KOTLC Sokeefe One-Shots, Alte...

By classicalbibliophile

151K 3K 11.3K

Just a few moments from KOTLC where I wanted things to end differently, some one-shots for ships that didn't... More

Introduction (A/N)
Alternate Ending: Neverseen 77-78
Missing: Keefe POV
Planting: Keefe POV
Alive: Keefe POV
Alternate Ending: Nightfall 28
Ability Reset: Keefe POV (part 1)
Ability Reset: Keefe POV (part 2)
Alternate Ending: Nightfall 74
Stellarlune 42 (Keefe POV)
It's You (Tam POV)
Alternate Ending: Flashback 27
Nightfall 71 (Keefe POV)
Graduation (Linh POV)
Alternate Ending: Legacy 11
Flashback 46 (Keefe POV)
Forbidden Cities (Keefe POV)
Found (Keefe POV)
Coming Home (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Legacy 19
The Talk (Keefe POV)
The Talk (Fitz POV)
Cat Statue (Tam POV)
Alternate Ending: Stellarlune 37
Glorious (Biana POV)
Alternate Ending: Stellarlune 42
In Sync (Will POV)
Kidnapped: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Kidnapped: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Kidnapped: part 3 (Keefe POV)
Kidnapped: part 4 (Keefe POV)
Rescued: part 2
Alternate Ending: Nightfall 71
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (part 1)
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (part 2)
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (part 3)
No Regrets (Oralie POV)
Fitzphie (Keefe POV)
Romantic (Amy Sencen POV)
The Fight
Father/Son Talk (Fitz POV)
Neverseen 77-78 (Keefe POV)
Vacker (Della POV)
Father: part 1
Father: part 2
Father: part 3 (Elwin POV)
Father: part 4 (Elwin POV)
Father: part 5 (Keefe POV)
Father: part 6
Father: part 7
Father: part 8
Legacy 10-11 (Keefe POV)
Banoffee Pie
Nightfall 74 (Keefe POV)
Lodestar 2 (Keefe POV)
The Fight (Keefe POV)
Flashback 8-10: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 8-10: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 8-10:part 3 (Keefe POV)
Hero (Keefe POV)
Edaline (Keefe POV)
Nightmare/ A Gift (Keefe POV)
Flashback 13:Part 1 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 13: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 14 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 17:part 1 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 17: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Angry: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Angry: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 19 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 20 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 21:part 1 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 21: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 22 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 23 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 27 (Keefe POV)
Flashback 50-51 (Keefe POV)
Worth It (Fitz POV)
Honeymoon (Fitz POV)
Legacy 3: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 3: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 4: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 4: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 4: part 3 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 5 (Keefe POV)
Perfection (part 1 of 3)
Roger Alcot (part 2 of 3)
Claire (part 3 of 3)
Scared (Edaline POV)
Son (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Unlocked (Keefe POV)
Where It All Began (Will POV)
Consolation Prize (Keefe POV)
Neverseen 79 (Grady POV)
Wedding (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Stellarlune 42 (take 2)
Alternate Ending: Father (part 1 of 2)
Alternate Ending: Father (part 2 of 2)
Panic (Keefe POV)
Head vs Heart (Keefe POV)
Christmas (part 1)
Christmas (part 2)
Christmas (part 3)
The Question (Keefe POV)
The Answer (Keefe POV)
Hopefully (Dex POV)
Siblings (Fitz POV)
Neverseen 57 (Keefe POV)
Important (Dex POV)
Growing Up
Alternate Ending: Neverseen 57
Biana Dizznee (Biana POV)
Cognate Inquisition (Fitz POV)
Marry Me (Edaline POV)
Telling Sandor
Blocking (Fitz POV)
Future (Jolie POV)
Lodestar 80 (Keefe POV)
Honeymoon (Dex POV)
Nightfall 28 (Keefe POV)
Pyrokinetic (Jolie POV)
Aurenflare (Keefe POV)
Neverseen 16 (Keefe POV)
Training (Keefe POV)
Grief (Edaline POV)
I Can't (Edaline POV)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar 80
Lodestar 70 (Keefe POV)
Forgiveness (Keefe POV)
Elysian (1 of 4)
Healing Center (2 of 4)
Dating (3 of 4)
Explanations (4 of 4)
Mount Everest (Keefe POV)
Sophie (Grady POV)
Remarkable (Grady POV)
Ro: Part 1 (Keefe POV)
Ro: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Ro: part 3 (Keefe POV)
Ro: part 4 (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Father (bonus part 3)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar 2
Mystery Girl (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Legacy 4 (part 1)
Alternate Ending: Legacy 4 (part 2)
Nightfall 29 (Keefe POV)
Gildingham (Sandor POV)
Walkout (Keefe POV)
Confrontation (Keefe POV)
Sparring Match (Keefe POV)
Bed Rest (part 1)
Bed Rest (part 2)
Panakes Proposal (Keefe POV)
Splotching Championship (Keefe POV)
Empath (Alden POV)
Pregnant (Keefe POV)
The Goodbye
Reckless (Grady POV)
The Girl: part 1 (Fitz POV)
The Girl: part 2 (Fitz POV)
Sophie (Elwin POV)
Distracted (Keefe POV)
Bravery (Fitz POV)
The Return
Don't Worry (Keefe POV)
Flight (Keefe POV)
Brave (Keefe POV)
Protect (Keefe POV)
The Louvre
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (Keefe POV) Part 1
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (Keefe POV) Part 2
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (Keefe POV) Part 3
AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (Keefe POV) Part 4
A Good Dad (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar 38
Legacy 37 (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar 70 (part 1)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar 70 (part 2)
Confidante (Keefe POV)
Legacy 18: part 1 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 18: part 2 (Keefe POV)
Legacy 19 (Keefe POV)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar and Beyond (part 1)
Alternate Ending: Lodestar and Beyond (part 2)
Intelligent Species

Rescued: part 1

871 13 21
By classicalbibliophile

Sophie hadn't been expecting Keefe to kiss her, but she guessed she should've known Keefe would find creative ways to keep his mom distracted.

And the kiss, though it had been swift and lasted only a second, had been surprisingly comforting in the middle of all of her humiliation and terror.

And then...everything had happened so fast.

Keefe stared, for a second, as his mother's body, still and lifeless on the floor, before turning to Sophie.

Tam was by their side in an instant, using the shamkniv to cut her bonds before crouching down beside Sandor.

"The trolls," Linh said. "We can't expect Grady to hold them off much longer."

Keefe marched away, telling everyone to plug their ears just in case.

He came back in a moment later. "They're asleep," he said shortly. He looked pale and was trembling, but was still in command of himself. "I'll let you guys decide what to do with them, but I need to get Sophie, Sandor and Fitz to the Healing Center now."

And he helped her stand, careful not to jostle the arm with the slashed shoulder. She wasn't sure how much blood she'd lost but was feeling woozy and used her uninjured arm to cling to Keefe for support.

It felt like he was clinging to her too.

She looked over at Fitz, who was still staring at Gisela's body.

He didn't look good.

She understood why Keefe wanted to get Fitz out of there and assessed by Elwin.

Fitz? She transmitted.

I had to, I had to.

Yes, you did. Thank you. Hang in there.

Keefe, conversely, was actively avoiding looking at Gisela.

"I'm not leaving Sophie," Dex declared. "Not until I can hear from Elwin that no permanent damage has been done because of..." his hands clenched around the ability restrictor as his voice trailed off. He cleared his throat. "Plus I'm not sure Fitz's concentration is up to light-leaping with Sandor."

Keefe nodded, looking at Grady--who was crossing the room towards them--as he pulled out the crystal that would leap him to Foxfire.

Grady placed his hand on Sophie's uninjured shoulder and kissed her cheek. "I'll stay behind to help take care of these trolls, but I'll see you at the Healing Center as soon as possible."

Elwin and Livvy were ready for them. Elwin got to work on Sophie immediately, cleaning her wound and applying wound wipe while Edaline held her hand, tears of relief streaming down her face.

Keefe was sitting next to Sophie on the bed, an arm extended and lightly holding the hand of her injured shoulder. She could tell he wanted to stay close, but didn't want to get in Elwin's way or ask Edaline to move.

When Elwin had addressed her shoulder, he began checking around her head, looking for any lasting effects of the ability restrictor.

"How's Sandor?" Sophie asked. "I never saw her hurt him, but...I was sedated at first, until they put the restrictor on me." She shuddered, and Edaline held her hand more tightly.

Livvy and Wylie were standing over Sandor, still unconscious, lying on a nearby bed.

"He doesn't actually seem to be hurt at all," Livvy assured her. "She must've been dosing him pretty regularly with sedatives to keep him unconscious."

Sophie shook her head. "She kept him bound and gagged but mostly conscious and just had trolls standing guard. It wasn't until she knew you guys were coming that she sedated him. That way she could hide the trolls. I guess she thought the restrictor would keep me from communicating with Fitz. I don't understand why she didn't know he'd still be able to communicate with me. I guess she assumed my thoughts would be too scrambled. And she never knew I could read Leto's thoughts--with a lot of effort--with the other restrictor on, and this one was definitely not as powerful...but also not as tailored to me." It had been excruciating, but she had been able to mostly keep her thoughts on track while wearing it. Unable to transmit long distances, apparently, but able to think coherent thoughts while Fitz transmitted to her.

And able to Enhance Biana and Dex both.

Elwin gave Sophie a bottle of Youth and offered her a bright green fruit that thankfully had a fairly bland flavor--something that hopefully wouldn't upset her stomach after going over a day without food.

Keefe quietly asked Elwin to give Fitz—who had been sitting on the edge of a bed staring at the wall—a mild mood enhancer, but didn't explain why.

After taking the mood enhancer, Fitz stepped out into the hall to hail Alden and Della and let them know he was okay and would be leaping home soon.

Elwin finished assessing Sophie and assured them that Sophie would have no lasting effects from the ability restrictor. Dex, who was still clutching it in his hands, set it aside--declaring that he'd have Marella burn it the moment she returned--and threw his arms around Sophie.

She let go of Edaline and Keefe's hands so she could wrap her arms around him too. He shed a few more tears, not only for the device but for the shared post-traumatic stress they were both experiencing.

"Don't blame yourself," Sophie whispered in Dex's ear. She couldn't stop the tears of her own that were flowing. "It's not your fault they made that copycat device, and you saved all our lives in there by being able to remove it safely. We all owe you big time, Dex."

"We absolutely do," Keefe said, Fitz murmuring his agreement.

Once Dex pulled away, Keefe immediately scooted closer and wrapped his arm around Sophie's waist before taking her hand again in his other hand. Sophie squeezed it tight and looked in his ice blue eyes--tantalizingly close to her. You okay? she asked him, opening her mind to his thoughts.

As okay as I can be, I guess. Mostly just relieved you're okay, and that it's done. Not really ready to deal with the fact that my mom is dead or that I probably have to be the one to tell my dad.

I don't blame you.

I'd like to know exactly what went down back there, because I wound up just being the decoy, Keefe admitted.

So with Dex and Fitz both calmed down, she explained to Keefe and the adults what had happened. How she had told Fitz that she suspected she might still be able to enhance Dex, who could hopefully remove the ability restrictor with that added boost--if only they could get him over there to her. Fitz had communicated that to the others while Keefe kept Gisela distracted, explaining that Grady might need to subdue the trolls, asking Tam to cloak Dex in shadows so he could attempt to creep over to where Sophie was bound.

It had really been a team effort. Each of them had played a vital part in her rescue, and she was incredibly thankful.

Biana had turned invisible and followed Dex, so that Sophie could enhance them both. This enabled Biana make Dex vanish while he worked on Sophie--not trusting the shadows to hide Dex thoroughly enough for that.

Plus it freed Tam to focus his attention elsewhere--on getting that shamkniv from Gisela at the first opportunity.

And Maruca put up a force field to protect them while he worked so he wouldn't get caught in the crosshairs of the fight. And Gisela would just think she was protecting Sophie without realizing Dex was there.

They'd all been armed, of course, but they had all agreed that they wouldn't attack until Grady had to mesmer the trolls--which he wouldn't do until Fitz could tell that she was calling for them.

And she shared how Marella and Linh had played their part, and hesitantly explained how Fitz threw the fatal blow.

"What I want to know," Keefe said quietly, looking at Fitz, "is why you felt that you had to do it. This shouldn't have been your burden to bear."

Fitz was still shaken, but the mood enhancer was helping him focus. "Because I felt--and Grady agreed when I asked him--that it shouldn't be your burden to bear. I know you hated her and I hope you don't feel like I...like I took something from you, a chance for revenge or something. But she was still your mom and it complicated things and I worried what it would do to your mind. You're my best friend. I need you whole."

"But what about your mind?" Keefe asked.

Sophie, meanwhile, was deeply touched and grateful that Fitz wasn't letting her relationship with Keefe hurt his friendship with either of them.

This was a huge thing Fitz did on Keefe's behalf. He'd transmitted that the plan was for any of them--anyone but Keefe--to take her out when the time came, but that he was hoping he could do it so no one else would have to.

"I'm going to talk with the Black Swan about how to navigate the thoughts I'm having, not let them overtake me. And my dad can help me get a handle on guilt, since he learned the hard way. But you had enough to be getting on with."

Keefe let go of Sophie long enough to stand up and give Fitz a brief hug.

Keefe and Fitz weren't really huggers--not with each other, anyway, because it probably didn't feel like a "guy" thing to do—but that just made it that much more touching.

"I'm just glad it's done," Keefe said as he sat back down and put his arm around Sophie again. "I don't care that I'm not the one who did it." He was quiet for a second. "Though I guess 'glad' isn't the right word, either."

Sophie squeezed his hand.

The others arrived, none worse for the wear. Grady had stayed behind in case he needed to mesmer the trolls, but Keefe's command had kept them out cold. They hadn't really known what to do, but the bodyguards came in and insisted that they handle it. They had argued for a while, but eventually the others had agreed and left the bodyguards to it.

Everyone knew what that meant, and shuddered.

But Elwin insisted then that everyone leave and allow his patients to get some rest.

Dex hugged Sophie one last time before he left with the others, leaving only Sandor (who was stirring), Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Grady and Edaline with Elwin.

Elwin told Fitz that he could go home if—and only if—he agreed to take a sedative and have Alden search his thoughts both before taking the sedative and again when he woke. Fitz agreed, and gave Sophie a quick hug before leaving.

"Thank you for saving me again," she said with a smile.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Fitz said quietly. "For all our sakes."

You should have seen Keefe, he transmitted. Your parents were a mess, but Keefe...I've never seen anything like it. It's obvious he really cares about you. Fitz's smile looked a little sad now. I'm going to go home and take that sedative. I'll talk to you tomorrow?


With that, he left.

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