Camp Hyacinth

By IDidntseeyou

12 2 0

Kit and Kim meet on the bus to a camp neither want to be at. At the camp they seem to be ignored and at the c... More


Chapter 1

2 1 0
By IDidntseeyou

     "Hello, I'm Mitch and I'll be your camp counselor for the summer," An older guy told the 2 boys, he wasn't as old as Mr. Jared, he seemed like he was newly in college.

     He looked at Kim and stared for a moment, "I feel like I've seen you before...but not you too."

     "I swear- if it's because I look like Mr. Jared-" Kim started to say, sounding annoyed at the accusation.

     Mitch smiled and snapped his finger to be pointing at Kim, "Yup, that's who you remind me of."

     "Why don't we have any other cabin mates?" Kim asked, trying to dismiss the conversation, crossing his legs while on the bed, shoes still on.

     Kit tried not to cringe at the fact he saw dirt on the bottom of Kim's shoes that was not gonna be in his bed.

     "Last ones in that group means that you have the last cabin that was allotted for that age group," Mitch explained.

     "They put us into age groups?" Kit whispered to Kim, who sat next to him on the bottom bunk.

     Quietly Kim nodded, "Wanting us to bond with each other or something. Only sometimes will they mix ages, Kit."

     "That and we've had one too many fights between middle schoolers and high schoolers when rooming together," Mitch added.

     "Do you also sleep here with us?" Kit asked, confused as to how camp worked in the first place.

     Kim sighed while Mitch nodded, "I'm gonna be honest, I don't have any rules. Just don't go setting the place on fire and we're alright."

     "How are you with electronics?" Kit asked and saw Kim shooting him a glare.

     Mitch shrugged, "Well I don't care, but you do have to hand them over.

     Kit sighed, holding his phone out, giving in without a fight, "There's no real reception out here anyway." Mitch told him

     After Mitch got the phone they both looked at Kim, "What?" He asked, shrugging.

     "Come on kid, I know you have something on you." Mitch held out his hand, waiting for any kind of device.

     Sighing, Kim handed over the handheld they were playing with on the bus, "Great, now we have to go out to the fire pit."

     Kim got up and grumbled, "Better have enough marshmallows." Before going outside.

     Quickly Kit also got up from the bed and followed Kim outside, Mitch closing the cabin door behind them.

     There wasn't a 'walk' to the fire pit, it was maybe about 2 cabins away from them, along with the eating hall.

     "So what usually happens at the fire pit?" Kit asked, looking back and forth between Kim and Mitch.

     Mitch answered when Kim looked bored, "Mostly just hanging out, sometimes talking about events. Every once in a while we stay out longer to see the stars or watch a movie."

     "It sounds nice here," Kit happily spoke, now excited to see what camp was actually like, a 180 from when he was forced into it.

     Since he was already there, he might as well have fun before going home and telling his mom how crappy it was.

     "Trust me, you'll like it. I'm sure Kimberly has had some good times even if he doesn't like it." Mitch snickered at Kim.

     "Don't call me Kimberly." Kim snapped, glaring at Mitch.

     Mitch only seemed to challenge it though, "I could call you... Kimmy? Kimzie? Ki-Ki- I could go on."

     "Bitch..." Kit heard Kim mumble, stuffing his hands in his pockets and starting to walk faster towards the fire pit.

     "Do you think it's because Kimberly is kinda a girly name?" Mitch asked, not trying to catch up to him.

     Kit scratched the back of his head, sighing, "Maybe...I don't think my name's any better," He spoke, knowing he wasn't all fond of his name either.

     "Kitson? I like it. It sounds magical." Mitch's hands opened before him after he said 'magical'.

     "Ahh, I guess. I don't know, it makes me sound like a fox or something." He explained, kicking the dirt a bit.

     He went in front of Kit, walking backward, "My name's Mitchell. Started calling myself Mitch because my teachers thought it was Michelle for quite a long time."

     A snort came from Kit before he tried to cover it up, "Yeah yeah, laugh it up, Mr. Mayes." Mitch laughed.

     Still, Mitch smiled, "I get it though. You're Kim and he's Kit. Man, I'm gonna get you guys confused."

     "I'm Kit." He corrected.

     "Hmm?" Mitch looked at Kit.

     "You said he's kit. I'm Kit, he's Kim." He explained.

     Mitch facepalmed, "Dammit, already happened. Sorry, you guys just look the same, and your names are similar. It's a mess."

     "We don't look the same." Kit said, confused.

     "Yeah, you do. Maybe not identical, but very similar, like twins." Mitch emphasized.

     Kit saw Kim sitting near the fire pit, holding a long iron rod with a marshmallow on the end, "Go I gotta talk to some other counselors." Mitch lightly pushed Kit in the direction of Kim.

     Doing as he said, Kit sat next to Kim, "Can I have one?" He asked, nodding towards the burning sugar cube.

     Kim sighed but pulled the marshmallow back and blew out the fire, holding it out for Kit to grab.

     For a second, Kit stared at the marshmallow, unsure what to do. He didn't want to just grab it off the hot rod.

     He saw Kim nudge downwards and Kit saw a small plate with crackers and chocolate, "Oh sweet!"

     Kit put the cracker and chocolate under the marshmallow before squishing it down with another cracker.

     After it was off the rod, Kim put an uncooked marshmallow on the end of the stick and held it back into the fire.

     "Do we do this every night?" Kit bit off a large chunk of the s'more, watching how calm Kim seemed to be now.

     "Yeah. Sometimes they give us whipped cream or hot fudge, but that's only if there's a special occasion," He answered.

     Kim finished making a s'more for himself before the counselors started to talk, "Hello everyone. I'm Mr. Jared and this is Camp Hyacinth." Mr. Jared greeted calmly.

     "Oh great..." Kim whispered, harshly stabbing a marshmallow into the rod, poking the palm of his hand, "Fucking-" He whispered.

     "In the front, shut up." Mr. Jared said, shooting a light glare at Kim before he looked at Kit, and again his eyes went wide.

     A few kids laughed at what Mr, Jared had said and he seemed to snap him out of the light daze, "Even though your cabin counselor has probably already gone over the rules, we still have to go over them..."

     This wasn't the guy they had met earlier, this was someone else. He seemed calm, a nice comforting calm that you could go to for therapy talks.

     The guy Kit had met earlier had a creepy calm to him. Someone your parents said to stay away from because they had a bad feeling.

     "We're being targeted." Kim sighed, looking bored again as he burned the hell out of the marshmallow.

     "Why though?" Kit whispered.

     Kim shrugged, "Let's just hope it doesn't get us killed here. Been a few too many deaths for that to be accidental."

     "What?" Kit lightly gasped but Kim shoved the flaming marshmallow in his mouth, unable to respond to Kit.

     When Kit stared at Kim, he just motioned to his mouth, gesturing to how he wasn't going to go on with what he had said.


     "Ok I'm gonna go drop off some papers and when I get back, you better at least be done with the s'mores." Mitch pointed between Kit and Kim.

     The boys looked at each other, both of their mouths stuffed with the sweet treat, "Mm-mm," Kit muffled, trying to say 'ok'.

     Mitch smiled at them before closing the door behind them, leaving the boys in the cabin alone.

     Kit finished his s'more before Kim, who started to hit Kit when he finished first. An unannounced race of who would finish their s'more having ended.

     "So what happens at night?" Kit asked, folding his legs upwards towards himself.

     Kim swallowed the s'more and started choking, to which Kit stared at him because he had never learned what to do when someone was choking.

     After Kim stopped, he looked at Kit, "What the hell?" He panted.

     "Sorry, I never learned CPR," Kit lightly shrugged, to which Kim slapped the back of his head, "Heimlich maneuver you stupid fuck," Kim snapped.

     Kit smiled awkwardly, "So what do we do at night?" He repeated.

     "We vote someone out and let them sleep in the hole," Kim told him, standing up and going to his dresser.

     "Stop it, you're gonna scare me." Kit sighed, holding his legs tighter.

     His stomach wasn't feeling well, but he had blamed it on eating so many s'mores before they went to bed.

     Kim turned back to him, "I wasn't kidding."

     Sighing, Kit got up and went to the dresser too, starting to grab his nightclothes, "I feel sick," He groaned.

     "Yeah, 6 s'mores will do that to you. Give it a few days." Kim advised, patting his back before going to the door that connected to a bathroom.

     "So, where does Mitch sleep?" Kit asked, hoping Kim could hear him beyond the bathroom door.

     Scrummaging was heard but he got an answer back, "They leave an extra bed for the counselor. Since we don't have anyone else he can take anyone we don't want."

     "Are we sleeping together?" Kit went closer to the bathroom, having grabbed all of his bathroom items.

     "What? No!" Kim yelled, making Kit confused, remembering what they had been talking about when they were talking about the top and bottom bunks.

     It clicked for Kit that he may be thinking about sleeping together in the same bed.

     "No- no- no- no- That's not what I meant. I meant like are we going to sleep top and bottom-" Kit rushed out.

     The bathroom door opened to see Kim staring at Kit, a wildly confused facial expression on his face, "I'm flattered but I don't like you." Kim slowly said.

     Kit pushed his clothes into his face, "Oh my god- are we bunking together?" He finally asked, finding the words he was supposed to be saying.

     Immediately Kim's face changed, understanding what he was trying to get at, "Yeah, why?" He asked.

     "Because there are 2 bunk beds and if Mitch is getting one..." Kit explained, trailing off while hoping Kim understood.

     "We can bunk together, we talked about that earlier," Kim said, giving Kit another confused look before closing the door.

     Now being faced with a door, Kit sighed, "That's what I'm trying to say- you know what. Nevermind." He gave up.

     "Sorry sorry sorry, but when you say it like that. It's gonna make people question," Kim told him, "I don't think I would be able to sleep with you anyway."

     "What? Why not?" Kit asked, slightly offended.

     Again the door opened, to show Kim dressed in an old T-shirt and basketball shorts, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

     "You seem like a kicker."

     "Get out," Kit huffed, not denying what Kim had said as he pulled him out of the bathroom, taking his place to change.

     Kim, though muffled, still spoke, "It's nothing against you, you just seem like one. I grind my teeth in my sleep if that helps."

     Kit pulled out his shirt before seeing a spider crawl onto the counter, "Oh god..." Kit panicked.

     "Wha?" Kim called, sounding further from the door than Kit would have liked.

     "Can you kill spiders?" Kit asked, opening the door, still not having put on his shirt before seeing the spider.

     Kim shrugged, grabbing his shoe and going back to the bathroom, his toothbrush still in his mouth.

     He looked at the spider, Kit backing away slowly while raising the shoe, "Hey guys I'm back!" They heard Mitch call from outside the door.

     The door opened as soon as Kim smashed his shoe down on the counter, "Fuck!" Kim shouted.

     Kit lightly screamed, jumping on the lower bunk, "Did you kill it?" He shouted, panicking at the fact that the spider was running around the cabin.

     "Woah Woah Woah- Kill what?" Mitch asked, running to the bathroom to see what was going on.

     "Spider spider spider-!" Kim yelled, pointing at something and jumping on the toilet to stay off the ground.

     Mitch crouched down and cupped his hands for the spider, "Hold on, hold on!" He yelled at Kim who lost his annoyed confidence.

     Standing up, Mitch held his cupped hands out and went to the door, "Open it." He told them, standing to the side.

     Kim ran over and shoved the door open, "Leave!" He shouted, trying to push Mitch out quickly so the spider wasn't in the cabin.

     As soon as Mitch was out, Kim closed the door and leaned against it, "Are you scared of spiders?" Kit asked.

     "Hmm, what gave you the clue?" Kim sarcastically snapped, before hearing a knock from outside the door.

     "Stay outside!" Kim shouted and Kit pulled him from the door.

     Before he opened the door they heard muffled talking, but they couldn't hear what they were saying outside of the door.

     "Who's he talking to?" Kim whispered, pulling the door open.

     They didn't see Mitch, it was Mr. Jared, "Oh, hi..." Kim slowly said, unsure what to say, looking at Kit with a concerned look.

     Mitch was supposed to have dropped the spider outside, "I've just come to check all the cabins are alright for the first night," Mr. Jared told them.

     Again this wasn't the guy who was at the campfire, this was the guy they met when they first got into the cabin.

     "We're alright," Kit said, not feeling comfortable around Mr. Jared.

     For a few more seconds, Mr. Jared stood there, not saying anything. Just looking between the two.

     They heard panting behind them and looked to see Mitch, "I didn't see anything, Mr. Jared. Maybe it was just an animal." He told the owner.

     " mistake. Have a good night." Mr. Jared said, sounding curious but also drawing it out.

     "Good night." Mitch said, going into the cabin and closing the door, "Alright...any other insects you're afraid of?" He asked.

     "Where did you go?" Kim asked, ignoring Mitch's question.

     "Mr. Jared said that he might have seen something in the bushes, so I had to go check it for a second." Mitch answered.

     Kit and Kim looked at each other, both of them felt more unnerved by Mr. Jared right now than the insect...

Fun Fact: I've been working on this for about 3-4 days, some side projects came up and I just pushed this to the side to finish them. Also, the ending was gonna be a LOT different, but this is the same amount of creepy so. 


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