Bride of Satan (S2 42 Live!)

By QueenRae101

8.4K 204 31

For centuries, I've ruled my kingdom with an iron fist. I've enjoyed torturing souls and demons for the fun o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
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Chapter 32 - π’π„π€π’πŽπ 𝟐 ❀️‍πŸ”₯❀️‍πŸ”₯
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π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« πŸ‘πŸ”
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 30

185 3 0
By QueenRae101


Morningstar being here in my house scared the sh*t out of me. What was he doing here? Does he know? If he does, I'm screwed! He will turn me to dust in front of my son. 

"M-Morningstar, what brings you here?" I asked 

"I came here to have a little chat, and I see your son is here," he said

"He was just leaving," I said 

"No, he stays. He needs to hear this," I said 


"What's this about?" I asked nervously 

"It has come to my attention that my girlfriend's little sister is being arranged to marry your son," He said 

"Girlfriend sister? You mean that Genevieve is your girlfriend Evangelina's sister?!" I said 

"How did you know her name? I never told you," he asked angrily

Shit, if he founds out the truth, I'm fucking dead. Think Sergei 

"I asked you a BLOODY QUESTION! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY FUTURE WIFE'S NAME?!" He asked angrily 


"H-her parents mentioned her name when I summoned them. They told me they intended to ask her to clear their debts." I said

He began scanning me from head to toe.

"Very well, her parents did mention this to us, but back to the main topic. Her sister came crying to my estate and told us everything. Is this true?" he asked. 

"Yes, her parents borrowed money from me, and the interest is that their youngest daughter marries my son when she is 18," I said 

"I know how the mafia world works, dumbass, but you're a bloody c**t for trying to marry off a young teenager against her will," he said 

"Lucifer, with all due respect, this is how it is. My son here will be Godfather one day, and he needs a wife," I said 

"Out of all the girls in this city, you're forcing my girlfriend's sister to be your son's wife! Not on my watch," he said 

"Lucifer-" I said before being cut off.

"SILENCE! And it's Mr. Morningstar to you. You know what I'm capable of, Sergei. Do I need to demonstrate?" he asked 

I stood in silence and fear.

"I thought so, so here's what's going to happen. Your son will NOT marry my future sister-in-law. He'll have to find someone else to marry, but it will not be her. GOT IT!" he shouted 

"B-but," I stuttered. 

"Quiet, and another thing. I don't know who paid off your debt, and I couldn't care less, but here's what will happen: from now on, you will cut communication with the Winstons indefinitely! My girlfriend may not speak to her parents, but they are still her family. Her sister and her parents will be guarded. If I find out from my men that you tried anything to them or just in general, well...I don't think I have to remind you what happens when you mess with the Devil," he winked.

I trembled in fear. My son stood by me, not saying a word. 

"Clear?" he asked 

"Y-Yes," I stuttered 

"Good. Know if you'll excuse me, I'm going home," he said as he left. 


"Wait," said unknown

I turned around and saw Sergei's son Tyler chase me from behind. What does he want?

"Can I help you, lad?" I asked 

"I know what my dad was very sh*tty, and I'm not really into marriage myself, but when I saw Genevieve, I'll admit I'm attracted to her. I know this engagement is over, but I'd still like a chance to get to know her," he said 

"That's not up for me to decide. It will be her personally, but judging by how she ran out of her parents' house, she wasn't pleased. If you try to court her, you'll only make it worse," I said 

"I understand," he said 

"Your best option is to find someone else who will adapt to this life of yours," I said 

I left, and he stood there, conflicted. Once I returned to my car, I headed home to return to my Bumblebee. Once I returned home, I saw Genevieve watching a horror film. Well, she and Bumblebee certainly love horror films. 

"Hi, Lucifer," she said 

"Hello, child, where's your sister?" I asked 

"She's taking a shower; I wanted to talk with you," she said 

"About what?" I asked 

"I know you and my sister are an item; they haven't had the most straightforward relationship with our parents, but I can see how happy she is with you. You make her happy. She told me about her ex-husband and the divorce; I told her to consider her divorce a blessing in disguise. It led her into the arms of you," she said 

It made me smile to hear her say that. 

"Whatever you do to make her smile and lift her spirit, keep doing it. If you propose to her one day, you have my blessing. Just promise me one thing," she said 

"Yes?" I asked 

"Don't break her heart and her trust. After what our parents did and her exe, I don't think she can handle another heartbreak," she said 

I will tell her the truth, and I'm mentally prepared for her reaction, but I won't give up on her. I won't let her go. I will fight for her and show her that Lucifer Morningstar and Satan are the same person. I'll show her that I'm still the man she fell in love with. I love you, my beautiful Bumblebee. I love you, Evangelina Winston. I always and forever will. 

"You have my word," I said 

"Hey baby," said Evangelina 

"Hello, my love; I'm glad you hear because I have news for you and your sister," I said

Genevieve looked anxious and nervous.

"I also wanted to inform you that your arranged marriage is terminated," I said 

They gasped with shock.

"W-what? Are you serious?" she stuttered. 

"I'm a very serious child; I talked with Sergei while his son was present. You no longer have to weep in sorrow; you will not marry his son. You are free to date and marry whom you please," he said 

Gigi sobbed and hugged Evangelina. 

"T-thank you so much, Lucifer," she cried 

"You're welcome," I said 

Gigi went to the restroom and dried her tears, and suddenly, Bumblebee crashed her lips onto mine. I wasted no time kissing her back. I could feel warm tears coming down her cheek. I pulled back and wiped them away. 

"Why are you crying, darling?" I asked 

"I love you, and thank you for saving my sister from this unwanted fate. Thank you, Lucibear," she said 

"No need to thank my love. I'd do anything for you, and if making your sister happy makes you happy, then I'd do it again," I said 

I took her hand and brought it to my lips, kissing gently on her knuckles.

We all decided to have dinner together and watch a movie. 

One week later...

Wednesday...Trial Day


This was it, The day of the trial. The day I faced Bethany and that bastard she hired to kill me. I was ready to face her. I'll have my entire support team with me. My besties, Stella's husband as my lawyer, Michael's parents, and my Lucibear. This is it. The day justice will be served. Genevieve will also attend, but she said that Marcus and Slyvia are also coming. 

Genevieve moved back home a few days ago. She barely speaks to them as much. Although Lucifer freed her from her arranged marriage, she still refuses to forgive them for getting involved in the first place. I don't blame her. Once Lucifer and I arrived at the courthouse, the place was swarmed with the press. It was horrendous. The paparazzi were trying to get photos, and the reporters were trying to get information from me. 

Luckily, security, especially Lucifer's Henchman, kept them from getting close to us. One reporter kept chanting: Evangelina, how are you feeling? Do you wish for a guilty verdict? How have you been since the shooting?

Bunch of parasites they are. They were trying to get information to boost their careers. I ignored them, and Lucifer led me inside. He kept his arm around my waist and protected me. Once we entered the courtroom, It was packed. To my left, my support team, including hospital staff from Michael's job even Chris, was also here. To my right, other people because it's their job. Once I sat with Ashton and Lucifer's attorneys, I saw the bastard Victor Steele from my right. He was still wearing a jumpsuit, handcuffed and chained up tight. Bethany was in the other room.

Once the belief was announced, Judge Mila entered the room. The trial had begun.

 "Good Morning, everyone," she said. 

"Victor Steele, You are charged with one count of Attempted Murder to murder Evangelina Winston and two counts of  Misdemeanor evading arrest. How do you plead?" she asked. 

He was silent, but his defense attorney said, "Not guilty". It pissed me off, but it didn't surprise me that he pleaded not guilty. Bastards like him would say that. I could see Lucifer getting mad.

"You're honor my client, Ms. Winston, who has been a victim of this horrendous crime. She is an innocent soul who would never harm an innocent fly. What happened to her was frightening for anyone. She was out having a grand time with her best friend. They went to have some ice cream in a public space until this inhumane person pulled a gun out and fired two open shots at Ms. Winston. He later escaped as soon as it was over." said Ashton 

Soon, Ashton faced and looked at Victor.

"What were you thinking, Mr. Steele? I tell you what you were thinking; you were only thinking of the money you were getting paid to do the job. You didn't care about who you were being paid to kill. You were hired to murder an innocent woman who has done no one wrong. Some psychopathic pregnant woman hired you to kill an innocent woman all because she wanted Ms. Winston's ex-husband all to herself, but you didn't care about any of that, did you? No, all you cared about was the money," said Ashton

He was quiet and had a sad look on her face.

"Because of you, she had to go through surgery. Because of you, she slipped into a coma, clinging on for life while you went on with your life, thinking you accomplished, but once you heard she was alive, you didn't pursue her again. No, you tried to flee only to get caught," he said

After watching the video, I was full of anger and disgust. I want this bastard never to walk free again.

"Tell us, Mr. Steele, how much did Ms. Collins pay to complete the job?" he asked. 

"Objection," said Defense Attorney 

"Overruled," said Judge 

"You're a hitman, are you not? Your salary is about $5,000-$20,000 to kill someone, but to murder a powerful person like how she wanted you to get rid of Mr. Morningstar, you said it cost Billions. So tell us," said Ashton 

"S-she paid me $25,000 to murder her," he said 

"So you do have a voice," said Ashton 

He handed the judge all the bank transaction statements from Bethany's account to Victor and the text message history.

"As you can see, Your Honor, this man has been hired by many people to do the unthinkable but never got caught until now. He first confesses the truth to the police, and here he is lying under oath, denying that he was hired. I say to you, Your Honor, if you let him walk free, my client will not be safe. No one will be safe. We are asking that the maximum penalty of life imprisonment be placed upon Mr. Steele," said Ashton 

"Objection," said Defense Attorney 

"Sustained, no further questions, your honor," said Ashton 

Soon, the cops brought Bethany. She was dressed up and looked scared and sad. Her whole face was full of guilt. I could feel everyone. From behind me, shooting her death glares. I could see her parents on the left. Her mom with tears in her eyes, and her father with anger. 

"Bethany Louise Collins, you are charged with one count of  Conspiracy to commit Murder-for-Hire and One account of Forgery," said Judge Mila. 

Soon, everyone went to the stand as a witness and confessed all Bethany's sins, from ruining my first marriage to her toxic behavior at the hospital. Michael's parents revealed to the judge a fake eviction note she forged on Photoshop to get Michael to let her stay with him. They also revealed why they disliked her and never wanted her to be a part of their family. Chris took to stand and confessed that she lied and never told him about his baby until he found out from Michael, also seeking full custody of Baby Hope. I can't believe she did all of this. It was no wonder why she wasn't well-liked. 

Bethany's defense attorney tried to make it look like Bethany was mentally ill and needed help. Claiming she wasn't in the right mind. It was her pregnancy hormones that caused her to do these drastic things. He claims Bethany is remorseful and wants a second chance to make things right. He also says Bethany wants to be present in her daughter's life and a chance to be better. I was appalled. 

"Ms. Collins, I understand you have prepared a statement for Ms. Winston and her family as well as The Cliffords and Chris Rogerson," said Judge Mila 

"Y-yes, Your Honor,"  she said 

"I-I'd first like to apologize to Evangelina. I'm sincerely sorry for all the pain I've caused you. For ruining your marriage, for orchestrating this entire assassination, for everything. I know nothing I say will make it better and will change anything. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just wanted you to know that I'm genuinely and sincerely sorry for all the pain I've caused you, your friends and family, and you, Mr. Morningstar." she said 

She was crying the whole time as she apologized. I can't forgive her. I won't forgive her. She doesn't deserve a second chance. 

"I would like to apologize to the Clifford Family for the pain and heartbreak I've caused you both. I was a jealous, stupid, selfish, immature girl who just wanted to be the guy of my dreams and not worry about the consequences. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I apologize for everything. And Chris, I'm incredibly sorry for keeping the pregnancy from you. I should have told you initially, but my mind was dark. I have no right to ask you for anything, but I have one request. Take care of Hope, and please don't let her grow up remembering me like this, please?" she pleaded. 

After she read her statements, the judge was ready to disburse the sentences, but I stopped her. 

"Your Honor, I would like to say something to Bethany," I said 

"Of course, ma'am," she said 

I went to the stand and looked at Bethany with a cold look. 

"I just want to say that I appreciate your apology, but I cannot forgive you. What you did will scar me for life. You knew exactly what you were doing, and the whole time, you blamed me for stealing him from you. I felt accused of stealing him from you because you had eyes on him first. You blamed me for being the reason you two did not end up together. You went so far as to hire that bastard to kill me and to have a guy all to yourself who hated your guts. When you confronted me in the grocery store, you acted like a spoiled five-year-old, and here you are now, and you're just a scared woman. I feel sorry for you. " I said 


"I have no idea what sentence the judge will give you and Steele, but it will be nothing compared to the damage you have done. Everyone in this courtroom, in this city, knows, and they will NEVER forget! Your parents will never forget. Your daughter will have to grow up without her mother. She'll grow up knowing her mother is sitting in a jail cell. No child wants to see their parent behind bars. You are a disgusting human being; I will never forgive you for what you did. So you can take your apology and choke on it." I said 


Soon, everyone applauded me for standing up to her, and I returned to sit next to my Lucibear, who greeted me by kissing my cheek. She looked stunned, sad, and hurt by my words. I don't care; she needs to hear the truth. 

2 1/2 Hours later

The Jury deliberated for 2 1/2 hours. We were all anxious to hear the verdict. My LuciBear, my friends Genevieve, and Michael's parents were there for support; even Javier and Zyra also came. My parents did offer support but kept their distance since I didn't want to associate with them. I went to get a coffee with the girls to calm my nerves.


While Bumblebee went with the others to get a drink, I spoke privately to Javier. He already knows I'm the King of Hell. I had to tell him what I was planning to do. 

"What's up, bro?" he asked 

"Tonight, I will tell Evangelina the truth," I said 

"Are you sure, man? That's a big step," he asked 

*deep breath*

"I'm sure I can't keep it in the dark forever. I can't keep lying to her. She deserves to know the truth," I said 

"How do you think she will react?" he asked.

"Scared. Frightened. Angry. Hurt. I don't know how she will react, but I've prepared myself for it," I said 

"What will you do if she leaves?" he asked. 

"I'll fight for her. I won't give up on my true love. My old man said we have a future together, and I want that future with her."

"That's the spirit; if I'm fighting for my woman, you can fight for yours. Show her who you are and that you're still the same man she fell for," he said 

"Thanks, Bro, I needed to hear that," I said 

"Attention, everyone, please return to the courtroom,"  said the Security Guard 


We all returned to the courtroom. This was it, the moment of truth. The guards brought Victor and Bethany into the courtroom. The Jury returned as well; they held the pamphlet.

"The defendants will rise and face the judge," said the officer. 

"Has the jury reached a verdict?' asked the Jury 

"We have Your Honor," said Juror #1 

"We, the jury, find the defendant, Victor Connor Steele, Guilty of Attempted Murder of Evangelina Winston and two counts of Misdemeanor evading arrest." said Juror #2

"We, the jury, find the defendant, Bethany Louise Collins, Guilty of Conspiracy to commit Murder-for-Hire and Forgery."  said Juror #1

*audience applauds inside and outside the courthouse*

"Victor Steele, you are found guilty on all charges. At this moment, I sentence you to death by lethal injection, and Bethany Collins, you are found guilty on all charges; I sentence you to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole in  25 years," said Judge Mila

"Also, Ms. Collins, you are stripped of your parental rights. Hope Collins will be placed in full custody of the father, Chris Rogerson. We are adjourned here," said Judge Mila.

*massive applause*

An enormous sigh of relief came over my body. It was finally over.  

Hearing those words caused her to break down in tears. They handcuffed and escorted them out while Bethany was crying in tears. I could see her mom crying; her father had a cold look. He did feel disappointed but felt she deserved it. It was finally over. Before they were escorted, I saw Bethany give a final tearful gaze at her parents and her infant daughter, Hope. This was the last time she was going to see them. I left the courtroom with my head held high. Lucifer insisted we all go out to celebrate. Everyone was welcomed except my parents. 

We all decided to head to Ocean Prime to have a lunch celebration. 

We all celebrated a victorious success. It was finally over. I can finally breathe again. All I can do is focus on Lucifer and me. While we all wined and dined, I could sense Lucifer was feeling a little uneasy. What's going through his mind? 

"Luci? Are you okay? You look nervous," I asked 

"Oh, It's nothing, love, just a lot on my mind," he said 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked 

*deep breathes*

"Hey, it's okay, whatever it is. You can tell me later, okay?" I said as I cupped the left side of his face.

"I have something I've meant to tell you lately, but I didn't have the courage. I want to tell you this evening, just the two of us, if that's okay?" he asked with a worried look. 

I held his hand and gave him a reassuring smile, letting him know I love and trust him. He gave me a soft smile and kissed my hand.

"I'm going to use the ladies' room; I'll be right back," I said 

5 minutes later...

As I was washing my hands. I heard the door creaking open. I didn't see who it was. No footsteps. No sound

"Stella?" I said 

No response

"Whitney?" I asked 

Once again, there was no answer. The moment I turned my back to dry my hands. I felt someone grab me from behind and put a cloth over my mouth. I couldn't scream. 

Suddenly, everything went black. 

20 minutes later...


Twenty minutes had gone by, and she wasn't back yet. I was beginning to worry. At first, I'd assume it was her TIAM, but I texted her to see if she was okay, but there was no response. 

A/N: *Time In A Month*

"Lina's been gone for quite a while now, " said Stella

"I'm beginning to worry," I said 

"That is weird; I'll check on her," said Whitney 


"Lina? You okay?" I shouted

"LiLi?" I said 

I entered the bathroom, and there was no response. I checked the stalls, and she wasn't there, so I called her phone.

*pop ringtone*

I turned around and found her cell phone on the floor. OH GOD, NO! 

"LINA!!!!" I shouted

Suddenly, Lucifer, Geneieve, Stella, and Ashton came running in.

"What happened?!" asked Stella

"Where's Lina?" asked Ashton 

"L-Lina, she's been kidnapped!" I cried 


When I heard those words, I screamed so loud that the mirrors nearly cracked. First, my Bride had been shot and barely survived, and now she's been kidnapped. Whoever did this is going to be very sorry! Whoever you are, You can run, but you can't hide! You'll be sorry you took my future Queen. You'll be sorry you messed with Lucifer Morningstar! You'll be very sorry you kidnapped the BRIDE OF SATAN! Don't worry, my beauty, I will find and save you!


On the outskirts of Manhattan...


"Is she here?" I asked 

"Yep, tied up and gagged in the basement," said Henchman 

"Perfect! In three days, contact Clifford and inform him we will drop her off at the cabin and be done with this," I said 

"Yes, Boss," said Henchman

Once I got to the basement, there she was—the girlfriend of Lucifer Morningstar. I can see why Morningstar is infatuated with this woman; she's a good-looking kitten. I can move on with my life once I ship her to the cabin!

"Hello, Ms. Winston. It's a pleasure," I said 

A/N: Bethany is serving a life sentence! Victor is getting the death penalty! It's over for those two! Oh Boy, Sergei has succeeded in kidnapping Lina! Will Lucifer save her? Will he ever tell her the truth? What will happen next? The next chapter is the S1 Finale of Bride of Satan. You can read the story on Episode as well. 

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