Paying the Price | ✍🏼

By ikc_writes

23.6K 493 80

Georgia Alice Monroe The same girl who has been abused until she found her brothers. She has relied on having... More

- Characters -
- Extra Characters -
- Playlist -
0.0 Prologue
01. Being the New Girl
02. Missing Childhood
03. Hoping
04. Coming Together
05. The Good and The Bad
06. Phone Call
07. Dangerous Situation
09. Anxious and Tired
10. Save Me
11. Devising A Plan

08. Danger is Approaching

629 16 4
By ikc_writes

 - Nickolas Creed - 

Sitting up with a groan, I searched around my pitch black bedroom, feeling my bed side table for my phone. It had been ringing non-stop, awakening me from my slumber. I didn't even glance at the name nor did I hesitate to pick up the call, as I pressed the phone to my ear while I swung my legs over my bed so that they were on the ground. 

I had just come back from a flight with my little cousin and younger brother, who had been alerted of a threat that something was going to happen between the mafia's that were residing in New Jersey. As soon as Harvey had heard, he had begged me to come with to get his siblings out of there and back home. 

They had only been there for a day, and I knew it was the right thing. No one had heard a word from Raphael if he had heard what was going on, or if he knew anything about Alessandro. No one knew, it was only that we were communicating through Riccardo and Gabriel whenever we got the chance. 

It was like Raphael had shut down the whole other side of their family. They also barely knew what was going on with Raphael. I was concerned, knowing that this was not what Alessandro would have wanted at all. Even I knew nothing about what was going on with him. I was supposed to be his best friend, as was my little brother Tom was supposed to be Ace's best friend. 

We never didn't not tell each other what was going on. We were allies. I was born into the French Mafia while Alessandro was born into the Italian Mafia. The very same Mafia he had worked his asse off for, before he quickly believed that Raphael and Theodore were his half-siblings. I had never believed them, even when we went to gatherings together when he ran the American Mafia. 

So, as I heard a dead silence on the other side of the phone, I began the conversation. "Hello?" as I heard the other person let out a sigh. It sounded like a young girl, confusing me even further. Benjamin's little sister never rang me, as I never rang her. It was wrong. I had no idea who else it could have been that was ringing me at this hour. 

I was over the moon when Harvey had mentioned to me that Harry had become best of friends with Harriet Clement, Carter Jones and Thomas Kingston. It felt like everything we had worked for was falling into pieces. The French Mafia was aligning itself with Germans, as I had always been best of friends with Benjamin, who ran the German Mafia. 

The Jones were apart of the Germans and the Kingston's had a hand in the French. Both families were neutral, compared to the way that my family and the Monroe family were heavily involved in the Mafia's, having been running them for most of our lives already. 

"Hi, I am so sorry for calling you. I had no idea who else to call as I don't want to speak to Raphael and I can't get in contact with Ace and Alessandro anymore, as I'm sure you already know that. I know you don't really know me, but I need your help" as soon as I had heard those words through my phone, I knew exactly who it was. 

"Hey, hey Georgia, slow down. Let's break it up. What do you mean by you don't want to speak to Raphael?" by the sounds of it, something had happened. I didn't want to immediately overwhelm her, so I tried to calm her down. She didn't seem to be in immediate danger, so I needed to converse her and gather an understanding of what was going on. 

"I-I, I just don't know. When I thought about calling him, I got a bad gut feeling. I remember you mentioning it once to trust in your gut feeling, and I did. I didn't call him. He also was always moody towards me after we moved to New Jersey. I didn't like it." hearing that, made my stomach twist in knots. 

Knowing that Raphael had been in a bad mood since they had moved to New Jersey, meant nothing good. My suspicions were staring to be confirmed about the man that used to constantly hide in the shadows of America, never staying in a place for longer than 3 months at a time. He was hard to get onto. 

It shocked me, when Alessandro finally got a hold of him, keeping him in New York for more than a few months.  I didn't trust him from the second he had been in the picture, years ago. "Ok, ok. I can't get in contact with Ace and Alessandro, but I will keep trying. What did you mean by needing my help?" 

I had to keep this conversation going. Having grown up with the Monroe's, I knew when one of the younger ones, especially Giovanni, when they became overwhelmed or stressed, they tended to pass out, from exhaustion. From what I had heard, Gio had been going through a tough time, and no one had noticed. Whenever I had been invited around and he was home, I had seen the differences. 

I had been watching them all closely, not in a creepy way, but that extra touch from the outside, that I knew Alessandro would be too caught up with everything else to look at. "I was going to class earlier, when I bumped into someone, before I was pushed to the ground and kicked. They then dragged me into this room, where I was interrogated. I didn't say a thing" 

There was pause, but it wasn't for long, not giving me enough chance to say anything to try and calm her down even more. "The person hurt me, but not as bad. Once the person let me go, I gathered my stuff and ran to my dorm, ringing you before my phone dies" 

My heart ached, while it warmed at the same time. For once, I had been chosen as the first port of call. But I didn't have time to dwell on that feeling. "Georgia, do you have another phone on you or someone else's phone?" I questioned her, needing her to stay with me for as long as I could. 

I stood up, starting to dress myself as I awaited for her response. "Uhm, yes I think I should" I heard her start rummaging around, before I heard her sigh in relief, letting me know she had a phone. "Before this phone dies, get my number and some other people's numbers if you don't have them in the other phone, and use it to call me when this one dies" I said. 

I had to get her and her brothers out of there. I knew that Harriet Clement was out of there, having been brought home with us and her  two older brothers. Thomas and his two older brothers were being driven home with his eldest brother and father, while Carter was flying on a normal plane, by himself, as he had flown there on his own. 

I knew it had been a bad idea organizing them all into the same boarding school in New Jersey. None of them deserved to go there, and now I had to get more of them out of there. Just as Georgia had told me that I had said to her, Trust your gut feeling. I had trusted my gut feeling when I had let them go, before regretting it and getting them out of there. 

"Now, I am going to try and call Alessandro or Ace on another phone, while you stay on the line, alright? Don't hang up on me" I needed to keep her there, as I knew that Ace did this with her, and I had to tell her my plan as I was going on. 

"Ok" was all she initially said, as I propped my phone up on my desk, slipping my pants on quickly, before buttoning up my white shirt. I then searched for my other phone, as I could hear her moving around on her side. "Nick?" she questioned, and I rushed back over to my usual phone, with my work phone in my other hand. 

"Yeah?" I responded, trying to keep the worry and hesitation out of my tone. I didn't need to worry her anymore than she had worried me. It was my job to worry over my best friends little sister. She had rang me, after all, calling for help. She didn't need to hear that I was worried or that I was stressing over getting her brothers on the phone. 

I would need their consent to get her out of there, as I also don't want to talk to Raphael. For him to be not happy and treating Georgia with how I think he is treating her, which is at a distance, is not good for anyone. He was what had worried me more than anything. For Raphael, a Mafia Boss himself, to not be getting his family when there has been a warning for a war, something is seriously wrong. 

You know, I doubted my thoughts and gut feelings, thinking that he may have done it, without telling anyone like he usually did. But Georgia calling me without calling him, really confirmed that he hadn't thought twice about them. They were supposed to be so-called siblings, and he hadn't even thought to bring them home. 

"Do you think they would want to talk to me? Ace has spoken to me, but it was short. I'm not sure if they would want to talk to me, and know what was going on, as what I put them through last year should be enough for them to not want to talk to me" those words broke my heart. 

I knew everything that had happened last year, and hearing Georgia think that Ace and Alessandro wouldn't want to hear about what is going on, breaks my heart. Ace and Alessandro would be wanting constant updates on everything, as would I for my younger cousins, and I would never want them to think the way that Georgia is thinking. 

Georgia, for as long as I have known her, has always had a sweet, heart and is always a people pleaser. She sometimes comes across wrong when she is trying to think of herself instead of others for once, and it comes out as anger, but she is constantly trying her best. 

I didn't respond, rather trying to get the person she needed to hear on the other end. I was relieved, when he picked up, and holding the phones closer together. "Hello?" he questioned, and I heard Georgia gasp on her end. She had heard him. 



thoughts? xx

cliffhanger!! hope you liked it after not updating for a long time!! was it who we thought it would be? 

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