GeminiFourth - The Sun and Hi...

By ZzFourthGeminizZ

9.4K 650 287

Gemini Norawit, a young famous star in the Thai entertainment industry, captivated fans with his talents as a... More

1 - The Lantern Festival We Met
3 - The Sun and His Beloved Star
4 - The True Soulmate of Nong Lion
5 - The Living and Breathing Night
6 - A Promise of Lantern Boy to His Nong Lion
7 - Destiny Smiles upon the 'Lantern Boy'
8 - With Gentle Roar, Nong Lion's Ask
9 - The Melancholic Coda in a Joyful Tune
10 - The Miracle of Fate
11 - Lantern Boy Digs for Treasure
12 - Nong Lion's Triumph and the Theft of a Kiss
13 - A Mishap Have Befallen Upon The Filming Set?
14 - The Malevolent Scheme Behind the Accidents

2 - Reunite with the 'Lantern Boy'

604 45 18
By ZzFourthGeminizZ

Gemini nodded, his gaze fixated on Fourth's receding figure. A sense of emptiness began to settle within Gemini's chest, a pang of hurt blossoming as he observed how solitary Fourth appeared.

"Take care," Gemini whispered softly, his words carried away by the breeze.

Standing there, immersed in his contemplation, Gemini watched as the lanterns continued to illuminate the night sky. Amidst the enchanting beauty of the festival, a bittersweet ache tugged at his heart.

Then, it hit Gemini that he hadn't properly introduced himself to Fourth. But from the bits of information he had, he felt a determination. He promised to himself and to Fourth that they would meet again. And when they did, he'd introduce himself properly, just like he should have this time. He closed his eyes briefly, a silent wish forming on his lips.

"Fourth Nattawat, we will meet again."




The opulent doors of Gemini's luxurious apartment slid open, revealing Hana, his spirited personal assistant. As she stepped into the room, her breath hitched in her throat, her heart performing an acrobatic feat of somersaults at the scene that unfolded before her. "P', I brought you your breakfast — Oh my goodness."

In the hushed ambience of the living room, bathed in the subdued radiance that filtered through the drawn curtains, Gemini was perched on the sofa. His attention was riveted to the digital tablet cradled in his hands, his immersion in its contents evident. The device's glow cast an otherworldly light upon his features, lending them an almost eerie aspect.

A mixture of irritation and genuine concern colored Hana's demeanor. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, P'," she scolded lightly, her exasperation softened by the underlying worry in her voice. Yet, the sight of the shadows etched beneath Gemini's eyes shifted her mood from annoyance to heartfelt concern. "Please don't tell me you didn't sleep again last night, P'Gem?"

A simple nod from Gemini was all it took to send Hana into a mild frenzy. She briskly moved around the room, parting the curtains to allow the sunlight to stream in, all the while grumbling under her breath.

"P', you know that if Mae Yui found out I've been looking after you like this, she'd probably have my head," Hana sighed, her tone a mix of resignation and mild frustration. "I should've never let you go out to the festival last night."

Gemini's response came out as a weary murmur, his gaze still steadfastly glued to the screen in his hands. "It's fine, Hana. P' Yui is already aware of everything."

"Mae knew?!" Hana's movements halted abruptly as if she had hit an invisible wall. She flopped down onto the couch, her face disappearing into her hands. "I'm as good as gone. She's going to obliterate me."

Gemini's composed demeanor finally grated on Hana's nerves. Unable to contain her frustration, she closed the distance between them and swiftly plucked the tablet from Gemini's hands, a motion he didn't contest. Hana's curiosity got the best of her as she inquired, her gaze fixed on the screen, "What has you so engrossed...?"

Her words trailed off, her eyes widening in disbelief as the realization struck her. The scene before her was beyond anything she could have imagined. It was a revelation she hadn't even entertained in her wildest dreams. "P', are you watching a BL series?"

Gemini's response was laced with nonchalance, his gaze meeting hers unwaveringly. "And if I am? What's the matter?"

Hana struggled to find her words, her astonishment palpable. "It's not that..." she began, her expression a mixture of confusion and skepticism, "It's just that I never thought I'd see you interested in something like this."

Gemini let out a sigh and retrieved the tablet from Hana's hands. Although he had never been interested in BL series before, this particular one was different. As he gazed at the screen, the handsome and familiar face of the boy he had encountered last night captivated his attention. With a sense of intrigue, he turned to Hana, knowing her enthusiasm for BL.

"Are you familiar with the main actors in this series?"

Hana's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she practically leaned forward to share her wealth of knowledge, a delighted smile stretching across her lips. "Oh, absolutely! The main actors are none other than P' Fourth and Ai' Arthid. They're these incredible young talents who skyrocketed to fame after their fantastic chemistry as partners in the series." As she spoke, a flicker of disdain passed over her expression when she mentioned Arthid's name, a clear contrast to her excitement.

"Something happened between them, right?" Gemini's inquiry held a hint of vulnerability as he delved deeper into the topic. Ever since he had returned home last night, he had searched up Fourth Nattawat's name, only to be bombarded by a deluge of hurtful and even vile comments aimed at his 'Lantern Boy'. The surge of anger he had experienced had nearly driven him to the point of hurling the tablet against the wall.

Hana's demeanor shifted, her smile fading as a tinge of sadness crept in. She let out a sigh, her expression becoming more somber. "Yes," she admitted with a hint of disappointment. "About a week ago, there was a rumor circulating about P' Fourth, my favorite idol. Second only to my P', of course."

Gemini leaned forward, his curiosity piqued as Hana continued. "The rumor claimed that Fourth was involved in some conflict with his co-actor, Ai' Arthid. Supposedly, it escalated to the point where Fourth drugged him and got him removed from a filming project."

A mixture of concern and anger crossed Gemini's features. He wholeheartedly believed that his 'Lantern Boy' would never engage in such behavior, despite only meeting him once last night. Still, he felt compelled to ask Hana, considering her knack for being up-to-date with celebrity gossip. Given that he was a prominent star and she served as his personal assistant, she had access to reliable sources to discern the truth.

"So do you think that true?" 

Hana's immediate reaction was startling, the loud thud of the smashed coffee table echoing in the room. Gemini's surprise was evident as he watched the display of Hana's anger, understanding the depth of her genuine outrage.

"Of course, it's not true," Hana's voice held a resolute determination as she defended her idol. Her words were a staunch shield against the malicious accusations. "It's a vile and meticulously planned scheme to tarnish P' Fourth's reputation."

Gemini's eyes glinted with a dangerous intent. If he intended to protect his 'Lantern Boy', he needed to unmask his adversaries. "Who's behind this scheme?" he inquired, his voice carrying a weight of seriousness.

Hana's gaze flickered around as she whispered her response, "Several people. First and foremost, do you remember David? The CEO of Euphoria Studios?"

Gemini's memory jogged, recalling the image of an older, balding man. He had encountered David during various entertainment industry events. An aura of unsavory desire had surrounded the man, particularly when it came to young and handsome individuals. Gemini shuddered as he recalled the way David had looked at him during those occasions, a gaze filled with unsettling longing. However, David had seemingly refrained from pursuing anything further, aware that Gemini wasn't the sort of individual a fledgling entertainment company's CEO dared to trifle with.

"That old, obese man?" Gemini's lips curled in distaste. Memories of David's digusting gazes were not easily forgotten.

Hana's voice dropped even lower, a tone pregnant with secrecy. "Yes, him. Rumors suggest that he holds a grudge against P' Fourth, an actor under his studio, for rejecting his advances. So he's believed to be the mastermind behind this scheme."

The mere thought of that repulsive man attempting to lay hands on his precious 'Lantern Boy' sent a surge of anger coursing through Gemini's veins. The memory of Fourth's pained cries while hugging him from the previous night echoed in his mind, a relentless ache gripping his heart. He vowed to himself that David would pay dearly for what he had done.

"And that Arthid guy, he's involved too, right?"

Unaware of Gemini's sudden interest in all of this, Hana nodded, continuing her account. "Yes, that despicable man is also entangled in this web. He's been playing the victim, garnering sympathy from fans. Rumor has it that he even slept with David to gain favor."

Gemini brushed aside the mention of Arthid's disgusting rumors, his focus solely on his 'Lantern Boy' and the aftermath of the ordeal. "How's Fourth doing now? What's his situation?"

Hana's sigh carried a weight of sorrow. She empathized deeply with her beloved idol's predicament. "His contract with Euphoria Studios ended shortly after all this came to light. But I fear his prospects in the industry are grim. Even though it's all based on rumors, his reputation has been tarnished irreparably in the public eye."

The realization hit Gemini hard, a mixture of anger and concern swirling within him. The injustice of it all fueled his determination to right the wrongs done to Fourth. He was prepared to fight for his 'Lantern Boy' against anyone who sought to bring him down. However, he knew he needed a well-thought-out plan first.

"You should eat and then rest P'." Hana seemed to realize that she had been talking too much. After all, she still was Gemini's personal assistant, and her job was to take care of him.

Gemini nodded as he indulged in his sumptuous breakfast. The sun had risen above the horizon, casting a golden glow that breathed life into the previously dim room. Gemini's attention was soon drawn to the pile of thick documents resting inside Hana's handbag.

"What are those?" Gemini inquired, setting aside the vegetable pieces and savoring the meat. Hana was well aware that he wasn't fond of vegetables, yet she always managed to sneak them into his meals.

"Oh, those?" Hana's eyes lit up. "They're scripts for upcoming series projects, all potential blockbusters for this year. They're adaptations of popular novels and guaranteed to make a big hit."

"I'll read them later. Just leave them on the table," Gemini instructed, his attention still riveted to his meal. He recognized the need for some rest before making any decisions or taking actions. He hadn't allowed himself a moment of respite since last night's event.

Hana's hesitation was palpable, as if she grappled with something unspoken. Gemini sensed her unease and quickly reassured her, "If something's on your mind, feel free to speak up. You know we're closer than that."

Hana's relief washed over her, and she gave a contented hum as she retrieved another script from her bag and handed it to Gemini.

"What's this?" Gemini read the title on the cover page, his voice showed hint of surprise. "A BL series?"

"Yes, a BL series," Hana confirmed, her excitement tangible as she delved into further explanation. "It's based on a renowned BL novel and backed by one of the top cosmetic corporations in Thailand. This one's bound to be a hit too."

Gemini began to read through the script's description. The narrative elegantly revolved around the profound and passionate love that blossomed between two spirited young men in the twilight of their teenage years, emerging from the gritty backdrop of a bustling city slum. Their souls, like kindred spirits, found solace in each other's arms, igniting a flame that would withstand even the harshest trials.

Amidst the harsh realities they faced, their affection for one another flourished, casting a luminous light on their tumultuous journey. As they confronted the challenges of their surroundings, courageously navigating encounters with menacing street gangs and resolute in their pursuit of dreams, the tendrils of their emotions intertwined and deepened, creating a tapestry of emotions that only intensified with each passing day.

The script posed a tantalizing challenge, one that held the promise of not just professional growth, but a chance to breathe life into a romance that would enrapture audiences and etch itself into their hearts forever. Gemini had to admit the script was really good.

"The AKA cosmetic corporation wants you to take on the male lead in this project, and they're open to any conditions you might have," Hana added. "Mae Yui thought I didn't need to show you this script, considering the other promising options available. Plus, you're already so renowned that you don't need to rely solely on a BL series for fame."

"Then why are you presenting it now?" Gemini turned to the script's final pages, where details about a public audition for his on-screen partner were outlined. A roster of potential actors participating in the audition was listed, and one name particularly captured his attention. His gaze lingered on that name, his heartbeat quickening.

"I can tell that P' already caught on," Hana said, a mixture of concern and hope tingeing her voice. "P' Fourth is also participating in the audition. I hope you'll consider him. He's genuinely talented, and I don't want him to vanish from the industry."

Before Hana could further explain Fourth's suitability and deserving nature, Gemini interjected, "I'll take this script. You can return the others to P' Yui."

Hana took a moment to digest the unexpected turn of events. She confirmed with a trace of disbelief, "I'm not misunderstanding, am I? You're opting for this script?"

Gemini nodded, and Hana's happiness overflowed. She embraced him tightly. However, her last worry emerging swiftly, "But what about Mae Yui? Won't Mae disapprove of your choice?"

"I'll talk to P' Yui later. Don't worry," Gemini assured her. "However, you need to contact with the AKA cosmetic corporation and convey my sole condition for joining the project."

Hana's elation was unwavering. Her idol stood a chance at a comeback, regardless of how slim it might seem. "Absolutely, P'. What's the condition? They'll likely accept anything."

"I want to be a judge in the audition and hold the final say in choosing the actor who'll portray as my partner in the series."

"That's simple! AKA cosmetic Corp. will surely agree." With that, Hana left Gemini's apartment, brimming with enthusiasm to execute her assigned tasks.

With Hana's departure, the atmosphere seemed to settle around Gemini as he held the script in his hands. His fingertip brushed over the faminliar name printed on the page. A tender and affectionate smile slowly unfurled on his lips, illuminating his features with warmth."Well, my 'Lantern Boy,' it seems I can keep my promise. We'll meet each other soon."

Filled with newfound inspiration, Gemini's mind seemed to resonate with a symphony of fresh melodies. With a purposeful grace, he rose from his seat and approached the grand black piano nestled in the corner of the room. The golden sunlight danced upon his handsome features, lending him an ethereal glow as he settled before the instrument. His fingers, like extensions of his emotions, began to play across the piano keys. The music that flowed from his touch was nothing short of perfection — a composition that echoed with a mixture of emotions, capturing the essence of the encounter with his 'Lantern Boy'.

----Three weeks later----

Overflowing with excitement, Gemini couldn't suppress his enthusiasm any longer. As the car came to a stop, he practically leaped out, earning himself a chorus of reprimands from his manager, P' Yui. 

Hana, having learned from experience, remained quietly seated in the car, avoiding any action that might attract P' Yui's attention. Meanwhile, P' Yui, in her typical protective fashion, launched into a tirade chastising Gemini for his recklessness.

"Be careful! Why are you acting so impulsively?"

"Today was the audition for my new series. How can I not be excited?" Gemini fibbed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His heart raced not only because of the audition but also because he anticipated the chance to reunite with his 'Lantern Boy'. He surreptitiously checked his disguise in the car window's reflection, his pride evident in his satisfied expression.

Observing his behavior, P' Yui shook her head with a mixture of exasperation and fondness. She regretted giving in to Gemini's relentless pleas to participate in the audition as one of the candidates. It had taken a week of his persistent persuasion before she had relented.

"Remind me again why you insisted on this?" P' Yui inquired, bemused.

"As I've said before, I want to select the perfect partner for the role. What better way than joining the audition alongside other candidates, acting out scenes together, and finding the ideal match?"

P' Yui arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Gemini's newfound enthusiasm, yet aware that there was more to his motivation than he was revealing. She decided not to pry further for the time being, understanding that the truth would eventually reveal itself.

"Go ahead and good luck. I've informed the host and AKA Corporation about your disguise. They'll recognize you once you arrive. Are you certain you don't want Hana accompanying you?"

"Thank you, P', but I don't think it's necessary. If Hana comes with me, my identity will become obvious." Gemini waved his gratitude, his gaze turned to Hana who returned his wave with a bright smile. "Take care, P'," she chimed in, her expression beaming. However, her smile waned swiftly when she caught P' Yui's gaze directed her way. If she knew that Hana had played a role in influencing Gemini's decision to choose this BL series, she wouldn't dare to fathom the potential consequences.

With the departing car now out of sight, Gemini turned his attention to the 5-star hotel that lay before him – the grand venue for the upcoming audition. Its exterior exuded an air of luxury and sophistication, with pristine marble facades and intricate architectural details that spoke of elegance. 

Inhaling deeply, he steeled himself and entered the building, crossing the threshold into a realm of lavishness and extravagance. The interior enveloped him in luxury, with plush carpets underfoot, shimmering chandeliers casting a warm glow, and polished surfaces that reflected the pinnacle of upscale living. As he ventured further, the curious gazes of others trailed him, much like they had during the lantern festival. 

Gemini took pride in his ability to disguise himself effectively, but to the eyes of the onlookers, his current getup was nothing short of bizarre. Layers of clothing with peculiar patterns, a dark pair of sunglasses, a sunflower cap, and a mask concealed his features, making him appear almost comical.

Strangely, despite the eccentric ensemble he had put together, Gemini's disguise exuded an inexplicable charm, effectively shielding him from the attention his celebrity status would normally attract. Surprisingly, not once did he find himself recognized by any of his fans or passersby throughout his time in disguise.

With a bit of time before the audition, Gemini decided to address his grumbling stomach by visiting a store located on the hotel's ground floor. The excitement of being reunited with his 'Lantern Boy' had kept him too preoccupied for a proper breakfast. As he browsed the shelves, he settled on a conveniently packaged sandwich. Holding his choice, he approached the cashier's counter, ready to satisfy his hunger.

"That will be 150 baht, sir," the lady at the counter stated, her gaze briefly flickering with curiosity and bewilderment as she took in his unusual attire.

Gemini's attempt to retrieve his wallet was a bit awkward due to the layers of clothing he was swathed in. Cursing his own choice of concealment, he inwardly berated himself for making things unnecessarily complicated. As he fumbled to reach his wallet from the innermost layer of his attire, he felt the weight of the cashier's gaze on him, her scrutiny bordering on judgmental.

"Let me pay for that."

Just as Gemini was about to abandon his purchase and move on, a voice that stirred a familiar warmth within him reached his ears from behind. Startled, he turned, and there stood his 'Lantern Boy'.

"Hello, we meet again." The 'Lantern Boy' greeted, his voice a melodic note that resonated in Gemini's chest.

Never had Gemini imagined their reunion would unfold like this. His 'Lantern Boy' stood right in front of him. Gemini could clearly sense the happiness radiating from the boy behind his cute Snoopy mask, his eyes crinkling slightly at the edges.

Despite being in disguise as well, his 'Lantern Boy' looked much more put-together than he did. The black cap and hoodie he wore seemed tailor-made for him, his black pants fitting him perfectly and his white sneakers completing the look with a touch of casual charm. Adorning his shoulder, a pair of headphones hinted at his passion for music, while a backpack slung effortlessly over his back enhanced his youthful charm. His hair, slightly tousled and playfully escaping from beneath the cap, framed his face in a way that was both artful and enchanting, stealing away Gemini's breath.

In the intimate space between them, Gemini found himself catching the faint strains of a melody emanating from Fourth's headphones. It was a tune that resonated with him deeply, one that held both familiarity and a sense of poignant yearning. To his astonishment, it was none other than his own newly released song, 'The Lantern Festival I Met You'. The lyrics, like a declaration of their intertwined destiny, echoed in his heart, sealing the enchantment of the moment.

In the heart of this city, a tale begins,
Two souls in the night, where a new chapter spins,
I'm hidden in layers, a star's disguise,
And you, with your secrets veiled in your eyes.

Beneath lanterns' glow, our destinies unite,
A chance encounter, igniting a light,
Shared moments and whispers, a bond taking flight,
Two separate paths converging in the night.

Beneath the canvas of the starlit sky,
You and I connect, like stars up high,
In shared vulnerability, walls start to fade,
My presence with you, through every shade.

Oh, lanterns aloft, carry our dreams high,
A pledge to reunite beneath the moonlit sky,
You and I, our lives now entwined,
In the story of us, our destinies defined.

As the festival wanes, our paths may divide,
But the memory remains, our hearts open wide,
You and I, a connection that won't undo,
A bond everlasting, forever me and you.

---The second chapter na🥳 Share your comments and thoughts everyone😊 I have so much fun writing this🥰---

---P/s: Don't try looking for the song. I made that all up na🤭🤭---

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