Fall Apart- R.J.L

By teddyloopy

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Nothing lasts forever Like the moon Theodora Malfoy's light can only last so long. When the sun comes up, and... More

The Blacksheep
The infamous Black Lake
Miraculous Memory Recall
Bumps and Bruises
Berry Ocky Rot
Moody Moony
Teddy Bear
Christmas confessions and chaos
Strays rehomed
A Lupin Tradition
Potter's Holibobs
Drunk Twister
a hearty breakfast of red wine and cigarettes
McKinnon's Mischievous Mayhem
Rock n Roll into '77
Massacres and happy memories
Black ink
Happy Deathday
press, pull, bleed
the trials and tribulations of loving a corpse
flight risk
perfection implodes
Make a good thing bad
drown your sorrows and smoke your secrets
give you the moon
want for nothing
The Portkey Plot
Lupin & Lupin
Little bug
Family Ties
Blood Type
Cornwall, Summer, 1977
The Photo Album
Drift Off
Mr. Ballroom Dancer Black
Hope Ophelia Lupin
Little star
All Hallows Eve
The Body in the Lake
Dear Remus
The Order of the Phoenix
the first mission
remember me, please?
real or not real
engaged, again

dream a little dream

10 1 0
By teddyloopy

Summer '77 on film
-Teddy's camera

The prank went off without a hitch. When they arrived in the great hall on Monday morning they were met with their desired result, utter chaos. Students were appearing and disappearing left right and centre as the professors ran around like headless chickens trying to perform counter-curses and often ending up being transported themselves. The gang of friends stifled giggles sitting on their usual bench (conveniently not cursed) and carefully taking their food in their hands, pieces of toast and croissants. They refrained from the use of any goblets, plates or cutlery knowing they were all jinxed.
Dumbledore announced that classes would be cancelled for the day after a gang of Slytherins began appearing in the great hall half-dressed. This included (much to Remus' delight) a very embarrassed looking Matthew Riddle who arrived wearing only his socks and underwear.

The students of Hogwarts were forced outside while the professor's worked to try and un-jinx everything which had been made portkeys. They also requested anyone with knowledge of the culprit's identities to inform them immediately. Of course other than the Marauders and their friends no one knew who had accomplished such a feat of genius. Professor McGonagall of course was quite sure who was behind the prank, she could not however prove this. And so the friends revelled in their glory, enjoying the day free of classes underneath their willow tree.

In the days following the occasional student would randomly appear in the middle of a class having touched the pair of socks at the bottom of their drawer which had missed the un-jinxing. This elicited much delight from James and Sirius. It was decidedly their Greatest Prank yet.

Unfortunately classes did indeed resume and exams were not cancelled. By June the friends were utterly exhausted and a wave of great relief washed over them when exams were finally complete.
In the final week of school they enjoyed their time together and planned what would be their best summer.
"So, it's decided. Third week in July we'll all head down to Cornwall for the camping trip yeah?" James confirmed at dinner that evening.
The friends nodded eagerly. They were to have 2 weeks of adult-free bliss, camping on the beach in Cornwall. Remus had suggested Cornwall on account of not wanting to be away from his ill mother for too long. He would be able to visit her  easily if needs be.
Teddy too was glad if this, not wanting to stray too far from the Lupins she had grown so attached to. Since she and Remus had reunited, she had been receiving letters at least once a week from Hope Lupin. They were kind enough to invite Teddy to stay for the summer. This would be the first summer in years Teddy would spend not bouncing around the country and she was greatly looking forward to it. Not to mention getting to spend the whole summer with Remus.

"You know you're all welcome at mine any time this summer?" James said for about the twentieth time that week. Sirius was to stay with him again, of course being practically adopted by the Potters at this point that came as no surprise. Peter and Marlene both loved to James they were sure to spend much of their time together. Lily was to stay at the Potters as much as she could that summer. Remus and Teddy promised to visit if they could and Mary and Dorcas were to stay with Marlene for much of August. They were sure to see a lot of eachother and they were all delighted by this.
The camping trip, however, was going to be the highlight of the summer.

"Lils are you sure about this whole muggle-style thing." James asked grimacing slightly at the thought. Lily had insisted they camp the way she had as a child. Muggle tents, no magic.
"Yup! It'll be far more fun, trust me." She grinned.
Boarding the train at the end of their Second last year of Hogwarts the group friends were all thoroughly and completely happy. The pressure of the impending war had not yet snuffed the light in their hearts. Clambering into their usual carriage the James, Sirius, Peter and Remus felt on top of the world.

At King's Cross station Remus hurriedly searched for the petite, dark haired girl who had sat with her 'girls' for the train ride, ensuring them she would visit and they would have more of their sleepovers. These were the times Remus felt thankful for his excessive height, his head popped up above everyone else's and he was able to spot the mess of dark hair holding onto the scruffy blonde beside her tightly. She kissed the blonde girls head fondly and hugged the other girls beside her before turning and meeting Remus' eye. She beamed at him from across the platform and gave him a wave before hurrying towards him. When she reached him she ran at him and jumped into his arms where he embraced her tightly, spinning them around happily and laughing. Teddy waved goodbye to her friends again and to the Potters and Sirius who they passed.

Near the end of the platform Remus' grin only grew as he spotted the short, mousy haired woman with his same kind smile, waving at them wildly. He gripped Teddy's hand and wove them through the busy crowd until he reached the woman. Immediately he hugged her tightly, his large frame practically swallowing up the woman. She pinched his cheeks and fluffed up his hair before turning to Teddy.

"Oh my stars, come here lovely." She held Teddy tightly and swayed her back and forth slightly.
"Oh God you're far too thin, not to worry we'll fix that in no time. Home now yes?" She turned to Remus, still holding Teddy tight to her side. He gave her an enthusiastic nod and she took with her free hand. They made their way back through platform nine and three quarters and out of Kings Cross station. Once in the car park Mrs.Lupin held slightly tighter onto Remus' arm and he apparated the trio to the front gate of his childhood home.

The quaint cottage looked the same it had at Christmas, if slightly more run-down. Without the blanket of snow Teddy could see the unkempt grass and flowers which grew wild in the front garden. The paint on the walls was peeling and the windows held a thick layer of dust. Never the less it looked like heaven to Theodora. It looked lived in, it looked like a home.

Remus, the gentleman he is, took both his and theodora's trunks easily and led the way up the drive. Hope remained glued to Teddy's side, leaning on her slightly. The trip had exhausted her and once inside Teddy led Hope to her rocking chair next to the living room window. Remus had levitated the trunks up the stairs and into his room with ease and was quick to cover his mother with a large crocheted blanket and she smiled graciously.

"Why don't you two go upstairs and unpack. Theodora I'm afraid I wasn't able to make up your room for you, I'm sure Remus won't mind sharing with you though. She shot him a wink and Remus shifted on his feet awkwardly.
"That's perfect Hope thank you." Teddy gave her a loving smile and kissed her cheek before following Remus up the rickety staircase.

Remus dropped onto the edge of his bed tiredly. Teddy didn't need to ask before he began explaining.
"Dad left. A few months ago. He couldn't handle it all, her being ill ontop of...well you know." He gestured to himself grimly and rubbed his face with his hands.
Teddy sat beside him gently and rubbed his back as he continued.

"He's horrible, I mean mum can barely take care of herself and he just, he just... I mean how could he do that to her? After everything she gave up for him. I mean her whole family hated her for marrying him, they cut her out and didn't leave her any inheritance. We barely have enough to keep the house. Da- Lyall left a bit of money but it's, it's not enough, it'll barely cover her treatments. I don't know what to do."
He rambled frustratedly and tears Welles up in his hazel eyes.

"Oh Remus, why didn't you tell me any of this. I could've...I would've...I wouldn't have come. I don't want to burden you even more. I can help you though. It's horrible, what your dad did. He's awful for doing that. Just, just know it's not your fault though okay?"

"Yeah...I don't know, I suppose. He was never that nice to her. He always blamed her for...for me and everything. He used to fight with her all the time. He'd scream and, and, he threw things and broke things sometimes. But I never thought he'd just leave like this."
"That's terrible. I'm so sorry Remus. You should never have had to deal with all of that."
"It's good he's gone. Even if we have nothing now. We're better off."
"Yeah...we could get jobs in the village, to help you know?"
"That...yeah that might be good. I don't know who'll want to hire me though. With the whole...thing."
"Hey, Mr.Lupin you are beautiful. Half the girls in Hogwarts are fawning over you (myself included)." She grinned. "I'm sure you'll get a job easily with your charms."

He smiled at this and wrapped and arm around her, pulling her head to his chest and kissing it.
"Have you ever had a job Ms Noble House of Malfoy?"
"Oi! I worked in a pub for half of last summer." She exclaimed, shoving him jovially.
"I should probably help out around here too, clean the place up a bit. Mum doesn't like to ask for help but she can't really do much anymore."
"Yeah of course, we'll have this place spick and span in no time."

That evening Remus and Teddy made dinner for Hope, this involved more messing than cooking but they got there eventually. They cleaned up the kitchen as they went, removing months worth of dust. Remus smiled happily as he watched Teddy work. She was dressed in a pair of old, sun bleached jeans and a t-shirt with her tied back messily and a scarf wrapped around her head to keep the hair out of her face.

He could imagine a future like this. The pair of them fixing up their own house. Painting the walls and cooking dinner together. He'd never really been able to see himself in the future before. Always seeing the worst, imagining he'd probably tear himself apart before he finished school if he wasn't discovered and exiled at that point. Now, however, in his childhood home with the girl he loved he could see it. Teddy changed everything.

"Thank you." He whispered to her that night when she was snuggled into his side, her eyes closed and body exhausted.
"For what?" She mumbled.
He kissed her forehead and went to sleep dreaming about what their life could be.

The next morning the Remus woke up to an empty bed, sun streaming in through his bedroom window. It was early, far too early for his liking and if not for his curiosity for Teddy's whereabouts he would've rolled over and gone right back to sleep. Instead he trudged down the stairs in only his pyjama bottoms, toothpaste on his lip and rubbing his eyes tiredly. Teddy was nowhere to be found downstairs either and he began to worry. Had she run off? After everything he told her last night...
He pushed the thought aside for a moment and went back upstairs to check on his mother.

She too was nowhere to be found. Now he really worried. Had something happened during the night? Nothing seemed to be wrong in the house. None of the windows were smashed or anything. Where in God's name were they? It was only when he sound the familiar warm tone of Teddy's voice that he calmed. He lifted himself from where he had sat worriedly at the kitchen table and hurried to the window. There he saw a sight which made his heart soar. Teddy and his mother were walking up the driveway arm in arm, a large bag of groceries resting on Teddy's hip and another bag slung over her shoulder.

Remus ran to the door and beamed at them both. His mother gave him a delighted wave and he practically skipped down the path to take the heavy bags from Teddy.
"Where did you too run off to?" He asked with a laugh.
"We didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty." Teddy poked his arm playfully and his mother laughed heartily.
"We just went into town love, had to pick up a few bits."
"I could've done that for you Mum, you didn't have to walk all that way."
"No, no, I wanted to go. I love my morning walks and we women needed a chat." She grinned at Teddy and Remus had the feeling they had some sort of secret between them as they both laughed at the thought of their 'chat'.
"Oh Merlin, what have you been telling her." He asked his mum embarrassed by the mere thought of what they'd been saying.
"None of your busines mister, now cmon inside we go."

That morning Remus made breakfast and they all sat happily on the patio in the back garden, sipping coffee and reading the newspapers. Teddy had circled a few job openings in the local paper and suggested they go into town later that day to see if anywhere would hire them. Remus delighted at the sight of the local bookshop looking for new employees, it had been his dream to work there when he was little. Of course when he was little he thought working there just meant reading all day, but it still made him happy at the thought of spending his days in the cozy little bookshop.

His mother soon retired to her chair on the front porch, crocheting yet another blanket and snoozing in the summer heat. It made Remus smile to see his mother so content as he and Teddy walked hand in hand into town.

It was a short walk, only 15 minutes or so and the summer air was fresh and pleasantly warm. Teddy looked utterly stunning in her flowy sundress, flouncing down the streets happily, picking the occasional flower and braiding it into her hair.
"I had a dream last night." He decided to tell her, hoping it wouldn't freak her out and that she might find it funny.
"Something dirty I hope."
"Hah! Unfortunately not."
"It was about you though."
"Oh yeah? What about me? Was it a bad dream?"
"No, no, not at all. Actually quite the opposite. It was like, us in the future I suppose. We were living in a house like my Mum's but different, it was a bit worn down but we were doing it up, painting it and cleaning and yeah.."
"That was your dream? Oh god maybe you're more boring than I thought!"
"Oi! It was nice, we were happy, really happy. We were married and we had a big dog that kind of looked like padfoot."
She snorted at this and kissed his cheek.
"Sounds lovely."

"Yeah, it was." He beamed. "Oh and...well, uh...you were pregnant."
"Yeah... You looked really cute though, waddling around and-"
"Oh Merlin, I can imagine. Was I huge?"
"Um...sort of." He laughed.
She grimaced and poked his arm before laughing.
"You'd better not have been making me do all that housework if was pregnant, if I'm growing a literal human for you I will not be lifting a finger."
"Oh of course Princess Theodora." He bowed and kisses her hand.
"Would you want that..." She asked, nervously biting her lip and looking at him earnestly.
"Um...I hadn't really thought about it to be honest. I never thought I'd get to that stage...marriage or kids or anything. And then there's always the worry about my, furry little problem. But...it was nice. Maybe, a long time from now, when all of this war stuff is ancient history...yeah. I think I would like that."
"Mmm," she hummed, her forehead creasing in thought. "Yeah. I think I'd like that too."
He grinned and pulled her to him, kissing her softly and brushing the hair from her face to cup her cheek.
"Something to look forward to."
They walked happily, hand in hand.

In the village they split up to try and apply to as many places as possible. Remus spoke to a few shop owners who were kind enough to listen before finally arriving in the old bookshop. The owner knew him well and gave him a friendly smile when he entered.
"Well if it isn't Remus John Lupin." The woman said disbelievingly. She had made a point of learning his full name and greeted him as so every time he visited.
"Hello Ms. Hawthorn, how are you?"
They had a cheery conversation and eventually Ms.Hawthorn agreed to let Remus work in the shop, starting at the end of the week.
He left the shop with a skip in his stride and a new book under his arm.
He met Teddy in the town square who informed him that the little music store across from the bookshop had offered her a job.
They returned to the cottage triumphantly, carrying a box of fresh pastries and a bag full of books and other trinkets they had purchased that afternoon.

In the following few days the pair worked tirelessly both at their new jobs and on the house. When they weren't working Remus would play cards with his mother or sketch Teddy from where she sat reading. In the evenings they would light the fire in the back garden and sit chatting and star gazing until they got too cold and went inside to curl up together and sleep.
It was heaven.

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