For You I'd Risk It All | b.w...

By bradderzgirl_xx

5.7K 264 157

Leigha is an 18 year old girl from America, but when she has to move to Birmingham, her life changes complete... More

New Friends?
More Than Just Friends.
Risking It All
High Hopes
My Other Half
Perfect Night
Moving Again?!
She Was The One; He was The One
I Cant Do This Anymore...
Better Off Without You?
No Hard Feelings
It Wasn't My Fault..
N-No... No Y-You're L-Lying..!
She Doesn't Remember.
I Think I Love You.
Wake Up.
Baby, You're My One And Only.
I love you, It's as simple as that
Mr. & Mrs. Simpson (Finale)


614 18 15
By bradderzgirl_xx

~Leigha's POV~
I groaned as I reached over and literally punched my alarm clock to stop the annoying beeping. I was just about to fall back into a deep slumber when my mom decided to wake me up by ripping my curtains open, revealing the blinding sun. "Wake up Leigha! We've got to get to the airport!" she practically screamed at me. "Tell me again why we have to move to Birmingham. I would much rather stay here in Cali than move there" I replied shocking myself with my groggy morning voice. "Aww hun, you know we have to move there because of my job. C'mon it's going to be great! You'll love it there" my mom said with a happy tone in her voice. How can she be this excited at.... 5:35 am? I thought to myself. "Yeah, sure I will" I mumbled under my breath, while rolling my eyes.
After I finally decided to rolling myself out of bed, which ended up in me landing on the floor #classicleigha, I decided to have a relaxing, warm shower. When I finally got out of the shower, I headed into my walk in wardrobe to find it full of boxes. Great I forgot to pick my clothes out for today. Looks like I'm digging through all these boxes. After i managed to throw basically all of my clothes on the floor, I finally decided on my outfit; a plain white t-shirt, high waisted light blue, washed out denim shorts and of course, my white high-top converse. I couldn't be bothered to do anything with my hair, so I simply threw it into a messy bun. I couldn't be bothered with makeup either, as you can see I just don't care with my appearance right now. I carried the few boxes I had left in my room downstairs and looked around my now, empty house. Man I'm really going to miss this place, it was my childhood home.
~ At the airport ~
After we went through hours of security, we finally managed to get onto the plane. I still don't understand how all of our stuff from the old house in Cali is getting to the new house in Birmingham, but every time I ask my mom she just says "it's gonna get there hun, don't you worry." The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake. "Leigha wake up, we're here." I slowly opened my eyes and looked out the small plane window to see that we were just landing in Birmingham. "Wow, it's beautiful!" I said, utterly shocked by the beauty of the place. "It is, isn't it" my mom said taking in the view with a grin wiped on her face. We were currently at the train station, waiting for the train to take us to our new home. When the train the train pulled to a stop in front of us, everybody boarded the train. After about 10-15 minutes, the train stopped suddenly making me fall completely to the ground. If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty clumsy #classicleigha. My mom and I got off of the train and made our way out of the station. Once we got out, I was very surprised to see the moving truck that was holding all of our belongings from our old house right in front of me, along with our car. My mom walked over to the car and got in, while I stood there still confused on how this was possible. "Well, are you coming or what?" my mom said. "Uhh, yeah" I said walking over and getting into the car. "It's going to take about 20-30 minutes to get to our house from here" my mom told me. I replied with a simple "okay" while taking out my red and white beats headphones. I put my music on shuffle while the song 'Night Changes' by 1D came on. I decided to snap a quick selfie and upload it to Instagram with the caption 'Birmingham Bound💋💕' I must have dozed off, because before I knew it I felt the car come to a sudden stop, making me smack my head off of the window. "Ouch!" I cried out. "Aww, are you okay hun?" my mother asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fi- Wow!" I stopped mid-sentence amazed by the house in front of me. "Do you like it?" asked my mom. "Like it? I-I love it" I said while attacking my mother with a hug. "Well that is a good thing. Why don't we go and take a look inside?" she said while chuckling. I didn't even have time to reply, because I was already out of the car running up to the ginormous house. As soon as I opened the door, my jaw hit the floor. There was a huge kitchen on the right, as well as a huge living room to the left. Straight ahead there were two huge staircases that met at the top leading to the corridor. "The first door on the left upstairs is your room, hun" my mom said. I bolted up one of the sets of stairs until I reached the first door on the left. I opened the door to reveal the most gorgeous room I have ever seen in my life. It had a master bathroom, a walk in wardrobe that was 2x bigger than the one I had back in Cali, and best of all a huge vanity table with a huge mirror. Oh my god! I was officially in love with this house, and with Birmingham already! "Leigha! Come down here please!" yelled my mom from somewhere downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back. As I made my way downstairs I notice a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the staircases. "Mom, this house is amazing!" I said. "It is, isn't it! Well I'm glad you like it." "I absolutely love it!" I beamed. "Right, so here is some money, why don't you head down to the shops and treat yourself to a new summer wardrobe?" she grinned. "Well okay!" "The shops are only 10-15 minutes down the road, you can take the car if you'd like to." "No it's okay I can just walk." I said. I walked out of the kitchen to find my converse. I slipped them on, and I was off to start my adventure to the shops.
This is my first fanfic, and comments are highly appreciated! 💋
~Leigha 🌸💕

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