OC Gaming and Rankings

By Tyrannodeath87

432 0 5

While I've seen other writers create multiple different OCs for their stories, I have not seen any of them do... More

Rankings/Tier Lists

Ranking Fnaf Characters Tier List

117 0 0
By Tyrannodeath87

(Note: If you notice that the format on how the characters are speaking is different, that is because the format I usually use in my other stories didn't feel like the right format to use so I changed it up. Also, consider this non canon to my stories due to possible inconsistences to them. Hope you understand and enjoy the chapter.)

Manado: Hello everyone. My name is Manado Chujin and I'm here with fellow warriors, Franklin Blaze and Daniel Afton.

Franklin: Sup everyone.

Daniel: Hello.

Manado: And today, we are using a tier list to rank the characters from the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise.

Daniel: Oh boy. The Freddy Fazbear franchise has haunted me for years. But I'm excited to finally share my opinions about the franchise's characters with the two of you.

Franklin: Don't worry Daniel, at least those furries can't hurt you here. We live in a safe environment thanks to me and the ghost rider.

Daniel: Whatever you say Frank. Shall we get started, Manado?

Manado: Sounds good my friend. Anyways, before we begin, I want to quickly go over the names of the specific tiers. Starting from the top, we have the iconic tier for the characters that we believe are the best of the best in the entire franchise.

Franklin: So characters like Foxy right?

Daniel: Let's worry about that when we actually rank the characters themselves.

Manado: Agreed. Next we have the great tier for the characters who, while being good characters, aren't exactly the most iconic in the series.

Daniel: Then after that, we have the memorable tier for the characters that are honestly just mid.

Franklin: Praise to that Afton. Next is the ehh... tier for those who we could give or take whether we consider them good or bad.

Manado: Then after that is the not good tier for those that are not likable.

Franklin: And lastly, we have the awful tier for the characters that are the worst of the worst and deserve to have their souls burned in hell for all eternity.

Daniel: Kinda dark there Franklin, don't you think?

Franklin: I mean, am I wrong?

Manado: Not really, but let's start with the face of fnaf, Freddy Fazbear himself.

Daniel: While Freddy is the icon of this franchise, he doesn't really have as much of an impact compared to characters like Foxy or Bonnie. I'd say great tier.

Manado: I'd have to agree. I think Freddy shined the most in the first game where he always hid in the shadows and didn't really show until after the power was out or you didn't pay attention to the cameras after the third night.

Franklin: Are you two serious? Freddy should get the iconic tier for being the icon of fnaf alone.

Daniel: Sorry Franklin, but he just isn't iconic enough to make it up there. Put him in great tier, Manado.

Manado: Sure thing Dan. Now what about Bonnie? Personally I find Bonnie even more iconic and creepy then Freddy.

Franklin: I mean, it even gave Scott Cawthon himself nightmares for crying out loud. So you know how much it creeped him out. I'd say Iconic tier.

Daniel: Agreed.

Manado: Definitely Bonnie goes in iconic. And then we have the original Chica.

Daniel: While I admit she was creepy, she feels kind of bland compared to the others in the first game. I'd go with the ehh... tier.

Franklin: Daniel, I think you're being too generous. The first chica just isn't likable at all.

Manado: I'm with Daniel here. She is the first of many chicas to come so that should give her some bonus points.

Franklin: Fine.

Manado: Into the ehh... tier she goes. Now how about Foxy?

Franklin: Easily one of the best characters in the entire franchise. Iconic tier for sure.

Manado: No Franklin, Foxy is the most overrated character in the series. While I admit he is a very cool character, especially with being a pirate fox, there are much better characters to choose from and Foxy should go in great tier.

Franklin: Shut up you failed experiment! Foxy goes into the iconic tier and nowhere else!

Manado: Says the guy who made a deal with the devil which killed your parents.

Franklin: And you couldn't save your parents from death so you have no room to talk.

Manado: I was only ten when Shang Tsung killed them. What could I have possibly done?!

Franklin: I don't know. MAYBE ACTUALLY FIGHT BACK!


Franklin: At least you would have died bravely instead of living as a coward.

Daniel: Ok. Ok. Let's all calm down. I admit Foxy was cool but I always preferred Freddy to Foxy, so he goes in the great tier.

Franklin: Whatever, just know that other people now hate you because of this.

Manado: Whatever. Next we have Golden Freddy who I would consider one of the most iconic characters in the franchise due to him being so mysterious and supernatural.

Franklin: For once I agree with you. Golden Freddy is one of the best animatronics to appear. Iconic tier for sure.

Daniel: Definitely iconic tier.

Manado: Glad we can all agree. Now onto Fnaf two, starting with Toy freddy.

Franklin: Personally, I always saw him as very annoying when it comes to how he speaks in Ultimate Custom Night. But the fact that he is the first gamer animatronic gives him enough points to place him in the ehh... tier.

Daniel: I'm gonna have to agree with Frank about that. His voice while fitting was annoying to hear. And he isn't exactly very memorable in his debut game. Ehh... tier sounds good for the fat orange robot.

Manado: Rude, but I'll place him in ehh... tier above the original Chica. Now onto Toy Bonnie.

Daniel: How on earth did they make him sound even more annoying than toy freddy? The dude literally sounds like one of the chipmunks from that one movie.

Franklin: Daniel is spitting out facts with this one. I'd say ehh... tier for the toy bunny.

Manado: Very well. Now we have Toy Chica.

Daniel: Apart from what the weirder side of the fandom says, Toy Chica doesn't really have much going for her apart from her voice.

Manado: Still better than Toy Bonnie though so let's say ehh... tier just under the original chica.

Franklin: Glad we can finally agree on something, Manado. Now Mangle might be one of the best characters in fnaf two.

Daniel: Franklin has a point. Not to mention she has a bit of tragedy to her characters with the children constantly tearing him apart. Can't help but feel bad for her even if is an antagonist in the game.

Manado: True that and her voice is one of the best in the series next to Foxy and the glamocks.

Franklin: Speaking of which, when do we get to Security Breach?

Daniel: Not for a while, Especially with how many more games we have to go over first. But back on topic here, I'd say Mangle deserves to be in the iconic tier.

Franklin: I can agree with that.

Manado: Iconic tier it is for Mangle. What about Balloon Boy?

All: Awful Tier.

Manado: Yeah, There's no discussion needed for this. Now how about JJ?

Daniel: While she doesn't infuriate me like BB, she can't make it any higher than the not good tier.

Manado: I can agree with that. What about you Frank?

Franklin: No comment.

Manado: Ok then. Now onto the Puppet. Easy Iconic tier for sure.

Daniel: Definitely Manado. The design is great, the voice is amazing, and the puppet's backstory is one of the best in the entire franchise.

Franklin: Put the puppet right under Golden Freddy Manado.

Manado: Sure thing, Frank.

Franklin: I assume that the withered animatronics are next.

Manado: You would be correct on that Blaze. How do we feel about Withered Freddy?

Franklin: He may be on every fnaf 2 poster, but his gameplay is virtually the same as Toy freddy. I'd say that bumps him down to the memorable tier.

Manado: I actually agree with Franklin on this for once.

Daniel: I'd personally rank him a tier higher but the memorable tier is fine with me.

Manado: Ok. Now Withered Bonnie on the other hand is much more iconic than Withered Freddy. His design is unique when compared to the other withered animatronics. And he is also much more terrifying. I say he goes straight into the great tier.

Daniel: I actually would put him down in the memorable tier.

Franklin: You can't be serious.

Daniel: His voice makes it hard to tell what he says at times and to be honest, he always looked more goofy than scary to me.

Franklin: Daniel, he doesn't have a face and him being a withered animatronic would explain why his voice sounds like that.

Manado: I'm just gonna stick him into the great tier so we can move on. Now onto Withered Chica.

Daniel: While she's debatably more scary than Withered Freddy, I would put her just under Withered Freddy in the memorable tier.

Franklin: Yeah, Withered Chica just doesn't compete with Withered Freddy but is still memorable enough to reach the higher tiers.

Manado: Ok, Memorable tier is where she goes. Now for me, Withered Foxy is the most annoying character in fnaf two. He is the reason why I can never beat ten twenty mode.

Franklin: Not to mention that he feels broken at times where even when you flash the light at him, he still kills you.

Daniel: I agree that he is super annoying to deal with. And so my conclusion is that he should be banished in the ehh... tier.

Franklin/Manado: Agreed.

Manado: Now onto Withered Golden Freddy.

Daniel: I feel that Goldie's withered form is a severe downgrade from the original. Even his jumpscare is worse.

Franklin: Yeah like what the hell? His head just becomes giant and zooms right into the screen. That is not scary or creepy, it's just downright silly.

Manado: With all that aside, I still feel that he should go into the memorable tier.

Franklin/Daniel: Whatever.

Manado: Now onto the shadows with shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie.

Franklin: Manado, don't you mean RWQFSFASXC?

Daniel: No need to do that Franklin. But I would say that they can't go any higher than the memorable tier with Shadow Bonnie edging out due to him appearing more than Shadow Freddy.

Manado: If the shadows were explained better, they would probably rank higher on the list but I agree that they can't make it any higher than memorable.

Franklin: Are we onto fnaf 3 now?

Manado: Uh, For some reason the paper pals are on this list.

Daniel: Just throw them into the not good tier and let's move on.

Manado: Alrighty then. Now we have arguably the best character in the series, Springtrap.

Daniel: Ah yes. Good old William Afton. AKA my father.

Franklin: Who knew that your father could be such a psychopath even when springlocked?

Daniel: Oh, don't remind me. But anyways, Springtrap should go at the very top of the iconic tier due to his design, backstory, and the fact that he is the main antagonist in the franchise.

Franklin: Or are you just saying that because Springtrap is your dad?

Daniel: Does it really matter whether he is my dad or not?

Franklin: I mean, isn't he the one who murdered your whole family?

Daniel: Talk about my family again and I'll stuff you into the body of an animatronic so you can see how it feels.

Franklin: If you even try to do that, I'll bring out the ghost rider and he'll burn your soul for eternity.

Daniel: You forget that the rider can only burn the souls of the guilty and not the innocent.

Franklin: Ah shoot.

Manado: Alright boys, let's all just chill out and agree to place Springtrap in the iconic tier.

Daniel: Fine by me.

Franklin: Whatever.

Manado: Now onto the phantoms. Personally, all the phantoms can't go any higher than the ehh... tier.

Daniel: I can agree with you on that. I just wish they had unique designs instead of them just being old models painted black and green.

Manado: Agreed but let's go over them anyway. Phantom BB?

All: Awful tier

Manado: Phantom Freddy?

Franklin: I'd say ehh... tier. At least he has a unique mechanic compared to the other phantoms.

Daniel: Agreed.

Manado: I would also say that Phantom Mangle also goes into the ehh... tier due to her not being as much of a nuisance as Phantom BB.

Franklin: Plus you would almost never check the camera he spawns in so you would most likely never encounter her anyways.

Daniel: I'm ok with ehh... tier.

Manado: Ok well what about Phantom Foxy?

Daniel: Easily the scariest of the phantoms as you never know when he'll appear to jumpscare you.

Franklin: Which is where the problem lies with him as when he does appear, you can't avoid him and will receive a ventilation error anyway.

Manado: Still doesn't change the fact that he is arguably the best phantom. Now onto Phantom Chica.

Franklin: Ah yes, the phantom that looks the closest to a watermelon.

Daniel: And that's the only reason she even reaches the not good tier.

Manado: And last but not least, Phantom Puppet.

Franklin: Aside from balloon boy, Phantom Puppet is one of the most annoying phantoms as the camera the puppet appears on is one of the more vital cameras used to drive away Springtrap and when you do trigger phantom puppet, it just screams in your face for like twenty seconds.

Daniel: Personally, I'd put Phantom Puppet just above Phantom Chica in the not good tier.

Manado: Agreed. And that concludes fnaf 3. Now onto fnaf 4 starting with Nightmare Freddy.

Franklin: Nightmare Freddy is honestly pretty mid when compared to other nightmare animatronics. Not to mention that he is usually never seen unless you make a mistake and drive his little freddles away.

Daniel: Plus, Nightmare Freddy sounds like Bane from DC.

Franklin: Don't remind me of that drug addict. Either way, I'd say ehh... tier for Nightmare Freddy.

Manado: I'm gonna have to agree. Now onto Nightmare Bonnie who I would say is more memorable than Nightmare Freddy.

Daniel: But why doesn't he have a voice yet? I would have liked him a lot more if he had one to have him stand out more.

Franklin: Daniel is right though. If he had a voice, he would be an easy great tier but since he doesn't, i'd say memorable tier.

Manado: Alrighty then. Now onto Nightmare Chica.

Franklin: The nightmare cupcake is an interesting idea to implement but still doesn't bump Nightmare Chica any higher than the ehh... tier.

Daniel: Franklin, the cupcake alone makes her stand out more than characters like Nightmare Freddy and should bump her up to memorable tier.

Manado: I'm gonna step in before anything stupid happens and place Nightmare Chica into high ehh... tier. Now onto Nightmare Foxy.

Franklin: Easy great tier. Although the removal of the tongue does knock down points for him.

Daniel: Franklin, you are just flat out weird for mentioning the elongated tongue but I do agree with the tier placement.

Manado: Glad we can all agree. Now onto Nightmare Fredbear.

Daniel: Being the very first boss fight in the series, having a very menacing presence in the game and the fact that he has a very recognizable look to him makes him very iconic and should go in the iconic tier.

Franklin: No argument there but I feel that he should be below Bonnie in the iconic tier.

Manado: That's fine with me. With Nightmare, while still great, is pretty much just a recolor of Nightmare Fredbear and is more aggressive.

Franklin: At least he has a different voice compared to Nightmare Fredbear so i'd say great tier.

Daniel: Great tier it is then.

Manado: Now onto the halloween characters starting with the Jack-O animatronics.

Daniel: For Franklin, I think he would put in the iconic tier due to him also being set on fire.

Franklin Hey! I'm not always on fire.

Daniel: You are when you're ghost rider.

Franklin: And that's it!

Daniel: Whatever. Back on topic here, while Jack-O Bonnie is pretty forgettable, Jack-O Chica stands out more due to her appearing more and actually having a voice.

Franklin: You make a good point. I'd say ehh... tier for Jack-O Bonnie and memorable tier for Jack-O Chica.

Manado: Agreed. Now onto Nightmare Mangle.

Daniel: Honestly, her design is very well done and is probably equal to Nightmare Foxy in that aspect.

Franklin: I'd say great tier right under Nightmare foxy.

Manado: Great tier it is. Now onto Nightmarionne.

Franklin: I believe that he has the single most annoying mechanic in UCN but makes up for that downside with his voice and minigame in Help Wanted.

Manado: So memorable tier then?

Daniel: That sounds about right.

Manado: Ok then. Now how about Nightmare Balloon Boy?

Daniel: Mid for sure but the voice Matthew Kurtis gives him is definitely a standout compared to the other nightmares.

Franklin: Can't go any higher than ehh... tier for me.

Manado. Alrighty then. Now before we get started with Sister Location, we have a couple fnaf world characters to go over, starting with Mendo.

Daniel: Although he is reduced to only being a shopping clerk selling endo armor, he still has a neat design and should go in low ehh... tier.

Franklin/Manado: Sounds good.

Manado: Next up is Dee Dee, one of the most annoying characters in the entire franchise.

Franklin: Honestly, she makes UCN a lot harder to complete whenever she adds more characters to an already difficult night.

Daniel: She should be banished straight into the awful tier.

Manado: A fitting punishment if I do say so myself. Now onto Lolbit.

Daniel: Easily the most memorable character from fnaf world, especially since she became an official character in the main franchise in sister location.

Franklin: Definitely should go into the memorable tier.

Manado: Absolutely. Now we are finally onto sister location with our first character being Circus Baby.

Daniel: My personal bias would put her in a lower tier due to the robot itself killing my sister but even I can't deny the popularity she has gained over the years. Can't say she makes it into the iconic tier, but a great tier sounds about right.

Franklin: Even the guy with a bad history with Circus Baby can't deny how good her character is. I also agree with the tier placement as she doesn't really have much screen time in sister location.

Manado: I agree. Now onto the ballerina known as Ballora.

Daniel: Such a shame that my own mother had to be yet another victim to my father's murder spree.

Franklin: Franklin, your mother died long before Ballora existed. What are you talking about?

Daniel: Somehow, dad found a way to transfer her soul into Ballora.

Franklin: At this point, I'm amazed you don't even hate him.

Daniel: Who said I didn't?

Manado: Fellas, let's get back on track or we're going to be here all day. While I think that Ballora is more mid compared to the other characters, her voice and her gimmick of being blind give her enough to be memorable.

Daniel: I can agree with that.

Franklin: Fine then.

Manado: Now onto Funtime Freddy who I think deserves an easy iconic tier.

Daniel: Kellon Goff easily makes Funtime Freddy stand out and the addiction of Bon Bon as his hand puppet makes them quite the dynamic duo.

Franklin: I agree. Put him right under Mangle and let us move on.

Manado: Sure thing Frank. Now what about Funtime Foxy?

Franklin: I would say that he fits in the great tier. While I think he is as iconic as Funtime Freddy, the things that make him less would be his annoying mechanic in UCN and in fact his voice sounds like he is talking through a megaphone.

Daniel: I can see where you are coming from although I didn't mind his voice being like that. I'd say great tier just barely above Circus Baby.

Manado: Alright. Now onto Yenndo.

Franklin: He is honestly pretty forgettable, being a direct ripoff of golden freddy from the first game and drains your oxygen quicker than foxy can kill you makes him go into the ehh... tier.

Daniel: Plus he was originally an easter egg during night three but it doesn't help him much. Throw him in the ehh... tier.

Manado: No argument there. Next up is Bidybab and Electrobab.

Daniel: Throw them both into the awful tier underneath even Phantom Balloon Boy as they just are forgettable and a waste on the custom night roster.

Franklin: If I had my hands on them, they'd be dismembered faster than a common thug experiencing the penance stare from the ghost rider.

Manado: Kinda dark there Franklin, but I can't say I disagree. Alright, now onto the Minireenas.

Franklin: I'd say high awful tier or low not good tier. While they make night four in sister location very difficult, they don't infuriate me like balloon boy or the bidybab.

Manado: I'll go with the bottom of the not good tier as they just aren't really memorable aside from how difficult they are to deal with in sister location.

Daniel: Can't argue with that. Now Ennard on the other hand might just be one of the best characters in sister location aside from Funtime Freddy.

Manado: I agree. His presence might be as absent as Circus baby's, but the impact he has makes up for that as the one who tricked Michael Afton into the scooper room.

Daniel: You just had to remind me of that, didn't you?

Franklin: What? Are you gonna put Ennard into a lower tier because he turned your oldest brother, the one who killed your youngest brother, into a suit to wear so he can escape the building?

Daniel: It does impact his ranking a little bit but his design and impact to the series is enough to land him into the great tier.

Franklin: No, I'd say iconic tier above Nightmare Fredbear.

Manado: I'm with Franklin on this. He doesn't belong anywhere but the iconic tier. Finally, we are onto fnaf six, starting with Scrap Baby.

Franklin: Might be controversial, but I actually prefer Scrap Baby over Circus Baby.

Daniel: Really? Why is that?

Franklin: Well Daniel, it's because she has arguably a better design, more of an impact when it comes to how she is in the game and Heather Master's performance just sounds a lot better this time around.

Daniel: You make some really good points there Frank, plus she actually has a jumpscare this time around, even if it is just terrible like the rest of the jumpscares this time around.

Manado: I don't know if scott just didn't feel like making actually good jumpscapes or those jumpscares were intentionally made like that due to the amount of content present in the game, but either way, I do agree that she is an improvement over Circus Baby and that Scrap Baby should be low iconic tier just under Nightmare Fredbear.

Daniel/Franklin: Sounds good.

Manado: Now onto Molten Freddy.

Daniel: He may be memorable due to Kellen Goff's excellent performance as usual, but his design in my opinion is a downgrade to Ennard's design since Molten Freddy is pretty much a pile of metal Spaghetti.

Manado: What is this spaghetti?

Franklin: You seriously don't know what Spaghetti is?

Manado: I'm from Outworld where this food doesn't exist. Did you really think I would know?

Franklin: You're missing out big time. I'll have you try some after we finish here.

Manado: Fine then, but where do we place Molten Freddy?

Daniel: Put him into the memorable tier.

Manado: Very well. Now we're onto Scraptrap.

Franklin: What the hell happened to William? He turned into a mangled Jimmy Newtron and Jimmy was already ugly so that's saying something.

Daniel: Plus it makes no sense in terms of the timeline since fnaf six takes place a few months after fnaf three. How does Springtrap have nothing more than mangled flesh commingled with his springlocks but Scraptrap has skin? It just doesn't make sense. Instant awful tier.

Manado: Mister Cawthon messed up big time when making Scraptrap's design. He's going into the awful tier. Now how about Lefty?

Franklin: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't lefty the one that was built to lure in and trap the puppet?

Daniel: You're actually correct on this Frank and that gives Lefty a nice touch of lore to the character. Plus... Lefty's voice being very whispery is a nice touch as well.

Franklin: Agreed. Put Lefty in the memorable tier Manado.

Manado: Sure thing Frank. Now onto the trash and the gang.

Franklin: Mr. Hugs is easily the best of the gang.

Daniel: No Blaze, number one crate is.

Manado: I'd say that pan stan is severely underrated.

Daniel: It seems that we are all at a stalemate. How about we place all three of them in the memorable tier and place Bucket Bob and Mister Can Do in the ehh.. tier.

Franklin: Sounds like a plan there, Mister Afton.

Manado: Glad we can compromise. Now onto Candy Cadet.

Daniel: Definitely memorable. Especially with the stories that he tells.

Franklin: It's such a shame that he was taken out of the roster for Ultimate Custom Night.

Manado: Indeed it was and so he goes into the memorable tier. Now how about Helpy?

Daniel: I always liked the little bear. He always knows how to make things easier and more fun.

Franklin: I agree, even when he accidently hurts his back to test out certain equipment. Let's all put him in the great tier.

Manado: no argument there. Now we have the mediocre melodies starting with Happy Frog.

Franklin: Easily the most forgettable of the mediocre melodies.

Daniel: I'd personally say the pig patch is the most forgettable but I can see what you mean.

Manado: How about we place them both into the ehh... tier with Pig Patch just ahead of Happy Frog.

Daniel: That's fine with me.

Franklin: Sure.

Manado: Ok. Now we have Mister Hippo.

Daniel: I'd say no more and no less than the memorable tier due to his voice and his stories.

Franklin: While getting jumpscared by him in UCN would result in you having to wait three to five minutes to try again due to his stories, the stories themselves are interesting to listen to.

Manado: Yeah, Mister Hippo and Orville Elephant sound like great friends. And so Mister Hippo will go into the memorable tier.

Franklin: Now Nedd Bear on the other hand is on the same wavelength as Happy Frog and Pig Patch.

Daniel: I would have to agree with you. He may be better than the two of them, he still can't go any higher than ehh... tier.

Manado: Agreed. Now I would say that Orville Elephant should go into the memorable tier alongside Mister Hippo.

Franklin: Indeed he should.

Daniel: They're both great friends to each other, they both have good voices and they overall should go into the same tier as each other.

Manado: Couldn't have said it better myself. Now we have the rockstars.

Daniel: Starting with Rockstar Freddy. His voice is fitting but him constantly asking for five coins and killing you if you don't gets annoying very fast.

Manado: And he's not exactly the best of the rockstars so i'd say he should go at the top of the ehh... tier.

Franklin: Sounds about right.

Manado: Now onto Rockstar Bonnie.

Daniel: I'd say he is worse than Rockstar Freddy. His voice is just as bad as WIthered Bonnie's voice and his mechanic in UCN is just annoying as if he appears, you are pretty much dead.

Franklin: I don't agree with the voice argument but I do agree about the UCN mechanic. Manado, put him in the ehh... tier on the lower side.

Manado: I can agree with that. Next is Rockstar Chica who while has a great southern voice has a very strange mechanic in UCN which I would say is a downside to her character.

Franklin: Makes me wonder what gave Scott Cawthon the idea of Rockstar Chica being afraid of wet floor signs.

Daniel: Still better than Rockstar Bonnie though so i'd say she goes below Rockstar Freddy in the ehh... tier.

Manado: Alrighty then. Now we have Rockstar Foxy.

Daniel: I'd argue he would go in the memorable tier due to him having the best look of the rockstars and the most interesting mechanic of them in UCN with the gambling parrot.

Franklin: Plus he is the Foxy that looks the most like a pirate with the parrot and the peg leg.

Manado: So memorable tier then?

Franklin: Fine by me.

Daniel: Sounds good.

Manado: Now we have the final three for fnaf 6 starting with Music Man.


Daniel: Really Franklin?

Franklin: What? I had to!

Daniel: Whatever. Anyways, Normal Music Man while a creepy design for sure is pretty mid. I can't see him any higher than ehh... tier. Plus he did give us the DJ.

Manado: You've got a point there Dan. Music Man will go into the ehh... tier.

Franklin: You have got to be kidding me right now.

Manado: No we are not. Next we have El Chip who I think is even more memorable than Music Man, despite him having his own mexican restaurant in the mega pizzaplex.

Daniel: If he had a glamrock version that was in charge of the stand in the pizzzaplex, he would be more memorable. I'd say ehh... tier under Music Man.

Manado: Sounds good. Our last fnaf six character is Funtime Chica.

Franklin: A cool design and voice for sure but is just too clingy in my opinion.

Daniel: I agree with you on that. Her mechanic is just straight up weird.

Manado: I'll just put her in the memorable tier and move on. Finally, we have the only UCN character on the list, Fredbear himself.

Daniel: I understand that he is memorable because of the bite of eighty three and markiplier but he just brings back too many bad memories in my head.

Franklin: Is it because of your youngest brother's death?

Daniel: Yep.

Manado: Sometimes I wonder who out of the three of us have suffered the most.

Franklin: Let's leave that to the ones watching us. Tell us who you think has suffered the most from tragic events.

Daniel: Back on topic here, I would say Fredbear should go in the memorable tier as he has not made a major physical appearance yet but plays an essential role in the role of fnaf.

Manado: Sounds good. Now onto our two Help Wanted characters, starting with glitchtrap.

Daniel: My father just can't stay dead can he?

Franklin: No he cannot. You want me to deal with him?

Daniel: Even if you did, he would probably still find a way to return. As his most famous line suggests, he always comes back.

Franklin: Anyways, Glitchtrap is a very mysterious character in help wanted, but that's what makes him so interesting. The way he just stands there waving at you and slowly inching closer as you collect more tapes gives him a creepy and chilling factor to his character.

Daniel: And I think him not talking adds to the mystery factor on whether or not he is actually William Afton or not. I would go with the iconic tier for Glitchtrap.

Manado: That sounds about right. Now onto Dreadbear.

Daniel: Basically fnaf's version of Frankenstein and it works for what they did in the dlc for help wanted.

Franklin: Which is not much at all. He only has one minigame and he only appears on the game over screen otherwise.

Manado: Both of you make some good points but I can't see him go anywhere else but in the ehh... tier.

Daniel: I'm actually ok with that.

Franklin: Fine by me.

Manado: I don't know if they forgot him or not, but Grimm Foxy is not on the list.

Daniel: It's a shame too. If he was on the list, he would've gone into the memorable tier.

Franklin: Yeah, he makes more of an impact in the dlc than even dreadbear does.

Manado: Agree to disagree, but now we have finally made it to security breach.

Franklin: It's about time we got here. I thought the rider would free himself and go on a rampage.

Daniel: Franklin's impatient head aside, let's finally rank the security breach characters.

Manado: Alright. First up, we have Glamrock Freddy.

Daniel: The most wholesome and friendliest character in the entire franchise. Once again, Kellen Goff brings his A game with his performance.

Franklin: I absolutely loved his vibe of being a fatherly figure to Gregory. Brings a new dynamic to the franchise and it works.

Manado: He is definitely one of the best things to come out from security breach and I would say he goes just under the puppet in the iconic tier.

Daniel: Definitely. If I could have anyone replace William Afton as my father, it would be Glamrock Freddy.

Franklin: Isn't Glamrock Freddy technically your brother?

Daniel: What are you talking about?

Franklin: I'll explain it later.

Manado: regardless, Glamrock Freddy is going in the iconic tier. Now onto Glamrock Chica.

Daniel: I actually find Glamrock Chica severely underrated. Her personality of being bubbly and cheerful while also having the usual trope of chica being addicted to pizza but amped up with her eating trash makes her the best chica in the entire franchise. Great tier for sure.

Franklin: While I agree that Glamrock Chica is underrated, her eating trash knocks her down a tier for me.

Manado: I agree with the both of you to an extent, but I lean onto the positive side of her character and I will put Glamrock Chica into low Great tier. Now we have Roxanne wolf.

Franklin: One of the few characters in the franchise with a clear personality. And in her case, she is narcissistic and filled with sass, although this blinds her with overconfidence and she ultimately pays the price with losing her sight.

Daniel: But in the ruin dlc, we see a different side to her character where she shows love and care, especially to Cassie who Roxy saw as number one instead of herself. Roxanne wolf is the closest we have seen to having genuine emotions and flaws that come with those emotions. I would put her in the iconic tier under Funtime Freddy.

Manado: I can agree to that. Now we have Montgomery Gator who feels very underutilized.

Daniel: I know everyone says that their least favorite glamrock is chica but i'd argue that Monty is the weakest of the characters. I would say that he is still very memorable due to his voice, personality, and the amazing boss fight in gator golf.

Franklin: I agree. That fight was a highlight in an overall mediocre game. Throw Montgomery Gator into a high memorable tier.

Manado: Sure thing Frank. Next we have the villain of the game, Vanny.

Franklin: If any character could be listed as wasted potential, it would be Vanny. The trailers hyped her up to be a very terrifying villain and she only shows for like ten minutes within what could essentially be a four hour game.

Daniel: Despite the disappointment she ended up becoming, I would say she was better than Montgomery.

Franklin: It's a close one due to both of them being underutilized but I'm gonna have to agree.

Manado: I'll put her above Lefty in the memorable tier. Next up is the daycare attendants, Sun and Moon.

Franklin: The fact that Kellen Goff voiced both of them with two different personalities shows just how great of voice actor he really is.

Daniel: Agreed. Sun with his cherry and protective side and Moon with his malevolent and aggressive side. I've seen many people argue about which side is better which shows how well made their characters were, even if they don't make much appearances.

Franklin: I'd argue the bottom of the iconic tier for both of them. They both are equally amazing for completely different reasons.

Manado: I can agree with that. They may not appear often but the impact they make is astonishing. Now onto DJ Music Man.

Franklin: I'm gonna say it again.

Daniel: Don't you da...


Daniel: Why do I even bother?

Franklin: Anyways, the DJ's chase sequence is one of the best in the entire game.

Manado: Plus, his design is phenomenal when comparing it to the original. Not to mention he is the largest animatronic in the entire franchise.

Daniel: I still wonder how much money fazbear entertainment has to make robots like the DJ.

Franklin: It's best not to question it and I say let's put the DJ Music Man just under Foxy in the Great Tier.

Daniel: I won't argue that.

Manado. Sounds good to me. Now what about the DJ's smaller cousin, the Mini Music Man?

Daniel: While terrifying, the little Music Man is just irritating once he appears in basically every vent you crawl through.

Franklin: I can see where you're coming from and I would go as far to say that he is one of the main downsides to security breach.

Manado: I don't know about that but Mini Music Man is definitely the most unlikeable character in security breach and will be at the top of the not good tier above Phantom Puppet.

Franklin/Daniel: Agreed.

Manado: Now, what do we think about The Blob or The Tangled as the files in ruin calls it.

Franklin: Even with all the theories trying to explain what this thing is, no one really knows its purpose, especially now that it's most likely non canon to the main timeline.

Daniel: At least the design look interesting, even if it is just a pile of animatronic parts with heads of various characters like Funtime Freddy or Mangle.

Manado: I would say he goes into the ehh... tier behind Rockstar Freddy.

Daniel: Sure.

Franklin: Why not?

Manado: Now onto Burntrap.


Franklin: You alright there Daniel?

Daniel: Yeah... yeah I'm good. Just needed to get that out of my system.

Franklin: That's alright. Just take a breather.

Manado: With that out of the way, Burntrap to me is pretty mid. His design is indeed a vast improvement over Scraptrap, but his boss fight, while interesting, was disappointing for someone like William Afton.

Daniel: I just wish we saw more of him instead of what we got. Either way, I would say he goes above Vanny in the memorable tier.

Franklin: Yeah, the cutscene where he exits the charging station is one of the best in the game and what little we got from him is more memorable than everything that Vanny has done.

Manado: Agreed. Now our last character on the list is Mapbot.

Daniel: How is it that the only animatronic that ever genuinely scared me was a robot that hands out maps?

Franklin: Probably because he doesn't appear very often, but that is what makes him good in my opinion.

Daniel: I won't lie, Mapbot is great despite being a minor character in the game. I would say he goes at the bottom of the great tier.

Franklin: I can agree to that.

Manado: And with that, that concludes our fnaf characters tier list.

Franklin: Finally. I need to get back to Gotham. Joker's been causing mayhem and I need to go burn his soul.

Manado: You do that. And to everyone watching, Tell us in the comments on what you want us to rank next. We have two more rankings planned and I promise you they will be interesting.

Daniel: Bye Everyone!

(As a special bonus, I will release a photo of the tier lists that have been ranked, starting with this one about the fnaf characters)

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