SCREAM 1-6 ONE-SHOTS [spoiler...

By steve_is_urmom

75 0 0

I love scream so much, and in honor of my obsession, I'm writing one-shots. These will be all be Y/N x Charac... More

-Scream group chat-

Fountain [Stu Macher x fem!reader (fluff)]

21 0 0
By steve_is_urmom

The group and I were sitting on the edge of the fountain at school, talking about the recent murders that had taken place last night. Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve were brutally murdered at Casey's home.

"It was definitely Randy." I said, jokingly.

"Fuck off, Y/N!" he said, "I wasn't me!"

The water in the fountain splashed and there was a cool breeze in the air. Sidney tensed up because she was uncomfortable with the whole situation. Billy and Sidney sat together, with Tatum laying on Sidney's knees and her feet kicked up onto Stu's lap. I sat between Randy and Stu.

"Randy, I was only joking...or was I?" I smirk, hitting him in the arm playfully. Teasing him was so easy. It was becoming a daily ritual with the two of us. We loved each other, in a friend way of course.

Tatum started making gagging noises. "Ugh stop flirting and get a room already, Jesus."

Billy and Sidney nodded in agreement. Stu scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, like he has a chance." Stu said, clearly jealous.

"You're just jealous because you have a crush on Y/N." Billy said flatly. He tossed the grapes he was eating over to me. He knows the green ones are my favorite. I caught them with ease.

"Do not." he said, blushing.

"Y/N, hand me a grape would ya?" Tatum demanded.

I give her the grape and she throws it directly at Stu's face.

"When will you learn?" she shakes her head in disappointment.

"It's fine Tatum, I don't want Stu or Randy, I pick Billy." I joke.

"Not a chance, girlfriend, he's mine." Sidney says. Billy just shakes his head in response.

"Anyways, Stu, who do you think killed them?" I ask, changing the subject. Sideny tenses again.

"I'm not sure. The guy who sits in front of me in english is super creepy. He could definitely kill someone." he says, taking my bag of grapes.

"Yeah, there's this girl in my biology class that scares the shit out of me. She definitely knows how to use a knife. On a frog, at least." I shiver even thinking about it.

"I mean, their bodies were gutted, so it's a possibility." Randy adds.

"How do you...gut someone?" Sidney asks, looking at the ground. Tatum looks at her trying to comfort her.

"Well, you take a knife, and slit them from groin to sternum." Stu answers easily. He turns to face me. "And, Y/N, there's no way the girl in your biology class could do that."

Sidney looked uncomfortable with his answer.

"Explain your logic on that." I said, confused.

"Well, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. The fact is it takes a man to do something like that."

"Or a men's mentality" Tatum adds.

"True that" I point at her.

"Stu, didn't you use to date Casey?" Sidney questioned.

"Yeah, for like, two seconds."

"Yeah, until she dumped you for Steve." Randy added.

"I thought you dumped her." I said, confused.

"Yeah, I did. He's full of shit." he said, taking a grape and popping it into his mouth.

"Are the police aware that you dated the victim?"

"No. Are you saying that I killed her? Cause I didn't kill anybody." Stu says with a plain look on his face.

"Nobody said you did." Billy said, giving Stu a weird look.

"Thanks buddy." Stu smiled. He always had the cutest smile.

"Besides it takes a man to do something like that." Randy mocked Stu's voice.

"Yeah, I'm gonna gut your ass in a second kid." Stu said, smiling.

"Tell me something." Randy stood, speaking in a high-pitched voice, "Did you really put her liver in a mailbox? Because I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and her pancreas."

Sidney began to pack her stuff up and she looked pale in the face. I took the grapes back from Stu.

"Randy, you goon fuck, we're trying to eat here!" I said, eating a grape.

"Hey, I wanted some of those!" Stu begged, "Randy she's getting mad. I think you should liver alone."

He began to laugh at his joke, so I shoved grapes into his mouth to shut him up. Sidney kissed her boyfriend and left the fountain, and Tatum followed. I could see why.

"Liver alone! It was a joke!" he said, defensively with a mouth full of grapes.

"Jokes are supposed to be funny." I said, popping another grape in my mouth. I handed the rest to Randy.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say: GEEEEETTTTTT AAAAAA ROOOOOOMMMMM." Randy says.

"Jealous?" Stu asked.

"Simp?" Randy questioned l, getting closer to Stu.

"Guys, chill out." I said, pushing the two of them apart.

"Guys, chill out." Billy mocked, making Stu laugh.

"Shut up." I said, hitting Stu in the arm.

"You like me."

"In your dreams." I smirked.

"This is gross. I can't be here anymore." Randy said, getting up, "Billy, wanna come with?


"Guys, don't leave me here with him!" I whisper yelled.

"Then just come with us." Billy said.

"But I don't want to get up. I'm too tired." I complain, "Plus, I'm skipping next period."

"Excuses! You just want to hang out with Stu." Randy says. Billy nods in agreement.

I flipped them off as I laid my head on Stu's lap.

"Suit yourself!" Randy said before walking away with Billy.

After those two had left, it was just me and Stu. There were only a few students outside. Classes were about to start again.

"Do you really hate me? It kinda seems like you do." Stu asked seriously.

"I don't hate you, I just don't particularly like you." I smile, looking up at him. He had really pretty blue eyes.

"Oh yeah?" he smirked, "Well, I don't like you either."

"You're missing out." I smile, looking at him.

He gives me a devilish smile and starts tickling me out of nowhere.

"He-e-y-y" I laugh out loud, "STOP I-IT!!"

"Admit it, you liiikkkeee meeee!" 

"Okay, okay! Fine! I tolerate you."

He stops tickling me, "Fine, I'll take that."

"Hm, no, take this."

I push him into the fountain, drenching him. We got a few looks from the students outside.

"You bitch!" he yells.

"Haha sucks to suck." I said, standing up, "You look ridiculous."

He actually didn't look ridiculous. He had a white-ish sweater on that was see-through when wet. I couldn't help but stare at his slim figure. Little did I know, while I was distracted, he pulled me into the water with him by my waist. We fell backwards into the pool. He still had his arms wrapped around me.

"Shit!" I said, splashing him. He finally let go of me.

He started laughing at me, so I tackled him back into the water. We splashed around for a while until Principal Himbrey walked out of the school. We were dead men walking, or should I say swimming.

"Y/N L/N! STUART MACHER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE FOUNTAIN?! MY OFFICE! NOW!" he yelled, walking over to us swiftly.

"Sir, it's my fault! Don't punish her. She didn't do anything wrong. I pushed her in, and in doing so, I fell in myself."

Was he actually trying to put the blame on himself? Usually, in most cases, he would make himself look like the victim by putting the blame on someone else. Instead, he took the blame for me. I blushed a little bit.

"Do I look like I care? Neither of you made an effort to get out. Instead, you splash around like children in a kiddie pool. My" he said sternly, making me jump a little. I rarely got in trouble. Stu always got in trouble. That's how we're different.

Stu stepped out first, holding out his hand to me. I took it, and I stepped out as well.

"Let's go."

We grabbed our bags and walked into Principal Himbrey's office. We left a water trail behind us.

"Take a seat, I'll be back." he said groggily.

"I'm guessing he's in a bad mood." Stu whispered, putting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "It's okay, I'll get you out of this. Just stay quiet and let me do the talking."

I rolled my eyes, "That sounds like a terrific idea."


"Okay. First off, I need an explanation. From both of you." he looked at us, one at a time.

"Sir, this is unnecessary! I already told you what happened. I pushed her into the fountain, and I lost my balance and fell in. Punish me, alright?" Stu looked at the ground, " She's a perfect human being. She never gets in trouble, and she always gets good grades. I'm just telling the truth here."

I blush a bit at the compliments. 

"Even if that is true or not, that still doesn't explain why you weren't in class."

"Lost track of time, sir." I say, "Sorry."

I looked over at Stu, and he seemed shocked.

"Alright then. I suppose I will let you guys off the hook. If I catch either of you doing anything stupid and reckless again, you won't be so lucky. Just -" Mr. Himbrey signed hard, "Just get out of my office and find some dry clothes."

He walked out of his office and down the hall.

Both of us stayed quiet for a moment before I spoke up, "I have extra clothes, do you?"

"Yeah, I do."

We walked down the hall in silence.

"Thanks for...uh...sticking up for me back there." I said, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, it's no problem, really."

From the corner of my eye, I see him look in my direction. I don't look back.

"You good?" he asks.

"Yeah, I just... don't know why you would do that for me, that's all."

"I'm your friend, that's why. You're one of my best friends. You got shit going for you, ya know? Like- you got good grades, and I would assume you're going to college. You're gonna get a very well-paying job, most likely. Even an idiot knows that even the tiniest slip-up in high school could ruin that for you. I'm not gonna do shit in my life because I've already fucked up. I want you to have a perfect record because you deserve it. I don't know, maybe I'm being over dramatic here, but Principal Himbrey is unpredictable, and he could have suspended us for that. You never know. So, I was trying to...protect you...I don't know if that is the best way to put it but-"

"Stu. I get it." I smile, "I didn't know you cared that much about me."

I looked up at him and smirked. He blushed a little bit.

"It just pisses me off that one little mistake ruins someone's life. You don't deserve that. It's just the facts." He shrugged.

We arrived at our lockers, which were conveniently next to each other. 



"I don't have a shirt in here." I said, "I guess I'll just walk around in a wet shirt then."

"Here, just have mine." He hands me one of his T-shirts, "I don't need a shirt."

He winks and I roll my eyes.


After getting changed we meet back at our lockers. When Stu sees me, his mouth opens is awe.

"Woah you look AMAZING in my shirt!" he says, excitedly.

I blush a little.

"Yeah? Well, you look good without a shirt on..."

"You like what you see?" he smirks.

I blushed hard as I looked at the ground. He walked up to me and shook my shoulders.

"You know what, there's only like- one more period left of school. Let's just get out of here and have fun, just you and me. How does that sound?"

I always liked this about him. He took an awkward situation and turned it into something different. 

"That sounds fantastic." I said looking at him.

He giggled and took my wrist. "Come on, let's go y/n, I don't have all day."

We walked outside and stared at the front lawn of the school.

"So, you're the idea man, where are we going?" I ask him.

"Let's get some ice cream!" he smiles.

He was honestly adorable. Him getting excited over ice cream made me happy. To be honest, I was happier about him being happy than being able to go get ice cream. And that's saying something.

"Fine sure. You got cash? Cause I don't."

"Yeah, I do."

The walk to the ice cream shop was only about 10 minutes, so we made small talk as we walked. We mostly talked about school, and we trash talked about people we didn't like. Until...

"Sooo, I've got a question for you." he says.


"Who do you have a crush on? Crush sounds sort of childish, but I don't know if there's a better word." he laughs awkwardly.

"Well, I've been thinking recently, and I think that I'm starting to like, maybe even love someone." I look back at the ground, avoiding his eyes.

"OH! I think I know who it is." he teases.

"Oh really? Try and guess then."

"Is it Randy?"

I laugh a little, "Ha no no no absolutely not. I love Randy with all of my heart, but he's more of an idiotic big brother than a love interest. I'll give you one more guess."

"Hm okay okay, is it...Billy? If it is, that sucks to be you because he's with Sid."

"Nope. Him and Sidney belong together, and if I did find myself starting to like him, then I would tell Sidney about it. But this person is different. I want him to know, but at the same time I don't because I don't want to ruin our friendship. I also feel like I would be judged by my friends for it."

"Well, you can tell me about it. I won't judge. Well, that's a lie. I might." he laughs, "But seriously though, if I think this guy is a dick, then I will simply tell you that he is. You deserve someone who isn't an asshole."

"I can't tell you."

"Well why not? Do you not trust me?"

"No, it's not's just...difficult. I don't even know if I like this guy yet."

"That's fair, I guess."

"Do you have a crush on someone?"

"Guess." he smirks.

"So, you do have one."



"God no."

"Jesus, okay...Sid?"

"Nope. You get one more guess. I'm feeling nice today."

I laugh a little, "I think I got it! Billy!"

He stops walking and picks me up by the waist.

"Stuart, put me down!! Aahhhh!!"

"Oh shush, we're almost there!" he laughs.

When we got there, he finally put me down.

"What do you want?"

"That one, in a cone." 


"Piss off."

We didn't have to wait long for the ice cream. There weren't many people there.

"You wanna eat it while we walk back?"


We started walking back to the school with our ice cream, and we were silent for a while, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.

"Hey Stu?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He finished his ice cream. He eats really fast.

"You know how I said that I wasn't sure if I liked someone?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, our conversation got me thinking, and I think I'm in love with him..."

I looked up at him, and he looked stunned.

"You must really like this guy, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

We both went quiet again.

"Please tell me." 


"Please tell me who this guy is."

He stopped walking and looked at me seriously.

"'s you. Okay, there I said it! I like you, okay? It's just- you've been one of my best friends, and I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. If you don't want to be friends anymore, I would completely understand, but I-"


I looked up at him, and he looked surprised. 

He held my face with both of his hands, and he smiled.

"You're my crush. You!" he said.

"You're joking." I said, trying to look away. He wouldn't let me.

"Then, to prove it to you, I'm gonna do this."

Before I knew it, he smashed his lips onto mine. I placed my hands on his upper arms and kissed him back. I felt a wave of pleasure fill my body, almost like I was floating. It felt right.

When we pulled away, it was like we were completely different people.

"I really like you." I smiled.

"I really like you too."


I'll let your filthy minds finish this to your hearts content. This story isn't great, but it'll do.

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