Times Square Phuckery

By MarkusBowie

15 0 0

A man, Montgomery Barnes, and his bestfriend, Ashley Cadwell, takes a night walk in Manhattan but encounters... More

another day, another night (only 1 part)

15 0 0
By MarkusBowie

"Ah yes, another Boston trip completed!" Says Montgomery as he boards his train back to New York City. Montgomery Barnes, 25, a young man that had the soul and spirit of just traveling to places. He was a fan of transportation as it excited him since he was a kid. His bestfriend, Ashley Cadwell, 24, was going to meet him at Penn Station so they can walk around in NYC for a night vibing session. "Yerrrr what up small fry!" Montgomery says to Ashley as soon as she picks up the phone. Ashley replies, "Yerrr and stop bullying meeeee!", chuckling with him. "You ready for tonight? This is what I usually do when I come from Boston anytime. I take the last train and instead of heading straight home, I say screw that and get off in New York at 2, or 2:30 in the am." ""Oh I'm definitely ready. I'm surprised you always do this when you spend a day up there but it's crazy, I've never visited Boston before..."" "Oh really!? You have to come up with me the next time I go up there! You'll love it, the transportation is definitely a different scenery and it's a change of pace, you'll know?" ""Yeah yeah definitely. You know how my job is with my days off, even if I try to call out, they'll get on my case."", as she said in disappointment. "Yes I remember. The sooner you get a different, better job, the better. Don't you think?" ""Yeah I know. What time does your train leave?"" "My train leaves in 10 minutes, bound for Newport News. I'm going to get myself ready to take this nap on this train ride so I'll see you when I get to New York, okay?" ""Bet I'll see you when you get here. I'll be waiting in Penn Station around 1:55."" "Ard cool cool, I'll see you then." ""Okay I'll see you."" Montgomery gets himself ready for the nap, but he knows he can't fall asleep just yet since he knows the conductor still has to collect the train tickets. "Excuse me, conductor. Is it possible to check my ticket now so I can take this nap?" The conductor replies, ""Sure no problem! Where you headed?"" "Oh I'm headed to New York for the night." ""Ah, sounds wonderful. How is it? I usually do this run on Mondays and never get a chance to check out New York myself."" "New York is cool. Everyone always go there for the mainstream tourist stuff like Times Square, Statue of Liberty, all that. I live over in Brooklyn. Peace quiet over there usual." ""Hmmm, one of these days I have to check the city out for myself. Alright sir, you have a good night!"" "You as well." Mont takes his shoes off and gets himself ready for the power nap. Just before he goes to sleep, he sees a reel sent from Ashley about how introverts and twin flames usually are the best pairs. He heart reacts to it, puts his phone down, and falls asleep. He had a dream that catches him off guard that he kissed her in the middle of Times Square. As soon as he wakes up, he said to himself, "Holy shit what the hell was that?", in a whisper. He looks out the window into the darkness, checks his phone and he saw the time. It was 2:03 AM and saw nothing but pitch black with no reception on his phone. "Since this is the case, I must be in the East River tunnels. Let me get myself up and ready." Montgomery finally sees lights from the station, then text Ashley that he's arriving on track 13. He comes up the steps, and he sees her. They gave one another a big hug, something they've been meaning to do for the longest. That hug was one of those "Everything's going to he alright, don't you worry about a thing" type hugs. After the hug was over, Montgomery asks, "So where you want to start this night walk from?" She says, "We can start it from here, probably walk up 7th Avenue to Central Park." He replies, "Sounds like a good idea. Let's good." One thing Montgomery never forgets is his camera. He made sure to charge up both of his batteries because anytime he does trips like this, he always like to catch the sunrise in Far Rockaway. As they exit Penn Station on the 8th Avenue side, he was thinking to himself should he tell her that dream or not. He said screw it and said, "You want to know the craziest dream I had?" ""What was it?"" "We were legitimately in the middle of Times Square and out of nowhere we just kissed each other." He made the most dumbfounded face and all she did was laugh. ""That's crazy, how would something like that popped up in your dream? Maybe it was a prediction or something."" "I don't know. That was the last thing I remembered before waking up and saying what the hell was that." Then he started laughing about how his reaction was. Tho, Montgomery was in his thoughts thinking to himself, "Damn, she wants something like that? I know the 'go with the flow' type time but this is a whole different scenario. I'm like uhhhh wtf am I supposed to do with this or go about this?" As they're walking up 34th Street to 7th Avenue, they're doing night street photography. He even showed her how long exposure shots are done. Montgomery's usual style of long exposure shots. "The key of long exposure shots is pretty much have your camera on a flat, stable surface. Set your ISO to 100, then you can adjust it to however long you want it to be from 2 seconds to 30 seconds. Since you have a Canon, I'm not sure how high the number of seconds will go." He showed her how it's done by giving her an example and have her try it out. Her shot look like it was one of his shots. "You want to head down to Herald Square real quick before we head north?" ""Sure, we have all night and I'm already loving the vibe!"" They head over to 6th Avenue and did some long exposure shots. After they got some long exposure and night shots at that intersection, they head up Broadway and got more night shots over here. They got by the American flag sign in Times Square and he recommended that it was a good spot for long exposure shots, as well as he said it was a spot he done photoshoots at before with his brothers. She steps in front of him in a funny way, on purpose, then ask, ""You want to have a staring contest?"" He says, "I haven't done one of those in a hot minute but sure. Just let me put my camera in my bag first." After Montgomery put his things and camera away as well as Ashley, they started a staring contest. Things felt awkward at first but after a bit, things just adjusted. Suddenly, she spewed out a loud burst of laughter. "I forgot if I stare at someone like this for awhile, I start cracking up!" So Montgomery started laughing, too. The first round last about 10 seconds and they agreed to do it one more time. Next thing you know, she started coming a little bit closer, mind you, Montgomery told her his dream and he was still a bit dumbfounded from it. "Are you going to where I think you're going with this?", he ask. ""Maaaaayyybbbeeee."" So he said screw, went with the flow and gave her a quick kiss. Someone from across the street yelled out ayo, not knowing Ashley is a girl. "Fuck is you saying ayo for, bruh?" Montgomery got pissed off and confronted that person. That person says, "Yeah I said ayo because why are you kissing another guy for? You gay or something, bruh? You can't be doing that shit around here." So Montgomery tells her to cross the street to prove that dude wrong. As soon as he saw her face and hair, he felt like he was dead wrong. "Oh shit, my fault blood. She looked like a dude from a distance because of her dress attire." Montgomery says, "Dawg, you know damn well what year it is and it don't even matter. You always going to have chicks that'll wear a tomboy style of clothes and it's fine. Leave them be because the next time you see a guy with a girl in that similar setting, don't be all on his nutsack, instigating, or you taking a risk to get beat the fuck up or killed. I'm not saying I will do that but I'm just saying." Montgomery just gave the dude a dap, told him to have a good night then left that area. "I wonder what bullshit is going to happen next here.", says Montgomery. He heard a loud noise like it was a monkey in the area. "Tyquain?", he says. Ashley ask, ""Who's Tyquain?"" "Oh, Tyquain is just the monkey man from the Bronx Zoo that got canceled by everyone a few years back for pretty much being extremely toxic." ""Ohhhh. Yeah that might be him but like, is he an actual monkey man?"" "Well with the change he went through, yeah he is." More monkey like noises starting spewing and it was coming closer it seems. The monkey man was in an actual visual distance and it was Tyquain. "Oh shit! Get behind me Ashley!" Montgomery yells. Tyquain was on all fours in a gorilla stance like he was Donkey Kong. Montgomery is wondering why is there a strange number of events going on at a small amount of time. He remembered that his tripod is unbreakable so he used it as a defense weapon against Tyquain and told him to back up, like as if he was in the wild African wilderness. "OOOO OOIO AHHHHH AH AH AHHH" as Tyquain yelling out. Montgomery had no choice but to call his bros up to see if they can help because he remembers one of them has a tranquilizer gun. "Yo what's up Keon! My fault for calling you up right now but I'm in a tight situation. You remember that monkey man that you put to sleep awhile back? He's here in Times Square trying to attack my best friend and I as we speak." ""Yoooo what's good my boy- wait really? I thought they put his ass back in the zoo! I'll be there in, actually I'm 5 minutes away because I rented a car for the night so I'll be there as soon as possible. Where in Times Square are you at?"" "We're by the M&M store." ""Aii bet, see you in a few."" Keon was one of Montgomery's homies for almost 10 years now and he knows when it comes down to any situation, he knows who to call. Keon arrived not even in 5 minutes but he arrived in about 2 minutes and soon as he saw Montgomery, Keon took out his tranquilizer and shot Tyquain with about 3 needles. "That'll put your ass to sleep, keep on messing with my friends.", said Keon. After the monkey man was put to sleep, both of the guys put him in the back seat so he can be taken back to the Zoo. "He must be one smart monkey. This is what, the 3rd time he escaped the zoo?" ""Yeah bro, he really bugging. If he's going to act like a monkey man, he'll be put where monkey men belongs at and that's the zoo. Let me take this fake ass Donkey Kong back to where he belongs, I'll catch you later."" "Aii bro, be safe. I'll see you when I see you." Keon took off and they went back to their night walk. ""All this nonsense is going on here tonight, what is going on? And it's not even 4 o'clock!"" "Yeah I know." Montgomery & Ashley decided to head out of Times Square since it's the 2nd incident that happened since they were there. Not even a chance, as soon as they reach 47th Street, they see an older man trying to fondle with a kid. The mother is trying her hard to get her off of him but she wasn't that strong. "Hmmmm that face looks oddly familiar and why am I not surprised that he's fondling with someone's kid..." ""Who you think it is?"" "It's someone I knew for awhile but we fell off over some nonsense." When they got closer, he recognized the light skinned face, hoodie, shoes, and realized who it was. "Oh God it's Reggie Smalls. He likes to be called RRS because of the government or whatever the case was." Montgomery came at RRS as fast as he can and got him off the kid. "Go home y'all, you don't have anything to worry about anymore." Reggie starts raging & says "Now why would you do that? You know I wanted that kid!" Montgomery whispers to Ashley "Now I wonder they still can him tier 3...." Then she started to laugh. "What's so funny?" RRS replies. "It's none of your business. The question is why were you messing with that kid? That's not right you creep. Go on, get your ass somewhere before I call the cops." ""Mmch, man I don't need to take this from you! Fuck this I'm outta here."" Montgomery started laughing as how fast he took off because he knew RRS was dead wrong for that. "Oh great, what's next? A monster from the Central Park lake's going to pop up?" ""I don't know, maybe the stink monster from the Bronx River might show up."" Then they both started laughing. "I still can't believe how this dude, practically 40 years old, is fondling with kids. That's where you find yourself a special spot in Hell, disrespectfully." ""Yeah I agree. After witnessing that, I think I want to throw up."" "I don't blame you. I'd do the same." Montgomery to this day is glad that he isn't apart of that circle of friends that would do stuff behind people's backs and have pedophilia. What also dumbfounded Montgomery the most was how he couldn't keep a job. "How does one get hired a day just to get fired in less than 2 weeks but blame it on everything but yourself?", says Montgomery. ""As much as I don't like getting up in the morning for work, I'll still go. Even if I have to drag myself out of the bed like a dead zombie."" "Speaking of zombies, why do I see someone walking like one right now?" ""AHHHH! Don't scare me like that!"" "My apologies." Montgomery starts to crack up after scaring Ashley like that. They continued the night walk around Midtown, vibing while taking photos and their plan later on was to head out to Far Rockaway. Ashley was starting to feel tired so they took the A train from Columbus Circle and rode it out to Broad Channel. They were both a fan of both sunsets & sunrises, so they waited out for the sun to rise. After about an hour has past by, the sun finally rose and they purposely wait for an A train to show up so they can get it in the sunrise. After they took their pictures, they headed to the A towards Brooklyn to head home. That pretty much summed up the story & their crazy night walk.

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this is going to be based off the books currently under editing!! any suggestions please do tell me please enjoy ☆