By the_memory_snapper

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|| Updated Weekly || Romantic Thriller Love stories can be elusive, hidden desires left unspoken, and some re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

132 28 4
By the_memory_snapper

Chapter 2

In the Dean of Students Affairs' cabin, two families sat in silence. Jayesh, Priya's legal guardian, kept his head lowered, while Sudhir and Shipra, Priya's parents, were on his left. Across from them sat an irritable-looking woman who continuously muttered curses directed at them and their daughter.

The two students in question, Priya and Rajat, stood quietly behind their respective families.

The Dean of Students cleared his throat and moved closer to the table, resting his interwoven hands on its surface.

"Mr. Tarafdar," he began, addressing Jayesh, "we never expected this from Priya. She's known for her calm, composed demeanor and polite behavior. She possesses the potential to secure one of the best job offers through our college placements. However, after learning the truth, we feel betrayed." Professor Sen's tone held disappointment. "I hope you understand the gravity of the situation."

Jayesh, taken aback by his daughter's actions, kept his head low, nodding in response to the Dean's words.

"And Mrs. Kapur," Sen turned to Rajat's mother, "your son is not without fault either. He shares equal responsibility for his actions. He's not a child who can be easily swayed by Priya into participating in something immoral."

"My son could never engage in such behavior," she retorted sharply, her gaze fixated on Priya before continuing with a vehement tone. "It's this girl. She manipulated my son into all of this. She's the one at fault and she should face the consequences." She slumped back in her chair, visibly agitated. "Can you believe a girl from a respectable family would carry condoms and alcohol in her bag?" She clasped her hands together and nodded her head fervently, seeking forgiveness from a higher power.

"This is a professional college, Mrs. Kapur," Professor Sen retorted firmly. "We're here to provide students with the education and training they need for their futures, and we also expect them to uphold basic moral values." He shifted his gaze to the students in question. "We're not in the business of being jailers for these young adults, most of whom are legally considered adults. Our role is to ensure discipline, and your son has indeed violated that."

"But you didn't find anything on him," Rajat's mother swiftly defended her son. "All the evidence was found on her. She ensnared my son."

Shipra, Priya's mother, lost her patience for the first time and moved to defend her daughter, but Jayesh's silent gesture restrained her. That simple motion was enough to halt her in her tracks.

"What transpired is not solely attributed to Tripura but to both of these students," Professor Sen asserted, his patience wearing thin. He raised his hand, signaling for the woman to cease her interruptions. "I am not here to pass moral judgment. My purpose is to inform both families about the misdeeds of your wards and the disciplinary action the institute has decided to take."

"You can't punish my son. Punish her. Expel her!" Rajat's mother, unable to contain herself, left her seat and moved aggressively toward Priya. Jayesh, acting swiftly, stepped in to shield his daughter. "Ma'am, I urge you to maintain decorum and peace. Under no circumstances you are touching my daughter," he firmly declared, his gaze reflecting his frustration.

"Mrs. Kapur!" Sen's voice boomed, resonating throughout the room. "Put an end to this irrational behavior. Rajat, control your mother," he commanded. Rajat exchanged words with his mother, prompting her to return to her seat.

"You two..." Professor Sen presented two envelopes to Priya and Rajat. "You are suspended for a week and barred from participating in the college excursion."

"Sir, this is too severe for me," Rajat immediately tried to defend himself.

"Oh, and why should I show leniency to you, Rajat? Just so you know, I visited the shop last night and learned that it was you who specifically requested a certain packet of condoms. Did you inform your mother about that?" Sen's tone held a sense of challenge, though he expected no response. "Furthermore, after speaking with the shopkeepers and discovering your regular visits there, I'm concerned that the items may have been deliberately placed in Priya's bag. On the contrary, Priya's visit to the shop was solely to purchase necessary items." He turned his gaze towards Priya. "Priya, do you have anything to add in your defense?"

A lump formed in Priya's throat as she gathered her courage to speak. "I apologize, Sir, for the incident. I'll do everything within my capability to regain the lost trust. I accept the punishment that has been assigned to me," she managed to say in a single breath.

"Mr. Tarafdar, Mr. Sharma, do you wish to offer any input?" Sen inquired again.

Jayesh leaned forward, his eyes downcast. "We are genuinely sorry for our daughter's actions. We'll ensure this doesn't happen again. If it does, whatever consequences the college deems appropriate, we'll accept—even if the punishment is more severe."

"I protest this decision. My son's suspension is unjust and unlawful. He should not be suspended," Rajat's mother stood her ground, unwavering in her stance.

"In that case, I can consider extending..." Professor Sen began to address the objections raised, then paused. Rajat humbly pleaded with his mother to relent, realizing her actions were tarnishing his reputation. He guided her out, acknowledging the unjustness of her behavior and its negative impact..

Inside the cabin, Professor Sen extended his hand to shake hands with Jayesh. He turned his attention towards Priya and spoke gently, "Priya, consider your family and your future. Look at where you come from and where you're headed. Don't let your family's trust in you waver. Your future holds promise, both in terms of success and humility. Don't tarnish it by involving yourself with individuals like Rajat. Remember, education alone is not enough; your character as a person matters the most."

Sen shifted his gaze towards Jayesh and addressed him using his name. "Jayesh, I'm aware that your daughter isn't at fault. I possess enough evidence and a witness to confirm that. However, in the eyes of the larger audience, the perception might be different. If I were to prove otherwise, you've just seen how Rajat's mother can manipulate the situation to defend her son. It's more practical to pronounce both of them guilty rather than trying to prove otherwise." He placed his other hand on Jayesh's shoulder and continued, "I trust you understand the situation."

"Yes, Sen. I do," Jayesh replied. His frustration was palpable. He turned his gaze away from Priya and added, "However, she's not entirely blameless. She's here to study, not to search for a life partner. We're still alive and capable of finding the right match for her. If she's here for reasons other than her studies, then what's the purpose of her education? We could marry her off now if that's the case! I want her to establish her identity and not get caught up in something else." His anger was evident, and he averted his eyes from Priya. "And Sen, we won't take her back with us. Let her experience the consequences of her actions and learn the hard way."


Money proved to be Ram's ultimate tool as he managed to extract information from an insider at the Dean's office who initially refused to talk. This insider provided Ram with detailed insights into Priya's family background. As he delved deeper, he discovered that Priya's guardian held a highly regarded position and she possessed a significant inheritance. Moreover, he learned about the suspension of both Rajat and Priya, along with their exclusion from the upcoming excursion.

Intrigued by this information, Ram decided to take matters into his own hands. He decides to reach out to his father's personal assistant in Delhi, a man who had witnessed Ram and his brother's growth from childhood to adulthood. Ram instructed his brother Rishab to discreetly speak with Dhillon Uncle and gather more information. However, Ram wished to keep his research confidential from his father.

In the evening, Ram found himself walking in a secluded area near the girls' hostel, waiting for Priya to return. Neha had informed him that Priya had left with her family for the city. As he patiently waited, he noticed a car entering the campus and heading towards the girls' hostel. Hiding behind a hedge, he observed carefully. Priya emerged from the car, accompanied by a man. She listened intently to what he was saying, appearing attentive and somewhat vulnerable. However, she avoided looking at the man and instead nodded in response to his words. Eventually, she covered her face and tears began to flow. Ram, though a silent observer, felt helpless as he watched this scene unfold.

He continued to watch as the man embraced Priya, comforting her and wiping away her tears. Their interaction showed deep concern and empathy. The man cupped her face and spoke to her with a reassuring tone. Priya hugged him tightly, and he reciprocated the gesture. After a while, Priya gazed at the departing car as it left the campus. As she turned to head back to her hostel, her eyes unexpectedly met Ram's. Despite the connection, Priya didn't react and walked away, her back facing him. Ram felt a mix of emotions, realizing he was unable to offer any support in this moment.

On the following day, Ram entered the classroom and immediately noticed the absence of Priya at her usual desk. Instead, another boy was seated there. He let out a sigh, walked to the back, and chose to sit alone at the last bench, even avoiding Vikram. Ram's surprising behavior caught Vikram's attention, as he noticed that Ram attended all the classes, even those he typically disliked. Some professors were pleasantly surprised and satisfied to see him consistently in class, sitting by himself.

Later that evening, as Ram was leaving the building, he caught a glimpse of Priya in the library. Summoning his courage, he entered the library and sat beside her, sliding his notebook toward her. Priya looked at the notebook and then at Ram, a question in her eyes.

"Today's notes," he whispered. It was the first proper interaction they had in two days. Ram avoided direct eye contact due to his lingering guilt. Without meeting her gaze, he continued, "I attended every class. Even the ones I never liked. I won't miss any unless you come back." He began to leave, but Priya's hand stopped him, silently urging him to sit again. Ram obliged.

"I need some fresh air. Could you take me somewhere?" Priya murmured, complaining of a headache since the previous night.

"Sure. Give me a call when you're ready," Ram replied softly. "We could head to a dhaba for dinner."

"I have to be back by 7pm, otherwise I need to be in the library," Priya replied.

"It's already 5pm," Ram noted.

"Yes, so I guess it won't work," Priya said with disappointment.

"Come on, let me take you out now. We'll make sure you're back before your curfew," Ram said, rising in a hurry.

"But..." Priya's protest faded as she saw his determined expression. Gathering her belongings, she left the library with Ram.

As Priya remained in her hostel room upstairs, Ram received a call from Rishab. His brother provided him with details about Jayesh Tarafdar, revealing that he was a prominent figure in the outsourcing industry. While their family business revolved around medicine, medical equipment, garments, accessories, and electronics, it seemed unlikely that Ram's father and Mr. Tarafdar were closely acquainted. However, Ram learned that day, after nearly a year and a half, that Priya was set to inherit Jayesh's business empire. After bidding farewell to his brother, Ram's attention turned to Priya, who was descending the hostel stairs, accompanied by Neha. They waved to Neha before walking away from the hostel.

Curious, Priya inquired, "So, were you on a call with Jiya?"

Ram replied, "No."

"But you were talking to someone," Priya persisted.

"Yeah, it was my brother. He's preparing for some entrance exams," Ram offered a partial truth.

Walking in silence for a while, Priya eventually asked, "Where should we go?"

Ram checked his watch and suggested, "Let's take a stroll to the nearby Dhaba. We can be back before 7pm." Priya nodded in agreement.

Their journey continued silently until they reached the college gate. Showing their IDs, Ram and Priya exited the campus and headed down a dirt road towards their destination. Despite the silence, a palpable yearning for connection hung in the air between them. Ram glanced at Priya, and she responded with a smile.

Breaking the silence, Ram asked, "So, who was it yesterday? Your father?"

"No, my godfather. Jayesh Uncle," Priya replied.

"Jayesh Tarafdar," Ram exclaimed. "A major player in the outsourcing industry, your godfather, and the one whose fortune you're set to inherit. You never mentioned any of this."

"So, you've gathered all the information," Priya retorted.

"Rajat might have too. That's probably why he was so persistently pursuing you," Ram observed, looking at her.

Upon reaching the Dhaba, they took a seat at a table outside the hut. Ram placed their order, saying, "Two French Toasts, please. And two coffees?" He turned to Priya, who nodded. "Yes, and two coffees."

"Ram!" a voice called out from inside the hut. It was Jiya. Priya instantly interpreted Ram's earlier partial truth as a lie, believing that he had asked Jiya to join them. A surge of jealousy engulfed her.

"What brings you here?" Jiya inquired, stepping out into the open. "And with Priya?" Her lack of surprise was apparent. "So, the rumors are true. You two are actually together," she said with a mocking tone.

"Jiya, I have no idea about any rumors, and honestly, I don't care," Ram responded. "Why does it bother you?"

"Because I'm with you. You're with me. We're a couple," Jiya retorted loudly. "You're double-dating me, and she was double-dating Rajat. Bitch!"

"That's enough, Jiya!" Ram's stern voice sliced through the air like a whip. "What do you take me for? Do you think I didn't know you have a boyfriend, and he's the guy inside, the final-year student who sent you to me? I actually feel sorry for you."

"And you sent that bitch to Rajat for what reason?" Jiya retorted in a disrespectful tone directed at Priya.

"SHUT UP!" Ram's voice thundered, attracting the attention of everyone around. The weight of the accusations became unbearable for Priya. She stood up and swiftly left the scene.

"Jiya, I'll deal with you later. And tell your boyfriend to keep you to himself instead of sending you to others for money," Ram shot back, delivering an insult, a first for him to any girl. Placing a two-hundred-rupee note on the table, he instructed the boy to settle the bill and immediately chased after Priya.

Ram had to quicken his pace to catch up with Priya. "Priya, wait," he called, gripping her hands to halt her. "Just wait." He held her gently yet firmly, attempting to calm her down. "What happened? Why did you run off like that?"

"Did you not hear what she was saying about me?" Priya replied, her eyes welling with tears.

"Listen to me," Ram implored, trying to make her meet his gaze. "Listen, Priya..." He tenderly made her look up by cupping her face, only to see her face ravaged by tears. "What have I done to you? Why did I let Rajat propose to you, first? " He realised his mistake when the truth slipped out his tongue.

"What? What did you just say?" Priya pulled out of his grasp abruptly. "You told him to propose to me?" She stared at him in stunned disbelief.

"Priya, it's not like that, not what you're thinking," Ram defended himself, regretting his past folly.

"What is it then, Ram?" Her voice carried a mix of frustration and anger. "Tell me, what is it? Am I some prize to be won, some wager to be placed?" She charged at Ram, clutching his collar tightly.

"It's not like that!" Ram reiterated, head bowed, eyes avoiding her glare.

"You set him up to propose to me? What were you thinking? That he'd break my heart or I'd reject him, and then you'd swoop in as the hero?" She pushed him back, her voice a torrent of emotions.

"I never thought you'd actually accept his proposal! I thought you'd say no," Ram admitted, his voice fading under Priya's outburst.

"So, I was a trophy you and Rajat were competing over!" She shouted. "This is what you thought of me? That you'd mend my broken heart? But you were the one who broke it in the first place. That day, my eyes were searching for you. I wanted you to see me rejecting him, but I was a fool." She stamped her foot in frustration. "It was you who wanted him to have me. It was you who led me into all of this."

"Pri..." Ram began, only to be interrupted once again.

"Don't call me that! You've lost the right to call me that," Priya said, her face stained with tears. Ram stood there, head hung low.

"Ram, you knew I loved you," Priya's voice quivered as she continued, "And yet you sent him to me? You wanted him to have me? Is that what you think of me?"

"Priya, I made an incredibly stupid mistake. I never meant to hurt you. It was a foolish reaction, a sort of challenge, when Rajat asked me to stop pursuing you. I was so sure you'd turn him down..." His words felt repulsive to him as he spoke them, realizing the gravity of his actions.

"I'm sorry, Priya," he managed to say before she slapped him hard. Tearfully, Priya began to step back, her gaze fixed on Ram. "Priya, now I understand how much disgust I've caused you. But believe me, I never intended to hurt you. I alwa..." He was cut off by her raised hand.

"Priya, I lo..." he tried to speak once more, but once again, she silenced him.

"Don't, Ram. Just don't. You've lost the right to say that to me. Yes, I loved you. I first realized it when I really got to know you and I was sure about my feelings when you started seeing other girls. I thought it was my mistake that I ended up with Rajat and blamed myself constantly. But it was you who pushed me into that decision. I hate you, Ram. I hate you." She took a step back. "No, you're not even worthy of my hatred." Wiping her tears, she turned and ran back towards the college campus.

Ram sat on his knees, realizing the magnitude of the blunder he had committed. He could feel the disgust Priya must have felt upon learning the truth. That day, he learned a crucial lesson – the one you love is not a prize to be wagered or challenged for. If you love someone, tell them, respect them, and above all, don't play with their feelings.

Priya rushed straight to her room, collapsing onto her bed. She buried her head in her pillow and wept uncontrollably. Neha, who had been on the balcony, hurried inside upon hearing the commotion. Seeing Priya in such distress, she knelt beside her, gently stroking her hair, and asked what had happened. Priya looked up at her, a mix of anger and pain in her eyes.

"You knew too, didn't you? About everything Ram did?" Priya accused Neha immediately.

"What did he do?" Neha feigned ignorance.

"He orchestrated Rajat's proposal to me. What did he hope to achieve by that, Neha? Why did he break my heart? I loved him so much. I still love him so much, and he took it all for granted," Priya said, her face buried in her hands.

"What? He set up Rajat?" Neha sat down next to Priya, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "No, no, there must be some mistake, Priya. He could never do that."

"I wouldn't have believed it either if Ram himself hadn't confessed to me," Priya cried.


"Yes, he admitted it to me. It slipped out accidentally."

"What in the world..." Neha sat next to Priya, her tone incredulous. "Priya, l knew he loves you but if I had known he did this, I would never have supported him. I would have been the first to tell him that it was wrong. And if Vikram had any inkling of this, he will definitely face the consequences. Priya, stay here. I'll be right back. Wait for me." Neha grabbed her phone hastily and rushed out of the room.

Within moments, she arrived at the boys' hostel, calling out for Vikram and Ram at the top of her lungs. The warden emerged, asking her the reason behind the commotion. She simply demanded that the two boys come down.

Ram, who happened to be returning to the hostel, rushed over upon hearing the noise. "Neha?" he exclaimed.

"There you are!" She slapped him without hesitation.

"Neha?" Vikram was taken aback to see Neha creating a scene and slapping Ram.

"Come here. Come here, right now. My slipper is ready for you," she said, advancing towards him with her footwear raised.

"Neha... Neha..." Vikram grabbed her hand, attempting to calm her.

"What's going on?" The warden stood there, bewildered. "I should..." He halted upon seeing Ram beside him, witnessing Ram slide two five-hundred-rupee notes into his pocket.

"It's a personal matter between friends. Just leave it," Ram said before walking toward Neha and Vikram.

"What's happening, Neha? Why did you slap me? If he did something, then slap him!" Ram protested.

"I don't know if he did something or not, but you definitely did. Priya told me everything. You set her up with Rajat!" Neha said. "And Vikram, did you know about this? Did you?" She demanded an explanation from him.

"Neha, it's not what you or Priya think," Vikram began defensively. "It was just a friendly bet..." His voice trailed off as Neha's voice cut through.

"So you did know," Neha started. "Now tell me, what do you guys think of girls? Tell me." She turned her gaze from Ram to Vikram. "Ram, if you truly loved her, why did you have to take that challenge? Was she some prize to be won? She has a heart; she genuinely loves you. But what you've done, you shattered her trust." Neha stepped back, placing one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead. She cleared her throat and turned back to face the boys. "Ram, people can fall in love with the same person multiple times, every day even every moment. But if you break someone's trust, it's incredibly hard to mend. And you've broken hers." She was about to continue when her eyes landed on Rajat.

"He..." She pointed at Rajat. "You know he hasn't done anything even close to what you did to her!" She addressed Ram, her tone accusatory. "He's running a smear campaign against Priya on campus. The day I catch them together, that'll be the end of them. But Ram, what have you done to her? You..." Neha felt disgusted. "Is she some kind of commodity for sale, Ram? For auction? Did you put her up for Rajat like that? You've labeled her even worse than that idiot."

She pushed Vikram away with force. "And you, stay away from me. And you..." She turned her gaze to Rajat and then back to the boys near her. "All of you, get lost!" With a look of disdain and frustration, Neha stormed out of the area.

"What was she talking about? A smear campaign?" Ram confronted Vikram, his tone charged with urgency.

"I found out on my way back from college too. Rajat is using all his power to get back at Priya," Vikram responded, his gaze lowered in shame. "Ram, I believe it's time for you to take action before things escalate further."

Ram locked eyes with Rajat and his friends, a fierce determination radiating from him.

Neha rushed back to her hostel room, gasping for breath as she reached. She whispered her friend's name between labored breaths. When Priya glanced up, she was met with the sight of Neha utterly devastated. Priya empathized with the heartbreak Neha was experiencing. "I'm so sorry. I never imagined Vikram would support Ram in this foolishness. But believe me, I had no idea about this ridiculous plan," Neha stammered through tears.

Priya rose and enveloped her friend in a tight hug, trying to share the pain. Amidst her sobs, Neha managed to say, "I broke up with Vikram." Priya held her even closer, whispering, "Sweetheart, you don't need to punish him so severely for Ram's mistake." Even in her moment of distress, Priya provided a safe space for Neha to pour out her heartache.

On the same night, Ram waited until everyone had gathered in the dining hall. As most students began their dinner, he signaled Vikram to follow his lead. Vikram, accompanied by two other boys, positioned themselves at the entrance, preventing anyone from leaving.

Ram climbed onto a table, commanding everyone's attention. "Listen up, everyone! I need your full attention," he called out loudly. He successfully captured their focus. "I want to make one thing clear, no one is allowed to speak ill of Priya. Any rumors or negative remarks about her will not be tolerated. If I hear anything, I will take immediate action to address it."

A student from the fourth year stood up and challenged Ram. "You're overstepping, buddy. You might be the trustee's son, but you're just in your second year."

Ram remained resolute. "Challenge accepted. No one is allowed to disrespect Priya. No one should get close to her." His gaze swept the room, locking onto Rajat. He continued, his tone intense, "I swear to God, I will deal with anyone who disobeys my instructions and tries to approach her."

"Why?" asked a boy supporting Rajat. "Is she your bitch now?" He laughed, a move that triggered Ram's fury. Ram lunged at him, throwing punches violently. Vikram intervened, preventing further harm and restraining Ram.

"Let go of me!" Ram shook off everyone. "She's mine. She's is my girl. Anyone who disrespects her will face consequences that will make it hard for them to stay and study here. Remember this." He pointed to himself.

"Consider this a warning. If I catch anyone spreading rumors about my girl, their gender won't matter. Inform your friends or I will do it tomorrow," Ram warned, his voice firm. "I'm saying this once more: STAY AWAY FROM PRIYA! She's mine." He scanned the dining hall. "This is your first and final warning. Ignore it at your own peril." With Vikram and his friends, Ram exited the hall.

Rajat helped his friend stand and, before anything else, he sent a message to Priya.

The message read:

"Ram has declared you as his bitch."

Upon reading the message, Priya felt like the ground had been pulled from beneath her feet. Scanning the dining hall, she swiftly excused herself from Neha, rushing out. She dialed Ram's number, her phone pressed to her ear, and didn't wait long before demanding, "Ram, meet me in the garage now," before abruptly ending the call.

Ram emerged from the hostel, cigarette in hand, and made his way to the garage. Leaning against his car's hood, he heard a rustling sound and turned to find Priya already waiting there. "How did you beat me here?" he inquired, puzzled.

Without words, Priya showed Rajat's message to him. Ram's anger ignited upon reading the message. As he turned to leave, he felt a tug on his hand.

"Ram, what are you doing? What have you done?" Tears welled in Priya's eyes. "Do you want me to leave the college?"

"No, no, no..." Ram looked at Priya and gently cupped her face. "I want to set things right."

"Why then are you acting recklessly? I told you not to do anything," Priya implored, withdrawing from Ram's touch.

"Pri, look at me," he ordered, grasping her hands. She complied. "I want to make everything right." Slowly, he drew her closer. "I want to put a stop to the hurtful rumors about you." He moved closer still, his breath brushing against her skin. "I want to see you smile again. I want to..." He paused near her lips, his breath mingling with hers. "I want to..." His attempt to continue faltered. "I want things to be right between us." Their eyes locked in an unbroken gaze. "I truly love you, Pri," he bared his heart. "I never meant to hurt you. I made a foolish mistake, but I never wanted to hurt you. People learn from their mistakes, but I can't use that as an excuse. I've made a serious mistake. I can't undo it, but I can ensure things return to normal. I want what's best for you." He cupped her face again, pulling her close until their foreheads touched. A single tear escaped Ram's eye. "You have to trust me, Pri. Please."

"I did trust you. My faith was in you. If I trusted anyone here, it was you. But now you've shattered that trust. How can I trust you again? Tell me!" Priya's voice wavered as tears fell.

Ram closed the gap between them, but Priya's hands on his chest halted his advance. "Please, Ram, don't do anything reckless and destroy what's left between us." He retreated, his heart racing.

"I'm sorry," he managed to say.

"Ram, please don't push me into a position where I have to abandon my studies and leave. Saying yes to Rajat was a mistake, and I can't undo it. I'll have to face him for the rest of college, and there's no running from that. I want to make things right with you, but if you continue harming me, how can I stay?" Priya softly touched his cheek.

Ram met her eyes, brimming with words unspoken, but before he could reply, his phone rang. It was the Dean calling, as he had expected after his dining hall outburst.

"How did you get here?" Ram asked Priya, momentarily ignoring the call. "You have a curfew. How did no one notice you?"

"Call it luck or something else, but I went unnoticed. I was careful," she answered.

"Now, listen carefully. Go back to your room, ignore that pervert's call, and don't take his messages seriously. I'll see you tomorrow. I need to leave now." Stepping aside, he waited until Priya was out of sight before answering the Dean's call. "Sir, should I come to your office, or are you at the hostel?" he inquired.

"Come to my house," the Dean ordered.

"Understood, sir."

Ending the call, Ram started walking towards the Dean's quarters on campus. What Priya didn't know that he has taken the possession of her phone.

Until We Meet


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