Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By DgamerV

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The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
The Sample
Spider's Web
Winding Ribbons
Blood Hashira
The Two Kings' Nightmares
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information

The Artist

269 10 11
By DgamerV

Izuku's POV:

As I continued pondering over my strange and unexpected interaction with the infamous vigilante, Stendhal, I decided that it would be best to return to the DS Corps HQ... I've memorized Mirko's fighting style as well as Stain's overall demeanor. All of this is to say that I've learned all that I needed to during this little trip to Tokyo.

It would seem that sensei and the doctor were completely justified in their worry. I didn't doubt them, I just didn't think what they said would happen would actually happen so soon. Not only have millions seen that video, underground figures are truly staring to reach out to me. Either to agree or disagree with my beliefs.

Stendhal is likely the first of many to approach me... I'll have to keep my guard up now... even more than before. It's not just the heroes I have to worry about any more. It's not just wannabe criminals that I have to worry about anymore.

S-Class villains, vigilantes, and maybe even some top heroes will begin looking for me even more than previously. Wouldn't be surprised if Endeavor tries even harder to arrest me. Well... seeing as how aggressive and livid he becomes whenever I am brought up, he probably wants to kill me.

This isn't shocking though. Endeavor may be one of, if not the most corrupt hero there is. It's gotten to the point where some villains actually fear Endeavor more than they do Allmight, which is certainly fair. Endeavor, the feared, and Allmight, the hated, among the villains.

Sheathing my katana, I quietly walked down the concrete path that led past the Butterfly Mansion. With my speed, it didn't take long for me to return, especially since the DS Corps HQ is within a forest pretty close to Tokyo.

Luckily, thanks to a certain someone, it is nearly impossible for outsiders to find or even see the headquarters. That certain someone is actually who I was about to speak to. Who I needed to speak to... His incredible knowledge on demons... on many demons as well as their nature, so I needed to know... needed to ask of him if he knew of a demon that could've possibly caused that orphanage to burn. A demon he has heard of with a powerful fire ability.

Although, I won't mention the fact that the flames felt familiar. I needed to figure that out on my own. I felt as thought those flames were... connected to me somehow. Like I had somehow grown accustomed to them already, but I couldn't quite think of a reason as to why.

The Butterfly Mansion quickly disappeared behind the relatively large hill as I followed the winding path decorated by wisteria. Birds, squirrels, butterflies, bees, etc. They were quite abundant, all around me, butterflies landing atop of my shoulders and head.

However, purple swiftly faded back into normal grassy green, the color trailing down the path to a medium-sized minka house. Not many windows decorated the house, and those that did were covered up by blinds, blocking out the sunlight.

Red, purples, yellow, white, green.

Flowers of all colors surrounded the perimeter of the house, sun blaring down on the greenery. Trees grew around the house, as if providing shade and protection unto the house. A small pond sat about a dozen meters to the left, forming into a very small and thin stream that flowed down to the flowers and trees near the minka house.

Sliding doors laced the front and the side of said house, a traditional Japanese abode.

Breath in. Breath out.

I knocked a few times on the sliding door, awaiting a response from the sole resident inside. He definitely was not out currently, it's still daytime.

"Who's there?"

A response quickly came, startling me a bit at the slight venom laced in the tone of voice.

"I-Izuku..." I stammered out.

A few moments of awkward silence ensued, before the tell tale sound of footsteps retreating further into the house, telling me that I was allowed to enter. I slid open the sliding door just a bit for me to slip my body through the opening, not allowing for too much sunlight to enter the house.

"Hello Izuku, it's been a while since we've talked," the man greeted. I simply nodded, bowing in thanks for allowing me to enter. In response, all I got was a slight hand gesture for me to rise, forgetting once again that the man didn't really like formalities such as this.

The young man-- or... seemingly young man was of short stature and average build, accompanied by pale skin and lavender eyes. Short hair that is neatly styled and vertically shaded from a dull and light green to black, with a button-up collared shirt under an all-white  and dark blue  pants.

Yushiro. The only good demon in existence.

At first, when I was first introduced to him around 2 years ago, I was skeptical of him. Apparently, every other demon slayer who has met him also felt the way I did, not wanting to believe that a good demon could possibly exist. Everything I had learned up to that point was that demons were evil, disgusting, merciless creatures who shamefully devour humans for their own personal gain.

And while I still somewhat believe that to be the case, I've learned to make exceptions on those who aren't inherently pure evil. I have grown to accept Yushiro. He is a valuable and highly important asset to the DS Corps. Especially due to his knowledge of past events, knowledge on demonic nature, and his useful abilities.

After over 500 years of living as a demon, his power and control over his blood demon art and combat abilities are spectacular, maybe even rivaling a present day lower moon.

Possibly even an upper.

His ability, "Paper Talisman", allows him to create, well... paper talismans. However, when these talismans are placed onto a person or object, that person or object's presence will no longer be sense by any outside person unless they are given a paper talisman or unless Yushiro wills it so.

This is how the DS Corps has maintained secrecy. This is how no demon slayer has ever been caught by the heroes or police. It's nearly impossible. Without Yushiro, our existence would've been exposed to the wider public long ago. If he was to die, we'd have no way of hiding, which would in turn make it painfully easy for the demon king to eliminate all of us.

Plus, due to him being a demon, he is capable of infiltrating into demon infested areas or buildings that house a demon in order to gain information on them. Because of this, he's been able to learn much about many different types of demons, which allows us demon slayers to have insight on their weaknesses and strengths before we are given certain missions. If any one would know about what demon could've caused the orphanage to burn down, it'd be Yushiro.

Looking around the living room, many paintings covered the interior walls, practically all of them depicting a beautiful woman as the center of attention. All of which were indeed painted by Yushiro-San, reminding me that Yushiro was indeed still a world-famous painter who is well-known for his affinity for aggression. The public is unaware of how Yushiro is still alive as he has been a famous painter for centuries, many theorizing that he may have an immortality or de-aging quirk. People have tried asking Yushiro who this woman was, but he'd very quickly dismiss them and ignore the question. Likely a very personal matter that I won't poke my nose into.

He led me to a small table in the living room, sitting me down opposite to him.

Yushiro proceeded to pour me a cup of tea, although he did seem slightly aggravated as he did so. However, it wasn't directed at me. He was likely angry about something that happened before I arrived.

"So, Izuku, what is it you wanted to speak to me about? After all, it isn't every day people come to visit me. Well, apart from Ubuyashiki," Yushiro said, handing me the poured cup of tea, which I promptly drank. Delicious herbal green tea... honestly the best tasting tea I've ever had. I usually don't like tea.

"W-well I... I know you have a lo of knowledge on... demons, so I was wondering if you... if you knew of any demon with immensely powerful flames?" I questioned, fiddling with my thumbs as I avoided eye contact. Yushiro can be a pretty intense man sometimes, so it was difficult to keep a confident demeanor while in his presence.

Yushiro took a sip of his tea, eyes narrowing slightly at me intensely, as if searching for something that wasn't there.

"I see... I'm guessing this has something to do with the orphanage that burnt down, yes?" Yushiro inquired.

I hesitantly nodded at the man's inquiry.

"And, you wasn't able to actually catch a glimpse of the perpetrator, yes?"

Again, I nodded.

Yushiro hummed in response, clearly contemplating on my question.

"Just how powerful would you say these flames were? After all, flame quirks are quite common and similar to each other, nearly identical. The same goes for flame-based blood demon arts. It'd be quite difficult for me to pinpoint the perpetrator without knowing the extent of power of the flames," Yushiro explained.

Yushiro glared intently at me. It was honestly a bit uncomfortable, but I knew that Yushiro didn't necessarily mean to come off that way, but that was just how his aura presented itself.

"I... I can't say for s-sure... but... I do think that the flames' heat was well beyond anything a regular demon could produce via a quirk or BDA... it may be equivalent to a lower moon's level of power, but I wouldn't know for sure as I've never encountered one," I said.

The expression on Yushiro's face remained unchanged, until a light glint was visible in his eyes, as if he made a realization of some kind. It was unnerving.

"Dragon." Yushiro stated simply, placing his cup of tea onto the table.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"That's the demon I think could have caused the orphanage to burn down. He is quite infamous in underground society for charring anyone he dislikes or random people just to ease his sadistic tendencies," Yushiro informed.

"I am unsure of how his abilities actually work, as I have kept my distance and haven't attempted to infiltrate any of his operations, but just know, he is no normal demon and is not to be taken lightly. Although, I am uncertain as to if he is truly a lower moon or not as he constantly wears a dragon mask," Yushiro explained.

My mid raced a million miles per hour as I began analyzing all possibilities of this "Dragon" demon and how his powers may actually work. But first, I needed a description.

"Are there any other physical f-features I should know about?" I questioned

"He seems to have permanent dragon-like scales protruding out of his limbs as well as long, sharp claws, more powerful than any normal demon. He may have black hair as well, however, I am unsure of this fact," Yushiro said.

"Black... hair...?" I thought to myself. That wasn't too helpful... most people have black hair. But still, coming here was helpful and informative

I stood up and bowed to Yushiro once more. "Thank you," I said. "This has truly helped."

I drank the last of my tea, placing the empty cup back down onto the table.

Yushiro only gave me a nod for me to rise again, only to stop me in my tracks as I attempted to leave.


I couldn't help but gulp nervously at the man's serious tone of voice.

"This demon... if what the rumors say are true, then Dragon isn't ordinary. You might want to be careful as he could very well be a lower moon. In fact, I'd suggest finding a partner to accompany you on this mission of yours," Yushiro said.

I stayed silent for a few moments, taking what Yushiro-San had just stated into account, as I didn't want to run in practically blind, without any back up. Well... I couldn't run in blind as I have no idea where Dragon could possibly be at the moment, and by the sounds of it, Yushiro-San doesn't either. I don't think I should ask for a Hashira's help... it may be a bit overkill, but maybe a high raking demon slayer, like me?

I nodded to Yushiro.

"I'll definitely take that into account... goodbye Yushiro-San."


Author's Note: And that was "The Artist"! Yushiro is still alive and is a valuable asset to the DS Corps as a whole.

Izuku comes one step closer to figuring out what demon actually caused that orphanage to burn down two chapters ago. Dragon being his first lead. But who exactly could dragon be?

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