Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption...

By GraysonCreates

65.9K 1.9K 1.2K

Y/n Thawne, son of the infamous Reverse Flash has been trying to live a normal life but he has a secret of hi... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Speed
Chapter 2: Unlike
Chapter 3: Thawne
Chapter 5: Time
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:Suited
Chapter 8: Well
Chapter 9: Fierce Duel
Chapter 10:Speedster's Dilemma
Chapter 11:Playing with Fire
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13: New Faces
Chapter 14: Fold
Chapter 15: Gala
Chapter 16: Chaos
Chapter 17: Brunch
Chapter 18: Dawned
Chapter 19: Legacy
Chapter 20: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 21: Sparks
Chapter 22: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 23: Running
Chapter 24: Attitude
Chapter 25: Instinct
Chapter 26: Into the Chaos
Chapter 27: SteamCity Speedsters

Chapter 4: Teal

3.1K 87 100
By GraysonCreates

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?" Iris and Nora walked into the facility only to be met with Caitlin yelling at two figures. One was a very embarrassed Cisco Ramon and the other was Y/n who looked like a five-year-old being scolded by his parents.

"But you need to see this," Cisco tried to defend whatever it was they had done to anger the doctor.

"SEE WHAT?" Caitlin snapped at him as she glared at the two of them. "You know what? I've done my job as the doctor, If Y/n wants to kill himself then he can do so, I'm not the suicide hotline," Caitlin took a deep breath as she turned around to find the two West-Allens.

"Is she done?" Cisco whispered as he leaned closer in with Y/n.

"No," Y/n chuckled as he watched the three women greet each other. "She's calm down for now but the moment someone asks-"

"What's going on?" Nora asked as they joined the two guys.

"Cisco and Y/n here are testing this moron's speed," Caitlin paused as she took a deep breath, not that it seemed to help. "AFTER I SAID HE MUST REST!!!"

"Until someone asks that," Y/n muttered as he turned away from the group of women and leaned against the counter.

"But seriously, Y/n is better and you need to see this," Cisco laughed as he tapped the Yellow Speedster. "Off-topic real quick, you ever want to change those colours?" Cisco looked at the bright yellow material.

"I was thinking about it," Y/n shrugged as he looked down at his suit. "But more about that just now, ready?" Y/n asked as he rolled his shoulders back, picking up the glass of orange juice before drinking all of it.

"Ready when you are," Cisco chuckled as he began typing away on the computer.

Y/n nodded as he took a deep breath before leaning forward. And in an instant, he took off at high speed, Teal and Orange lightning filling the room as he entered the tunnel that wrapped around the roof.

Bright teal bolts filled the tunnel as he ran in circles. "READY!" His voice screamed through the speaker as the four gathered around the computer to watch his stats

"Yeah," Cisco spoke through his earpiece as everyone watched the stats begin changing.

The bright lightning soon became one constant light that blasted through the gaps in the tunnel, almost filling the room with the teal light as Y/n's speed only increased, faster and faster until it suddenly stopped for a couple of seconds.

"What's going AH!" Iris jumped as there was a hug reverberating boom that shook the room as Y/n stood in the centre of the room, breathing hard as his stats changed on the screen once more.

"What just happened is that Y/n just ran into the speed force once more," Cisco spoke as he ran over to the Thawne with more juice. "Y/n has a connection with the Speed Force that I just can't explain."

"Almost as if it's a part of him," Caitlin muttered as she watched the two-tone lightning jump off the Thawne.

"Yes," Cisco snapped his fingers as he looked at Caitlin. "But that's not all," He ran over to the computer once more. "There is a trace of some other type of Speed Force, very, VERY deep inside," Cisco pointed at the charts.

"Why do you sound shocked?" Y/n chuckled as he looked at the four. "Isn't that normal?" Y/n seemed confused as he looked at them.

"No," Caitlin and Cisco spoke at the same time. "Eobard created the Negative Speed Force and Barry, the Speed Force," Cisco explained as he looked at the Speedster. "There is two and they don't exist together, didn't you know that?"

"No, My father always told me that every speedster has to fight to keep these dark impulses down," Y/n shrugged his shoulders as he walked closer to the table to read his stats. "I assumed that anyone connected to the Speed Force had to suppress the Negative Speed Force,"

"How are you connected to the Speed Force anyway?" Iris finally spoke to the Thawne. "Shouldn't you be connected to the Negative Speed Force only, like your father?" The venom in those words was clear to everyone in the room as she moved her and Nora slightly away from him.

"Well, my mother was connected to the Speed Force," Y/n shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Irish. "Get it from her, I suppose," He added.

"Just like the Lightning," Cisco nodded as he read the stats. "She thought you to use the Speed Force?" He asked.

"I mean, it's kinda hard to teach someone when you dead," Y/n let out a dry laugh, before looking over his stats again. Pretending was his thing, if he could avoid a question by focusing on anything else then why focus on the question, right?

"I can't believe that I am wearing the same Tachyon Enhance that my dad used to meet Supergirl for the first time," Nora giggled as Cisco connected the device.

"Awesome," Caitlin smiled as she watched the happy expression of Nora. Y/n stood on one side as he watched them, he was currently doing his stretches to loosen up a bit for the run.

"Wait, what happened to the second version?" Nora looked at Cisco as he continued his work. "The smaller one that was inside the emblem of my dad's second suit?" She carried on as Cisco paused to dig through his pocket. "If he wore that one, he could harness Tachyons and share them with me," She explained as she looked at Caitlin.

"Hey, Fangirl," Cisco caught her attention. "Relax, we know," He showed the mini device in his hands as she nodded.

"Did all these suits shrink?" Barry complained as he walked into the room. "And why does it smell so bad?" Barry added as he pulled at the different parts of the red suit.

"Cause it's the one you used when you swan against King Shark," Nora explained as she watched Cisco walk over and add the Mini Tachyon device to Barry's emblem. "Flash, Zoom wants you dead," She mocked the shark man as everyone laughed. "I know King Shark is technically a bad guy, but you should see, just wait until he meets Grodd..."

"Woah," The three men shouted at the same time as they looked at Nora.

"Spoiler alert," Cisco joked as Nora realized what she was saying.

"We should get going," Barry spoke as he looked down at his suit. "And him?" Barry groaned as he pointed at the yellow-suited Speedster.

"Oh, he should be fast enough," Caitlin muttered as she waved it off.

"Then I guess this is goodbye," Nora fidgetted with her fingers as the three speedsters got ready. "At least from your guys' perspectives." She looked around the room. "I'll see you guys again in a minute and twenty-seven seconds but the next time you see me, I'll be a baby,"

"Ha," Y/n chuckled as he stood next to Nora. "Not much changes in 28 years does it?" That question was met with a supersonic elbow to the ribs, causing Y/n to cough and grab his side.

"Get home safe you two," Caitlin laughed at their interactions as she watched them.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to spend a lot of time together," Iris spoke to her daughter and Y/n realized that at this point, he was the odd man out and that this was probably going to be awkward.

"It's okay Mom, we spend our whole lives together," Nora spoke as she nervously looked at her father. Y/n was right, awkward as hell. Nora then hugged her father one last time.

"And you," Caitlin spoke, sapping her fingers to get Y/n's attention. "If we do know each other like you say we do, then you are going to get one hell of a lecture about messing with timelines," She warned the boy as his eyes grew wide.

"But I didn't mess with... I-I... But... I'm innocent," Y/n whined as he watched Caitlin snap her fingers again and point at him, a stern look on her face while Cisco pretended to cough in order to hide his laugh. "Fine, bloody hell," Y/n muttered as he got ready to run, clipping the mouthpiece over his face.

The gates opened up and the three of them took off. Running down the cave that was being filled with yellow, orange, purple and teal lightning that intertwined and bounced off the walls. Soon enough the three entered a large room where a familiar blue portal stood, waiting for them to breach it.

Y/n felt a familiar pull, a force that seemed to yank him through this tunnel was a lot different than when he was running through the speed force. Then it was as if he could run anywhere and here it was as if he had to run forward or be pulled backwards, so he did just that, he ran.

As Y/n saw the tunnel getting brighter as if he was mere moments from breaching the opening and making it back to his time, a yellow blur came charging right at him, side-stepping him at the last minute before its red lightning belted towards the other end of the tunnel.

Y/n felt his body react on instinct as he spun around before chasing the familiar figure back through the tunnel. "Look who it is," The figure's deep voice echoes through the air, sending a cold chill down Y/n's spin as he sped up to try to catch the figure.

"Who are you?" Y/n screamed as the tunnel seemed to darken around them.

"Wouldn't you like to know," He laughed as he sped up, pulling away from Y/n as their surroundings got darker and darker. "You're too slow!" And with that the yellow and red blur ran even faster, massively distancing himself and Y/n.

A bright flash forced Y/n to stop as he slid into a familiar lab, the hospital wing of the lab. "Woah, they should really put up a no U-Turn zone sign in those tunnels," Y/n clenched the side of his head, trying to calm down his racing heart.

"Who are you?" A new voice called out to the Speedster.

"I'm me, Who you?" Y/n joked as he looked at the man sitting down, glaring at him. Y/n slowly scanned the room around him when his eyes landed on her. "Nora?" In a Teal flash, he was next to her hospital bed. "What happened?"

"Wally over here was just explaining Negative Tachyons," Cisco spoke up as he looked at the Yellow-suited man. "They-"

"Slow you down," Y/n finished Cisco's sentence as he looked at Nora. "How?" He shifted his gaze around the room. "Shit, sorry," Y/n walked over to the man from before. "Y/n Thawne," He stretched his hand out.

"Wally West," Wally introduced himself as he nervously shook Y/n's hand. "Thawne?"

"Yes, he is my father," Y/n shrugged his shoulders before turning back to the bedridden Speedster. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little banged up but all good," Nora offered him a smile before her face became confused. "What are you doing here?" She asked as everyone looked at him.

"Long story short, there is a strange Speedster that I've seen twice, The first time was before I disappeared for three days," Y/n explained but before he could continue he pointed at the TV. "Barry, I'd hate to tell you how to do your job but..."

Everyone looked to see Gridlock jumping off a building. "How did we miss this?" Barry asked as he stood up, everyone focused on the television.

"I guess this is a parting gift from Devoe," Iris spoke up as she watched the Meta-Human. "Without our Star Labs satellite, we've lost our eyes, our ears, our dark matter scanner, our facial recognition," She continued as everyone shook their heads. "I mean, we're always going to be one step behind this menace now," She let out a defeated sigh.

"I'll work on this," Barry took the device from Cisco as he spoke. "You guys go help Ralph with the Gridlock crime scene,"  He told everyone as he got ready to leave.

"I'll come and help you," Nora tried to sit up as she spoke.

"No, just," Barry motioned for her to stop and even Iris placed a hand on her shoulder to prevent her from moving. "Just, we just can't let this get any worse," And with that, he walked out of the room.

"Hey, I think that's just 'Dad talk' for he wants you to just rest and take it easy," Y/n tried to cheer the defeated girl up, She simply nodded and laid back down. "Any way I can help?" Y/n asked Cisco and Caitlin who were gathering their stuff.

"No offence, buddy," Cisco sucked in some air as he motioned to what Y/n was wearing. "We really don't need some Reverse Flash-looking speedster zooming around the city," It sounded harsh but Y/n knew what Cisco meant.

"Well, I meant is there anything non-speed related that I could help with," Y/n clearified as he looked at them.

"Well you are from the future as well, so I'm going to have to pass on this one," Cisco countered as Y/n seemed to think about it for a moment before shrugging his shoulder.

"Good point, I'll just take it easy then," Y/n spoke as he watched the two get ready to leave, Caitlin simply laughed before walking out of the room followed by a confused Cisco. "Almost like she doesn't believe I can take it easy," Y/n spoke mostly to himself before turning to Nora. "How's the coffee in this timeline?"

"Forget that," Nora stood up, much to her mother's dismay. "There's a machine set up and I'm sure they have some nice beans and stuff, You can make us something," She suggested with a smile.

"I doubt they'd have what I need to make your special drink," Y/n shook his head as Nora rolled her eyes.

"Come one, you can see what they have and mix something that would be my special here," Nora counted as she grabbed her jacket. "Let's go," She sped off before Y/n could argue.

"How am I supposed to find the room?" Y/n questioned himself as he began walking out the door. "Would you like anything to drink?" He asked Iris, who had kept her eyes on him since everyone began leaving.

"I'm fine," She muttered as the Thawne left the room.

Y/n walked through the halls, searching every room until eventually finding Nora in her black vest digging through the cupboards with a lineup of different blends on the tabletop. "You wasted no time did you?" Y/n laughed as he pulled the red emblem off his suit and placed it on the table.

"You took yours," Nora shot back as she turned to face the taller Speedster who was busy unzipping his yellow jacket.

"Was I supposed to run?" He joked as he took the jacket off, revealing his grey vest as he dropped the jacket over a chair before rolling his shoulders, his muscles shinning with a thin layer of sweet. "So what do we have here," Y/n reached past Nora to inspect the stock.

"I... Just... I haven't looked yet," She turned around to look through the cupboards again.

"I mean, we've got enough here," He motioned to what they had already. "I might not be able to make a Nora-Special but I can make something similar." He shrugged his shoulders as he started the process.

Y/n's hands moved with a practised fluidity, skillfully handling the coffee machine as he expertly brewed their beverages. Nora watched in quiet admiration, her eyes tracing his every movement. There was something mesmerizing about the way he handled the process, a sense of ease and confidence that spoke of familiarity. As he poured the steaming liquid into mugs, the fragrant aroma filled the air, enveloping them in its comforting embrace. Nora couldn't help but appreciate the way Y/n's focus and precision turned a simple task into an art form, a subtle yet captivating display of his abilities.

"You know, there are plenty of coffee shops closer to the CCPD back home," Y/n spoke up as he handed the cup to the Speedster next to him. "Why do you travel all the way to the Johnsons?" He asked as he packed everything away and cleaned up.

"Well, I guess it's maybe for the change of scenery," Nora spoke as they walked out of the Kitchen and walked around. "It's nice and calming there, and you are the only one that can make my drink," She smiled.

"Woah, I feel so used right now," Y/n joked as he placed a hand over his heart.

"Well," Nora laughed as she walked into a room filled with gadgets and trinkets with Y/n behind her. "Why did you come back?" She asked him as she looked around the room while Y/n simply sat on one of the tables. "You made it through,"

"Well, the Speedster I mentioned before," Y/n paused to take a sip of his drink. "He was running back through the tunnel and I wasn't sure where you and Barry were," Y/n continued as he watched Nora piece it all together.

"You were worried that he was after me or my father," She looked at him to see Thawne sheepishly nod as he looked at her. "Aww, that's sweet," She smiled as she picked up a picture of Team Flash. "Thanks for that Y/n," She spoke but her attention was on the photograph.

"Nora," Barry's voice cut through the air as the Crimson Speedster entered the room, eyes darting towards Y/n momentarily until his daughter turned to face him. "What happens to me in the future?" He asked as he watched Nora. "You said that you spend your whole life with your mom but you didn't say the same for me,"

"My poker face is that bad, huh?" She joked as she looked at her father, a sad smile on her face.

"It's nonexistent," Y/n's voice interrupted the two, both of them looking at him as he took another sip of his drink. "Nora, his your father, just tell him," Y/n shrugged his shoulder as he spoke to her, She nodded before leading her father out of the room.

"This lab never ceased to amaze me," Y/n muttered to himself as he walked into the main area, scanning every detail of Star Labs.

"Where's my daughter?" Iris had interrupted his solo tour of the facility, arms crossed over her chest and an angry scowl on her face.

"With her father," Y/n spoke nonchalantly as he looked at her. "You really should smile more, you develop a frown line if you walk around like that all the time," Y/n partially joked as he traced the corner of his lip.

"Excuse me?" Iris glared at the man as he walked around the lab.

"Sure," Y/n carried inspecting everything in the lab like a toddler in a toy aisle. "Where are you going?" He asked sarcastically as he smiled at Iris.

Iris stared at him for a moment before realizing what he meant. "Listen, drop this little act of yours,"

"So you want me to kill you while no one is here to protect you?" He asked, watching the woman freeze midstep as she realized the situation she was in. "You are a normal human and I'm a Speedster, I could rip your vocal chords out before you can even make a peep." Y/n turned to fully face her and folded his arms over his. "If this was all an act, I would have done so already," Y/n's serious expression shifted back into his playful smile as he scouted the lab once more.

"I don't like you," Iris muttered to herself as she watched the Speedster entertain himself.

"Really, I had no idea," He laughed as he took a seat in a chair and rolled himself around the room on it. Y/n continued doing this a everyone slowly started walking in, one by one until everyone was there. Cisco and Caitlyn watched as the son of Eobard Thawne rolled himself around on an office chair as he pretended to be racing and drifting.

"I scanned the crime scene photos and got a match," Iris snapped everyone out of their trance as she showed them a picture on the computer. "This is not Lang's first rodeo, CCPD put out a warrant for him, for car jacking," She continued as everyone looked at their man. "Killed the whole crew inside,"

"And now he absorbs kinetic energy," Barry muttered as he chewed on his thumb.

"He only gets stronger if you punch him or shoot him or throw him into traffic," Caitlin spoke as she shook her head.

"Which could only make the traffic worse," Cisco butted in as he looked at the group. "God, I'd hate to be stuck in that gridlock," He laughed as he shook his head. "Gridlock," The smile grew on his face. "Gridlock," The smile vanished. "I came up with that name, I'm fortune's fool" He grabbed his head.

"Y/N ALEXANDER THAWNE!!!" Everyone jumped at Caitlin's voice as she pointed at the racecar driver. "If you do not stop that, I will grab a nail gun and nail you with the chair, to the ground," Snickering was heard through the lab as everyone fought to hide their laughter as Y/n sat there, straight as a board as he stared at Caitlin, completely frozen in place.

"So..." Wally spoke up as he took deep breaths to calm his laughter down. "How do we find this guy without Sally the Satellite?" He looked around the group.

"We don't need a satellite," Y/n stood up from his chair as he looked at the group.

"'We' don't need a satellite?" Iris asked sarcastically as she looked at him

Cisco was the first to realize what he meant and with a smile walked around the table. "No, we don't, not to hack a phone," Walking past Y/n, he lifted his hand up and gave the Speedster a high five. "My man," He cheered as they walked over to another set of computers.

"And if we want to find his cellphone?" Y/n encouraged as Cisco typed away.

"We'll find it at the airport," Cisco looked at everyone, a confused expression on display.

Y/n reached over and did some more clicking as a new window popped up. "Because he is on a plane that just took off," He informed everyone as he looked at the screen. "Central City Airflight, number five two one,"

"Why would he get on a plane?" Iris looked at Barry in confusion but the Scarlet Speedster seemed to realize the situation that was about to unfold.

"Because he is about to crash it." Barry walked around the lab as he spoke.

"The plane just lost an engine," Cisco informed the rest of the team as everyone tried to think things through.

"It's headed for downtown," Iris added as she looked at the plane's projection.

"If Gridlock takes out the other engine," Caitlin spoke up, panic in her voice. "The pilot won't be able to avoid those buildings."

"Thousands of people will die," Wally stated the obvious but hey, everyone needs a turn to speak.

"Not if you phase the plane through the buildings," Nora's voice caught Y/n's attention as she walked into the room. "I've read about you doing the same thing to a plane in the future when you were fighting Mob Rule," She explained as she walked closer to her father.

"Can you two do that?" Iris asked as she looked at Barry and Wally.

"A plane? No, I don't think so," Barry stuttered as he looked from his wife to his daughter. "It's too big," He added.

A loud rustling caught everyone's attention, which ended up being Y/n who had found a bag of chips and was trying to open it quietly. "Firstly, I'm hungry," He justified as he took a chip out of the bag and ate it. "Secondly, couldn't the three of you do it?" He motioned at the three Speedsters in the room.

"Maybe," Barry responded as he looked at Nora.

"No, I can't phase anything, I can't even phase myself," Nora protested as she panicked. "Let alone at G Force,"

"G Force! That's it!" Y/n clicked his finger as he looked around the room.

"Yeah," Barry was the next to realize. "The plane is still ascending, when Gridlock blows up the other engine," Barry began to explain as he shifted his gaze from one person to the next.

"It will slow down before it starts its descent," Y/n finished as he looked at Cisco who was slowly catching on.

"Which will give us about ten seconds of zero-G on the plane," Cisco muttered as he looked at the two Speedsters.

"Zero-Gs means no kinetic energy which means Gridlock has no power," Caitlin added with a smile.

"Can you breach them onto the plane?" Iris asked.

"A plane goes way too fast, I'll need to see it in person," Cisco explained.

"Then go with," Y/n gave the guy a slap on the back as he spoke.

"Wait, I don't have a suit," Barry began complaining before Nora stepped forward.

"I actually have a backup," She handed him a ring. "I got more than just lists of Metas from the museum," She joked as she stepped back.

"So you stole... From the Flash Museum?" Y/n spoke as he slowly raised a chip to his mouth. "Crappy security," He shrugged as he watched Barry inspect the ring before punching the air and changing at Flash Speed.

"Damn, I made that?" Cisco asked as he inspected the suit.

"No, Ryan Choi actually," Nora corrected the genius next to Y/n.

"Now this is a super suit," Barry smiled before turning to Cisco. "No offence,"

"None was taken," Cisco muttered as he stared at the suit in awe.

"Guys, he just took out the other engine," Y/n yelled to get everyone's attention as he checked on the plane's schematics.

"You can do this," Iris held up the device for Barry he nodded before zipping towards her and grabbing the tube followed by orange and red lightning zipping out of the room. Next was Noar who followed her father and the Wally.

"And you?" Caitlin asked the guy who just stared at the monitor as he ate his chips.

"Me?" Y/n looked at her for a brief moment. "Three Speedster can handle this," He reassured her as he went back to eating, watching Cisco grab his things.

"Y/n, I can see that you hate using your Speed so much but you need to understand that this is people's life we are talking about," Caitlin spoke as she walked closer to Y/n. "You are extremely fast and I am sure you could run back to your timeline whenever you want but instead, here you are because you want to do the right thing," She placed a hand on his shoulder as she spoke. "Those three have gone to try save all those innocent lives and Nora said she can't phase, if something goes wrong don't you think you should be there?"

"I hate you, Aunty Katy, I truly do," Y/n gave her a half smile before disappearing in a blur of Teal lightning.

Y/n ran down the streets of Central City, catching up to the three Speedsters with a little bit more effort than he thought he'd need. Running past Nora, he gave her a nod before catching up with Barry.

"I thought four Speedsters would be better," Caitlin's voice rang over their comms as Y/n looked at the Scarlet Speedster, who gave him an acknowledging nod.

"10, 9, 8, 7,"

Y/n listened to the voice belonging to Iris as they ran down the streets, four different Lightning streaming through Central City.

"6, 5,"

The four of them were up the side of a building as Y/n caught a glimpse of Cisco at the top, getting ready to portal them into the plane.

"4, 3, 2,"

The large blue portal opened above them as they got closer and closer.


The four zipped through the doorway and found themself in the plane itself, Barry quickly snapping the cuffs on Gridlock as the plane began its descent. "You okay?" Y/n helped Nora stand up, She wasn't but she still gave him a slight nod.

"Everyone stay calm, alright," Barry tried to calm the passengers as they walked through the plane. "Take a wall," Barry spoke as the two nodded before each moving over to opposite sides of the plane while Y/n and Barry stood in the centre. "You ready?" He asked the man in yellow.

"Never," Y/n laughed from under his mouthpiece.

"Guys, Hurry," Iris rushed from the comms.

The Speedsters then began vibrating as they focused on the plane. Y/n felt the pressure of trying to manipulate the molecules of the plane, it was as if the plane was pushing against him, crushing him as he tried. "It's not working," Nora's voice snapped him out of his head.

"Nora, you can," Y/n spoke up as he took the mouthpiece off and looked at her. "I believe in you," He spoke, watching as Nora shook her head.

"I can't,"

"Listen to me," Y/n spoke as he moved closer to her. "Listen to me, breathe, feel the plane under you, feel your hands against it. The Speed force is flowing through you right now, feel it! Feel it coursing through your very being, You are one with the Speed Force, be one with it," Y/n watched her calm down, taking a deep breath as purple lightning began jumping off her suit. "Your lightning, feel it crackling off of you... You are no longer you, you are no longer human, you are... You are something incredible, something amazing, something powerful," Y/n watched Nora as she began vibrating, slowly at first. "Now do it,"

As soon as his words left his lip, he watched Nora begin vibrating at full speed. Zipping back to the centre he gave Barry a nod before the the three guys joined Nora and began vibrating. Y/n once again felt the plane pushing back as he did this but he had his own motivation this time, Memories of his father had begun resurfacing as he spoke to Nora, lessons his father gave him, lessons that prepared him for things like this.

Y/n felt as they phased through the first building. He heard Barry shout something but he could not focus on anything else right now, it was as if his mind had entered another plane of existence (No pun intended).

Another building, and another until eventually all four of them stopped so the plane could land in the water. Y/n gathered himself as he heard Barry check up on everyone. "Thanks," Barry's voice forced Y/n to open his eyes. "You really came through for us," He gave Y/n a tap on the shoulder before walking through the plane.

"You did it," Y/n spoke as he walked up to the Purple Speedster, hardly having time to prepare himself when Nora had latched onto him.

"Thanks to you," She smiled as she hugged Y/n, one he awkwardly returned before pulling away.

"I'm sure you would have gotten it right whether I was here or not," He laughed as he shook his head.


Another chapter done, touching some backstory in this chapter. What are your thoughts so far?

What was your favourite part of the chapter? (Mine was Y/n and Iris near the end)

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