Momo Ketchum

By Jani7310

12.5K 241 49

Momo Ketchum is Ash's twin sister. They both have powerful Aura's that let's them talk to Pokemon. Ash's Aura... More

Momo Ketchum
Momo's Pokemon
chapter one
chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Update on Momo's Pokemon
Twenty Four
Another Note
Thank you note

Attention Readers!

843 9 3
By Jani7310

I guys. I'm doing this story over again. I'm not going to do what a lot of people do where they have every one betray Ash. There my be one or two. I don't like to do this with Pokemon because I really like the characters that they have betray him. I also just don't like those stories. I might only have one of those kind of story that I like.

If you don't like that then what are you doing here? I don't like having that kind of stuff in my stories and if that is what you expect from me then just leave. If I want to put a little of that in my Pokemon stories then I will but just a little bit of it here and there. I like my Pokemon stories to have a little bit of that drama in it. I may do stuff where Gary is worse then in the anime, or I may have him be nicer. I might make misty more of a jerk or I might not.

My point is if you except me to do that then don't read my stories. I love May, Max, Brock, Dawn, and the other characters. I will not make them out to be jerks. I love Delta as well and I will not make her out to be the bad guy. If other people can stand to do that to these kind Characters then great for them. I'm not that type of person. If you like reading them, then stick to those authors. You will not find that kind of stuff in my Pokemon stories. I will not take Character bashing to that level.

This is my thoughts and my point of view. If you don't like this again just leave. You don't have to read my stories if you don't like them. I will try and put some of that in any future Pokemon stories. If I still don't then just leave and go to stories that do have major character bashing.

Sorry I'm done with my Tangent. I needed to get that out there. If anyone is reading my story for these reasons then leave because you will not get that with me. There are also a lot of stories where Ash isn't betrayed and just some characters that are more nasty then in the anime that do real well. I want to do stuff like that and if that isn't what you want to read then go read it somewhere else.

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