spikes. Eda strains to keep Luz up.
"Eda, stop! You'll run out of magic!"
"It's my power, kid. And before you showed up, I spent my whole life wasting it."

Lilith grins evilly as she summons a giant hand to push Luz closer to the spikes, but Y/n send out a large goo hand to hold Luz above the spikes.

"Eda, no, no, no"
Eda's gem is almost entirely black. The whites of her eyes begin to be taken over.
"Alright, kid. Listen to me. I'm going away, and I don't know if I can bounce back this time. Watch over King. Remember to feed Hooty."
"Please, no!"
"And Luz, thank you for being in my life."
"Eda don't you dare!"

Eda turnes to face Y/n with a sad smile. "Y/n, I'm glad we got a chance to start over again... I love you." Y/n's eyes fill with tears as she went to reach for Eda.

With a scream, Eda unleashes a powerful burst of magic. Owlbert flies off the staff. Lilith is pushed back, her spell broken. Eda's magic illuminates the Isles. Luz, several feet higher than before, falls on the goo hand. Owlbert picks her up by the hood and flies her back to the bridge, where Eda is laying on Y/n's lap.


Eda rolls over and screams, her voice overlapping with the Owl Beast's. She slams a hand to the bridge, and the Owl Beast stands. It advances on Luz, who is pushed back. The Owl Beast tries to pounce, and Luz cowers, but the impact never comes, Lilith binding the Owl Beast and dragging it halfway across the bridge with her staff.

"Come along, sister. Now we can let the healing begin."
Lilith looks up to Belos and he turns away.
"You monster!"
Luz jumps on Lilith's back and tries to drag her down. Lilith grabs her by the cowl and throws her.

"Leave, human!" She rabs Owlbert. "Edalyn is finally with her family. Her real family."
Lilith taps her staff on the bridge. Gears turn, pulling the bridge toward the castle.
"Go back to your world. This one is ours."
"Lilith!" Y/n glared at her as she charged her way turning into a goo monster.
"You'll be the grand surprise.

Lilith casts a spell to bind Y/n in red ropes, Y/n struggled against the red ropes as the goo slips out of Y/n's body.

Luz stands and tries to chase after them, but can't. The doors to the castle close, leaving Luz with a goo monster.
The sun is rising; she's been walking all night.
Hooty yawns and sees luz walking with the monster and Phoenix.

"Oh, Luz, there you are!"
"Hi, Hooty."
Luz opens the door to the dark living room. She looks at the side, her eyes widening. She gasps. There are balloons and streamers hung up. Party hats are on the couches, and confetti is on the floor. Her new cape is wrapped in a bow on the table, next to King's cake, the candles of which have long burned out.

King bursts out of the cake. King gasps loudly "The cake is me!" He looks around "Hey, um, where's Eda?"

Luz gasps, and her eyes fill with tears as she falls to the floor. Hooty looks at her in concern. Both him and King approach Luz to comfort her.

"We'll save her." The goo monster said taking form, short and slim with black hair and dark brown eyes.

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