Dandelion Wine - Fili Durin f...

By ducky122454

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in a hole in the ground there lived two hobbits, not a nasty, dirty, wet whole full of worms and oozy smells... More

before I start (A/N)
Bobbie Baggings
Part 1: The unexpected journy
1:- The beginning of the end.
2:- the peculiar man called Gandalf the grey.
3:- the change of evening plans
4:- The unexpected party
5:- An angry hobbit and singing dwarfs
6 :- the born king arrives
7:- A decision to change fate
8:- We're going on an adventure!
9 :- Rest bite
10:- In the morning dew
11:- rain, rain go away...
12:- Pony Poachers

13:- Trolls vs Hobbits

345 13 0
By ducky122454

A/N - I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for 4k views and 202 votes! That is incredible and I really appreciate you all.

I will also say that this chapter is long. I have had to split it up so the next one is going to be short. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. :)

(All credit for art goes to original artist)

"No this cannot be happening!" Bobbie whispers to herself. How could the trolls be this far south? It would be nearly impossible for them to travel this far.

Fili and Kili run toward closer cover around the fire; Bilbo starts to follow them, then returns to grab the two bowls of stew that had been left on the log. Bobbie can't help but roll her eyes at her brother's antics as she follows the group to their hiding spot.

Poking her head out from behind the scratchy bark of the tree, Bobbie can see two massive trolls leaning over a blazing fire. They seem to be hunched and crooked with nobbily knees and gruesome features. Their bottom teeth seem to be jutting out in odd angles and their skin is riddled with grime and boils. A large clearing surrounded them. There were high, bushy trees and what looks like a humungous rock wall that seems to be shielding ugly trolls from any light that may seep its way through.

Bobbie looks around the camp for any sign of the lost ponies. Here eyes rake the surroundings as she tries to quiet her heartbeat that seems to be stomping away in her chest. With a deep breath to calm her nerves she spots right in the back in the darkness, two ponies in a quickly made barricade tide off with rope. Bobbie is about to tell the group of her findings when suddenly another massive mountain troll toddles passed toward the fire, carrying a pony under each arm. The wriggle back and forth, trying to escape however the troll doesn't give up, he just shuffles them under his arm and continues forward.

Bilbo gasps out in terror as he sees the sight before him. "He's got Myrtle and Minty! I think they're going to eat them; we have to do something."

"Yes; you should. Mountain trolls are slow and stupid, and you're so small." Kili nudges Bilbo towards the troll's camp has he looks on with a very nervous expression. Bobbie is not too happy this plan.

Bilbo tries to place a defence across, but it doesn't seem to come out in time. "N--n--no--"

They brown haired dwarf tries to comfort Bilbo with a not so sympathetic tone mixed in. "They'll never see you."

Bobbie sees her brother becoming more and more nervous about the situation and tries to cut in, "Kili I really don't think this is a good plan."

Kili turns to Bobbie with a shrug if his shoulders. "It's perfectly safe!" He turns himself back to Bilbo and nudges him even closer to the troll's camp and take his bowel of stew from the hobbit's hands. "We'll be right behind you."

Fili then grabs his own bowel and encourages Bilbo as well. "If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl."

Fili and Kili push Bilbo toward the fire. He begins whispering Fili's instructions to himself, trying to remember them, but gets mixed up. "Twice like a barn owl, twice like a brown--once like a brown? Are you sure this is a good idea?"

By the time Bilbo has turned around, Fili, Kili and Bobbie were out of sight, and he adventured on.

Although this was not of the free will of Bobbie as she seemed to be suddenly dragged away from the situation her brother has been put in by a certain set of dwarfs. There was no way she was going to let her brother get squished by three giant, ugly trolls.

"Hey, we can't let him go in there by himself!" Bobbie grumbles as she snatches her arm out of Fili's grip. With a big sigh and a twitch of her nose she turns around and backtracks to follow her brother.

"No, you can't go in there, its too dangerous." Fili retorts chasing after the determined green-eyed hobbit with fear in his own blue ones.

"What so now it's too dangerous? You just sent my brother in there! He may get hurt or even killed. I will not abandon him!" The frustration is rolling off of Bobbie and twisting its way towards the brothers who are looking at her with exasperated expressions.

"He won't get caught. He's so small they probably won't even notice him." Kili's casual voice makes Bobbies frustration turn into anger.

Her face becomes redder and her voice spits at them like poison. "So, with your marvellous plan, what happens when the ponies are set loose and start running around their camp. Trolls may be stupid but the know that ponies can't untie knots. What then?" The brothers cast down their eyes to avoid the piercing ones lasering through their bodies. At least they have the decency to feel guilt. "That is my brother who you have sent in there. What if that was one of you? Wouldn't the other one be racing in without a second thought?"

"Yes but-" Kili tries to compromise, however Bobbie cuts him off with a slice before he can even try.

"No, I am going in there and you are going to get the others. I don't care how much Thorin tells of your dwarvish backsides." Without another word Bobbie continues her strides towards her brother, all she can do is hope that Fili and Kili go and get the others, otherwise the Hobbits would be in a lot of trouble.

Slowing her footsteps as she approached the camp. She could see her brother crouching behind a fallen tree. Bobbie checks her surroundings and finds the three trolls muttering with each other around the roaring fire.

"So, what's the plan." Bobbie whispers out after plopping herself down next to Bilbo. Her poor older brother nearly jumps out of his skin at the intrusion.

"What are you doing here? Bilbo whispers harshly as he looks towards his sister with wide eyes.

"I know a lot more about Trolls then you so I can help." Bobbie smiles sweetly.

"You should be with the other two." Bilbo whispers back as he copies Bobbie as she surveys the troll's movements, making sure they are covered by their position.

"I don't particularly want to be around them at the moment." Bobbie mutters out as she casts her eyes down slightly, she doesn't regret what she said to the two however she does fell guilty with how she approached the situation. Bilbo looks at her in confusion, but all Bobbie does is divert the situation towards the trolls. "Never mind that, what's the plan."

Bilbo takes a pause for longer then Bobbie would have hoped. "Right no plan then." The younger sister sighs out.

Her older brother rolls his eyes in offence. "Hang on-"

"Shhh!" Bobbie whispers harshly as the trolls voices boom through the air.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow." One of the trolls grumble out in distaste.

Another one of the trolls who seemed to be the leader cuts him off rather quickly. "Quit yer' griping. These ain't sheep. These is West Nags!"

The third one finally pipes up with a much higher voice than the others as he sits "Oh, I don't like 'orse. I never 'ave. Not enough fat on them."

The fist troll continues the convocation as Bilbo and Bobbie look on. "Well, it's better than the leathery old farmer. All skin and bone, he was. I'm still picking bits of him out of me teeth."

Suddenly one the third Troll lets out a blusterous sneeze that ripples through the air and lands into the bubbling cauldron situated over the fire boiling away. The sight makes Bilbo grimace and Bobbie can't help but let out a silent gag.

"Oh, that's lovely, that is; a floater." The leader troll chuckles out as he stirs the snot clump further into their gooey green mixture, they are calling dinner.

"Oh, might improve the flavour!" It's then another gag falls from Bobbies lips as she covers her mouth to hide the sound.

"Ah! There's more where that came from." Before the sneezing troll can fester up any more slime to throw into the cauldron, the leader troll grabs him by the noes and moves him back and forth.

"Oh no you don't." He grumbles as he throws the sneezing troll back onto a rock.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" The sneezing troll wines holding his throbbing nose.

"Sit down." Bobbie and Bilbo take advantage of the distraction among the trolls to sneak out from behind their hiding spot and shuffle themselves around the perimeter closer to their ponies.

The sneezy troll bellows again, this time into a large, brown ratty rag Bobbie supposes could be a handkerchief that was hanging from some string wrapped around his waist. He sniffs for a long time after, trying to clear his large bumpy nose.

Bilbo and Bobbie finally snake their way to the pen in which the ponies are held. Bilbo attempts to untie the ropes while Bobbie keeps an eye on the jabbering trolls. "Bilbo look out!" she whispers as she roughly tugs Bilbo's collar behind the pen away from the sight of the sneezy troll who as turned his sight towards the unsettled ponies.

The troll hovers over the ponies as he wails to his companions. "I hope you're gonna gut these nags. I don't like the stinky parts."

The leader hollers out in frustration towards his counterpart "I said sit down!" he raises his arm and Wacks him with his ladle. The sneezy troll squeals in pain and he once again tumbles back onto his rock.

Bobbie and Bilbo take this chance to make their way back around the pen to examine the large rope caging their ponies from escaping. "I don't think this is going to work Bilbo, the rope is tied to tight. I can't undo it." Bobbie whispers in despair to her brother. The situation is not going as she hoped.

As the sneezy troll pulls out his handkerchief, Bilbo sees that he's wearing a long and rather large knife hanging through his belt. Bilbo, also unable to untie the ropes restraining the ponies has an idea. "Hey look what that one has." Bilbo whispers back to her sister, catching her attention.

Bobbie looks over to see the knife as well. "It could work, but how could we possibly get it. He will definitely feel it."

"It's our only option, stay here and keep the ponies calm." Without another word, Bilbo sneaks his way towards the sneezy troll and gently nudges the knife to try and get it to loosen without the troll noticing.

The large, smelly beings keep nattering back and forth and Bilbo repeatedly tries to remove the knife from the makeshift belt. Bobbie can feel her anxiety rise looking towards the scene by the fire. "Bilbo, back off!" Bobbie whisper shouts towards her brother as the troll begin to smack each other around.

Bilbo does as his sister says and observes the situation until he can try again. He gets behind the sneezy troll and tries to reach for the large knife, but the disgusting troll stand up and scratches his bottom in a rather unpleasant matter, right in front of Bilbo's face. The hobbit has a look of utter disgust cross his face; Bobbie lets out ANOTHER gag at the rotten smell that flows her way from the movement of the unwashed troll.

The trolls grumble together as Bilbo tries once again to grab the knife. When finally, Bobbie believes that Bilbo may have the leeway for the knife to break free, the sneezy troll reaches behind him for his handkerchief, but accidentally grabs Bilbo instead, and sneezes all over him. He then realizes that he's not holding any ordinary booger. "Argh!!! Blimey! Bert! Bert! Look what's come out of me 'ooter! It's got arms and legs and everything."

The other trolls gather around to look at the unordinary figure their companion has seemingly blew out of its nose. "What is it?" one of the Trolls question.

"I don't know, but I don't like the way it wriggles around!" The sneezy troll shakes Bilbo, who is now covered in slimy snot, off the napkin and onto the ground. Bilbo lands with a thump as his limbs curl in to protect from harm the best they can.

"What are you then? An oversized squirrel?" One of the troll points his ladle at Bilbo in terrigation. All Bobbie can do is look on in horror at her brother being discovered. She has to figure out something quick.

Bilbo stutters a reply, looking towards the incredibly large figure in despair. "I'm a burglar-- uhh, Hobbit."

"A Burgla-Hobbit?"

"Can we cook 'im?" Bobbie can't believe this is happening. No, please no.

"We can try!" The troll swings forward and tries to grab Bilbo, but he dodges, only to be cornered by another.

"He wouldn't make more than a mouthful, not when he's skinned and boned!"

"Perhaps there's more Burglar-Hobbits around these parts. Might be enough for a pie."

"Grab him!"

"It's too quick!" As the trolls try to catch Bilbo, he runs around trying to dodge them. A troll swings his ladle to try and throw the little hobbit of his feet, however he accidentally hits the sneezy troll who gets hit backwards onto the rock he once sat on.

From how far he is shot back, he falls all the way to the ground; and now Bobbie is right in his line of sight, frozen in spot, like a rabbit in front of a hunter. "Well, hello there." Before Bobbie can react, the sneezy troll throws his large, dirty hand through the air and captured Bobbie in his grasp.

Her feet get swept up from underneath her. Bobbie feels the clang of her head on the hard forest floor as she is dragged through the leaves and twigs and flung into the sky. The sneezy dwarf holds the hobbit over his head to get a good look at her. "Lookie here boys, we've got another one." Bobbie's hair falls in front of her face as the leaves and twigs cling to her now frizzy curls.

Bilbo sees her sister wiggling in the grasp of the troll and the shock runs through his body at the sight. "Come here, you little... Gotcha!" Eventually, the trolls see his state and take the moment to snatch him by the legs by and held upside down in the air. His coat dangles around his shoulders as his arms fall towards the ground and his face begins to go red with the pull of gravity. "Are there any more of you little fellas 'iding where you shouldn't?"

Bilbo is quick to reply as he continues to try and escape. "Nope."

"He's lying."

Bobbie cuts in this time. "No, He's not! It's just us."

"Hold his toes over the fire. Make him squeal." Bobbie's eyes widen with fear. The hair on their little feet would singe in a matter of seconds!

Kili suddenly runs out of the bushes and cuts the leg of the troll holding Bilbo, making him howl and fall down. "Drop him!"

The troll growls at Kili "You what?"

"I said, drop him."

The troll lobs Bilbo at Kili; Bilbo lands on Kili, knocking them both down. The rest of the Company charges out of the bushes yelling and brandishing their weapons. They begin fighting the trolls, hacking, slashing, and hammering their legs.

"Hey ugly!" Bobbie calls to the sneezy troll still holding the hobbit up by her ankles. He grunts and hold Bobbie up to eye view. Once she's in position, Bobbie swings her body up as hard as she can and swings a fast right hook right into the sneezy troll's eyes. To the troll it probably felt like a pin prick with how small Bobbie's fits are; however, the pain that it causes him to drop the little figure into a tumble of limbs onto the floor. She lets out a gruff as dust flies around her body from the impact of her fall.

Bobbie is pulled off the ground by the ruff of her collar. She wriggles and slaps her harms back and forth to get rid of the grip, thinking it's another troll lifting her for diner time. "Oi lass, it's me!" Bobbie hears the gravelly voice of Dwalin behind her. He grabs her shoulder and whisks her off to a safer area of the fight. "Battle advice. Stay on your feet and keep your eye on the enemy, it doesn't matter how hurt you may get." His calloused hand gently grazes a cut on the little hobbits face which she most likely got from the fall of the troll's grubby hand. "And no matter what you do, do not let the fear overtake you."

Dwalin gives her one last tap to her shoulder, he races back into the battle and continues his fight. The dwarves weapons cling and clash together as the fight continues. Bobbie watches the battle, her eyes scatter, and her body pulses with the blood rushing round her body at a fast rate, the sound rushes through her ears. Dwalin's words are on repeat in her head "no matter what you do, do not let the fear overtake you." She has to be strong and brave. For the company. So, she takes a deep breath, bounces on her feet, and runs into the battle. She swirls and ducks weapons and begins to throw rocks she finds on the floor with all her might. Granted the attack doesn't do much damage to the giant trolls, however it distracts them enough for the dwarfs to swing more mangling blows.

"Bilbo!" The battle ceases and the clearing silences at Kili's shout. The company group together in defence as they all look up and see two of the trolls holding Bilbo in a starfish position. His arms are held in the air and his legs are stretched as far as they can go.

Kili moves to charge at the trolls holding his comrade, but before he can get more then a few steps away, Thorin throws his arms in front of his nephew to stop his movements. "No!"

"Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off." The trolls threaten, looking towards the group for an answer.

"NO!" Bobbie screams as she too tries to rush forward but a strong arm reaches round her shoulder and stops him in her tracks.

"No Bobbie, it's too dangerous." The whisper of Fili's voice strikes her ears and holts her actions.

Thorin looks at Bilboin frustration, then plants his sword in the ground. The others drop theirswords and weapons as well, following their king's leadership with distain.

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