Source of Light || [Discontin...

By Alixa_w

92 6 0

[ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ] Everyone's source of Light is the sun but her source of Light was him . He brought light... More

💠 I n t r o 💠
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

3 0 0
By Alixa_w

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"Jimin !!"

Taehyung shouted as Jimin got hit by a lightning. The fight wasn't going as smoothly as Jimin imagined. YN was healing herself every time he hit her but for Jimin .

He couldn't heal himself as it was not night time . The sun was setting which was completely unnoticed by YN . A smirk appeared on Jimin's face when he saw the sun slowly setting.

"I think it's time we switch"

Jimin said as he slowly landed. YN'S eyes went wide when she realized that the sun was setting but before she could do anything.

An arrow surrounded with dark energy made its way, making a little cut on her forearm . YN hissed in pain as blood drops traveled down her arm to her palm .

Jimin took the opportunity and collected the little drop of blood which fell from YN'S hand . YN couldn't even see him . He was fast as light .

"YN you should give that back . I don't think you're worthy to hold it"

Jimin said pointing his eyes at the sword which looked like it was about to fall from YN'S hands . YN tightened her grip around her sword and said .

"You're really clever aren't you ??"

Jimin smirked taking the small glass bottle in his hands .

"I didn't think you would go this far just to know if I was The Queen or not"

"I can go over any line just to make you mine"

Jungkook looked at both of them with a disgusted look while Taehyung admired two of them .

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"This is really unacceptable behavior. Jimin"

Jimin's father has been repeating these six words for the past few hours . Jimin who was standing infront of him was getting annoyed and angry.

Jungkook and Taehyung were standing infront Jimin's father's room eavesdroppingon them.

"Why did you do this ??"

"While researching about the sword I found out that the blood of the royal light family can be useful for us"

"So you made this mess just to get her blood ??"

"I also wanted a little practice"

Jimin's father looked done with his son . He couldn't do anything because his son had more power than him , he acts like he can control The sword of darkness but in reality he can't.

He need hide this away from the wrold in order to keep his power and position.


Jimin was walking back to his room while admiring the bottle of blood . He had smirk plastered on his face.

He locked the door as soon as he got inside . He closed all the windows . He didn't let a single ray of light enter the room .

Jimin took slow steps towards the table where the bottle of blood was placed. Jimin kept the bottle back when he heard someone knocking on the door . He opened the door to see a maid.

"Young master Princess Luna has come to see you . She is waiting for you in your study"

"Ok I am coming"

The maid bowed and left followed by Jimin . Jimin entered his study to see his and his dear cousin brother's best friend. A friend who never betrayed them .

"What brings you here Luna ??"

"I want to talk to you about an important matter"

"What is- "

"Is Prince Taehyung here ??"

Princess Luna asked cutting Jimin off . Luna had so much hope in her eyes while Jimin was totally puzzled.

"He left a few minutes ago"

"Well that's unfortunate"

She said in a low and disappointed tone .

"Is there something wrong ??"

Princess Luna fliched a bit when Jimin raised his voice a little. Jimin's sharp eyes were focused on her every moment.

"It's about the Princess of Light, Kim YN"

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"YN never cry ok ?? You know eomma will never leave you right ??"

YN'S mother's words once again passed through her mind. She never forget her family's last minutes. Every time she closes her eyes these words come to her mind . Her father begging , her siblings dead body and her mother's last words .

Those painful moments never left her mind . Unconsciously a tear slipped down YN'S eyes . The tear flowed down her cheek to her chin . YN immediately wiped it with the back of her hand .

"Oppa I miss you so much I want to see you as soon as possible but I can't come to you until I prove myself"

Again a tear escaped YN'S eyes . She just wanted to cry in someone's warm embrace and let all her pain out but she has already lost all the people who would always be there for her.

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"How can I believe you ??"

"Jimin You know I would never lie to you right

"I sorry Luna , My mind just cannot accept all this"

"I know it's shocking for you Jimin"

There was a few minutes of silence before Luna spoke .

"I will take my leave"

Jimin locked the door as he walked in his room . He sat on his bed while sighing heavily. After sometime Jimin stood up and slowly took his steps towards the table . He took the photo frame that was placed on the table.

"Eomma don't worry .Your son will never be like him"

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I would really appreciate if you share your thoughts about this story through the comments.  It helps us author's understand you guys more .

Borahae 💜

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