By ArestaDinata

19 5 28

✨This story made for Rewind the Classic 2023 Contest ✨. What will Happened if Maleficent curse Borealis not t... More


19 5 28
By ArestaDinata

A long time ago, more like five hundred years ago lived a King and a beautiful Queen in a majestic Palace. They lived so happy and joyful but their happiness soon gets less when they know they need an heir but their prayer hasn't been answered by God. Night and day they kept praying to God so God would grant their wish, but nothing happened until they thought that God already leaving them and they decided to visit the Grand Dark Witch that ever lived on the land, called Maleficent.

The King and Queen were truly scared when they stepped into the forbidden mountain to meet Maleficent, They saw a dark cloud already surrounding the Castle along with thick fog that made them see the way. Even though they bring a lantern, it seems useless because of the fog. But they keep moving forward and keep going without thinking about what dangers will they meet in front of. They stopped upon a large half-broken door that had the shape of a demon's horns and a wicked smile. They shake to knock on the door but the Queen makes a brave move by calling Maleficent from the door.

"O'Dark Grand Witch, I have come before you with all my wealth and royalty wish to meet you... O great Maleficent that fearsome by all people in my Kingdom.. please came upon me... I'm Queen Stephanie calling you!" Said the Queen while knocking on the doors but nothing happened, the Queen calling the Grand Witch for three times but nothing happened and she's getting furious with the bad act of the Grand Witch who ignored her.

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORING ME !? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE !? OPENED THE DOOR! LET ME IN! I NEED TO SEE YOU!! MALEFICENT!!!" Yelled the Queen while knocking on the door harder, but nothing happened.

Before the Queen and King decide to leave, suddenly they hear a crow flying from their back, and before they can do anything, a huge thunder strikes before them the door swings open and the secret passage to meet Maleficent slowly opens before them. A thick fog slowly disappeared and a green lime lantern flickered and illuminated the way for them.

"What should we do next? You sure want to do this ?" Asked King Stephan while holding his wife before entering the door.

"Of course, you wish to have a child right? Then we shall go.." Replied Queen Stephanie while walking into the door.

"Beware, my dear, if you go inside there's no turning back," said the King and the Queen stopped her steps and looked for his husband, Instead of turning back she smiled and took his arms and squeezed them gently.

"Trust me, we can do this.. what could go wrong after this..?" She answered and with heavy heart and mind, the King followed his wife entering the forbidden mountain that soon led them to Maleficent's Castle.


They walked slowly entering the eerie creepy Castle dedicated to the Grand Dark Witch, Many spooky ornaments hung on the wall and green lime fire flickered following the wind that blew but magically, the fire didn't shut off. The Queen took her gown while walking down the stairs carefully, while the King let his robe drag behind him. They follow the long Hallway until they meet someone that they think is a human, but when the figure turns around, they scream. The figure looks scary, the figure guides them to meet Maleficent.

They stopped in front of a great purple door that had a carving of a dragon and crow. Before the Queen knocked on the door, it suddenly opened by itself and revealed a tall, dark, also wicked figure standing in the opposite direction. The Queen stepped inside and looked at the tall figure but slowly couldn't turn her eyes from the horns above the figure's head. The figure turned back and looked upon the King and Queen with a Wicked grin.

"Welcome, Your Majesty... I'm sorry that my place that inappropriate for royalty such as You" The figure said while smiling at them.

"Maleficent.. I've come to ask you something.. your Greatness already spread all over the Kingdom and I'm sure by asking you, we can have what we want" The Queen said while walking closer to Maleficent.

"I've heard your word.. but are you sure? I can't Grant you that wish, your Majesty... It's beyond my power to make you pregnant.." Maleficent said while sitting back on her Throne.

"Impossible.. you can! I'm sure of it, I have gold and wealth anything you wish I can give.. but please" the Queen said while walking closer to her, but the King held his wife.

"I can't, your Majesty... It's beyond my power and I can't... You may ask anything but that... It's the same as you ask me to wake the dead, it's impossible" Maleficent replied but the Queen insisted and pointed her finger at Maleficent. Maleficent felt humiliated by the Queen's act and she rose upon her Throne and the crow flew to her.

"Fine, if you wish... I will grant it, but you must sacrifice something for me, make me your Prime Minister and let everyone in your Kingdom freely learn about Dark Magic" Maleficent said, without hesitation, the Queen promised to give Maleficent what she wished but the King shook his head and ask the Queen to reconsider her decision but the Queen insisted.


9 months passed and the Queen birth to a beautiful Princess whom they gave the name Borealis, the same as the northern lights. A huge ceremony is held at Queen Stephanie's Castle and the Queen is delighted to meet everyone and greets them with many feasts. The Queen also makes a majestic Christening for the Princess, while The King greets many foreigners royals, and representatives in the Throne chamber.

The Queen plays with the baby Borealis with joy and happiness, but at the same time, the Queen doesn't know that she hasn't fulfilled her promise to Maleficent. She even started to forget and think that everything would be okay.

The Christening day has come, and the entire Kingdom celebrates the newly born Princess with joy and happiness. While the King and Queen looked so grateful and delighted to meet everyone, they sat on their Throne with a smile. Every single person in the Kingdom pays homage to the new Princess, including the three fairies. Queen Stephanie invited the fairy so they could bless the Princess and so they blessed the Princess with many amazing gifts from them.

"My gift shall be joy and happiness for the rest of her life.." Said the red fairy that became the fairy of animals. A red glitter flew above the Princess's cradle and fell into the Princess and she was giggling.

"My gift shall be song and beauty, everyone who meets you will fall in love with you and you'll be the most beautiful girl in the world," said the green fairy that became the fairy of nature. A green glitter flies and surrounds the Princess's cradle and falls into her making the Princess laugh.

Before the third fairy blessed the Princess, a strong wind and thunder struck all over the Throne chamber. Suddenly the the ground below shook and everyone started to scream and panic. Even the Queen hurriedly took Princess Borealis into her hug and before they could even say anything a dark tall figure walked into the Throne chamber. Her horn shone in the thunder light and her robe dragged long behind her, her crow flying above her and standing on her arm. The Queen looks terrified and starts when she sees Maleficent walking as if she's the Queen of her Kingdom.

"Well.. well.. well, what a majestic Christening you have here, Queen Stephanie.. how can you make a wonderful Christening without inviting me, your Majesty..?" Said Maleficent and the Queen swallowed back her fear and tried to look brave in front of everyone including Maleficent.

"Why would I? Why do I need to invite you..? You're a wicked witch! I don't want you to come to my Palace and put harm into my family!" Snapped the Queen and Maleficent laughed hearing it.

"You truly easily forget, Your Majesty.. to show you I have no bad intention came here, I too shall bless your Princess.." Replied Maleficent walking into the middle of the Throne chamber and looking upon the audience and guests who looked terrified by her appearance.

"No! Please! I will fulfill my word.. but no! Please" Queen Stephanie tried to prevent Maleficent from doing anything to her Princess but Maleficent looked at her with a wicked smile.

"Too late" Maleficent replied and she took her scepter and began to make the crystal ball above it shine bright until the entire room filled with light.

"Listen well all of you! The Princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty.. beloved with all who meet her.. but as the powerful spell can't be broken.. the Princess shall be the undead until her seventeen birthday.. the Princess can be welcome to be human again if she found true love within a night on her birthday.. but before that, on her ten birthday.. she will fall into a deep sleep.. a sleep from which she will never awaken until her seventeen birthday" Maleficent said while stretching out her hand and the crystal ball shining once more, the fairies try to hold Maleficent's power but they can't even prevent her curse.

"NOOOO!!" Screamed Queen Stephanie and Maleficent laughed while walking down the Throne chamber changing her form into a raven and flying back to the forbidden mountain.


Time passed and the Princess became a gorgeous Princess, but the Queen and King were still afraid of the curse from Maleficent. Upon the full moon night, they decide to visit Maleficent's Castle and beg to take away her curse from her daughter. Accompanied by the three fairies, the King and Queen arrived at Maleficent's Castle. This time, Maleficent stands before the gate and looks upon them in pity eyes but does not even blink as if she's humiliated them.

"I see you've come to me after all your lies, Your Majesty.. is there more that you wish from me ?" Maleficent asked with a sarcastic tone while the Queen sighed and smiled at her.

"I'm so sorry that I forgot to promote you as our Prime Minister.. but I can do it now, I already have this paper signed by me and my husband.. You can be the Prime Minister the way you asked before.." Said Queen Stephanie while giving her a scroll that contained words of promotion.

Maleficent took the scroll and on a whim, the scroll changed into a snake and slithered down the Queen's feet and she was screaming. Hearing the Queen's screams makes Maleficent laugh out loud.

"HOW DARE YOU DO SUCH THING LIKE THAT !? I'M A QUEEN!! YOU NEED TO RESPECT ME!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE !?" Yelled the Queen while raising her hand to snap Maleficent but her hand was stopped by the magic of Maleficent.

From smiling, Maleficent's eyes turn into fury and rage. She took Queen Stephanie's hand and pulled it closer while looking directly into her eyes.

"You should be grateful I didn't make you feel the pain of miscarriage.. and I didn't make you or your Kingdom become the undead Kingdom!! How dare you raise your voice to me !? Indeed you're a Queen but your act that lies to me can't ever be accepted as a Queen!! Remember that, Stephanie!!" Said Maleficent and she threw Queen Stephanie's arm away from her.


This time Maleficent can't no longer hold her anger and wrath, With that kind of word the entire forbidden mountain was suddenly full of thunder and thick fog getting thick and the wind blowing harder and harder. Maleficent looks full of rage to her. She took Queen Stephanie's arm and Maleficent's eyes started to glow wickedly.


Many years have passed and Maleficent's curse truly happened to Queen Stephanie's Kingdom. One by one her subjects turned into corpses and started to make chaos. In the middle of her hopeless time, she wished upon the Fairy to grant her another blessing and the Fairy agreed to grant her one more wish, that the Queen must choose to save her kingdom or her daughter. In front of her subjects, with a heavy heart the King and Queen choose to save her Kingdom and the last Fairy that hasn't been blessed upon the Princess's Christening takes on her wand and casts her blessed.

"Sweet Kingdom, I see the wicked witch curse already happened upon you... You all may turn into Corpses but my blessing shall protect you from the hunger of human flesh, You will live and enjoy your life as a normal human being, but in the form of corpses... I can't break the curse but I can give you hope, this curse shall break when the Princess finds her true love and the curse shall break" Said the last fairy that wearing blue, all the glitter that came from her wands slowly spread all over the Kingdom and bring a soft also cool breeze wind and the Fairy gone not long after that. 


When the Princess reaches ten years old, another of Maleficent's curse comes true, The Princess falls into a deep slumber, and not just that as time goes on, she's slowly changing into a living dead, but the most beautiful living dead that ever created on earth. The King and Queen feel destroyed by the view of their beloved daughter having to experience that, just because of the curse and losing her childhood memories and time. The King ordered all of his guards and General to hunt down Maleficent wherever she hid, to be brought to his presence. At the same time, Queen Stephanie became frustrated with the news that many kingdoms near her Kingdom would destroy her Kingdom because of the unusual people and considered practical dark magic. But another blessing that came from Maleficent was, that one outside the Kingdom can enter but they can get out from the Kingdom. 

The thorns protected the Kingdom from danger and harm. Many years have passed but none of the King's guards or Generals found the presence of Maleficent, In the middle of the night, the Queen sneaks out into the forest all alone. On her way, she got blocked away by a beggar and thieves, The Queen demanded them to release her because she was a Queen. Unfortunately, the beggar steals all her wealth except her crown. The Queen crying and screaming because she's all alone and she's blaming fate for being cruel to her. She walked helplessly near the river to wash her face but before that, she found a candle she flickered the candle making an altar from stones and she prayed to God for mercy.

"Dear God, I've made many mistakes and been so greedy... I don't know what will happen next neither to my Kingdom nor my daughter.. oh God, please forgive all my sins and grant me forgiveness.. this curse truly killing me... I don't know what to do or anything" The Queen said while crying and pleading.

Not far from her, Maleficent stood still watching her and hearing all of her prayer and wish. From her words, Maleficent knew that the Queen had learned her lesson, but the curse had already been done, and nothing that Maleficent could do except open her way for the Princess's true love. Maleficent changed herself into a Raven and flew to the Queen's Palace and saw that Princess Borealis still sleeping like her curse. She covered the Princess with her magic so anyone who wished to kiss her if they had bad intentions would die the moment they touched the Princess. 


7 Years have passed, Princess Borealis is now awake and her parents are delighted to see her again but what they are shocked about is, that even though the Princess turned into a living dead, she still looks so Gorgeous. The King and Queen tell her that the only way to break her curse is to find true love within a day or she will forever become a living dead and her Kingdom will forever doom like that. The King and Queen announce a challenge to whoever succeeds in kissing and breaking the curse of their daughter, they will grant him much wealth and a position as a crown Prince who soon will rule their Kingdom. 

One by one teenagers try but everyone who touches the Princess with bad intentions truly dies at the moment, Rumors are spread that the Queen doing it on purpose to kill half of her subjects. The Princess seems hopeless and by the night she decides to walk into the garden, she's enjoying her time alone and suddenly a dark and tall figure appears, it is Maleficent. Maleficent smiled at the Princess but the Princess hid behind the fountain, scared by her form that looked so wicked. 

"My dear one, no need to be afraid... I've come to grant you something.. you've been cursed by a wicked witch because your mother betrayed her.. but hope still exists.. what kind of love that you wish to have? What kind of man that you always dream about ?" Maleficent asked and Princess Borealis came out from the back of the fountain and came closer to her. 

"I know who you are, I know what you are... Please, go... You already made my life and my parents.. is this not enough for you ?" Asked Princess Borealis while crying. 

"Dear one, it's not my mistake in the first place, you've been born into this world by my magic.. and I can undo my curse but only by you tell me what kind of true love you wish ?" Maleficent asked again, this time her words more soft and welcoming, “The world is like a magical theatre where fairytales and realities intertwine" Maleficent continued.

For a moment, Princess Borealis thought and considered telling Maleficent about her dream boy who looked so handsome, muscular also brave. A Prince that has the responsibility and is fearless. Princess Borealis then looks again upon Maleficent who still stands before her, 

"A Prince that looks so handsome, brave, charming, full of responsibility also fearless... He dared to fight all your thorns and fog just to kiss me, but it's happened once in a dream.. and it will never come true.. he has dark hair, a a tall, handsome face, bring sword and shield, he has a caramel eyes and looks so muscular and gentle.. he took me to dance and asking me will I be with him and make him as the happiest man in the world" Said Princess Borealis, little did she knew that Maleficent already bring up the boy that Princess Borealis always dream of since she's fall asleep on her ten birthday. 

"M'Lady..?" Asked the handsome Prince but before she could answer, a strong light of the sun appeared from the east and made the Princess gasp and cry, She'll forever curse to become the living dead because she didn't get her true love. 

"No! no! NO!" Screamed Princess Borealis while holding the boy's hand.

Without hesitation, the Boy kissed Princess Borealis and something magical happened, The Princess and the boy flew above high, and slowly all the thorn forest made by Maleficent crumbled down, replaced by gorgeous trees full of flowers, along with the fog that slowly perished, all the darkness that surround the Kingdom suddenly gone and the Princess change into a human again along with her Kingdom and her Parents, a bright rainbow shining above them and make the Palace looks perfectly amazing. The Princess smiled and giggled when she knew that her true love was real even though she had just dreamed about him in her sleep since she was ten years old, once upon a dream. 

The sleeping curse of the undead finally breaks and the Queen finally learns that her greed leads her to something so terrible not just to her but also to her family, while Princess Borealis can unite with her dream Prince whom she wishes to meet once upon a dream. 

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