Centipoid brawler. (Bakugan x...


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I know this is gonna sound weird, but one day, my whole world changed. You see, cards started dropping from t... More

The Battle Begins.
Masquerade ball.
A feud between friends.
Dan and Drago, y/n and Exeldor
Runo Rules.
Bakugan idols.
Girls just wanna have fun.
Fight or flight.
A perfect match.
Grandpa's got a brand new Bakugan.
Bakugan stall.
Just for the Shun of it.

A combination battle.

244 9 4

Me, Runo and Dan went to the amusement park since it was the weekend.

Dan: "Don't be too soft! Let's go to an extreme ride!"

Dan screamed at Runo.

Runo: "No! I want to go on the Ferris wheel!"

Dan: "Extreme ride!"

Runo: "Ferris wheel!"

Dan: "Oh yes, a big spinning wheel, how exciting."

Runo: "The fact that it doesn't ride 200 kilometer per hour doesn't mean it's boring!"

(About 124 MPH for everyone who doesn't use the KMH system.)

(If anyone's wondering, there are three rollecoasters in the entire world that ride more than that (No Rollercoaster is exactly 200KMH/124 MPH.): Falcon's flight, Formula Rossa and Kingda Ka. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct it in the comments.)

Dan: "Of course it'll be boring!"

y/n: "Dan, Runo, people are staring at us. Let's just agree that we'll first go on the extreme ride and then on the Ferris wheel to calm down, okay?"

Dan and Runo: "No!"

y/n: "Okeh."

Runo: "Continuing, I only have 6 tickets left! And how many do you have!?"

Dan: "Eughhh, you won't dare to do that!"

Runo: "Hah! You shouldn't have use all you money on those disgusting hot dogs! Let's go o the Ferris wheel and you'll get tickets."

I then looked at the Pokemon plushies I bought.

y/n thinking: "I'm glad she didn't comment anything on that."

Dan: "You're horrible! And now I'll fall asleep due to boredom!"

Runo: "You spent all you pocket money on fast food, instead of tickets! Be nice and you'll get your tickets for the extreme ride!"

Dan: "But I also bought you a hotdog. That means somethig doesn't it?"


They started screaming at each other, but I couldn't understand a single word.

Exeldor: "It's always something with those two."

Tigrerra: "These humans are really weird creatures."

Drago: "Agreed."

Both of them stopped screaming when other people screamed at some sort of magicians.

Dan: "What's going on there?"

y/n: "Don't know."

We the entered the crowd and they performed some magic tricks.

Magician: "Ladies and gentleman, I need three people for my next trick!"

Magician 2: "Does anyone want to help us?"

Me, Dan and Runo the pulled our hands out and screamed "Us!".

Magician: "You three, come to us."

He said pointing at us.

We then ran towards them.

Magician: "We'll start with a card trick!"

He then laid out a whole card deck.

Magician: "Please, choose a card, doesn't matter which."

y/n thinking: "Because they're all the same cards."

Dan and Runo then picked the argued about who'll go first, so I just picked a card.

Dan and Runo: "It's a... Doom card..."

Kenta and Kenji: "Allow us to introduce ourselves: I'm Kenta and I'm kenji."

(The guy with the red hair is Kenta and the one with the purple hair is Kenji)

Kenta: "Runo right? And you two must be Dan Kuso and y/n l/n. Masquerade told us we need to brawl with you."

Kenji: "Brawl?"

Dan: "Sure."

Runo and Dan started arguing about who's gonna brawl.

Kenta: "Do you guys want a combination battle?"

y/n, Runo and Dan: "Huh? A combination battle?"

Kenji: "You three against us."

Dan: "Sure! Let's do it!"

y/n: "I only brought Exeldor with me so I won't be brwling with you two, but I'll be giving tips."

Dan, Runo, Kenta and Kenji: "Bakugan field opening card!"

Kenta and Kenji: "Doom dimension card start!"

y/n thinking: "What's the point in throwing two Doom dimension cards?"

Runo, Dan, Kenta and Kenji: "Gate card!"

Kenta: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his robotallion.

Kenta: "Ability card activation!"

His Robotallio gained 50 power.

Dan: "What an useless manuever! He's using the same attribute as me!"

y/n: "It could be a trap."

Dan: "A trap?"

Runo: "Think about it. haven't you learned anything from Drago?"

Dan: "Of course I did! Listen I know my Griffon is enough to handle his Robtallion!"

Dan: "Bakuga brawl! Bakugan start!"

Dan threw his Griffon.

Kenta: "It's your turn Kenji!"

Kenji: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Mantris.

Kenji: "Ability card: Marionette!"

His Mantris got Dan's Griffon on his Gate Card.

Kenji: "Just look at that!"

Kenta's Robotallion threw Dan into the Doom dimension.

Dan: "Griffon no!"

Kenta: "You guys should give your Bakugans to the circus! The are great at disappearing. HAHAHAHAHAH!"

Runo: "They only used one card and already took your Bakugan! Who knows what else they can do."

Dan: "Thanks, you're really helpfull."

He said in a sarcastic tone.

Exeldor: "Calm down. Use the Bakugans  you still have. You can win this battle."

Tigrerra: "Now it's your turn. my dear Runo."

Runo then talked to herself.

Runo: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

Runo threw her Serpenoid.

Runo: "Ability card: Darkus versus Chaos!"

Her Serpenoid gained 100 power.

Kenji: "That won't help you!"

Kenji: "Gate card: "Level down!"

Runo's Serpenoid lost 100 power.

Kenji: "Get rid of him, Mantris!"

His Mantris threw Runo's Serpenoid into the Doom dimension.

Dan: "What a move Runo! You surely know how to destroy everything! And you call this a trap!?"

Runo: "And look who's saying that!"

Drago: "Stop this now!"

Tigrerra: "The battle needs to be happening on the battlefield, not here!"

Dan and Runo: "Hmph."

Exeldor: "Stop doing that."

Kenji: "Kenta!"

Kenta: "Yes brother!"

Kenta: "Gate card!"

Kenta: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Robotallion again.

Dan: "No way!"

Dan then also threw a Gate Card.

y/n thinking: "Wow despite me saying that I'll be giving them tips neither of them asked or eve gave me the chance to give tips."

Dan: "Bakuga brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Saurus.

Kenta: "What you're doing requires lots of luck, are you sure you want to risk it?"

Dan: "Yeah? You'll find out!"

Dan then threw an Ability card.

His Saurus then gained 100 power

Kenji: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Centipoid.

y/n: "Le gasp!"

Kenji: "Ability card: Pyrus versus Darkus!"

Runo: "I never heard about that."

Dan: "It's another combination of ability cards."

Dan: "Gate card open!"

Dan's Saurus gained 50 power.

Dan: "Now crush the insect!"

Exeldor: "I'm still here."

Dan: "Sorry."

His Centipoid got around Dan's Saurus like a snake.

Dan: "What's happening!? My Saurus has more power than his Centipoid!"

Exeldor: "That's better."

His Centipoid's power then increased to 460.

Dan's Saurus then got sent to the Doom dimension.

Kenta: "You won't win this, Dan. You only have one Bakugan left!"

Runo: "I think I know what to do!"

Runo: "Gate card!"

Runo: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

Runo threw her Saurus.

Kenta: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Siege.

Kenji: "Kenta, wait!"

Kenta: "Don't worry brother!"

Kenta: "Ability card activation!"

Kenta: "Fire sword!"

His Siege got... Well a fire sword.

Kenta: "Finish them, Siege!"

Runo: "I knew you'd do that!"

Everyone except y/n: "What?"

Runo: "Gate card opening! Triple battle!"

y/n: "Now the battle's on hold until a third Bakugan enters. You know what to do, Dan."

Dan: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw Drago.

Dan: "Fight!"

Runo's Saurus knocked his Siege back, but not hard enough to knock him out.

Dan: "Ability card activation!"

Drago: "Dragon's strenght!"

Drago the shot a fire ball at his Siege and knocked him out.

y/n: "Finally! You two worked together!"

Exeldor: "You two managed to surprise your enemies."

Tigrerra: "Congratulations, my dear Runo."

Drago: "Good job, Dan."

Kenta: "My siege..."

Kenji: "Kenta, you should've listened to me."

Kenta: "Huh?"

Kenji: "You had your chance. Now it's my turn!"

Kenji: "Gate card!"

Kenta: "Kenji!"

Kenji: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Reaper.

Runo: "Ugh Dan get the Reaper! I'll handle the second one!"

Runo: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

Runo threw her Saurus, Again.

Runo: "Ability card!"

His Robotallion then lost 50 power.

Kenta: "They got us again!"

Kenji: "Kenta wait!"

Kenta: "No brother! I learned you how to play this game! That means I know how to play it better!"

Kenji: "Kenta!"

Kenta: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Garganoid.

Runo: "Gate card opening!"

Kenta: "Ability card: Wall of fire!"

Kenta: "Your Gate card is useless!"

Kenta: "Garganoid, attack!"

Runo: "Ability card: Blade of power!"

Tigrerra then came in the battlefield.

Kenta: "What is she doing!? How did she maage to get her Tigrerra in the battlefield!?"

Both of them attacked his Garganoid and knocked him out.

Dan: "Nice move, Runo."

Runo: "Thank you, Tigrerra. You got rid of his Garganoid."

Dan: "Bakugan brawl! Bakuga start!"

Dan threw Drago again.

Kenji: "Gate card opening!"

Reaper: "So we meet again, Drago."

Drago: "Traitor! Now you'll pay for your betrayal!"

Drago: "Masquerade's pretty good at manipulating you, Reaper! He's only using you!"

Reaper: "And what would you know, Drago? Masquerade's giving me everything! If I just so happen to need to destroy some Bakugans, then so be it! And you're next Drago!"

His Reaper's power then increased to 420 power.

(Haha funny number.)

Drago: "I'll stop you!"

Drago: "Dragon's strenght!"

Drago then defeated Reaper.

Dan: "Let's go Drago!"

Kenji: "Gate card!"

Kenji: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

He threw his Mantris again.

Dan and Runo then started planning their next move.

Runo: "Gate card!"

Runo: "Bakugan brawl! Bakugan start!"

She threw her Saurus, once again.

Dan: "Gate card!"

Dan: "Bakuga brawl! Bakugan start!"

Dan threw Drago, once again.

Drago: "Dragon's strenght!"

(When the Polish voice actor said that I think they forgot to add the voice filter, as it was just some guy screaming "Siła smoka!" without the Bakugan voice.)

Drago then knocked Kenta's Centipoid out.

(I'm getting confused.)

Kenji: "Bakugan brawl! Bakuga start!"

He threw his Centipoid.

Dan: "I've got you."

Kenji: "Huh?"

Dan: "Interesting how out of all the cards in the game, you got this one specifically. You're a cheater!"

Runo: "And that card wouldn't happe to be fourth battle, would it?"

Kenji: "How'd you know that!?"

Runo: "Because you were insisting so hard on a combination battle! We knew you'd have fourth battle!"

Runo: "Gate card opening! Fourth battle!"

Drago then eliminated his Centipoid.

Runo: "Now all we have to do is get rid of Mantris!"

Kenji: "Ability card: Twin Machete!"

His Mantris then got 100 power.

Runo: "Bakuga brawl! Bakugan start!"

Runo threw her Saurs, again.

Dan: "Bakugan brawl! Bakuga start!"

Dan threw Drago, again.

Mantris then almost sent Drago to the Doom dimension.

Dan and Runo: "Fourth battle activation!"

Tigrerra then came and they both defeated his Mantris.

Kenta and Kenji: "This is the end. We lost."

They then disappeared.

y/n: "You two did it! I'm so proud!"

Dan and Runo: "Thanks."

They then started arguing about where to go on, again.

y/n: "Really? Again?"

Exeldor: "I'll never understand those two."

Tigrerra and Drago: "Neither will we."

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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