Rebirth of the Abandoned Male...

By Captivating_Firefly

71.5K 2.5K 474

Xiaoniao found himself reincarnated once again after his death due to poisoning in his previous life. Xiaonia... More

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

8.4K 296 60
By Captivating_Firefly

Chapter 1:
The Fool Second young master of Zephyr Citadel.


The sun shines brightly as Maple leaves gently descend from the tree. They gracefully fall through the air, carried by the soft breeze, and land delicately on the open windowsill. One of these leaves lands gently on the forehead of a peacefully sleeping young man.

His eyelashes caress his soft, fair skin with a hint of rosy cheeks. His small, pointed nose twitches slightly, tickled by the leaf's touch.
his red, kissable lips quirk into a thin line.

The young man slowly opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times before rubbing them with his delicate hand. He removes the bothersome leaf from his forehead, pinching it between his slender fingers, and gazes at it with a glare as if it were his archenemy.

The room feels a bit chilly; perhaps Lixin forgot to close the window again? With a tired sigh, the young man sits up, still feeling a bit disoriented.

He is about to call out for Lixin or Yangfan to close the window and fetch him a cup of tea when something catches his attention. The room appears smaller than he remembers,
despite it title as 'Worn Down Palace',

Niǎo wō palace is still made In high-quality construction materials.
But strangely, the room seems to be made from bamboo and other lower-quality materials.

Inside, there isn't much besides a stack of hay in one corner, two buckets of water, a bowl and chopsticks resting on the floor, separated from the dirt by a tattered fabric. A thin, old mattress with a barely sufficient blanket covers him.

He blinks twice, a realization dawning on him. This is not his chambers in the Niǎo Wō Palace.

This place appeared to be the old shack where he resided before his marriage to the emperor. However, he couldn't comprehend how he had ended up here.

Had the Shen family taken him back? No, that couldn't be right. He vividly recalled the Niǎo Wō Palace engulfed in flames. Even if they had managed to rescue him, it would have been impossible for him to emerge unscathed.

So, how had he wound up in this place?

As he pondered over these questions, a throbbing ache began to form in Xiaoniao's head. The effort of trying to make sense of the situation was taking its toll on him.

His memory of the events was blurry, but he did remember the moment he set himself on fire, a desperate attempt at ending his own life along with the little egg he often referred to as Xiaobao—

Hold on, speaking of Xiaobao—where had that little egg disappeared to?

Xiaoniao's eyes darted around the surroundings, a sense of urgency overtaking him as he searched for the infant-sized egg. Yet, no matter where he looked, the precious golden egg remained elusive.

He lifted his blanket, only to find it absent. He even flipped over his mattress, but there was still no sign of the egg. He peered into the buckets, only to find murky water staring back at him. The egg was nowhere to be seen.

His last resort was to check the hay, but once again, he was met with disappointment. The golden egg was nowhere to be found.

Xiaoniao's chest tightened, and panic surged within him. He clutched at his chest, struggling to catch his breath, fearing that another bout of coughing up blood might strike. Luckily, it didn't, but his lips quivered and tears welled up in his eyes.

His worry was centered on his cherished companion, A'xiao, the small egg. He couldn't bear the thought that A'xiao might not have survived the fire, consumed by the flames. Determination surged through him, igniting a fire of resolve within his heart. He refused to accept such a fate for A'xiao.

No, he wouldn't let it happen. Even if he had to confront the painful aftermath himself, he would do it to ensure that A'xiao was safe.

A'xiao was the only family he had left, and he wouldn't rest until he had found that precious egg. With his determination unshaken, Xiaoniao decided that the best course of action was to locate Lixin and Yangfan first. He needed to understand what had occurred during the night and whether they were safe.

The concern that they might have sustained injuries while trying to save him weighed heavily on his mind. Firm in his resolve, Xiaoniao dashed out of the shack, clad only in his thin inner robe. His feet were bare, and his hair danced wildly around his face as he raced around the area.

To the passing Disciples on their way to class, the sight was startling. The usually carefree and somewhat foolish second young master of the Zephyr Citadel Sect was charging around like a man possessed. He called out names they had never heard before, his behavior shocking even the Outer Disciples, who knew him well.

Aware of the impending visit of the Emperor of the Cultivation world, some disciples grew concerned. This spectacle could incur the wrath of their sect leader, especially now. In response, some disciples attempted to restrain Xiaoniao, chasing after him to guide him back to his shack. Others tried to comfort him, employing gentle words akin to a parent soothing their child.

Meanwhile, a few disciples merely shook their heads in disbelief, recognizing the futility of trying to reason with Xiaoniao. It was widely acknowledged that his wisdom was akin to that of a three-year-old child. This was perhaps why their sect leader was reluctant to acknowledge him as his son. Consequently, in the eyes of outsiders, Xiaoniao remained non-existent within the Shen family lineage.

Shen Changli, the esteemed sect leader of the Zephyr Citadel Sect and also the Governor of Central Plain Nation, led a life with three wives.

His principal wife, Madam Shen Peiling, was a union entered to honor his esteemed position. Then there was his childhood sweetheart turned concubine, Shen Mengtao. Lastly, there was the one he loved dearly, the departed young master Peng, who happened to be Xiaoniao's mother.

The true origins of the young Master Peng remained shrouded in mystery. All that was known was that one day, the youthful sect leader returned home cradling an extraordinarily beautiful young man in his arms. Nursing him back to health, their bond deepened, and their love blossomed, eventually resulting in the birth of a Hatchling Child.

Whom everyone now known As Xiaoniao.

However, the act of catering to a hatchling took a toll on the frail young master Peng. Before he could see the egg hatch, he succumbed to illness. The sect leader, Shen, took it upon himself to nurture the egg, but as one with dominant qi, this endeavor carried adverse effects. Thus, it wasn't surprising that Xiaoniao emerged with a submissive qi, explaining his sometimes foolish demeanor. At the tender age of 5, Xiaoniao's mother passed away due to illness, sparking resentment from the sect leader.

Xiaoniao was unfairly blamed for his death, leading to a life of hardship and mistreatment. He was removed from the family  tree of Shen clan and relegated to a shack, his life resembling that of a servant. Forbidden from learning cultivation, his punishment was heightened in a world where power equaled honor. The sect leader concealed his existence, going as far as locking him up during important visits to prevent his discovery. Without the first young master and Madam Peiling's affection, Xiaoniao's survival in this world would be doubtful, though their means to help him were limited.

Beyond Xiaoniao, the sect leader had three other children. His eldest, the heir Young Master Shen Yuze, was born to Madam Peiling. Following him was the first young lady, Shen Xing Mei, and the youngest of his four children was the 10-year-old second young lady, Shen Meijuan, whose mother was Concubine Mengtao.

While to outsiders, Sect leader Shen appeared to be an impartial and devoted father, those privy to the truth behind closed doors recognized the discrepancy, especially in how he treated his "fool" son.

"Second young master, please return to your quarters! We promise to get you lots of sweets if you do!" Three outer disciples pleaded, attempting to restrain him. Yet, Xiaoniao evaded them with surprising agility.

"No, you're lying! I'm going to find A'xiao!" He retorted defiantly.

The disciples were torn between amusement and exasperation, familiar with the troubles the impulsive young master often caused.


Having successfully eluded the persistent disciples who had been doggedly pursuing him, Xiaoniao decided to take a detour. As he wandered, confusion clouded his mind due to the astonishing changes in the sect's architecture. The structures appeared entirely different, as though the renovations carried out over the past few years had been erased by an invisible hand. The experience felt surreal, almost as if he had traveled through time itself. Inwardly, Xiaoniao praised Uncle Wu's architectural talents, genuinely impressed by the drastic transformation.

Nonetheless, an unfamiliar sense of disorientation gnawed at him. He placed a hand on his waist and scanned his surroundings, his lips slightly upturned in a grumpy expression. Overwhelmed, he decided to pause and rest for a moment. Settling into a squat in front of a door, he rested his cheek on his hand and released a lazy sigh, a hint of complaint tinging the sound.

Before long, the double doors swung open wide, revealing the expanse of the visitor's hall. In an unexpected twist, Xiaoniao found himself situated before the very room where his father received esteemed guests, including elders and members of the imperial court. The sight that greeted him was startling; his older brother stood in the doorway, the one who had just opened it.

The shock surged through Xiaoniao as he laid eyes on Shen Yuze, alive and well. His brother, who he believed had perished a year prior, ambushed by a band of rogue cultivators. The question echoed within him: How was Shen Yuze still among the living?

Shen Yuze's expression mirrored the astonishment in Xiaoniao's eyes. His younger brother was squatting in front of the visitor's hall, an unusual position that hinted at him waiting for someone or something. Yet, Yuze's concern was immediate—fearing his father's potential anger for Xiaoniao's presence, particularly since a significant guest was in attendance today: none other than the Emperor himself.

Before Xiaoniao could utter a word, he found himself strangely rendered speechless. Yuze gripped his younger brother's arm and pulled him aside, his actions forceful yet steeped in genuine concern. Though Yuze's demeanor might appear stern or even cruel to an outsider, Xiaoniao knew the truth—he, Yuze struggled to convey his emotions in a conventional manner. His words and actions might be misconstrued as cold, but beneath the surface, his heart brimmed with care and warmth. Xiaoniao regretted misinterpreting his elder brother's intentions in the past.

As Yuze's brows furrowed, he seemed on the brink of scolding Xiaoniao. However, before any words could be exchanged, the door swung open once more. Stepping forth was none other than the Emperor himself, followed closely by Sect Leader Shen, who wore a welcoming smile upon his face.

"I guarantee you, Your Majesty, my daughter Xing Mei can hatch the imperial egg in no time," he declared with evident pride, his words echoing through the chamber. The emperor, though discreet, couldn't hide the concealed scoff that went unnoticed by all except Xiaoniao.

The emperor's voice held a stern undertone as he responded, "I hope you can substantiate your words with actions, not just empty promises." This stern warning wiped the confident smile off Sect Leader Shen's face, leaving him with little choice but to nod earnestly while muttering, "Of course." An appreciative smirk from the emperor followed his response.

The ruler continued with measured assurance, "Very well, I anticipate a favorable outcome by the end of the year. Every three months, I shall dispatch Prime Minister Dong to oversee the egg's progress. I hope that by year's end, this Emperor shall be introduced to his heir." Xiaoniao listened intently to these discussions.

However, what truly caught Xiaoniao's attention was the egg that Xing Mei held, swathed in rich crimson silk. She followed behind her father, her mother beside her, trailed by her most trusted attendant, Yanjin. The egg had undergone a transformation since Xiaoniao last saw it—its size had reduced, and its texture and appearance had changed. Previously it was golden smooth, it now displayed a white jade-like texture with a gradient of bluish-grey. Despite these alterations, Xiaoniao felt an undeniable maternal connection with the egg.

Without hesitation, he approached the group with an exuberant smile lighting up his face. Amidst attempts to halt him, Xiaoniao sidestepped Yanjin, taking the egg from Xing Mei's grasp and cradling it against his chest. Overcome with happiness, he rocked the egg gently, his joy evident.

"A'xiao, I've finally found you!" he joyfully exclaimed as he held the egg close.

Concubine Mengtao's voice held a mixture of astonishment and exasperation, "You, you! What are you doing here?! Who allowed you to leave?" She couldn't believe that the fool had managed to leave his confinement.

'Why is this imbecile outside of his shack? What happened to those dense outer disciples I told to keep an eye on him?!' Sect Leader Shen's irritation was palpable.

In contrast, Xing Mei maintained her composure, seemingly unfazed by the situation. Given the presence of the emperor, she has to play the role of a proper decent lady.

At Yuze's prompt, Xiaoniao was quickly drawn away from potential trouble, his elder brother shielding him cautiously. Yuze's gaze held a stern warning, silently demanding Xiaoniao's cooperation.

"Xiaoniao, return the egg to Xing Mei immediately, before Father decides to punish you," Yuze whispered urgently, his words met with a disapproving pout from Xiaoniao. Holding the egg tighter, Xiaoniao shook his head defiantly.

"No! I won't give A'xiao back!" he protested, causing an intrigued eyebrow to raise on the emperor's face. Amusement flickered in his eyes.

The sight before him was indeed unusual—a young lad cradling the egg as if it were a cherished child, even giving it a name.

"Why should I give it back? It was mine in the first place, so I'll keep it! Besides... Xing Mei and the Emperor are already married, so why bother relying on the egg for an heir? Don't tell me this promiscuous emperor has trouble performing?" Xiaoniao's innocent query ended with him turning and leveling a curious gaze at the emperor.

The audacity of his words caused a mixture of shock and horror to ripple through the room. Did this fool dare to mock the emperor? Could he possibly be courting death?

"You!" Sect Leader Shen's voice trembled with anger, but Xiaoniao merely rolled his eyes and offered a dismissive, "Hump."

But an intriguing observation dawned upon him. Why were the emperor and Xing Mei not displaying their usual affectionate behavior today? Wasn't it just last night that they tied the knot? Shouldn't they be engaged in amorous activities, like any newlywed couple, as Yangfan had often remarked? Why this unusual distance between them today?

Another puzzling matter surfaced—what had caused the egg to revert to its original state? And then, a realization struck Xiaoniao, leaving him momentarily breathless. If his brother was alive, still dwelling in the shack, and the Zephyr Citadel Sect remained unaltered, like it did before the events that followed the Hudun war... could it be possible?

Handing the egg to Yuze, who stood by his side, Xiaoniao pulled open his inner robe, revealing his bare form, a mess of morning hair cascading over his forehead. To others, this apparently innocent gesture might have appeared as an attempt at seduction, his disheveled appearance and actions bordering on impropriety. Unaware of any potential misinterpretations, he directed his gaze to his chest, seeking any signs of the black mark—the poison that was slowly snuffing out his life, its inky tendrils tarnishing his meridians.

A surge of realization washed over him as he inspected his chest. The ominous black mark that once plagued him was nowhere to be found. The poison, which had been gradually eating away at him, hadn't left its malevolent imprint.

Eyes widening, understanding hit him like a bolt of lightning. A realization dawned upon him so powerful that he could hardly contain his astonishment. He had been reborn. His life had been rewound, like the tapestry of time itself. The spell he had cast had actually worked.

As Xiaoniao immersed himself in these contemplations, a gentle cough drew attention to his presence, interrupting his reverie.

The emperor's expression remained inscrutable, his thoughts a mystery to all those present, adding to the palpable tension in the room. An air of unease lingered, as if everyone awaited an impending storm. While everyone expected retribution towards Xiaoniao for his audacity, the emperor exuded an unexpected calmness.

In his confusion, Yuze instinctively followed the first impulse that struck him – he dropped to his knees before the emperor, pleading for leniency. He hoped that his humble submission would sway the emperor's decision and save his little brother from punishment.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to forgive my younger brother's offense. His intentions may have seemed disrespectful, but I beseech you to understand that his mind is impaired. I beg your mercy; if punishment is to be dealt, let it fall upon me," Yuze implored, his voice tinged with concern.

The emperor remained silent, his actions speaking louder than words. A subtle gesture prompted a bow from a eunuch, who helped Yuze rise. As the emperor turned his attention to Xiaoniao, panic flitted across the latter's face. He sought solace from his older brother, but Yuze was held in place by an eunuch, leaving Xiaoniao to face the emperor alone.

Raising his hand, the emperor's motion prompted Xiaoniao to shut his eyes reflexively, bracing for a forceful slap. However, instead of feeling the sting of a strike, his robe was adjusted with surprising gentleness. Tentatively opening his eyes, he found the emperor studying him intently, a glint of amusement in his eyes. The scrutiny only deepened Xiaoniao's unease, his heart racing.

In a low whisper, the emperor's voice teased the air, "You're quite the intriguing character, aren't you? Bold enough to declare that I'm married to a near-stranger, and audacious enough to jest about my virility..." He tilted his chin thoughtfully, closing the gap between them, their faces mere inches apart.

The close proximity took Xiaoniao off guard, his breath hitching involuntarily as their eyes locked. The emperor continued in a sultry tone, "And now, you offer your body as a spectacle for this emperor's viewing pleasure. Could it be that you're implying a desire to serve me in a more intimate capacity?" His suggestive words heated the air, and a blush crept onto Xiaoniao's cheeks. His heart raced, his voice caught in his throat.

Indignation welled within Xiaoniao – how could this lecherous emperor dare to speak so brazenly! He wouldn't fall for his tricks again; not in this lifetime. The emperor's attempts to entice him with such inappropriate remarks would fall on deaf ears. He wouldn't be ensnared a second time.

Breaking the charged atmosphere, the emperor changed his tack. "Do you know the significance of today?" he inquired, and Xiaoniao blinked in response, a silent 'What?' shaping his features.

With a chuckle, the emperor's demeanor softened, his words taking on a mirthful quality. "Today marks the commencement of the Empress Selection competition. It won't conclude so hastily," he explained cryptically.

Confusion clouded Xiaoniao's mind. 'What does he mean?'


As realization dawned on Xiaoniao, a flicker of memory lit up his mind like a spark in the dark. Could this be the day of his selection as Empress, a pivotal moment from his past life? The circumstances had shifted dramatically from his previous experience, due in large part to the emperor's newfound awareness of him. In that previous iteration, he had resuscitated the dying egg with his Qi, an act that had captured the emperor's attention, forever changing the course of events.

His thoughts recollected the past: the emperor's visit to Zephyr Citadel Sect, his confinement in the shack, and the offering of the Seedling to Xing Mei. The Seedling, a stage before the egg hatched, was given to the chosen individual to nurture and help the egg progress toward its hatching phase. While he hadn't fully grasped the significance back then, he understood now that the one who successfully nurtured the Seedling into hatching would earn the title of Empress.

Numerous cultivators had attempted this feat in the past, yet the egg had rejected all their attempts to bond with it. Whether the egg deflected their Qi or caused harm, it was clear that it refused their connection. Not even the accomplished Xing Mei, lauded as a prodigy among her peers, had managed to forge a bond with the egg. Curiously, the egg had chosen him, Xiaoniao, an individual with no exceptional cultivation talents. Regrettably, despite his unique connection, he had failed to hatch the egg in his previous life.

And now, here he stood, reborn with the chance to alter his destiny, yet seemingly on the verge of repeating history's pattern. As these realizations swirled through his mind, the emperor's voice broke through, delivering a message he dreaded to hear once again. "I shall grant you the title of Empress," the emperor declared.

Caught between panic and a surge of thoughts, Xiaoniao felt his heart racing. Fearing the responsibilities and the palace life that awaited him, he concocted a desperate plan. With a deep breath, he feigned unconsciousness, slumping against the emperor as if overwhelmed by the situation. He yearned to escape the clutches of palace life, to forge his own path and evade the destiny he had once known.

The determination to free himself surged within him. He couldn't let history repeat itself – he had a chance to change his fate, and he wasn't about to squander it.


*Note this is Raw unedited chapter*

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