Unforeseen Love: The Beginning

By LynnRo2

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'The Great Star' a title passed down to Celestia Andromeda when she was just a young child, and since then al... More

The End of the World and A Start for New Beginnings
Surprise! The Unquieted Dead
Lost Year and Aliens of London
Big Boom! World War Three
Pepper pot Out for Blood
The Long, Unbearable Game
The Princess and the Empty Child
The Doctor and The Princess Dance
The Reunions
The Big, Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Pretty Boy
An Eventful Christmas

Father's Day and A Quick Goodbye

400 9 1
By LynnRo2

Celestia and the Doctor were in the console room, throwing around a ball that the Doctor had found in his pocket (that was signed from some American baseball star from the 1930s) and talking about their interactions with various other species and planets, though the Doctor had to show Celestia what each species looked like on the monitor, as she had no idea due to her being force to wear her blindfold when she had met them.

"You're telling me that is what a Sontaran looks like that?" Celestia asked, bewildered at the image of a hybrid between a potato and a man on the monitor. She tilted her head at the image as she leaned in closer for a better look. "Huh, I would have never imaged that's what they looked like." she said as she leaned against the control panel. 

"Aren't you glad you were wearing a blindfold?" the Doctor joked as he sat in the captain's chair.

Celestia, failing to register the joke, shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't really mind the blindfold that much to be honest. Could have been worse, I could have been-" Celestia paused before going silent.

The Doctor rose his eyebrow. "Why did you stop? What was worse than wearing a blindfold for almost all your life?" he questioned her.

Celestia let a small smile escape as she threw the ball in her hand to the Doctor, who easily caught it. "I'll tell you soon Charming but for now I think you should show me more images of other species." she said, returning her attention back to the monitor, curious to see how the other species she had briefly met looked like.

The Doctor did not budge from his seat as he let out a sigh. "You know you can tell me anything Stella-" he began to say. 

"And I will. Just not right now." she interrupted him. Celestia knew that it was not the smartest idea to avoid telling the Doctor, but she couldn't help but fear of how he might react. She liked how close they have become and how much stronger their bond has grown; she did not want to ruin it yet she knew that the longer she hid her secrets from him, the more it was going to hurt. She wished that she could look into the Doctor's future and see how he would react to the news but with her luck, she wouldn't be able to see a thing.

She had tried searching her answers concerning her lack of answers with the stars but all the books concerning the 'Great Star' and the abilities/roles that the title had was not available in the Tardis's library, meaning that the only place that had the answers she was looking for were on Strallex. This frustrated her greatly as she wanted to do more to help the Doctor and Rose, she wanted to warn them of any upcoming danger, prevent minor events from happening or hurting them; she just wanted to protect her friends and keep them safe.

Before the Doctor could say anything else, Rose drifted into the room, a sad yet conflicted expression on her face. Celestia was quick to straighten her back and pull the girl to her side.

"What's wrong Rosie?" Celestia asked the young blonde, who let out a small sniffle as she leaned closer into Celestia's comfort.

"Peter Alan Tyler my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954. That's what Mum always says. So, I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?" Rose asked. Celestia wanted to agree but knew that it would be a lot for the young girl.

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" the Doctor asked the sadden Rose, curious.

Rose looked away from his gaze. "All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, just leave it." Rose said, touching the console lightly.

Celestia went to open her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the Doctor. "No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you." he said, fiddling with the ball in his hand as he thought it over.

This caused Rose to perk up instantly. "I want to see him." she said urgently.

"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for." The Doctor warned her as a sinking feeling grew in Celestia's stomach. She watched as the Doctor got up from his seat and started putting in the coordinates. She wondered if she should speak up but instead continued to comfort Rose and keep to herself, she would speak up if anything were to happen. 

The Doctor had first taken them to the day Jackie and Pete got married; wanting to show Rose how happy her parents were and how much they loved each other. Celestia had quietly disagreed with him, not wanting Rose to see such a happy occasion just for it to be ruined by what was to come later but Rose had agreed with the Doctor and insisted on seeing her parents wedding ceremony. 

They sat in the middle of the register office chairs, far enough to be hidden by the other guests but still close enough to get a good look at the both of them. They were a bit underdress for the event, but no one seemed to mind nor bother to speak to them about it.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice." the registrar said as he looked at the nervous Pete Tyler.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne Suzette Anita.." Pete messed up. Jackie's face fell for a bit while Pete gave the registrar a look of help, who didn't fail to send him a look back. Pete didn't know how to continue on for his mistake, but Jackie quickly collected herself.

"Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di." Jackie said but Celestia could tell that Jackie was still a bit upset over the matter but that it wasn't going to ruin her day. The Doctor just smiled at the scene while Rose frowned.

"I thought he'd be taller." She commented as she stared at her father. Celestia offered Rose her hand to hold, which she quickly accepted as they continued to watch the ceremony.

"To be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold till death us do part." the registrar said carefully for Pete to repeat.

At the end of the ceremony, Jackie and Pete were thanking some of the guest that had attended. Celestia, Rose and the Doctor decided it was time for them to leave as to not bump into them and be questioned; they went out to leave but stopped to give Rose a moment to look at the scene for a bit longer.

"Your mum looks so lovely." Celestia said to Rose as she stared at Jackie, who shined so much brighter in her wedding outfit. She looked so radiant, just being with the man she loved and so full of hope for the future. If only she knew what was yet to come. "You guys have that same smile. Like a million of suns shining so brightly." she told Rose, whose smile was small yet still so full of light.

They walked back into the Tardis with Rose telling them of what her mother had told her about the day her father had died. How much Jackie wished that there was someone there for her father when he died.

"I want to be that someone, so he doesn't die alone." Rose told them as they all stood in the console room. Celestia had a conflicted expression on her face, but the Doctor had nodded; ready to help his friend.

"November the 7th?" he asked, confirming the date.

"1987." Rose confirmed as the Doctor put in the new location and parked the Tardis. Rose looked at the door nervously as Celestia pulled the Doctor aside, telling Rose to give them a moment.

"Are you really sure this is the smartest thing to do? This is Rose we are talking about." Celestia asked the Doctor, who looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, a bit offended for his friend.

"I didn't mean it in a nasty way, but this is a painful moment for Rose, this will bring her more pain than she could ever imagine. She should not be watching her own father die." Celestia pleaded with him. "She's only nineteen years old Doctor. Do you really think she is ready for this?" she asked him. 

"She will be fine." The Doctor said, rolling his eyes. "We will be there for her. Now let's go, she is waiting." he said, walking away from her but her words did not leave his head. 

Celestia sighed, giving up on trying to change his mind and followed them out of the Tardis. The Tardis has parked herself between a telephone junction box and a road sign, by park railings. Celestia stood next to Rose, who was taking a look around.

"It's so weird. The day my father died. I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day." Rose said as she took note of the clear skies.

"The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight. Are you sure about this?" the Doctor asked Rose, now doubting his decision to go along with this.

"Yeah." Rose quickly said.

"Are you sure Rosie? We can always go back." Celestia asked the blonde, who shook her head; already set with her decision.

They walked where the accident was going to be, waiting patiently for Pete's car to arrive.

"This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present, a vase. Mum always said that stupid vase." Rose said as she watched the street vigilantly. Pete's green van came around the corner.

"He got out of his car." Rose narrated as Pete pulled into the curb. "And crossed the road. Oh, God. This is it." she said in horror and anguish as Pete got out of his van. Celestia and the Doctor both take Rose's hand as a beige car comes around the corner, hitting Pete and striking him down. Rose turns her head, letting go of the Doctor's hand and burying herself into Celestia's neck as the vase shatters in the middle of the road.

"Go to him, quick." the Doctor advised but Rose stood there, frozen. Celestia hugged Rose tightly, rocking her as the sound of sirens started approaching.

"It's too late now. By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead. He can't die on his own. Can I try again?" Rose begged them, letting her tears fall as she looked up at them. Celestia shot the Doctor a look, shaking her head but the Doctor looked at Rose, torn on what to do. 

He finally decided to allow Rose to try again, upsetting Celestia. He promised her that he would make it up to her, but that Rose needed closure; thus, resulting in them looking round the corner to see the first version of themselves by the curbside.

"I really do look great in those shorts." Celestia complimented herself as she stared at the first versions of themselves. 

"You really do." the Doctor said under his breath, not knowing that Celestia had heard him. She could feel 

"Right, that's the first you and me. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and he follows, then go to your dad." the Doctor directed Rose.

"Now you are telling her that it's a bad idea." Celestia growled as Rose ignored them, focusing on the scene in front of her. Pete parks at the curbed.

"Oh, God. This is it." they heard the first Rose say.

"I can't do this." Rose refused, shaking her head.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here." The Doctor said, trying to reassure her. Rose sees Pete getting out of his car and runs forward, letting go of Celestia's hand.

"Rose! No!" Celestia shouted, reaching out to attempt to get Rose back to their side but failed to reach her in time.

Rose passes by the first versions of herself and pushes Pete out of the way. The vase that was supposed to smash, rolls away as the earlier version of themselves vanish. Celestia looks up at the Doctor, noticing how his eyes seemed to grow cold. She moved to stand closer to him but stops as a wave of nausea takes over her, causing her to stumble and lean against the wall beside her.

"I did it. I saved your life." Rose said happily as she got off her father. The Doctor notices Celestia's stumble and quickly rushes to her side. Celestia shakes her head, going to stand up straight but quickly crouched down as a sudden rush of pain runs through her.

"What's happening? What's wrong?" the Doctor questioned worriedly. Celestia just shakes her head as she was in too much pain to respond. She looks up to watch Rose and Pete from her position, needing something to focus on beside the pain.

"Blimey, did you see the speed of it? Did you get his number?" Pete Tyler asked in disbelief as he pointed in the direction of the leaving vehicle that was meant to hit him.

"I really did it. Oh, my God, look at you. You're alive! That car was going to kill you." Rose said, joy quickly overtaking her as she stared at her father.

"Give me some credit, I did see it coming. I wasn't going to walk under it, was I." He said with a laugh.

"Here, let me help you up." the Doctor said, gently lifting Celestia up and helping her to stand.

"Thank you Charming." She said, giving him a small smile. The pain was slowly melting away, but it still lingered as she took a step away from him.

"I'm Rose." Rose introduced herself to her father.

"That's a coincidence. That's my daughter's name." Pete said, causing Rose to beam.

"That's a great name. Good choice. Well done." She told him, smiling happily at him.

"Right, I'd better shift. I've got a wedding to go to." Pete told her, needing to leave.

"Is that Sarah Clarke's wedding?" Rose blurted out, wanting more time with her father.

"Yeah, are you going?" Pete asked.

Rose nodded. "Yeah." she said. 

"Do you, your sister and her boyfriend need a lift?" Pete asked pointing to the Doctor and Celestia. Rose looked at her father confusedly before turning around and freezing at the sight of Celestia and the Doctor. The Doctor looked at Rose in anger as he wrapped an arm around Celestia waists as she was still too weak to stand by herself.

Rose returned her attention back to her father and nodded at him. "If you don't mind." she said, giving him a smile. 

"Of course not! Call them over and we will stop by my flat so I can change my clothes. These streets are filthy." He said before walking over to his van. Rose sprinted to the Doctor and Celestia, who greeted her with a strained smile, failing to hide her pain but Rose did not even notice as she was so happy about her now living father.

"My dad offered us a ride to our-his flat." Rose said, gleefully. The Doctor went to say something, but Celestia just walked over to Rose as normally as she could.

"Let's go, let's not keep him waiting. We will talk about your actions later." Celestia said to Rose with a fake smile on her face before she walked past her. She quickly introduced herself to Pete, who had opened the passenger side door for her. The Doctor silently followed after Celestia and sat in the back, with Rose arriving a second later; happy that she was with her friends and father but worried over how pale Celestia was and how she was acting.

"Right, there we go. Sorry about the mess." Pete said as he opened the door and sat the vase on a table nearby. "If you want a cup of tea, the kitchens just down there, milk's in the fridge." he said, pointing in the direction of the kitchen. "Well, it would be, wouldn't it. Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt, make a lot of money out of that. Sell it to students and things. I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me for a minute. Got to go and change." Pete rambled before going into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Rose smiled as she walked further into the apartment. "All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard. She used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink. Here it is, on display. Where it should be. Third prize at the bowling. First two got to go to Didcot. Health drinks. Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He was so clever. Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this. Now he can." Rose said as she looked and touched the decor that was around the flat, that was so different from the Tyler flat they were used to. Rose looked at Celestia and the Doctor, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as Celestia leaned against him. "Okay, look I'll tell him you're not my sister, just my best friend and that you two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, though you two do pass for it." Rose said, trying to lighten the mood.

"When we met, I said travel with me in space. You said no. Then I said time machine." the Doctor said, remembering the night Rose had agreed to start traveling with him.

"It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening and I thought, I can stop it." Rose said, trying to defend herself.

"Rose, what you did was wrong!" Celestia scolded the girl, who looked at her upset. Rose then went to avoid Celestia's gaze, not wanting to see the look of disappointment on her face.

"I did it again. I picked another stupid ape. I should've known. It's not about showing you the universe. It never is. It's about the universe doing something for you." The Doctor said angrily.

"Don't just blame her, we are all to blame. You should have warned her just like how I should have spoken up sooner. I'm so stupid." Celestia groaned quietly as the pain started to come back.

"You are not the stupid one Stella." the Doctor said to her as he shot a glare in Rose's direction. 

"So, it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad." Rose said, offended by her friends being angry at her for saving a life.

"I know what I'm doing, you don't. I don't have to say anything to Celestia because she knows better! Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point." The Doctor reprimanded her fiercely.

"But he's alive!" Rose cried out.

"My entire planet died. My whole family. Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them?" The Doctor asked her before pointing to Celestia. "You haven't even asked about Stella? Do you not see her in pain?" The Doctor wrapped an arm around Celestia and placed a hand gently on her forehead, feeling it warm up. Celestia removed his hand, not wanting him to make a big deal about it.

Rose looked at Celestia worryingly before shaking her head, not wanting to believe that she was the cause for the blonde's pain. "But it's not like I've changed history. Not much. I mean he's never going to be a world leader. He's not going to start World War Three or anything." Rose said, defending her action. It was all for her family, for her mother. She deserved to have her father back alive.

"I hate to tell you this Rose, but your father was meant to die. By the time we met, your father had been dead for years. You lived and grown without him, now that he is alive, we don't know what could happen. You might not have met the Doctor if your father was alive. Plus, we went backed twice! That put us in danger. He might not start World War Three, but worse things could happen now that he is alive." Celestia attempted to say nicely but it came out harsher than she expected.

"Rose, there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man. That's the most important thing in creation. The whole world's different because he's alive." The Doctor tried to explain but saw that Rose still did not understand what was wrong with her saving her father.

"What, would you rather him dead? " Rose asked angrily.

"I'm not saying that." the Doctor went to say more but was interrupted by Rose.

"No, I get it! For once, you're both not the most important people in my life." Rose snapped.

"Let's see how you get on without me, then. Give me the key" the Doctor demanded. Rose looked at him shocked and looked at Celestia for help, but Celestia ignored her pleading stare. "The Tardis key. If I'm so insignificant, give it me back."

"All right then, I will." Rose said, taking out the key and handing over to the Doctor.

"You've got what you wanted, so that's goodbye, then." The Doctor said, taking Celestia's hand and hurrying her to the door. Celestia stumbled but quickly caught up with the pace. 

"You don't scare me. I know how sad you are. You'll be back in a minute, or you'll hang around outside the Tardis waiting for me. And I'll make you wait a long time!" Rose shouted at the Doctor. 

The Doctor turned around quickly. "Why would I wait for you? I have Celestia." and with that, the Doctor and Celestia left with Rose slamming the door behind them. 

The Doctor and Celestia begin their fast walk back to the Tardis with the Doctor throwing worried glances at Celestia, who was trying hard to hide the fact that she was having trouble breathing. Celestia finally let go of the Doctor's hand and paused to take a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry." Celestia rasped. "I don't know what's happening, this has never happened to me before." she told him, attempting to smile as to not worry him as much but it just made him even more worried when her smile quickly dropped as she went into a coughing fit. 

"Here," the Doctor carefully picked her up, wrapping his arms around her back and behind her knees before lifting her up a bit. "I'll carry you the rest of the way."

Celestia couldn't help but giggle, though almost choking as a few coughs tried to come out. "Now you really are Prince Charming. Can you do this more often?" she asked him teasingly. 

The Doctor huffed jokingly, though his eyes were clear with worry. "What am I? A fairytale prince?" Celestia gave out a weak laugh at his response, starting to feel sleepy.

"We are almost at the Tardis; you can rest there while we wait for Rose." The Doctor tried to encourage her to keep her awake until he knew what was happening to her. He wanted to take her to the infirmary and have her have a proper rest as he was becoming anxious with her deteriorating condition. 

Celestia nodded weakly, trying to keep awake as the rest of the walk became silent, though she did feel as though something was watching them but whenever she tried to look around and up towards the sky; she saw nothing and no one. They made it to Waterley Street, where they had left the Tardis. The Doctor gently set her down, making sure to keep an arm around her as he fished out his key. He opened it to reveal an empty police telephone box. 

"Doctor where is the Tardis?" Celestia asked fearfully. The Doctor pales as something dawns on him. He quickly picked Celestia backed up and started running. "Where are we going Doctor?" 

"Rose!" the Doctor said as he ran to the church. Celestia held on tightly, securing herself in his grasps as he continued to run. They finally made it to the church, spotting Rose. They begin to call out her name, which causes her to turn and face them smugly; knowing that they really would not have left her behind. Her smug smile falls when she sees Celestia's condition and their worried/frightened faces. 

"Rose! Get in the bloody church!" Celestia yelled as a large creature with bat-like wings appear in the sky. The creature begins to swoop down, causing Rose to scream before moving out of the way before it could get her. 

"Get in the church!" the Doctor ordered as two more appear in the sky.

"Oh, my God. What are they? What are they?" A blonde woman cried out. 

"Inside!" the Doctor pointed to the group, who was leaving the church to see what was happening. 

"Sarah!" a man, the groom, cried out to his bride. 

"Stay in there!" The Doctor shouted as a man tried to run away but got pounced on by a creature instead. Another creature goes to attack the bride, which causes her to scream, making it fly off and pounce on the vicar instead. 

"In!" Celestia yelled as they all ran inside the church, slamming the doors on the creatures. The Doctor sets Celestia down before taking a look around for any openings. 

"They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay. The older something is, the stronger it is. What else? Go and check the other doors! Move!" The Doctor ordered, causing people to quickly split off to follow his orders. 

A younger Jackie Tyler stormed up to him. "What's happening? What are they? What are they?" Jackie questioned the Doctor, who started checking doors. Rose rushed over to Celestia, giving her a questioning look, not understanding what is happening. Celestia shook her head, not knowing anything. 

"There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage." The Doctor hurriedly explained. Celestia carefully listened to his explanation, complying it with what she knew about her title, a shiver of dread comes over her. 

"What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?" Jackie continued to question him.

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining." The Doctor moaned, annoyed by her questions. He had other things to worry about, he did not have time for her constant questions. 

"How do you know my name?" Jackie asked the Doctor.

"I haven't got time for this." The Doctor complained loudly.

"I've never met you in my life!" Jackie shouted at him. 

"No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this. Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go and check the doors." He ordered, getting into her face. He pointed to the directions of the others. 

"Yes, sir." Jackie complied, a bit scared, before leaving. Celestia and the groom, Stuart, rushed over to the Doctor, who looked pleased with himself. 

"I should have done that ages ago." The Doctor told them, giving them a big grin. 

"Doctor, we need to talk." Celestia told him. "Urgently."

"My dad was out there." Stuart began but the Doctor was quick to interrupt. 

"You can mourn him later. Right now we've got to concentrate on keeping ourselves alive." The Doctor reassured him. 

Stuart started again. "My dad had-"

"There's nothing I can do for him. The Doctor interrupted once more. 

"No, but he had this phone thing. I can't get it to work. I keep getting this voice." Stuart gave the phone to the Doctor. 

"Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you." He heard from the phone. Celestia shot him a confused look before the Doctor gave it to her. She shot him an alarmed look. 

"Is this the very first phone call?" she asked the Doctor, who nodded.

"Alexander Graham Bell. I don't think the telephone's going to be much use." The Doctor said. 

"But someone must have called the police." Stuart protested as he accepted the phone back. The Doctor grabbed a hold of Celestia's hand and stalked over to Rose. 

"Police can't help you now. No one can. Nothing in this universe can harm those things. Time's been damaged and they've come to sterilize the wound. By consuming everything inside." The Doctor said, staring into Rose's eyes. 

"Is this because? Is this my fault?" Rose asked them. The Doctor simply dodged her question as he and Celestia walk off to check the windows and to have a private conversation. 

"I know why I am getting sick." Celestia said as they checked the conditions of the outside. "As the 'Great Star' I offer my entire body and life to time and to the stars themselves. I get to look into people's stars and see events in their timelines while time and the stars use me as 'their representative'." Celestia scoffed, hating how she was using the same words her parents had used on her when she was younger.

 "When Rose saved her father and opened the wound in time..." she took a deep breath before continuing, giving the Doctor a sorrowful look. "It means that I have to use my life till the situation gets sorted out. The longer that this goes on, the closer to death I will become. If the wound doesn't get fixed soon, I-" 

The Doctor pulled her into a hug. "Don't. Don't finish that. You are not leaving me, not so soon." he pleaded. Celestia buried her head into his chest, listening to the strong heartbeats of his two hearts, and nodded. The Doctor pulled away just enough to place a kiss on her forehead before going back to hold her tightly. 

"Oh, sorry to interrupt." Pete said, joining them to check and lock the doors. Celestia and the Doctor slowly pull away, sharing a look before separating. 

"There's smoke coming up from the city but no sirens. I don't think it's just us. I think these things are all over the place. Maybe the whole world." Pete said as he looked out the window beside them. They looked out, seeing the empty street when the beige car appears at the corner, turns, and then disappears. 

"Was that a car?" Pete asked, confused on where the car went. The Doctor looked conflicted but went to answer when Celestia stopped him. 

"It's not important. Don't worry about it, everything is going to be alright." Celestia comforted the man before dragging the Doctor away. 

"We should have told him." the Doctor whispered to her. 

"Tell him that he was meant to die and that all of this is because of his daughter from the future?" Celestia rhetorically asked him. "There has to be something else we can do." she whispered to herself. 

The Doctor and Celestia went to the other side of the church to check. The Doctor pulled the curtain aside and gets out his sonic screwdriver to start scanning the area as Celestia leaned against the wall, needing a moment to catch her breath. The Doctor looked at her and searched in his jacket pocket for something before pulling out a water bottle. He opened it and handed it to her, earning a small thank you from Celestia before she started to chug it. 

"Excuse me, Mister" Stuart said as he and Sarah walked over to them. Celestia smiled at Sarah and offered her some of her water, which Sarah accepted. 

"Doctor." he said, not looking at them as he focused on his task. 

"You seem to know what's going on." Stuart said, giving him a hopeful look. 

"I give that impression, yeah." The Doctor said, still not looking at them. 

"I just wanted to ask-" Stuart began. 

"Can you save us?" Sarah asked, interrupting her partner. 

"Who are you two, then?" the Doctor asked. 

"Stuart Hoskins." he introduced himself. 

"Sarah Clark." she introduced herself, giving them a small smile. 

"And one extra." Celestia said, moving closer to Sarah. "Can I?" she asked, motioning to her stomach. 

Sarah nodded, taking Celestia's hand and placing it on her stomach. Celestia smiled as she felt the baby kick. "Boy or girl?" she asked Sarah. 

"I don't know. I don't want to know, really." Sarah said, smiling down at her stomach. Celestia took her hand off and stood next to the Doctor. 

"How did all this get started?" the Doctor asked. 

"Outside the Beatbox Club, two in the morning." Stuart said, a smile forming on his lips. 

"Street corner. I'd lost my purse, didn't have money for a taxi." Sarah told them, also beginning to smile. 

"I took her home." Stuart recalled happily as he looked lovingly at his soon to be wife. 

"Then what? Asked her for a date?" the Doctor asked them. 

"Wrote his number on the back of my hand." Sarah said, showing Celestia which hand he did it on proudly. 

"Never got rid of her since. My dad said-" Stuart then remembered what happened to his dad and he lost his smile. Sarah's eyes began to well up in tears as well. 

"I don't know what this is all about, and I know we're not important." Sarah said, her voice wavering. 

"Who said you're not important? I've travelled to all sorts of places, done things you couldn't even imagine, but you two. Street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home. I've never had a life like that." the Doctor said, taking a peek at Celestia. Wondering for a moment, in another universe, that maybe they would have had a life like that. No time war, no title. Just a normal life. "Yes. I'll try and save you." he told them, gaining a grin from Celestia. 

Jackie had come up to the Doctor and Celestia, who was taking a rest by the choir stalls, and asked them to look after baby Rose while she wrangled Mickey. The Doctor had moved to stand beside Celestia, giving up his seat for the baby. They had agreed and Celestia could not help but be enthralled by the baby. Celestia doesn't remember the last time she saw a baby, but she couldn't help but coo at baby Rose's cuteness. 

"Look at how much she likes you." The Doctor grinned. "She can't keep her eyes off you." he said, his eyes so bright as he captured this moment. 

Celestia giggled as baby Rose grabbed ahold of her fingers, playing with them. Baby Rose stopped and let out her own laugh when she heard Celestia's. 

"She is just precious." Celestia told him as she looked at the baby. She looked up at the Doctor and imagine a life together, them with a child. As if he was reading her mind, the Doctor asks her "Would you ever want children?". 

This causes Celestia to look up at him with surprise and then down at the baby. "Well, I'm not sure- I mean I would one day but I-I. I think I would be bad at it." she nervously revealed to him as she thought about her mother. Celestia then shook her head. "I never even heard of a Great Star having children before." she told him. 

"Then you can be the first if you want, it's your life, your decision." he said to her with a smile. 

"It's not really my life." Celestia said to him, surprising the Doctor by how serious she sounded. "I have a responsibility, a path that I must follow. I don't think the stars would allow me to be a parent." she said as she gazed sadly at the baby. 

The Doctor scoffed. "Forget about the stars! You can do whatever that you want, see whatever you. Witness the creations and fall of empires, visit and see sights that you never got to fully experience." he told her, but Celestia just nodded, not wanting to delve deeper into why she couldn't just give up her title, but she appreciated his words. 

The Doctor frowned but he continued to speak, this time in a softer tone. "You're doing a fantastic job with Rose." he said, pointing to baby Rose, who was playing with a strand of Celestia's hair and cooing up at her. Celestia lightly touches baby Rose's cheek, causing the baby to let go of Celestia's hair and now hold onto the finger. "I really think you should be able to do what you want and if having a family in the future is what you want then you should do it. You will make a fantastic mother Celestia; I really do." 

Celestia felt her cheeks glow red and a smile creeping onto her lips as she paid closer attention to baby Rose, but the Doctor simply continued to smile as he watched the two. 

"Now, Rose you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you? Are you?" the Doctor asked Baby Rose, who just stared at him. The Doctor and Celestia turn to see Rose walking up to them. 

"Jackie gave her to me to look after. How times change." The Doctor joked. 

"I believe you mean she gave her to us." Celestia corrected him before taking Baby Rose out of her seat and cradling her, adjusting her a bit before focusing back on her. Rose was reminded of a young mother, how focused Celestia was on the baby (well, her) and how much love and affection were in her eyes. 

"I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken." Rose joked before going to touch the baby, wanting a better look at her past self. 

"No. Don't touch the baby." The Doctor ordered as the reapers outside screeched loudly, spooking baby Rose. Celestia leaned away from Rose and shushed the baby, freeing one hand and showing her some lights, which quickly calmed and fascinated the baby. "You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in." the Doctor lectured Rose. 

"Can't do anything right, can I?" Rose asked, sounding upset and frustrated at the treatment she was receiving from the Doctor. 

"Since you ask, no. So, don't touch the baby." The Doctor ordered mockingly. 

"Be nice." Celestia said, as she cradled the baby, lulling her to sleep. She was ready to sleep herself. She could feel the pressure to give in grow more and more inside her, slowly calling for her to take her final rest. 

"I'm not stupid." Rose defended herself.

"You could have fooled me." the Doctor said, looking away from Rose. He looked at Celestia, who sent him a look to apologize. The Doctor sighed. "All right, I'm sorry. I wasn't really going to leave you on your own." he admitted to her. 

Rose nodded. "I know." she said to him softly. 

"But between us, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out." The Doctor confessed to them, hating himself for not being able to do anything. Celestia looked at baby Rose, feeling a bit guilty. 

"You'll think of something." Rose said, trying to comfort the Doctor, but it did not work. 

"The entire Earth's been sterilized. This, and other place like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. My people would have stopped this. But they're all gone. And now I'm going the same way." the Doctor said, feeling so low. Celestia leaned her head onto his shoulder. 

"It's all going to be alright." Celestia said, looking up at him. The Doctor looked at her and saw how much Celestia was struggling to hold on. He felt terrible that he couldn't protect her, he couldn't do anything while his dear friend was on death's door. 

"If I'd realized." Rose started to say. 

"Just tell me you're sorry." The Doctor interrupted her. 

"I am. I'm sorry." Rose apologized to him before gazing sadly at Celestia. "I'm sorry Celeste." she told her, which Celestia mouth a quick acceptance.  

"Now hug." Celestia ordered, smiling at them. Rose and the Doctor laughed before hugging, glad to have made up. 

"Have you got something hot?" Rose asked. She reached into his inside pocket and takes out the Doctor's key to the Tardis before dropping it since it was hot. 

"It's the Tardis key!" the Doctor said excitedly as he takes off his jacket to pick it up safely. Celestia looks at the Doctor and whistles quietly to herself. 

"It's telling me it's still connected to the Tardis." the Doctor told them before going to the pulpit. Everyone in the room looked up at him. 

"The inside of my ship was thrown out of the wound, but we can use this to bring it back. And once I've got my ship back, then I can mend everything." the Doctor said, showing them the glowing key. Now, I just need a bit of power. Has anybody got a battery?" the Doctor asked. 

"This one big enough?" Stuart asked, picking up the phone and showing it to the Doctor. 

"Fantastic." The Doctor said, going to Stuart. 

"Good old dad. There you go." Stuart said, giving it to the Doctor. 

"Just need to do a bit of charging up and then we can bring everyone back." The Doctor said as he uses his sonic screwdriver while the creatures batter at the doors, scaring everyone in the process. He then inserts the key in midair and backs up as the Tardis slowly materializes around the key. The Doctor puts on his jacket and moves back to the pulpit. 

"Right, no one touches that key. Have you got that? Don't touch it. Anyone touches that key, it'll be, well, zap. Just leave it be and everything will be fine. We'll get out of here. All of us." he told the worried guest before looking at the bride and groom. "Stuart, Sarah you're going to get married, just like I said." he told them, grinning. 

Celestia handed Jackie her baby back, giving her a small wave as she made her way to the back of the church where the Doctor, Rose and Pete were sitting. They stared at the fading Tardis as Celestia rested next to the Doctor. Now that there was a solution, Celestia was feeling a bit better; she just needed to hold on a little bit longer. 

"When time gets sorted out..." Rose looked at the Doctor, who had is arm around Celestia. 

"Everybody here forgets what happened. And don't worry, the thing that you changed will stay changed." The Doctor reassured her. 

"You mean I'll still be alive, though I'm meant to be dead. That's why I haven't done anything with my life, why I didn't mean anything."  Pete said bitterly. 

"It doesn't work like that." Celestia tried to explain to him, but Pete shook his head, not accepting what she had to say. 

"Rubbish. I'm so useless I couldn't even die properly. Now it's my fault all of this has happened." Pete said to them.  

Rose looked at her father. "This is my fault." she cried. 

"No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault." Pete told her gently, not noticing his wife coming up to them. 

"Her dad? How are you her dad? How old were you, twelve? Oh, that's disgusting." Jackie sneered at him.

"Jacks, listen. This is Rose." Pete tried to explain to his wife, who just glared at him. 

"Rose? How sick is that? You give my daughter a secondhand name? How many are there? Do you call them all Rose?" she continued to question him, growing more and more upset with them. 

"Oh, for God's sake, look. It's the same Rose!" Pete said, taking baby Rose from Jackie and handing her to Rose. 

"Rose! No!" the Doctor and Celestia shouted, rushing out of their seats. The Doctor snatched the baby from her and gave her back to Jackie, but it was too late. Celestia felt as though something had snapped in her and she fell to the floor as a coughing fit took over her. 

"Celestia!" The Doctor cried out, seeing the blood in her hands. Celestia looked up at him and he was quick to help her stand. Rose rushed over to help as a reaper appeared inside the church. 

"Everyone, behind me! I'm the oldest thing in here." the Doctor ordered, pushing everyone behind him. 

Celestia managed to push Rose into Pete's arms and rush in front of the Doctor as the reaper swoops in. 

"Goodbye Charming." She said tearfully, turning back to send him a tearful smile; wanting the last thing she saw was his face. She mouthed a quick sorry as the reaper descended upon her before closing her eyes, accepting her fate.

 The Doctor stared as Celestia disappeared, taken away right in front of him. The Doctor felt as the reaper had taken his own life; he had just lost Celestia, his Stella. He didn't know what to do, he was just frozen as the reaper went to pounce on him next. He didn't move, he couldn't, not without her. 

"Doctor!" Rose screamed, causing the reaper to screech at them before redirecting himself away from the group. The reaper flew over to the Tardis. Once they touched, the creature and the Tardis vanished with the key falling to the floor. Rose runs to the key to pick it up as the Doctor mourns the loss of his Tardis and Celestia, all hope and care taken away from him. 

"It's cold. The key's cold. Oh, my God, she's dead. This is all my fault. Both of you. All of you. The whole world." Rose said as Pete and some of the guest walk up to her. 

"This is it. There's nothing we can do. It's the end." a female guest said. 

"They'll disappear, slowly." the Doctor voice alerts them. They all look back to see the Doctor slowly walk up to them. 

Rose sniffled. "What do you mean?" she asked him. 

The Doctor stared coldly at her. "Time will start to heal now that Celestia is gone. The reapers will start to die but then that's it. We will be stuck here. Everyone is gone now." He said as Pete watches the beige car drive around the corner. The Doctor leaned into Rose, a storm behind his eyes. "She knew what to do to reverse it but couldn't go through with it because she wanted you to have your father. She sacrificed herself for you to have your happy family." the Doctor spat as he took the key from her. 

"That girl- Celestia really cared about you. Shee didn't want you to go through it again, not if there was another way. Now there isn't." Pete said to Rose as the Doctor closed his eyes. 

"What are you talking about?" Rose asked, looking at her father with tears in her eyes. 

"The car that should have killed me, love. It's here. Celestia worked it out way back, but she, er, she tried to protect me. Still, she's not here and the Doctor is busy mourning to be in charge anymore. I am." Pete told her. 

"But you can't." Rose protested.

"Who am I, love?" Pete asked her, gently caressing her face; getting a good look of his daughter, his dear Rose. 

"My daddy." Rose cried. 

"Jackie, look at her. She's ours." Pete said to Jackie, who stared at Rose before realizing he was telling the truth. 

"Oh, of course." Jackie said, pulling Rose into a hug. 

"I'm meant to be dead, Jackie. You're going to get rid of me at last." Pete let out a sad laugh. 

"Don't say that." Jackie pleaded to him, not wanting to lose him. 

"For once in your life, trust me. It's got be done. You've got to survive, because you've got to bring up our daughter." Pete told his wife before pulling her into a kiss. "I never read you those bedtime stories. I never took you on those picnics. I was never there for you." Pete told Rose. 

"You would have been." Rose sobbed. 

"But I can do this for you. I can be a proper dad to you now." Pete said, prepared to die. 

"But it's not fair." Rose wept. The Doctor pulled Rose into a hug, knowing that if Celestia was here, she would do it. Rose then handed Pete the vase, the one that he was meant to die with.

"I've had all these extra hours. No one else in the world has ever had that. And on top of that, I got to see you. And you're beautiful. How lucky am I, eh? So, come on, do as your dad says. You going to be there for me, love? Thanks for saving me." Pete said, pulling Rose into a hug before running out of the church, where the remaining reapers screeched at him. The sound of the vase dropping and breaking alerts the others that Pete Tyler had died. 

"Go to him. Quick." Celestia's warm voice said as she stood behind Rose. Rose nodded and ran to her dying father, though this time the driver had stopped at the scene. More and more people leave the church, having heard the commotion. 

Celestia turned as the Doctor runs over to her. He pulls her into a tight embrace, savoring her touch and warmth. "Please, please, please never do that again." he begged her. Celestia closed her eyes and nodded. "I swear I will never get taken by reapers again." she promised. 

The two separated and walked towards Rose, who gave her father a goodbye kiss on the forehead. Rose hugged Celestia tightly before going to the Tardis, which had parked herself across the street a head of them. 

Celestia turned back and looked at the sky, a twinkle of gold flickers in her blue eyes before disappearing. 

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