The Phoners Drabbles and OC D...

By Grim-Virus

1.4K 88 65

Drabbles for the AU where everyone in the Squad (Me, Kiino, Sara, Icky, ask-the-fnaf-nightguards (star-firedr... More

Drabbles 2: Fight Nights and Pep Talks
Drabbles: Past Memories and New Members
Teach Me To Fuse (Greepie)
Grimilicious (Lyrics)
Adventures In Portal 2
Stop With The Damn Smoking (Brotherly Kiino and Sibling Grim)
Break Down
Insults and Injuries
Tiny Grim

Squad Drabbles- Moving In

385 17 9
By Grim-Virus

A/B: Grim is chill on any pronouns as well as myself so I've decided to stick with she in this and later experiment. Also this is based off of Sting's AU where the Squad (Sara, Kiino, Sting, Sheepy, Icky and myself) so how end up living together so yeah. I felt like writing a reason for it so yeah; enjoy me torturing my own persona.

People say that friendships can last a lifetime. That once you met a person you have a chance to bond with them and the two of you will become close for a very long time. Things will happen that will test the friendship, whether it is life and death situations or something as simple as a disagreement. One chooses to give in and let the other win, while the other fights for their own reasons or for the safety of their dear friend. That is when they are tested and in every good fairy tale the friends save themselves and come out alive. This wasn't the case for Grim's so-called story. It felt more like a nightmare for her. 

The memory was still fresh in her mind, even as she boarded her flight. To avoid unwanted attention she wore a beanie to cover the long cobalt stripes in her ash covered hair along with it being put up with clips to make it look as if she was male. The only way you could tell if Grim was a girl or boy was the hair. That was a true fact, just ask her about 5th grade and it will end in you trying to hold back your laughter or sympathy. At least that was how she saw it. Speaking of sight, have you ever gotten weirded out when someone asks you many questions at once about one specific thing? Well that was Grim at the moment, biting her lip as some five year old questioned her about her bright, multi-colored eyes. While one showed a dark spacey blue, the other showed a blood red that looked as if thousands of people were stabbed and dumped into the ocean. They were truly unique, seeming as if they were like glass orbs that were filled to the top with a nebula. However, this kid wouldn't shut up about them and it was beginning to piss off the already ticked off and depressed Grim. 

Why was she depressed? Oh for a very simple reason: she was betrayed. You know that feeling when you trust in someone so much you would never expect them to verbally and physically hurt you. That was why she needed to move on. As she tuned the annoying brat out, memories surged through her mind.


"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE GRIM!" 3D colored eyes go wide as the teal-eyed boy screamed, pointing to extremely ill and weak dog next to his feet. Blood oozed from its mouth, weak pants echoing throughout the room. The two humans in the room are in an eye lock, one enraged at what he believes his dear friend did to his precious pet. "WELL!? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?!" No one moved. No one blinked. No one breathed. Moments passed with the two still staring dead at each other. The breakable silence was a terrible sign, as if proved that at any moment one of them would start talking. Secrets would be revealed and blame would be put on the innocent. The night was a blur to her, the gash on her reminding her of how brutal it was. She remembers her dear friend Aeon believing that she had stabbed his beloved dog, as well as attacked his brother. Crimes against her piled up, all a lie. Why would she hurt her friends when they were the only things left in her life? Her brother died after falling off of a building, leaving her more alone than when her parents left. 

Something seemed off about her friend, his usually cool kid facade gone and replaced with a very pissed off teen. He accused her over and over again, claiming her to be a psychopath and a monster. This wasn't him at all, but that didn't stop Grim from fighting back. For every punch he threw, she threw two more and a dodge. A few times he hit her good in the spots that were covered in scars of previous fights. Let's just say, Grim could be a real pushover at times. At other times, she could be your worst nightmare. That's why her body was littered with some battle scars from people who decided it was funny to make others kill themselves. It's not like she wanted to save them, she just didn't want the families to deal with so much pain. Parents shouldn't lose their children, children shouldn't lose their parents. 

The battle between the two raged on for an hour, Grim beginning to walk away from it all to go back home. Aeon had other plans. He grabbed the ends of her silver hair and yanked her back with all of his strength. Grim felt pain shoot throughout her neck and skull, a loud yelp escaping her lips before her body came in contact with the wall behind Aeon. Her head smacked against the wall, making another pained yelp echo through the house. With the little strength Grim had left, she got up and ran as fast as she could from the house she used to love to visit. A few words were heard from her former friend, something along the lines of "What have I done?" and "It's my stupid dads fault." Grim didn't care one bit. She had decided to leave town. All it took was a Google search for houses or apartments and she found her new home. A large house a few states over that could fit six people. The house was currently owned by two people, them both looking for roommates to hang with them. She had made her choice.


The plane landed a few hours later, the forecast in the new area dark and rainy. Grim nearly smiled at the weather. Key word nearly. After leaving the airport, Grim caught a taxi at the entrance of the place. The cab had a simple dark colored interior and the woman driving her taxi seemed young. She had curly strawberry blonde hair from what Grim could see. The woman asked where she was going and Grim gave her the address. The address 221B Baker Street sounded familiar to her for some reason. After about a ten minute drive, the cab driver pulled up to a large building with the address on the front door. Grim thanked the driver, giving the driver her money and quickly getting out of the car. The beanie became a bit loose around Grim's head from all the movement, but was pulled back into place seconds later. A few silver strands became loose, but their owner didn't pay attention as she knocked onto the door of the building. Seconds passed and no answer. After one more knock, Grim heard rustling from the other side of the wood and soon the door is swung open to reveal one of the people staying in the house. In front of Grim is a girl with long blonde hair, a classy outfit on and a drawing tablet in her hands. She looks up and smiles, calling for someone named Kiino. Shortly after another person comes to the door, this time sporting short black hair with parts of it blue. Glasses were on their face and they wore a simple blue plaid shirt. The two look at Grim for a second before the blonde one speaks up.

"I take it you are-"She stops for a second, looking as if she's trying to finalize something in her mind. A mumble escapes her mouth, something along the lines of "Using this for the drabbles." Grim didn't understand it at all and normally she would have spoken up, but her ego had been bruised in the last few days so she only stayed silent. The 3D colored eyes spot black gloves on Kiino's hand for no apparent reason other than they were there. It hit Grim right away that anxiety was creeping up her stomach as she waited for the girl to continue her question. Thankful the girl noticed this and cleared her throat, continuing the forgotten sentence. "Terribly sorry about that, I was lost in thought for a second. Anyway, you must be Grim if I'm correct? That's what it said your name was in the email I received three days ago." Grim nodded, responding to the girl while fiddling with her precious red hoodie sleeves. 

"Yeah, my name's Grim. So do I h-have the right address or no?" Kiino nods to replace the blonde girl's response. They decide to speak up in the matter with a very straight forward tone.

"Yep you got the right place. My name's Kiino Sachii and this is Sara. Watch out for her, she'll kill you." Grim looked at Sara to see an annoyed look on her face, making it all too obvious that she wasn't deadly at the moment.

"She doesn't look like the type to kill." Kiino scoffed.

"Tell that to the guy that yelled BAMSaraKilledMe! That's why she's called BAMSaraKilledYou." Sara coughed to signal end of this topic and held out her hand, taking Grim by surprise.

"Welcome to the fam Grim! Don't worry, I only kill with feels." Grim hesitantly shook Sara's hand, the other holding on tight to the small suit case she had with her. Sara and Kiino moves aside to invite their new roommate inside, Grim walking to the large house.

"Holy shit I picked right." The two giggled at Grim's comment. Grim reflexively took off her beanie, being so used to having a hood on that she forgot it was a red beanie instead. Silver hair that was originally not even down to the shoulders became longer. So much longer that it reached Grim's back, nearing her waist. The long strip of cobalt blue just as long as the actual color of the hair. A small 'whoa 'is heard before Sara takes Grim to her room, letting her be to get settled. "Maybe this won't be too bad."


3 weeks later

Grim had been enjoying living with Sara, Kiino, and the newest addition, Icky. Icky was some pretty cool guy that had very badass hair if Grim didn't say so herself. Asking him how he did that was still on the list of things Grim wanted to do. Early morning light filtered into the room, reminding Grim that she had spent another night with barely any sleep once again. A few things still haunted her about her friends, along with the fact she rarely slept. A knock on the door interrupted Grim in her thought, her eyes trailing towards to door to see it was Kiino.

"Yo, we have a new person coming in this week to join the fam so be prepared as always." Grim nodded and responded with a simple "M'k." Kiino saw a difference in Grim's appearance, mostly her hair. They raised an eyebrow before commenting. "What happened to the blue thingy in your hair?" Grim stared at Kiino before pulling a strand of hair out of its spot and infront of her eyes. Grim noticed the color was extremely faded, barely visible. She would have to re-dye it and she knew just who to ask.

"Well fuck, looks like I need to re-dye it. Time to go bother Icky."


"You sure you want me to do this? After all didn't someone else do it besides me?" Grim tensed, the mention of it bringing back the memories of her brother. He was the one who dyed it first so the two could stand out. It's been over three months since they last dyed it.

"You my bro did it, but he can't anymore. Fell off a building and killed himself three months ago. The dye is very strong so it should have stayed in longer." Icky nods, making a mental note to not bring up siblings too often. Grim would have dyed it herself, but the lack of sleep made her hands shake. She wasn't in the mood for her body to become blue instead of her hair.

"You ready?" Grim thought, her mind trailing back to when Aeon used her hair to throw her into a wall. She still had bruises from that. It continued to haunt her, never wanting to leave. The room went silent as Grim tried to forget each memory. Then, she decided to let it go, she would have to change something. Grim stood up and pulled her beanie on over her head.

"Actually I need to go check something really quick before you do. Be back in half an hour!" With that Grim was out the door, leaving Icky behind to put everything away and mumble about how weird Grim was acting. Let's just say that when Grim came back everyone mistook her for officially turning into a guy. After all, short hair changed her look quite a bit. It would take time to get used to, but as the author of this I'll tell you that it all grew back by the time a certain redhead doll joined the fam. It was a new look for everyone to adjust to. It also saved Icky lots of time and dye, and Grim lots of sleepless nights.



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