Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By DgamerV

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The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
The Artist
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
The Sample
Winding Ribbons
Blood Hashira
The Two Kings' Nightmares
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information

Spider's Web

365 13 10
By DgamerV

Author's Note: Guys, I literally just realized that the last chapter ended abruptly. I had more content when I published the chapter, but it cut out a good chunk of it.

Let's just explain what happened afterwards. Eraserhead continued explaining what it was like losing someone close to him. Deku eventually flees from the location they met at, much to Eraserhead's dismay. In my author's note I asked what you guys think AFO is up to.

There was obviously a bit more to it than that, but that is the simplified version. Unfortunately, I can't get those lost paragraphs back, but I hope this cleared up some confusion, because I literally just noticed this a couple days after the chapter was posted.

Eraserhead's POV:

Progress is slow but continuous.

Emerald answered at least a couple of my questions the other night, even though the last one was vague as hell. But I can't complain too much.

Emerald seemed like a good kid, despite his tough exterior. I'm fairly certain I can break through his barriers soon enough.

Of course it's not just because I need answers. I do think I need to stray this kid away from the path of vigilantism. If this slayer organization is brainwashing his beliefs in some way, then it's my job as a pro hero to save the kid.

Although I do not think that the slayer organization is all evil, as many witnesses state that they act quick to save people. However, an 11 year old should not be a part of this.

It's irrational to have someone so young among them.

He should be enjoying his childhood, and I can't help but feel that he's hasn't gotten the chance to truly live. His aura... his presence can be pretty intimidating for a kid his age, but as someone who has worked in the underground their entire career, I can read the slight inconsistencies in someone's confidence.

Emerald is easy to break if you actually try to push for that result, no matter how much Emerald tries to make himself seem otherwise.

He'd do great as a hero in the future... if I can bring him to our side. We need to bring both the slayer organization and the secondary organization down.

I don't feel good about using this kid for answers, but it has to be done.

Nezu definitely won't find someone else to do it as I'm more suited for the job. Besides, I wouldn't trust any other hero to handle the kid. No other hero has the same level of experience with vigilantes that I have.

If I can't get through to the kid, no one can.

I've taken the time to watch several of the clips surrounding Emerald. He seems to be allowing himself to be caught on camera more and more than he used to. He's losing his touch of stealth that he once had.

Don't get me wrong, there is no where near enough footage of the kid to determine anything about him or his quirk, but there is enough for theories to be made.

Speed quirk is the most common assumption, given that he can cover vast distances in little time, that would seem impossible to even people with speed quirks.

Strength quirk is also theorized, as during the orphanage fire, he did have to lift up objects that would make grown men struggle.

Imitation is the one Nezu himself believes may be his quirk. While Nezu and I both think Emerald may be Izuku Midoriya, we're now not too sure based on the way Emerald responded to that inquiry.

However, we aren't going to just abandon that theory. Nezu believes imitation may be his quirk as upon studying his movements, Nezu found that they were scarily similar to some well known and some not so well known pro heroes.

His kicks and footwork are pretty similar to Mirko, and occasionally, his movements seem to mimic my own.

It's unnerving and a bit eerie to watch someone perform your own movements with such finesse and accuracy.

Nezu has spoken privately with me, voicing his concerns about the potential danger Emerald may pose in the future if his skills continue to heighten at the rate they have been.

But while that may be a more... rational thought process, I've learned that sometimes you have to be irrational to achieve a more rational result.

I'm mostly focusing on getting on the kid's good side instead of immediately viewing him as a potential threat. That doesn't mean I'm underestimating him or letting my guard down though.

Before long, after what felt like forever of maneuvering throughout the city under the bed of the night sky, I finally found and located him. Emerald.

It is not as difficult as others made it out to be. But perhaps that is because I am an underground hero. I'm used to looking at various confirmed locations as well as estimates patrol routes.

I utilize that exact same process every time I am searching for Emerald. It was quite difficult the first time, but after that, it quickly became easier to find him anywhere in Tokyo, the city he mostly patrols in.

That's why it was a bit of a surprise to hear at first that he had been present at the Hokkaido underground incident.

Emerald hadn't seemed to notice me yet, but then again, he never acknowledges me until I get a bit closer than I was currently. Once again, he overlooked the city, sitting over the edge of the rooftop, just like a couple of nights ago.

This time, I was the one to speak first.



Weird way to start up a conversation but I digress.

This was our third time meeting, but I already felt as though I was beginning to get through to the kid, albeit just barely.

"More questions?" Emerald asked, sarcastically. While I couldn't see his face, I could practically sense the eye roll from here.

I sighed deeply, exhausted.

"Actually I was hoping to chat for a bit..." I responded groggily, rubbing the bags under my eyes lightly as if that would get rid of the exhaustion.

If I didn't know any better, Emerald seemed to flinch a bit at my response.

I narrowed my eyes at him, eyeing his back.

"You just gonna keep staring at my back, or...?"

"Sorry. Zoned out for a moment," I said. Wait... how did he know where I was— never mind, that isn't important right now.

I took a few steps forward, not yet being warranted the privilege of Emerald's full attention. I'm surprised he hasn't yet asked how I keep finding him. I guess he just doesn't care...

I'm terrible when it comes to socializing, so I stood there in silence for a few moments, before I finally came up with something to say. However, I wasn't able to speak up before Emerald decided that he wanted to start the conversation.

"The city is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Emerald asked, looking on at the sea of buildings plaguing the dotted night sky.

It's a bit strange to me that a kid his age is focusing on that, but at the same time, he seems a lot more mature than others his age, so I should assume.

I simply nodded, quickly realizing that he didn't know I nodded since he was turned away.

"Yeah... it is..." I cautiously agreed, deciding to sit on the edge along with him.

"It's a shame villains always come out to ruin it," I stated dryly, earning a small nod back from Emerald.

"Nee-san always likes to look at the stars from time to time... I join her sometimes... That group of stars is called the Big Dipper, I think," he said, pointing up at the famous constellation.

However, that's not what I was focusing on. I was mostly focusing on what he had just said.

" Nee-san..? As in older sister...?" I questioned calmly, hiding my surprise.

Emerald flinched a bit, likely realizing he said something he shouldn't have. But the closer I looked, the quicker I realized, it was because of embarrassment.

"That's just what I call her when talking about her... I'd never call her that to her face though... that'd be a bit too embarrassing," Emerald clarified, turning his head away.

"I see..." "So this 'neesan' isn't his actual sister..." I thought to myself.

"That's... interesting..." I said.

"I'm guessing she's also a part of the slayer organization?"

No response.

I let out a deep sigh.

"He seems a lot more... nicer and more open than he was last time... did something happen before this?" I pondered.

He's speaking more too... what's with this, kid?

"Is there a reason why you're so... open, now? At least... more than you were last time," I pointed out.

"J-just thought I should give you a chance," Emerald responded.

I gave him a skeptical look, to which he ignored, opting to turn his head away from me rather than look directly at me.

"W-What's it like...?" Emerald asked vaguely, not clarifying what it was exactly that he was talking about. But before I could voice my very visible confusion, he clarified for me.

"Being a h-hero, I mean."

I understood. A let out a deep sigh.

"It's taxing. Both physically and mentally," I responded gruffly.

"Do you not like it?"

"I don't like what heroism has become... however, it's necessary. We're the ones having to combat the world's unfairness," I clarified, turning y head to face the kid.

"The average person doesn't acknowledge that aspect of heroism..." Emerald commented, to which I nodded in agreement.

This was... pretty nice. Usually, I'd rather not converse with someone longer than I had to. All it did was exhaust me even more, especially if I'm talking to Yamada or Kayama. But this... this was different.


Strange how an 11 year old was likely more mature than Yamada... Ugh. It was getting annoying just thinking about him and his antics. If he just learned to tone it down a couple of notches, he might be a bit more tolerable.





We stayed silent for a few moments, neither of us seeming to have anything else to say to each other. We just enjoyed the view that had been presented to us once again on this night. If I can keep this up, I may be able to get something out of him. Have him slip up and say something accidentally.

But that could wait for next time. I knew when and when not to kill a mood. But... it would seem that something else decided to kill the mood before I could.

A scream. A loud shriek, that sounded as if it came from a woman. Immediately, this gave me deja vu. Unwanted and unrelenting. My mind went back to that one night over 3 years ago... the night where that strange man was eating that poor woman and then attempted to eat me afterwards.

I never full got over that day. The aura that man gave off... it was powerful. But at the same time, diluted. That man seemed out of it on that day, almost as if he wasn't all there. If he had been, I likely wouldn't have been able to keep up and would've been killed.

I don't usually dwell on past events like this, but it was the first clue us heroes got to there being a secondary organization against the slayer.

I can't just forget something like that.

I turned to the direction of the scream, which coincidentally was just past Emerald. Or, where Emerald had been sitting.

He was gone.

Likely already ran off to deal with the problem. I hadn't heard him or felt any slight air displacement by his movement. It was almost as if he vanished into thin air, which shouldn't have been possible unless his quirk allowed for it.

Whatever the case, I swiftly jumped off of the roof in the direction of the scream, several more ringing out through the air and the dark night sky. I was presumably going to the same place Emerald was as well.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at the scene, as it wasn't very far away from where we started. I grabbed onto my capture scarf, readying to ensnare the criminal as quickly as I could, but... I didn't have to.

I saw a man sprawled out on the ground, blood surrounding his body, continuously expanding outwards. Looking up slightly, one could see what looked to be a bloody head stuck in the brick wall right beside the man's body, who was presumably the criminal.

It was only then that I realized that the man's body was without his head. He had been decapitated, with disturbing precision. The lack of an audible scream from the man before dying was also concerning.

That would mean that whoever did this did it in the blink of an eye. The lack of a shocked or fearful expression on the villain's lifeless head also indicated this likely possibility.

I looked over to the brick wall opposite to the headless body, noticing a woman huddled in the corner in fear and what seemed like confusion based on the unsure expression on her face and her hesitance to get up and take her eyes off of the body.


Emerald did this, evident by the green haori covering up the woman, which indicated that the man had tried to... Disgusting. As a hero, I shouldn't condone murder, even of villains, but if this guy tried to do what I think he did, then I can't say he didn't deserve what Emerald gave him.

However, it was disturbing to think of how such a young kid had no qualms about what he had just done. Considering how quickly this act had to be performed, he likely didn't hesitate at all either.

Just what has this kid gone through to be so indifferent towards this?


Izuku's POV:

I immediately bowed before the man in front of me.

After saving that girl from that scumbag, I had decided to report back to Kagaya-Sama on my progress. But I had to admit, that wasn't the only reason as to why I returned so soon. I can't deny that part of me just wanted to see him again.

He was like a father figure I wished I had as a kid, so excuse me for wanting to speak with him often.

Plus, his presence was calming to be around. It practically washed away all worries and negativity. Part of me wondered if that was the result of his quirk. After all, no one is quite sure of what his quirk may be. Well, no one other than Lady Akari and their children, I imagine.

The man was mysterious. But in a good way. If everyone knew of his strengths and weaknesses, then it wouldn't be hard for demons or possible traitors to take advantage of that. The Ubuyashiki family had to be secretive. If they weren't, the DS Corps likely wouldn't still be around today, especially considering all of the many near extinction events our organization has gone through since its founding.

At first, it shocked me that my childhood therapist was actually the master of the DS Corps. I knew of his importance, it was obvious, but I didn't know it was to this extent.

The fact that he put so much time and effort into personally helping me only increased my respect and admiration towards the man. Now that I thought about it, my admiration for someone like Allmight couldn't even hold a candle towards how a view the master.

I didn't dare raise my head before I was addressed. It is a sign of the utmost respect and acknowledgement.

"You may raise your head my child," Kagaya-Sama reassured, his calming and serene aura washing over me with each and every word he spoke.

I did so. Raising my head, gazing up at the leader of the DS Corps.

"I presume you're here for a report?" master asked, to which I nodded in response.

"I... I have been encountering Eraserhead more. I'm still working on getting information about the heroes and police force out of him, especially on their knowledge of us. But I wasn't able to learn anything new as our chat was interrupted," I explained, not wavering in my speech.

I couldn't say I felt amazing about using Eraserhead for information, however, he is doing the exact same thing. Might as well beat him in his own game.

Kagaya-Sama simply smiled down at me. "Good work, Izuku. Figuring out exactly what the heroes know will allow us to manipulate the situation in our favor," he said, calm smile never fading.

"T-thank you."

The master closed his eyes for a few moments, as if contemplating something.

"Izuku. I would like to send you on another duo mission with a demon slayer around your ranking," he said.

My eyes narrowed slightly in interest.

"Is it Genki?" I asked.

Master only shook his head.

"It's the second boy who passed Final Selection with you several years ago. He's got quite the unique breathing style, perhaps something you'd like to analyze and learn for yourself."

"Of course, master. I'll do my best along with my ally."


??? POV:

I stood in front the decrepit old house that loomed over me, unmoving and yet so impeding. Of course that damned demon would run away and hide in a house such as this. Only inhumane beasts will see this place as secure.

There have been multiple reports of two allying demons terrorizing this neighborhood to no end. This neighborhood doesn't have many residents, so heroes don't find it convenient to intervene.

Our watchers have figured out that these demons usually attack families. How disgraceful. Families and familial bonds must be cherished, and these two demons are destroying both of those things. And for what? Fun? Pleasure?

Unsurprisingly, they seem to be cowards, or at least one of them are. I ended up running into one of them, instead of fighting me like a man, he instead ran away... Simple cowardice isn't uncommon when it comes to demons.

And more over, my ally has not yet arrived. It is fine, I was closer to the mission location than he was when we were told all the details. I have not met him as of yet, however, I do know of him. He is quite well-known within the DS Corps.

The demon slayer who can learn any fighting style just by analyzing it once. Quite the useful talent. The only thing holding him back is his supposed quirklessness, but it's not like anyone can hold that against him. Not many demon slayers have powerful quirks, same goes for me.

I was quite surprised when I learned that the vigilante Emerald was the same person, but I suppose it makes sense, he did seem to have skills that a demon slayer would have as well.

I've wasted enough time just standing here though.

I dashed up the steps, lunging into the abandoned run-down house, the door nearly snapped from its hinges due to time doing its job.

I raised my katana up, staying on edge, the floorboards creaking beneath me in a painfully noisy fashion. Even if I utilized my stealth skills, which I was already, the creakiness and the displacement of the loose floorboards wouldn't do much to help in my situation.

If the demon is still in here, it probably knows exactly where I am. I can't here it... meaning it is remaining unmoving. Smart.

The demon was quite fast as well, not as fast as me, but fast enough to out maneuver me for a bit. That's the only reason why the scum escaped.


I slashed my katana in the direction of the noise, just narrowly failing in the complete decapitation. However, I was able to leave a gash across demon's throat, blood violently spewing out from the neck until the gash swiftly closed up.

"Sneaking up behind me to end this without a fight. Smart. I wonder how you were able to hide your presence with such creaky floorboards," I said, eyeing the ugly demon, who took on a ant-like appearance.

I narrowed my eyes as I realized something quite concerning. This... this wasn't the same demon I had been chasing. That demon didn't have any such ant-like appendages that this one has. So that must mean...

A strong wind whipped around me. My instincts might as well have been screaming at me to get out of the way. Luckily, I did just in time, avoiding a claw attack from a second demon, the one I had been chasing previously.

"Damnit. I should've considered the possibility of an ambush... I got too cocky..." I thought to myself as evaded several more claw swipes before leaping back several meters away from the pair of demons.

A single bead of sweat ran down the side of my face. One demon could be handles just fine. But both of them at once may pose a significant challenge. Especially since they seem more powerful than the average demon.

Definitely not a part of the 12 Kizuki, but still strong, nonetheless. It isn't uncommon for demons to pair up nowadays. Likely the orders of Tanjiro Kamado.

"Seriously?! How could you miss?!" the ant demon angrily yelled, pointing a finger at the other demon who had a bee-like appearance, the one I had been chasing previously. Both insects. The absolute bottom of the food chain.

"Oh shut up, you nearly cot decapitated immediately!" the bee demon shot back. It didn't take long for the two demons to completely forget about my presence to which I just stood there shocked at the situation I found myself in.

I shook my head, not allowing for confusion and disbelief to cloud my judgement and decisions. Immediately, I dashed towards them both, readying a wide arcing slash that would be able to decapitate both demons.

"Blood Demon Art: Sting of the Bee!"

Faster than the blink of an eye, the bee demon went on the offensive with an attack of its own . It was soo sudden. Too sudden for me to even react properly and truly process what had just happened.

I looked down at my chest, a large hole in my kimono, exposing the injury that had just been inflicted onto me. My chest pulsated slightly with a pale yellow glow shining from the injury, a claw-like object embedded in my chest.


And it was then that I realized that the two demons purposely orchestrated that argument just to throw me off.

I couldn't help but be impressed, but that didn't last long as I began coughing up pools of blood. The poison would soon reach my heart...

"How do you like that, demon slayer? My poison's potent enough to kill a group of fully grown elephants. You'll die in just a couple of minutes, if not less," the bee demon proclaimed, a smug look on his face as the ant demon began chuckling as well at my predicament.

I could feel my body becoming weaker by the second. This was bad. Really bad. If I didn't get medical attention soon, I'd surely be dead.

Of course... that was if my quirk was any different.

I allowed for a smile to creep onto my face as I dashed at the bee demon, katana outstretched. The demon immediately lost its confident expression, swiftly leaping away to avoid my strike. "The hell, you shouldn't be able to move that well," the bee demon said.

"You hold back on the dosage or something?" the ant demon questioned his partner.

As fast as I possibly could, I leapt over to the ant demon, abandoning my original target, and landed a clean cut on his chest, unable to cut the demon's neck before he dodged.

My quirk, Spider, gives me certain characteristics of a spider's physiology/capabilities. For one, I have poison glands that I can inject into others with my fangs. Thanks to this ability, I was also capable of poison and toxin resistance, resistance also spreads to demon poison, however it is less effective in keeping me safe from demon poison than it is with normal poisons.

It isn't all that powerful, but it does its job. It's not meant to be powerful, but useful.

But normal swordsmanship wont get me anywhere against these two.

I breathed in and out, slowly, straining my chest a bit as the demon poison continued to circulate throughout me. I clenched the muscles around that area, directing the poison within away from my heart as best I could.

"It doesn't matter, I'll kill him now," the bee demon said, rushing towards me.

I snapped my head over to face the demon, preparing for one of my eight techniques.

"Spider Breathing: First Form: Brown Recluse!"

I dashed at the bee demon at immense speeds, slashing continuously at multiple areas of the demon's body, unable to fully slash through any of its limbs. This demon is quite durable. However, my attack was able to throw the demon off of its previous stance.

I aimed at the neck, readying my full strength into my next attack, however that attack never landed as the ant demon pushed his ally to the side to strike me in the face with one of its ant-like claws at the forearm.

I didn't let up. I reached into my kimono, readying a surprise attack from my secondary weapon of choice.

"Water Breathing: Second Form: Water Wheel!"

My head whipped over to the entrance, a boy in a black kimono and an emerald green haori coming barreling into the fight, landing a powerful strike on the ant demon, cutting off both of the demon's arms.

"Emerald," I said in surprise.

Emerald landed perfectly on his feet, twirling around to deliver a finishing blow directed at the demon's neck, however, the ant demon was able to just barely avoid being decapitated. Emerald leapt back, tossing a few kunai that embedded themselves into the demon.

The ant demon had a look of shock and rage. The ant demon turned to the bee demon. "Take care of this new brat!" he ordered, bloodlust and malice lacing his voice, glaring at his partner.

The bee demon was hesitant at first but soon blitzed my ally who had just arrived just in time for the fight. Emerald was unable to successfully block bee's attack, and was instead slammed through multiple walls of the house, along with his attacker.

The entire house shook and trembled, some more of its foundations were now destroyed, and would likely continue to be destroyed throughout this fight.

"and I lost him immediately..."

I quickly turned my attention back to the ant demon, readying another form of Spider Breathing, however, the demon knocked my attack to the side with its now regrown arms, getting in close for yet another slash attack with the ant claws on the demon's forearms.

This time, I saw it coming, and I finished my action that I was about to take before Emerald arrived. In the blink of an eye, the ant demon's arms were cut up into dozens of tiny square pieces that landed on the ground with a sickening squelch.

My more versatile weapon, one I use when my katana won't get the job done quick enough. My nichirin wires are made to act just like spider silk. They are insanely sharp, capable of reducing even demons to a pile of tiny square pieces of flesh.

Thanks to them being embedded with my DNA when created, they are capable of reacting to my orders thanks to my quirk. I can't fully control them, but it is quite similar to how Eraserhead wields his scarf.

"Spider Breathing: Sixth Form: Funnel Web Cage!"

Both an offensive and defensive attack. I whipped my eight nichirin wires around my body at incredible speeds, creating a deadly barrier around me that protected me from the ant demon's next attack, slicing up his arms once more in the process.

With each rotation, the vicinity my barrier of nichirin wires would strike at increased, opting the ant demon to leap back to prevent its entire body from getting reduced to little pieces.

I tightened my grip on my katana as I pulled my nichirin wires towards me. I whipped them arround my body before whipping them forward all at once to strike the ant demon from afar. The demon leapt up into the air, negotiating its left leg rather than its entire body.

A geyser of blood spewed out onto the floor as the square chunks of flesh that was once the demon's left leg fell one by one onto the floor as well, coated with blood and bone fragments.

"Just die already!" the ant demon exclaimed, legs using the ceiling as a platform to boost off of. I readied my nichirin katana and nichirin wires to protect myself, however, a familiar pain in my chest reminded me of my body's situation.

I clenched at my chest in pain, nearly dropping my weapons. I could attack or block, but I was able to just narrowly avoid a claw attack aimed straight at my own neck. I winced in pain and discomfort, eyes squinted, teeth grinding together.

I had forgotten about the poison that bee demon injected into me...

It was starting to truly take affect and my poison resistance wasn't helping me as much as I thought it would.

"You finally feeling the effects, huh?" the ant demon taunted. I turned my body to face it, raising my katana up in preparation, keeping my nichirin wires to my side for swift attacks to throw the demon off.

This demon isn't as combat oriented as I had previously thought. I'm faster and more skilled. The poison, however, is vastly affecting my capabilities in battle. This never-ending pain in my chest in unbearable, and driving my focus away from the threat at hand.

Damnit. If only I didn't let this demon get away before, I wouldn't have been ambushed, and I likely wouldn't have been poisoned.

I evaded attack after attack after attack, allowing nothing to land. I couldn't allow for anymore injuries, especially when I had put half of my focus onto my injury and the other half into actually dodging and attacking my opponent.

"Spider Breathing: Second Form: Widow's Mark!"

As fast as I could go with this new found pain flowing throughout my body, I struck the demon with all 8 nichirin wires as well as my katana all at once, slicing straight through the demon's midsection, dividing it in two.

Aiming my katana for the neck as the two parts of the demon fell to the ground, I was capable of slicing through three quarters of the demon's neck, albeit with much effort, however, the demon's dismembered leg shot up to strike my katana out of my grasp, very nearly snapping it in two.


I leapt back, wincing in pain as the demon was able to get one last strike on my injury, sending shocks of pain throughout my body, like lightning.

I hunched over, unable to fully stand up straight. "Damnit... that was close."

"I likely only have one last shot at this," I thought to myself as the demon began to slowly regenerate its wounds.

I began swiftly wrapping my 8 nichirin wires around my nichirn blade, very carefully as to not accidentally slice my own katana.

Yes the wires are that sharp.

Once again, I grunted in pain, my heart violently pounding at my chest, as if it were about to explode. Hell, for all I know, it could. I have no idea the properties of this poison.

This is my last shot.

I dashed at the still regenerating demon, finished wrapping the last nichirin wire around my katana. My fingers bled a bit, I had recklessly used them earlier and ended up slightly cutting my hand and fingers up.

The ant demon growled in anger and frustration, evident by the overly expressive look on the demon's face as his eyes glared into mine. I attempted one last strike, however it just narrowly missed.

I didn't give up.

I kicked the demon with all of my remaining leg strength, knocking the demon into the wall.

The demon crashed into the wall, rubble and dust surrounding it.

I raised my wire-wrapped katana up.

"Just need to aim this right..." I muttered to myself as I eyed the demon's each and every movements.

I took and deep breath in and then a deep breath out, preparing for what I was about to do. If I failed, I'd die. If I succeeded, I may still die from the poison, but at least the demon will go down with me.

"Listen here demon. Remember this name while you're in hell. Rui Ayaki!"

"Spider Breathing: Eighth Form: Web-headed Lance!"

I expertly tossed the katana straight at the demon, nichirin wires unraveling as the blade continued to travel. Before long, each and every wire violently whipped around all over the place, each one still barely clinging onto my katana.

The speed at which this ocurred was too great for even the ant demon to react to. In the blink of an eye, the demon fell apart into hundred of square pieces of flesh and bone, my katana piercing the wall where the demon once stood, wires falling from the katana slowly.

The demon couldn't yell, it couldn't protest with what I had just done to it. Not when it was literally a pile of flesh.


Izuku's POV:

I crashed through the ceiling after the bee demon flung me upwards after a long series of parries and evasions. The bee demon attempting to pierce me with his stinger, however, I was able to block it with my katana.

Surprisingly, this demon is quite fast and agile, it's hard for me to land a single attack on the demon, and when I do attempt to, I always risk getting attacked instead.

Luckily, I have yet to be stung, but unfortunately, I have yet to land a hit as well. It's exhausting having to deal with this speedy demon.

This little one on one battle feels as though it's been going on forever now, even though I know it's only been a few minutes. I hope that other demon slayer is handling himself well.

He did seem to have a pretty serious chest injury. It looked like poison. He may be in trouble, I'll have to speed this up.

None of my previous attempts have worked. Perhaps it's time to finally use my original breathing style once again.

The bee demon whizzed all around me, attempting to sting me literally every second. I didn't allow for it though.

As soon as the bee demon got in close once more, I activated Light Breathing, slicing at the bee demon at speeds it was just barely able to evade.

It was only here that I realized that my skill with Light Breathing is a bit rusty. A year ago I could've easily landed that attack. I suppose that's the downside of learning so many breathing styles, you end up having fluctuating effectiveness with each.

"Light Breathing: First Form: Enlightenment!"

I dashed in the direction of the bee demon, utilizing my slow-mo vision at the same time. It was as if time stopped.

However, I ended up underestimating the demon's speed and reflexes. I was able to land the attack, however, it just barely failed in fully decapitating the demon.

I didn't relent.

"Light Breathing: Sixth Form: Unseeable!"

I blitzed the demon, becoming even more frustrated as the bee demon once again dodged the attack due to its fast bee-like reflexes.

"Jeez... the reaction time needed for this breathing style is more annoying than I remembered. I should start practicing this technique some more."

One more time.

I stared into the demon's eyes, carefully following its movements as it blitzed around me, constantly attempting to get a good hit in, but failing every single time.

I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, reinforcing the strengths in my legs.

I waited, waited for the best most perfect moment to strike. The bee demon blitzed towards me at impressively high speeds for a normal demon.

I raised my katana up higher than before.

The demon approached closer and closer until—

The demon's head flew through the air, crashing into the ceiling. The demon's body continued on at the speeds it was moving until it completely broke through the wall.

Blood spewed out everywhere, splattering and splashing onto the walls, the ceilings, and part of my uniform.

"Light Breathing: Fifteenth Form: Shadowless."

It was quite taxing to use multiple powerful quick slash moves consecutively like that, but it was nothing that I couldn't handle.

I sliced my blade at the open air, drops of blood flying off of it and splattering onto the wall and floor. I couldn't allow my katana to be tainted with disgusting demon blood.

I checked my bodies for any such injuries from the bee demon's stinger, finding a grand total of zero.

The demon sure was fast but was a bad aim.

I took a few moments to catch my breath, swiftly dashing over to where my fellow demon slayer's fight was taking place.

"Spider Breathing: Eighth Form: Web-headed Lance!"

My eyes widened in surprise at the unique technique. I was just barely able to perceive everything that occurred thanks to that one singular attack, what seemed to be wires whipping around the katana, cutting the ant demon into hundreds of little square pieces of fleas and bone fragments.

"Just how sharp are those wires?" I pondered.

My fellow demon slayer began wobbling, struggling to stay on his feet, likely due to that injury. I dashed forward, catching him before he could fall to his knees.

"Emerald? You're back?" He questioned incredulously. "And without a scratch on you."

"Worry more about your own injuries," I said, helping him upright.

"There should be some kakushi nearby, you'll likely make a full recovery," I assured.

He didn't reply. At least, not verbally. He nodded in understanding of my words, struggling to stay conscious as I helped him to his feet.


Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry for being inactive for a bit. School started again and I already have a lot of work on my plate. I have taken this time to think about some things involving the overall story.

I feel like I've said that like a dozen times already, but still. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I put a lot of effort into it. I also hope the fight scenes were enjoyable.

Yes, Rui is a demon slayer in this story. This is basically so he can redeem himself for his past self's crimes. Of course, Rui doesn't remember his past life in anyway, and that won't change unless I change my mind.

I'll likely be posting once a weekend from now on. Of course if there is a school break, I'll post more than that.

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