Fall Apart- R.J.L

By teddyloopy

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Nothing lasts forever Like the moon Theodora Malfoy's light can only last so long. When the sun comes up, and... More

The Blacksheep
The infamous Black Lake
Miraculous Memory Recall
Bumps and Bruises
Berry Ocky Rot
Moody Moony
Teddy Bear
Christmas confessions and chaos
Strays rehomed
A Lupin Tradition
Potter's Holibobs
Drunk Twister
a hearty breakfast of red wine and cigarettes
McKinnon's Mischievous Mayhem
Rock n Roll into '77
Massacres and happy memories
Black ink
Happy Deathday
press, pull, bleed
the trials and tribulations of loving a corpse
flight risk
perfection implodes
Make a good thing bad
drown your sorrows and smoke your secrets
give you the moon
want for nothing
dream a little dream
Lupin & Lupin
Little bug
Family Ties
Blood Type
Cornwall, Summer, 1977
The Photo Album
Drift Off
Mr. Ballroom Dancer Black
Hope Ophelia Lupin
Little star
All Hallows Eve
The Body in the Lake
Dear Remus
The Order of the Phoenix
the first mission
remember me, please?
real or not real
engaged, again

The Portkey Plot

9 1 0
By teddyloopy

Moony in the rain '77

Pads and Moons '77

Theodora 'steal yo clothes' Malfoy

May came quickly and brought exams and an unbearable heat wave. Hogwart's air was thick with sweat and stress.
"Oh god, I can't take this anymore." Remus complained, stripping off his t-shirt and laying back on his bed Infront of the pile of books. Teddy stared unashamedly and pouted.
"Seriously?" She eyed him.
"Yeah, it's boilin in here." He said casually not looking up from the page he was reading.
"Are you trying to make me fail."
"What? No!" He looked up now and found her gazing at him, cheeks flushed and eyes flicking from his face down the length of his chest.
"Ah, I see the issue now. I'm sorry darlin" he leaned across his books to kiss her cheek before getting off the bed and throwing on a slightly lighter t-shirt.
"I don't want you to boil to death."
"I'm fine love, I'll throw open another window." He strolled down the dorm and threw open all of the remaining windows. It didn't help much. It most certainly didn't help Teddy's current mood. Watching him saunter around the dorm in his pyjama bottoms and a loose Tee was more unbearable than the heat.
Two can play at that game, she thought to herself.

"You're right, it really is hot."
"Wow, Ms.Malfoy finally warm? Usually you're wearing two jumpers and a hat in this weather."
"I- I have a low core temperature."
"Oh sure, or you're a lizard person, both likely answers."
"Well I'm hot today." She lifted herself from the bed and pulled off her jumper and t-shirt together. Left in only her bra and loose pyjama shorts she threw herself back down and continued reading. She could feel Remus' eyes on her, shocked and unbelievably turned on. She bit her lip to fight back a grin and heard a low groan.
"Ughhh you are impossible Theodora Malfoy." He clambered over the bed to her and hovered above her. Teddy dropped her book and let her eyes close as he pressed kisses up her back hungrily.
"Study break?" She hummed.
"Study break." He confirmed and flipped her over.
Not much more Study was completed that day.

Although their NEWTS were not until next year all of the 6th years were feeling the pressure of their impending exams. However even with the stress the Marauders (and their extended group of friends) still found time to pull stupid pranks and enjoy their so called "study sessions" under the willow tree by the lake.
"We need a brilliant end of year prank this year. It needs to be magnificent." Sirius announced one evening as they lounged around on the grass in the shade of the large drooping tree.
"Any ideas?" James asked casually with his head on lily's lap while she played with his hair, braiding strands together and sticking daisies into them.
"Nah, I can't think of anything good enough."
"We coulllld....turn the Slytherins red and gold?" Peter suggested.
"Not big enough, we need to hit the whole school. Something funny, everyone could use a good laugh." Sirius retorted.
"Fireworks in the great hall?" Remus suggested.
"Feels over done."

"Huh." Teddy mumbled quizzically to herself, a thoughtful look on herself.
"What?" Remus asked her gently, seeing the cogs turning in her head as she read the charms book settled on her lap. She was sitting between his legs and he glanced over her shoulder to see what she was looking at.
"D'you need help with somethin?"
"No, no, I was just thinking about this." She pointed to the page and Remus read.
"Yeah, portkeys, it's pretty advanced magic but I reckon...if we all worked together."
"We turn something into a portkey?"
"Not just one thing...what if we turned every doornob or quill or...I don't know fork or something, into a portkey."
Sirius sat up at this.
"Now Ms.Malfoy, you may be onto something you little genius."
She grinned to herself. This was one of the first kind things Sirius had said to her in weeks.
"Why don't we do them all." James joined their plotting. "Everything you just said andore maybe. Every cauldron and goblet and chair."
"People would be bouncing around the castle like mad."
"This is perfect, this is genius! We have to do it!"

That night in the boy's dorm they all gathered together again to plan their greatest prank yet. Teddy sat on the edge on Remus' bed sleepily, pulling bobbles off Remus' jumper while he sat between her legs. He scribbled away on a piece of parchment hurriedly writing down clear instructions for creating portkeys.
"Alright so I've made a list of everything we want to turn, there's a lot so we'll need to split up."
"Yeah, probably best, divide and concur." Sirius nodded enthusiastically.
"What's the list?" Marlene asked.
"Um well all of the cutlery and goblets, those are in the kitchens. They get apparated onto the table every meal time so we don't have to worry about house elves getting bounced around the castle.
Then there's all the doornobs in the dorms and classrooms, and as many quills as we can manage to get our hands on. Then all the chairs on the library and the classrooms and the cauldrons in the dungeons."
"Merlin." Remus mumbled and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I was thinking we could do it on Sunday night. That way we'll cause utter chaos on Monday morning and might even get classes cancelled for the week!" Sirius bounced up and down on his bed as he spoke, gesturing wildly with his hands.
"Brilliant, so we'll all meet back here on Sunday night. Moony you almost ready with those instructions?"
"Yup," he have James a nod and quickly performed a duplication spell until a neat stack of his lists appeared Infront of him.
Teddy kissed his head and whispered: "show off."
He grinned.
"Does it have to be Sunday night?" Peter asked nervously, fiddling with his hands.
"It was cause the most destruction so, yeah." Sirius said bluntly.
"Oh...ehmm...well it's just I have plans on Sunday evening."
"Plans? What plans? What could be more important than the greatest prank Hogwarts has ever seen."
"Ehmmm welll....I've got a date." He said quickly and all in one breath.
"Good man Wormy! Who's the lucky girl." James jumped in before Sirius could say something mean.
"Um, Desdemona Lewis, she's in Hufflepuff. She's really pretty and we've been talking a lot in the greenhouses and well she agreed to meet me in the astronomy tower on Sunday."
Peter's cheeks had blushed and he looked giddy with excitement. It was very sweet.
"She sounds lovely Pete." Teddy said with a kind smile.
He grinned back at her and nodded.
"She is, I really can't miss it."
"Could you move it forward? It might be a good idea also considering she might not make it back to her common room without being transported somewhere random in the castle." Remus exclaimed logically.
"Oh, well..I suppose. Maybe I could ask her for Saturday instead? Oh! That's Hogsmeade isn't it? That's even better! Thanks moony."

The rest of the week was spent studying for exams and even more so for the prank. They practiced turning the odd, old abandoned library book into portkeys. Luckily Remus had learned the counter jinx and was able to return everything as they'd found them so as not to raise suspicion.
On Saturday James, Lily, Remus, Teddy, Sirius, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary all made their way to the three broomsticks. The air was still muggy with heat and they all fancied a nice cold butter beer while they discussed their plans for the next night. Peter was getting tea with Desdemona in some fluffy, floral cafè and Alice and Frank were off on some date for belated anniversary celebrations.

"Alright so divisions for concurring." Sirius began once they were all seated around a small tickets table at the back of the three broomsticks.
"James, you Lily and Pete can take the kitchens, make sure you get every fork and goblet. Remus, you and Teddy take the dorms, get all the doornobs and quills you can find and whatever else you fancy. I would highly recommend charming the Slytherin's robes so they appear somewhere else in the castle half naked but that's just a thought.
Marls, Dorcas and Mary you're with me. We're taking on the classrooms. There shouldn't be anyone there late at night but we'll have to be careful. Alice and Frank can take the cauldrons in the potions room and the greenhouses."
"The greenhouses?" Lily questioned. They weren't on the list.
"Yeah I reckon we could charm all the plants to end up in people's beds!" Sirius grinned at this idea. He had a wicked mind.
"Sounds good, only problem is that there are eleven of us and only one map and one cloak." James looked serious as he spoke. He didn't want to risk Lily losing her prefect status just because of his silly prank. She'd never forgive him, as much as he knew she wanted to help.
"I've thought about that. The house elves love us down there so it shouldn't be too hard to get into the kitchens and then all you have to do is distract them by asking them to make you something and you can sneak about and charm everything.
Teddy and Remus should take the cloak as they're going into the dorms and run the risk of waking up sleeping Slytherins. The girls and I will take the map to watch out for filch and professor's snoozing on their desks and Alice and Frank will be outside for most of it and no one ever hangs around the potions room so they'll be fine. James bring your mirror and I'll signal you if I see anyone coming your way. If I see anyone near the others either I'll go and get them or I'll signal you to. Ted's and Moony will be fine and they'll be the only people far enough way to not be able to get to without notice. It's easy!"
"Easy?" Mary exclaimed. "This sounds like the most convoluted plan you've had yet Black."
"It's mad!" Marlene agreed.
"Just mad enough to work I reckon." Remus said decidedly with a smile plastered on his face.
Once Remus agreed everyone else accepted the plan. He was the voice of reason and logicand they knew he wouldn't lead them blindly into trouble. Teddy however knew Remus was just excited as James and Sirius about causing utter havoc. She smiled to herself at the thought and grasped his hand beneath the table.

Peter was glowing with pride on Sunday morning when the boys (and Lily and Teddy) awoke in their dorm. Lily's hair was splayed messily across the pillows and James was snuggled into her side as she read the Daily Prophet. Sirius was still dead to the world, the curtains drawn around his four-poster. Peter sat cross-legged on the end of Remus' bed talking happily about his date with Desdemona. Remus and Teddy had pleasant, sleepy smiles on their faces from where they sat up in the bed, Remus arms around Teddy, holding hands and enjoying eachother's presence. Their ease of movement and touch had not been lost in the weeks apart and they settled back into eachother like two jigsaw pieces, comfortable, right.

"She was cold so I gave her my scarf, cause James told me a gentleman never leaves his lady cold. And she kept it on and wore it back to the castle and she asked if she could keep it to remind her of me!"
"That's lovely Pete, your becoming quite the ladies man." Teddy grinned at him and Peter beamed back, clearly feeling great pride at this statement.
"Why were you wearing a scarf in May?"
"It was yellow! I wanted to wear her house colours!"
"Awww Pete."
"The best thing was when I walked her back to the common room she...she kissed me!"
"Ah well done mate!" Remus smiled at this and gave Peter a wink. He then proceeded to lean down and kiss the spot behind Teddy's ear gently making her laugh and wriggle in his arms.
"Okay, yeah, yeah, no need to show off Moony." Peter rolled his eyes but maintained his grin revelling his happiness and the happiness of his friends.

The day passed lazily, as much as the gang of friends tried to study they couldn't get their minds off of the night to come. Eventually they resorted to practicing their portkey charms. Hopefully this would come up on their exams and they would all do extremely well. This was of course unlikely after they performed this prank, it was worth hoping for though.
They gathered together in the boy's dorm that evening, all dressed in dark clothes and Sirius had made Marlene draw war paint on his cheeks with her black eyeliner. He was practically bursting with the excitement of it all. James eagerly made Marlene replicate the war-paint on his cheeks after seeing Sirius'. The two boys grinned at eachother wildly.
"Alright, everyone ready?" Remus asked seriously, the invisibility cloak in hand.
They all nodded and headed off in their respective directions.

Remus and Teddy remained in the dorms and placed the invisibility cloak over them. This was slightly difficult with their height difference, Remus ducked down but acted more as an umbrella for Teddy, the cloak barley even touching her from where she stood in front of him so as the stay covered. They moved together carefully and exited the Marauders Dorm. Moving through each of the Gryffindor year groups dorms as quietly as possible. The two were well skilled at the charm and were able to whisper the incantation quietly enough not to wake anyone while still gaining the desired effect. After charming every quill, doornob and toothbrush in the boy's dorms they moved on to the girls dorms. Teddy decided it would be better she do this alone rather than have Remus levitate up the staircase. She left Remus in the common room slightly grumpy for being abandoned.

Teddy bounded down the steps having completed her task and took great pleasure in spooking Remus, creeping up behind him in the cloak and scaring him out of his wits.
"You're gonna pay for that one Malfoy. Cmon let's go." They both grinned, covered in the cloak once more and headed to the Ravenclaw tower.
This too went off without a hitch. They charm far more objects there of course, they were hesitant to jinx their fellow Gryffindor's but didn't hold back on the rest of the houses. Teddy had to bite back a chuckle as she charmed some of Remus' exes glasses and shoes.
In the Hufflepuff dorms they both delighted to hear Desdemona Lewis rambling excitedly to her friends about Peter and how much she liked him, she was in fact still wearing her scarf- indoors and in a heatwave which was rather strange but still very sweet.
They jinxed the Hufflepuff's potplants and watering cans, as well as their quills and doornobs. Remus threw a few jinxes on the odd shoe and satchel just for the fun of it, now becoming intoxicated with the power and chaos of it all.

In Slytherin the pair went utterly wild, charming just about everything in sight. Sofas, chairs, chess pieces, robes, shoes, towels, hairbrushes. Remus had to hold himself back from doing more than just charming some of the Slytherin's possessions when he recognised some of Teddy's previous sexual conquests. He threw a particularly powerful charm on Matt's trousers but Teddy just chuckled when she saw the glint of jealousy in his eyes.
"You're jealous." She whispered and kissed his jaw beneath the cloak.
"Am not." He whispered back.
"I'm the one under a cloak with you right not him, why would I be jealous."
"Hmmm. Why indeed." She kissed his neck and it took everything in him not to launch into a snogging session but that would just have to wait.
They charmed all of Severus' school shirts and his tie for good measure before exiting the Slytherin dorms, buzzing with excitement and adrenaline.

As they were making their way back from the dungeons hand in hand they passed Lily and James sprinting down the halls and heard James whisper-shouting into the mirror he held.
"Couldn't have given us a bit more warning Pads?"
"I WAS BUSY!" Sirius whisper-shouted back.
Teddy and Remus hurried after James and Lily and Remus managed to grab them and pull them under the cloak, much to Lily's alarm, before filch rounded the corner and the end of the corridor.
They shoved themselves as far as possible into an alcove and tried their best to position the cloak so they were all covered. Remus had to practically squat and they were all pressed uncomfortably against eachother, squished and pushed into odd positions. Eventually Filch hurried past them and up the stairs ahead of them.
James breathed a heavy sigh of relief and grinned at Remus.
"Thanks mate, close one."
Lily laughed nervously and gave James' arm a tight squeeze.
"All go alright on your side?" James asked excitedly.
"Yup! There won't be a single Slytherin where their supposed to be tomorrow."
"All alright in the kitchens?" Teddy asked concerningly.
Lily blushed all of a sudden.
"Yeah, all good, house-elves didn't know a thing and we were finished up quickly, plus we got free cookies." James motioned to the tin under Lily's arm.
"How'd filch catch ya then?" Remussaid quizzically, looking suspiciously between the two now. Lily's cheeks had turned the colour of her hair and James fiddled with his glasses.
"We uh...we got sidetracked on our way back."
They immediate knew what this meant. The pair most likely were snogging in a broom closet or behind a tapestry somewhere along the Slytherin's corridor.
"Ah." Remus nodded knowingly and gave Lily a wink.

The four walked back to Gryffindor tower leisurely, recounting the events of the evening and discussing what might occur tomorrow morning.
Back in the boy's dormitory the gang of friends celebrated a job well done with a bottle of firwhiskey and went to sleep, for the first time in their school year, eagerly awaiting a Monday morning.

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