My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! sp...

By riesespieces

178K 5.9K 1.6K

"Who's this?" Spiderman points to an old polaroid on my desk. I glance at it, before going focusing back on... More

The Spider
The Internship
Dropping In
Friendships Die
Empire State Building
I'm Fine
The Kiss
Hopelessly in Love
Nothing's Changed
Perfect Simplicity
No Sleep
Glory Days
I Have Too
New World
My Spiderman
No Way Home
The MJ Problem


2.6K 99 21
By riesespieces

A/N- Hey guys, so sorry for the slow updates recently, I just started college so I'm really trying to figure out how to balance everything. I think I finally have a plan, so updates should come a little faster but no promises lol. 

Also, this chapter is mostly just wholesome filler, because I really didn't feel like getting into the next plot point, but I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! Have a great day, my friends. 


The morning of Christmas I woke up to Peter jumping into my bed with his Spiderman suit on. I groaned turned around, and tried to ignore him as I saw that the sun hadn't even risen yet. He was just like he had been since we had first met. Always the first to rise on Christmas morning with no regard for those who would rather sleep in. He'd gotten better during high school, but it seemed he had reverted back to his childlike ways.

"Y/n, please wake up it's very important," Peter whispered softly into my ear.

I pulled the covers up higher, only a slight groan coming from my lips as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to get a few more winks of sleep.

"Y/n," Peter scooted closer, slowly pulling the covers back down. "Come on. What do I have to do to get you out of bed?

"Ten minutes," I managed to let out. "And coffee."

Peter jumped up at the mention of coffee, knocking me out of bed and completely jolting me awake. I glared at Peter as I stood up, but immediately fell into a fit of giggles as I finally got a complete look at the boy in spandex. Peter smiled, putting the blanket back onto the bed, as he let me finish laughing.

"Do you still want some coffee?" He asked as I quieted down.

I threw my blanket over my shoulders and walked out of my room to go sit on the couch. "Of course, but I want the good stuff."

Peter sat beside me, letting me lean my head against his shoulder, "And what's the good stuff?"

"(your favorite caffeinated drink) from (your favorite coffee shop)."

Peter turns around opens the window, and reveals that he had already purchased my drink. "How could I have ever guessed?"

I nudge him, taking the coffee and snuggling into the couch with the drink. "So what was so important that you had to wake up me up on this cold morning?"

"It's Christmas!"

"Well, duh, but aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your Aunt May?"

"We both want you to be there as well," he said matter-of-factly.

A small smile found its way to my face. "Well, then what are we waiting for?"

I picked out a quick outfit and then threw on my coat. Peter and I headed over to the window, and I clung onto him as we swung through the city. No matter how many times I did this, I still wouldn't dare open my eyes. As soon as we landed in the alley, I jumped off of Peter and made my way over to their apartment door.

May still didn't know about him being Spiderman, so most of the time if he came and picked me up, he would drop me off in the alley by their apartment and I would come in through the front door as if I'd come by myself.

Before I could even knock, Peter opened the door and let me in and he led me to the kitchen where May was standing finishing up making cinnamon rolls for us. When she turned and saw me standing there, she gave me the biggest smile and a small hug before she sat down the cinnamon rolls on the table.

"I'm glad Peter was able to convince you to come over. I've missed having a lot of people over for the holidays."

"Of course. Honestly, I've missed celebrating the holidays, especially with you all." I paused took a bite of my breakfast, and sighed as it melted in my mouth. "These are delicious."

May smiled, "I'm glad you think so because I made you a whole extra pan for you to take home with you."

My jaw dropped, and I side-eyed Peter. "Oh, that's not necessary. I'm sure you and Peter would enjoy having them here."

"No, no. I made them specifically for you."

"That's very sweet. Thank you."

We finished our cinnamon rolls as we participated in small talk. Peter brought up how he thought the weather looked like it was going to get worse through the day, and I was sure he was going to insist that I stay the night because of this. Of course, I wasn't one to complain, it would be a lot more fun to stay here rather than go home.

Once we finished, we all headed into the living room. Peter pulled me next to him on the couch, as May turned on the lights for the Christmas tree. Then she handed Peter a couple of presents, setting aside the ones addressed to her. Then she handed me a present.

"Oh, thank you. I don't have anything for the two of you," I said guiltily.

May shook her head, "Don't worry. You being here is just enough for me."

I looked up at Peter, who just smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "If you're really concerned, I'll help you pick something out for her."

"Thanks," I whispered back.

We all went around opening our gifts. Peter started, opening the three May had bought for him: a new watch, a photo album with all of the pictures he took throughout the year, and a wall mount for his growing skateboard collection. May went next, opening her present from Peter; some wall planters that say "Best Aunt Ever" filled with succulents.

Finally, it was my turn. I turned the box over in my hand, looking up at Peter before opening it up. Inside was a photo album just like Peter's except inside were all of the pictures that I had hidden in my closet for years.


Peter cut me off, "I stole them from your house about a week ago. I know you didn't really like looking at them for a while, but when I found you staring at May's pictures I knew that we had to get you a photo album to keep them safe. And now you can take up less space in your closet when you hide them again."

I punched his arm, "I won't hide them. Thank you both, this is super sweet."

The rest of the day we spent playing games, and watching Christmas movies. Around nine, May retired off to bed leaving Peter and me in the living room.

"Should we go to bed too?" I asked, starting to get up.

Peter pulled me back down, "Not yet, you still have a present to open."

I raised an eyebrow and shifted my body so I could look at him. "Do I now?"

"Yes," he pulled out a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. "I would have given it to you earlier, but I know you don't really like to open gifts around a bunch of people."

"Thanks." I opened the box to reveal a small necklace with both of our birthdates embroidered in the middle of a gold heart. "Oh, Peter this is so pretty."

He places a kiss on my hand, before taking the necklace and clasping it around my neck. "A pretty necklace, for a beautiful girl."

"Okay, you sap," I laughed, leaning into his shoulder. "Thank you, I love it."

"And I love you."

I tensed at the words, suddenly caught off guard. But as Peter kissed me again, I relaxed.

"I love you too."

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