Yellow [Jenlisa Adaption]

By Onishoh

62K 1.8K 575

First Book of the Yellow Series This is not my story and it's only an adaptation. The story belongs to txrche... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 10

1.9K 69 15
By Onishoh

Leaving Jennie didn't get any easier the second time around anything became more difficult now that Jennie understood what was happening.

"I go with Lili." Jennie whined to Somi as the  girl held her back from the door. Lisa stood in the doorway, being her Iip and hesitating to leave.

"You're coming shopping with us today, Jennie." Rose piped up. "Lisa will be back soon." Somi waved her hand at Lisa, mooning for her to leave, Lisa sighed and slipped out the door while Jennie was distracted.

"Lili." Jennie cried, trying to wiggle out of Somi's grasp. Somi held on tightly to the small girl. She glanced at Rose questioningly.  "It's like we're raising a child" Rose mumbled. Jennie was still trying to run for the door, and Somi was struggling to hold onto her.

"Lisa's gone, Jennie." Somi said firmly, she was growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that Jennie was so persistent on being by Lisa's side 24/7, the smaller girl turned around and looked at Somi angrily.

Somi's hands were sull tightly gripping Jennie's wrists, so the smaller girl settled on lacking her legs forwards and hitting the leg of the small table by the door the wood cracked easily under the force of her kick, causing the table to fall over and bring the glass vase on top of it crashing to the floor.

Rose and Somi both gasped as glass scattered everywhere. Jennie immediately cried out and covered her ears with her hands, which Somi had released out of shock.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Somi yelled turning around and glaring at Jennie the smaller girl took a few steps back and
brought her hands up in front of her face.

"Please," she shook her head violently. Somi and Rose exchanged confused glances as Jennie continued to take slow steps away from them.

"Bad" Jennie mumbled, knocking on her head with her fist. "Bad, Stupid," she shook her head and hit her head even harder. Somi rased an eyebrow at Rose, who was just as lost as she was.

"Stupid." Jennie uttered under her breath. "Stupid, stupid stupid, her voice grew louder and she began violently pummeling her head with both fists her back slid down against the wall and she continued punching herself with her balled up fists.

"Jennie, don't do that," Somi quickly ran over to the girl and slid down next to her "Hey hey you're not stupid." She grabbed Jennie's hands and held them away from her face.

Jennie looked up at Somi, her bottom lip trembling the other girl felt extremely guilty for snapping at her, she glanced back at Rose, who was already using the broom to sweep up the pictures of broken glass.

"Stupid" Jennie shook her head and tried to bring her hands back to her face. Somi kept a firm grip on her wrists, and Jennie whined in frustration. "Stupid, bad, bad, Jennie."

Somi bit her lip and sat down next to the girl. "You're not bad or stupid." Somi said softly unsure how she should go about comforting Jennie.

"I killed it." Jennie whimpered, pointing to the vase and table by the door she began to cry softly, tears flowing down her cheeks and spotting her shirt.

"It's okay, Jennie. It's just a vase, we can just buy a new one." Somi shook her head. "It's okay, I promise. Do you want something to eat?" she tried to distract the smaller girl, hoping food would take her mind off of what she'd done.

Jennie shook her head violently, sobbing even harder than before she dropped her head onto her knees and covered her face with her hands as the sobs became uncontrollable.

"Jennie, you don't have to cry." Rose piped up joining Somi on the floor next to the girl it's all cleaned up, see?" she pointed to the doorway. Jennie didn't respond to their attempts at comforting her, she just continued crying into her hands.

Somi and Rose exchanged glances. Neither one of them knew what they were supposed to do. Sighing softly. Somi mentioned towards the door.

"Go ahead, she doesn't need to be there when you buy her clothes," Somi said. "Just get whatever you think she needs. I'll stay here with her."

Rose nodded silently. Somi scooted closer to Jennie and slowly reached out to place a hand on the girl's back. Jennie continued crying, and the two roommates felt powerless. Sighing. Rose grabbed her purse and gave Somi one last sympathetic wave before slipping out the door.

For the next hour, no matter what Somi said, Jennie continued crying. Somi sat quietly next to her, even considering texting Lisa for help. But she refrained, knowing it was a bad idea.

"My Lili," Jennie whispered, looking up slowly and scanning the apartment. Somi glanced over at the girl, whose cheeks were now tear stained. Jennie looked pleadingly at her.

"Lisa's at school right now, Jennie." Somi sighed. There was no way she could fix that problem for the other girl. She saw the look of disappointment on Jennie's face. Without another word, Jennie crawled to her feet and shuffled up the stairs. Confused, Somi followed close behind.

Jennie tiptoed into Lisa's room and went Straight for the bed. Somi peeked her head in the door, finding the girl nestled under the covers. Sighing heavily. Somi closed the door to Lisa's bedroom to try and give Jennie some peace and quiet.

Meanwhile, Lisa was aimlessly scrolling through her phone in the library of her college. She had a 20 minute break in between classes and never how to occupy her time. While scrolling through Facebook, she saw a familiar face on her Recommended Friends list.

She quickly clicked on the the user's profile, recognizing Im Nayeon as one of the cheerleaders that Jennie was friends with in high school. Lisa had never thought of contacting them.

For some reason, she felt guilty for looking through Jennie's past life. But she decided that she needed some sort of explanation for how Jennie had ended up on their doorway, Nayeon's profile was public, so Lisa began scrolling through her photos

Jennie wasn't featured in anything recent, but Lisa finally recognized the younger girl's face in an album of photos from the first party of the summer, celebrating their high school graduation. Lisa and her friends hadn't been present. They were already on the road to Seoul.

It was obvious that everyone at the party was either drunk or high. Or both Lisa bit her lip as she scrolled through the pictures going back even earlier. She found pictures of Jennie with the cheer team, smiling brightly. Lisa got chills from looking at these photos and thinking just how different Jennie seemed, compared to how she'd been in high school.

She paused on a certain picture, though, raising her eyebrows. It was a picture of the cheerleaders and their boyfriends. Jennie included. Liaa had completely forgotten that Jennie was dating someone at the time they graduated. She furrowed her eyebrows together thinking for a moment. What was his name? Taehyung.

His name had been Taehyung, Lisa remembered. She crinkled her nose at the mention of his name, wondering when he and Jennie ended.

She reached the end of Nayeon's photos, and slumped back in her chair. She was still dying for information. Checking the time, Lisa realized she had ten minutes left until she had to leave for her next class. Gathering her things, she made her way to the computer in the corner of the library.

Taking a deep breath, convincing herself that this was the right thing to do. Lisa opened a new tab and stared hesitantly at the screen. A few moments later, she typed Jennie Kim in the search bar and hit enter before she could change her mind.

Seconds later, results popped up and Lisa scanned them with baited breath. The first news article that appeared made her gasp. She quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard her and luckily she hadn't caught anyone's attention.

Car accident leaves a Seoul student in fatal condition authorities are still on the search for the students involved.

Lisa had to remind herself to breathe and she quickly scrolled down. She nearly gasped again when she saw the picture of the completely totaled car. Upon further inspection, Lisa realized the car was upside down at the bottom of a ditch. Surprisingly enough, she knew exactly where this picture had been taken.

She hesitated before scrolling down to the actual article. Did she want to know? of course she did. She was just scared. Shaking it off Lisa scrolled down and leaned in closer to the screen.

Last night, a Seoul trooper called in an overturned car at the bottom of the ditch bordering Grove Street. Police believed the car to be abandoned, but upon further inspection they found the body of 18-year-old Jennie Kim, a student from Seoul.

Jennie Kim was revived at the scene and rushed to the hospital where she remains in critical condition. The other occupants of the car are yet to come forward. Any information regarding the accident should be reported directly to Seoul Police.

Lisa brought her hand to her face, wiping the tears that had brimmed her eyes. Things were starting to slowly make sense, but she was still left with millions of unanswered questions. She scanned the related articles out of curiosity and quickly clicked the first one that caught her eye.

UPDATE: Seoul students involved in severe car crash provide critical information.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for what was about to come.

The car accident that left 18-year-old Jennie Kim in critical condition last Tuesday is still undergoing investigation. The students involved in the collision have been brought forward and questioned.

Police revealed that two cars had been involved in a reckless driving incident while coming home from a school party. Both students at the wheel were under the influence of alcohol at the time. The vehicles were racing around the corner when the car Jennie Kim inhabited lost control and rolled into a ditch on the side of the road. The other car involved in the accident has yet to be found.

The driver of the car Jennie Kim's alleged boyfriend survived unharmed. He claimed he hadn't realized Winter was in the car, due to his drunken state. Instead of calling for help he simply fled the scene. Jennie Kim was found over an hour later by a Busan trooper and revived on the way to the hospital Jennie Kim is said to have been completely sober upon arrival at the hospital.

Jennie Kim remains in critical condition. Sources revealed that she suffered from a broken leg a severe out that required over 100 stitches, and a fractured skull The doctors also believe that the accident was so violent that it caused a traumatic brain injury. The Kim family has yet to speak out regarding the accident.

Lisa's blood boiled when she realized who had been driving during the accident. Jennie had been sober, too. Everyone at school knew Jennie didn't drink. She never said why though. Checking the time, Lisa groaned.

She slung her bag over her shoulder, and exited out of the tabs and trudged to her next class. Now, a million new questions began circling in her head. She wanted to get home. She couldn't keep this to herself much longer, and she knew she needed to show her roommates what she had found. More importantly, she needed to talk to Jennie.

While Lisa suffered through her last class, Rose was out shopping for Jennie as Somi stayed home with the distraught girl pulling into the parking lot of the shopping mall, Rose jogged inside just as it started to rain.

She wasn't exactly sure what to get Jennie, all the girl ever wore were Lisa's t-shirts. Rose strolled into Urban Outfitters and purchased a few baggy t-shirts, hoping it'll do the trick.

As she continued shopping she ended up in Forever 21, There was a rack of adorable Summery dresses against the wall, and she immediately thought of Jennie. Giving into temptation, she bought a couple dresses and a pair of comfortable converse.

She made her rounds through the store, and ended up buying a few pairs of leggings and pajama pants along the way. Once she was finished she had a handful of bags and a long list of receipts, Rose headed back to her car, hoping that she'd done a good enough job.

Once she made it back to the apartment, she found Somi in the kitchen, poking at a piece of leftover pizza. She looked just as exhausted as Rose felt.

"Hey." Rose sighed placing the shopping bags on the island. "Where's Jennie?"

"Where do you think?" Lisa raised an eyebrow. Rose laughed softly, not responding since she knew exactly where the smaller girl was.

"She cried for over an hour, Chae." Somi sighed and leaned against the counter. "I couldn't get her to calm down."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Rose asked, biting her lip and hopping up onto the counter so she could face Somi. "Letting her get close to Lisa and all. I mean you know how Lisa is."

Somi nodded, knowing what her roommate meant. "We can talk to 'Lili' once she gets home." Rose smirked.

Somi raised an eyebrow. "What? it fits," she laughed knowing she'd accidentally used Jennie nickname for Lisa. There was a long pause of silence, and then the sound of keys jostling in the front door.

'Speaking of the devil,' Rose mumbled causing Somi to laugh, Lisa appeared moments later tossing her backpack onto the couch.

"Where's Jennie?" she asked jogging into the kitchen and looking around anxiously. "Upstairs," Somi nodded once and grabbed Lisa's arm before she could run off.

"We need to talk to you about something, Lis."

"Me too, actually." Lisa breathed out a nervous laugh and motioned for the girls to follow her into the living room.

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