Powerful abilities | yungi

By yuyulusion

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Mingi was gifted with a special ability when he was born. since he was a child he used them to help other peo... More



124 10 13
By yuyulusion

" what does it mean? " asked Mingi

" have you ever tried to find anything out about why you have your abilities or just in general about them? " asked Yunho

" no, but why is that necessary to know right now? Can't you just tell me already what's going on "

Yunho went over to a shelf and grabbed a book. He went over to a table and opened it.

" here is almost everything about different abilities and powers written down. And there is a legend about Gajou, Apparently he is some kind of immortal who is 'sleeping' for 1000 years until he wakes up for about 6 months and causes harm wherever he goes. He has the ability to control wind and fire. The legends say that he is able to create fire storms which burns everything that comes in it's way. He gets stronger every time he uses his powers and kills, destroys or causes chaos. In the legend it is also said that he collects amulets which makes him even stronger than he already is. The good thing is that he has a weakness which is the power of ice but until now no one was able to kill him "  explained Yunho while he had a page of the book opened with the legend inside.

" Are you sure that this legend is true? We have no evidence for that " said Mingi

Yunho went to the next page of the book where a picture was " look at this and tell me it's not the person you saw "

Mingi looked at the picture and freezed on the spot.

" it's him, isn't he? "

" okay yes it's look a lot like this man. We should go back to the department and tell the others about it. If this legend is true then we have to quickly find a way to stop him " said Mingi.

They made their way back out of the hiding place, back into the car.
On their way to the department they were the most of the time silent. Mingi focused on the street and Yunho was reading in the book.

" I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about my hiding place" said Yunho when they weren't that far from the department.

" why? "

" just don't do it "

" do you have more illegal stuff in there ?"

" That's a stupid question.. of course there are more illegal things inside. I just don't want anyone in there who's going to destroy it and look through my stuff. So keep your mouth shut "

" as long as it's not necessary to know I will keep it a secret "

" if you do so, you will regret it "

" we'll see about that "

When they arrived they quickly went inside the building, into their office.

" We have some important news " said Mingi the moment they came into the office.

" did you found anything ?" Asked Yeosang

" maybe " said Mingi. Yunho placed the book on the table with the page where the picture of the man was on.

" Where did you get this picture of the man?" Asked Jongho

" He's a part of a legend and this legend has existed for thousands of years. His name is Gajou and if he won't be stopped anytime soon he will be doing a lot worse things than just killing some random people " said Yunho

" so.. is he some kind of immortal ?.. " asked Wooyoung

" Yes and no " said Yunho

" If we consider this to be true then could you explain to us what that means and what he is going to do if he won't be stopped " said Hongjoong

" he's some kind of immortal since he doesn't ages as normal people but there are ways to kill him. He has a weakness which is ice. Ice can either kill him or weaken him enough to kill him in other ways. " explained Yunho " Gajou has the ability of fire and wind and each time he causes harm in any way he gets stronger. But that's not enough for him.. in the legend is said that Gajou craved power which caused him to kill almost everyone who was close to him. He got stronger and his abilities caused more harm than ever but it was still not enough for him. Somehow he found out about the 'gift amulets'. These amulets give the one who wears them abilities. He went to search for them and apparently he already found some. After he fell back into his 1000 years of sleep were the amulets he collected taken away and hidden. There are still a lot of other amulets than the ones he had and he will search for them to gain more power than he already has "

" Does that mean that you and Mingi have amulets which gives you the abilities you have? " asked San

" No, some people are born with abilities. The amulets were made by people who were born with them and the amulets were supposed to be for protection. However the people who were given the amulets started wars. The amulets were taken away from them and every other person who owned one. They were hidden in many different places to make sure that nothing like that would ever happen again and soon the amulets were forgotten "

" so we basically have to find amulets before him and then we might have a chance to kill him? " asked Seonghwa

" yes but we should be looking for the ice amulet. It's the most important one to stop him. The next one which would be important would be the water amulet "

" Do you know where these amulets could be hidden? " asked Yeosang

" There are hints in this book. I would need some time to find them and think about what they could mean "

" then start looking for the hints. We need them as soon as possible "


2 days passed in which Yunho was working on finding some hints and the place where the amulets were.

Luckily he found out where one amulet was


" You found something?" Asked Hongjoong

" Actually yes. I found with a little research out where the water amulet is. Right now the noble nam family has it and in 2 days they have a party at their house. It's the perfect time to steal it " explained Yunho

" steal? Can't we ask them to give to us?" Asked Yeosang

" Do you expect them to just give it to us? And where's the fun in just asking them? "

" I feel like I have to agree to Yunho, they are very stubborn people and I'm very sure they know that the amulet is special. They wouldn't give it to us that easily and we need it as soon as possible " said Seonghwa

" But how exactly are we going to sneak into a house where a party is? " asked San

" It's easy " said Yunho

" Do you already have a plan? "Asked Jongho

" of course, I have 2 actually. The amulet is usually kept in a room that is on the other side of the house, however at special events Mrs. Nam often wears the amulet "

" do you know how you can take her the amulet away when she is wearing it? " asked Wooyoung

" I'll make sure that she won't even notice that's it's gone "

" then explain your whole plan to us so we can prepare " said Hongjoong

" alright, so since there is a high chance that Mrs. Nam will be wearing the amulet we should attend the party. It's big enough that we probably won't be even noticed in the crowd. I will be taking Mingi me and when we don't see Mrs. Nam wearing the amulet then we will make sure to distract them long enough for some of you to sneak into the house and steal the amulet where it usually is.. "


After Yunho was explaining the plan for sneaking into the house and stealing the smelt, was the following 2 days the team only working on their preparations for this night


It was the night of the party and the team parked their van close to the house.

" Yunho, Mingi.. it's time for you to go now " said Seonghwa

" good luck " said Wooyoung before they left the van and walked over to the house.

" are you sure this plan is going to work? " asked Mingi

" absolutely " said Yunho confidently

" I can't believe that you are so confident in your plan. We don't even know what is going to happen in there "

" you keep forgetting that you and I have different mindsets. Beside that where's the fun without a little risk.. and otherwise if we don't get the amulet unnoticed we could kill them "

" Yunho! " said Mingi and glared at him

" okay fine, no killing "

When they reached the house they entered it without any problems.

" we're inside the house " said Mingi. Both of them were wearing small microphones and something like a small headphone in their ear so that the others could communicate with them.

" watch out for a woman who's wearing a dark blue dress which fits the amulets color" said yeosang.

" we'll look for her " said Mingi before they entered the big crowd in front of them. There was loud music, some tables at the sides of the room and something like a dancefloor in the middle of the room.

" Yunho, we should part ways here. We might find her quicker like that " said Mingi

" alright " said Yunho and left Mingi alone.

Mingi walked around the crowd, searching for the woman. He tried to listen to some of the guests conversations to hopefully find something out but they were only talking about useless stuff.
At some point he decided to look for Yunho again, hoping that he found her.

He was searching for Yunho for almost 10 minutes and almost gave up but then he saw some people gathering at the dancefloor and went over there.
When he pushed through the people he couldn't believe what he saw.

Yunho was dancing there to the music and other people were watching him amazed.

Mingi went quickly over to him and grabbed his wrist, dragging him away from the dancefloor.

" hey! What was that for? " asked Yunho when Mingi finally stopped and turned around to him.

" Yunho! We have an important mission to accomplish here and you decided to drink and dance!?"

" calm down, I found something out. And you make people suspicious when you walk around super seriously as you do " said Yunho smiling

" what did you found out? "

" Mrs. Nam isn't here yet, she will be here in about 30 more minutes. And before more people get suspicious we should behave like party quests "

Mingi was silent for a little while before he sighed " fine but no more drinks. You have to stay sober enough to do your part, got it? "

" yep, let's go! " Yunho grabbed his arm and dragged Mingi after him, back to the dancefloor.

" oh no, we won't dance "

" why not? Are you scared? " asked Yunho smiling brightly, looking directly into Mingi's eyes.

" we have to stay focused, she could come anytime and we have to get this amulet!" whisper yelled Mingi so only Yunho can hear him.

" we have enough time left " said Yunho. He grabbed a cup and gave it to Mingi " drink it, that might help you to relax a little"

" thank you but no, I will stay sober "

" it's only one cub, you won't be drunk from one cub! I had three and I'm still sober"

Mingi looked at him doubtful

" I'm still sober, look I'm not even slurring "

" I swear if this ruins our mission, you'll regret it "

" I don't care, now drink it "

Mingi shighed again, not believing that he's actually going to drink alcohol now. He raised the cup to his mouth and drank everything at once. He brought the cup away to a table and returned to Yunho.

A few minutes later wasn't Mingi looking that seriously anymore and even smiled or laughed at something. However he wasn't drunk and kept looking around from time to time to look for the woman.

And then he saw her, with the amulet.

" Yunho, she's over there! " he said and showed Yunho where she was standing, talking to some other guest.

" alright, let's go " said Yunho and walked over to the woman. Mingi quickly followed him.

" do you even have a plan? "

" nope I will improvise, but I will get the amulet "

They approached Mrs. Nam. Yunho was the first one to talk.

" Mrs. Nam, it's a pleasure to finally see you again "

" uhm.. I'm sorry, Do I know you? " she asked a little confused.

" you probably forgot me, but that doesn't matter. We worked together 3 years ago for a collaboration and when I heard about the party I just had to come and see how you are doing "

" oh I'm so sorry.. I really appreciate it, everything is going on very well and It's a pleasure to meet old colleagues again " she couldn't know Yunho but she pretended to remember him to not look stupid.

" I brought someone with me. I hope that doesn't bother you " he said and looked at Mingi

" of course not, it's nice to meet new people in our branch of industry "

Both of them didn't knew in what type of branches Mrs. Nam was working in, luckily got Yunho an idea.

" oh no, he's not working in our branch. He's.. my husband. Love, why don't you tell her about our wedding? " he said and looked back at Mingi

" uhm sure.. well.. it was a very beautiful day. The weather was perfect that day. The ceremony was in a church and we ended up celebrating our wedding at the beach with all of our closest friends and family... " Mingi tried to say as mush as he could when he figured out what Yunho's plan was.

Yunho concentrated on the amulet that was around her neck and tried to lift it a little, very slowly, for her to not notice it moving.

When he opened the clasp from the chain he payed again attention to their conversation to make sure he still had enough time.

" and for our honeymoon we went to the Maldives... " fortunately was Mingi still talking and Yunho concentrated back on the amulet. Me moved it around he neck to let it float behind her where a table was.

" excuse me " said Yunho and took a step forward. He grabbed the amulet and quickly took a cup from the table and pretended to take a sip of it. He placed the cup back on the table and put the amulet in his pocket.

When he took a step back and stood again next to Mingi, he took his phone out and made an surprised face. " Oh I'm sorry this is our babysitter. I think that we should go now " said Yunho

" you have a babysitter? " asked Mrs. Nam

" oh yes a year ago we adopted a little girl. She's an angel, but she doesn't like to be left home alone with her babysitter. It was nice to see you again" said Yunho and took the phone to his ear and grabbed Mingi's wrist pulling him after him.

When they were almost at the entrance he put his phone back into his pocket and walked with Mingi outside.

" so we have to leave because we got a daughter? " Asked Mingi amused by their improvised story.

" yes, she's 2 years old, loves the color purple and her favourite animal is a dog. I can't believe you forgot about her"

Mingi smiled, shaking his head " honestly.. where did you learn to lie like that? You sounded like it was real." He asked

Yunho was silent for a few seconds " when I was younger I had to lie to my parents everyday. It's not hard to make a lie look like reality. Beside that was this woman not very smart "

When they were back in the van they drove back to the department. Inside their office pulled Yunho the amulet out of his pocket and showed it to the rest of the team.

" and with this amulet you can control water? " asked wooyoung and looked at the amulet.

" yes, but if you have no experience with powers and abilities at all it will take a lot of time until you will be able to control it " said Yunho " and we still need the ice amulet.. "

" we will find it but when we already have the water amulet which could be at least a little helpful then we should try to work with it. Mingi and Yunho, you can decide which one of you will take it and train with it " said Hongjoong

" are you sure that we should take it? " asked Mingi

" as Yunho said, we would take more time to learn how to control it and we don't have that time. Take it and go to train with it "

" okay " both of them stood up and went with the amulet over to the training hall.


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