thelxiepeia | s.stilinski

Galing kay elsiecherry

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lottie bailey never expected to fall in love with her best friend, then again, she never thought her other be... Higit pa

before you read
part one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
part two
cast list
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
part three
cast list
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four

chapter seventeen

621 26 162
Galing kay elsiecherry

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  2.05 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'do you think you could erase that from my dad's memory?'


Lottie entered her classroom late, keeping her head down as she made her way to her usual seat beside Stiles. She'd had an ordeal in her last class, she'd forgotten an assignment and got an absolute caning from the teacher, all she wanted was for the day to be over and it'd barely begun.

Sitting next to Stiles she let out a sigh of relief when he automatically reached for her hand, sensing her stress and began stroking small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

"I just talked to my Dad who just talked to Jackson and I've got bad news. Terrible, horrible, very bad news." Stiles whispered to Lottie and Scott. Lottie looked up at him confused whilst Scott had already figured it out.

"I think I already know." Scott said, nodding his head to the back of the classroom. Lottie turned to see Isaac sitting at the back of class, smirking sinisterly. When he met her gaze, his smirk dropped slightly, looking sad, but the moment passed as quickly as a blink as he shook off his guilt at going against the girl that gave him shelter when he needed it most.

"Brilliant." Lottie grumbled, resting her head in her hands on the table. Before she knew it, the lesson was over and the trio were making their way down the corridor discussing the kanima.

"I only found one thing online called the Kanima. A were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles explained. Whilst Lottie had been at Lydia's, he had spent the night researching, for some reason he couldn't sleep, his bed just felt too big.

"What the actual fuck is a werejaguar? Why can't it ever be the Easter Bunny or something?" Lottie groaned.

"That thing wasn't a jaguar." Scott pointed out.

"And I'm not exactly a murderer." Stiles argued back.

"But you did see it kill someone. Which is probably why it tried to kill you. And probably still wants to kill you. And probably won't stop until you're dead."

"Scotty... On what planet did you think that was a good sentence to let travel from your brain to your mouth? How is that remotely helpful, my lovely?" Lottie asked sweetly.

"You know, some days I really begin to question our friendship." Stiles muttered as the trio rushed off to their next class, laughing between themselves.

As they rushed through the hallways they brushed past an anxious looking Jackson who was standing, listening as well as he could, to Erica and Isaac's conversation.

"If it's Lydia–" Isaac said, Jackson could only hear bits and pieces from each of the duo, much to his frustration.

"--during Chemistry--will she–" Erica continued.

"--he wants us to–"

"--Lottie is something too–" Erica finished. Jackson had decided he'd heard enough and scurried off to his next lesson which he knew he shared with all of the people mentioned. Hopefully he'd get some answers.


Lottie laughed as she sat next to Lydia in their economics lesson, the girls discussing the films they'd been watching the other day. Both were unaware of the conversation happening behind them.

Jackson sat behind Stiles and Scott, leaning forward to gather their attention. "Hey, testicle one and two." The boys turned around grumpily. "What the hell is a Kanima?" This caught the boy's attention.

"Listen up. Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you--like McCall--might want to form study groups since tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult I'm not even sure I could pass it. All right, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question." Coach informed the students, smiling at Lottie as she laughed and held her hand up in the air to answer the question and make her way up to the board.

"Paralyzed. From the neck down. You have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson continued, determined to get some answers.

"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles confirmed.

"Wait, why would Derek test you? Why would he think it's you?" Scott asked, confused. He was still unaware of the rejected bite Jackson had got from Derek. Lottie had completely forgot to mention it.

"How should I know? Anyway I think they think it's Lydia? And something to do with Lotso." Jackson shrugged.

"Lottie? What why? It's not her." Stiles panicked. She was there in human form, not a tail in sight when the Kanima was there the other day. Derek saw that too.

"All I heard was her name. And something about Chemistry. Lydia, Lotso and Chemistry." Jackson told the duo of worried boys.

"Jackson, you have something you want to share with the class?" Coach called out as Jackson spoke too loudly. Lottie turned back from her equation on the board and faced Jackson.

"Just an undying admiration for my Coach." Jackson covered, Lottie smirked and rolled her eyes facing the board again and continuing. That was until the class started whispering behind her. Slowly she turned back to face the class, only to see Lydia approaching the board in a daze.

"Lydipad? You okay?" Lottie asked quietly as the girl reached the board and grabbed some chalk. Lydia began writing in what could only be described as gibberish, Lottie couldn't make it out from her angle. It was just a jumble of letters.

Slowly, Lottie reached over to the girl and placed her hand gently on top of the hand that was writing. "Lyds, come on, let's sit down." Lydia snapped out of her gaze looking petrified as Lottie shared a worried look with Scott and Stiles. Lydia was in trouble and they needed to keep her safe. That was final.

"Okay then. Anyone else want to try answering? In English?" Coach asked as Lydia sat back in her seat and Lottie leaned back to get a better look at what she'd written. Taking a pen to paper, Lottie wrote all the letters backwards and figured out what Lydia had written.


When the bell rang, Lottie didn't wait for Stiles and Scott, instead she quickly guided Lydia to the Chemistry class, unaware that both she and Lydia were about to undergo a test.

"Derek wouldn't kill her without proof. And I don't believe he'd ever hurt Lottie. She's like a sister to him. Or she was until he pissed her off." Scott whispered to Stiles as they entered the Chemistry lab.

"So then he tests her like Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles asked.

"I think here and now." Scott said, looking past Stiles and seeing Erica and Isaac bee-lining for the table behind Lydia and Lottie. Stiles and Scott swoop in quickly taking the table behind her as Scott nodded at Allison to sit in front of them.

"And what's he gonna do? Test Lottie too? She's human, she'll definitely be paralysed in class? How are we gonna explain that? We need to warn her!" Stiles muttered, panicked to Scott. Before Scott could answer, Mr Harris began to start his lesson.

"Einstein once said 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity..." He paused to look at Stiles. "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one." He continued, walking between the students. "Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica, take the first station. You'll start with..." All the boys in class raised their hands at top speed as Erica smirked. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall."

Eventually all the students were paired up and Lottie sat with Danny. Grinning, she poked the boy with one of their apparatuses. "And where have you been hiding Daniel? I've missed that smile of yours."

"I've been seeing this guy. He's amazing. Tall, dark and handsome. You'll love him." Danny smirked.

"Oo la, la. I cannot wait."

The two continued their assignment until Mr Harris yelled switch and Danny moved on, leaving the seat next to Lottie open as Allison slid in next to her. Across the room, Stiles began to have a tense conversation with Isaac.

"If you harm Lydia at all, in any way shape or form, you won't have to worry about me turning your little werewolf ass into a fur coat. Lottie will demolish you and-" Stiles began his threats, only to be cut off.

"Really? Because I've never actually been to her big invite-only birthday party. I did ask her out once, though." Isaac smiled wistfully, ignoring Stiles' comment about Lottie.

"This sounds like the beginning of a heartfelt story. I'll pass, thanks."

"It was first day of freshman year–" Isaac began.

"And you thought everything was going to be different in high school. But she said no." Stiles concluded.

"That's right. She even laughed and told me to try again when the bike I rode to school had an engine, not a chain."

"Unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should write about it in English. Channel that negative energy."

"I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing."

"Well you could've been. Lottie was helping you. And look what you did with her help. Threw it back in her face." At this comment, Isaac's smarmy demeanour dropped. He hated how things had become with Lottie and it was all his fault. "If you even think about hurting Lottie, I will destroy you. In ways you cannot imagine. And I'll make it look like a terrible accident. There'll be nothing left to ID you with and that is a promise. Do not even think about going near her. I will kill you." Stiles threatened. A look flashed across his face that made even Isaac gulp nervously.

"I don't want-"

"AND SWITCH!" Harris called out again. This is when Stiles began to panic. Isaac made his way to Lydia as Erica made her way to Lottie. He could only look on in worry, alongside Scott and Allison who had just warned Lottie not to speak to Erica or Isaac.

"Lottie Bailey."

"Erica Reyes. How delightful." Lottie grumbled, continuing on with her project, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

"You know something? You're little redhead friend is killing people right?"

"First of all. She's strawberry blonde. Second of all, you know you're living up to the dumb blonde stereotype right now?" Lottie fumed, turning to face the girl.

"Now, play nice guppy. Wouldn't want to fin out in the lab would we? Don't blow things out of scale Lottie." Erica taunted as Lottie felt her blood run cold.

"What the fuck are you on about? You've been inhaling the bleach you do that bad dye job with?" Lottie deflected cruelly. Erica smirked, digging her claws into Lotties thigh. Lottie goes to react when the bell dinged and Harris called out.

"Time. If you catalysed the reaction correctly you should now be looking at a crystal. Now, the part of this last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it."

Erica shared a quick look and a nod with Isaac before turning back to Lottie who had been leaning a table over to talk to Danny. Before Lottie turned back, Erica placed some of the Kanima venom on the crystal.

"You're crazy if you think I'm eating your experiment." Erica brought Lottie's attention back to her as she held the crystal out to the girl on the tweezers.

"Oh can't you grow up for five seconds Erica. This is tiresome." Lottie sighed bored as she picked up the crystal with her fingers, at the exact time as Lydia did. She brought the crystal to her lips and she swallowed the cube as Stiles shouted her name.


"Lydia!" Scott shouted.

"What?" The girls responded, Lottie looking more concerned at the boy.

"Um... Nothing." Scott answered them as Stiles sunk back into his seat. Lottie and Lydia hadn't been paralysed by the venom. They weren't human. But how was that possible? Lottie hadn't been bitten? Stiles bit at his nails as he noticed Isaac nod out of the window.

"Derek's out there. He just got his confirmation." Scott muttered to him.



"Okay. What the fuck was that? Why are you all acting weird?" Lottie fumed as she was dragged into the Coach's office with Stiles, Scott and Allison in tow.

"Derek thinks Lydia is the Kanima and apparently he thinks you're something too. And you just failed his test." Scott explained. Lottery internally panicked. She had to tell them. But as she opened her mouth the words got stuck.

"Look, that's not important right now. Lottie is safe. She's with us. She's not the Kanima. She's not killing anyone. She's perfect. We need to focus on protecting Lydia." Stiles instructed the group, grabbing Lottie's hand in his, squeezing it three times and smiling when she squeezed it back, unaware that her heart was squeezing just as tightly as he defended her whilst she lied.

"Look. Derek's outside. Waiting for her." Scott told the group.

"Waiting to what? Kill her?" Allison asked.

"Over my dead body. That mangy mutt is getting on my last nerve." Lottie grumbled.

"If he thinks she's the Kanima? Then, yeah. Especially after what happened in the pool." Scott confirmed as Lottie sighed.

"But it's not her." Stiles insisted. Lottie nodded in agreement, there was no way it was Lydia.

"She didn't pass the test, Stiles. Nothing happened. " Scott argued gently.

"It doesn't matter. Derek thinks it's her. So either we convince him he's wrong or we figure out how to protect her." Allison butted in, speaking sense to the group.

"I don't think he'd do anything here. Not during school." Scott thought aloud.

"But he will certainly try after school. So we have until three to convince him. Otherwise operation: Protect Princess is ago." Lottie grinned.

"What if we can't prove Derek's wrong?" Allison asked, not a single drop of optimism in her voice.

"By three o'clock?" Stiles asked.

"Could there not be anything in the Bestiary? I know it's in Latin but surely Google could be of some use?" Lottie tried.

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it." Allison told the group.

"I could talk to Derek. Maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it's not her." Scott suggested and the rest of the group nodded reluctantly. "All right. But if anything happens you guys let me handle it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Allison asked.

"It means you can't heal like I do. I don't want you getting hurt." Lottie bit her lip, knowing that her healing abilities were improving rapidly, she cut herself opening a can the other day and it healed almost instantly, it was like the more control she had over herself the more her abilities improved.

Allison put her bag on Coach's desk and unzipped it. She then proceeded to pull out a black item with a pistol grip on it. With a snap of her wrist, the sides flew out and locked into place to reveal a collapsible and quite deadly crossbow."I can protect myself." She smirked.

"How the fuck do you manage to walk around with that weapon?" Lottie mumbled.

"That's what she said." Stiles smirked at the girl who groaned in disgust, hiding her smile.

"What? Did something else happen?" Allison asked as Scott stared at the three of them.

"I just don't want anyone getting hurt. If something goes wrong, you call me, okay? I don't care if your Dad finds out. Call, text, yell, scream, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you. As fast as I can."

Allison nodded as Stiles and Lottie shared a look, with a squeeze of each other's hands before letting go, they turned back to Scott.

"We have until three. This Musketeer Mission just became an Awesome Foursome." Lottie grinned, defusing the tension briefly as the group chuckled. Scott began to leave the office when he turned suddenly, catching an arrow that was aimed straight for the back of his head. Lottie and Allison turned to face Stiles who was holding the crossbow guilty.

"Sensitive trigger on this thing..." Stiles mumbled as Allison took the crossbow back and Lottie grabbed Stiles by the scruff of his neck and dragged him out of the room.

"When do you think those two will admit that they are hopelessly in love with each other?" Allison asked Scott with a fond smile.

"Soon I hope. I can't wait to be an Uncle." Scott beamed before leaning in and sharing a sweet kiss with his girlfriend.


Lottie made her way to the bleachers as Scott and Stiles approached Boyd in the middle of the lacrosse field. Realising the situation might go more their way if she was there, she changed course and headed over to the group.

"I don't want to fight." Scott sighed to Boyd.

"Good. Cause I'm twice the size of you." Boyd smirked.

"Vernon Boyd. That wasn't very nice." Lottie scolded as she approached the trio. Boyd dropped the smirk and smiled at the girl.

"Lottie. Apologies. That was no way to speak in front of a lady."

"Well I'm not leaving so let's save the inevitable fight where - no offence - Scott will beat your ass. So how about you make your Alpha bring his musty ass out here." As Lottie finished her speech she heard Derek's voice from behind her.

"Tiny. Always a pleasure. Look, she failed the test." Derek sighed as Lottie set her glare on him.

"Which doesn't prove anything. Lydia's different. Lottie failed it too." Scott defended.

"The only test I've ever failed too. Gutted." Lottie grumbled.

"Well Lydia turns into a homicidal, walking snake at night."

"Who says I don't turn into a cannibal, flesh-eating squirrel then?" Lottie asked rhetorically.

"I'm not gonna let you kill her." Scott fumed.

"Who said I was going to?" Derek smirked at Scott who began to back away until Boyd held him in his place. "I don't know why you think you have to protect everyone now, Scott. But even so, Lydia has killed people. She's going to do it again. Next time it's going to be one of us." Derek defended his actions.

"You know what Derek? It won't be Lydia killing someone. It'll be me. If you harm a single hair on her head. I'll kill you myself." Lottie growled.

"Tiny please-"

"What if you're wrong?" Scott interrupted.

"She was bitten by an Alpha. It's her." Derek argued, adamant it was Lydia.

"You saw that thing up close. You know it's not like us."

"But it is. We're all shapeshifters. You don't know what you're dealing with. I only know because of my sister. It happens rarely. And it happens for a reason." Derek explained, watching as Stiles held Lottie close to him.

"What reason?"

"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." Derek told Scott, looking Lottie directly in the eye, making her fight internally to stay still and not shift uncomfortably. "Even Stiles calls her cold-blooded." Derek continued, looking back to Scott.

"What if she's immune? Like Lottie?" Stiles asked.

"​​No one's immune. I've never heard of it or seen it. It's never... It's never happened." Derek weakly argued.

"Well I'm standing right here asshole! I'm not turning into a giant fucking lizard. I'm also not paralysed so what am I? A miracle?"

"Yes you are." Stiles blurted out as a silence filled the field.

"Then what about Jackson?" Scott asked, hoping to spook Derek with the fact that Scott did indeed know about Jackson being bitten. "That's why you tested him, isn't it? Because you gave him what he wanted. Didn't you?"

"Scott- Lottie you told him?" Derek asked, shocked.

"She didn't have to. I'm not stupid Derek. Peter said the bite either kills you or turns you. You probably were hoping it would kill him. But nothing happened. Right? And you have no idea why, do you?" Scott taunted the knowledge over Derek, proud of himself and the conclusion he had come to. Stiles and Lottie took this as their que and began to leave the field. Surprisingly they got away unnoticed as the back and forth continued between Derek and Scott.

"We need to meet Allison and Jackson. They have Lydia and are on their way to the parking lot now." Lottie explained as she read out the text from Allison.

"Okay let's go. Lottie wait." Stiles paused in the corridor. Lottie spun to face him. "Are you doing okay? You just don't seem yourself at the minute?" Stiles had noticed the girl had been a bit distant and was hoping he was imagining it all.

"I'm okay Stiles, just a lot going on at the moment wouldn't you say? I'll tell you all about it tonight, eh?" Lottie promised. She was going to tell Stiles.

"Okay. Let's go, look, there's Lydia."

"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lottie heard Lydia ask Jackson.

"Because Scott needed to go to work first and he's joining us. We're just gonna go to his house and meet him there." Lottie lied effortlessly as she linked arms with Lydia, grinning at the girl.

"Oh fun, you're coming too?" Lydia asked the girl.

"Of course. I'm not gonna let you have all the fun without me, am I?"

The five of them made their way out to Stiles' Jeep quickly all barrelling in, Lottie in shotgun with Lydia squished between Allison and Jackson in the back.

"And away we go." Lottie mumbled, not looking forward to the inevitable fight.


The five of them barrel into Scott's house quickly, Lydia sending a puzzled look to Stiles who had locked every lock on the front door in haste.

"There's been a few break-ins around the neighbourhood." Stiles poorly excused, before reaching into the kitchen for a chair which he then lodged under the handle of the door. "And a murder. It was bad."

"Oh good Lord, save me." Lottie mumbled as she took Stiles by the hand. "We'll be back. Be good." Lottie instructed as she dragged Stiles upstairs to Scott's bedroom. "Stiles. Sit. I need to tell you something and I think it has to be now."

"Well actually I have something I need to tell you too, I'm hoping we are on the same page." Stiles mumbled, too quietly for Lottie to hear. As she sat next to him, he frowned at the look of worry on her face.

"Stiles. I haven't been perfectly honest with you. About the night I drowned." She started.

"Lottie. You can tell me anything. It's not gonna change anything." Stiles promised, holding her hand in his and lifting her chin to meet her eyes with the other.

Closing her eyes tightly, she confessed. "I was bitten. Peter bit me." She mumbled.

"Wha- No he didn't I'd have seen it. No, we got to you in time. He- no-" Stiles hyperventilated, he was so sure they'd saved her before Peter could do harm.

"Stiles. Stiles. Breathe. It's okay. Stiles." Slowly he calmed his breathing, meeting her gaze as she looked him directly in the eyes. "I'm not a werewolf." She explained.

"Oh my God. Are you the Kanima?" He blanched. She hit him on the shoulder.

"Stiles, I was with you when we saw it, you idiot! No, I am not the Kanima. I will pretend you didn't suggest that."

"So what? You're immune then?" Stiles asked, confused as Lottie stood up and began to pace the room.

"Did you know that the bite doesn't just turn you into a werewolf? Or reflect what's on the inside? It can also be circumstantial." Lottie began to explain. Her hands were sweating and her heart was pounding, she didn't want to lose him. "I was bitten and then left with half my face in inches of water, I effectively drowned continuously for however long I was left, the only thing saving me was the venom from the bite that was in my system."

"So if you hadn't been bitten you'd be dead right now?" Stiles choked out as tears reached his eyes. Lottie immediately took his face in her hands and wiped under his eyes, catching the tears before they hit his cheeks.

"That's not important. What's important is that I'm here right now. With you. But I'm not exactly human. I wanted you to be the first to know but I wanted to wait and make sure I wasn't a danger to you first. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you straight away." Lottie apologised as tears reached her own eyes.

"What- what are you Lottie?" Stiles stuttered.

Closing her eyes, she allowed the blue veins to appear under her eyes and they themselves turned bright white as she opened them.

"I'm a siren." She finally told him. She waited with bated breath as Stiles stared at her eyes, taking his fingers to the veins and lightly running his fingers across them. Just when the silence was beginning to much to bear, he spoke.

"You're beautiful." He whispered, just now aware of how close their faces were.

"What?" Lottie asked, shocked, her breath catching in her throat.

"Human. Siren. I don't care. You are the most beautiful being on this Earth." Stiles told her, gaining courage as he leaned in slowly. Their lips were mere millimetres apart when they were interrupted.

"Lottie! Stiles! You need to get down here now!" Allison shouted. The two snapped back as Lottie's eyes returned to normal.

"We should- we should go see what she needs." Lottie stuttered as Stiles snapped out of his daze.

"Yeah we- we should. Hey Lotts?" He called as she stood in the doorway. "This conversation isn't over, I wanna help you. Get control over whatever you have, if you need it."

"Thank you Stiles. You mean the world to me. Just don't judge me too harshly when I whack out my claws. I'm not letting anyone harm Lydia or you guys. Trust me, I have more than just a cool pair of eyes." She smirked as she made her way down to Allison. Now she'd told Stiles she didn't care about exposing herself, he knew and he knew first. That was all that mattered.

Stiles and Lottie made their way over to Allison who was standing at the window. There across the street stood Derek, Erica, Isaac and Boyd. The trio threw cautious glances at each other as Allison reached for her phone whilst holding her crossbow in her other hand.

"I already called Scott. ​​I think... I think I have to call my Dad." Allison stuttered worried.

"But if he finds you here. You and Scott–" Stiles tried.

"I know. But what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us. They're here to kill Lydia." Allison argued. "They went upstairs, I think they're in Melissa's room." Allison explained.

"I got an idea." Stiles started.

"This should be good." Lottie grinned at the boy she was falling for.

"Why don't you just shoot one of them?" He asked Allison, shooting a quick smile at the Lottie.

"Are you serious?" Allison deadpanned, adjusting the crossbow in her arms.

"We told Scott we could protect ourselves. So let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?" Allison nodded. "They don't think we're going to fight. If one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll back off. So shoot one of them."

"Which one?" Allison asked.

"Derek. Shoot him. Preferably in the head." Stiles decided.

"Or Erica. She's a real pain in both mine and your ass Allycat."

"If Scott can catch the arrow then Derek certainly can. Erica it is. Wait, where did Isaac go?" Allison asked as she peered back out the window, only to be greeted with Derek, Erica and Boyd.

Allison saw him first. Isaac grabbed Stiles, lifting him into the air and off his feet completely and threw him across the room. Unaware that he'd just signed himself up for a fight he would lose, he continued to grab Allison by her coat and throw her too, sending her smacking her into the wooden floor. Then he turned to face the one girl who had been there for him. Only she didn't have her normal baby blues. Standing there with her fangs and claws out, Lottie stood as transformed as she could be before Isaac.

"You shouldn't have done that." Lottie hissed. She lunged for the boy who stood in surprise. "I don't want to become the very thing you fear Isaac. You know better than this. It's not Lydia." She sat, straddled on the boy she knocked down. "You're going to fall asleep and wake up in an hour. You're not going to go after Lydia anymore. You're going to stop this madness. Oh, and you'll forget about seeing me like this too please and thank you." She compelled, watching as his eyes glazed over. Shortly after, his eyes fluttered shut and the boy fell asleep. She wasn't going to become his father, no matter how much she hated how he hurt Stiles.

"Lo? Allison? Stiles?" Lydia called out from upstairs. Lottie nodded to Allison as she ran to the stairs to shout up to her.

"Go back to the bedroom. Someone is trying to break in!" Lottie called up to her, before making her way to Stiles as Allison headed up the stairs. "Stiles. It's gonna be okay, I promise." Lottie told the boy as she grabbed his hands in hers.

"How did you do that?" He asked, nodding to Isaac.

"Not just a pretty face anymore eh?" She grinned, internally sighing when Stiles smiled back.

"It's here... Guys, it's here!" Allison called down to the duo. The Kanima was here. Lottie looked worriedly to Stiles before running upstairs to help Allison and check on Lydia. And she was greeted with a pleasant surprise.

"See you have this mutt handled. Nicely done." Lottie praised as she glanced down at a paralysed Erica. "Come on, help me drag her down the stairs please?"

"Gladly." Allison smirked as the two haphazardly dragged Erica downstairs to be met with Scott who smiled at the girls. With a roar he threw Isaac and Erica out before Derek, who fumed as he looked down at his betas, one of which was still asleep.

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega. You're already an Alpha. Of your own pack." Derek concluded as he watched Allison, Lottie and Stiles stand behind the young wolf. "But you can't beat me." He smirked.

"I can hold you off until the police get here." Scott smirked as Derek turned his head, clearly hearing the incoming sirens.

Suddenly the group heard a strange clicking sound. They turned to face the house and were greeted with the Kanima in broad daylight on top of Scott's house. The beast curled its lips back to reveal its double row of teeth and let out an inhuman shriek so loud Lottie had to cover her ears. The group took a step back as the creature leapt across the roof and disappeared into the darkness.

Derek turned to face Boyd, nodding at the boy, "Get them out of here." As he turned to run after the Kanima, another set of clicking began and the group were faced with a very confused and a very angry looking Lydia Martin.

"Would someone please tell me... what... the hell... is going on?" She asked furiously. Lottie looked around the group and sighed sadly as she realised there was one member of the group left unaccounted for.

"Oh dear." She muttered sadly.


Lottie sat opposite Stiles in his bedroom, wrapped up in one of his hoodies and a pair of his shorts as he began throwing every question he could think of at her as she threw M&M's at his mouth.

"So you're a siren? What powers do you have?"

"Well in water I don't really know much about powers, I mean I grow a tail? And-"

"You grow a tail?!" Stiles interrupted. "Like an actual mermaid siren tail and everything?"

"Yes, Stiles. I am a siren. I have a siren tail. I also grow gills and fins. Oh and my skin fuses together on my top half so I'm not completely indecent. My fingers web together and I grow claws and an impressive set of fangs. Oh and my eyes change, obviously." She rambled.

"Wow. That is so cool. Is it painful?" He asked as he caught another sweet in his mouth.

"It's not particularly pleasant. The first time was awful, like nothing I'd ever felt. But the last time I was so distracted by the thought of you drowning I barely felt a thing."

Stiles stopped trying to catch the sweets at Lottie's confession, an M&M hitting him in the eye. He rubbed his eye whilst looking at Lottie adoringly.

"You put yourself through that for me?"

"Of course." She said, confused. They sat in silence for a moment until Lottie continued. "So what else do you want to know?"

"Any other powers?"

"I can control water? I haven't tried that yet-" Before she could finish her sentence Stiles had jumped up and ran out of the room. He returned quickly with two glasses of water. "And what am I supposed to do with that? I haven't been taught what to do?"

"Ah yes. The siren lady. Well, since I am your best friend and on land, I want to help. Plus I think this is gonna be insanely awesome." He grinned. "I'm gonna throw some water out of the cup and you try and make it land back in the cup? It's like the force in Star Wars. Just visualise it going back into the cup okay?"

"Okay." She sighed. Turning to dangle her legs off the bed, Lottie focused her gaze on the cup of water and had one thought on her mind. Don't let it hit the floor. As Stiles threw the water, Lottie squinted in concentration, only to be disappointed when the water splashed onto the floor. When she went to complain, Stiles held a finger up against her lips.


This continued for twenty minutes until Lottie groaned loudly and threw her hands in the air as she stood.

"This is useless. I'm never gonna get it. I should be able to do this with my eyes closed. The only thing I'm thinking about is not letting it hit the floor and that's all it keeps doing. Mayalila would be able to do it without thinking and I can't even stop a drop of water from going all over the place. What a useless excuse-"

"Lottie. Firstly you've been a siren for what a month? Not even. So cut yourself some slack. Second of all, look behind you." Stiles grinned. Lottie turned behind her and blinked in surprise, there was all the water that had spilled on the floor, swirling like a whirlpool almost reaching the ceiling. Stumbling back in surprise, she raised her hand slowly and gestured in the air for the water to go back in its original cups and let out a surprised chuckle when it did.

"I did it... Stiles I did it!" She cheered turning to face the boy, running at him and tackling him into a hug. "I actually did it. I just stopped overthinking and I did it! We did it. You're the best!" She grinned, pulling back from the hug to realise the position they were in. She was sitting on his lap, straddling him. And he was a bumbling, red mess.

"Ye- yeah you did it. You- are- you're a- well you're incredible. Of course you did it." He stuttered, adjusting the girl in his lap slightly. Internally panicking. Lottie made to move but he held her in place. She looked in his eyes as the two sat in comfortable silence. As Lottie felt herself become overwhelmed by her feelings for Stiles her eyes changed.

Slowly, Stiles reached up and as he'd done earlier that day, he gently stroked the skin under her eyes when the veins showed. Butterflies swarmed both their stomachs as they felt the air around them change. A palpable electricity hummed in the air between them causing the hairs on their arms to stand. As Lottie began to slowly lean in, Stiles began to meet her.

Then the door burst open.

"Hey guys- Oh I- interrupting- So sorry, uh, as you were." Noah Stilinski stuttered as he shut the door whilst Lottie fell off Stiles' lap and straightened her top. Stiles himself was trying to stutter a response. They both turned to look at each other, only to burst out laughing at the awkwardness of what just happened. They knew something had changed that night. Neither of them were willing to start that conversation though.

"So you have mind control right? That's what you did to Isaac earlier?" Lottie nodded in response. "Do you think you could erase that from my dad's memory?" Lottie and Stiles both burst into giggles again as she made her way to the bed and climbed in, snuggling in Stiles' side as they began to watch Star Wars: A New Hope.

As Stiles watched Lottie slowly fall asleep, he soon joined her in dreamland with one thought on his mind, the girl he loved was his very own Jedi. A dream girl come to life. And she'd been under his nose the entire time.

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