Reborn as the MOST HATED Vill...

By _littlefears

6.1K 180 22

You're a college student living at home and working multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. Neglected by y... More

Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 2: A Pathetic Ending
Chapter 3: Reawakening
Chapter 4: Burn the Bridge
Chapter 5: Back From the Dead
Chapter 6: Know Thy Enemy
Chapter 7: Business Proposal
Chapter 8: Semantics
Chapter 9: Give and Take
Chapter 11: Declaration of War

Chapter 10: Bound by Fate

418 13 2
By _littlefears


After returning to the duchy, I took a quick nap before preparing for the ball.

In Sinner's Revenge, they always made it seem like a spa day preparing for such events but in reality, it was nothing more than a headache.

It's funny actually, I used to dream of experiencing such luxuries but once I finally did, I felt empty.

After soaking in a Jasmine-scented bath for hours, Eleanor scrubbed my entire body before giving me a full-body shave.

I could barely breathe with all the steam mixed with Jasmine that accumulated in the bathroom.

Has the concept of ventilation not been developed yet in this time period?

But honestly, what I have to go through is nothing compared to everything Eleanor does for me.

I never truly realized just how much effort maids put into working for the people they serve.

Maybe I should give Eleanor a raise...

Once I finally was able to leave the bathroom, Eleanor attended to my hair and makeup.

"Don't you think we should go buy a new dress for the ball my lady?" Eleanor asked.

"Let's just use one of the dresses in my closet" I replied nonchalantly.

"Are there any left that I haven't already worn?"

"I think there's still a couple left my lady," Eleanor said as she rummaged through my closet.

"That one, have I worn that?" I said pointing at a long sleek black evening gown.

"But this type of dress is not typically worn, my lady..."

"Is there a dress code?"

" long as it's a gown I suppose it's okay milady"

"Let's go with that one then," I said before Eleanor brought it out and laid it on my bed.

It was a long strapless body-conformed formal black dress.

After wearing the poofy suffocating dresses that I normally do, I was actually looking forward to wearing something like this for once.

It's definitely a bit bold but who really cares? 

It seemed like it would be comfortable and I thought it would help me blend into the crowd and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to myself.

"Let's ditch the corset today too"

"But milady...the corset is always worn-"

"Just for today?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes.

"...alright milady"

I sighed, I dodged a bullet there.

That corset is practically a torture device.

I'll never understand why women are forced to wear such a thing on a daily basis.

After entering this world, I think I have breathing problems now because of it.

"We could pair the dress with some long black gloves my lady," Eleanor said as she examined my dress.

"Good thinking Eleanor,"

"I think bright red lipstick would go well with the outfit too"

"Ah, could you also cover my scar with some makeup," I said as I rubbed my neck.

"Yes of course milady," Eleanor replied as she glanced worriedly at my neck.

Eleanor was troubled by the scar on my neck but I told her not to make a fuss about it before what happened ended up spreading throughout the duchy.

I was already treated at the Viscountcy after all.


After half an hour I was finally finished.

"Please go look in the mirror, my lady"

As I walked up to my body-length mirror, I was stunned.

The dress fit me perfectly, almost like a glove showing Ivanna's hourglass figure.

The dress was long and flowy near the bottom, with a slit going halfway up my right thigh allowing my bright red pointed heels to be seen.

The dress was paired with the black gloves Eleanor gave me which went all the way up past my elbows.

Both the gloves and the dress were made out of a velvet-like material that felt soft and luxurious.

Eleanor paired the look with long dangling diamond earrings and a simple diamond necklace to match.

As for my hair, I asked Eleanor to leave it naturally wavy.

Honestly, I prefer Ivanna's hair just the way it is.

Some people may think it's messy but I think it's part of Ivanna's natural beauty.

"It's almost time for the ball milady"

"I'll head downstairs now," I said as Eleanor bowed.

After making my way downstairs I overheard some people talking in the hallway.

As I peeped around the corner leading to the hallway I noticed,

Oliver...and the Second Duchess?

"Why do I have to focus on such things mother?"

"It's not like I'm going to take over the duchy"

"It's your fate, Oliver, you must accept it"

Fate huh? 

"You're the son of the Duke"

"You need to be prepared for any circumstances that may arise"

"I understand Julian is first in line to take over the Duchy but what if he falls ill?"

I chuckled, I doubt he will but a girl can dream.

"What if he has more important matters to attend to once your father and I are gone?"

"Who do you think is going to fill his absence?"

So he doesn't want to be involved with the duchy?

Well, I can't blame him.

But then again, I guess I can understand where the Duchess is coming from.

Although I'm older than Oliver, as a woman I can't take over the Duchy after the Duke and Duchess pass away.

The day the duchy goes to Julian is the day the territory will go to ruin.

While lost in my thoughts the head butler appeared from the other end of the hallway,


"My Lord,"

"It's time to enter the carriage,"

"I understand," the Second Duchess replied.

Are we all riding in the same carriage?  

"You too my lady" the head butler added as he tilted his head to the side to get a better look.

Did he notice me? I thought to myself as I quickly hid my head.

Immediately, Oliver and the Second Duchess turned around to take a look.

"We can see your dress my lady" the head butler mentioned.

As I looked down I noticed my dress dragging along the ground around the corner.


Feeling caught, I decided to step out of hiding and into the hallway.

"I understand," I said before walking off and making my way downstairs.


The carriage ride to the palace was suffocating. 

On one side sat the Duke, the Second Duchess, and Oliver.

I sat on the other side next to Julian.

We rode in complete silence but I didn't quite mind that.

It was better than getting yelled at.

I looked out the window the whole ride there even though I could feel the disapproving glances examining my choice of clothing.

After arriving at the palace, I noticed there was a red carpet rolled out in front of the carriage.

Oh yeah...don't they have to announce us or something?

Suddenly a man in a tuxedo walked over to the carriage and opened the door.

"The Duke and the Second Duchess of the Hughes Duchy," he said as the Duke and Second Duchess exited the carriage together arm in arm and entered the palace.

"Lord Julian of the Hughes Duchy," he said as Julian exited the carriage

"Lord Oliver of the Hughes Duchy," he said as Oliver exited the carriage.

Suddenly, the man began to walk away after seeing Julian and Oliver enter the palace.

What the...?

"Excuse me," I said waving to the man.

"Oh, my lady!"

"I apologize," the man said bowing his head.

Why am I not surprised?

"I thought you were coming with the Second Prince"

"No worries," I said as I stepped out of the carriage.

How does the Second Prince still manage to embarrass me when he's not even here?

"Lady Ivanna of the Hughes Duchy"

As I walked along the red carpet guards guided me into the palace and into the room where the ball was being held. 

Upon entering the room I was almost blinded by all the lights.

Standing on an indoor balcony, I looked down at the ballroom and noticed just how unbelievably large the room was.

It was filled to the max with aristocrats as well as butlers going around serving beverages and snacks.

It was loud and the room was filled with chatter as classical music echoed through the room.

The carpet was red and brown forming some sort of vintage-looking pattern.

There were multiple chandeliers hanging from the ceiling throughout the ballroom.

The ceiling has to be at least 75 ft high...

I noticed near the other end of the room were the Emperor and Empress waiting for their guests to greet them.

Is that the Duke and the Second Duchess talking to them?

I guess I'll have to greet them too...

After taking a couple of deep breaths, I decided to finally walk down the curved staircase leading from the indoor balcony to the main floor.

I'll greet the Emperor and Empress, socialize for a little bit, and then leave early.

Staying longer than necessary is just asking to get dragged into some sort of buffoonery.

As I walked down the stairs, all eyes had suddenly turned on to me and whispers began to fill the room.

"Isn't that Lady Ivanna?" one aristocrat whispered.

"It's too bad she came back to life" another aristocrat whispered in response.

"I know right, It's so unnatural"

"Right, just when things were finally looking up"

"And look at that scandalous outfit she's wearing"

"She always wants to be the center of attention"

On second thought, this outfit might have had the opposite effect than the one I was hoping for.

As I walked through the floor the aristocrats formed a pathway for me.

It was like oil and water, two substances that just don't mix.

I could tell my presence made them uncomfortable so I decided to grab a glass of champagne from the center table and leave the ballroom to de-escalate the situation.

After walking through the palace halls for a bit, I decided to go to the outdoor balcony for a breather before re-entering the ballroom.

As I entered the balcony I noticed someone was already there,

It was a boy leaning against the balcony railing looking up at the stars.

He wore a black suit and had fluffy black hair that I could tell he tried to tame for the sake of the ball.

"Sorry, I didn't realize someone was already here"

he reminds me of-

"It's alright," the boy said before turning around.



"What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"Organizing my thoughts?" he questioned as he turned back around looking up at the stars once again.

After walking up to the railing I stood next to him looking up at the same stars in the night sky.

"Are they organized yet?"

"Not quite," he sighed. 

I guess he's still thinking about what the Second Duchess said to him.

Should I offer him a bit of advice?

"I overheard your conversation with the Second Duchess"

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop" I added.

Well, that's a lie but he doesn't need to know that.

"Is that so?"

After a short awkward silence, I decided to share my thoughts on the matter.


"Don't do anything rash yet..."

"I feel as though my actions have begun to influence your own," I said as he turned and looked at me while my eyes remained on the stars.

I sighed, "I don't want to tell you what to do with your life but I also don't want to abandon you to fend for yourself in such a cutthroat world"

He reminds me of myself.

Being forced down a certain path to simply satisfy the interests of others.

Doing so brought me nothing but constant heartache and pain.

If I could go back...

"If you could go back in time..would you have still made the same decisions you did?" Oliver asked.

This kid,

We're one and the same, I chuckled.

After turning to meet his eyes I said, "I would"

"There's nothing worse than lingering regret"

"Then what should I-?" Oliver started before I interrupted him.

"If you're unhappy, don't delude yourself into being content stuck in that prison for the sake of your family"

"After cutting ties...I admit, I slightly regretted my decisions"

"But I later realized, that was just my subconscious trying to reel me back into that cage"

"However it was through my decision that I was able to finally get a taste of what it's like to be free,"

"Chasing after what I want and speaking what's on my mind without fearing the consequences"

"Freedom has to be fought for," I said as I reached my arm out into the sky as if I were to grab a star.

"And I...realized that too late," I said as my arm dropped back down to my side.

I spent my entire life cursing my pitiful life and the people in it.

Sure I blame my family and rightfully so the end I was afraid.

I was afraid of what awaited me if I were to step out of my cage.

I may have not been able to accomplish great things during my time but Oliver,

I believe he could manage to do what I couldn't,

"Continue studying the ins and outs of the Duchy and become a distinguished individual,"

"Once you get older, strike while the iron's hot," I said as I gripped the balcony railing.

As I gazed at Oliver he seemed a bit startled.

Was that too much? I chuckled.

"I believe you're going to do great things one day Oliver"

"Believe in your abilities," I said with a faint smile.

I can only guide him so's up to him to choose where to go from here.

"Don't stay outside too'll catch a cold" I said before exiting the balcony.


After talking with Oliver I re-entered the ballroom.

As I expected, it seemed people had finally forgotten about me.

I was able to walk around in peace as I sipped my champagne.

I noticed nobody was talking to the Emperor and Empress and decided to use this as an opportunity to greet them while I still could. 

On the way over to them I gave my glass to a butler.

As I approached the two I took a deep breath before bowing. 

The Emperor and Empress were sitting next to each other on their royal thrown a few steps above the main floor signifying their position in comparison to other aristocrats in the Empire.

"I greet the Emperor and Empress, the two suns of the Castillo Empire"

"Ivanna, welcome" the Emperor greeted. 

"I see you're looking much better these days"

"I agree, you look a lot livelier" the Empress chimed in.

"I've been feeling much better lately, thank you for your concern Your Majesties"

"Of course" the Emperor replied.

"Have you given any more thought to what you had previously approached us about?"

"My position still remains the same, Your Majesty"

"I apologize if that upsets you however, as I'm sure you know I'm not one to easily give up without a fight"

"Yes that's true, well then,"

"If this is what keeps you going these days then give it your best shot"

"I will, Your Majesty"

"Well then, I'll excuse myself," I said before bowing and walking away from them.

Given the loud atmosphere, they were talking much louder than usual so I was able to hear them talking as I walked away.

"She seems to be doing well these days," the Empress said to the Emperor.

"A little too well if you ask me"

I'm not sure if I should be thankful or annoyed.

It seems as though everybody in this world is praying on my downfall.

"Everything about her is different...even her mannerisms"

"Is a personality change common after coming back to life?"

"Don't make such jokes, Dalton"

"That's not the Ivanna I remember Diana"

The Ivanna you remember is gone.


After greeting the Emperor and Empress I made my way over to the food table and got some snacks.

The table had a three-tier dessert stand filled with many different snacks such as macaroons, cookies, and small cakes.

After finally deciding on what to eat, I noticed a familiar face on the other side of the snack table.

It was a woman with long shiny blue hair and a few moles below her right eye.

I'd know that face anywhere,

It was the Marchioness.

She was wearing a long light blue fluffy gown, which complemented her blue hair and light blue eyes.

Not before long she noticed my gaze and made her way over to me.

"Lady Ivanna, it's a pleasure to see you again"

A pleasure?

Wasn't she plotting to take my gem mine and abandon me the other day?

There's never a dull moment living in this world.

"Lady do you do?" I asked.

"I'm doing rather well lately thanks to you"


"I don't know how you did it but,"

"The investors decided to fund my business!"

My plan actually...worked? I said as my eyes widened and my eyebrows creased.

My sad attempt at a threat actually worked on that man!?

Actually, it was more like it was him who threatened me.

Let's just play it cool and act like everything was intentional.

I cleared my throat, "I told you, all you had to do was trust me"

"Still, I'm surprised you were able to pull it off"

"Not to mention it's only been a day since our last discussion"

"I must ask, how did you do it, Lady Ivanna?

"That's a good question..."

"How did I do it?" I questioned reminiscing to when the Viscount pulled a knife on me.

The Marchioness tilted her head in response,

"It's a trade secret" I chuckled while I touched my neck.

"But this means we're business partners right?" I asked with a faint smile.

"Of course, I always keep my promises"

I chuckled, I guess it was all worth it.

After that, someone began to approach us,

"Ah there you are"

"Lady Ivanna, this is Lady Amelia Ambrose"

"She's the wife of the Baron and your new lady-in-waiting"

So this is who she picked out for me.

She had a short wavy brown bob with bangs cut just above her eyebrows and large grey eyes.

She had a small face and small features, 

Just by quickly examining her makeup I could tell she preferred a cute and sweet look as opposed to the seductive kind.

Well, she doesn't seem like she'll stab me in the back but then again they say don't judge a book by its cover.

If the Marchioness picked her out I'm sure she's capable.

Either way, I need someone to help me run errands, I can't keep asking Eleanor all the time.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Ivanna, I've heard so much about you," the Baroness greeted.

As a villainess, is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?

"Likewise Lady Amelia"

"I hope we can get along well,"

"Of course"

"She'll start serving you tomorrow" the Marchioness mentioned.

"I see, I promise not to work you too hard" I inserted jokingly.

"Haha, you're funny Lady Ivanna" the Baroness laughed.

After a short awkward silence due to my lack of social skills, I decided to excuse myself.

"Well then, Lady Sabrina, Lady Amelia, I'll excuse myself"

"Have a good rest of your night ladies" I said before walking back over to the snack table, grabbing a slice of cake and leaving.

After finding an empty table, I sat down and began eating my slice of cake.

Finally some peace and quiet.

That cake was probably the highlight of my night.

It was a strawberry cheesecake with a strawberry on top of the cake and strawberry sauce drizzled over the cake with granola at the bottom.

Who knew I'd be able to enjoy such luxuries after coming to this world? I thought as I savored each and every bite.

Suddenly the aristocrats in the room began to swarm around the staircase leading to the main floor.

"The Second Prince, Sebastian Hastings"

So that's why,

"And the Saintess, Athena"


Are they introducing the Saintess already?

Isn't the story progressing a little too fast, I thought as I choked on my piece of cake.

Or is it because I've begun to stray from the original stroryline?

As I looked up I noticed the Second Prince, looking as prick-like as usual in his red and gold royal attire.

But next to him, is that the Saintess?

She had long curly blonde hair and grey eyes accompanied by soft makeup on top of soft features that made her seem somewhat like a doll.

She also wore a long poofy white gown that shimmered due to the chandelier light.

What is this, their wedding day?

From what I remember, she's just a commoner.

How did she end up acquainted with the second prince?

It's not even surprising anymore how the producers consistently failed to include key information in the tv show.

What I do remember is that while this woman was recognized by the church as a Saintess...she only showed her abilities once which was what gained her recognition in the first place.

However, after that, she never used her power again.

If I recall she was a fake, wasn't she? 

Though her motives are still unclear to me, not to mention I don't think exposing her right now is a good idea.

Given my current reputation, I doubt it would end well.

Ivanna often harassed Athena for being around the Second Prince and Athena was able to use that to further her role as the heroine and solidify her position in the Empire.

Getting involved with her is only going to make things worse right now.

If possible, I should avoid any future encounters with her. 

I sighed, why couldn't I just be reborn as a side character?

Slowly the Second prince and the Saintess made their way to the main floor before separating to go around greeting the aristocrats.

As time passed by I began to get a bit bored with nobody to talk to. 

At least in the duchy, I had Eleanor and Anne.

Eventually, I decided to get up and walk around as my legs had begun to get a bit stiff. 

With a glass of champagne in hand I began strolling around the floor.

Not long after, I accidentally bumped into somebody.

"I apologize-" I said before making eye contact with a familiar face.

It was the Second Prince to whom I was engaged.

I know I said I was bored, but I wasn't bored enough to go and run into this loser.

"Your Highness, I apologize" I forced myself to say with watchful eyes staring at us.

After bowing I tried to walk away until he began spewing nonsense.

"Lady Ivanna," he said before I stopped in my tracks.

"What's the rush why don't you stay and chat," He said as I turned around to face him once again.

"I haven't heard from you lately, I thought you came up with a new tactic to get to get my attention"

"Well you thought wrong"

"Did I? I even heard you asked the Emperor to break our engagement"

"Was this your last ditch effort to get me to pay attention to you once again?"

"I think you're delusional buddy," I said under my breath.

"Buddy?" He chuckled.

"Is this the new persona you've chosen to adopt?"

"It's quite amusing" he added.

"If that's all you're going to discuss, I think I'll go ahead and leave," I said tired of his unwanted remarks.

"I heard you sold the Duchess's necklace"

"I'm not sure why that concerns you" I scoffed.

"Isn't it just another excuse for you to use to cling to me acting like a victim?"

"Are you going to go and beg me to get it back for you?" He added.

"Holding on to that necklace is nothing but a death sentence waiting to happen"

"And unfortunately for you, I actually plan on living a long healthy life"

"Unfortunately for me?" He questioned.

"Oh please, don't go acting all innocent now"

"I know it was you,"

"I know you tried to kill me"

"I guess you decided to take matters into your own hands when I kept coming back alive after all those failed kidnapping attempts and assaults"

For a moment, there was an eyebrow crease on the Second Prince's face, almost as if he was surprised but quickly tried to hide it.

So was it him or not?

Why is this fool so good at hiding his true intentions?

It's annoying.

It was then that somebody began to approach us,

It was a lady...the Saintess Athena.

Aish, I need to get out of here quickly.

"Excuse me, are you Lady Ivanna" she said before I was able to get away.

Slowly I turned around to make eye contact with her as she stood next to the Second Prince.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Saintess Athena," she said as she bowed.

Well, there goes my plan to avoid all contact.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you,"

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm quite busy," I said as I turned around and began to walk off.

Immediately the Saintess ran up to me as if she still had more to say and we collided.

As she looked like she was about to trip, I caught her and supported her back like one of those cliche moments between a knight and a princess.

In the process, my champagne had spilled all over her.

Her face was dripping wet and her dress was soaked.

"ATHENA," the Second Prince yelled after rushing to the Saintess's and removing her from my grasp.

"I'm alright, Sebastian"


Are they on a first-name basis already?

Suddenly the aristocrats began to circle around me, the Saintess, and the Second Prince.

I sighed, well...I can already tell how this is going to go...

So much for trying to avoid all this nonsense.

Just look at us...

Here I am, a villainess in all black, the epitome of evil while she...

She's dressed in all white with bouncy blonde curls and bright features.

We're like yin and yang.

An angel in all white and a devil in all black.

A beacon of hope for the people and a black hole violently consuming everything in its path.

Should I even try to explain myself in this situation?

Even though everyone saw what happened, would anyone take my side?

"I just knew she was going to cause trouble again"

"It's barely even been that long since she came back from the dead too"

"Why was such an evil thing even brought back to life?"

"She's a monster"

As I slowly turned my body I looked at all of the faces circling around the three of us.

It was almost as if their eyes were staring into my soul.

After stopping, I stared up at the incredibly high ceiling and couldn't help but laugh.

I can't escape it.

"Has she gone crazy or what?"

"I know right, who is she laughing at?"

Honestly, it's just ridiculous.

I'm destined to play the role of the villainess.

And for every step I take forward, I'm forced to take three steps back.

Am I beginning to lose my mind after being in this world for so long?

But then again, who wouldn't after being forced into such a role?

As I lowered my head back down to eye level, I made eye contact with the Saintess once again.

I sighed, I guess the real story's finally begun.


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