Transformers Prime: Fanfictio...

By MarcyWeisinger

1.8K 28 31

This story is about a femme named Emest. I couldn't pick out a god name for her. but I found out that the nam... More

Characters In My Story #1
Characters In My Story #2
2 Part 1
A/N: Important Please Read

3 Part 2

179 2 0
By MarcyWeisinger

Location: Outer Space

Inside Outer Space:

Location: The Room

Inside The Room:

Everyone was shocked and was watching their creator going to battle with his brother Unicron. Ratchet was completely shocked. "Uh. Hey Prime. I know that this is weird. But did you know that Primus can transform into a titan. Because I sure as in hell didn't." He said to Prime. Prime looked at Ratchet. "I'm just as shocked as you are, old friend. Everyone is shocked. And I never even knew of these cyber keys that Primus talked about." He said and replied back to Ratchet. Soon everyone heard the sounds of metal and thunder clashing against each other. Miko looked at Unicron. She noticed his looks were different. Way different. "Hey Prime. How come Unicron is different? I thought he was in a different form." She asked him.

"He was. But this was his form long ago before he went into slumber and your earth started to form around him. Taking his form away where he was unable to transform into a planet." He said and explained to Miko. Everyone gasped. "PRIMUS LOOK OUT!" Everyone shouted. Primus looked and his eyes immediately widened. He immediately blocked the attack. "Impossible." Unicron said. Primus smirked. "Nothing is impossible brother." He said and replied back to his brother. Primus went and he struck his brother. Primus then saw something reflecting. He saw you. Unicron groaned in pain. Primus then went and he knocked his brother off his peds. Unicron went backwards.

Unicron then saw his brother trying to reach for you. He immediately held his blade. He growled and seethed his teeth. Further ways someone was watching. It was Dreadwing. He was shocked to see the creator transformed into a titan. And seeing Unicron fighting Primus. "Lord Megatron won't believe what I say to him that I saw Primus our creator transformed into a titan and that he is fighting with Unicron." He said to himself. He then headed for earth. The blades of the swords were showing off sparks. "Give me back my wife." He said to his brother. "Never. You want her so badly. Then come and get her." He said taunting his brother. Primus immediately charged. Primus went through. Unicron immediately closed the thing. Primus immediately flinched.

"Oh. That hurt. Didn't it." He said and asked, mocking and taunting his brother. Primus soon felt something. "No. I was just messing with you." He said and replied back to his brother. He then pulled something out. It was you. Almost severely drained from all your powers. You couldn't stay awake. Primus put you where the humans and the Autobots were. He then went and he pushed, and he kicked his brother. Unicron immediately went backwards. He groaned in pain. "Go back where you came from brother. You've caused enough damage for today." He said to his brother. Primus went and he sent his brother back. Primus then put his swords back on his back. Soon everyone saw Primus transforming back into the planet.

Location: Where The Humans And Autobots Are

Inside The Room Where The Humans And Autobots Are:

Ratchet was trying to revive you. Your optics were dimming. "P... Primus." You whispered. Soon your optics went dark. Ratchet immediately went and started working on you. Everyone turned and they saw Primus. Primus walked over. "No." He whispered. "EMEST!" He shouted. He went over. He looked and he saw something. "Miko. Can you hand me that thing right there?" He asked her. She nodded. She walked over and she grabbed it. She walked over to Primus and she handed it to him. He grabbed the item. "Thank you Miko." He said to Miko. She smiled. "Your welcome, Primus." She said and replied back to Primus. "What is it, Primus?" Prime asked him.

"Her key. Unicron siphoned her power from her spark. Draining all her powers. Her key will help restore all her powers." He said and explained to Prime. Primus opened your chest plates. Everyone saw how beautiful your spark was before it went dark. Primus went and he gently placed your key on top of your spark. He then muttered some words. Soon the key started to glow and it went inside your spark. Soon the key went out and landed in Primus's hands. He then closed your chest plates. "Will she wake up?" Miko asked him. "I hope so. It will take time." He said and replied back to Miko. "For the time being. Rest here. All of you. I also need rest. After that battle with Unicron." He said to everyone. "Vector Prime." He said.

Soon Vector Prime appeared. "Please watch and take care of the guests. I... I need to rest. And please notify me once Emest awakens." He said and asked everyone. Everyone nodded. Soon Primus was gone. Vector Prime looked and he saw Prime. "Optimus Prime. It's been a while." He said to Prime. Prime walked over and shook hands with him. "Yes. It has been a while." He said and replied back to Vector Prime. He looked and he saw humans. "So I see you have been protecting these humans from the Decepticons." He asked him. Prime nodded. "Yes. We have." He said and replied back to Vector Prime. "Anyways come. I will show you where you will all rest." He said to everyone. Soon everyone walked out.

In The Halls:

The kids and the Autobots looked and they saw different rooms. "What's in the other rooms?" Miko asked. "The rooms are to the other Primes. But one room. Is closed off. It belongs to our fallen brother Megatronus Prime." He said and replied back to Miko. Miko looked at Prime. "Prime. I thought you and Ratchet said that Megatron was Megatronus." She asked him. "Actually. That wasn't his real name. He changed his name to honor Megatronus Prime. He wanted to honor him." He said and explained to Miko. She nodded. "But is he here?" She asked him. Vector Prime stopped. "Yes. He is. But he never comes out of his room. Or I didn't think he did. I never see him leave his room." He said and explained to Miko.

"So. If any of you ever do see him. Don't make eye contact. He hates people looking at him or staring at him. He feels intimidated about it." He said and replied back to Miko. They were passing the room that belonged to Megatronus Prime. But he sensed and smelled the presence of humans. Soon they heard an utter growl. "Don't mind him. He doesn't have manners towards our new guests that visit us. But we never get guests." He said and explained to everyone. Soon they heard his voice but it boomed very loudly. "GET AWAY FROM MY ROOM! LEAVE ME IN MY DARKNESS! HAHAHAHAHA!" He shouted while laughing maniacally. Primus had enough. He didn't like the way he was treating the guests.

"MEGATRONUS PRIME!" Primus's voice shouted. "Respect our guests. I've had enough of your behavior." Primus's voice said to Megatronus Prime. "Oh. I was just playing with them. I never get to play around. Hahahahaha." He said and replied back to Primus while laughing maniacally. Soon everyone was away from his room. "This is where your rooms will be. Everyone around here except Megatronus Prime will help you out. Primus will also help you if you need anything. But I think he would probably not want to be bothered after what happened today with Emest." He said and explained to everyone. Everyone nodded and went to their rooms.

Skip To 3 Hours:

Guest Room Where Miko And Bulkhead Are Sleeping:

Miko couldn't sleep. She was having trouble falling asleep. She got up and walked out.

In The Halls:

She wanted to speak to Primus. She looked and saw an area that was lit up. She walked over and saw a podium. She walked into the room.


Inside The Room:

She then heard Primus's voice. "You should be asleep, young one." His voice said to Miko. "I... I couldn't sleep." She said and replied back to Primus. He soon appeared. "Is it because of Megatronus Prime?" He asked her. She shook her head. "No. It isn't." She said and replied back to Primus. "But... How did you and Emest meet? Just curious." She asked him. He chuckled. He then showed her how he met the love of his life. "I met her during the time when everything was almost at peace I guess." He said and replied back to Miko. She looked and she saw more photos of you. "So... she's like a god just like you." She asked him. "Yes. She almost has the same powers as I have." He said and replied back to Miko. Soon Miko heard a voice.

"Miko." The voice said. She turned and she saw Bulkhead. "Don't do that. You scared me half to death." He said to Miko. Miko felt awful. "Sorry Bulkhead. I... I couldn't sleep." She said and replied back to Bulkhead. Bulkhead looked at Primus. "Is she causing any problems? Because sometimes she does." He said and asked Primus. Primus chuckled. "No. She isn't. She's actually good company." He said and replied back to Bulkhead. "But excuse me. I need to see how Emest is doing." He said to Bulkhead and Miko. He then walked off.

In The Halls:

Primus was walking when he heard growling coming from Megatronus Prime's room. He shook his head. "Pipe down Megatronus Prime. We have guests. So show some respect. They are resting." He said to Megatronus Prime. "Like I care. I really don't care about them. They are vermin's to me. Including you and the rest of the Primes." He said and replied back to Primus. Primus really didn't care what he thought about them or the humans. "Everyone must be treated with equal respect." He said to Megatronus Prime. "Respect, equal. What does that even mean any more. It means nothing to me." He said and replied back to Primus. Primus shook his helm. Primus then walked off to see you. He walked and he approached the doors that led to the room where you were lying on and recovering. The doors slid opened. He looked and he saw that you hadn't woken up yet. He whined not seeing you up and seeing your gorgeous blue optics. He walked inside. The doors closed behind him.

In The Room:

Inside The Room:

Primus walked over to you. He bent down. He gently placed a kiss on your cheeks and your lips. He then backed away. He looked at you. "Please come back to me Emest. I need you, my love." He said. He placed his servo on your hands. But he got up and walked and he was about to leave until he felt something gently grabbing his hand. He looked at his hand. He noticed you grabbing it. He looked and he saw you opening your optics. "Emest." He said. You slowly turned and you saw your lover. You smiled seeing him once again. He smiled back and he sighed in relief knowing that you were going to be okay. He walked over and he sat down next to the berth that you were lying on. He gently caressed your cheeks with his digits.

You purred, feeling the warmth coming off his digits. "I missed you, Emest." He said. I opened my optics. I looked at him and I smiled. "I missed you too, Primus." I said and replied back to Primus. I looked and I noticed him having my key on one of his sides. I pointed at it. "You used my key. Didn't you." I asked him. He nodded. Telling me yes he did. "Yes. I did." He said and replied back to me. I moved over. I let him know what I want. He chuckled. He laid down next to me. He gently held me close. We both nuzzled our helms together. We both kissed each other. We both moaned, feeling each other's tongues exploring each other's intakes. We both backed away. "Primus." I said to Primus. Getting his attention.

"Hmm. Yes, my dear." He said and replied back to me. "When can we have kids?" I asked him. He looked at me. I looked at him. He chuckled and smiled. "I'll give you something special tomorrow. How does that sound?" He said and asked me. I nodded. Agreeing with him. And I didn't know what he was going to give me. "Sounds amazing. And I can't wait for that special intimacy that you're going to give me tomorrow." I said and replied back to Primus. He chuckled. We both laid down. And we laid down together with our helms next to each other. "I love you, Emest." He said. "I love you too, Primus." I said and replied back to Primus. Soon before we knew it. We both fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

In The Halls:

The doors opened to Megatronus Prime's room. Zeta Prime was walking but he saw the doors to Megatronus Prime's room were opened. He immediately went back and he hid from Megatronus Prime from not getting noticed. Megatronus Prime looked and he didn't see anyone. He went out and he zoomed past everything to get what he needed. Zeta Prime stood still until he saw him going back to his room. He waited until Megatronus Prime zoomed fast and heading back to his room. He looked and he saw Megatronus Prime's doors closing fast behind him. Zeta Prime then walked off heading back to his room.

Location: Earth

On Planet Earth:

Location: Nemesis

Inside The Nemesis:

Throne Room:

Megatron sat on his throne until Soundwave alerted him about Dreadwing. "Send a bridge to him." He said to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. He sent a bridge. Soon a bridge opened in the throne room. And out stepped Dreadwing. Megatron looked and he saw Dreadwing's expression. "Dreadwing. Is something wrong?" He asked him. Dreadwing looked at Megatron. "I think so. I... I just saw and witnessed Primus, our creator, as a titan. I mean our planet was transformed into a titan." He said and replied back to Megatron. Megatron looked at him. "Nah. That's impossible, Dreadwing." He said to Dreadwing. Dreadwing looked at Soundwave. "Soundwave. Look up the photo with Primus." He asked Soundwave. "Lord Megatron, I am telling you the truth that he was a titan." He said to his master. Soundwave typed some things in. And soon a photo popped up. And it showed Cybertron transformed as a titan but as Primus. Megatron was shocked. "That's not all. I also saw him fighting with Unicron." He said to his master. Megatron looked at Dreadwing. He laughed and chuckled evilly. Both Soundwave and Dreadwing were confused. He then walked out heading to his room still laughing. Both Soundwave and Dreadwing left to get a good night's recharge.

Megatron's Room:

Inside Megatron's Room:

Megatron was lying on his berth. He chuckled. He turned over. "So our planet and our creator transforms into a titan. This is going to get interesting." He said to himself. Soon before he knew it. He fell into a deep recharge.

End Of Part 2:

This Page Was Finished/Completed On Aug 19th, 2023.

Words: 2,539

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