Crossing Into Forever

By violetclair267

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In the darkness of her dreams, she saw herself standing at a window looking down below, only to see a misting... More

EXCERPT and then into Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A New Home
Chapter 3- The Invasion
Chapter 4 - Christian is Born
Chapter 5 - Mother Stand Your Ground
Chapter 8
Chapter 6 - Christian Grows up
Chapter 7 - Ella
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 19

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By violetclair267

The cafeteria was busy and loud with chatter and the clinking of dishes. As they all sat there and talked and laughed about the happenings of the earlier classes, Ella didn't notice the approaching figure that was coming up behind her. Suddenly, she startled as the chair beside her was quickly pulled back and a person very clumsily flopped down there. As she turned to see who it was, she saw the sneering smile of Christopher Wessenger looking back at her. In the process of sitting down, he had pulled the chair up closer, almost touching her. He looked at her, watching for her reaction, already getting the sense from the first time he had met her, that she was uncomfortable around him. As a matter of fact, he had been able to gather, through watching her, that she seemed most uneasy when any male, was near her. He took great pleasure in watching the troubled expression that crossed her face for that second. Sensing that he was purposely trying to shake her, she did her best to appear unruffled and calm. She wasn't sure what this boy had against her. He seemed to enjoy taunting her for some reason. She had rarely spoken to him before and certainly she had never been mean to him. She could tell he was a person that enjoyed seeing other people hurting. She had decided that he was definitely the school bully, but she had no idea why he had chosen her to pick on. Unfortunately, she had more than one class with him and all her meals as well.

"Hello Ella" his voice was dripping with cynicism as his eyes ran up and down her. True to her insecurities, she unconsciously used her arms to shield her body by folding her arms in her lap. In her mind, she was looking quite poised, but it was obvious she was trying to hide herself from him. This brought a great deal of satisfaction to him, and a loud laugh escaped is mouth . She couldn't help but be baffled, hoping it was not showing on her face, as to what he thought was so funny.

"Ella, can I have your pudding there" as his eyes directed to the untouched bowl of dessert that was on her tray. He didn't wait for a response from her though before he grabbed up the container and picked up her used spoon and started eating. He was licking the spoon with an obscene flicker of his tongue, not taking his eyes off her as he did so. "Ella, your pudding taste sooo good "

Ella was not sure exactly why he was putting on such a display, but she knew that he was poking fun at her and trying to embarrass her. She heard loud laughter explode from the table that was behind them. It caught her attention, but she made a point not to look in that direction, as she already knew his bully friends were sitting there watching. She was hoping her face was staying straight but could already feel the warmth creeping up her cheeks. She was being laughed at. Inside, she wanted to cry and run away, but she knew that would only elicit a stronger response from them all. Even though she was being somewhat successful at keeping a straight face, her eyes were filled with painful embarrassment and uncertainty. The other occupants at the table were not so reserved in their reactions. They were angrily telling Christopher to leave her alone. He was ignoring their demands though.

Just as she felt as though she couldn't tolerate the abuse any longer, she noticed Christopher's eyes peered above her. He stopped his cruel taunting, the smile disappeared off his face, and he put down the food.

"Is everything ok over here", Ella heard the deep voice come from behind her. She already knew who it was, without looking. It was the doctor. She was not willing to turn around and look at him either, because she already felt humiliated and his presence, even though she was glad he had intervened, was not much more comforting to her.

"I was just leaving", Christopher sneered at the older man.

"Good, I'm sure these young ladies aren't as fond of your company as you are of theirs." He said flatly. His eyes were peering at the younger man, with a cold, challenging glare. He knew what Christopher had been up to. He knew, from the first moment he saw Christopher's eyes settle on Ella, that he would be trouble for her. He tried his best to be on guard for her, even though she had no idea he was watching out for her. He didn't like that she and Christopher had all their dining and so many classes together, but with the last-minute addition of Ella to the schedule, and to keep her with Millicent as much as possible, there was no other option.

With that, Christopher quickly exited their table and went back to sit with his friends. Nicholas turned and looked at the table of ruffians, and not one of them dared make a peep or meet his glare. The only reason Christopher was so bold as to sometimes speak back to Nicholas, was because of the high status of his father. He relied heavily on his father's reputation to get him out of trouble and to ensure special treatment over others. It piqued him that Nicholas didn't seem to be the least bit threatened by his lineage.

After making sure the threat to the table was past, he turned his attention to them, "ladies, I trust you are all well here." He was still positioned behind Ella, and to her relief, could not see her face. The other girls glanced at Ella with an uncertainty, because they didn't think she was okay. They could see that she was still quite unsettled by the incident, but at the same time, they could see a pleading in her eyes that they instinctively knew not to mention her distress to him. Even though they all mumbled a "yes sir" to his question, he must have felt otherwise about Ella, by the looks on their faces, as he stepped to her side to look at her. "Ella are you okay?" His words were filled with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine." She quietly mumbled. If she were to say any more, she would have started crying. She didn't want to cry in front of her new friends. She didn't want him to stay any longer than he had already. She felt a small flutter in her belly though, that she didn't quite understand, with him being so close to her. She didn't want to seem unappreciative that he had stopped the cruel attack on her, but she desperately wanted him to leave. She wanted to get up and leave the cafeteria and go to her dorm, but again, that would draw too much attention from everyone. She tried her best to act as if she was over the incident.

Willing to accept her reply for the moment, but not really believing her, he straightened up and his face immediately took on his usual stern expression. He was much more comfortable like this as opposed to showing the softer side of himself. "Very well, I will see some of you for your next class. The others, I will see tomorrow morning." His eyes settled on her, although she couldn't see that he was looking at her, she knew it was her he was referring to. He spoke in a slower, more deliberate manner, "Please try to avoid trouble. It may not be so easy to escape next time." With that, he turned and walked away.

All eyes at the table were on Ella, showing both concern and uncertainty. She sat there for a moment, letting his last statement settle with her. What did he mean by that? Does he think I asked for that...that I'm asking for trouble? Ella was surmising in her head. She all of the sudden became angry that he was, apparently, trying to blame her. She had done nothing to provoke Christopher! She had barely even spoken to him before. She must have had an upset look about her, because the others started defending her as well.

"That was so unnecessary for him to say."

"I don't think he meant that the way it came out. He couldn't be blaming you"

"You haven't done anything to ask for trouble."

"I think you handled yourself very well actually. I would have hit Christopher if it had been me. I'm impressed with your self-control."

Eventually every girl at the table had spoken some sort of rebuke to his words. The group was being so supportive and reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong. She was touched at how kind they were being to her. She had not had a group of friends her own age since she was in nursery school and she didn't really remember any of them. Mother Christina had always opted not to put her in the parochial school at home. She was always taught separately by the nuns and priests outside of the regular classrooms. Of course, she had always loved Millicent, but mostly she had been surrounded by older sisters from the convent for so long, that she had forgotten what it was like to have a group that she belonged to outside of her family there. Not that she didn't cherish her convent family. She loved them all very much, but it felt so different to have school friends...friends that chose to let her be part of their group. She was so moved that she was able to put the earlier incident behind her for a while. She told herself that Christopher Wessenger was a jerk and none of that was her fault. He had tried to embarrass her, and it may have worked for a little while, but she quickly came to realize that her friends were not laughing at her. They were not making fun of her for being the butt of a joke. They were sincerely concerned about her feelings and her well-being. That made her the happiest she had been since she had come to the school. 

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