By MissterWrite

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"She's a psycho and she leads me to insanity" - Duke Galdonez Imperial In the world of the Elite society were... More

The Eligible Bachelors Series
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 37

81 4 3
By MissterWrite

Warning: This story may not be suitable for a very young age due to some unscripted words...



"Duke! Lunch?"

"You're here." It was pretty hard to control it but deep inside, I feel excited. Just by the thought of her surprising me a visit. Her presence alone had already made my day lighter.

"Excuse me, Sir. Ms. Celestine is also here with us."

I turned my head to look for Celestine. I wouldn't have noticed her if I hadn't been told.

"Oh, Celestine, you're here. I have not noticed you right away. My apology. Is there anything I could help you with?"

"Excuse me, Ma'am! Allow me to take care of this. I'll get you a nice cutlery. Would you like me to reheat and transfer it to the plates?" Jane already knows what to do. She took the insulated bag where Vlance had packed our lunch. She was also trying to lower the tone of her voice to avoid interrupting us.

"I'm here to attend the presentation on behalf of my Grandfather," Celestine said. Why does she always have to speak like she owns the world?

"What presentation? Do you mean, Doc Ellie's Medical Research Presentation?" Vlance sniggered.

"Are you being serious? The presentation will begin at 1:00 p.m. You came too early. I would suggest, you better come back later and have your lunch break first." She gave her a meaningful grin. It was as if she was telling her to back off. Vlance like Ellie and I guess she doesn't like the idea of Ellie meeting another woman.

Wait a minute. How did she know about the meeting at 1:00 p.m.?

"Well, it's still 11:45 a.m. I still have fifteen minutes before lunchtime. Duke, Would you mind if I could have at least ten minutes of your time?" I don't like to be rude so I just considered her request.

"I don't mind at all. Please, have a seat." I responded.

Celestine's lips raised to curve. She then turned her head to look at Vlance, making sure that her victory would slap her right in the face.

"Augh! You're such a bitch!" Vlance cursed out, mumbling.

Ruby came holding a folder and then she handed it to me. "Excuse me, Sir. Here is the copy of what you requested just a while ago."

"Thank you. Also, please, get Miss Celestine a cup of tea and of course for my wife, her favorite iced cocoa drink." I noticed how Vlance was so fond of chocolate drinks. Every time we were together, she would always get herself a cup of chocolate drinks. At breakfast, work, on her studio, played video games, and watched movies. I would always end up seeing her holding a cup of cocoa drink. As to Celestine, I learned that according to Don Cecilio, she hates coffee. I guess, it would be much safer to offer her a cup of tea.

"Pompy is getting older and from now on, I decided to take over all of his business affairs." Celestine was referring to her grandfather, Don Cecilio when she said Pompy.

"About Doctor Requerva's Drug Development Research and Studies, I find it quite interesting. I heard you invested two hundred billion dollars on the project but I decided to double it.

Don Cecilio was initially planning to invest the same amount as I am planning to invest. I don't know what the motive behind her decision is. "In exchange, I will take over this project together with Doctor Requerva's research team. Pompy was very confident to have you as his business partner but I wanted to handle it alone. I am asking for you to drop your supervision on the project."

"Excuse me. Here is your iced cocoa, Madam Imperial." Ruby said, with her face all smiling as she was putting the cup of iced chocolate drink in front of Celestine. "And here is your tea, Miss Celestine." It's understandable that Ruby is new to her job but I can't stand her swap the drinks as she handed it to them. She thought Celestine was my wife.

"If I were Duke, you would have been fired by now," Celestine said.

Vlance chuckled cool. "Cool. She ain't one of the fan girls, huh? Finally, I met someone who doesn't know me." Ruby was still clueless.

"I'll just wait outside until you guys are finished with your meeting." She stood up and left me with these two annoying women. One of them is a bitchy brat and the other is an unmindful doltish.

"Have a nice day, Miss Celestine!" Ruby added. Foolishly waving her hand to Vlance.

"Bye!" Vlance responded cool, without getting affected.

"Ruby, would you please, just leave." Just leave before I can get you fired.

"I am sorry, Sir." She hurriedly left in fear.

"Can we proceed with our discussion?"

"I'm sorry, Celestine! I don't think I agree with your proposal. Can we just talk later. See you later." I rush out of my office and look for her.

"Where's my wife?" I asked Jane.

"Sir, she's waiting at the pantry... She insisted on taking your lunch break there. I'm sorry, I can't convince her to move on a decent room."

"It's ok." I looked for her at the pantry and there I found her sitting, watching something on her phone while she was wiping the knife with a napkin.

"Vlance, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I'll make sure the new assistant will learn her lesson."

"Oh, come on, Duke! Stop making it a big deal. It's fine. Here take a seat. Let's have lunch together." She smiled.

I smiled back. She's cool. Maybe because she doesn't like me at all, that is why it's not a big deal to her that other people don't see us as a married couple.

"Do you like it? I cook that for you?"

"Yeah. It tastes really good. I think I know this food. Let me guess."

"Paella-reta. Am I right?"

"Pretty close. It's Caldereta. Is there even such a word like Paellareta? Dummy!" she chuckled.

"Oh... yeah. I knew it. I just mixed it up."

"How'd you know it?"

"Not so long ago, a friend of mine, Chef Luis, invited me to his newly established authentic Filipino restaurant, he introduced the same dish to me."

"Apparently, there are various kinds of Caldereta. I bet what you have tried was pork or maybe beef. What I cooked for you is the exotic version. It's made of Dog's meat."

I automatically spit out the food I was chewing when I heard the word. "Dog's meat."

"Vlance!" I yelled.

"Kidding!" She spurts out cackling.

"You're such a tease. You scared the hell out of me." I feel like my stomach turned upside down with the disgusting thought of it.

"I'm sorry. I'm kidding. It's beef. Okay?"

"Did you like it?"

"How would you expect me to appreciate the food when you already killed my appetite?"

"I'm sorry, Duke." She was still laughing out loud, endlessly. She loves making fun of me.

"You're such a bad girl! You cooked only because you wanna pull a prank on me? Why do you always make fun of me?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that. Every time I see you get pissed off, it is priceless." She can't help but laugh with all her heart. I was dumbfounded for a moment as I stared at her face glowing as she cackled. I just can't help myself. It's Mesmerizing.

"By the way, I heard about your appointment with Tito Doc?" She was talking about Doctor Eliseo, my doctor, Ellie's father.

"How was it? I heard you're getting better. That's a piece of good news. I'm praying for your recovery, sincerely."

"Thank you... But how'd you know about it?"

"I heard it from him."

"How come did..." I stopped when I realized something. Doctor Eliseo mentioned a while ago that he would be visiting Ellie at his condo. He said that I was the only patient he would meet for today because he already had a plan with his son. Now, I think I know where Vlance went and why she left very early in the morning... to meet him. I think they are seeing each other, in secret.

"I also have an appointment with him." I know she is not telling the truth.

I just decided to let it drive out of my mind and think of something else. I know my position and role in Vlance's life and I just want to stay that way for her. I don't wanna put her on the pedestal. I will not make things complicated for her because that's how much I love her. That's already enough for me.

"By the way. Are you ready for tonight's party? I already had everything prepared for us."

"What party are you talking about? I'm not aware of that?" I knew it. She had already forgotten about it.

"There was an inaugural party tonight. This might be Sully, but would you be my date tonight? It would be strange if you weren't my date, right?"

She was silent for a moment. Her face looks like she is hesitating to reject my proposal right away. It seems like she doesn't want to humiliate me and make me feel bad about it because she's worried it might affect my illness. That's how it was painted all over her face.

"You know what? I think it's not necessary. We can just have our date at the house, right?"

"I'm sorry, Duke. I can't. I'm too busy. I have a lot of things to do at school. Promise, I'll make things up to you later. Let's have our date night, later at the house."

I gave her a bittersweet smile. "Okay. Let's just have our date later."

"I promise. I'll be there tonight."

"I'll wait for you..."

"Uhm... One more thing. What did you guys talk about? Was she able to convince you about her plans?" It made me feel envious because she's always interested when it comes to a matter that concerns Ellie. It is painful.

"Well Celestine being Celestine, she can be a handful most of the time and I think, what she just said earlier is something that we should not take seriously... Aren't you gonna be late? It's almost 1:00 p.m."

"I don't have class this afternoon but I'll be attending a group study with Dannelle and the others. I will be late but I will definitely make it." She reassured.

I called for Jane. "Jane, I'll be ready in five minutes," Jane already knows what to do.

I turned again to face Vlance. "See you tonight," I said and left her at the pantry. Deep inside I was hurting. If only there was something I could do to change her feelings, I would have done it already.


"Sir, Doctor Requerva just called. He canceled his appointment with us. He said, there was an urgent matter he had to priority."

"Is that so." It's a good thing I won't be seeing his face. It pissed me off.

"Also, Miss Vlance's gown has arrived and the team will arrive at 3:00 p.m. I already called the driver to pick up Miss Vlance.

"Vlance will not be attending the party. She just rejected the invitation. Just settle the payment and tell them to leave."

There was a hint of regret in her expressions but she was able to manage and compose herself before she responded. "That is noted, Sir."


"Sir, the principal guest has arrived."

"That's great! Just right on time, I'm ready." It would have been much better if Vlance was here with me.

I tucked the bow tie I was wearing and took a final glance in the mirror. "Let's go," I said before taking my step out of the room.

As the event's hall starts to fill up, the guests start chatting, mingling, and greeting one another, as they wait for the party to commence. Everyone stopped for a moment when they noticed my arrival.

The red carpet, fresh flowers, spotlights, chandeliers, candelabras, gas-style light bulbs, and furnilights. The burgundy and gold lighting scheme creates that regal atmosphere with a modern spin which brings some real energy for the night.

There was also an ensemble of a chamber orchestra playing ambient music, whose repertoire complements the whole affair.

Consider all the details from how things are set out on the tables from the centerpieces that elevate the style to the upscale crockery and utensils, serving the finest champagne, high-end cocktails, caviar, and other gourmet they can get down their gold-plated gullets. Drinks are divine and dinner is grand.

Guests started Approaching me, greeting me with their warm congratulatory messages. I made sure everyone was acknowledged, making everyone feel involved.

"Duke." I heard a middle-aged woman call me. The sound of her heels was an indication of her approach, toward me.

"Señora Leticia, it is indeed a pleasure to have you here, despite your busy schedule. Please, feel free to enjoy the party tonight." Doctor Leticia Cojuanco, she is the country's Ambassador of Culture and Arts. Her family established many of the first and oldest museums in the country.

"Congratulations, Hijo! I'm very proud of you! You know what? I've been eyeing for you for Bambie's, my favorite niece, to be her husband. If only I had known earlier about your marriage with the infamous, Del prado, I would have had to schedule an appointment ahead. The Del Prado's are as quick as sly. They aim for a best catch." This woman is offensive. How dare she?

"The truth is, it was our family who reached out to them. It was us who initiated the proposal to begin with. And you don't have to feel sorry for me about the marriage because my wife is one of a kind. I could say, I'm the luckiest man to have her."

"We'll maybe you haven't heard the news yet..." This woman is being nonsense. I don't wanna waste my time with her anymore. I should leave now.

Thankfully, Gustav came. "Apologies for interrupting.." He greeted.

I looked at Jane and eyed her "Get that annoying woman away from me." I said without saying it and the quick-witted Jane immediately understood what I wanted to imply.

"Excuse me, Madam, would you mind if I ask your company? I have discovered from one of my friends, who is an Anthropologist, that she wanted to show you something worth your time. I'm sure you'll love it. It was an artifact she discovered in Cagayan Valley and she had been studying for many years already. I hope you would be interested to hear something about it."

"Really? Where is she? Introduce her to me." Good job, Jane!

"Congratulations, Duke. You're such a brilliant man. I am looking forward to more of your achievements to come." He said and then added, "Shall we begin?"

The lull between dinner and dessert is the perfect time to capture the attention of the guests to draw attention to my purpose. I now have the undivided attention of the room. This is when I decided to pull my speech.

"Good evening ladies and Gents... It is an honor to gather all of you here, today. You are the elite, the top 1 percent of people in our society. Only the very best people in any field will take the time and make the sacrifice to come so far for this evening's event..."

After I finished my speech, just like earlier, people swarmed over me to start a small conversation with me. As I was having conversation with them, I noticed a familiar figure of a lady.

"Please, excuse me. I have to great the other guest. It's been great talking with you. Enjoy the rest of the evening."

I followed her direction as I called for her. "Dannelle!" She turned around to face me.

"Good evening, Sir Duke! Congratulations po. Pasensya po at hindi kita nalapitan."

"It's fine. You're here. I thought you'd be having a group study with your friend, with Vlance." I was hoping Vlance changed her mind and was able to come to surprise me just like what she did earlier. I couldn't help but smile wide at the thought of it. Dannelle's presence brings hope for the possibility.

"Huh?" She scratches her head, trying to ponder.

"Pasensya ho pero wala po kaming napag-usapan."

"Ang alam ko nga po ay dadalo din siya ngayon dito kase nabangit niyang may lakad din siya mamayang gabi." What She said made me feel dilibitated.

Vlance lied.

"Ah... Sir Duke, ayos lang ho ba kayo? Namumutla ho kayo."

"Thanks, Dan... Danelle, for coming. Please enjoy the night." I took my steps, wobbling.

"Sir..." She sounded worried but I continued.

I found a group of people I know, they were all medical practitioners. "Excuse me."

"Duke, are you okay?" They rushed and assisted me when they noticed my reflex movements were not normal. My body was in an inconstant state of guardedness.

"I...I'm fine. Please, can someone tell me where is Doctor Ell... Ellie."

"Are you sure?" They look worried.

"Just tell me, please." My heart pounds faster as my breathing quickens.

"Has anyone seen Doctor Ellie?" One of them asked. No one answered.

"What is happening here?" I heard Doctor Eliseo.

"Doc, He's showing signs of nervous breakdown."

"I said I'm fine. Please, tell me where's Doctor Ellie."

"Duke, I'm sorry but Ellie can't attend. I don't know the reason but he called early this afternoon he said he couldn't make it. I'm sorry."

There is a fine, yet clear line between unconditional love, or pure love as some call it, and outright foolishness. I would say, willingness to accept pain and submit myself to abuse. Foolish it may sound, it doesn't matter. I expect nothing.

I called for Vlad to take over the party. I can not stay any longer with my state of mind. I just needed to be alone.

More than just a bout of the blues, I can't simply snap out of it.


It's almost midnight and she still hasn't come home. Just as I promised, I will wait for her.

With an unstable emotional breakdown, I still manage to prepare for our date night. I made evening candlelight, mood shutting off all the lights for doing everything by candlelight, I turned the room into a movie theater with popcorn, of course. I made her favorite Hawaiian pizza, whip up a delicious cocktail for the night. With the view outside the glass wall for a stargazing to enjoy the view. And of course, the fresh bouquet of sunflowers.

I heard Ding produce a beep sound. "Duke. A car just entered the mansion, the plate number was registered to Doctor Requerva."

I wasn't wrong, they were together. I smiled bitterly. It's good good she came home safe.

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