Digital Love (Digimon X Male...

By C9-Destiny

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Y/n L/n is a very "close friend" of a tomboyish girl named Tai Kamiya and sees her as a great friend, but Tai... More

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐 | 𝑺𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒏...
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟒 | 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏...
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟓 | 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑮𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟔 | 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟖 | 𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔...
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟕 | 𝑴𝒕. 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚

735 17 3
By C9-Destiny

The kids were walking through a chilly forest, Mimi and TK were shivering as they were rubbing their arms, as they tried to keep the heat in their bodies. 

Gomamon: "I know this is no day at the beach, Joe, but that's no reason to be a worry wart about it and make all your friends unhappy. Pardon the pun, but chill out. Only you've got a problem with the cold. Everyone thinks warm,"

Joe: "I'm allergic to fur,"

Tai: "Come on Joe, be a little bit more spirited,"

TK & Mimi: *gasp*

Izzy: "Perhaps not if you're a polar bear or a penguin,"

Tai: "Yeah, but if it shows, we'll throw some snowballs!"

Mimi: "And make snowmen!"

Gomamon: "Who do you think Snowmon is?"

Gabumon: "A Digimon from their planet?"

Izzy: "It's difficult to explain,"

Tentomon: Well, if it's edible, count me in!"

Izzy: "No, the best thing about show balls is that you can throw them at each other. It's a fun game that we play in the winter months,"

Tentomon: "You throw food?"

Matt: "We could build a snow fort!"

Tai: "You'll need one!"

Sora: "I bet I could beat you both, blindfolded!"

As their conversation went on Y/n saw a huge mountain in the distance, looked at it in wonder, and turned towards Dorumon.

Y/n: "Hey Dorumon, what's that big mountain up there?"

Dorumon: "That? That's Mount Infinity!"

Y/n: "Mount Infinity? Does it go on forever?"

Dorumon: "Nope, but it's tough to climb, and one of my old friends Gaogamon is a protector of the mountain! Or we can ask Unimon he has a lot of knowledge!"

Y/n: "Gaogamon? Is he another one of your "friendly" Digimon that attacks us?"

Dorumon: "Haha, very funny! But don't worry! Just like Leomon, he is a protector and a warrior of justice, if we're lucky we might get to see him!"

Y/n: "Leomon? Are you just spouting out names by this point?"

Dorumon: "Come on Y/n don't you believe me?"

Y/n: "After everything that has happened to us since we got here? Giant sea dragons, dinosaur hermit crabs, killer androids, and a Digimon that's on fire. I don't know what to believe."

Dorumon: "That's the spirit!"

Y/n just sighed as he then turned back to the rest of the group who were having their conversation about snow still.

TK: "I wanna build an igloo!"

Palmon: "I'll help! If you tell me what it is,"

Tentomon: "An igloo sounds scrumptious!"

Izzy: "Too bad they're not edible,"

Y/n: "It is if you try hard enough!"

Joe: "You can't be serious. It'd be horrible if it started snowing right now,"

Sora: "Lighten up, Joe. We're just trying to look at the positive side of things,"

Joe: "Blech,"

TK: "Hey, Y/n, when's it gonna snow?"

Y/n: "Probably any second now,"

Matt: "Right on Joe's head!"

TK: "That'd be so funny!"

Tai: "I can't wait to see his face!"

Joe: "You know, if the temperature drops any lower than it already is, we won't be able to camp out anymore! We'll be frozen Digitreats!"

Tai, Matt, Izzy, TK: *laugh*

Joe: Right. Go ahead and laugh. But when your tootsies freeze don't come crying to me. I'll just say I told you so. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Think first. Hmmph.

The group continues to walk through the forest until they all walk into a field of snow. Mimi ran straight into Patamon as the two began to run around and have fun.

Gomamon: "What's the white stuff?"

Mimi: "It's a field of snow! There's bound to be a ski resort nearby!"

Joe: "Oh, man. This is much worse than even I thought it was!"

Sora: "What now, guys?"

Y/n: "I think we should keep going. We won't get anywhere just sitting here,"

Sora: "But if we cross the field in our sneakers our toes will go numb,"

Joe: "It's impossible to continue!"

Tai: "Isn't it a little b-bit chilly now guys?"

Matt: "I hate agreeing with her but it's freezing!"

A cold wind then passed by and the group then shivered as the cold breeze hit them like a truck, Mimi was trying her best to hold on to her Hatt, and Joe was complaining about how he was getting hypothermia, the rest of the group were doing the best they could in order to stay warm from the cold breeze.

Though an exception to this was Y/n, who still had his blanket on him, as he wrapped it around his body to keep warm. as Dorumon and Gabumon were fine thanks to their furry coats. Most of the group looked at Y/n and saw that he was perfectly fine thanks to his blanket and quickly went up to him and huddled around him to keep warm.

Y/n: "Woah! Hey, I'm no campfire!"

Joe: "Yeah, but you're the only with that's warm,"

Sora: "Plus some of us need it more than you!"

Y/n: "Why?"

Izzy: "I mean Sora is wearing a sleeveless shirt, me, Tai, and Joe are wearing short sleeves with shorts, and Matt has it the worse with a sleeveless shirt and shorts!"

Y/n turned his eyes to the rest of the group and saw that Matt was shivering began to feel a little bad for the others, as he opened up his arms allowing the blanket to spread out a little more which barely wrapped around the rest of the group who huddled closer to Y/n, as Matt and Tai took the opportunity to hug the side of Y/n with Matt on his left. Tai on his right making him sigh.

Joe: "Thanks, for sharing your blanket Y/n, but I don't know how we can move with everyone huddled like this,"

Tai: "So what are we supposed to do? Just stand around like a bunch of dorks? We might cross that field or go up that big mountain,"

Joe: "Hey, you're the one enjoying this more than anyone is right now!"

Agumon: "Wait a sec. I think there's a weird odor in the air,"

Biyomon: "I do believe he's right,"

Gabumon: "But what could it be?"

Tai: "I dunno. But it smells like..."

Izzy: "Very familiar..."

Biyomon: "It's steam,"

Matt: "She's right. But where's it coming from?"

Joe: "A big geyser!"

Mimi & TK: Wow! A hot springs!"

Mimi: "Yipee! We can take a bath! Finally, now I can get warm!"

All: "Yeah! Woohoo!"

The kids and the Digimon ran in the direction of the hot spring, while Y/n stood there still being hugged by both Matt and Tai.

Y/n: "You two know you can let go of me now?"

Matt & Tai: "She let's go first!"

Y/n just sighed as the two girls send glares to each other while the three of them were still being covered by Y/n's blanket while the other continued to run towards the hot spring.


Y/n: "Uh, oh guys... This water is way too hot,"

Tentomon: "We'd be cooked if we jumped in this,"

Izzy: "Boiled more so,"

Mimi: "Well, there go my big dreams of a nice warm bath,"

Palmon: "It looks so inviting,"

Matt: "Maybe if you're a vegetable,"

Joe: "What's a little dirt compared to staving? We need to eat and there's nothing in sight!"

TK: "Oh, yes there is!"

Joe: "What are you talking about? There's nothing here but a bunch of rocks and hot water!"

TK: "Look!"

The group then turned to where TK was pointing to see a refrigerator just standing in the middle of the hot springs.

Joe: "Tell me I'm not imagining this,"

Tai: "Yeah! It's real!"

Joe: "Oh, come on, that's ridiculous! What would a refrigerator be doing all the way out here?"

Matt: "Hey, where there's a fridge, there's grub!"

Sora:" Well, we won't know til we open it,"

Mimi: "I want hot cocoa!"

Palmon: "What's that?"

TK: "Seriously?! You never had hot cocoa! When get out of here I'm gonna show you what makes hot cocoa so great!"

Tai: "Come on already, let's open it!"

Tai then walked over to the fridge with the rest of the group who huddled around her to see that the fridge was stocked with eggs surprising the group.

 Y/n: "Huh? Eggs!"

Agumon: "There must be a zillion of them!"

Tai: "Grub on! These'll keep us all fed for a month!"

Joe: "Wait! Don't touch those! We don't know if they're fit for human consumption!"

Tai: "Then I'll be the guinea pig! If I turn purple you'll know they're not edible,"

Joe: "There's more to it than that! Even if they were edible they don't belong to us! That'd make us all thieves! You gotta think of stuff like that!"

Matt: "Unless you're into eating rocks, we don't have much of a choice,"

Sora: "I'm sure they'd say yes if they knew our position,"

Izzy: "Right. We'd just tell them it's an emergency situation,"

Joe: "Hmm..."

On a hot rock that was placed over a fire, Sora cracked open an egg and dropped it straight onto the hot rock causing it to sizzle, while on the other hand, Y/n was using a makeshift bowl that was made with the help of Dorumon and Joe to scramble the eggs.

Sora: "Sunny-side-up eggs are my specialty!"

Y/n: "And good thing that my Mom taught me how to cook!"

Meanwhile Y/n and Sora were cooking eggs on the makeshift stove, and TK and Patamon are boiling eggs in the boiling water.

Patamon: "There! Done!"

Tai: "Hey, Joe come on man, how are those chopsticks coming?"

Mimi: "Hurry, we want to eat!"

Joe: "Sorry, this just makes me feel uncomfortable. We'd be in big trouble if someone got sick. No doctors, you know. Why do I always have to be the one to think of these things?"

Y/n: "Hey! I also question these things too Joe!"

Joe: "Really? Because you Matt and Tai have been lovely Dovey lately,"

Y/n: "Hey!"

After that Y/n and Sora brought the scrambled eggs and sunny-side-up eggs to a large rock that the group used as a table the group looked at the eggs with hunger in their eyes, Y/n sitting in between both Dorumon and Tai who were sitting closely next to him. Matt was sitting next to TK who was already using his chopsticks thanks to Y/n, as Mimi just smiled at her food.

Mimi: "Tres gourmet!"

Sora: "It's your turn, next time,"

Biyomon: "Go on, dig in!"

Tai: "Oh, yeah! I haven't had food like this in a long time! My stomach's chimin'!"

Y/n: "I guess it has been a minute since we ate. At least we have the chance to now eat,"

Y/n then grabbed his chopsticks to the side of his bowl and picked up a sunny-side-up egg with his chopsticks and open his mouth, but stopped as he saw that Tai was leaning towards his food with her mouth wide open.

Tai: "Ahh~"

Y/n just stared at her for a few moments before just feeding her his food, with a quick sigh, while the group stared at him and Tai.

Tai: "Yummy!"

Dorumon: "Feed me too Y/n!"

Mimi: "Tai seems really close to Y/n. You think she likes him?"

Sora (Sarcastically): "No..."

Izzy: "Mimi have you seriously been the only one who hasn't noticed?"

Matt (Jealous): "Well she better stop..."

Sora: "Ok that's enough, how about we just go back to eating? No feeding each other too!"

Izzy: "But shouldn't Y/n clean his chopsticks or else isn't it indirect-"

Sora quickly just covered Izzy's mouth before another argument just came up.

Sora: "Yeah, let's just get back to eating. Won't we?"

Tai just pouted, and Matt just nodded as she turned back to her food.

Matt: "If we had some ketchup to go with this it'd be perfect!"

TK: "Mmm...I love ketchup and eggs!"

Sora: "Sounds pretty gross, to me,"

Y/n: "What?! Sora we can't be friends anymore,"

Sora: "Classic Y/n. Overacting when he doesn't need to,"

Y/n: "Boo-hoo!"

Gomamon: "What's the matter, Joe? You haven't eaten anything!"

Joe:" I was just thinking that if we were able to get back home, ketchup wouldn't be a problem,"

Mimi: "Oh, now I'm homesick. How depressing,"

TK: "Now I want to go home, too,"

Izzy: "It's been four days since we've been here. I wonder if anyone's tried to find out where we are,"

Sora: "Cheer up! Just tell me how you like your eggs and I'll try my very best!

Y/n: "And I lighten up the mood!"

Tai: "I like mine with soya sauce,"

Matt: "How about salsa?"

Sora: "How about a reality check?"

Y/n: "I'll have mine with mustard and jelly beans, please!"

Tai and Matt: *Giggle*

Izzy:" How gross!"

TK: "Mmmm...jelly beans, that sounds good!"

Mimi: "What? You're both weird. My favorite is eggs topped with maple syrup. Yummy! Sometimes I like them with cherries on top!"

Dorumon: "You monster..."

Sora: "That's weird,"

TK: "But I bet it's good,"

Some of the group laughed as Joe looked at them in disgust as they made their jokes he then looked back at his eggs while Gomamon looked at him Joe just stared at him as he wondered why he wasn't eating.

Joe: "What? You're making me lose my appetite! I just like plain eggs! Ugh, I wish we could talk about something other than egg recipes,"

Gomamon: "Don't be so hard on yourself, they're just having a little fun,"

Matt: "Yeah, join the party!"

Tai: I think it's really too late for him. I think Joe thinks we've gone a little crazy.

Joe: "Well, I mean really. Jelly beans and cherries on eggs. That's crazy talk. Salt and pepper are all they need. Keep it simple! That's always been my motto,"

Gomamon: "I'm afraid Joe's just not the kind of guy that's meant to be adaptable,"

Joe: "Just What do you mean?"

Gomamon: "Face it, Joe, you're kinda a stick in the mud, if you get my drift,"

Joe: "I'm just practical!"

Gomamon: "You're stuffy!"

Biyomon: "It never stops. Here we go again,"

Joe: "Someone has to have a head on his shoulders,"

Gomamon: "You wanna fight? huh? huh?"

Joe: "Yeah, sure!"

They then squared up as Y/n got up from his seat and held the two away from each other.

Y/n:" Woah! Woah! Calm down there guys! No need to fight!"

Joe: "I am calm! He's the one who's dingy. And why'd you squeeze my arm?"

Matt: "You don't seem like yourself today, Joe. You're a basket case,"

Joe: "I am just trying to be careful. Unlike the rest of you weirdos. You're just asking for trouble,"

Y/n: "Hey don't say! that! Especially in front of cameras! I might lose the hype that I gained from acting!"

Joe: "Cameras? What are you even talking about?! There are no cameras even remotely nearby!"

Joe then stormed off leaving the group behind as Gomamon made sure that Joe was gone as he began to eat all of Joe's eggs.


Joe: *sigh* "I've got to be the cautious one around here. I have to be...the voice of reason,"

Y/n: "Joe?"

Joe: "Y/n? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be eating with the others?"

Y/n: "W-Well I was until the taste of egg got bland, you can only eat too many eggs you know?"

Joe: "I guess..."

Tai: "We should start climbing, Matt!"

Matt: "No we shouldn't, Tai!"

Joe and Y/n: "Huh?"

Back to the rest of the group Matt and Tai were arguing and fighting again at the base of the mountain.

Tai: "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

Matt: "Because it's way too dangerous!"

Tai: "There's no place else to go! We have no choice!"

Matt: "Look, before we do something foolish, we should think it over a little!"

Tai: "You're just a big old chicken, Matt!"

Matt: "And you're just a thief!"

Tai: "Chicken!"

Matt: "Thief!"

Joe: "Hey, everybody, what's all the ruckus about? Why are Matt and Tai fighting?"

Izzy: "They're debating about whether or not we should climb up Mount Infinity, which is way up over there,"

Joe: "That's practically up to the sky!"

Tai: "It's the perfect spot! We've got to climb up there. It's the best view of the island!"

Joe: "She's got a point there,"

Sora: "That's not the way Matt sees it,"

Matt: "Nobody would make it up that peak! It's too much of a gamble!"

Biyomon: "She might be right, Joe. There might be lots of evil Digimon up that peak,"

Joe: "That's not good. It wouldn't be worth the risk,"

Tai:" Come on, Matt! Don't be a wimp! We won't get anywhere if we just stand around talking!"

Matt: "Put your fists down when you talk to me! And stop acting as if you can just bully your way into being the leader!"

Tai:" What do you mean!?"

Joe: "Come on, you guys! Chill out. Now look, calm down. Let's think this over,"

Matt: "So, what's your opinion about this, Joe?"

Joe: "Huh?"

Y/n: "Guys you can't just thrust Joe into making decisions like these!"

Matt: "Then make the decisions for us Y/n!"

Tai: "Yeah who's right?!"

The two then shot their eyes towards Y/n waiting for his decision. Y/n just stared at the two of them, before slowly walking back behind Joe hiding behind him as he slowly peeked behind him.

Y/n: "Actually... Seeing as Joe is the oldest he's best suited to fix this..."

Joe: "..."

Tai: "Yeah Joe, who's right? Me or Matt?"

Joe: "Well, uh...Tai is right about going up that peak. We could see the landscape of the island much better,"

Tai: "See, Matt?"

Joe: "Hold on. Matt brought up a good point too. She's right about the danger It'd be dumb to lead everyone up to a place we don't know anything about,"

Tai: "Hmm..."

Joe: "Hmm..."

Matt: "Hmm..."

Tai: "Oh, come on! Let's just go as far as we can up the mountain!"

Matt: "That's stupid! We can't protect ourselves up there!"

Joe: "Stop! You're both making me a nervous wreck! Just give me a chance to think. Don't be difficult!"

Matt: "What? You are the most difficult person I ever met!"

Joe: "Hey! I am trying to make a decision here! Please don't interrupt me!"

Tai: "You're just a big old chicken, Matt!"

Matt: "Tai, you better take that back you three!"

Joe: "Enough already! You're giving me a headache!"

Sora: "Put a cork in it, you three!"

Tai & Matt & Joe: "Huh?"

Sora: "Now, grow up. We need to make a decision,"

Biyomon: "Plus, it'll be dark soon,"

Agumon: "I think we'd better get some shut-eye,"

Gabumon: "There will be plenty of time to argue later,"

Sora: "First of all, we need to find a good place to sleep. Let's head for the caves,"

Agumon: "Yeah, it'll be warm in there!"

Biyomon: "I get the top rock!"

Dorumon: "I get the top of Y/n's head then!"

Matt: "I call his left!"

Tai: "Then I call his right!"

Y/n: "Really?!"


Joe was sitting by himself on a rock near the boiling water while everyone was sound asleep as was thinking to himself.

Joe: 'Someone is gonna get hurt if I don't do something fast. Instead, I got involved myself. If I'm responsible for everyone's safety, I've got to protect them. Their lives depend on me!'

everyone is sleeping. Joe wakes up and walks out of the cave. He looks at the mountain

Joe: "I'll do it!"

Joe with determination in his eyes to keep everyone safe starts walking up the mountain. Though unannounced to him Gomamon woke up and saw that Joe was heading up to Mount Infinity and started following, but in the process knocked Dorumon off Y/n's head waking both him and and Y/n up from their nap.

Y/n (Sleepy): "H-Huh? Dorumon? What happened?"

Y/n turned his attention to Dorumon who was rubbing his head and just climbed back up on Y/n's head, but saw that Gomamon was chasing after Joe who was going toward the direction of Mount Infinity.

Y/n (Whisper): "Joe? Is he crazy?!"

Y/n then slowly got up from where he was laying making sure not to wake up the sleeping Matt and Tai, as he then started to chase after Joe and Gomamon, while Dorumon went back to sleep on Y/n's head.

Y/n: 'Joe whatever you're thinking is stupid! And you're the rational one!"


Y/n was looking for where Joe went on the mountain and after a while, it seemed as if he were lost since he didn't even know where he was.

Y/n: "Damn it... Joe! Where are you!"

Y/n yelled out throughout the mountains echoing around the surrounding area to no response getting him to sigh.

Dorumon (Sleepy): "Maybe he is climbing all the way to the top?"

Y/n: "Does he really seem like the person to do that though? I mean come on,"

Dorumon (Sleepy): "Maybe we can ask Gaogamon or Unimon..."

Y/n: "Maybe they can hand us a map... Maybe Joe went this way?"

Y/n then looked up at a huge wall that was to the right of him as he then tried to get on top of it, which was rather difficult due to the fact that when he was climbing up the wall Dorumon was hanging off his head making it difficult to see where he was going. Though after a few attempts of trying he was able to make it over as he was on his knees panting while Dorumon was just looking at his partner/ as he looked up to see a Digimon right in front of them with shadows covering its eyes.

Dorumon: "That's Gaogamon! Maybe he can help us Y/n! Right Gaogamon?"

Gaogamon just stared at them with its eyes still covered with shadows as it got closer to them.

Y/n: "U-Uhm Gaogamon are you okay?"

Gaogamon: "Spiral Blow!"

Gaogamon then revealed his eyes which were giving off a blank stare with no pupils, as then opened up his mouth releasing a powerful vortex from his mouth, as Y/n and Dorumon held on to the ground as they were being pushed away by the powerful vortex.

Y/n: "Dorumon! I was right to worry!"

Dorumon: "Gaogamon it's me Dorumon!"

Gaogamon: "Intruders... Begone!"

Gaogamon then pounced toward Dorumon and Y/n who rolled into two separate directions to get away from Gaogamon's attack.

Y/n: "Dorumon, Get him now!"

Dorumon: "Metal Cannon!"

Gaogamon: "Double Claw!"

Dorumon's metal sphere was then cut up right into tiny pieces Gaogamon's red claws glowed brightly as he then diced up Dorumon's metal sphere into tiny pieces before disintegrating.

Y/n: "For a warrior and protector of justice he really does hate people just meets!"

Dorumon: "Trust me. He doesn't act like this!"

Y/n: "Maybe a metal gear?"

Dorumon: "It has to be!"

Gaogamon: "Spiral Blow!"

Just then Gaogamon then sent another vortex of wind this time directly just toward Y/n knocking him into the side of the mountain he then fell down and let out a groan of pain.

Dorumon: "Y/n!"

Dorumon then quickly ran to Y/n's side and began shaking his partner to get up which wasn't working to any avail, as Dorumon began to sweat, as he then turned to see that Gaogamon was standing right before them with his claws glowing bright, as it looked like he was going to attack again, as Dorumon's stood right in front of him doing whatever it took in order to protect his partner.

Dorumon: "I don't know what's wrong with you Gaogamon, but you hurt my partner so now your going to deal with me!"

Dorumon just growled at Gaogamon who just growled, but then a huge torpedo just then appeared from out of nowhere to hit directly Gaogamon in his back, making both Gaogamon and Dorumon turn their attention to a Digimon that was to the right of them.

Joe: "Y/n are you okay?!"

Ikkakumon: "You won't be hurting anyone no longer Gaogamon!"

Gaogamon: "Grr... Spiral Blow!"

Gaogamon once again shot out another vortex of wind but this time towards Ikkakumon who was able to dodge it suddenly Greymon and Birdramon came from right behind Ikkakumon and send out their attacks toward Gaogamon.

Greymon: "Nova Blast!"

Birdramon: "Meteor Wing!"

The two attacks then hit Gaogamon right into its side causing him to let out a cry of pain, as a black gear then popped right out of his fur sending it straight into the air before disappearing.

Sora: "These black gears are really getting out of hand. Right, Tai-"

Tai: "Y/n! Are you okay?! Do you need CPR?!"

Tai then rushed directly toward Y/n, as Greymon, Ikkakumon, and Birdramon then reverted right back to their previous forms, as Tai held Y/n's head in her lap.

Joe: "He doesn't need CPR Tai, he did take a nasty hit though, so it might be a while-"

Y/n (In pain): "So soft... Huh? Tai what am I-"

Tai: "Y/n! You're okay!"

Tai then pulled Y/n into a right hug pulling him directly into her chest, making him blush, but he simply returned the favor by giving her a small hug back before just patting her on the back signaling her to let him go.

Sora: "Good to see your back. After we saw that you and Joe were missing we went to look for you two, we found Joe and he almost died, and here you are... Almost dying. How irresponsible can you two be?"

Y/n: "I almost die and I am getting lectured... Great,"

Joe: "We've dealt with Unimon who had a black gear stuck in him too, but how do we get all the way to the top?"

Gaogamon: "I may be of assistance,"

All: "Huh?"

The group then turned right behind him to see that Gaogamon was right behind them but his eyes were back to normal, as he stood in front of them.

Dorumon: "Gaogamon!"

Gaogamon: "Hello Dorumon, nice to see you old friend, I'm sorry for attacking you two, I don't know what got a hold of me,"

Y/n: "Don't sweat it, you didn't have control over yourself,"

Gaogamon: "I thank you for your forgiveness, but if you want me to take you to the top of Mount. Infinity, I can take you, as an apology for hurting you,"

Dorumon: "It would be an honor Gaogamon!"


The group thanks to Gaogamon was able to reach near the summit of Mount Infinity before they were then dropped off By Gaogamon.

Gaogamon: "I'm sorry young friends, but I have other matters to attend to, I hope we meet again,"

Dorumon: "Thanks Gaogamon! We can walk the rest of the way We won't forget you,"

Y/n: "I certainly won't..."

Sora: "Didn't you just forgive him?"

Y/n: "I think I might have brain damage now,"

Tai: "Then I will help you then!"

Joe: "Save it for later, look! We're almost to the top!"

The 3 of them with their Digimon then made it to the top with smiles on their faces which quickly then faulted as they then just realized where they were...

They were nowhere near home...

To Be Continued...

-T1 Agu Signing Out!

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