Drarry Oneshots

By dilfnnibal

13K 163 53

Just a bunch of Drarry Oneshots! Don't be afraid to comment or DM a request! Hope you enjoy reading :) DracoM... More

Muggle Music (Super Freak)
Bad Idea
Leaving the Dursley's
Blind Date
Texting (1/2)
Texting (2/2)
Broomsticks and Flowers
"Jealous, Malfoy?"
Secret Relationships
A Poem For You

Love and Hate

1.3K 16 10
By dilfnnibal

Tw: angst + arguments + sexual jokes
Plot: while arguing, Harry asks the big question, "why do you hate me?" and Draco replies honestly.

Written by MelBel

"Merlin, I'm getting tired of this Potter," Malfoy growls out. Potter has pulled him from his class again claiming he needed to talk to Draco about some secret wizard stuff, but in reality he just needs to talk to him about their relationship together.

The two are enemies and that's all they ever will be, but Draco's been giving him the cold shoulder more than usual. He's started avoiding Potter and doesn't even bother to make any snarky remarks in the halls or classes. The whole thing is throwing Harry off.

"You can't keep pulling me from classes because you think I'm up to something," Draco reminds him. Harry just rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I don't think you're up to anything! I just wanted to talk to you," Harry says, somewhat telling the truth.

Draco stares at him with a blank expression before replying,

"Oh really?" Now it's Draco's turn to cross his arms over his chest. For the last week Potter has been pulling him out of classes and it's beginning to get ridiculous.

"Okay, maybe I do think you're up to something, but only because you've been avoiding me!" Harry says honestly while uncrossing his arms and flailing them slightly as he complains.

"We aren't friends Potter, of course I'm not talking to you," he sneers, still feeling rather betrayed over the fact Harry never shook his hand.

Harry goes silent for a moment before tilting his head, "can you just tell me what I did?" He begs.

Draco scoffs and shakes his head no.

"You didn't do anything. We aren't friends so I see no reason to talk to you," Draco says coldly. He glares at Harry, hoping the conversation will just end there and he can return to class.

"But you used to always talk to me," Harry has to hold back a pout.

Draco furrows his eyebrows together. He sees no reason for Potter to be upset over this. All Malfoy's ever done was bully him and make his life miserable, now the moment he stops Harry is complaining that he's distant.

"I used to always insult you," he corrects. Harry rolls his eyes and let's out a heavy sigh. Now is not the time for Draco to be difficult.

"So you are or aren't purposely ignoring me?" Harry asks again. Malfoy looks at him with a dull expression.

"We aren't friends," is all he says. "Now, would you please let me return to class? I'm sure I'm missing valuable notes right now because of you," Draco starts walking to the door but Potter grabs his wrist, turning him around.

"Why do you hate me to much Draco?!"

Malfoy freezes as he hears Harry call him by his first name, as if they were friends. His eyes follow down Harry's arm to hand, which is firmly wrapped around his wrist. Draco yanks it back, freeing himself.

"Hate you? Why would I ever hate you? I'm jealous of you Potter!" He says, feeling rather infuriated. Draco just wants to get back to class, he doesn't want to deal with any of this drama.

"You're jealous of me?" Harry asks, his tone softer than it was before.

"Bloody hell Harry... yes! I'm jealous of you. There, I said it out loud again, may I please go now?" He asks impatiently. He's barley said anything but he's already exposed too much.

Harry's face falls into a frown as he looks at him with a look of sadness and confusion. "Why would you ever be jealous of me? You're a Malfoy, you're a pure blood wizard," Harry says, listing off reasons why Draco shouldn't be jealous. To Harry, pure blood means nothing, but he knows it's important to Draco.

"Why wouldn't I be jealous?" He scoffs. "You have everything here, you're the chosen one. What am I? Some snobby kid with daddy issues," he admits angrily. Harry's heart breaks, he didn't realize any of this, he always thought Draco was just a huge dick for no reason.

Which makes him ask himself, why do I care?

"When people look at you and I, they see different people. You're a saviour, people worship you here Harry," Draco feels his chest tighten.

"You're good looking, you can date whoever you want and for Merlin's sake Harry! You beat the dark lord when you were a baby!" Draco starts raising his voice as he remembers why Harry is better than him.

Growing up he felt as if he had to compete with Harry, because if nobody was going to know him for being a Malfoy, they needed to know him for other things. Draco now realizes how selfish and cruel it was to think that way, but the damage has already been done.

"Love you, hate you, it's all the same thing," his voice breaks and his icy eyes well up with tears. His eyes gloss over, bringing out the bluish grey even more; he looks beautiful. Malfoy looks away from Harry and turns towards the door to his class.

"You and I are supposed to be enemies, that's how these things work," he nearly whispers. Draco walks up to the door and places a hand on the doorknob.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend," without another word, Draco opens the door and returns to his class, leaving Harry alone in the hall.

The Gryffindor stands there, shocked. Draco's only ever wanted what he has, so it's clear why he's backing off. He doesn't want to be known as some annoying, selfish git, he just wants to be loved. He wants to praised, he wants to be the boy that lived.

"Oh Malfoy," he breathes out.


Harry started seeing even less of Draco now, he checked a few of his classes but there was no sign of the Slytherin anywhere. He even started asking around, just to hear that nobody else knows. He clearly wasn't suspended or expelled because somebody would have known something.

Witches and wizards walk the halls as they make their way to classes and Harry catches sight of Blaise and Pansy walking side by side, talking. Harry curses under his breath, not wanting to talk to them of all Slytherin's, but they'll know something about Draco, they have too.

"Parkinson, Zabini!" Harry calls out in the halls, causing the two of their heads to snap around. As soon as they lay eyes on Potter they glare angrily at him.

"What do you want Potter?" Pansy sneers. She's definitely not fond of the way Harry has been treating Draco lately.

"Have you two seen Draco? I need to talk to him," he asks desperately. Blaise and Pansy look at each other before back to him.

"Why would we tell you shit?" Blaise snaps at him and stands up straighter, in an attempt to intimidate the Gryffindor. Harry being Harry, doesn't care. Malfoy's always walked towards him and toward over, this is nothing new. He's dealt with much scarier things than that.

"Please? I really need to talk to him," he repeats with more eagerness. If anybody were to know where Draco is, it'll be them.

"He's hiding out in his dorm room," Pansy answers for him. Blaise gasps and gently hits her on the shoulder.

"Don't tell him that!"

"Shut up Blaise, I think Draco has something to tell Harry too," she remarks. Harry smiles fondly at Pansy for the first time.

"Thank you so much, I'll uh, see you two later," he says awkwardly before running off.

The two Slytherins look at each other and walk off to class, wondering how Harry's going to sneak into the Slytherin common room this time.


Draco grabs his notes for class and secures his wand in his pocket. He's been heading to class fifteen minutes late due to Potter. Yesterday he realized that Harry always appears within the first fifteen minutes of class to talk to him, therefore he's been going late so he doesn't have any run ins with Potter.

He hears the door creak open and without seeing who it is, starts talking. "What did you forget this time Blaise?" He asks while placing his books and such in his bag.

Draco hears a swoosh sound and turns around. Harry is standing there with a cloak in his hand, as well as all his books and such for class.

"Potter! What are you doing in here?!" He hisses out, rushing to the door and shutting it before the Gryffindor can be seen.

"I came to talk to you, your girlfriend told me you were in here," he says while starting to fold the cloak.

Malfoy's face scrunches, "she's not my girlfriend and I do not wish to see you." Malfoy slings his satchel over his shoulder.

"Please just hear me out Malfoy," Harry walks into the room more and plops his stuff down next to a bed.

"This is beginning to get repetitive," Draco says while sighing. He looks down at Harry's stuff before looking back at him.

How dare he place his stuff down in Malfoy's dorm.

"Please! Just sit and we can talk about it," the begging is starting to get even more annoying to Draco.

Harry Potter snuck into the Slytherin common room, he snuck into his dormitory and now he's begging for Malfoy to hear him out.

"Fine! Make it quick," Draco puts his stuff down and sits on his bed, pushing his hands back into the mattress to support himself. He knows Potter too well to know that he won't give up, so he might as well make it quick.

He watches Potter's eyes scan up and down his body before shaking his head and talking. "We'll uh, I don't know how to say this really," he starts playing with his fingers and looking down nervously. Draco can't help but scoff, Harry Potter, a Gryffindor, is nervous. Nervous because of Draco, a Slytherin.

"I don't hate you either, at all really," he says honestly while looking back up into Malfoy's eyes.

Draco raises an eyebrow at him. "Okay?" He questions, waiting for Potter to get on with it.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I want to be friends," Harry finally admits. His heart beats rapidly against his chest, afraid of what Malfoy might say. They've been enemies for so long and Harry doesn't even know if Draco feels the same way.

"Friends? Why would you ever want to be friends with me?" Asks Draco while moving to sit up properly.

"I just suppose that in some weird, twisted way, I like the teasing and bickering," Harry explains little, leaving Draco with more questions.

Just because they bicker doesn't mean they both see it the same way. Draco means it to be rude, but Potter can't help by taking it as an unfunny joke. He wants Draco's attention, he almost craves his snarky comments.

"You're actually unbelievable, you know that Harry?" Draco slips up by saying his name. Harry smiles and a light blush forms on his cheeks, catching Malfoy off guard.

"I just like talking to you," Harry says simply.

"But why? We have nothing in common and I've been nothing but a git to you!" Draco asks, trying to understand better why Potter has these feelings towards him.

"I just want your attention!" Harry raises his voice slightly, letting Draco know how serious he is.

Harry's heart beats heavily and his eyes widen when he realizes what he just said. Merlin, he's never going to live this down.

A smirk forms on Malfoy's face, "you want my attention?" He says cheekily.

Harry slips his hands under his glasses and rubs his eyes, letting out a groan. "Please don't make me say it again." He brings his hands back down and curls them in lose fists, like a child.

"The famous Harry Potter wants my attention," he snickers and stands up. Draco pushes his robe back behind him and saunters over to Harry, looking him up and down.

"Are your friends not enough for you?" He asks. Harry is about two feet away. Potter looks up at Malfoy, suddenly feeling so much smaller and more afraid.

"They don't talk to me the way you do," Harry blushes, realizing how inappropriate this all sounds.

Draco's stomach does flips but he ignores it, he stands tall, knowing fully well he's intimidating Potter. Harry's eyes are wide, his cheeks are pink and he looks on edge.

"If I didn't know any better Harry, I'd think you're into degrading," he laughs, partially joking.

"Shut up Draco, I'm being serious," he mumbles while looking away in embarrassment.

"I just want to go back to the way things were before. I still don't understand why you started ignoring me in the first place," Harry says sadly. Now that he's standing in Draco's room, he can't help but feel a little embarrassed. What if Malfoy didn't purposely start ignoring him and he's just overthinking everything?

Draco's face relaxes and he takes a step back from Harry, his eyes shift to the ground. "We can't be friends Harry," Draco says softly, his voice just above a whisper.

"We don't have to be friends, we can be mutuals, acquaintances! We can be what we were bef-"

"Shove off Potter!" He snaps, cutting Harry off from his sentence.

"We can't be anything, you don't understand," Draco groans like a child. He just wants Potter to drop it, he's already late for class and has no desire to continue this discussion.

"What's so different now? What changed?" Potter pesters.

He's just like a needy child, Draco thinks to himself.

"Even if I did tell you, you wouldn't understand," Draco's voice raises as he's filled with anxiety. Malfoy doesn't know how to communicate about his feelings and even if he did know, he certainly wouldn't. His feelings are for him and nobody else.

"Merlin, can you stop being dark and mysterious for five seconds and just tell me? Help me understand Draco," he pleads desperately. He doesn't like this side of Draco.

"I think we've spoken enough, I've got to get to class," he walks away from Harry and grabs his stuff.

Malfoy walks to the door and just as he's about to open it, Harry grabs him by the shoulder and turns him around, pushing him against the door. Draco glares down at him and is surprised by Potter's determination to figure out the big secret.

The Slytherin pushes him back, "don't you touch me Potter." He hisses out angrily, not liking the physical side of Potter.

"Then tell me! I'm not going to judge you Draco," Harry says, trying to convince Draco and not planning on stopping till he gets his answer.

"Oh I highly doubt that," he laughs sarcastically while walking away from Potter, not liking the lack of space he has.

"Please?" Harry whispers, looking into Draco's icy eyes. Harry looks much like a lost puppy, his head is tilt and his eyes are wide.

He stares at Potter for a moment, thinking to himself. Harry already hates him so what would he lose if he told him? Everybody else already hates him so if Harry told people it wouldn't be like anything's changed. Plus,

how could Draco say no to those eyes?

"Fine," he lets out a huff. "Fine Harry, fine," he says defeated while walking back up to Harry.

He stands a foot away from Potter, staring down into his beautiful green eyes. He prepares himself for Harry's reaction and reminds himself of the damage this could do.

"I like you, okay?" He says shrugging.

"I like you too," Harry replies normally. He doesn't look angry or bothered, meaning he missed what Draco really said.

"No Harry, I like, like you. I have feelings for you, you giant oaf!" Malfoy nearly yells, he doesn't understand how Potter could be so blind.

Harry stands there quietly, looking like he's processing the information. "Really?" He tilts his head.

"You are delusional! Yes, really. That's why I'm trying to stay away from you! I know you don't feel the same and I guess I've always been mean because I didn't want to have feelings for you. You're just so- I don't know... you! And I hate it, but that's what draws me in," Draco rambles on, confessing his undying love for Harry.

"I shouldn't have a crush on you but I do. It doesn't make any sense to me! Yes, you're perfect, you're brave, you're Harry Potter! You already have enough fans and I certainly don't need to add to the list," he seethes. There's definitely no going back now, so he continues rambling on.

"But I can't help it if I'm excited when you walk into a room. I hate myself for it, I should want nothing to do with you, a golden boy like you can't get away with everything so I-"

Before Malfoy could finish, Harry is cupping Draco's cheeks and crashing his lips onto his, cutting him off. Like perfect puzzle pieces, they fit together. Draco's eyes widen and he sees that Harry's are closed. A light blush is already visible across Harry's cheeks and soon Malfoy blushes too. Neither of them pull apart from the kiss, Harry just moves his lips and Draco soon joins along.

Harry moves his hands up Draco's cheeks to his hair, allowing them to run through his incredibly soft blonde hair. He's always wanted to touch Draco's hair. Hesitantly, Draco places his hands on Harry's hips and pulls him closer, earning an umph sound followed by a muffled chuckle.

They breathe heavily against each other, refusing to separate. Draco's been waiting years to do this, he's always imagined his lips against Harry's, though he never thought it would happen like this- or even happen at all.

His heart beats out of his chest and his strong emotions and nerves cause him to sweat. The whole situation is unbelievable to the point Draco's body doesn't even believe it.

Harry Potter is kissing him.

Their lips dance together and neither of them dare deepening it. After awhile of kissing, they finally pull away from each other, their lips plump and Draco's hair messy and sweaty.

Draco stares longingly into his eyes, causing Potter to grin.

"I like, like you too," Harry says, teasing him playfully. Malfoy rolls his eyes and pulls Harry into a hug.

Draco's always hated physical affection, but Harry just seems so soft and cuddly. Plus they just kissed, a hug should be the least of his worries.

He squeezes Harry tightly, almost as if he'd fall if he let go. He inhales and gets greeted by Harry's comforting scent.

"Promise me this is real?" Draco breaks the silence, his voice filled with hesitation. He feels Harry move his arms to hug him back.

"I promise," Harry says while rubbing his back soothingly. The Gryffindor rests his head against Draco's shoulder.

Draco pulls back and looks into Harry's eyes.

"But why?" He asks, still in disbelief Harry could ever like him back. It makes no sense and Draco's not sure it'll ever make sense.

"Same reasons you like me. I should hate you," Harry says softly while bringing his hand up to Draco's cheek.

"But I don't," he adds quickly, causing Draco's eyes to light up happily.

"Remember what I said earlier? I love the bickering, I love your attention. It... it makes me happy to know you don't like me just for my fame," Harry says honestly. Draco can't help but smile, he can still feel the blush on his cheeks.

"I couldn't care less about what you've done," Draco says, a hint of sass in his voice. He watches as Harry's face drops for a second so he himself is quick to add onto his sentence.

"Though I do care about you as a person," Draco adds, trying to save himself from what he just said. He's never been good at communicating his feelings and saying the right things.

"Don't worry, I know what you mean," Harry chuckles while taking his hand back down. Draco smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, would you care to go out for dinner sometime then?" Draco offers, not knowing how Harry is going to react.

"I would love too." Harry smiles warmly.

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