Happy 21st

By ronanxbeth

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Smut smut smut The ultimate daddy, he can make love as naturally as he can fuck. *WARNING* will turn you on B... More

Chapter 1 - ''Mr. Mystery'' - Her
Chapter 2 - ''From 'mine' to 'ours''' - Him
Chapter 3 ''This is home now''- Her
Chapter 4 - ''The spark'' - Him
Chapter 6 - ''You're mine'' - Him
Chapter 7 - ''Discovering the sex dungeon'' - Her
Chapter 8 - ''Watching the sunset'' - Him
Chapter 9 - ''THE ULTIMATE DADDY'' - Her
Chapter 10 - ''I love you''- Him

Chapter 5 - ''Hole in a rock...'' - Her

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By ronanxbeth

Beth didn't see much of Ronan that day, and was starting to worry that even though he had seemed genuine about wanting to hear her story it hadn't meant anything to him. He had left after their first deep conversation, which had been that morning, and the remainder of that day had been back to only eating dinner together and then smoking in the evening before bidding goodnight.

Beth hadn't exactly known what she was hoping to happen after she poured her heart out to him, but she was still disappointed when thinking that nothing had changed at all.

She went to bed that night feeling slightly more miserable than she would have hoped to, and when she woke up she felt no different. She decided there was no reason to rush out of bed, so once she had fully woken up instead of getting up to shower and change as usual she put on the tv that was now in her room and started watching one of her comfort shows.

She had barely made it 10 minutes in when she heard a knock at her door. Relatively annoyed at the disturbance, she grudgingly got up to go answer.

When she opened the door it was to see Ronan, and she noticed with the same level of shyness as the last time he had seen her in pyjamas that he was once again eyeing her up. This time it was not due to her in his clothes, but her satin lacy tank top and matching booty shorts.

Feeling both shy and still annoyed she didn't want to wait any longer for him to say something.

"I am not ready for breakfast yet, I'll come down when I want to."

"You might want to reconsider, I have something special today."

Beth could feel instant excitement at this but that feeling was replaced with skepticism at the fear of being let down.

"What is it?" She asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't getting her hopes up unnecessarily.

"You'll just have to come see, I promise you'll like it." Ronan had a small smirk on his face and a gleam in his eye that once again gave her a very excited feeling, but the excitement was a special kind.

"Alright, should I change first?"

"As nice as those PJs are... yes I think you should." If Beth wasn't mistaken she thought she heard a hint of regret in Ronan's voice when he said this, which caused a knot to tighten in her stomach for reasons unknown to her.

"I'll be down in ten minutes." As Beth closed the door, she realised she felt ten times lighter than she had only a moment ago, and thought it was astounding the kind of affect Ronan had on her, which both scared her and excited her at the same time.

She put on the cutest outfit she could come up with as fast as possible and made sure to put on some simple yet shiny jewellery. She still wasn't entirely sure why, because it made her feel extremely nervous and shy, but she loved when she could feel Ronan looking at her.

As promised, she was downstairs ten minutes later and met up with Ronan in one of the many rooms that was on the way to the dining room. When she caught Ronan's eye she smiled at him, pleased to see that him checking her out was not limited to while she was in her nightwear.

He stood, motioning for her to follow as he lead her to the dining room. What Beth saw filled her with happiness and gratitude.

The table was filled with all the perfect toppings and ingredients for French toast. Besides the mountain of fluffy French toast itself there was a beautiful selection of berry toppings, whipped cream, and bowls of things like chocolate chips and icing sugar, not to mention the other food items that there was often to choose from such as bacon and sausages. The level of detail put into this breakfast made her feel overwhelmingly thankful. She had had partners who hadn't put in this much effort to remembering something she liked or making her something special. She felt butterflies come alive in her instantly.

"You remembered? I wasn't even sure you had heard me." Beth walked up to the table and took one more look at everything a bit closer. "Thank you." She looked to Ronan who had been watching her since they entered the room. He smiled at her and pulled out a chair for her to sit.

This meal was unlike anything she had ever eaten, and not just because it was one of her favourite foods. She felt something different about it; knowing she was eating it because of something she had said weeks ago and that this man, who was still a mystery to her, listened, remembered, and then acted on it purely for her. There seemed to be no ulterior motive and nothing that she could think of to have prompted this. It was simply something special that he had done for her, and she could not feel more grateful for it.

Once they were well into their meal, Ronan put down his fork. "I have something else for you too."

"What? This was more than enough, it's amazing."

"Nonsense. Once you're finished I'd like you to follow me."

Very eager to see what he had in store Beth told him "I'm ready now," and they got up and started making their way back through the house.

"Where are we going?" Beth asked, unable to control the clenching of her insides.

"We are going... for a ride."

Beth was a bit confused. They were making their way towards the back door and not the front where they usually went for the car.

Ronan veered off course from what she was expecting, walking into a side room and before she had had the chance to follow he returned with a backpack.

"A backpack?" She asked, very curious as to what he was planning.

"You'll see" and Beth swore he sounded amused.

Once they stepped out of the back door Beth finally understood what Ronan meant when he said they were going for a ride. Parked just a bit behind the house was a quad big enough for a driver and for a passenger to sit behind. Beth's mouth fell slightly open as this was the last thing she had been expecting. Ronan continued to walk straight towards it and Beth followed excitedly.

Once they were standing next to it Ronan handed Beth the backpack and got on, getting ready to start it. Beth made to get on as well, and once she had Ronan turned his head and moved his hand behind him, lifting up a strap that went across the seat in between them showing her that she could hold onto that for support.

Beth complied and grabbed the strap and then Ronan started driving towards the woods. Once they had gotten closer Beth saw that the woods were filled with trails and paths, some much too small for the quad to drive through and some larger ones with tire tracks engraved into the ground.

As they drove through the winding trails Beth looked around them and took in all the scenery and fresh air. It was a beautiful day in early fall, the trees came in all different shades of their usual greens but also in oranges, reds, and yellows. She could hear running water and birds, and saw beautiful wildlife including bunnies and a few deer.

The deeper into the woods they drove, the taller the cliffs and rocks became. She saw a few caves and amazing rock structures. The deeper into the woods they drove, the less maintained the paths became. Although they were still very clearly laid out and large enough for their vehicle, the roads became rougher and more bumpy.

After they drove over a big tree root that had been sticking out of the ground Beth had almost lost her balance as she had been too busy admiring the scenery to focus on holding tightly. Taking a risk, Beth let go of the strap to secure herself onto something much more easily grasped and wrapped her arms around the center of Ronan's torso.

She felt him stiffen up a bit but kept her grip all the same, making sure to hold on tight so that she wouldn't come close to falling off again. She liked the warmth coming off of him and being absorbed into her. The wind had been making her a bit cold but holding onto him was giving her extra warmth as well as blocking some of the wind since she was much closer behind him now.

She was starting to relax into him and to fully lean on him when they slowed down considerably and turned off the road. Ronan parked and tuned the quad off then hopped off so fast Beth had barely even had time to let go of him and almost lost her balance again.

Still sitting on the quad, Beth looked around to appreciate being in the middle of a forest. Eventually her gaze landed on Ronan and he smiled.

"Wanna see something cool?"

"Obviously." Beth jumped off the quad very enthusiastically to follow Ronan down a trail that was only wide enough to travel on by foot.

As they made their way she took in the sights of every plant, watched for every animal, and listened intently to every sound of the forest. She had never felt more in her element as she did during times like this and she was so happy to be there.

They walked for a little while until the sound of running water became fairly loud and the trail started to descend. Ronan stopped and pulled aside to let Beth look ahead. In front of them was a steep slope that went down through a large hole in an even larger rock. It was almost cave-like but it opened up completely on the underside of it where there was a shore next to a rushing lake.

"Wow" Beth said breathlessly. "This is so beautiful."

"Think you can make it through there?" Ronan asked and Beth became even more exited although she had not thought that possible.

She didn't hesitate in responding with immediately walking towards the opening to the rock and sitting to lower her feet down into it. She found her footing on ledges in the rock's wall and climbed down slowly.

It was shockingly clean in there and Beth had no trouble getting down and out onto the shore. She looked around and saw that she was not looking at a rushing lake, but standing at the top of a waterfall.

She was completely mesmerised taking in all of her surroundings when Ronan arrived on her side of the rock tunnel.

"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you for taking me here."

"It's not over yet, look in the backpack."

Beth pulled off the backpack and looked inside. The first thing she pulled out was a blanket and she knew immediately what to expect next. "Wow.. You planned a full day for me?"

Ronan seemed to blush a tiny bit when Beth asked this. "You were so open with me yesterday. You told me all about how much you love nature and how it will always be there for you and I wanted to show you that that will never change. I want you to fully believe that I don't want you to be a prisoner, but a guest. My home is your home and I own all these woods."

"That means so much to me, you have no idea."

Ronan smiled again and Beth thought that she could definitely get used to seeing that.

She finished pulling out and setting up the blanket and the food and drinks that he brought while thinking about how romantic this felt. She knew that he was only doing this to show her that she could make a home here but she felt more than a home. She felt a real connection.

They sat together and enjoyed the views for what felt like hours, making conversation and getting to know each other. Beth was starting to feel like Ronan wasn't such a mystery anymore, he was a person with emotions and desires. Throughout the day Beth felt closer and closer to him, and she only wanted those feelings to grow.

They were both leaning back on their hands, and Beth saw how close their fingers were to each other. As they sat and watched the sun start to move lower in the sky she moved her fingers slowly closer to his, and held her breath when they were only a millimetre away from each other. She connected them, touching her pinky to his, and started to rub his pinky with hers ever so gently, but before she could get one stroke he sat up and checked his watch.

"We should probably get going, the sun is going to set in a couple hours and it's still a bit of a drive back."

"Oh, alright." Beth felt very dejected, she had been noticing since they met that he refused to touch her if he could help it, but she thought that they had had an amazing day together and that they were starting to become closer so she was not expecting his avoidance of physicality to continue. With each passing moment where she felt rejected by him she was growing more and more desperate for contact.

They walked back to the quad and this time Ronan carried the backpack. Once they arrived he passed it back to her and got on, and Beth got on too but she got on too close to him to hold the handle and she wrapped her arms around him again. He said nothing so she took this as a sign of approval and held on tight the whole ride back, leaning the side of her head against him as she watched the passing trees.

They got back to the house as the sky was turning orange, Beth was hoping they would take a moment to enjoy this view together too but once again Ronan dismounted from the quad before she had noticed they were in park and started to move away. Beth hurried to catch up with him and she saw something that excited her once again.

"Hey. I can't believe I've been living here all this time and haven't used the hot tub once. Plus, I'm a bit cold after today, you wanna go?"

Ronan looked a bit hesitant but agreed and Beth ran in to go change into her bathing suit ASAP.

She came out shortly after in her revealing red bikini that she thought looked stunning on the mannequin in the store and was not shy to say that it looked even more stunning on her- which was saying something considering she didn't usually think that about herself. She had her hair up in a messy bun so it wouldn't get wet and even though she had been excited to get out quickly she had taken an extra minute to put on her sparkliest belly ring. She wanted Ronan to stare.

He came out only a moment later in his swim shorts and a hoodie. Beth felt his eyes on her as she was turned to put her towel on the table nearby. She knew that most of her bum was visible, she took her time before turning around and giving him a view of her chest as this bathing suit was not only flattering on the back but gave her fantastic cleavage as well.

She was not surprised to turn around and meet his eyes as she knew he would have been looking still, but that didn't stop the butterflies in her stomach from erupting when their eyes had locked.

Ronan held her gaze as he walked over to the table to place his towel with hers. He reached for the neck of his hoodie to pull it up over his head. Beth found it impossible not to gape as his physique was revealed.

The first thing she saw was a sharp V-line which opened up to clearly defined abs, and if she was not mistaken she swore that they popped right out of his body. As his sweater came up around his head it revealed a strong upper chest that was littered with tattoos, the largest of which ran down his side; a sword that seemed to be piercing right through his skin. The tattoos weren't limited to his torso, however. Once he had shrugged the hoodie off completely Beth was able to see that his shoulders were covered as well, with one of his arms having a full length sleeve. His huge arms that she knew could break her in an instant if he wanted.

She could tell it was obvious that she was staring, so she raised her eyes to his and asked "shall we?" However she did not wait for him to respond and made her way past him into the tub. Ronan followed Beth's lead getting in and sitting just out of arms reach to her.

Beth couldn't help herself but to stare at him for a bit longer, taking in every detail of him that she could see above the water. She thought that men who looked like this only existed in erotic cinema, she had never met someone so attractive. Seeing just how attractive he was underneath his dark layers made it so much more frustrating that he felt, and was, just out of her reach. She wanted to reach out and touch him but she knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Ronan, I can't tell you how amazing today was. I had such a great time, thank you so much for everything. You have no idea how grateful I am."

"I'm really happy you enjoyed yourself."

Beth gave him a smile but couldn't think of anything else to say, her mind feeling numb with frustration and lust.

Ronan closed his eyes and leaned his head back sinking slightly deeper into the hot water. Beth simply stared at him for the next while, trying to memorise every inch of him that she could see while letting her body be massaged by the jets.

The hot tub was lit with coloured lights and the warm glow of the purple shade made Ronan look especially beautiful. Beth felt something come over her that she had never felt before. A sort of longing and determination that gave her a confidence she had never felt.

Her stomach clenched and flipped and twisted at the thought of what she was about to do, but she didn't stop to give herself too much time to think about it as she rose out of the water.

As she stood Ronan opened his eyes to watch her which made her feel like she was about to hurl, but she continued out of the tub anyways. Once she was a short distance away from the hot tub close to the table, she turned back to face the tub and made the boldest move of her life. She reached around to the back of her bathing suit and untied the strap that was holding her top up, letting it fall to the ground.

At this, Ronan sat up straight and kept his gaze firmly on her but said nothing, and her insides showed no signs of untangling themselves any time soon. She traced her fingertips down her own body before tucking them into the sides of her bottoms and slowly pulling them down. Once they had past the widest part of her thighs they dropped to the ground as well and she stepped out of them.

She tuned around so that her back was to him and leaned forward to grab her towel off of the table, continuing to stay bent forward as she wiped the water off of her legs. She dried herself starting from the bottom up, once she had dried her lower half she turned once more to face Ronan, starting to move the towel along her stomach, and then to her boobs letting them bounce a bit after she intentionally pulled them up with the towel and dropped them again.

She finished with wiping off her arms and her shoulders before dropping the towel next to her bathing suit and leaving Ronan to sit in shock while she walked back inside to her bedroom.

She could not believe what she had just done. She was almost shaking with nerves as she went to get dressed back in the comfort of her own room. She was still somewhat wet as her drying off was more for show than actually drying off so all she put on for the moment was a soft shower robe.

She was just about to go find a fresh towel when her door opened suddenly and there stood Ronan, having apparently done a half-ass job of drying himself as well with his towel wrapped around his waist. He looked both flustered and frustrated.

"What the hell was that all about??! You think you can just pull some shit like that and get away with it?!" He started walking closer towards her and she realised she was already right next to her bed with nowhere else to go. "You have no idea what you've just done. I have been trying so hard to control myself and then you go and tempt me like this? What exactly were you hoping-"

Ronan was so close to her and she was so close to the edge of her bed. She cut him off by stepping even closer to meet him and putting a hand against his rock hard dick.

He had frozen completely and Beth took this opportunity to slip the fingers of her free hand just under his towel where it was tied on his waist and pull it so that it fell. Her hand that had been pressed on his dick over his towel was now touching his dick properly.

She paused for a moment and continued to look into his eyes without having broken his gaze since he had walked in the room. She waited for a sign to stop, but Ronan made no movements or protests at all.

Having decided that she gave him more than enough time to react and had still not been rejected, she moved her hand so that it was not just pressed against his erect penis but wrapped around it with a firm grip. She used this position to pull him towards her gently as she took one step back and came into contact with her bed, then she sat down slowly, holding his gaze. He still seemed very flushed, even more so than before, but his frustration appeared to have vanished.

Beth broke eye contact and moved her eyes slowly down his body, taking it all in once more, while keeping a firm grip on him. She got to his V-line and her heart was pounding. Moving her eyes down just a little more and she was finally face to face with his massive schlong.

She could tell just from holding it, but seeing his penis up close was intimidating because of its size, however she didn't let her nerves get the better of her when she was this close to having him. She moved her hand from the middle to the base of his dick and met her fingers with the flattest part of her tongue, looking back up to Ronan's face as she dragged her tongue from the base up to the tip. His eyes widened and she felt his dick jump a little.

She turned her head back down and pressed her lips against his tip, collecting a pool of saliva in her mouth and then spitting it onto him, letting it drip down and coat his schlong. She released the base and used her fingertips to rub the excess spit into any dry areas. Once she was satisfied she placed her hand back at the base and moved her lips down to connect with his tip again, but this time opened her lips on contact and took him into her mouth until her mouth was full, which was only about halfway down his length.

She tightened her lips around him once she had filled her mouth and sucked gently, starting to bob her head. She found a good rhythm that caused his dick to harden even more and then she let go of the base so that she was only using her mouth, taking him in deeper each time she bobbed her head back down.

Once she had comfortably adjusted to his size she started going down a bit slower to take as much in as possible. She gagged and choked when his thick penis pressed against the back of her throat and there was still at least another inch that wasn't in her mouth, but she kept going and deep throated several more times, because when his dick hit the back of her throat she heard him moan and gasp which was all the motivation she needed to ramp up her game even more.

She gained speed and sucked harder and added her hands as well, and after a few minutes she heard a sharp intake of breath from above her and then felt hot liquid coat the back of her throat. She sucked for another minute but pulled up once she was sure he was drained, shocked to see that despite her fully releasing contact from his dick it stayed rigid and extremely large.

She looked up at him unsure of whether to continue, but the moment she looked up he seized her by the throat and pulled her back so that she was further onto the bed, and she felt a stab of horniness pierce right up into her stomach. He leaned over her on the bed and untied her robe, pulling it off to reveal her naked body, but took no extra time to look. He threw her robe onto the ground and then grabbed her hips and flipped her over so that she ended up on her hands and knees with her knees near the edge of the bed.

He was able to toss her around so easily, as if she was no heavier than that robe he threw to the floor. Beth was not scared by this at all, this fact excited her more than anything else that had happened today; she felt a drip down her leg. The only thing she was scared of is that she knew how massive Ronan's dick was and she knew that she was about to take it in one of the most intense positions.

Without having had a moment to think, Ronan's hands were on her hips again, holding her in place, and his warm metal rod was rubbing against her dripping pussy getting more wet than it already was from the head.

Beth sucked air into her lungs but couldn't release it again, she held her breath as she felt Ronan's wet warmth sliding against her, teasing her entrance. She had never felt more desperate in her life, not even before he touched her.

After what felt like an eternity of silently begging for more, Beth finally got her wish and it was the most intense feeling she had ever known, it felt like she was going to be split open from the inside. She cried out and immediately fell from her hands to her elbows, which barely eased the massive pressure that she felt on her organs from this large intrusion.

Ronan was fucking her hard, each thrust felt like it could break her. He wasn't going very fast but it was still an intensely overwhelming feeling and Beth dropped again from her elbows, letting her face sink into the bed as she reached her hands in front of her to clutch the blanket.

Beth gasped and moaned each time he slammed into her, unable to silence herself if she tried, getting louder with each passing moment. Ronan was also picking up his speed. He held such a firm grip on Beth's hips that she was positive there would be handprints in her skin, he pushed her hips forward so that she was now lying flat and he got onto the bed to lay right over her, gaining speed until it felt like there was a fire in Beth's stomach.

She could feel his body along hers, wet from a combination of water and sweat. His chest was against her back and each time he thrusted into her his lower stomach pushed up against her ass. Even if she wanted to there was no possibility of Beth moving; her face was buried in the blanket and her fists were clasped tight so she wouldn't have to scream. The weight of Ronan's body over hers kept her in the perfect position for him to do what he wanted, but she was more than happy to comply.

Suddenly she was being pulled back to her knees by huge hands on her hips and the next thing she knew there was an entirely new intense and burning sensation on her pussy, but the fire felt so good. She realised that Ronan had wrapped his arms around her waist and was using one to press on her stomach which made the splitting sensation from his dick even more intense. The other hand was on her clit, which lit a new spark in her body.

Beth could not hold herself up any longer, she dropped her weight but nothing changed about her position and it was demonstrated to her once more how strong Ronan was. Unable to control her own body, her legs began to shake intensely and her cries became louder still, despite her face remaining to be muffled in the bed.

The fire within her grew and grew until it couldn't anymore. Her body seized up and she was unable to make any noise, her bodies only focus on enjoying this blissful sensation.

Ronan had stopped thrusting, holding Beth as close to his body as possible with his dick fully inside her as she tensed up, then he let her collapse onto the bed once her body relaxed. Ronan stepped back and picked up his towel, wiping himself off. He turned back towards Beth and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I, uhh, I sort of got carried away... I'll get you something by morning."

Beth sat up, feeling a wetness underneath her unlike anything she'd ever known. She smirked, "it's okay, I have an IUD."

"Oh.. cool." Ronan stood a few feet away from the bed, it seemed that neither one of them were sure what to say or do. "Well, it's late, I should probably go clean up and sleep in my own room."

"Yeah, I gotta clean up too." Beth smirked again and gestured to the blanket on which there was a rather large puddle.

"Wow, there should be a spare blanket in the back of the closet, want me to get it?"

"Oh, that's okay, I think I saw it when I was moving in. I can do it." She smiled at him.

"Okay, if you're sure... Goodnight." Ronan turned to walk out of the room. Just as he was stepping through the door Beth called to him.

"Ronan?" He turned his head to face her. "That was... wow. I had a really great time today."

Ronan smiled at her. "So did I" then he walked out and closed the door.

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