Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By DgamerV

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The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
The Artist
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
Spider's Web
Winding Ribbons
Blood Hashira
The Two Kings' Nightmares
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information

The Sample

280 11 6
By DgamerV


Dim purple lights illuminated the incredibly dark room around me. Machines whizzed and whirred as the doctor switched between them with clear concentration.

The clicking and clacking of buttons and switches sounded throughout the room. My recovery will have to be put on hold for a little while. This new experiment is far more important.

If the doctor and I succeed... I will be one step closer to achieving my dream!

A large grin spread across my face.

It is always quite intriguing and fascinating seeing the doctor do his work. His passion for experimental enhancement tests is an incredibly valuable asset.

Thanks to that, we created a stable nomu!

However, what the doctor is working on is nothing of the sort. The nomus are currently unimportant.

"All For One, if I may." The doctor spoke in between strides to different parts of the room.

Gesturing for him to continue, he swiftly asked his next question.

"What was the point in having Kurogiro dispose of those two demon slayer's DNA? I'm certain the nearby cameras likely caught his purple mist engulfing the area. The heroes will likely catch on..." the doctor said.

I nodded, fully understanding his concern, my perpetual grin remaining plastered on my face.

"I couldn't have the heroes learning of their identities too soon. It would impede with my progress. Plus, once Emerald finds out I had helped him and his little friend, he may be more open to working with me," I explained, lifting my head up to face the ceiling.

"However, at the same time, I had Kurogiri leave most of Dragon's blood at the scene due to the fact that the heroes will be unable to actually use it in any meaningful way."

"It won't help them come closer in learning the truth. I kept Dragon's blood at the scene to throw the heroes for a loop. Keep them searching for something that will never be found."

"I see... mine games are not foreign to you, are they?" Dr. Garaki said, more of a statement than a question.

I only chuckled.

"How is the testing coming along, Doctor?" I asked, shifting slightly, pulling on the countless inconvenient medical tubes connected to my body.

"Yes, I believe I may be quite close to a breakthrough," the doctor responded calmly yet excitedly at the same time.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at the man, intrigued.

"The connection is halfway severed, our samples are becoming more and more independent overtime!"

"If we can get some even greater samples than the ones we have currently, we should be able to succeed sooner than expected," the doctor said, placing a glass tube full of a red liquid down atop a medical table.

A deep, dark, malice-filled chuckle was all that I responded with. How could I not? This was indeed a breakthrough. Something that could bring me one step closer to finally achieving my goal.


Tsukaiuchi's POV:

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a deep sigh of frustration and exhaustion. I looked upon the countless samples of blood we have discovered that are theorized to be connected with this so-called "secondary organization" against the slayers.

Despite all of these years. They are still classified as unidentifiable. And it doesn't seem like that will change any time soon.

Nezu and I, as well as others in my precinct have fought tooth and nail, worked night and day in an attempt to crack this case. But it is truly no use.

I looked over to my right, the rat dog bear creature known as Nezu, searching for an answer alongside me. Searching for a breakthrough alongside me.

And for the first time in my life. I caught a glimpse of a stumped expression on the chimera's face.

It was unironically terrifying.

Nezu is the smartest creature on the planet. No competition. Nezu is almost never wrong, and is never confused or stumped. But here he was. Just as lost and confused as I was.

It was unnerving seeing the obvious frustration on his face. He never showed these types of expressions. Never.

I thought back to what I had heard over a week ago. Eraserhead was able to confirm that Emerald is indeed a part of or at the very least associated with the slayer organization.

Of course, it wasn't that big of a confirmation. We had all been quite certain that this was the case. However, I suppose it is good that we were able to 100% confirm at least one of our speculations.

Our newest sample, the one that we scraped off of the grounds of Emerald and his ally's fight with against that one villain.

It was the exact same. No difference in the slightest. At least, none that we could currently find at the moment. It might as well be hopeless.

Of course not Nezu nor I were about to give up any time soon. We've come too far, out so much time and effort to just close this case. Plus, with Eraserhead's help, we can find out some of the I dentitions of members on both sides.

Members a part of the slayer organization and members a part of this secondary organization.


I turned to face the chimera. That frustrated and stumped expression he had previously worn was gone. Almost completely. It was replaced by a blank expression, but I got the sense that this was a good thing.

Whatever this chimera was thinking, it had to be good.

Nezu didn't wait for my response, instead gesturing over to the newest sample of unidentifiable blood. His beady eyes going without blinking for what felt like an eternity.

"What is it? Did you find something new?" I questioned, not understanding what this was all about.

Nezu didn't reply immediately. Instead, a large grin appeared across his face. His expression was one familiar to me. One I had seen multiple times. One I had seen whenever he discovered a new breakthrough or a thinking up a new hypothesis or theory.

"Tell me Tsukaiuchi. Aside from all of these samples of blood having the exact same components, what has been the only very very very slight difference between each?" Nezu questioned, staring up at me with his beady eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Not quite understanding where this was going.

"The concentration?" I took a wild guess.

Nezu simply curtly nodded.

"That's right. Up until this new sample, every single other sample has been relatively the same, made out of the same components. However, they each had varying levels of concentrations and amounts of those components, but it was far too insignificant to warrant a 100% difference between them."

"But this sample. This new one. The level of concentration of blood as compared to the others is staggering. If I were to guess... perhaps 80x the amount as normal!" Nezu proclaimed.

My eyes went wide in realization as to what this meant. "So you're saying that..."

"Yes. If this secondary organization's members do truly all share the exact same blood, then it is quite strange that this new sample is of such high concentration. This likely means that there are rankings within these members. A hierarchy, if you will," Nezu said.

"A hierarchy of members. The higher concentration of this seemingly artificial blood a member has, the more powerful they become."

"This new sample. The one gathered after the battle near the Hokkaido underground. It likely belonged to someone of a higher ranking, possibly the leader. After all, this is the highest level concentration of any samples of blood we have discovered so far."

I nodded in agreement.

"This could bring us a step closer... a step closer into figuring out how this secondary organization works and why the slayers are enemies with them."


Izuku's POV:

The city was beautiful tonight.

City lights brightening up the night sky, practically outlining every last inch of Tokyo. Not many crimes has to be dealt with. My Kasugai crow hasn't reported any nearby demon sightings all night.

No reckless heroes like Endeavor setting fire to anything. No vigilantes, no nothing.

It was silent. Pure silence. The only sounds that could be heard were the strong breeze I felt this high up, the occasional sounds of cars and other vehicles driving through the streets, and the light chirping of crickets and other little critters.

So imagine my annoyance and frustration when I felt an all too familiar presence, one that belonged to someone I thought I had told not to search for me again.

I sat down at the edge of the large, towering building I was on top of, hand resting on my sword guard, ready to strike it need be. I didn't turn around to face the man. I didn't make any body movements that would indicate I knew he was there.

I kept my gaze on the city.


That was all I said, that one word I spoke oozed with malice. I hadn't forgotten about his accusatory assumption last time we met. I should be over it by now.

But I can't just forget about it. The DS Corps saves my life. All of my life, heroes turned away from me, away from my problems simply because I was quirkless. They didn't want to associate with me, so why was Eraserhead deciding to do that now?

What is he getting at? What is his play here? What is he planning? He may be second only to Allmight to me in terms of all time favorites, but I don't trust him in the slightest. Hell. I wouldn't trust Allmight if he was doing what Eraser was. I've lost faith in heroes and nothing will change that.

"So you knew?" The underground hero asked, walking up behind me, much to my dismay.

"I thought I said not to come looking for me again..." I practically growled at Eraserhead.

He didn't reply and he didn't step any closer once he felt my bloodlust. Smart decision.

"What do you want?" I questioned with a lot more venom in my tone of voice than I intended for.

He hesitated. Evident by his lack of response for a few moments.

"I..." Eraser sighed before deciding to finish what he was about to say.

"I am sorry."

I flinched a bit. He was sorry? For what?

"You're right. I shouldn't have assumed that the rest of the slayer organization were... 'evil'. They probably have done a lot for you, and I realize that accusing them of kidnapping and brainwashing you wasn't the best of decisions on my end," Eraserhead said in his usual exhausted and monotone voice.

But despite this. Despite his exterior tone. I could sense his sincerity. Sense his apologetic ness. Sense his emotions under that illusion of an uncaring monotone voice.

But even so, I wasn't about to forget just like that... my sense have been wrong before. Well... once... but still. It was possible he was doing a good job at manipulating this situation.

I simply rolled my eyes at the sentiment, although it didn't do much as I was still facing away from him as well as wearing my mask.

"Sure..." was all that escaped my lips.

Eraserhead sighed heavily.

"Was that all you had to say? Or do you want to ask some more of your questions?" I asked, no longer stuttering. I was starting to get a better handle on it.

"Look, kid. I get that you don't really like me, but I am truly sorry," Eraserhead said, groaning slightly.

I stayed silent for a little while. Same goes for Eraser. It felt like an eternity before I finally decided to break the unnerving and uncomfortable silence.


I brought my legs up from over the edge, huddling them closer to my chest, still not turning to face the man.

"How old are you?"

I snorted slightly. That was his first question?

"I'll be 12 in a few months," I answered honestly, a light smile gracing my lips.

"Why... why are you a vigilante at such a young age?"

For the first time, I turned my head slightly to the side, carefully eyeing Eraser.

Eraserhead sighed at my obvious unwillingness to answer. Eraserhead came closer to me. I didn't stop him and my hand was now away from my sword guard.

"I'm guessing you lost someone...?" Eraserhead guessed correctly as he sat down right next to me.

"Watch what you say..." I warned, but my voice cracked slightly, losing a bit of the intimidation factor in my warning.

He didn't acknowledge my warning, only looking on, gazing upon the city with me.

"I know how that feels... believe me, I do."

I wanted to interject then and there but something stopped me, likely a voice in the back of my mind was telling me to shut up and listen.

"I lost someone once... it was a long time ago now, but I still think about it to this day. I may not know exactly how you're feeling but our experiences are likely similar," the man said, a bit more emotion in his tone, but still gruff and unfeeling nonetheless.

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