The Mercenary Of DC


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This is a story based on what if Deadpool existed in the DC universe but not Wade Wilson...but someone entire... More

Character Stats
Chapter 1: Home Of The Big Bad Bat
Chapter 2: Deadpool Vs The Batfamily
Chapter 3: Shutting Down Falcone
Chapter 4: Lady Shiva
Chapter 5: League of Assassins Part 1
Chapter 6: League of Assassins Part 2
Chapter 7: League of Assassins Part 3
Chapter 8: League of Assassins Finale
Chapter 9: Date With The Daughter of the Bat
Chapter 10: Invasion: Part 1
Chapter 11: Invasion: Part 2
Chapter 12: Invasion: Part 3
Chapter 13: Invasion: Part 4
Chapter 14: Invasion: Part 5
Chapter 15: Invasion Finale
Chapter 16: New Home
Chapter 17: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 1
Chapter 18: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 2
Chapter 19: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 3
Chapter 20: Family Ties
Chapter 21: Bloodline: Part 1
Chapter 22: Bloodline: Part 2
Chapter 23: Bloodline Finale
Chapter 24: Vulnerable
Chapter 25: Trials of Freedom: Part 1
Chapter 26: Trials Of Freedom: Part 2
Chapter 27: Apokolips War: Part 1
Chapter 28: Apokolips War: Part 2
Chapter 29: Apokolips War: Part 3
Chapter 30: Apokolips War: Part 4
Chapter 31: Apokolips War: Part 5
Chapter 32: Apokolips War: Part 6
Chapter 33: Apokolips War Finale
Chapter 34: New Timeline
Chapter 35: Death to Deadpool: Part 1
Chapter 36: Death To Deadpool: Part 2
Chapter 37: Death to Deadpool: Part 3
Chapter 38: Death to Deadpool: Part 4
Chapter 39: Death to Deadpool: Part 5
Chapter 40: Death To Deadpool Finale
Chapter 41: Sins of Deadpool: Part 1
Chapter 42: Sins Of Deadpool: Part 2
Chapter 43: Sins Of Deadpool: Part 3
Chapter 44: Sins of Deadpool Finale
Chapter 45: Final Conflict: Part 1
Chapter 46: Final Conflict: Part 2
Chapter 47: Final Conflict: Part 3
Chapter 48: Final Conflict: Part 4
Chapter 49: Final Conflict Finale
Chapter 50: Gathering
Chapter 52: Hellish Chaos: PT 2
Chapter 53: Hellish Chaos PT 3
Chapter 54: Hellish Chaos: PT 4

Chapter 51: Hellish Chaos: PT 1

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Third Person POV

(The Loft: Midnight)

Alex was laying in bed, looking up at the ceiling, still in shock as Cass laid on his chest.

Alex: "We're having a kid? Together?"

He asks, and Cass looks up at him with a smile.

Cass: "Yeah..."

Alex: "When did you find out? Which time was it that got you pregnant?"

Cass: "Two weeks ago and when...we did it on the Ferris Wheel..."

Alex: "Wow..."

Alex sits up, rubbing his eyes, as he looks at Cass, a small smile on his face.

Alex: "We're having a kid.."

Cass: *chuckles* "Yeah."

Alex then laid back down, chuckling to himself.

Cass: "Luke."

She blurts and Alex looks at her confused.

Alex: "What?"

Cass: "Luke...if it's a boy."

Alex: "Oh. What if it's a girl?"

He says and Cass looks down at her abdomen, rubbing it.

Cass: "Didn't think about it...your thoughts?"

Alex: "I was thinking...Eleanor. And if it was a boy, I'm going with Marcus."

He says and Cass smiles at Alex, in a observing way, raises an eyebrow, smiling.

Alex: "What?"

Cass: "Nothing...I love you, and I'm proud of the person you've become."

Alex: *chuckles* "Love you to...question?"

Cass: "Shoot."

Alex: "We can still have sex, right?"

He asks as Cass looks at then laughs and nods.

Cass: "Only before the final weeks...right now?"

Alex: "Right now."

Cass: "I'm on top this time..."

She says with a cheeky smile as Alex kisses her deeply and she straddles him as he pulls back.

Alex: *smirks* "By all means."

(China: Underground Temple)

A figure in golden armor, was in a criss-crossed position, sleeping, quite easily without care, till he felt energy...the powerful kind.

He opened his eyes and stood up, stretching, due to his body being tense.

Then a girl dressed in ninja like attire, wearing an oni-mask, came up from behind him.

Masked Ninja: "You felt it?"

???: "Yep...I did."

He says then yawns, causing a staff to appear in his hand.

???: "Now...let's get Alex."

(Next Day: Mount Justice: Training Room)

Alex was in the training room, dodging lasers from flying droids, with impressive speed, as he was sweating, intensely receiving more flashes of a demonic smile.

He landed awkwardly causing a laser to hit him, ruining his rhythm and causing more lasers to hit him.

Alex: "End session."

He states and the droids stop firing and remain still, Alex then leans against the wall and slides down, catching his breath.

The demonic smile keeps appearing in his head, causing slight pain as he groans.

He closed his eyes, slightly, tired, and started dozing off, only to be poked on the forehead.

Alex: "Bart, I'll hang in a need to catch."

He says, then opens his eyes to see the figure in armor, leaning on his staff, looking down on him.

Alex: *confused* "...What the fuck?"

???: "Hmm...your energy is impressive. Even if you only have access to a small portion of your power."

He says and Alex stands up, examining the figure as his appearance was...weird to say the least.

Alex: "I know I'm insane...but I'm really starting to question if I also have hallucinations."

The figure grinned and leaned off his staff and started circling Alex.

???: "Funny. But I am very much real...and a legend in my business, Alex."

Alex: "...Okay. 1. How the fuck you know name? 2. Why do you look like a monkey?"

???: *chuckles* "Because I was chosen to be the one to mentor you, when the Oni King returns..."

Alex: *raises an eyebrow* "Oni Ki-"

???: "And to answer your 2nd question with a question...Who's the Trickster God of China?"

Alex: "The Monkey King. Sun Wu-Kong. But what does...."

He stops mid-sentence, his face plastered with realization and looks the figure up and down who now had a smile on his face.

Alex: "You're...Sun Wu-Kong?"

Wu-Kong: "HAHAHAHA! The Monkey King at your service kid."

Red Box: "That's the Monkey King?"

White Box: "Seems like it."

Yellow Box: "Wait, ask him about the training! And the Oni King! The writer might be on some Dragon Ball shit!"

Wu-Kong: *chuckles* "The voices in your head are amusing!"

He states and Alex rubs his eyes.

Alex: "You're the Monkey King...annnd you can read my But yeah, what is this about?"

He asks but then his phone buzzes as he takes it out.

Wu-Kong: "Because of that..."

He says as Alex answers puts the phone on speaker.

Alex: "Go for DP! What's up?"

Kid Flash: "Alex! We need backup in Star City! There's these crazy strong demons, they already took down Connor, Cassie and Jaime! It's me and Gar, along with Green Arrow and Arsenal!"

Alex: "Aight, on my way!"

He says then hangs up as he looks back at Wu-Kong.

Alex: "...What the fuck is happening?"

Wu-Kong: *sighs* "...War."

(Minutes Later: Star City)

Arriving through a Zeta-Tube and into Star City, he started running to make his way towards the fight, and saw the others fighting demons, but losing.

Deadpool then teleports in, and throws several flash bangs, blinding the demons and he lands beside Kid Flash, Beast Boy, Green Arrow and Arsenal.

Deadpool: "So, what's the deal? You haven't taken these guys out yet!"

Arsenal: "Stronger than they look! Can barely hurt these things!"

Deadpool: "They're demons, right? What do they want?"

He asks, unsheathing his blades and dodging a hit from one of the demons.

Beast Boy: "Dunno, they just appeared outta nowhere and started rambling about "The Oni King!" and "The Hellish War continues!"

Deadpool: "...Motherf-"

He starts but then gets backhanded into a car, dropping his swords, as the demons then look the weapons, in shock.

Demons: "The Teeth of Razar!"

Kid Flash then looked at the swords and the demons tried to grab them but he snatches them and dashes over to Deadpool.

Kid Flash: "Alex, you good?"

Deadpool: *groans* "Barely...That bitch slap almost killed me."

Kid Flash: "I think they're after your swords!"

He states and hands them back to Deadpool who realized his swords now had an aura around them, not caused by him.

Deadpool: "Fuuuuck me."

He says in realization as Beast Boy in his gorilla form is tossed through a building, the demons then lunged at Deadpool who teleports and slices one of the demons heads off.

He turns and watches as the demons body deteriorates into a pool of blood as he sighs.

Deadpool: "Okay, KF, get the others out of here...I got this."

Kid Flash: "You sure?"

Deadpool: "Nope. But it can't hurt to try."

He says then Kid Flash starts rounding up the others, and leaving the scene.

The Demons then started charging at Deadpool, who sighs, and throws his sword in one of the Demon's head.

Demon 1: "GAK!"

He then teleports forward, and grabs his sword, then rips it from the Demon's then bounces off, using his chest as momentum.

Deadpool then teleports again, dodging a Demon trying to grab him, and shoots several mystical bullets through his body, killing.

The last two then both threw fireballs to which, Deadpool in great speed, dodges all of them and throws a grenade towards them.

Deadpool: "Annnd...boom."

He says, then fires another mystical bullet at the grenade, making it explode, knocking both the demons down.

Deadpool: *surprised* "Huh...either they suck...or I'm just OP asf now."

White Box: 'More like author is inconsistent with his writing skills.'

Deadpool: "Oh yeah, definitely."

He says then opens the com channel to Kid Flash.

Deadpool: "Yo, I took care of it! Dude, y'all were struggling with them? I just took them in less in a minute."

Kid Flash: "Really? You stopped them from regenerating?"

Deadpool: "Yeah, it was surprisi-wait, did you just say "regenerating?"

Kid Flash: "Ummm...yeah. And they get stronger when they're healed, matching whoever they're fighting."

He says over the com, and a shadow casts over Deadpool, who turns and looks at the Demons who have doubled in size, and were now standing several feet taller.

Deadpool: "...fuck.."

Before he could draw his sword, the Demon once again smacked Deadpool away, sending him flying back several feet untill he stopped and fell on his back.

Deadpool groaned in pain, then saw another of the Demons, leap in the air and about to stomp on him, fast.

He quickly teleports out of the way, and reappears in the air, and fires several mystical bullets that no longer had effect on them.

Then he was grabbed the ankle, causing him to look down and see another Demon smile before slamming him down full force, which bashes his face in and breaks several of his bones.

Deadpool: *weakly* "Ow..."

The Demons then surround him as he tries to get up, and stomp on him, all of them, repeatedly, while laughing.

Demon 1: "This is the wielder of Razar's Teeth?! A fleshy meatbag?!"

The stomps get more aggressive as Deadpool's vision starts getting blurry.

His body was mangled and broken from the beating, he looks up and sees one if the Demons about to deliver the final blow.

Deadpool: "This is...gonna suck..."

He says closing his eyes but the hit never comes. Confused, he opens his eyes and sees Wu-Kong blocking the hit with his finger.

Wu-Kong: "You have much to prepare, Alex Jones...luckily, you'll have me to save your ass."

He states then Deadpool simply chuckles then falls unconscious, and let's Wu-Kong deal with them.

(The Loft)

Alex, tired from the fight, stirs awake, seeing Cass at his side, confused, he sits up but still feels his bones healing.

Alex: *sighs* "Cass? What-"

Cass: "You're hurt. It's taking longer for you to heal. You're home...thanks to him."

She says pointing as Alex sees sitting at the table, drinking one of his sodas.

Alex: "Please tell me he's not real."

He says to Cass, pleading, but Wu-Kong then appears in front of him.

Wu-Kong: "Nope. Very real. And very disappointed in you, Alex."

Alex: "Huh?"

He says, confused then Wu-Kong paces back in forth, muttering something before turning back to face them both.

Wu-Kong: "You and I are to commence your training. And from what I've seen, you are lacking in using your full power. But, it can be fixed. Hopefully in time."

He says and Cass looks at Alex confused, who sighs and manages to posture himself up.

Alex: "He's talking about a that I still have no idea what it's got to do with me."

Wu-Kong: *sighs* "I was hoping you already knew this..."

He says, making Alex cock his head to the side.

Alex: "Knew what?"

Wu-Kong: "Knew that you, Alex the new God of Chaos."

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